irfin x?.t '"iff ' t, 4 J OArur CAI'ITAT. JOUIlNAIj. SALEM, OREGON, I'ltlOAV, SEPIEMBEIt 23, 1010. OUR GREAT INTRODUCT Y SHOE SALE an unqualified success. Enthusiasm reigned supreme and our customers were more than pleased. Words of appreciation were neciiu iiuiii every uiie. THIS SALE WILL CONTINUE UNTIL MONDAY, OCTOBER 3. In order to introduce our new Shoe Department of exclusive Ladies' and Children's Shoes, we have determined to sacri-fice the major portion of our first shoe profits, so that we can give the public an opportuni ty of demonstrating the highgrade quality of our new fall Shoes. There is also another reason we are giving you this exceptional opportunity to secure classy shoes at a less price than elsewhere. Our order with the manufacturers for an immense new stock was delayed in shipment; they have consequently agreed to allow us a discount of 1 5 per cent this we will hand on to our prospectiveShoe buyers, with an addition al 10 per cent as an introductory inducement, thereby giving you I i A Total Reduction of 25 0 on alt the Newest, Swellest Lines of Shoes ever Brought to Salem The Shoes are the daintiest and most attractive styles of the season. They are beautifully made, no better shapes to be found anywhere. The leathers are the best pos sible, and you can depend on the Shoes wearing the full limit. It's impossible for you to find this exceptionally high quality, stylish footwear elsewhere at a price anywhere near as low, and so the majo rity of smart dressers will be turning to this INTRODUCTORY SALE for their new fall SHOES. Greatest Opportunity to Buy School Shoes at 25 Per Cent; Introductory Reduction S4.50 Shoes, 25 Per Cent Off i $3.38 $4.00 Shoes, 25 Per Cent Off $3.00 $3.50 Shoes, 25 Per Cent Off . $2.63 $3.00 Shoes, 25 Per Cent Off. $2.25 $2.50 Shoes, 25 Per Cent Off.... - $1.88 $2.25 Shoes, 25 Per Cent OfL. , $1.69 $2.00 Shoes, 25 Per Cent Off. .l $1.50 $1.75 Shoes, 25 Per Cent Off - $1.32 $1.50 Shoes, 25 Per Cent Off $1.13 $1.25 Shoes, 25 Per Cent Off .94 $1.15 Shoes, 25 Per Cent Off .87 .85 Shoes, 25 Per Cent Off ' 64 .75 Shoes, 25 Per Cent Off : " 57 . . Extra Ten Per Cent Introductory Inducement WE REALIZE. THAT OUR NEW SHOE DEPARTMENT WILL CREATE CONSIDERABLE ENTHUSIASM AND WILL BRING INTO OUR STORE A NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE NOT YET INSPECTED SALEM'S - NEWEST AND MOST EXCLUSIVE STORE. IN ORDER TO MAKE THIS INTRODUCTORY EVENT INTERESTING, WE WILL GIVE IO Per Cent on Anything Throughout the Entire Store I I 1 : 1000 Fine Lawn and Lingerie Waists at OneHalf Price I LIBERTY ST. Compl No Lady in Salem or Vicinity can afford to pass up these extraordinary offerings if MONEY SAVING IS AN OBJECT ete Outfitters for Ladies and Children SALEM OREGON I tuwttwtfflffimwmmttmarofflti A We find that so mnay people were away on their vacation in August, and were unable to take advantage of our Bargain day, August 31 that we have decided to give those who came in after that date another opportunity to secure The Journal jjat ri reduced rate until September 30, 1910, This will be absolutely the last chance, however, so do not delay, as the time is' '" , lborWV The Journal lias a full leased wire telegraph report of 1. 5.000 words dgily, and prints the Portland and Salem n)a.r- -itrfinni'ts' in full fnrtlip hfinofit nf thfi farnws. ' . . " k .- w'. v '-tftyil tto-ra ppjts' in full for the benefit of the farmers, 0 r aves a All subscrbers to The Daily Capital Journal by mail, at the stores or on routes, who pay all arears to Sept, 3(J, 1910, Gan secure the Daily Capital Journal one year in advance for $3, Ifyou are paid a little in advance of September 30, pay one year from the date you are paid to, and save the dollar, All subscribes to the Daily Capital Journal by carrier who pay up all arrears to September 30, 1910, can secure tlTe Daily Capital Journal one year in advance for $5,00, If yob iu " uvunio ui ocfJLciuuDi ow, i y i u, pay i or a year from the date you are paid to and save the dollar, Th ML JLJL 3L ft,C!AJL D V Saves our subscribers Hundreds of Dollars. Start at once to take advantage of our BARGAIN DAY. Remit by mail or call at the JOURNAL OFFICE on or before Friday evening, September 30, to secure this reduction. Do not ask for this rate after September SO. jmtuamtmtmmrnmMimitmtttttmmmitmmronttB O U.1T Jill 3Lj a!em reon HtlJttlJJt 1 tmttttumwimmwmt a n H 3 a Si a :: a H I