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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1910)
-mow stx DAIXiT CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1010. KNOWLEDGE COMPETION (Continued from pago tbroo. ehle and management? Also glvo Its location. Throo experienced shoo men aro concerned In Us manage tnont and the business Is Incorporat ed. In men's shoes they have the Howard & Foster, Johnson & Mur phy, Stonoflold-Evans and Dr. A. Reed's Cushion shoe shoes that Tiavp low price, considering tho qual ity. For thp women they have the C. P. Ford, Harney Dros. and Green Wheeler -excellent In stylo and fin ish. Tholr slogan la "Tho sign of hotter shoes." They alea have a modern shoo repairing department, whoro work Is turned out rapidly and In tho most approved stylo of workmanship. This has bocomo tho popular shoo store of the city. It Id right In tho center of the shopping district. 4B. Yo Hoot Shop, 320 State, NUMBER 40 What Is tho namo of "the only complete family tablo supply feouo In Salem?" Tho bill of faro Is gro ceries fresh and cured meats, fish, poultry, and dollcacleg of all kinds. This store was further down on State street up to four years ago and until It camo Into tho present stand it was simply a meat market. But now you can purchase almost anything here that la good to eat. Ho appeals to the trade of all olasees but makes a specialty of figuring on "quantity orders." This brings him a very large country trado. It is a modern market where ono'e pur chases for tho tablo can be "bunched" to save tlmo and money. Giro thr namo and location. 40 V. P. Fnrrington, 420 State NUMBER 47 There are probably moro grocery stores in this block than in any oth er city block in Salom. but this one can be picked out from all tho oth ers Because u. is aiiiorunx. racy uo not makft a specialty of things "in season." It Is their specialty to have thlngB out of season. They make an effort to havo many things riot found In the ordinary grocery. Hero aro a fow of their many excluslvo spec ialties: Chase & Sanborn's coffees and tcs that have a reputation for excellence on two continents: Fol gers' Gulden Onto coffees, Clicquot Club leverages; Frou-Frou Wafers; Educator Crackers; tho Beachnuf goods In glass cans: S. & W. canned goods; Antonlnl's Olive Oil, Royal Bakery bread, etc. You can not find these goods elsewhere in Salem, when you And them you And this store. They also havo a most ex cellent dollcatessen and bakery In connection, whoro fresh cakes, cook ies, pics, doughnuts, salads, etc., find many satisfied buyers. You are to glvo tho namo and location of this modorn storo. 47. Kotli Grocery Co., 410 State. NUMBER 48 Who is the live realty firm that is pushing the sale of tho Laurel Springs Fruit tract, ono of tho choic est of all tho many suburban tracts around tho city? This firm has re cently takon In a now member' Into tho firm making throo llvo boosters that will holp put Salem up to tho 75,000 mark. They do a gonoral real ostato business, having farm and city property of all kinds for nalo, ' many very cholco bargains to offor. They keep an automobllo and other vehicles to convoy tholr rcspootlvo patrono to tho Laurel Springs tract and other points In which thoy may show an Intorost. It-will pay you to got In touch, and to koep In iouch with this firm, for thoy nro tho men who havo the bar galns. W"nn4' 48. Hopkins, Imus & Copley, S18B State street. NuanjEit 40 Will It bo difficult for you to lo cajfo tho leading vaudovlllo and pic ture show of tho city? Tho stand ing of this thoator as a rosort for lovers of arnusomont, nils tho wholo city with prldo, Tho best talent on tho Btago Is being callod Into play to inako the films which aro thrown o tho canvns for tho cntortnlnnuint oC tho multitude. Thoy mako up a wfioro thoatrlcal BhoW of a high class. This thoator dlffors from others horo In ito oxcollont vnude Ylllo programs. Pictures aro changod two timea n weok, and vau dovlllo attractions twlco n week. Olvo tho namo and location of this popular thoator. 40, Bly's, 401 Stnto streot. NUMBER 80 A millinery store on tho ground floor, conducted by throo ladles who nro bound together by tho ties of consanguinity, Is ono of tho most modom Institutions of that kind In tho Htnto. It Is ono of tlioso exclusive- places whoro tho latest creations from tho great fashion centers of the world nro assembled nnd sold at ntoro roasonnbjo prices than nro or dinarily encountered In shops that mako a specialty of tho latest de signs for my lady's head. This ploco has dono much townrd supply ing tho styles that mako tho ladles of tho Capital city and surrounding couutry look so protty and hnnd eomoly drossed. Thoy nro getting ready for tho fall opening soon. Glvo namo nnd location. ' no. McNeol Sisters, 121 Court, NUMBER Bl . Who aro the "spnrkers" who nro authority on nil matters olectilcnl around Salom and whoro la tholr placo of business? Horo will ha found a most olegant lino of oloctrl cal fixtures and electrical appliance of all kinds. This company lins boen doing business horo Bovornl years doing both a wholcsalo and retail Inrelnoss. Thoy also do manufactur ing. Any design you may have In mind thoy will assist you In com pleting tho details nnd will manufac ture samo to order. They do all kinds of electrical contract work. So many new th'ngs nro constantly coming out In "electrics" that It will pay you to call at this storo ocon Blonnlly Just to seo how far buhl ml tho Umea you havo lapsed. Give nnino and location of this enterpris ing company. 81. Western Electric At Manufac turing Co., 215 North Lilmrty htreet. NUMBER B2 Tho nil-Important problem with most people is not so much where they will spend etornlty m where thev can find the boat to oat. The writer mado the dlsoovery recently to his own satisfaction. We don't mind giving you a hint It l vary clone to the electric trains It lm a name like- something wood to at. And it has all home cooking, every thing the very best and .served in good stylo. They seryd short orders at all hours and a splendid 25-cent dinner. If you get a spat at noon you should not loiter on tho way. It Is worth, walking sovoral blockB to get to cat at this dining room. What Is tho namo and location? 52. Cherry City Cafe, 100 South High street. NUMBER 53 This Is a sheet metal works. It had Its beginning away back 23 years ago. They make everything in tin, copper, brass, zinc and sheet iron. If you wish It made out of metal this Is distinctly tho placo I') get It. Tho men behind tho shears hero know the business from "A to Izard," and you enn wager your last dollar that when tho Job Is finished, It will bo dono right. Thoy mako a snoclalty of hot air heating and fur naco work. This work Is not in the experimental Btago with them. They havo become experts, performing every Job on a scientific plan that is bound to bring perrect saiuiacuon to their patrons. This placo has Just changed hands nnd will bo found on a streot that wears a Phila delphia name. What Is the name and location? 53. Budcstockcr & Fuller, 188 South High street. -NUMBER 51 In what drug storo In Salem do you find tho "Rexall" Remedies? Whoro Is this drug storo located? This Is not all you will find hero, but it la ono of tho things that yoh will not bo able to find elsewhere. Theso romedles nro put up to meot mo requirements of nearly every ailment, and they are put up most scientifically by ono of the largest chemical companies In tho United States. At this storo will bo found n very largo stock of pure drugs and chemicals' of all kinds, perfumeries, cosmetics, soaps, brushes, combs, and a largo assortment of sundries. They aro known for accuracy In fill ing prescriptions. 54. J. O. Perry, 115 South Conl merclal street. NUMBER 55 Tho man for men who writes the signs of a town Is almost as Im portant n personage an the man who writes tho Blgns of tho times. Tin old-fnshloned sign with a period or a comma between each wdrd has gono out of business. Tho signs 'n this city aro a credit to the city and to tho firm who writes most of them. You will see tho name right on tho bottom of tho signs. Havo head qunrtors close to the business center. Does cerd nnd cloth signs and all kinds of sign work. Also commer cial drawing and designing. Whtii Is namo nnd location? Have beo l in business hero only four months, but they nro gottlng the business. Their street number Is three figures all allko. 55. Lee & Gilbert, 333 State. NUlvniER 50 When you want something which for the moment puzzles you to know Just where to go to find It, what storo immediately comes Into your mind as tho propor placo to go? This Is tho storo whoro there Is al ways something doing never n dull minute. It was started sovon years ago. what do they keep? It would bo easier to take tho catalogue of human wants and check off tho little articles thoy havo not In stock. It Is tho plnco whoro you can bunch all those Httlo things you want and after paying for them havo moro money loft than If you had gono the rounds of tho city. Ono of tholr rules horo Is never buy anything that Is not a big bargain. Anybody can buy goods regular. This storo buys them Irregular, at odd times, odd places, Job lots, under tho hammer, any old way so thoy aro bargains. They nro constantly laying for bar gains, and when they have produced mem thoy "cacKlo ' and toll tho peo ple all about them. Nothing over 15c. Give tho namo nnd location. 50. G. W. Hobson, (t, 10 ia ioc Store, 251- North Commercial street. NUMBER 57 Mention hnrdwaro and farm ma chinery In tho presenco of ttflodvo then in Snlom nnd eleven of them will straightway glvo tho namo of this houBO, Tho terms aro almost synonymous. If you havo ever hadj any correspondence with thom you will havo noticed on ono corner of tholr lottor hoad "Established 18Q5." That tells the story and It Is an old one. Somo of tholr exclusive specialties aro montlonod hero and when you havo found theso you will havo found tho answer to this num ber: Oliver Chlllod and Stool plows, Rushford wagons, Clark and Michigan buggies, Doorlng harvest ing machinery. Monarch, Majestic, Round Oak and Universal stoves and rangos. Full lino of hnrdwaro in all lines, and every piece of mer chandise thnt goes out from this houso will bo found reliable. Glvo namo nnd location. ' 87. Wade, Pearco & Co., 204 North Commercial street. NUMBER 58 This Is tho Blioo storo on Com mercial streot which cnrrlos tho big gest lino of loggers' and drivers' shoos In tho city. Tho samo storo has n general lino of footwear for overy mombor of tho family, from baby to grandma, Tho samo storo has a flno repair department, Tho samo store has boon doing business In this olty for ton yonrs and tholr word on tho quality of this or that shoo has boeu found to bo good. Tho same storo has n big stock of tho Orogon City Capon shoo, a prod uct that has morit for tho prlcoi nskod. This same storo has a big stock nnd a big trndo. Tho proprl tor's namo has only four lottors In It, nnd he cpnstdora this onough name for any storo. Glvo namo and location. 58. Jacob Vogt, 220 North Com mercial street, NUMBER 80 From tho namo of tho Institution. You would think its buBlnoss was to sell teas and coffees; and thov do soil them, air lota of them, their own special blonds that havo found a foot hold In tho homoa of the people of Salom nnd all the surrounding country. But tlysy have ton times as much value in beautiful crockery, out glass, silverware, etc. On these they have a large trade. A poap Into their little cut glass palace In the rear will fill you with admiration if you are a lover of the beautiful They have a large storo, 30x100 and It Is filled with a beautiful array of thee article, kitchen and (Hntur They' with salcd of -coffee, tea, extract spices, etc. What Is tho name and location off this enterprising storo? 50. Yokohama Tea Co., 174-170 North Commercial street. NUMBER 00 Any sort of a portrayal of the business Interests of Salem without mention of this Institution would bo incomplete. It was established a good many years ago and has been under its present excellent manage ment , for years. It gives constant employment to fifty people. The "know how" Is everything In this business as much or more so than In any other line. All you havo to do Is to "put your duds In our suds" and they come out white and clean. Havo your money ready In about three days and the transaction is complete. It will be strange Indeed If you can not glvo tho name and location of this institution ..00. Snlom Laundry Co., 130-100 South Liberty street. NUMBER 01 You nre asked to namo and locate a leading Joweler of Salom. Thero may bo larger Jewelry stores In Ore eon but nono moro tastefully fitted. It has beautiful tile floor, lovely fix tures and nn elegant stock of diamonds, walchea, silverware, cut glass, and a varied assortment of Jewelry and precious stones of all kinds. They are also opticians here, thoroughly certificated and comne tent to fit lenses to the eye scientifi cally, Tho owner of this store also owns the building. His name is found in bold relief In the tile en franco. Ho has been doing business In Salem twenty years. He has been twelve years In this building. Was formerly on Commercial street in a building which he still owns. The purchaser of goods In this line Is al most dependent upon tho reputation of tho dealer, therefore It is worth something to havo theso years of ex perience behind the goods ono buys 01. 8. W. Thopson & Co., 372 State street. NUMBER 02 Twenty'-ono years In the real estate business In Salem. That is the record of the senior in this firm. In that time ho has put many a man in tho way of getting rich from the rich lands of tho Willamette valley. Thero aro still opportunities open, Just as good as havo ever existed. In this firm there are three men' all wearing tho samo name. There is no real estate firm in the city which has a better general and spe cific knowledge of the character and resources of tho valley, Its adapt ability for varied cultivation, and Its land value. Homeseekers can get rcliablo Information here. Thoy havo a "Cherry Orchard" tract west of the river which they are selling on easy terms. Also write fire Insur ance. Locnl agents for the Oregon Fire Rellof Association of McMlnn- vlllo, also for tho Bankers and Mer chants' Mutual Flro Rellof. Glvo name and location of this firm. 02. 11.. A.. Johnson & Co., 388 Stnto street. NUMBER 03 AVhoro Is located and what Is the namo of tho big cash storo whero jou get tho Brown Shoo Co.'s Whlto Houso shoes for men and women? This Is only ono of their many specialties. Thoy make a specialty of mon's wear of all kinds clotnlng and furnishing goods of all kinds. And on tho other side they outfit tho women. They aro outfitter;! for the wholo family. It matters nor what size tho man, the boy, the woman, or tho girl, they will fit you handsomely and very cheap indeed for tho cash cash cash that one little artlclo which makes the whole world go round. This store ia on a corner which onco fronted a bank. 03. Barnes' Cosh Store, 280-204 North Commercial street. NUMBER 04 Tho blacksmith shop wo aro pa rading before you now has been on this cornor so long thnt were It to movo tho spooks would still hammer away, wo aro not going to toll you how long It has boon horo, but ono of this firm has been pounding away hore for eight years, tho other only ono year. Tho shop is always crowd ed with work, which Is a sure sign that peoplo like tharr "stylo." They do gonornl hlacksmlthlng nnd wood work, horseshoeing In tho most ap proved fashion. Thoy are on Com mercial street. Glvo tho firm namo and number. 04. (Josser A Ruliite, 302, North Commercial street NUMBER 05 A now Jowolry storo and optical parlor forms tho subject of this number. Tho now goods are Just ar riving. In tho front is n good stock of jowolry, wntchos, clocks, otc, and la the rear Is an optical parlor of oxcollont appointments. Ho Is a thorough optician and a first-class watchmaker and Joweler. Ho is a graduate of tho Peoria Watchmakor's school and also of tho Northern 1111 nols Optical college. Ho has had oxporlence In overy detnll and offers to tho public tho vory host service Repair work loft with him will ro colvo tho nttontlon of tho highest skill. Ho has the exclusive handling In this city of Fry's cut glass, a prod net that has many points of oxcel lonco. You nro Invited to seo his selection. Glvo tho namo and loca tion. 05. Alvln T. Powers, 217 X. Coninim-Jnl street. NUMBER 00 Talk about automobiles and gar ages, who was tho first mau to own nn automobllo In Snlom? It was ono of tho owners of this garage and tho mnchlno was an Oldsmobtle, a merry one. Ho has boon following up tho business over since. Around this garage thero Is always something doing, so much so they have boen almost crowded out of houso and homo. But thoy will soon be fixed. Their now garago wll lbo ready for thorn In about one month. It will bo 83x100, solid comont and flro proof. Tho automobllo business la tho com ing business and they are tho coming men In it iu these parts. They are agents for tho Bulck and other standard machines, and thoy nre sell ing them rapidly. Bettor get your order lu quick. Glvo the name of this firm, present location, nnd loca tion of new garage. 00. O. J. Wilson,! M Man ror, 240 X. Commercial St ., Now Garage5, Cor. CnmiiuireinI and Cn ter. Xl'MHKU B7 TliU U out of the lure aud enter- room supplies of all kinds. Hell them very ctuap and give tickets yiUlu Uoihlug lieuce iu .he capit .1 city which has been doing business hero six years. Its slogan In bust noss Is "If It's correct the has It; If tho has it, it's correct." Tho David Adior tailor made garments nre found here, and no whero else In the city. Also tho Ed. V. Price merchant tailor goods largo lino to select from; also tho Men's Everwcar Guaranteed hosiery, tho Knox hats, the Kelser neckwear, tho Florshelm shoe, "for men who caro." They havo many exclusive features for smart dressers. It Is a modern clothing and gent's furnish ing goods store. It Is tho store that requires the double "g" right In tho middle of tho name. Glvo Its namo and location. 07. Tlio Toggery. 107 N. Com mercial street. NUMBER 08 This Is one of Salem's buslnest shoo stores. It Is on Commercial street, and It has been running one year. At this storo they havo tho exclusive sale of the Gotzlan shoo, one of tho best thnt Is made. Ho carries an excellent lino in all grades and sizes for men, women and chil dren. He caAr- fit every member of the family at as Httlo expense as any dealer on tho coast. This storo has a namo, which you aro to give, and also give tho namo of tho proprietor and tho location. In giving the lat ter name you spell two letters of tho name, then rest, and begin again with a capital letter. 08. Tho Lender Shoo Store, A. C. DeVoe, 203 N. Commercial St NUMBER 00 This number represents a woman's store. Of course there are some men who have some style about them, but they aro so few that they aro almost out of tho equation. This store oe gan business after the new year, They havo toilet goods, millinery, hair goods, suits and cloaks, ladies' tailoring, suits, waists, skirts, etc., made to measure. They have every thing for the lady who wants to keep up with the fashions. It Is fast be coming a meeting place for the ladles of class. They are preparing for a large business for tho season wo aro Just about to enter. What is the suggestive name, aud location of this up-to-dato store? 00. Tin, Stylo Craft Shop, 70 a, Commercial street. NUMBER 70 This storo could not be classed as furniture storo nor a hardware store, yet It has some of both Houso furnishings about hits the mark. It has geen a going Instltu tlon here since 1903. He carries a full line of builders' hardware, In cluding nails. It Is the storo whero you get tho Great Western and Charter Oak stoves and ranges, and It Is tho only storo in town that keeps these. He has tho local agency When it comes to stoves and ranges thero nro nono better. He makes vory close prices. You aro to give his name and location. 70. J. A. Patterson, 285 N. .Com mercial street. NUMBER 71 What lumber company Is It which slves you always that prompt delivery when It Is so much desired? They have been associated "with tho up- "ju'.ldlng of this city for years. They are manufacturers of lumber In all dimensions, having extensive mills at a point which to glvo the namo would disclose the Identity. They nro also dealers In shingles, doors, windows, and mouldings everything In wood, and then some ruberold roofing, cement, wood, coal, otc. They have every facility for bringing lumber to the consumer at the lowest possible cost. Give tho name of this company and tho location of tholr city yards. 70. Falls City Lumber Co., Four teenth & Oak streets, and West Sa lom. NUMBER 72 What Is tho name and location of the candy store nnd Ico cream parlor which has tho shortest name and has been n going Institution uader the samo management for th longest period of time, in Salem? They manufacture all their own candles and their own lco cream, Thoy havo been doing this snmo thing for twen ty years. Every day they como up with fresh" goods, tho most dollclous that It Is posslblo to produce. 'Tls tho sweetest story ovor told. They aro right in tho center of tho city Thoy have a beautiful soda fountain and splendid modern fixtures throughout. Candy factory In the rear, lco cream parlor with electric piano, otc. They wholesale their ex cellent lco cream to families, to com--mlttees and to others. It is In great demand. 72. The Spa, 382 State street. NUMBER 73 A genoral storo Is the ono thnt Is before you now for Identification. A groat many people aro discovering that It Is not necessary to gravitate to tho business center to get tholr supplies. As n mntter of fact many have discovered that they can save money by avoiding tho high rents of tho congested districts of the city. This storo carries everything just as good and sometimes a Httlo bettor than tho down town stores, nnd still Its plnco of business Is considerably oast of tho business center. They havo been selling goods horo for sev eral years and they havo n largo trado. Thoy also operate a feed storo, where can be purchased grain, hay, mill feed and grass Beeds at the lowest prices. Dollvery to all parts of tho city. What Is tho name and location of this firm? 3. C. E. Lebold Co., 1144 and 1100 State street. NUSIBER 74 This number represents ono of the Industries of Salem about which thero has not boen much said but which puts out about 2,500 to 3,000 fine angora rugs each year, and these nro scattered all over tho country. They do a wholosalo business. They havo boen running this Industry six years. They also tan fancy furs, wool rugs and leathers. Also deal In hides, peltries, tallow and sal soda, and manufacture soap. Their brands of soap are Savon, Jumbo and Pride of Oregon. Their Angara rugs Is tho largest item of their business and they are as pretty as ono of Barnum's zebraB. Give the name and locatlou of this firm. 'I. O. Iju-hWe .VI Co., 1230 Per- ry street. NUMIIHK 75 Tali number la to represent aa architect who has made the Capital City hie home lHCe 130S. He la -leru in bis ideas, and h!n mniretenre ntiiwt.i bv the firt i i 1k u . i .t , for eleen, different stato buildings. He is the present architect on tho Hotel Marlon, which will speak for Itself and tho Capital City when It Is opened, which Is now not very far In the future. Ho mado tho plans for tho Tuberculosis building for the state, soon to be oc cupied. Tho Eckerlln building on Liberty street, and tho Calln & Linn building on Stato street are his production. Glvo the namo and of fice location. 75. LouIh R. Hnzcltine, Murphy Block, corner Slnto and Commercial. NUMBER 70 This is one of Salem's growing manufacturing institutions which had its birth flvo years ago. It is located at a point where "church" and "com merce" come together. They manu facture flour and mill feed, a splen did breakfast cereal and Graham flour. This mill has a capacity of eighty barrels of flour dally. It is nicely equipped, kept strictly clean and In good condition. Tho men be hind tho rollers are both good millers, and they aro alwayB on the Job. They ship to all surrounding points and have a large trado locally. The namo, of those, mills is what It might bo expected to be, being located in Salem. You aro to give the .name of the mills, tho name of .the firm, and the namo of the exce"lont brand of flour they produce, also the name of their breakfast cereal. 70. Capital City Mills, Boeder & Hambclton, corner Church nnd Trade streets, Perfection Flour, Cream Cereal. NUMBER 77 You surely must know of this ex cellent beer, brewed In this city and marketed here, the best for the table, 'tis generally said, for purity, age and a very good head. Tho doctors say: "For an appetizer, drink this beer; you can do no wiser. Therein the ex tract of malt you will find, which Is food for the body and good for the mind. Of alcohol there Is almost a dearth, which as you know, further adds to Its worth." Therefore, my friends, If you suffer with thirst, think of this firm on Commercial first. 77. Salem Beer, Salem Brewery Association, 208 S, Commcrclnl. NUMBER 78 A new cleaning and dyeing, works havo just opened for business. Do you know where they are, and .can you give the name under which they operate? Also give the name of the firm. This institution Is equipped with the most modern and up-to-date machinery. They clean and dye everything. They send nothing away. It Is an industry that all should patronize. In addition to cleaning and dyeing men's and women's gar ments of all kinds they do lace cur tains, portlers, couch covers, piano covers, blankets, furs, plumes, gloves, etc. They guarantee their work, and no one need be afraid to give them a chance at It; for they have both the experience and equipment to do the work right. 78. City Cleaning and I'yeinH Works. B. F. Smith nnd F. O. Grove, 102 Twelfth street. NUMBER 70 Do you smoke? If you do you un doubtedly will know the names of the three leading cigars manufactured by this home cigar factory. They are good sellers respectively at 12, 10 and 5c each. They are made In a cigar factory which has commodious rooms in the heart of the city, on tho second floor. Five men are employed here. This factory has been a part of the business life of Salem for 21 years. Tne market ror tneso cigars Is largely at home and you will find them In nil live, wide-awake cigar stands. They are tne nest ror tne monoy that can be manufactured You aro to glvo the names of these cigars, tho namo of tho factory, the name of tho proprietor, and tne loca tlon. Now get busy. 70. Tashmoo, La Caronn, Our Champion, Salem Cigar Factory, August Huckcstcltt, 123 N. Commcr clnl street. NUMBEJR HO Hore lives a man who don't refuse to mako or mend your boots nnd Bhoes, whoso leather Is good, whose work Is quick, and ho gives no tick, and when he dies he rears no coals for ho has saved so many soles. Be sides, your feet he will relievo from corns and bunions you'd scarce ne Heve; thirty years experience he has had; he'll keep your feet from going to the bad. Not for from commercial he will be found, If your feet or foot wear trouble . ist look around. Give his name and location. A trial of his Instop supports will convince the most skoptlcnl. Irvln, 352 Cheme 80. Dr. 1). B. kctn street. NUMBER 81 Thero Is a llvo grocery firm on the south sldo, which Is doing a thriving business. 'They started in business a year ago last May, and they hnve been gathering forco ever since, until now tholr trade Is very prosperous. t!av n-e out of tho (Mstr'et of high rents and are able to sell on very closo margins. They havo a large trado with the farmers as well as with tho people of that section of tho city. Their Magnolia Blend of coffee at 25 cents is said to bo tin equal of many blends that sell at 35c. Their Diamond W steel cut coffee at 40 conts, 2 pounds for 75c, Is a perfct coffee. Give tho name nnd location of this enterprising firm. 81. Polsal & Shaw, corner Com mercial nnd Miller streets. NU.MBER 82 All men who havo grain and hay and feed, either to sell or to buy. will know this Institution readily. He is a wholesale and retail dealer In grain, hay, mill feed, rolled oats, rollod barley, alfalfa meal, etc. He has a largo feed mill and manufactures his own feed and does custom grinding. He hns been doing business htve for six years. His establishment Is very complote. He keeps grinding nil the time and does a big business. The farmers for many miles around the Capital City are his customers, and his trado with everybody who uses those staples Is extensive. What Is his name and location? 82. V. F. Buclmer, 887 S. Com inerrlal street. NUMBER 83 What is the name and lqcatlon of the popular hotel of the Capital City? Where they please you with the beet meals In the city for the price. Break fast, dinner and supper coifr" each time aa a pleasant surprlae to tbe ap petite, lu uch a home-like way. go ing unerringly to the hungry spot i:'a tbui Je.lgUt so much appreciated, by tho epicure. Everything sarved is first-class, and it is always njcely served. Good rooms .at this hotel, also, always clean nnd well kept, nicely furnished nnd always a Joy to the traveler. This, house does a largo commercial business and no ono ever departs with a "grouch." Right on the car line, and to get tho car to atop It Is not necessary to pull the bell. The electric trains are also very handy to this hotel. 83. Hotel Salom, corner Stato nnd High streets, NUMBER 81 Fresh and cured meats are the bill of faro at this wide-awake market which Is located In one of Salem's out lying business centers, Tho market has had an existence two years but on tho first of March this year It came under new management. A new citi zen from the Hawkeyo state, In Ore gon ono year, took hold, and he Is having a fine trade. He is a butcher who knows his business and he is meeting with flattering success. It you aro in Salem's business center you will have to cross tho bridge to find this market. Glvo his name and location. 84. J. B. Grnetlnger, 1101 S. Commercial street. NUMBER 85 This is ono of Salem's live blvk- smlths. He came to this city last fall, bought a fine property on Commercial street, 75x80, blacksmith shop on the corner and residence next door. Ho Is doing a good business, and those wno nave become his patrons are glad he came. Ho Is a thorough workman nnd turns his work out In tho best tylo known to the true mechanic. He Is also a farrier of good reputation, and he does whole lot of horse shoeing. Give the name and location. 85. W. A. Powell, comer S. Com mercial nnd Bush streets. NUMBER 80 What is tho name of the bank which recently began oa its second 25-year charter. It began business In 1885, with a capital of $75,000, recently Increased to $100,000.00 national bank and has circulating notes out amounting to $53,400. The deposits In this bank aggregate $973,343.78, according to Its official report to tho Comtroller of Currency made at the close of business June 30, 1910. The total resources of this bank aro put down at $1,144, 693.27. They occupy a splendid stone building of their own, admir ably fitted for their business, from the front window of which peers out ono of those largo spherical burglar proof safes. The directorate of this bank Is one of the strongest In the city, and the bank Is one of tho soundest and best managed on the coast. Its business Is rapidly ex panding. 80. Capital National Bank of Salem, Oregon. NUMBER 87 A ladles' store managed by ladles two Who have many things to show to you. They have all kinds of notions, up- to-date, And novelties that are really very late. The only place where you can buy, Three things recommended very high. One is the "Oregon Wonder Washer" great, Which Is to dirt a deathly fate. Then those Patterns known as "Pic torial Review" The latest and best the ladles ever know. The other Is "Columbia Records In destructible", Which to your purse Is not cor ruptible. 87. Tho Golden Rule Bnfjiar, Mrs, B. T. Swart, 271 N. Commcrclnl NU.MBER 88 What Is the namo -of the firm in Salem who have tho agency for the 80. John O. Borr Company, cor ner Stato nnd Liberty streets. NUMBER 00 There is no mercantile Institution which presents a moro pleasing as pect than an up-to-dato harness and leather goods storo, and there Is no namo better Identified with that lino than this ono. This Institution haa been a going Institution hero for forty-ono years. It was established In Its present location in 1869. Tho man a) the head of this Iioubo haa the largest continuous record In this business of any man on this coast. Ho Is the pioneer business man of Salem. Everything that Is needed to completo the wardrobe of the horse Is here found and th-n some. All kinds of leather, goods, suit cases,, purses, gloves, saddles, whips, robes, and turf goods of overy description. They aro heavy manufacturers at this store, working three men all the tlmo. They manufacture all their harness, being fully equipped for that purpose. The storo Is under the same management now as at the be ginning. Glvo Its name d bsatlon. 00. E. S. Lamport Snddlory Co., 210 N. Commercial street. NUMBER 01 This company said let thero b& light and there was light In a good many places over tho Willamette val ley. They aro sole distributers for Oregon for the Acetyleno gas light ing plants, tho Gloria Instantaneous Gasoline Lighting system and the Ideal Incandescent Oil Burner. These are all valuable additions to tho comforts and pleasures of llfo. especially for those who live out of reach of the electric lights. Indeed for reasons of economy they have been adopted In many places where tho electric lights havo been dis placed. Give tho namo and location of this company and call and learn something about tho subject of "light." 01. Instantaneous Light Co., 385 Stato street. NUMBER 02 Tls the sweetest story ever told. This big candy store and factory is before you for identification. It is tho place whore they have tho seats that look like a Mission school and serve the most delicious lco cream and frozen dainties of alLklnds, sum mer drinks In great variety, candles that are pure and fresh, made every day. Thoy will treat you nlcely here. You are always welcome to enter. The candles made by this Institution have a reputation through out the valley as being tho best that are made. A large lively business Is done. The name of the proprietor sounds like Christmas times the year around. Give nnrae and loctlon. 02. Claude S. Belle, 233 N. Com mercial street. NUMBER 03 One of the most active real estate agencies in the city has commodious offices on the second floor over a prominent department store. They Hst, sell and purchase all kinds of clty and farm property, and make a speci alty of subdividing large farms and selling them In small tracts on easy terms. They also make a specialty of loaning money for residents and non-residents on first mortgage. This agency has been doing business In Salem for 18 months and recently was Incorporated and placed on a footing to do business on a larger nnd. better scale. They represent the Equitable Savings and Loan Associa tion of Portland. What Is tho namo and location of this company? 03. John H. Scott Co., upstair. comer Commercial nnd Court streefs Now Is the Time to Commence. Your kidney trouble may be of long standing, It may be either acute or chronic, but whatever It Is Fo ley's Kidney Remedy will aid you to get riu or it quicKiy and restore Dost line or pianos and Interior your natural health and vleor player-pianos? They have the Hal es "One botlo of Foley's Kidney Rem Bros., the Chrlsman, tho Foster, the edy mndo me well," said J. SlbbulT Armstrong, tho Pease, the SKonlnger, of Grand View, Wis. It will cure The Becker Bros., and others. They your kidney and bladder disease, have been selling pianos In Salem for and restore your natural strength twelve years. Many a home has been; and vigor. Commence taking It made happy by their efforts, and the happiness thus purchased paid for In small Installments. Yon don't have to wait till you get enough money to buy a piano. Pay for It while you are using it. This firm also handles the Columbia Talking Machines and records. Qlve their name and location. 88. Wenger & Cherrilngton, 217 N. Commercial street, NUMBER 80 Who aro tho diamond specialists of this city? They have been estab lished here for a quarter of a cen tury, being the oldest Jewelry store In the city. In that time they have acquired the reputation of being thoroughly reliable. This is rn im portant consideration in selecting a diamond or other precious stone, as tho average person is dependent up on tho counsel of the seller. At this storo you will find reliable watches, clocks, and Jewelry of all kinds. They also havo a beautiful line of cut glnss, silverware, and many beau tiful specialties. They also do manu facturing and repairing In all Its branches. Tho "W-W-W" set rings come from this store the sots are guaranteed never to come out. Glvo tho name and location of this prom inent Institution. and more vigorous than before, now. Red Cross Pharmacy, H. Jer man, prop. Could AVorry Johnson. New York, Sept. S. Sam Lang ford can make Jack Johnson go some, In the opinion of Referee Charlie White, who officiated at tho recent unpleasantness with Joe Jean etto In Boston. '.'I don't say that Sam could whip Johnson," said White, who returned to New York today, "but ho certain ly can make tho champion extend himself. I never saw such punching as Sara's. He's a marvel." Saved n Soldier's Life. Facing death from shot and shell In the civil war was more agreeable to J. A. Stone, of Kemp, Tex., than facing It from what doctors said was consumption. "I contracted a stub born cold" he writes, "that develop ed a cough that stuck to VBr In snltA- of all remedies for years. Mv weight ran down tn tan nnnnrta Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery, which completely cure mo. I now weigh 178 pounds." For EGISTER REGISTER The books closo for registration for tho primaries September 13, 11 days boforo tho primary election. If you roglster otherwise than as a Republican or Democrat, you !osa your vote, as there are no candi dates at the primaries other than man registered Independent cannot vote at tho primaries. At the gen eral election however, you can vote at you please, but the big battle will be fought at the primaries, so get out and register. Do not delay, a tho last day for registration beforo- Republlcans and Democrats and a tho primaries is September 13. "IF YOU WANT TC PLEASE A MAN feed tho brute" Is an old saying. If you want to put your husband In such good humor that ho will stand for that new dress or bonnet, set beforo hlra a pleco of our oholoe tender roast beef. We never knew a man who rul:t rfue RnythlR? bis wife want ed after eating such delicious meats. Worth a trial any way. E. C. CROSS