Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 08, 1910, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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day announces a iiotcI and in
teresting competition, the basis
of which is fnntlllarity with Sa
lem commercial life nnd practi
cal acquaintance with her var
ious Arms and business houses.
A numl)cr of questions arc
naked. Who will answer them?
As will bo noted, several attrac
tive prizes nro offered as a stim
ulus to competition.
Answers, to bo correct, must
hnvo firm names correctly
spelled and In tlio usual stylo of
tlio firm natno. By this iw meant
that it will not 1x3 sufficient to
merely say "Smith's" or
"Smith's Grocerj'i" when tho
firm's namo and stylo Is "John
D. Smith & Rro." Where the lo
cation or street number is asked
for it must not bo omitted. For
"location" givo tho street num
ber or numbers, where possible.
Tlio correct answers tho
various questions nro already on
flic at tills office, and in each
Instance have been furnished
by tho firms themselves, so
thero may be no chance for dis
pute. Competition closes Thursday,
September 8. Answers will bo
numbered consecutively as they
arrive, and tlio first one re
ceived tlint is correct will re
ceive tlio first prize, and so on.
Legibility and neatness will al
so bo figured in tho oontcst-
Tliis will bo republished next
week with the correct answers,
together with tho list of prize
winners. Every man, woman
nnd cliiid who reads Oils is wel
come to enter the competition,
except employes of tlio CAPI
TAL JOURNAL and theUr fami
lies. All answers must be
sealed and signed with full
nnmo and address.
Address all answers to
What big furniture store In this
city do you go to to buy Globe-Wer-
nicke offico furniture, vudor ver
anda furniture, South Bend Mallea
ble ranges, Caloric Cookers, Kaiser's
Western views, and manr oth
specialties that can not be found
eslewhere in this city? This store
is furnishing the new Hotel Marlon
from top to bottom: This store has
been handing out the bargains to
tho Newly Weds, tho New Comers,
and to each and all who had need
for them for fifteen years past. It
fills three floors, 80x100 feet. They
have everything- to furnish the
home. It is different and larger
than all the other furniture stores,
They havo excellent show rooms and
they delight to have people come
just to look. You are to give the
name and street number of this big
and enterprising establishment.
1. Hureii & Hamilton, H40 Court,
What is tho namo of the bakery
that has been doing business at the
old stand for a quarter of a century?
Tho output of this bakery is larger
than that of any other bakery in tho
city, and the quality the very high
est. All bread is baked out of flour,
but the fact that some of it is su
perior to others is proof that the
baking has much to d6 with the
quality. The well known brand of
tkis bakery, the "Butter Nut", has
the seal of quality on every loaf
and nose Is genuine without th
seal. This bakery runs two wagons
dolly to all parts of the city, and
tloy ship by express to surrounding
towns. They aro "way-up" on cakes
and pastry, too. Giro namo of bak
eyr ad location.
3. California Rkery, .147 Court.
Any sort of review of Salem's In
dustrial and commercial Institutions
would be incomplete without men
tion of this great lumber concern,
although its Identity cannot bo dis
guised. It was established here In
1905. It gives employment to 123
men. It manufactures and supplies
Oreaon fir lumber in every dimen
sion. Also lath, shingles, doors,
windows, mouldings, building and
rooflng paper, cement, wall plaster,
lime, sand, gravel, cedar posts, face
brick, fire brick, flro clay, tlio, etc.
They havo mills In this city and ut
Nowburg; sash and door factory at
McMinnvllle, and lumber yards nt
Ittpendence and Albany. It will
riot bo necessary to emphasize the
fact that they aro In position to fur
nish building materials direct from
producer to consumer. Give the
namo of this company.
. Tlio Clins. K. Spnuldlng Log
ging Company.
What Is the name and where Is lo
cated tho newest and most modern
carnce in the city? There is every
facility for the proper repairing and
taking care of automobiles. This
garage was only camploted this year.
They occupied a part of it last year,
but now It Is complete and doing n
big business. At this garage they
sell the world's champion long dis
tance car. Do you know what car
that Is? It made a 10..000 mile non
stop run Maxwell. The engine ran
continuously for over C24 hours. A
car that will do thnt Is a good ono
to tie to. Also handlo the Columbia,
gas and electric, and can furnish a
car from $700 to $3,800. If you
nre expecting to buy a car they will
be glad to havo you call at this gar
age and let them demonstrate for
von. They have the cars and can
delivor them. A 1911 model now
on exhibition. Give tho namo of the
manager here.
4. Salem Auto Garage, 2.2 State
street, J. F. Priclis.
What Institution In Salem comes
Into the mind very readily when
thero is a fence to build, n gate In
swing, or something of that sort?
They manufacture fencing to order.
or sell the Amer'cen or the Elwood
fence, for farm, field and ornnmen-
tal pumoses. Any kind of a fence
vou want you will find it here and at
tho int yicp Thv p'ko man"-
fatcure and sell farm aud aid
gates, and deal In poultry netting,
I shingles and roofing. The latest
j anu most nppruvuu uuu uuruuiu nop
baskets are also manufactured in
this establishment. It is ono of th?
live industries of the capital city,
and Is under vigorous management,
which is reaching out for trade in all
directions. Give namo of works,
namo of proprietor, and location.
5. Salem Fence Works, Cilns. D.
Mulligan, 250 Court street,
What Is tho name of tho oldest
and largest bank in Salem? This
bank has been a bulwark fn the
financial history of tho Willamette
valley sinco tl)o early days. The
date of its orglnnl entry into, busi
ness life was away back in 1868
when . Gon. Grant was running for
president the first time. The last
official report t this bank shows to
tal resources aggregating $2,450,
103.15. Its capital stock Is $500.
000. Notwithstanding they pay no
Interest on deposits and carry no city,
county or state deposits, these
amounted to $1,940,603.45. Tho
statement showed that they had at
that tlmo $521,816.18 In actual cash
in their vaults, and almost an equal
amount duo from banks, which is
the same as cash. This Is undoubt
edly the kind of a bank tho cautious
depositor Is In search of.
0. Ladd & Rush, bankers.
This paragraph represents the
leading implement house of the cap.
ital city. Wo will name some of the
goods they keep and then you aro to
give Its name and location: John
Deere and Mollne vehicles and wa
gons, McCormlck harvesting machin
ery, Aultman & Taylor engines and
separators and clover hullere, Ken
tucky drills and seeders, Interna
natlonal gasoline engines, John
Deere and Benicla Hancock disc
plows, John Deere and Syracuse
plows, New Home and Wheeler &
Wilson sewing machines nnd nee
dles, oils and parts for all machines
This big house has been doing bus!
ness here eight years. One partner
has retired. They aim to have
everything in the way of tools for
the farmer, and thoy make the pries
right, what Is the name and loca
S. A. Manning, 200-210 State,
Where is tho meat market that
has tho metal lining on the sides
and roof? No microbes there. A!
so give the name of the proprietor.
It has been under Its present man
agement since the first of June this
year. Handles all kinds of fresh and
cured meats, sausages, lard, etc.,
and has a big trade. It Is the little
market with the big business. You
don't have to go galavantlng off to
the suburbs to find it: it is right
close to the business center. When
you go In you will find yourself look
lng Into somo fine plate glass show
cases dominated by cold storage. It
It one of the best places in the city
to get good meats.
8. Tlio People's Mnrket, 173 S
Commercial street, J. Hansen
Name and locate the plumber who
has been doing business In Salem
for nineteen years, and who Is the
manufacturer of " 's Economy
Boiler," which has a reputation of
being the best heater for any kind
of a building. Ho has put In hun
dreds of them in nnd around this
city and they all give perfect satis
faction. He does all kinds of plumb
lng and tinning, employs a number
of men, and is "on the job" nil tho
timo himself. His masterful eye
sees that overy man does his work
right. He will give employment ti
no othor kind. It will be wisdom
for you to let this man figure on
your Job. Nothing adds to the com
forts of a house more than good
plumbing, and from him you will be
sure to get It,
O. Theo. M. Bnrr, 104 South Com
mcrclal street.
The Industry of cleaning and reno
vating clothing has grown to large
proportions in every city. Clothing
s made to look liko new and double
tho wear is obtained thereby, with
no violence to the personal appear
ance. Tho house under discussion is
ono thnt does it right. They also do
dyeing, altering and repairing of all
kinds, for both ladles nnd gentle
mon, and guarantee their work to
give perfect satisfaction. This
houso has a familiar name which
you are to give, also tho name of
the proprietor and tho location. In
writing the name of this institution
you will give Salem's relation to
Oregon, and in finding the location
you may strike a llvo wire crossing
the railroad.
10. Tho Capital Pressing Parlors,
James Bradley, 130 South High.
What Is the namo and location of
the large new music honse? The
company is an incorporated ono
with amplo capital to handle tho
business to the greatest advantage
They havo a very large line of
pianos, organs, talking machines,
records, and musical merchandise o'
nil kinds. They also have the Sing
er sowing machine agency for Sa
lem and aro going to make things
Interesting all along the line. They
have a splendid now storo and overy
facility to do business in the most
J satisfactory manner. The store room
is 24x86, nicely fitted throughout.
You aro Invited to search them out
and havo a "look In," They sell the
Baldwin lino of pianos, splendid in
struments, all prices, on easy pay
ments. 11. Salem Music Co., 135 North
Liberty street.
Whore is the place In Salem to get
an Kinus of building materials ce-
"j san grTveT
an kinds 0f brick, chimney and
."n.o,. n'ne, fire clay, fire brick.
drain tlio, etc.? Tho samo company
re hustlers in the transfer business,
hauling everything from a trunk to
a load of cemont. This Institution
has been a going one for many yes
but there has been a slight change
in name. They oeeupy a large ware
room In the nearby manufacturing
district of the oltv. having n office
onn r-rnr. Thv wiM give very
Uuse uiko uu mo kiud i i,.i..dms'
The Prize Winners
Mrs. II. II. Turner, cash $15.00
John S. Turner, one Month's Scholarship iu Capital Bust
ness College $10.00
Martha E. Wolz, One Dozen Photos, Trover's Studio $5 00
T. Utter, Millinery Order, McNeel Sisters $5 00
i .
material or transfer woijc. Give the floors, a large basement and commo
namo of company and location. i dlous balcony at the disposal of the
12. Capital Improvement Co., 200 saies department of this institution
South Liberty street. i anl every foot of space is going to
x-rmrrum 11 bo fl,n of nlce things. Somo of this
raw i. iiT,. j , . furniture house's, exclusive features
. J Si K inh are: Gunn Sectional book cases
f,mfK,n?i,fMh,lPIwn office furniture, .Montgomery
which It is located?
Lm A
has been a going institution hero
for eighteen years. Eleven years
ago it commenced In Its present
stand. Prior to this tlmo it was lo
cated down near the S. P. station
where fire made short work of the
plant. At this shop they are pre
pared to do all kinds of machine
work, making a specialty of thresh
ing engines and farm machinery
They also do repairs on automobiles
and marine engines. The equipment
is of a high class and the workmen
of tho highest 'skill. You will also
give the namo of the manager,
13. Liberty Machine Shops, 178
Soutli Liberty street, E. M. Kiglit
What Is the name and location of
one of the oldest liverymen in tho
city, and what is the namo of the
stables? He has been following this
business in Salem for thirty years
the last eight years in hla present
stand, which Is one of tho largest
and best equipped barns in the city,
He has sixteen head of livery horses
and keeps 32 boarders. You can
get any sort of a rig you want here,
and you can tell by the way the sta
ble looks that It will go out clean
and in good shape. It is a fact that
you can tell a good liveryman the
first time you drive out in ono of
his rigs. There is always something
to give the "slipshod" man away be
fore you have gone a block. This
stable Is up-to-date in every partic.
ular. Give name of tho stables,
name of proprietor and location.
His name Is not very "high" but he's
on a ' high" street.
14. W. S. Low, Capital Stables
corner High and Ferry streets.
Horseshoeing nothing else
that is the business of this well
known Institution which wears
French name and does business on a
street that Is anything but "low
That they know how at this place
goes without saying. Any man thar.
specializes in this day and age Is tho
man that is competent and thor
ough. It has been fourteen years
slnco this institution began making
history In Salem. The men em
ployed are the most skillful to bo
found in fact ho will havo no oth
cr kind, and then tho proprietor Is
always "on the job" himself. He
will send for and deliver your
horses, and when they havo beeu de
livered you will have to admit that
they have had tho best Job of shoo-
lng you havo ever seen. Give the
name of tho short namo of pro
prietor, and the location.
15. LaMode Shoeing Forge, Ira
Jorgensen, 1QO-150 High street.
Tho records of scientific progress
do not furnish a more marked ex
ample of advancement than In tho
study and practice of veterinary d's-
eases. Tho diseases of all domestic
animals are now Included in most of
tho collogo courses, whereas a few
years ago only horses and cattle
were considered as coming within
proper scope. This paragraph rep
resents a firm of veterinarians who
are thorough and up-to-dato In both
theory and practice. Ono of tho
firm hns had four years' experience
In practice hero, is a graduate of
tho Ontario Veterinary College. The
other joined himself to the firm this
spring, coming fresh from the same
college. Tho former has "V. S." to
tils name and tho latter "V. a. JJ.
V. Sc." Their offico Is in connection
with a livery stable, and their ser
vices are always In demand. Give
the names of each, and location of
10. Korinek & Ken well, corner
High nnd Ferry ftreetn.
What Is the name of the company
which leads In buying and packing
prunes? And where is their office?
It is wise to caution against going
by the. city directory in all cases
This company, whose namo roads
moro like a firm, has neen aoing
business in this line for a number of
years. They pay the hignost price
the market will Justify nnd thoy
ship n car load lota to Jobbors nil
over the world. This year they ex
pect their output will aggregate
over ono hundred cars. Tho reputa
tion of the Oregon prunes Is very
high In the world's markets, and
this firm takos great caro in their
packing to sustain nnd increase thnt
prestige. They have packing house
In Salem and Rpseburg.
17. TillMm it Co., Inc., 510 State
TI not painted wood nor polished
stone, bnt heerts and furniture that
make 'he home. This paragraph
represents one of Salem's large fur
niture stores the buyer for wnicn
has just returned from a visit to
the big furniture oxpositlons in
progress at Chicago and Grand Ra
pids. Of course he caught many
new ideas which will be shown In
thf rr 'oadf of good" that arr. Jut
beg nnlng to arrive. There ure two
1 tnoies, I'uiirann uevoiving seat Da-
,y.?.nPrt!: Smith-Davis iron beds,
White Manufacturing Co.'s dressers
and bed room furniture, Cadllac Li
brary tables. Park Mill carnots. RIes
Lace curtains, Standard wall papers,
Acorn stoves and ranges, and so on.
Thero Is no end to the good things
here. They are complete house fur
nishers. You are to give the namo
and location.
18. Imperial Furniture Co., 177
North Liberty street.
This paragrngh represents an old
mercantile Institution in Salem, but
It passed Into new control the first
of the present year. Tho lino Is
grain, hay, feed, flour, seeds, poul
try supplies, etc., wholesale and re
tall. A very large stock is carried
and the scopo of the business is
very large. You will know this stow
by the Cycle Hatcher and tho X-ray
Incubators, for which they havo tho
exclusive agency In this city. They
also have the exclusive sale of Con
key's poultry remedies, tho best
manufactured. Anything needed In
tho above list of supplies will be
found at th's storo and always at
tho lowest market price. Glvo the
name and location.
10. II. William Thiclscn, 151
101 North High street.
What is tho namo and location of
the veterinary surgeon who has
been practicing tho profession here
for eighteen years? Ho Is a gradu
ate of the Royal College of London,
England. He treats all domestic
an'mals, horses, cattle, dogs, cats,
chickens anything that has a tall
to wag. He Is doubly reinforced by
his years of practice, added 'to his
scientific education In ono of tho
largest institutions in tho world. He
enjoys a clientele which keeps him
very busy. If you nro the dwnor of
animals of any kind It will pay you
to make a note of his name and ad
dress in your address book. The
namo is not "short" at all.
20. W. Long, 100 Soutli High.
Thero is a home manufactured
brand of paints In Salem. What is
it and where are tho works located-'
Thoy manufacture paints, stains,
111 ore, shellacs and wall tints, and
aro wholosolo and rofnll dealers In
varnishes and painters' supplies' of
an Kinus. rney nave been mnnu
fatcuring for two years past. That
word in tho name of tho company
which you will not comprehend its
meaning la simply tho name of a
city In Italy from which tho minora!
suBbtanco that makes for such excel
lence In tho durability of paints is
Imported. By patronizing this In
stitution you got tho best and most
durable product and glvo aid to tho
up-bulldlng of a home Institution.
21. Oregon Sienna Mineral Paint
Co., 550 Trade street.
What do you know about Chiro
practic, for. tho euro of all kinds of
dlsoasos? It is a form of hoallng
that is making rapid strides, and It
stands every ono In hand to famll
larlzo himself with Its tonots. It Is
in lino with advanced thought and
many patients nre bolng benefitted
daily by its application. Salem has
nn able representative of the theory
and practlco and you aro to give his
name and location. Chlronract c ia
based on a correct knowledge of the
nerves. It adjusts all displacements
and allows tho innato bulldor to re
construct tho brokon down tissue.
No drugs or knives nro used In Chir
opractic treatment. Consultation
nnd examination aro freo.
22. Dr. II. S. Stone, rooms 400-
08 U. S. National Hank Hulldlng.
Up off tho street In a modern
building sorved by a reliable eleva
tor, will bo found this modern insH
tution, conducted by two young la
dies recently from tho oast. They
cater to tho improvement of tho per
sonal and physical appearance- of
tholr patrons. Thoy havo two de
partments ono of chiropody, man
icuring, scalp troatmont, shampoo-
ng, hair dressing and facial treat
ment of all kinds, permanently re
moving superfluous hair, birth
marks, warts and molos, Tho othor
Is tho giving of Bako Oven baths.
salt glows, French oils and oloctrlc
rubs, mighty good for rheumatism
poor circulation nnd nervous trou
bles. In tho oast many people aro
glvlngtmore attention to this sort of
treatment rather than so much
drugs. Thoy are very benoflolal to
all. What Is tho namo and location
of this Institution?
23, Elite Massage and Beauty
Parlors, entrance mini 301 U, S. Na
tional Hunk Building.
What large furniture establish
ment In the Cherry City carries the
Arcadian Malleable and Real Estate
ranges? This ' furniture house haa
been a going Institution here for
over six years and has recently tak
en In a new portner TIipv rn com
plete hous,- furnishers. Tiielr sla
gan Is "Hotter goods, less money."
Thoy havo a big stock of furniture,
carpets, rugs, wall paper, stoves,
ranges, crockery, .otc. Tho man who
loves his homo Is tho man who loves
to buy furnituro but tho stock nnd
prices at this storo aro a temptation
even to tho other fellow. If wo told
you whether this houso was located
on n corner or In the middle of tho
block you would bo able to pick It
out at once. GIvo name and loca
24. Josse
Court street.
& Moore, 307-371
What Is tho name of tho brand of
buttor that gives such universal sat
1st notion in the Capital city? Also
glvo tho name and location of tho
creamery that produces it. Thi3
model institution hns been running
hero three years. Thoy run two-wn-
gons, supplying regularly to a largo
number of tho best families In tho
city their supply of pure milk, cream
and butter. At tho creamery every
thing is perfectly sanitary. Thero is
no instltuption In existence that
takes greater caro for cleanliness
and sanitation. This Is two-thirds
of tho battle in making good butter.
Two energetic young men aro at the
head of this enterprise. Glvo their
25. Buttercup Butter, Capital
Creamery, 383 Court street.
This Is an undertaking establlsh-
i ment which has been taking caro of
the departed for a good many year3.
It has been within the past year that
a partner has been taken into tho
business, nnd the institution Is Just
now going through a renovation by
the painters and decorators. It Is.
being made over Into a moro attrac
tive place. They havo funeral sup
plies of all kinds, have two fluo
hearses. Ono of the firm is a grad
uate embalmer. Thoy are modern
In their ideas of undertaking and
know how to conduct overy phase of
the obsequies with order and decor
um. They havo elegant chapel and
rooms. They aro always the first
office to bo notified when death
comes without doctor's attendance.
What is tho firm namo and location?
20. Lehman & dough, 445 Court
This number represents two live
wires in tho real estate business on
Court street. They havo been in
business threo years, handling nil
kinds of property, farm nnd fruit
lands, timber lands and improved
and unimproved city property. Thoy
havo dono their Bharo of boosting
for Salem and tho Wlllametto val
ley, nnd havo been Instrumental in
locating many people In now homes
and providing others with profitable
investments. They are just now
placing on tho market the Conforth
tract, just south of tho city. It is to
bo sold In smnll acreago tracts on
easy terms. It Is very choice prop
erty. They also handlo loans nnd
'nBiirance, conduct an employment
bureau, have notary public and do
convoyanclng, and are agents for
Trans-Atlantic Steamship Hne3.
Glvo tho namo of the firm and their
27. Ellis & Wood, 470 Court.
Insurnnco that insures, that is the
business of this firm. They repre
sent companies that head tho lists
in their respective lines. Thoy
write flro, marine, accident, and au
tomobile Insurance. Thoy also rep
resent the United States Fidelity
and Guaranty Co. furn'shlng fidelity
and suroty bonds. Some of tholr
flro companies, nro tho Homo of Now
York London and Lancashire, AVeat-
chester, Springflold, Michigan, Hart
ford, Niagara, Queen and Sun all
gllt-edgo, dollar for dollar compniv
1 03, of ample assets and reliability,
Tho insuranco business Is a business.
No man can conduct It Intelligently,
looking safoly after his clients' in
tercsts without making It a clone
and soparato study. Anybody can
write insurunco but 'when tho tlmo
of trouble comes will it bo what you
ought to have? This firm has been
devoting tholr ontlro tlmo to tho
business since 1906. What Is tholr
namo and location?
28. Thiclscn & Rowland, rooms
6, O nnd 10, McCornack block.
This paragraph represents an ex
perlonced votorinurlnn whose name
and location you aro to givo. Ills
alma- mater Is the woll known Mc
Kllllp veterinary school in Chicago,
and to that has beon added about
twelve yoara of actual practlco, prin
cipally in tho state of Michigan. Ho
came to Salom last April, attracted
by our fine climate nnd opportunity
for growth and development. Ho
has established himself in conncc
tlon with a largo feed stablo nnd his
services havo been In demand from
tho start, Ho makes a specialty of
lameness, dentistry, and dlsoasos of
tho foot. Treats all domestic ani
20. W. J. Patterson, M. 1). V.,
420 South Commercial street.
Whoro in -Salem do you got tho
wot goods that go right to tho spot
if you know whoro that Is? ThU
Is a largo wholesale and rotall estab
lishment which has boon a going In
stitution for fifteen yoars. Occupies
two largo rooms. Makes a specialty
of family trndo, delivering to all
parts of tho city In largo or small
quantity at wholosalo prices, Tho
curios In tho window aro of intore&t
nllko to old and new Bottlers. At
this storo thoy can moot tho taste of
tho most critical oplcuro. Every
thing guaranteed under tho govern
ment puro food law, Tho govern
ment sponds many millions of dol
lars to protect you but it Is wasted
unless you do your part. Givo namo
and location.
30. Standard Liquor Co., Inc.,
148-10(1 South Commercial street.
What brand of flour Is It that ap
peals most to the people of the Wll
lametto valley? It will not be much
of a task for you to figure this out
but wo Interpolate tho Important
point hero just by way of Imp rousing
ft on your mind. You are also to
glvo the name of the milling com
pany which produces It. It is the
only large mill In Oregon run by
wator power. It has bun one of the
Institutions of Salom for thlrty-flvo
years. It has been tried by flro nnd
came through brighter and hotter
than. over. Thero la no better lour
maao m tho stato ana it is a satis
faction that people of tho Willam
ette valley roallzo It. More and
moro it Is becoming tho univorsal
custom to demand from the grocer
this brand. Its excellence is pene
trating tho whole stato, and Its mar
ket Is reaching out In all directions.
31. Wild Rose Flour, Salem
Flouring Mills Co.
Who Is the plumber In Salom who
makes a specialty of windmills,
pumps nnd tanks 7 This houso In
times past has probably erected in
this country as many ns five hun
dred windmills. Takes a wholo lot
of wind to run that many windmills,
but think of the powor they develop.
The Aormotor Is tho leader and re
quires less wind than any other.
Tho houso hns changed hands in the
last few years but tho business goes
right on just tho same. Also agents
for tho Porry Water system, for
farmers and everybody. In tho mat
tor of heating houses he can also fit
you out. Give his namo and loca
32. O. 1). Purvlne, 101 Front,
coiner Stnto street.
Who aro tho llvo wires who do a
largo portion of the contract work In
"electrics" all around tho city? And
whoro is their plnco of buslnoss?
Here will be found a lino of electric
fixtures, electric Irons and all klnd3
of electrical supplios. They nre
young men and they havo been do
ing business hero about two years.
They tako all kinds of electrical "con
tracts for houso wiring, installing
motors and electrical fixtures of all
kinds; doing the work on tho big
hotol. Toll them your "troubles"
over tho phono and thoy will rush to
your relief. To spell tho firm nnme
you aro forcod to make tho capital
"H" work ovortimo.
33. II. II. Hunter & Co., 120
South Commercial street.
To whom do you go for cleaning
and pressing when you havo some
delicate fabric which you nro not
willing to entrust to tho ordinary
establishment? The dry or French
cleaning process is ono of-tho impor
tant textile discoveries of recont
years. But tho process is also some
what complex and difficult. This Is
whoro tho mnny years experience
and complote equipmont of this woll
known institution comes in. Thoy
clean everything, both ladies and
gentlemen's work, and thoy do It
right. They also do all kinds of
renovating, rellnlng, otc. They al
so do merchant tailoring, making
high-class homo tailored suits at $25
and up. Nice display of nowa Fall
suitings. Glvo namo and location.
34. 1). II. Moshci, Salem Pressing
Parlors, 404-400 Court street.
Whoro In Salem Is tho placo to
get everything that swims and a
good many things that fly and then
somo? This market has been doing
business hero for nino years. Fresh
flsh, poultry nnd game, and fresh
oggs, ho always has tho best and at
tho lowest prlco. You can get clams,
crabs, oysters, any kind of ocean
foods that aro in market will bo
found hero. Fresh consignments
aro received from Portland and else
whore dally. If you nro fond of n
good dinner you can have ono fit for
a king by patronizing this shop.
Glvo its namo and location.
35. W. S. Fitts, 415 Court street
If you havo boauty, come, I'll take
it; if you have none, come, I'll make
It." This Is tho lncentivo offered by
a certain leading photo studio In
this city. And it goes without Bay
ing that its threshold Is crossed by
hundreds of tho smart set and othor
sots as tho days go by. This studio
is conducted by an Individual who
has had yoars of experience. Tho
class of work turned out is of a
vory high grddo. Portraits aro the,
specialty nnd thoy nro produced In
tho highest stylo known to tho art.
All styles and sizes. Also doos en
larging, outsldo viewing, developing
and printing for amateurs, and In
fact all branches of photography.
You are to givo tho namo and loca
tion. This studio was established In
Salom In 1892. $t has boon in its
present location but two years. It
Is very central on Stnto Btrcot.
B0. Ti-over'H Studio, 442 State.
In giving any sort of a resmme of
tho various business Institutions of
tho capltnl city, it will not bo amiss
to rofor briefly to ono of her under
taking establishments which hns
boon doing buslnoss hero for tho last
twonty years. It will occupy within
a fow days n new and modem build
ing, erected to meet the ldous and
neods of this institution. Nothing
hns been overlooked toward making
this tho most up-to-dato and com-
ploto undertaking establishment in
tho west. Thoro will bo a boautlful
chapel, comfortablo resting rooms,
and n comfortablo homo-like place
throughout. This houso carries
everything In funornl goods, from
vory modorato cost to very oxpon
sivo. Thoy havo throo honrses
Thoy excol in overy branch of un
dertaking. You nro to glvo tin
namo and tho now location.
17. W. T. Rlgdon, 252, N, High.
What is tho namo of tho bank In
Salom which Is tho most exprosslvo
in its scopo, and which, though it
commonced business but six yean
ago, has total resources amounting
to noariy one million dollars. An In
fallible Indication of Its progress is
found In the stnlrstops which fts de
posits havo made nt each official re
port to tho Comptroller of tho Cur
roncy on June 30, oach yoar:
Juno 30, 1905 $ 88,993.11
Juno 30, 1906 194,806.97
June 30, 1907 203.775.8S
Juno 30, 1908 359,454.26
June 30, 1909 462,152.59
June 30, 1910 750,082. 90
The flno B.atorv steel hulldlni:
erected and 0 coup lad by this bank Is
not only a profitable source of in
come but a groat credit to tho capi
tal city. The growth of this bank
bus ben steady, due largely to Us
reputation for strength, solidity and
consorvntlsm, and tho fact that Its
personal lntorest In the welfare ot
Us depositors and its disposition to
extend to them nt ail times every
proper banking accomodation, haa
made of them loyal friends as well
as clients.
38. United States National Bank
of Salem, Oregon.
Thoso who have a sweet tooth dan
get It cured In this popular candy
palaco and ice cream parlor. But
it Is not guaranteed to stay cured.
The best home-made candies aro
found hero fresh overy day. Pass
ing back to the pleasant parlor you
scat yourself at a table and placo
your ordor for tho best Ice cream
nnd frozen dainties in tho land.
They also do a wholesale business.
supplying stores, families and com
mittees throughout tho valley. Tho
goods from this institution stand In
n class by themselves superior In
evory respect, If you havo not tried
thorn you should not allow yourself
to grow oldor without doing so. Give
namo of this institution, and loca
tion. It is on State stroot, but they
servo no more breakfast lunches.
30. Woods' confectionery,. 400
State street.
Among tho several institutions of
learning In Salem thoro is ono
which is growing moro popular
overy day, because It teaches tho
young people how "to do things,"
prepares them to earn good calarle?,
and secures positions for them.
Llfo is a practical business college
of Itself, but tho trouble Is that tho
school of experience Is a good deal
liko locking tho barn door after tho
horse has ben stolen. Tho business
school prevonts many, and softens
tho remainder of the bumps that
aro invariably and successively en
countered In the bitter "school of ex
perience" This well known school
starts a student in ns a bookkeeper.
advances him (or her) to become
principal, nnd by means of practical
business methods, basing everything
on tho dally markets, puts them oh
tholr own resources and educates
tholr business judgment. This
school was tho first in the West to
organize co-oporatlv business
houses In tho sevoral colleges by
which actual business, with Its vol
ume of correspondence Is carried on
for profit of tho students. This
school Is open tho year round, and
tho terms aro very reasonable. Fa
cilities the vory best. Glvo tho
nnmo and location of this Institution.
40. Capital Business College, 437
Court street.
In what large grocery houso in Sa
lem can bo purchased "Davis Best"
flour? It Is tho acmo of perfection
mado from hard wheat and there is
only ono njrocery storo In tho city
whoro It can bo purchased. This
storo carries a complete line of fan
cy nnd Btaplo grocorlea and provi
sions and they have a reputation for
low prices. Thoy have a special
blond of coffee put up under their
own label and It Is having a big salo
at only 25 cents a pound. Tho nemo
ot tho coffee corresponds to that of
tho store. This name is significant
of the Pacific Coast, and is applied
to many lines of Industry all the
way from Seattle to San Diego,
Glvo tho namo and stroot number.
41. Tlio Sunset Grocery Co., 432
Stato street.
A prominent undertaking institu
tion hns such appropriate accomo
dations for taking care of the do
parted that n small reference to
thorn hero Will bo of Interest. Thlt)
olaboito institution was fitted ex
pressly for tho purpose. It afford
an ontrnnco from a residence street
and luxurious resting rooms for
thoso who mourn. No charge for
ombalmtng. A full lino of funeral
supplies Is carried, an excellent
equipmont, the finest hoarso and
casket wagon in tho county, and oth
er accessories necessary for the
decorous laying away of tho loved
ones who pass on. A lndy attend
ant for womon and childron. Glvo
tho namo and location,
42. Cottage Undertaking Parlors,
203 N. Cottage street.
Do you know who sells tho Bar
rlngton Hall coffee and Dr. Snoop's
Hoalth coffeo in Salem? This storo
has beon a going Institution in Sa
lom for a period of nineteen years.
Tho last six years it has boon in Its
present stand on Stato streot. There
is just ono man at tho head of It
now, although In times past there
havo boon two. Tho namo of the
present proprietor is synonymous
with groceries and provisions. Ho
has becomo a fixed nnd certain quan
tity In tho grocory trado of tho cap
ltnl city. When you havo found the
two artlclos mentioned at the intro
duction of this paragraph you will
havo discovered tho answer to this
number, nnd you will likewise hare
discovered ono of tho most coinpleio
grocory storos In tho city. Glvo
name and location.
43. J. W. Harrltt, 410 Stnte.
What Is the nnmo of tho wagon
that Is 70 yoars old? When you
havo discovered this you havo dis
covered thn namo of this vehicle and
Implomont ngoncy, but you must bo
careful to add tho name of tho com
pany underneath. This wagon ht3
stood tho tost of tlmo and Is (ho sine
qua non of excellence- In tho wagon
lino. This houso carries a general
lino of farming Implements every
thing for tho farmer and It would
bo Impossible to begin to mention
thorn In this short paragraph. Thoy
aro n branch ot a big Portland houso
and thoy have beon doing business
horo for fourteen yoars. On. farm
ing implements of nil kinds thoy nro
propnred to glvo you tho beet and
to snvo you money. Give name and
44. Mitchell, Lewis & Slaver Co.,
211 to 237 Statu street.
What Is tho now nnmo of a shoe
store which has been established
here fifteen years, but whloli only
last month camo under new owner-
(Continued on Page 0.)