T tnt viom DAILY CAPITA X, JOURNAL, BALfiM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1010, GRAND FALL OPENING TODAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY I ROOSEVELT We are Still Here AND SATURDAY. EVERY DEPARTMENT REPRESENTED STANDS BY $1.50 Waist Special at INSURGENTS 97c Accept this as all Invitation to Attend our Animal Fall Opening and Style Show Petticioats, MM l I Opening Sa,e o, S. H. 4 M. jSMi kHMA X j Guaranteed Silk Today the waist section otters as an oponing special 25 dozen now shirt waists; regular $1.50 values nt 97c special at All tho leading .colors are included; not a single one will be sold before 8:30. take our ndvlco and be here early, for we expect to sell tho 100 today; values to (S St A tf $8.50 at . . . . n i i t . . Tt3' 25c RIBBONS Special 121-2 3000 yds. of pure silk molr and printed warp ribbons, all colors Including Mack; this price good for today only; on sale at S J.D at th'J special price or f yard L 1ZC No phone orders received. Now as nover before women lire realizing that the acmo of perfection in fit and finish and ex clusive designs are found in superlative degree in our ready-to-wear clothes, designed by men of genius in the business. Demonstration first Persian Silk, Values to $1.25 Special On sale today, opening day at the low price of., 89c 2 yard Motor Veils, $1.50 values special at 98c THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, 2d FLOOR, RADIATES THE ARTISTIC INERTMINGLING OF HARMONIOUS COLORING EFFECTS. Each hat is exclusive and elegant in its own Style, treatment and the scope of selection is so wide as to adequately meet every requirement in becomingness and price appropriations. , , GAGE HATS, SECOND FLOOR. MRS. 0. C. LOCKE. Opening Showing of Dress Goods, Silks, Ribbons, Gloves, Em broidery Lace, Veilings, Hosiery, Linens, Domestics, Waists, Petticoats, Skirts, Suits, Dresses, Children's Apparel, Drape'r ies, Lace Curtains, Trunks, Bedding, Etc. Opening Show of Men's Clothes Any man of any station in life needs, the advancnge of good clothes; well-fitting; Well made ; correot in style; all wool. Hart Schaff ncr&Marx Clothes have done more than any single influence to raise the standard of dress, and the percentage of efficiency aniong men. Such clothes make a man worth more to himself. We want you to wear them They're here ready 'for your Suits - - $1 8 to $35 Overcoats - - $18 to $30 This store is the home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes. B JSmaLSaJk & ffiiiiiBsw .iflF J J "wrrr J J " $ CITY NEWS. tf( 4 )J( sf( )$( j(i ?(( Jft sj( j(c $c it Bqpclal meeting of Pacific Lodge, No. 50, A. F. & A. M this evening. Work in tho P. C. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. Boy Your Hop HosKcts nt , ' Salem Fenco Works, 260 Court Bt 8-1317t For Sale Flno 6 or 10-acro tract. Homor H. Smith, room 5, McCornack building. Phono 96. 8-2-tf Can You Buy - Much good Improved land near Sublimity, Oregon at $65 per aero. N', you cannot. For a short tlmo, turnover, I have a 140-acro farm one mils from Sublimity at $66 per acre. This price includes tho crop until harvested, See tuo at onco about tola, as It will not last long. Homer H, tinUth, room 6, McCornack bldg. Phone 06. 713-tf rrJco of Milk Sept, 1, 1010 Pint per month .$1.35 Quart per month $2.50 3 pints per month .,, $3,65 3 quart per month,... $4.75 3 quarts per month. .$0.25 Por gallon 2 Co Per can G7Vio Signed, Capital Dairy, QUI Dairy Falrmount Dalnjr, Olovor Loaf Dairy, Capital City Croamory 8-30-0t Ullsan's barber shop Qllson's cigar etoro Qllapn's hatha open all day Sunday 12-4-w--tf Hand Concert Tonight Thoro will bo a band concert to night In Wlllson avenue. Older Apples Wanted Gideon Stolz Co,, corner Mill and lummor streets. Bring thom .noy. Jacks furnished. 8-24-tf A Wntcl) Is Your Friend But how often do you have it cleaned? Bring it to mo for examin ation. Wo do watch cleaning and re pairing. A. T. Powers, wntchmakor and Jowolor, 247 North Commercial street. 0-6&7 Patient KscapcH Lewis A. Soagur, a patient at tho lnsano asylum, has oscapod. Aa ho has throatonod to kill his father and destroy a machine shop at Astoria, ho is being watched for olosoly lest ho do some damage. Ho has been in tho asylum two or throe times, boing pa roled each tlmo. Two Methods Ono Result Tho ''Qroon Goods" man protends to sell his victim what ho wants, but givos him something olco Instead. Tho "Substltutor" uses his por suaslva powers to Induce his victim to accept what ho does not call for. Each ubcs a different method, but the roeult is tho samo. No reputable morchont will offor you a substitute when you call for a standard advor tlsod article. Patronlzo homo advertisers. 10 Acre Tract For sale. $5.00 per aero down and balance $1.00 per aero per month. This Is as fine a tract as thero is ii the county and has an excellent view Total price por aero $125. Homor H. Smith, Room 5, McCormick Bldg. 8-13-tf Now Is tho Tlmo to Use A disinfectant and gorra klllor. 50c for sprinkler and largo bottle. No-Fly remedy saves tho horses and cows lots of worry. You get those at F. E. Shafor'e, tho Saddle nnd Harness Man, 187 South Commer cial St. 9-5-eod-tf Ome of tho Finest Houses In Salem has boon placod In my hands to sell. The silo must be made soon, thereforo tho price is reasonable Seo me about this be fore It Is gone. Homer H. Smith, room 6, McCornack bldg. Phono 96. 7-13-tf A Versatllo Meteor According to tho reports so far ro colvod that big moteor Sunday ex ploded In tho Waldo Hills neighbor hood, fell In tho ocoan wost of Astor ia, sailed oft to Alaska, foil in Polk cointy, and besides this one piece foil In a lake; three ploces were picked up "whlto hot" near Wood burn, nnd another ploco foil over In Washington county. Truly a very versatllo and muchly diversified me teor. o "IIAKRKLLL TO BE IIANOER. REGISTER REGISTE The books closo for registration for tho primaries September 13, 11 days before tho primary election. If you register otherwise than as a Republican or Democrat, you lose your vote, as there are no candi dates at tho primaries other thuu Itepublloans and Democrats and a man registered Independent cannot voto nt tho primaries. At tho gen eral election howover, you can vote nt you pleaso, but tho big battlo will be fought at the primaries, so get out and register. Do not delay, as the last day for registration before tho primaries !f September IS. (Continued, from rage 1.) crlmo. D. H. Harrell, of Portland, a brother of tho condemned man, has boon nctlvo In behalf of the murder er. In the case of Rosolair all but on9 of the putttlonura have ceasod their qfforte, this one being the Rev. W. 11. Sttlleak. of tho First Methodist church, this city, who holds to the opinion that the man might bo suf fering from insane hallucinations. Even a daughter of Roselalr, who oume out from the East, has ie(uiAl to intercede In his behalf. ATTEMPT ICIDE AT BANY H. E. BISHOP LOOKS HIMSELF I.V HIS ROOM AND SLASHES HIM SELF WITH JCNIFE AVAS FOUND LYING IN POOL OF BLOOD. (Albany Herald.) II. E. Bishop tried .to end his life this morning (Monday) by slashing his throat and nearly succeeded. At about 3 a. m. night watchmen Cat lln nnd Dougherty received a hurry up call to come to Kfelffor's rooming house as there was a party there raising a considerable disturbance yelling nnd cursing and making r general nuisanco of himself. Thoy responded to tho call and found that thoy woro unable to get Into tho room of this man Bishop by tho usual door. Mr, Kfolffor then suggested another door of which he hnd tho key and, thoy went around to -that door and opened It, finding that tho bed bad been pushed against It. Thoy managed to got In to the room finally by using iunln strength and found Bishop on tho door speechless from loa of blood. Tho bed was simply drenched with blood and tho floor was In tho samo condition and if the officers had been 10 minutes Inter in nil probability they would havo been too late to savo tho man's life. He had bndly hacked himself In a dozon different places and was In a fright ful condition, as ho had nearly sev ered ono oar entirely, nnd. as, he was left-handed, he had badly slashed' his right arm. It he had out It an Inch further around he would have severed one of the main arter im mi nonM have been dead bofors help could have reached him. When U.u officer in Uc tu he wa SAYS ANY EFFORT TO DEFEAT LA FOLLETTE NOW AVOULD BE IN BAD FAITH. THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN AND SHOULD BE OBEYED. Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 7. Things began to move in Milwaukee almost the minute Col. Roosevelt stepped from his train hero today. When told that an effort may be made to defeat Senator LaFollette when tho legislature convenes at Madison, although tho senator scored nn overwhelming victory In yesterday's primaries, Roosevelt de clared: "I don't for a moment believe this report. LaFolletto won in the pri maries after a fair and open contest. Any attempt to net at variance with the wishes of tho voters of Wiscon sin, expressed In thb primaries, would be a direct .and deliberate vio lation of all tho tenets of good faith. "When, In Oregon, Governor Chamberlain carried the primaries, only to encounter a proposal that tho Republican legislature reject him, T announced publicly my belief "that such action -would bo in bad faith. 1 must take the samo pbsltlon here The colonel's statement Is taken hero to be a complete endorsement of the radical Insurgency .on which LaFolletto based his campaign. Roosevelt was then shown a let ter written by Emil Soidel, Milwau kee's Socialist mayor, refusing to serve as chairman of tho committee appointed to welcome the distin guished visitor, because of his (atti tude toward Socialism. After read lng tho letter, Roosevelt said: "When I started on this trip : said I would make no partisan speeches or discuss party politics concerning states or municipalities I don't intend to break that rule, There aro places where niy views on Socialism: can be found, set forth In such terms that they cannot be mis understood or misinterpreted." Roosevelt's reception here was cordial. During the morning he was the guest of the Milwaukee press club, after which ho automoblled about tho city, visiting the Boys and Glris trade school, Marquette Unl verslty and the chamber of com merco. Luncheon was taken at th? Marquette university and the cham ber or commerce. kuncneon was taken at the press club, after Vhlcb. a reception was tendered Roosevelt In the club's rooms. He will dine nt the press club tonight. Later ho will address a meeting at the Audi torium and an overflow meeting at the Hippodrome. Colonel Roosevelt declined to comment on the defeat of Senator Julius C. Burrows, of Michigan, who fell before Representative Townsend, Insurgent, In yesterday's primaries lying on the floor practically naked and had cut himself In a dozen dif ferent places, all of which were bleeding freely. , When asked why he did It, he was nt first unable ip say anything, but when thoy jvere washing tho blood off him tho shock of tho cold water probably brought him to and he Bpoke. "Tho water Is d cold," was the first words ho spoko. He wn3 immediately asked why he did It an-i he answered "because I wanted to." That was nil they could get out of him. Dr. Davis was called nnd pro nounced his injuries serious but not necessarily fatal. CANDIDATES CARDS For Country Clerk MAX H. GEHLHAR, Former Deputy Clerk T Respectfully asks your sup- f port for an economical and etn I cient administration. (Paid advertisement.) Candldnte for Sheriff Republican Ticket For Marlon County H. P. MINTO (Paid Advertisement) HIHItltlMHHHtHHH Lingenfelter's Sanitary Fish and Poultry Market Everything In the Fish, Poultry and canned goods line. My market 's absolutely sanitary, my meats being kept In refrigerator counter. Drop in and look-around. Just South of new Marion Hotel. A. SI. L1NGENFELTEK, Prop. Plimie "-"SO. Salem, Oregon Massage and Beauty Parlors We are now prepared to take orders for Switches, Puffs, Curls of all kinds made by us in our estab lishment. Also cream and bleach for the tanned; wash for blackheads, f esture cure. Not forgetting the Bake Oven Bath, Hair Dressing, Facil Treatment, Chiropod ist, Removing of Superflu ous Hair and Birth marks, warts, moles; Manicuring. Nets ail shades, all to be had by calling at 301-302 U. S. Bank bldg., Phone 596 Parlors open Tuesday and Friday Evenings. PERSONALS Attorney C. M. Idleman left this morning for Dallas on legal business. Frank Davis, the genial travollng man, was in the city today. He has so many friends in Salem ho hardly has tlmo to attend to his business, which is "a cracker" one between handshakes. John N. Densmore arrived homo from bis mines in. Northern Califor nia Monday. A large body of rich ore has been uncovered, and all that la needed to make the mino a big payer is machinery. James W. Mott, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Mott, of this city, left Monday night for New York City, where he will resume his work at tho American Academy .of dramatic Art. Mr. and Mrs. Eley, of this city. ajid thler daughter, Mrs. Showaltor, of Morrill, Kansas, are spending a few days In Portland. $! . NEW TODAY ar: FOR SALE Fine 5 or 10-acre tract Homer H. Smith, room 6, McCor nack bldg. Phone 96. 8-2tf CAN YOU AFFORD To pass up such an opportunity as the follow ing: For sale, good 6-room house, pantry, bath, all rooms good size, board walks, barn and chicked house, city water, excellent view, lots of shade and fruit trees,, house plastered and in extra good condi tion. Price J1900, easy terms. ' Homer H. Smith, room G, McCor nack building. Phone 96. 8-2-tf Put up a llne-shaft in the granary, and from it run the elevator, feed mill, cream separator fanning mill and barnyard pump. Cottaae Undertaking) Parlorfl modern in every detail. Lady assist ant. Cor. Cottage and Chemeketa. Phono 724. West Salem Transfer Passenger Baggage Connects with all trains at West Salem for Dallas, Falls City and Salem. Leaves Journal office for West Salem at 8:40 a. m., 12 m 1;10 p. m. and 4.00 p. m. every day except Sunday. Also for Independence, Mon mouth and McMlnnvllle. Leaves Sunday at 8:00 a. m., 1:00 p. m., and 5:15 p.m. Calls at hotels on request. Telephone or leave orders at Capital Journal office any day but Sunday. Phone 33. J. B. Underwood, Mgr. FOR SALE First class newspaper folding machine 4-6-8-10 or 11 pages folded at once ud to a full sized 7 column paper. Cheap If taken soon. Speed 1800 to 200ft per hour. Inquire- Journal Salem, Ore. 3-21-tf ROR SALE A fine lot on south east corner of 24th nnd Trade Sts. high and dry, 60x192 ft. This la a dandy. $400, $25 down, bal ance $10 per month. Homer H., Smith, Rofim 5, McCormack build ing. 6-20-tf FOR SALE Five-room new bunga-' low, modern in every way; close In, handy to school and car. $300: down; balance monthly payments. Homer H. Smith, Room 5, Mc Cornack building. Phone 96 or 102. 8-20-tf FOR SALE Mare, phaeton and two sets of single harness and Mitchell Spring wagon. 1242 North Front.' 9-7-1 w" SALEM LODGE NO. 4, A. F. Sc. h, M. State communication on first Friday In each month at 7:30 p. ra., in Masonic hall, McCornack block. M. Geo. H. Dunsford, W. M.; John Bayne, secretary. WANTED At once, meat cutter, 175 South Commercial street. 9-7-3t MONEY TO LOAN TBOS. K. FORI) Over Ladd & flush Rank. Salem, Or, Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Frank Meredith. Trident Aceat Room 13 Hush Bank Rlk, Salem, Of. Those Rich Red Salmon- Have arrived and are the cream of the ocean. You get them at Far rington's, the market man, East State street. 0-7-2t