Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 12, 1910, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    I i 1
E. HOFEH, Editor utirt Proprietor.
.n-lepeuuu( tiartMnr Oeroted to American Principles and
' the iTferrnw) nd Development of All Orogon.
fibUhtl Bvery Brenlng Except Sundj. Salora, Ore.
(InrarUblr In Adrahee.)
Tiallr. br carrier, per year ...W.00 Per month
tv.n. or ttAll. per rear. 4.00 Per month...,
Weekly by mall, per yoar. J.00 Six monthi
C 51 Tlo
The time for candidates to file for nominations before
tlfe Primary has closed. The following have announced
themselves as candidates under the Direct Primary
Marion County Republican
Anti Assembly Ticket
State Senators Vote for Two:
HAL U. PATTON, Salem No. 2.
Representatves Vote for Five:
GEO. W. JOHNSON, Salem No. 2.
A. C. LIBBEY, Jefferson.
SHERM SWANK, Aumsvi'le.
(Paid advertisement)
(Christian Science Monitor.)
One of tlio most plntislblo argu
mcntB In favor, 6f the direct primary
method of olecllng state and county
ofllclals and congressmen Is Iho con
tention that it lit absolutely the first
otep necessary to tho purlflcatlon of
Amorlcan political life. Another 1b
the Incontrovertible fact that In
states whoro tho primary law has
been In force thoro Is no movo by
tho people to supplant tho now sys
tem. Still another, and perhaps tho
most convincing of them all, Is that
tho firmest opposition to tho onact
mont of n primary election law
comes not from tho voters them
selves, but from tho men who have
depended In the past chiefly on tho
conventions for tholr political suc
cesses. In ono of tho Now England statos,
for examplo, tho Republican state
platform commlttoo this year ar
ranged a plank Indorsing tho dlroct
prlranry Idea and tentatively pledg
ing tho party to enact such a law.
Some of tho county conventions had
passed resolutions favoring Bitch
legislation, nnd thbro was no reason
to bollovo that it would not moet
with genoral approval, hut at tho
last moment before tho stato con
vention tho plonk was roplaced by
nn innocuous ono declaring for tho
retention of tho old caucus systom.
Tho resolution finally adoptod was
bo nearly llko tho ono Incorporated
In nnothor Now England state plat
form that thero was llttlo surprise
manifested nnd no nttompt at da
nlal was mado when somo one
charged oppnly that both of them
originated In Washington. Ono of
thoso planks road "Tho Legislature
should enact such a law as will sur
round tho political caucuses with tho
same safeguards as now protect
elections at tho polls." Tho other
was wordod: "Wo urge upon our
legislature tho enactment of such
dlroct primary and other laws n
may proporly rogiilalo tho conduct
of all caucuses to scour the honest
nnd froo expression of the proper
voters thoroln."
Whatovor may bo said for or
against tho primary election Idon,
it cannot bo urged that the people
nro tho one who take alarm when
legislation along that Una la
Kostod, On tho other band, thor.lr
ovary Indication, as tho foregoing In
cident tends to show, that profM
elonal politicians are tho mtwt ear
nest opponents of the principle
which already has mado such strides
toward natlon-wldo popularity.
Xcbrusliiv Keen for "Oregon Plan."
An Omaha dispatch says:
"Tho rosult of tho canvass of tho
votes of tho recont primary elections
on mombers of tho two houses of
tho legislature shows that tho "Ore
gon plan" will almost certainly bo
carried out In tho election of a
United Statos senator to succeed
Senator Durkett, regardless of the
politlcnl complextlon of tho next
loglBlaturo. Of tho Democrats, 21
of tho 34 candidates for tho senate
and 75 of tho 100 candidates .for
the house nro signers of "'statement
No. One," while on tho Republican
sldo 13 senatorial candidates and 47
legislative aspirants hnve taken tho
"Roports sent out regarding the
platform adopted by tho Republican
Btatc convention In Kansas givo
very incomplete Information as to
the attitude of Kansas Republicans
townrd popular government," said
Senator Jonathan Pourno today In
discussing tho progress of tho popu
lar government movomont through
out tho United States.
"I hnvo Just recolved a full copy
of tho Republican platform ndoptcd
In Knnsns," continued Sonator
llourno, "nnd It Is apparent thnt tho
ontlre Orogon systom has been In
dorsed nnd republican legislators in
structed to work for its adoption In
thnt stato.
"Press dispatches recoiyod by Ore
gon papers tndlcatod that only tho
Orogon system of electing Unltod
States sonators had boon lndorsod.
Knnsas ropublloans hnvo lndorsod
tho Orogon bill now ponding boforo
tho pooplo providing for a popular
selection of prosldontlnl electors and
a direct oxprosalon In party primar
ies as to choice candidates for pres
ident. Senator Cummins, of Iowa,
Uiih also takon a strong stand for
this moasuro."
I Capital National Bank J
Uipilal 3iuu,uuu
Oldest National Rank In t
Marie n County.
T J. TI. Albert, free.
4- . M. Cr mn, Vlpe-Prea.
Son. II. Albert. Cashier
John A. Carson,
Qeo. FV Rodger.
An IiiHirlt. to Voters.
A number of assembly papers are
continually making sport of tha 32
questions that voters will bo willed
upon to decide at the no jit oleotlon,
nnd assorting that tho average vot
er cannot Intelligently cope with the
situation In other words, that he
; has not thrt brain powor to read up
ion them and decide as to tho merits
Jot the measures, says the Polk
Count ItemJier. In our opinion
inojt niiy voter will ooius nenrer da
In so then the overage lesjlslator
will to look over carefully and lv
Ugentlr vote upon tho 600 or 000
bills that he Is called upon to vote
for or sgnlust at the legislative sos
Is'on of 40 days. Surli remarks as
this, and which are continually be-
lag made by the ussemblyltes and
their organ, lire Insulting to Amer
tfiSH eltlMHtsbtp. are a gross rellcc
tlon upon their mental calibre, nnd
should be treat tHl with the contempt
Years of Suffering
Catarrh and Blood DIsonBo
Doctors Fallod to Cure.
Miss Mabel F, Dawklns. 1214 trfifay
etto St.. Fort Wayne, Ind., writes:
"I or three years 1 was troubled with
catarrh and blood disease. I tried sev
eral doctors and a dozen different rem
edies, but none of thorn did me nhy
good. A friend told me of Hood's Sar
snparllla. I took two bottles of this
medicine and was as well and strong
as ever. I feel like a different person
and recommend Hood's to any one suf
fering from catarrh."
Oet it today In usual liquid form or
they deservo by those whose Intelli
gent Is thus vllilfied and mocked at.
(Eugeno Guard.)
That the "assembly" and the di
rect primary may both be usfd Is i
position so absurd as to be unworthy
of serious consideration. For In
stance, If tho ticket nnmed by tho
Lano county "assembly" last Satur
day Is the only ticket a loyal Repub
lican may recognize, as the local or
gan of tho Republican party and all
who participated In its nomination
contend, It Is tho acme of nonsense
to proceed to hold a primary oleo
tlon, with Its attendant expenses,
just for tho sake of ratifying a t'ck
et already nominated. On tho othor
hand, If the state "assembly" tlcko
and the several county "nssomb'y"
t'okets are not authorized parly
tickets, thou theOrcgoninn and
many othor Republican papers are
simply trying to bunco the Republi
can voters Into accepting them as
There Is absolutely no room for
both the "nssembly" and the dlrc-d
primary, nnd one or the other of
thorn must go. Tho rank and file of
the party votorti may decide which
't shall be by their votes In the di
rect primary of September 21th
nnd If tho "assembly" candidates
win It may bo predicted with reason
able accuracy that they will never
have another opportunity to vote di
rectly for candidates for office.
unitrd rnnss msarkd wirb.1
Boston, Mubb., Sept. 12. Pres'
dont Tnft arrived at 10:15 o'clock
this morning to attend tho funeral
of the lato Lloyd W. Bowrrs, solicitor-general
of tho United States.
Private services will bo hold at the
Hotel Tournlno here arter which thi
body will bo taken to AVestflold,
Conn., for lntormont.
Tho president will bo an honorary
pall bearor, as will Justlceo Oliver
Wendoll Holmes of tho supreme
court of tho Unltod States and John
Hays Hammond.
Bowors died at tho Hotel Touraine
Inst Saturday. He had been 111 for
several weeks, the result of bron
chitis trouble which necessitated an
Their Unceasing Work Keeps Vh
Strong and Healthy
All tho blood in tho body passes
through tho kidneys onco every
threo minutes. Tho kidneys flltor
tho blood. Thoy work night nnd
day. When healthy they remove
about 500 grains of Impure matter
dnlly, when unhealthy somo part of
this Impuro mntter is left In the
blood. This brings on many diseases
and symptoms pain In tho back,
hoadache, nervousness, hot, dry
skin, rheumatism, gout, gravel, dis
orders of tho eyesight and hearing,
dizziness, Irregulnr heart, debility,
drowsiness, dropsy, deposits in tho
urlno, etc. But if you keep tho Al
ters right you will have no trouble
with ypur kldnoys.
D. H. Exllno, 12th nnd Oak
streots, Salom, Oregon, says: "About
threo years ago I sufferod severely
from kidney and bladder trouble.
Although I tried a number of romo-
dlos I was not helped until I pro
cured Donn's Kldnoy Pills and ba
gan their use. They checked my
troublo In a short time nnd I hnvo
had no roturn attack."
For salo by all dealers. Prlco CO
cents. Fostor-Mllbum Co., Buffalo,
Now York, solo agents for tho
United States.
Romombor tho nnmo Doon's--
and tuko no othor.
Many Milforoit from nasal catarrh
say they get splondld rosults by us
ing an ntomixer. For their boneilt
wo prepare Bly'B Liquid Cream
Bnlin. Kxcopt that it is liquid It is
In all rospoots like tho healing, holp
fill, pnln-allaylng Crenm Balm that
tho public has been fnmlllor with
for years. No cocalno nor other
dnngorous drug in It. Tho soothing
spray Is a romedy that relieves at
once. All druggists, 7 Bo. lnoludlnn
spraying subt, or mallod by Ely
Bros., 50 Warren Street, New York.
Notlco Is hereby given that the un
derelKiied will reoelvo bids up to 5
o'olook p. in. on Monday, September
18, 1810. for the Improvement of Uic
alleys In blocks it. SI, 84 nad 85.
in tlie eity of Salem. Oregon,' accord
ing to plans and specifications adopt
ed for said Improvement ami on tile
In the otlloe of the rlty recorder. The
city reserves the right to reject any
and all bldtt. Said bids will be con
sidered by the common council on
gepteraber 18, 1810.
9 10-3t Hty Recorder.
Augusta, Main, Sept. 12. An
onormous vote was cast at the gen
eral election In progress here today.
The Democrats aro showing unusual
activity. Frederick W. Plalsted,
Dfmocratic candldato for .governor,
cla'ms that tho early returns indi
ca.t he w '1 bo elected by a plural
ity' or 5,000. Bert M. Fernald, Re
publican govornor, who Is fighting
for re-election, Is optimistic and
claims the state by a plurality of
6,000. Ho was elected in 1908 by
7.G53 plurality. The Republicans
nro claiming the four congressional
In the first district, known as
"Tom Reed's" district, Asher Hindu,
parliamentarian of congress. Is tln
Republ'can candidate. The cry
"Cannonism" has been raised and a
hard light Is being made against
Republicans who aro friends of tho
Oregon Direct Primary law will sup
port their principles . by voting for
tho following candidates for nomina
tion at primary election September
For Sonators Alonzo Qesner and
Hal D. Patton of Salem.
For Representatives A. C." LIbby
of Jefferson, feorgo W. Johnson of
Salom, A. O. Steolhamm-r of Silvor
ton, Sherman Swank of Aumsvllle
and Frank E. Osburne of Champoeg
Theso candidates stand for tho
Direct Prlmarv law and tho 'election
of Senators by the Direct voto of the
people on the Oregon plan.
(Paid Advertisement.)
As coming events east their shad
jws before, so do tho results shown
'jy the recent elections held In Cali
fornia .and Other c tales show what is
'n store fdr the nn l-assembly cnndl
lates here in Oregon. To keen ob
3'irvers It would be no surprise if the
entire assembly ticket was turned
lown In districts whore there is a full
.ntl-assombly ticket in tho field.
A rose by any other name Is just
ns sweot. So does the assembly re
somblo the old-fashioned packed con
It has been said that politics is no
olaco for an honest man. There
n'lver Tns a more erroneous state
ment. That is jiist where honest
men are needed. And tho au'i-as-sombly
and Statement 1 men are men
of this stamp, and should be support
ed, so that pontics may be purified
In Oregon.
Not only In Oregnji, but In other
states, It has come to a point where
It is considered honorable to bo re
spectable and voto and act as one's
conscience dictates. Many news
papers to the contrary, notwith
standing, StPtemont No. 1 men are
honored nnd respected, and will be
re-elected to office at the coming
Felix, a Slletz Indian, whllo
drunk, fired a shot ilnto a tent to see
if thoro was any one) in it. There
was, the bullet struck Odell Lane,
who was sleeping In the tent, mortnl
ly wounding blow Felix and two
companions, one an Indian girl, and
tho other Esther Brown, are In Jail.
Now Is the Time to Commence.
Your kidney trouble may bo of
long standing, It may bo either acute
or chronic, but whatever it is Fo
loy'a Kidney Remedy will aid you
to get rid of it quickly and restore
your natural health and v'gor.
"One botle of Foley's Kldnoy Rem
edy made mo well," said J. SIbbull
of Grand View, Wis. It will cure
your kidney nnd bladder disease,
and restore your natural strength
and vigor. Commence taking it
nnd more vigorous than before,
now. Red Cross Pharmncy, H. Jer
man, prop.
has plnjcd havoc with the tresses of tli
fair syx, and druggists everywhere com
ment on the fact that they are selling
Inrge quantities of sage for making tha
old-fashioned "sage tea," such as was
used by our grandmothers for ''promoting
the growth of their hair and restoring iti
natural color. The demand for this well
I"iovn herb for this purpose has been so
great that one manufacturer ha3 takeD
advantage of the fact, and has placed on
tho market an ideal "sage tea," contain
ing sulphur, a valtlable remedy for dan
druff and scalp rashes and irritations.
This preparation, which is called Wyeth's
Sago and Sulphur, 's sold by all leading
druggist3 for ."0 cents and 1 a bottle, or
will be sent direct by the Wyeth Chemical
Company, 71 Cortlamit St., New York
City, upon receipt of price.
.1. O. PERRY.
Your complexion as well as your
temper Is rendered miserable by a
disordered liver. By taking Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
you can Improve both. Sold by all
When, Merit Wins
When the medicine you take cures
your disease, tones up your system
and makes you feel better, stronger
That, is what Foley Kidney Pills do
for you, in all cases of backache,
nerovusness, loss of appetite, sleep
lessness and general weakness that
Is caused by any risorder of the kid
neys or bladder. Take Foley Kid
ney Pi'ls promptly, cure your pres
ent nldments and ward off a dangor
our illness. For sale by Rer Cros
Pharmacy, H. Jerman, prov.
; City and Country Property jj
Swell new G-room strictly modern bungalow, In East Salem; two iota
each 50x150 foot. Ownors called away, and must sell this property
at once, only $2000.
Good new 6-room dwelling, all modern, on Winter street, close In.
This Is a good, bargain at $2000.
Good 5-roomed cottage, with basement, on Chemeketa street, $1600
Nine-room houso In East Salem, 3 lots each 50x120 feet; barn and
plenty of fruit; $2300.
Small Tracts
'ivo acres, 2 miles south of Salem; flno fruit land; 1 acre orchard
and small fruit; 1 aero timber; 7-room house, 43-foot bored well;
only $2000.
Eight acres of fine fruit land, 3 miles out; 5-room house nnd good
barn, largo poultry houso; trout stream runs through the placo;
large family orchard, Including almost every kind of tree 'and small
fruits and nuts. This Is a big snap at $2500
Forty acres of rich black pral-ie land Just east of the city, on good
road, land lays fine, all in cultivation, and Is cheap at $175 per aero
AVe have somo splendid tracts on easy payments ranging from 5 to
10 acres; 'some 2 miles and somo 5 miles from Salem. Better seo
these if you aro looking for small tracts.
Farm Bargain
240 acres of best kind of land for fruit or general farming pur
poses; good buildings; 150 nc-es in cultivation, balance timber;
9 miles from Salom, 2 4 miles to railroad station; school and church
right ncross tho road, Tills is tlu best farm' deal of the season.
Only $50 per acre.
For anything in tho real estate lino, wo nro at your service. Givo
us a trial. Make our office your headquarters while In town.
;i H.A. Johnson & Co
MODERN HAIR DRESSINS i M Sf fir0n( ,,. Sa,enj 0repu
The books close for reg'strntlon
for the primaries September lit,
11 days before the primary election,
if you register otherwise than ns a
Republican or Democrat, you lose
your vote, as thoro are no candi
dates at the primaries other than
Republicans and Democrats and ii
man registered Independent cannot
voto at tho primaries. At tho gen
eral election however, you can voto
at you please, but the big battlo will
bo fought at tho primaries, so get
out and register. Do not delay, as
tho last day for registration before
tho primaries is September 13.
Saved a Soldler'-j TJfe.
Facing death from shot and shell
In tho civil war was more agreeable
to J. A. Stone, of Kemp, Tex., than
fac'ng it from what doctors said was
consumption. "I contracted a stub
born cold" he writes, "that develop
ed a cough that stuck to, mo in spite
of all remedies for years. Mv
weight ran down to 130 pounds.
Then I began to use Dr. King's New
Discovery, which completely cure)
mo. I now weigh 178 pounds." For
coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma,
hemorrhage, hoarseness, croup,
whooping cough and lung troublo.
Its supreme 50c and $1.00. Trial
bottel free. Guaranteed by J. C.
Stubborn as Mules
aro liver and bowels sometimes;
seem to balk without cause. Then
there's trouble Loss of Appetlto--indlgcstion,
Nervousness, Despond
ency, Headache. But such troubles
fly before Dr. King's Now Life Pills,
tho world's best Stomach and Liver
remedy. So easy. 26c at J. C. Perry's.
s in the front
as Ever!
Our Booth in the State Fair
Will Interest Thousands
The World's Latest Piano Players Will be Shown and
Demonstrated. We will also show
Combination Parlor Table Talking Machine, and also the
New Mignion Talking Machine
We will also aim to give some pleasure in a stalwart quartette,
guitar and mandolin club recitals and vocal duets by the most ac
complished singers in the city.
We now have the sole agency for the world renowned
ensrer at nemnerton
4 t