VOL. XX. No, 221. Puts Fled l(in on Hum. ,Mny Have a Commission. Gold Flows Into Seattle. OF MISSING Eva Swan, a San Frant. o Teacher, Disappeared Some Months Ago Walked Out of Her School and Has Never Been Seen Since. ANOTHER CRIPPEN CASE Hen CJonlon Tells the Police a, Story n Voimj; Hoy Told Mm of Dr. Grant Burying Body of Girl Who Died From Operation Performed By Him Investigation Discovers Ilody as Described by Hoy, Hut Al most Destroyed by Acids. San Francisco, Sept. 24. To prove their belief that tho acid-eaten mutilated body found under a newly-laid cement floor in the base ment of a little house in Eureka street is that of Eva Swan, a former teacher in the schools at Paso no bles, was the task to which the po lice applied ' today. In order to identify tho hardly recognizable body, friends of the girl, who had lived in San Francisco, were asked to go to the office of the coroner and look at the body and the little heap of acid burned clothes found In the blanket In which the body wns wrapped. At the same time the coroner be gan his Investigation into the death. (Continued on Page 9.) Salem's Busiest Store is the Chicago Store and the reason we are so busy is be cause we are giving up-to-date bargains to the people, bargains that are attracting more customers all the time. Good values, stylish goods and low prices is what keeps the Chicago Store growing all the time. Come and see the Crowds. Girls' Coats, - - $1.90, $2.50, $3.50 Children's Coats, $.150, $1.95, $2.50 WONDERFUL VALUES The Greater 8 linker City, Sopt. 24. A spe cial election will bo, held In this city on October 3 to deckle the question of whether or not Bak or City shall adopt the commis sion plan of government. The proposed chnrter has been dis tributed to the voters, and Indi cations are that It will be adopt ed. An Invitation was extended Mayor. J. It., Hannn, of Des Moines, la., to address the vot ers here on his Western tour, but was unable to do so, al though In an article written for n local paper he endorsed the commission plan, and urged the voters to accept the new charter. If the new plan Is adopted Baker City will bo the first city In the state to have tho new form of government. THE ELECTION RETURNS AT OPERA HOUSE MANAGER HOLCOMR ARRANGES TO RECEIVE RETURNS FROM PRIMARY ELECTIONS, WHICH WILL HE READ FROM THE STAGE. Mr. Holcomb, manager of the Grand Opera house, has made ar rangements lor getting the election returns this evening and these w'll bo read from the stage between acts, so that those attending can not only see a fine play but at the same time be kapt In touch with the election re turns, which everybody Is interested in. It Is worth the price of admis sion to have a comfortable seat whllo awaiting for the returns. The full returns as received by wire or phone here will be read. New Fall Styles Ladies' Suits and Coats The Greatest Values WE ever offered Suits, $8.50, $10.50, $12.50 Coats, $3.90 $4.50, $7.50 $10.00 Chicago Store KILL THE William H. Williams Writes That He Will Kill the Gover nor Because He Has Been Tortured by the Absent Treatment. WALKS ACROSS CONTINENT Writes nnd Wires From Points Alon. Ills Route He Wns at One Time Sent to tho Asylum From THIn iikmiIc, Hut Was Paroled Threats at First Taken as a Joke, Hut as He Is Now in California His Crazy Threats Become Serious. Claiming to have been "censured and tortured' 'by the "absent treat ment" of the Oregon sta'e Insane asy lum for the drug and liquor habits, and vowing vengeance upon the head of Governor Frank W. Benson, Wil liam H. Williams, a paranoically in- sane person, has walked across the continent, from Vincennes, Ind., nnd now writes from Lincoln, Cal., under date of September 22, that he is on his way to Oregon to carry out his threat against tho life of the chief executive of the state, in justification of his imaginary wrongs. For over a year Williams has been writing and telegraphing. his threats of violence against .Governor Benson, but his latest letter indicates that he has Stylish Millinery At unusually low prices. If you want to save money In buying your Hats, Ostrich Plumes and Fancy Wings cpmo here. We do tho business and can give you the rock bottom prices. Trimmed Hats $1.95, $2.50, $3.50 and up i Imported Dress Goods and Silks Now on Sale The greatest showing of stylish, up-to-dato goods wo over made. Thousands of yards herti for you to make your selection from, and at bargain prices. Silks, yard 25c, 35c, 49c, 69c and up. Dress Goods, yard 25c, 35c, 49c and ro. Salem, Oregon Seattle, Wash., Sept. 24 More than $760,000 In gold bul lion Is now en route for Seattle banks from the gold camps In Alaska, according to the advices received hero today. Large quantities of gold will be ship ped out of Tanaha and Fair banks on the last steamers com ing out, and all of it will pass through the local banks. Rec ords of the assay office show that 55 per cent of thp gold received has been paid out In new' gold coin, the remainder In drafts on New York. , abandoned his idea to kill, and will be satisfied with giving publication to tho records of his Imagined p'ersecu tlon at the hands of tho state admin istration. Williams was an Inmate of tho Ore gon Insane asylum, having been com mitted from Tillamook county, in 1907, and was parolled from the lnstl tution in 1908 as a convalescent Since that tlmo, however, ho has de veloped symptoms of violent Insanity, and, laboring under the delusion that he is being constantly persecuted by "absent or wireless treatment'', from the insane asylum, started to wajk from Indiana to Oregon, with the avowed purpose of taking tho life pf Governor Benson, successor in offlce to Governor Chamberlain, whom he then blamed for his imaginary perse cutions. At first his letters and tele grams,' sent from different points In his progress across the continent, wero regarded as jokes, but they havo come with such regularity and persistency of purpose that tho friends of Governor Benson tako a more se- rlous regard for his personal safety and have notified the sheriffs of the several counties visited by Williams to arrest him and hold him for extra dition and recommitment to tho Ore gon asylum. The text of his latest, communlca tion to Governor BoiiRon is addressed from Lincoln, California, which was received at the governor's ofHco this morning, follows: "Lincoln, Cal., Sept. 22, 1910, "Gov. F. W. Benson, "Dear Sir. I regret to have to write up about that dirty plot and trick thrt was played on me In Tllln mook City and county In your state, in August of 1908, when I wns sent to your stato Institution for the euro of tho drug habit, which was a false charge, as the druggists as well as tho doctors of that town and your medical board of your stato knew ns well. "I will continue to publish tho dir ty plot and trick that was played on me In your state until I receive jus tice. Not only from your stato, as tho constitutional laws, in sections 3, 5 and 7 of our national, as well as our stato constitutional laws, allow, but until I put the citizens of not only Tillamook, but tho citizens of Salem to shame for allowing a stato insti tution to control them. But will con tinue to write it up and show what kind of a governor G. C. Chainborlain was. But what kind of a governor you are, who, having sworn to up hold your state as well as the nation al constitutional laws, fell down on the most important sections of your laws in regard to censuring and tor turing of American citizens. But al lowing them to be controlled by an invisible power you seem to think that public officers a more plaything, instead of a public trust. And to tell you the truth, it looks to mo as If you and your boasted good moral government was only a bluff. And that you wero nothing but a mere puppet and mechanical image in the hands of your state Institute. Yours, WM. II. WILLIAMS. P. 8. Is thero any law in Oregon or is your state constitution merely a back number in regards to citizens' rights. You seem to think that tho letters I wroto you. are a pack of lies. Uy the vay you havo te dec to nfy caso against the city and county of Tillamook and tho stato Institute, by tho way you have stopped tho ensur ing of men by your state institute -A WM, II, WILLIAMS: "P. S. For 4 few 'days in this sec tion; then God knows where, I Cjpn't.'' Vote Closo, In Jfjjiei'hlne. f UNITED PUIS IJtlBEU WIMil Grants Paw.. Sopt. 24r-iA good vote is being cast In JoMriSlne coun ty. nAj,wlU ha close btwaeiQuMSrrfbly and aml-IWinbly. . T ! Mulkejt tudH clwfefcfar evn break. l!owermaiprotblr will lead other ,:.' iii :!'-rlal la .HUati-n. liUfmimi r Francis Callien, a Pretty 15- Year-Old Girl Tells Story of Ill-Treatment That Is Almost Inconceivable in Its Brutal ity. DEBAUCHED BY FISHERMEN According to the Girl's Story the Men, Who Cnmped Near Her Father's House, Took Her iu tho Woods Af- ter Her Father Hud Gone to Bed nnd Kept Her There Night Aftcr Night The Unites Have Been Ar rested, nnd Excitement Huns High in Neighborhood. UNITED FSZ8S IJCAEED WISB.I Chico, Cal., Sept. 24. Five alleged 'members of the "fish gang" are in jail here, and the horriblo story of an attack on FranclB Callien, 15, the daughter of L. P. Callien, a river rancher, which led to their arrest, Is btlng gathered today by Dlstrlc At torney Bond. Assltlng Bond are a number of prominent church and roc ci:t wmxers. Chlco is highly e".citrd Tie cce? was put In tho lix-i'ls of the authorities yesterday by tho girl herself, who confided to Her oldor sis ter, and was Induced to tell tho story to the authorities. The men she "ac cused were found In a shack, where they had been Hying, on tho.rlver,. and 'were arrested. According to the story told the po lice, members of tho gang called, al most nightly at the house of her fath erwaited until he had gone to Ved, then took )ier irto the nearby woods This had been going on for two months, she said. The men threat ened to kill her if she told, sho said. The girl Is exceptionally pretty She Is small for her age. Sho has been attending public school at tho River Grammar school, and Is con sidered more than ordinarily bright. The men arrested are fishermen, and they are charged by tho police with numerous petty crimes in this locality. They are Charles Bachelor, Alexander Krause, Joseph Nevis, Frank Dltson and Frank Rollins. Their ages rango from 25 to 40 years. LAWRENCE DISTEL HEARING SHOTS IN WIFE'S ROOM. RUSHES IN AND FINDS HER DEAD BODY BY THE SIDE OF THAT OF A BOARDER. PXITKD 7 HESS ijiked wnts.l Cloveland, Or, Sept. 24. 'stho result of a ruyatonaus shootlngjfrn tbo homo of Lawrencp Dlstel hero today, Mrs. . Martha Viatel, 42, and Paul Muellor, , u, mail carrier, are dond. The bodies or tho twv, wero found'in Mrs. Dl Jm, both shot through th' were summoned hiifihnnrt. MYSTERY m art. Thefpolicojthe roonCwher M yin found 7n tbtt4EwU8n's i Dlstel was clos SffttoWShed" .but was ribtarro(JteyP jtfjjReraonts w,ce ftmdo by rhJs young; wnjand demgh tor. t 4 5qn tho. floor iEtftygrfb! m in wnicuM&HH ooaies vwero und, tout a, . revolver All tho coamberskwe, -! Jr Jftr, t&Z I, .. T Therefo neltberb( d, ..... - j-fii Y T ana iny. s k turffj and L afrakl"- ft fear toeu not. O in k Medford, Ore., Sept. 24. Buffalo Bill has "put Jncksou county politics on tho bum. Tho old scout is showing todljy . ,in Medford, and from .fir dtid 'near the clans havo gathered to bjd him another farewell. For that reason." tho $utsldo precincts, have been drained of .votors, and In one instance enough voters could not bo found to make up the election board. Tho vote In the city is very light. Bowerman will run close with Hofor for the Republican nomination for governor, while West Is a strong favorite with the Democrats. B. F, Mulkey will run away from Hawley In Jackson county. EXTRA SESSION OF LEGISLATURE IN CALIFORNIA t UNITED MESS ISASED W1EE.1 Eureka, Cal., Sept. 24. Governor James N. Glllett has decidod to call nnothor special session of tho legis lature to correct tho alleged defects- in the wording of tho constitutional amendment adopted nt the last ses sion. The session will be called early In October. Tho governor was in Eureka today, and when interviewed by a represen tatlve of tho United Press said that he believed ho had been wrongly ad- vised when he first considered tho request of the Merchants' Associa tion, asking that n'speclal session be called to insert three words, which wero believed Vital in the portion of the amendment directing how tho tax levy was to bo assessed. The governor at first though tho words wero not essential, but, on furthor, deliberation, . believes they are imperative, and that it will bo necessary to call a session and have thorn Inserted. - Tho, session wllljneqt October 1 or 2. Govornor Olllott returned to EeV rlvor this nftornoon, where ho will remain until Tuesday. Ho will then go to Sacramonto, and It Is Ukoly the call for tho session will be Issued at once. Tho governor today stated that ho has concluded that tho omission of tho thrtjo words pointed out by the Snn Francisco merchants are sufficient to Invalidate tho amendment, and a special session Is necessary. bodies of tho dend man and woman were found sldo by side on tho floor. Dlstel was sleeping in a different part of tho house. "I wns sleeping when I heard tho first shot," ho told tho pollco. "I ran to my wlfo's room nnd found hor and Mueller dead on tho floor. Then I called the pollco. My son and daughter arrived in tho room a mo ment nf'er I did." Dlstol has been In poor health nnd has been sleeping In a tont out side of tlie house. Lnst night was tho first tlmo in sovoral months ho b"d slept insldo tho house. Ti'"tr) scouts tho theory of n sul- cido compact. Ho said his wlfo sat on their porch until Into last night and cheerfully discussed a proposed trip West. Genevieve Dlstel, tho daughter, says sho heard a man running away from tho room after sho wag awak ened by tho shots, Sho said sho thought nothing when sho heard tho first shot until sho heard n woman's scroam and then another shot. She called hor father and brother.' While calling them oho hoard tho footsteps gotng dowp tho hall. t Tlio theory of murder and siilcldo wag advanced by tho pollco this "xt toinoon. ' Tho pollco bellovo that jfs. Dlstfel shgt Muellor, then Bhot herself and tosdedWho pistol, across . Ooroner'TlMgpr,' who. porformod tho nutospy, Bald the story if lrapos BlbloMJ1 Tho courso 'fif the bullo'K and tbo noslTjpnsot tno. w&nds. hpsnya. proWVSholualVoiy ltl neltlfer Mapfter ?rlf the ' wourtS flrod tho shots, rf- f rrlved-vfrns i&T I wilfa nyity; m i I i J&L wlipnatW police ra. . MPwUm ffimo. . tW woman IV. ' 'WZ m UUytlm Lord: avt, dhmWfmfrt afiir. 'itt hi 1, aijM.JIfk. hlHL Aviator Badly Crushed, But Will Recovery-Attempts to Tell the Story of His Flight But is Stopped by His Physi cians. WILL NOT TRY ALPS AGAIN Charvez buys Ho Encountered Tre mendous Wind Over Slinplou Pas$ and He Hilnks the Accident Wns Caused by the Chnflng-Of Stays' and Thnt Is What Caused Them "to Part Wcyinaiin Says to Try Fly ing Over tho Alps Is Simply to Court Death, UNITED PIUCSC ZJSA9ED WISE. Demodossola, Italy, Sept. 24. Aviator George Chavez, tho first man to fly over tho Alps, will live. Cha vez' life leg is, broken in two places, his right leg is broken and his body U full of cuts, but according to his physlalans, his Injuries, which wero received after ho had safely passed tho dangerous part of his Journey, and was in sight of hla goal, will not provo fatal, Chavez passed a , fair nightanil was able-torec61vo a few visitors to- , day. Ho nttemptod to tell the story of tho accident, but was stopped la tho midst of t by his physicians, who advised him to restr "'-- "1 encountered a tremendous wind when I arrived' oveiStmploti'-"- Pass," said Chavez. "It .forced m,e to alter my course and swerve to ward, Gonda Gorge. "It was hard work controlling tho machine which swerved and leaped madly. One I almost ran It head long Into tho Bheer face of a preci pice. "Reaching Demodossola, I saw Duray signalling mo thero was n good place boyond to alight, My petroleum tank was nearly qmpty and I could not have gone much .fur ther. I shut off my engine and be gan planing down. ,-J "What caused tho collapsQ hr more than I can understand, I sup pose tho stays must have worn un--dor tho strain of tho adverse winds." Chavez was interrupted at th( point by hla physicians. Ho wprit to sloep muttering "too bad", too bad." Completely unnorved by the acci dent to his fellow aviator and frjfid. m. woymann, mo American, snjiiia wofild make no furthor attempt aft tho Brig to Milan flight. "I nm done with Alplno flyfrig." said Weymnnn, "I rMso nowtbVt. to try to fly over tho 'Alps Jlsw! court death. Chavez in ado a 3on- derful flight and deserves the Honor that I hope It will bring him," A movement to oroct monuments to Chavoz at tho starting1 point1 and nt tho end of his journoy was started by tho Italian Aviation society. Chavoz probably will bo gtypn half of tho $20,000 purse. In tho wreck of hla machlu.o, Cha vez' barograph was broken and It Is Impossible to tell how high ho went. but it Is believed ho beat hid own holght record of 8,420 feet inadOjM ,PalIdri.ktfo fial- J. qd - W6yf'!ipW" corrJctedjMdaiVj. Tno report that" lan, had duplicated across Slmplon was PnllotI wont to GrccOi, his jirOBerlcip thero ' r watj wxui thf, jnwnlnMfeg-1- avor awo much rofri d.a bullotl: sihlafcondlHon Vjjs satlsfacto: iiuriytl hni.)iwIo V sitCwmclvo lh re iff t&MofrtWtti a ie' ipjltlifcrt on ordF4. if l K. a . 'J Uwy ami a&iTS!" au.'1 asjnfqnedfln lassipe h jna- W fir ' W :.- 4 ' V