1'UTe CAPITAL -nrnN.Mj, SALKM, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1010. PAGTC THRUM ROUSED EATH IGHBORS BY OF GOVERNOR OF INDIANA ALSO STIRRED MY THE TERRHJLE ACCIDENT AT KINGSLAND, SAYS THOSE RESPONSIBLE MUST ME PUNISHED. UNITED FRE6B UEASEO WtBB.l Indianapolis, Intl., Sept. 23. "The persons responsible for the horrible wreck must go to prison leave no stone unturned until the blame Is placed." ,r This was Governor Marshall's em phatic declaration todav when ho discussed the KIngsland wreck oi' the Wabash valley lnter-urban line In which 40 persons lost their Uvea. Marshall Is determined that tho responsible persons shall stand pun . Ishment for the tragedy, and that the affair shall not be whitewashed. He today recommended a meeting of the Indiana railroad commission and suggested that the officials of the Wabash valley road and tho em ployes on duty all along the line at the time of tho wreck be examined. Citizens of Bluffton, where 19 of tho persons killed resided, are pre paring . resolutions demanding a thorough sifting of the affair. The resolutions will be forwarded to tho governor. o THE REGULAR EVERY MORNING AUTO ACCIDENT UNITED PRESS tSASED TCIHE. Mlneola, L. I., Sept. 23. George Robertson, driving a Benz car on the Parkway. at 60 miles an hour today, lost control of his machine and probably was fatally injured. He was taken to a hospital where it was found his right arm was broken, his collar bone broken and his skull probably fractured. He was Internally injured. Stephen BJejynolds, mechanican, was less seriously hurt. The accident oc curred during a preparatory spin for the "Vanderbilt cup race October 1. Twenty-five entrants were on the parkway today making trial runs lu preparation for the coming event. Robertson's Benz was rounding a jiS3. , curve at Massapequa going at top speed. He applied the brakes but they failed to work. The car skid ded, crashed Into a telegraph pole 'With a sickening roar and Robert son was thrown headlong through a fence into the field beyond. He was unconscious when picked up and carried from the scene of the accident. Reynolds was under the wrecked automobile He was extricated with difficulty but did not appear to have been seriously Injured. Robertson was soon revived. He complained of intense internal pains. He pleaded not to be taken to a hospital, wishing not to unnec essarily alarm h's wife. His request was disregarded, however. Dr. Wood, who examined Robert son, pronounced his injuries seriou3. oi WILTON LACKAYE IN "THE BATTLE." At the Grand Opera House Satur day night Wilton Lackaye will be seen in "The Battle" by Cleveland Moffett, one of the most substantial hits of the last metropolitan seaspn. "The Battle" aroused Interest not only on account of its merits as a drama, 'Which have been declared conspicuous, but also because of its novel attitude on subjects of popular interest. It concerns principally the adven tures of John J. Haggleton, the richest man in New York, in his questtfor his long lost son, during which he is brought to "Lung Block", a tenement district notorious for its unsanitary condition, and of which he is landlord. Finding here a chance to recover the possession and affec tions of this son, Haggfciton is per suaded by a group of reformers, to remain Incognito and penniless in I this district, their purpose being to make him realize the crying need for reform and improvements by making him suffer through actual contact with conditions brought about their absence. ! Haggieton, iiowever, proves finds them and successfully demon strates that no small part of the blame for unsatisfactory conditions rests with the tenants themselves. Moreover, in his efforts to begin life all over again, he proves his thesis that "brains will win out in any surroundings", and in organizing and getting under way a tremendous pro ject, ha wins the admiration and re gard of his son. When the latter, one of the most zealous of the re formers, discovers his relationship to Haggleton, he is inclined to place his growing admiration for the man above the arguments of his col leagms, who disapprove of the mil lionaire's methods and his past. The young man's fiance however, sides against him, and for a while there is an intense struggle, between the op posing forces. The call of the blood finally triumphs, and circum stances so occur that no one is the loser in the end. SLANDER TO SAY ONE HAS NEGRO BLOOD UNITED FSESS ZJBASED WISH. Los Angeles, Sept. 23. Because Judge Monroe, in the superior court, held that it is slandLr to declare that a white woman has negro blood, Sam uel Mendelsohn, manager "of a thea ter at Vallejo, must pay Helen Ogden $1000 damages. Miss Ogden alleged that Mendel sohn caused to be printed in a theat rical paper a statement that "Miss Ogden, a colored woman, is a person without veracity.' The girl sued for $25,000, claiming that, until the cir culation of the alleged statement she had been able to earn a living as a vaudeville singer. o How much have tho fields netted per acre this year after the cost of labor, interest on tho investment, and living expenses have been charged up to them? HELLO GIRL OUT TALKED THE ROBBER ft'NtTED rMCRB LEARKD WU1B.1 Portland, Ore., Sept. 23. One hour after Miss Amy Roberts, a tel ephone operator, had been held up, robbed of 75 cents, which tho high wayman returned after sho lectured him and called him "mean," John Murphy, 27, who claims to bo the son of a nurseryman in Los Angcle3 was arrested for the alleged crime early today. The robber wore a blue polka dot handkerchief over his face and car ried a large revolver when Miss Rob erts was held up. When nrrested shortly afterward, a blue polka dot handkerchief and a revolver were found on Murphy. The police assert he confessed. o IS CREATING NEW BASEBALL ORGANIZATION Cincinnatti, O., Sept. 23. That the new Major leaguo, which D. A. Fletcher has been trying to organize may become a reality was admitted today by Garry Hermann, chairman of tho National commission, and ono of the leaders of tho baseball world. Hermann says that ho has copies of contracts which the ne,w leaguo has induced six major league players to sign. The contracts stipulate that a bonus of $10,00.0 be paid these play bonus of $10,000 be paid these play as the league's playing season opens. In from three to five years, vary ing according to tho contracts, the players become free agents. Hermann believes that the players who have -already signed twill be come members of tho team. USE TIZ SMALLER FEET Sore Feet, Tender Feet and Swollen Foot Cured Every Time. TIZ Mokes Sore Feet Well, No Matter What Ails Them. Don't let the horseshoer pare by 'away the bars in the horse's hoof. Nature put them there for a pur- a pose to strengthen tho hoof and to worthy foitman to conditions as he protect. ,tlip bottom of the foot. For Women Taste Every model of tho new Fall and Winter "Grace Hats", appeals to the most discrlmin ating taste. The" style Is cor rect and every detail of materia and manufacture cannot improved upon. Call early to see thenej THE Style Craft Shop 279 N. Commerc'l St. Grand Opera House JOHN F. CORDRAY, Manager. Saturday, Sept. 24, 1910 One Year in New York WILTON A Season In Chicago (Liebler & Co., Managers.) In Cleveland Mktt's Drama of Love and Dollars -rut? ATT "A play with insides, real humor, sincere feeling. Agi tates one's gray matter." N. Y .Sun. Prices 50a, 76c. $1,00, $1.50. Sale of seats begins Friday, September 23, 9 a. m. Everyone who is troubled with sore, sweaty, or tender feet swol len feet smelly feet, corns, cal louses or bunions can quickly make their feet well now. Hero is instant relief and a lasting, permanent rem edy It's called TIZ. TIZ makes sore feet well and swollen feet are quickly reduced to their natural size. Thousands of ladles have been able to wear shoos a full size smaller with perfect comfort. It's tho only foot remedy ever made which acts on tho principle of drawing out all tho poisonous oxud ations which causo soro feet. Pow. ders and other remedies merely clog up the pores. TIZ cleanses them out and keeps them clean. It works right off. You will feel bettor the very first time it's used. Use it week and you can forgot you over had soro feet. There is nothing on earth that can compare with it TIZ is for sale at all druggists 25 cents per box or direct If you wl3h from Walter Luther Dodge & Co., Chicago, Illinois. DOCTOR ADVISED FOIt ATTOnXEV-GEXEHAIi. Has A. M, Crawford, direct primary candidato for nomination on tho Re publican ticket for tho ofllco of attorney-general, has savtVl tho stato over half million dollars, tho items of which are set forth in voters' pam phlet, page 19. If record there shown U approved, ho desires ronomlnatlon (Paid advertisement.) "Can be depended upon" is an ex pression wo nil like to hear, and when It is used in connection with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It means that it never falls to cure diarrhoea, dysen tery or bowel complaints. It is pleas ant to take and equally valuable for children and adults. Sold by all dealers. for baclrac rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary Irregularities. Foley's Kioney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality anQ vigor. Refuse substitutes. I r r J. V. CHICHESTER S PILLS l.t Cured by LydiaE.Pinkhamrs Vegetable Compound Galena, Knns. "A year ago last March I fell, and a few days after there was soreness in my rijjht sitlo. In a short time a bunch camo and It bothered ine so much at night I could not sleep, it kopt prowinp larger and by fall it was aa large as a hen's egg. I could not go to bed without a hot wator bottle applied to that side. I had ono of the best doc tors in Kansas and lie told my husband that I would have to Lo operated on as it was something like a tumor caused by a rupture. I wrote to you foradvice and you told mo not to get discouraged but to tako Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 1 did take it and soon tho lump in my sido broke and passed away." Mrs. It. K. IIujsy. 713 Mineral Avo., Galena, Kans. Lydia E. Pinkham's "Vegetable Com pound, made from roots and herbs, has proved to be tho most successful remedy for curing tho worst forms of femalo ills, including displacements, larities. periodic pains, backache, boar- ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, and nervouB prostration. It costs but a trifle to try it, and tho result has been worth millions to many suffering women. If tou want snccial advice wrlto forittoMrs.Pinltham,Ijynn,Mass. It is free and always liclpful. A Coming Scrapper. DMTED PRESS LBASBD WIM. San Francisco, Sept. 23. "Ono Round" Hogan and Franklo Smith meet tonight in a four-round bout at Dreamland, as the main event of tho Golden Gate club's card. Hogan has been installed a 10-to-l favorite over tho Oakland boy, and betting has boon unusually heavy for such a short fight. Should Hogan win he will chal lenge Ad. Wolgast. Hogan has fought 37 battles, and has won them all. Ho has never gone moro than four rounds, however. " ' o ' ii When Merit Wins When the medicine you tako cures uur disease, loues up your Bysiem and makes you feel better, stronger That is what Foley Kidney Pills do for you, in all cases of backache nerovusness. loss of aDDetlto. sleep lessness and general weakness that is caused by any risorder or the kid' noys or bladder. Tako Foley Kid. ney Pills promptly, cure your pres ent aldmcnts and ward off a clangor our Illness. For sale by Ror Cros Pharmacy, H. Jerman. pron. Let the stock harvest the scatter ings. Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Is today the best known medicine in use for the re lief and cure of bowel complaints It cures griping, diarrhoea, dysen tery, and should be taken at the first unnatural looseness of tho bowels. It is equally valuable for children and adults. It always cures. Sold by all dealers o Company always gets tho boy of tho family into trouble. Stubborn as Mules aro liver and bowels sometimes; seem to balk without cause. Then there's trouble Loss of Appotlto Indlgestlon, Nervousness, Despond ency, Headache. But such troubles fly beforo Dr. King's Now Life Pills, the world's best Stomach and Llvor remedy. So easy. 25c at J. C. Per-ry'B. . ;r nrVKfl.t tot i l' ; . In . j mTovM mttMkS W ll. I Iiiu. RlUwt V Tal. ... ... At V III 1 n-rr.il All patent medicines or medicines ad vertised in this paper aro for sale at DR. STONE'S Drug Store fhe only cash drug store In Oregon, owes no one, and no ono owes it; carrl6a large stock; its shelve, counters and show cases are loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, toi let articles, wines and liquors of all kinds for medicinal purposes. Dr. Stone is a regular gradnato in modi cine and has bad many years of ex perience in tho practice. Consulta tions aro free. Prescriptions aro free, and only regular price for mod loine. Dr. Stone can be found hi his drug store, Salem, Or., from 7 in the morning until 9 at night tHIHHIIHmHHHHMHHIHHl(HIII.IIHHIH Rostein & Greeobaunr ! 2 BIG SPECIALS 2 I Shoes t Good Shoes for Children, sizes 5 to 6V? at $1.00 or I Good Shoes for Children, sizes 7 to 13 at $1.25 pr t Ladies' $2.25 to $2.75 Shoes at :$1.75 pr I Ladies' $3.50 Shoes at ... : $2.25 pr We open the season with the usual great-variety. Up-to-date headgear excellent quality, moderate prices, expert milliner to attend your wants. r i Ladies' Patent Leather Hats, only $1.00 Nice Wooley Tarns, only 50c Wool Stocking Caps i 25c Children's Sweaters 3Qq Boys' Heavy Sweaters . . . .5Qc Men's Heavy Sweaters 75q LadftB all wool sweaters JJ2 Children's Umbrellas Pjq Children's Umbrellas,, fine handles '. qQq Ladles' Umbrellas 5Qc Ladles' Umbrellas, Mission Handlca $1 ,00 Children's Rubber Capes i. $1.90 Misses' Wool Capes $3.50 Ladies' Wool Capes $4.00 Ladies' Sateen Embroidered Waist 75c Ladies' Extra Good Embroidered Waist $1.25 I ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM I! 240 and 246 COMMERCIAL STREET. Low Round Trip Fares Eas VIA OREGON ELECTRIC RY. ON SALE September 8th TO NEW YORK CHICAGO DETROIT ST. PAUL ST. LOUIS September 22nd Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Col. Via choice of routes. Also one-way tickets to nil Eastern points in' tho United States and Canada on sale dally. Baggage checked through to destination. Special excursion rates to Soaslde and Clasop Beach and roturn. For full particulars as to rates, service, etc., call on or address C. E. ALIJIN, Gen. Agt., Salem, Or. WAIul.ffii! hwtnueA U.J..U . I. f ... I ! "" piuuuwca u luxurious, sou, wane light, excelled only by sunlight. Burns ordinary kero sene or coal oil, the cheapest of all Illuminating fuels. h. .mwue I.HU B9 Afl.Jl-.f - .. . w uuuum juainps are most auraoie in construction east-1 est to take care of simplest in operation. The light la s ir.utvi uuu uujiui uu 1. 1 in nvm I nil rt irnn np urMnitii I j ( VtVWUiWb Occnllt declare the AkJih Otts n But Art&cfa UtU Earn. tJjeri decUro It U not only the belt llcbt. but tho belt l2?taowS I r i . f u,f "JHuolou r an imiianon. 'intra If tsv est fiMM. I - ' ..vwu....vii,7uuniBr, Investigation it the keynote of progression, . Let os show yon Aladdin ClUCAfiO rORTUUtP, Ore, WATskbuxt, Ccu. WWIWffO, CU, UQUTZMAU C. M. L0CKW00D 214-21C- N. Com. St. Salem, Orc.l Portland's Popular Fire-Proof Hotel THE OREGON The House of Comfort Combined With Elegance Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service in city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 Di mi Most perfectly furnished, modorate priced, modern hostelry in the metropolis of tne Northwest WRIGHT & DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Owners and Managers, Also Operating Seattle Hotel, Seattle.