Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 03, 1910, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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PAGBi irinxu
Sermon by
Pastor Brooklyn
These words from the lips or our
Master, the Groat Teacher, have been
grievously misunderstood. The teach
ing of our Protestant childhood was to
the effect that only the saintly elect
would go to heaven nnd that others
would not only lose heaven, but gain
nn eternal life In torment. Thus our
text was understood to portray what
practically the whole world of mankind
would he compelled to endure. This
hell wns pictured to our childhood
uilmls trotn outside the I'.lble ns heated
to a white heat. If we expressed won
der or surprise that any human creature
could endure such conditions so loug
the answer was that (Jod would exer
cise his omnipotent power to make us
lire-proof and paln-sensltlve. Smne theo
logians of the Thomas a Kempis school
' of thought went so far as to plcturo
the poor creatures In their sufferings
and to show that the heat would form
a kind of nn asbestos covering which
would shield them from a measure of
Its Intensity. Hut those deluded theo
logians proceeded to explain that these
outer coverings would crack and shell
off every little while, leaving the poor
victim freshly tender that his suffering
might be the more Intense.
Of course, these theologians of the
past had their dltliculty in dealing with
the worms. They could Imagine devils
who would oversee the torture as being
made immune to pain by the chief tor
turer, the Almighty God. But just how
to Imagine the worm getting along 'n
so great a heat anil how they would In
any wise Increase the torture of the
poor sufferers wns to maliy a perplex
ity. But patient thoughtfulness along
these cruel and devilish lines enabled
some to formulate the theory that the
worms would he fiery ones, living In
Are. delighting In fire worms that
would bore through the incrustations
and add still further to tlx horriblo
sufferings of the world of mankind.
Was This What Jesus Meant?
Did" the Great Teacher intend that
Ruch conclusions should bo drawn from
his langunge? And did he stop short
of the description from reasons of sym
pathy or modesty or shame? Is this
the general teaching of God's Word
or has a great and terrible mistake
been made? And have we mistnken
a figure of speech and treated It ns
literal? We erred. Wo misunder
stood. The Great Teacher who rebuk
ed his disciples, .lames and John, when
they desired to call fire from heaven
ifpon the City of Samaria, because the
people thereof refused to sell them
food for the Master the sympathetic
One who said to them, "Ye know not
what manner of spirit ye are of; the
Son of man came not to destroy men's
' lives, but to save them" could that
Son of man in any wise intend to tell
us that our great Heavenly Father had
less of the spirit of love and righteous
ness than the two Impetuous disciples?
Did he menu to Intimate that while, the
disciples impetuously might have been
willing to destroy the eartUiy life of
the Samaritans, the Heavenly Father!
of still more demoniacal disposition,
would treat practically all mankind ten
. million times worse Mum that and use
Divine Power to all eternity to perpet
uate the sufferings of his earthly crea
tures which his own Word declares
' were horn n sin, shapen In Iniquity,
In sin did their mothers conceive them?
earthly creatures, too, whose environ-
, ment wns unfavorable and whose Ad
versary, the devil, God neither destroy
ed nor bound?
Such an. Interpretation, my dear hear
ers, Is uot supposablo. We must look
for some explanation of the Mnster's
words more consistent with his own
character and with the Heavenly Fa
ther's character, nnd more consistent
with our conception of what a .lust,
Loving. Wise and Powerful Creator
would do. It does not answer the pur
pose to say, as so many, do, "Bosh, do
not discuss such a matter. Nobody
now believes such things!" This ono
Scripture repudiated would shake our
confidence In the whole Bible, But
rightly explained nnd understood it
would settle and increase our faith In
the Scriptures as a Divine message.
This, then, must be our object not
merely to cast from us the devilish In
terpretation of the dark ages, but to as
certain the true Interpretation to get
the true lesson from tho words pf the
Greiit Teacher. T'jousnnds arc drift
lug off Into more or less open Infidelity
shuply because of the Irrntlonnl Inter
pretation given to this text and two or
three others. And tluse errors have
become so fusteued in our minds from
childhood days that they have become
irt and parcel of our very lives, so
that many of us would have been In
clined at one time to dispute the very
existence of a God ns much ns to dis
pute such slanderous misrepresenta
tions of his glorious character.
Entering Into Life.
IiOt us go back to Jesus' day nnd In
ralnd place ourselves with tuoso who
heard him utter the words of our text
nnd context. The Teacher had Just
said, "If thy hand offend thee, cut It
off It Is better for thee to enter Into
life maimed, than, hnvlng two hands,
to go Into hell, Into the flro that novr
shall be quenched, where their worm
dieth not and their fir I not munch
Safe Medicine for Children.
Mrs. F. Marti St. Joe, Mich., says ;
Foley's Honey ana Tar saved ner
little boy's life. Continuing, she
says: "Our little boy contracted a
severe bronohlal trouble and. as the
doctor's medicine did not cure h'ni.
I gave him Foley's Honey and Tar
0 0
Immortal Worms
Unquenchable Fire
"Where their worm dieth not and
their fire is not quenched" (Mark ix,
ed." Ho said the same In the follow
Ing verses respertlng the foot and the
eye. Wns he speaking literally or fl
uratlvcly? Dolu any sane pertom sup
pose today tha't Jesus ndvised a literal
cutting otf of a hand or a foot or the
plucking out of au eye? Assuredly
not. And tho person who would fol
low his counsel In that way .would be
considered unbalanced In mind. We
nil recognize what ho did mean, name
ly, that If nny who desired to have
eternal life found that they had hin
drances of appetite or pleasure or
what not. as dear to them as an eye,
foot, hand, these precious, but dlsqunr
Ifylng sins or wrong-doings,- should bo
put away no matter how .precious
they were no matter how highly es
teemed. By way of contrast, the Mns
tor suggested that If the retaining of
these things would hinder them from
entering Into life they could not af
ford to retain them that even If they
were to carry the figure further and
suppose that In the future life they
would ho deprived to the extent of be
ing mnlmed to all eternity it still
would be preferable to them to prac
tice tho self-denial now and to enter
into life.
Bo It noted that the reward hero In
dicated Is In the entering into life, and
tho Intimation Is that those who fall
will not have life at all that they will
fall to attain llfef-that they will have
no eternal life, either In pain or In
pleasure. Let us examine our text
further and see this.
Gehenna Typed the Second Death.
The word hell in our text Is from tho
Greek word gehenna, which, in turn,
wns a corruption of the Hebrew word
gek-hlnnon. which signifies valley of
death. There nro two other words in
the New Testament Greek translated
hell lp our common version. One of
these, tartarits, has no reference to hu
manity whatever, but merely signifies
our earth's atmosphere tho place
where Satan and tho fallen angels are
restrained In chains of darkness (11
Peter II, 4). The .other Greek word
rendered hell in tho New Testament is
hades, , which corresponds exactly to
the word rendered hell in the Old Tes
tament, namely .iiro. And all scholars
know that both of these words signify
tho same thlug. They are' used inter
chaugenbly in the Scriptures to desig
nate the state or condition of death
tho tomb. No persoti. of even slight
education, would for a moment at
tempt to claim that eternal torment Is
taught by sheol, hades or taiiarus. Tho
great stress of all who tench eternal
torment falls, therefore, upon the word
hell found in our lest In the original
Greek, gehvnuti.
What we have to say respecting It
will undoubtedly lie news to hut few
of this congregation. Hut since tills
sermon will bo reported In more than
seven hundred newspapers of the land,
our explanation will probably eventu
ally reach ten million people, to whom
the Truth on the subject will bo new.
What wo have to say Is not new to ed
ucated ministers, however, and why.
as pastors, they have kept the sheep
of their flock in the dark on the sub
ject is for them to explain. They cer
tainly cannot plead Ignorance. At very
most they can apologize that they
hoped thnt the misunderstanding would
do mora good than the truth. They
seem to forget entlrely that this terri
bin misunderstanding is not only
wrecking the faith of thousunds, but
dishonoring our Creator blaspheming
his holy name, his holy character, by
misrepresenting It nnd the Divine
A Valley Outside Jerusalem,
I wish that those of you who hnvo
modern Bibles with maps at the back
would turn to the map of tho City of
Jerusalem and there notice on the
Southwest side of the City, Just out
side the wall, the Valley of Hlunom.
That is tho Vnlley that In brief was
called Geh-hlnnontho Greek of which
Is gehennn. All of our Lord's uses of
the word gehonun stund related to
that Valley. For the sake of my lar
ger congregation It will be worth-whllo
for us to take a glanro backward at
the history of that Vulloy during many
centuries liefore Jphuk' day.
The first mention of this Valley In
the Bible Is found In Jowbun (xv, 8),
where It Is given us one of the boun
daries of the tribe of Jtulnh, accord
ing to tho lot cast by Joshua In the
division of the land that Uml come in
to possession of the Israelites. It Is
again mentioned similarly In Joshua
svIII. 10. The next reference .to this
Valley Is found In II Kiujw xxlll, 10.
Thero we read of how Joslnh. tho good
King of Judah, Instituted u great re
form In the nation and nbollsbed Idol
atry, one of the most heinous forms of
the Idolatry having been practised in
this Valley of Hlnnom, which had got
ten n new name, namely Topheth. His
tory tells us that the Israelites built
In this Topheth. the Valley of Hlnnom,
n great brass linage to the heathen god
Moloch. In various places they had
groves In which n licentious form ol
worship wns enacted and then they re
sorted to till Vnllev of Hlnnom to of
in which I always bad great faith
It entirely cured the cough as well
as the choking and gagging spells,
and he got well in just a short time.
Foley's Honey and Tar has many
times saved ua much trouble and we
Ited Cross Pharmacy, H. Jerman.
prop. ,
fer sacrifice of a most revolting kind
to the heathen deity. Sometimes It
was a boy nnd some times it wns a
girl that wns placed nuked In. the 'arms
of the great Image after It had been
fired to n rod heat with fuel plied un
derneath tho Image und -passing
through it ns n flue. The cries of those
Infants so horribly sacrltlccd were
drowned by tho cheers of the worship
pers nnd various musical Instruments.
All of this. Indeed everything akin
to suffering, wus strictly forbidden
by the Divine Law given to Israel.
And they had been specially warned
against this very foru of Idolatry
(Leviticus ' xvlll. 21; Deuteronomy
xvlll, 10). It Is n gross mistake nnd
slander of the Divine character and
Law to suppose that It ever sanctioned
torture. And .it Is n still worse slan
der upon God to suppose that he would
himself do, nnd that for nil eternity,
what ho condemned In his fallen crea
tures. The Lord declares all this through
the Prophet Jeremiah (vil. .11-341. Here
God particularly forewarned tho Israel
ites that their wrong course would
eventuate In tho terrible time of trou
ble which came upon Jerusalem In the
year A. D. 70, when It was estimated
That over a million died at the siege
of Jerusalem. In fulfillment of this
prophecy tb Jews enst the dead bodies
over the wall of Jerusalem Into this
very Valley. Thus we read, "Behold,
tho day li come, saith the Lord, that It
shall no more he culled Toplioth, nor.
The Vnlley of the son of Hlnnom, but.
The Valley of Slaughter; for they shall
4ury In Topheth till there be no place.
And the carcasses of this people shall
bo meat for the fowls of tho heaven,
and for the beasts of the earth."
After tho reformation made by King
Joslnh the Vnlley of Hlnnom was dese
crated to the Intent thnt It might never
afterward be considered fit for any
kind of religious worship, sacrifice or
ceremony. It became the valley of
defilement. It was used at certnln
tlmcsfor the burning of the offal and
rubbish of tho city. It became the
dumping place of dead cats cud dogs,
etc. If any of these fell upon the
ledges of the rock, no one thought
worth while to Interfere, and the mag
gots and worms destroyed them. Fires
also were lighted occasionally to burn
the combustible rubbish, nnd brimstone
was added so that the fumes might
destroy nny malarial tendency, in the
interest of tho health of the city.
The Lesson Jesus Taught.
We have before our minds now the
gehenna fire which no one ever at
tempted to quench, but which wns de
signed to consume utterly every tiling
cast Into It. We have In mind also the
worms of which he spake worms
which were permitted to feed on the
carcasses undisturbed until the car
casses were consumed and ho worms
themselves died. Another item here
should bo noticed, namely, that a say
ing amongst tho Jews was. Whosoever
commits such a misdemeanor will be
in danger of going from bad to worse
until he will be brought before the
, tribunal of the Snuhedrln, a culprit.
Jesus took the same line of proverbs
und docl.ircd dint anyone violating the
Golden Kule to the extent of calling
his brother a fool would be In danger
eventually of bkIi digression from
righteousness' as to bring 'him under
sentence of the greater tribunal of
Messiah's Kingdom, and. "Whosoever
shall, say unto his brother, Thou art
a fool, shall be In dnuger of gelieiuia
tiro" (.Matthew v. 22).
What the Great Teacher meant wns
thnt tho earthly Jerusalem wns a pic
ture or type of the heavenly Jerusa
lem, which represents the Divine Gov
ernment or Kingdom the New Jeru
salem which, by and by, will come
down to earth when God's will shall
be done on earth as It Is Hone In
As gehenna lay outside of the wall
of Jerusalem, so our Lord Intimated
there would be an autltyplcal gehenna
outside the New Jerusalem. As the
trash and offnl of the typicnl city were
consumed in the Vnlley of Hlnnom, so
tho offal and trash of humanity who
will refuse all of God's favors, mercies,
blessings and opportunities, will be
treated ns disgraceful wretches and be
consumed, destroyed, In the antltyp
ical gehenna which Is the Second
Deoth. Concerning this autltyplcal ge
henna, tho Second Death, we aro defi
nitely informed of the characters which
will there be destroyed utterly, as Pe
ter says, "as natural bruto boasts."
We hnvo a description of this sym
bolical New Jerusalem or Divine King
dom (Uevelntlon xxl), composed pri
marily of the Church, nnd secondnrlly
of nil from tho world who, during
Messiah's reign, will outer In through
Its gates nnd enjoy the blessings of
Divine favor and life eternal. And
then we rend, verse 8, "But the fear
ful, nnd untxlleviuir, and the abomina
ble, and murderer, and whoremong
ers. nn Kotvwew, und idolaters, and
all liars, shall hnvo their part lu the
lake which burneUi with fire nud brim
stone, which Is the Second Iath."
Note that this lake of fire and brim
stone into which all the off scouring of ;
hunmulty will Ue cast is a Hymiioi. aim
the meaning of the symbol Is plainly
stated In tho words, "Which is tho Sec
ond Death." Tho first death passed
upon all inanklud on account of father
Adam's disobedience. Our Lord Johus
wns appointed the Savior of Adam and
his race and gnvo his life a ransom for
nil. to rescue all from death, to give
to each and every mombor of Adam's
race one full, fair opportunity for a
test of loyalty to God and righteous
ness nnd to secure life eternal In the
New Jerusalom. Contrariwise all who
will reject that full opportunity will die
the Second Denth, from which there
will be no redemption, no resurrection,
no recovery of any kind.
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FERD. T. HOPKINS, Proprietor,
The books close for reg'atratlon
for the 'prlninries SeplAmbor 13,
11 days before tho primary election.
If you register otherwise than ns u
Ropubllcan or Democrat, you lose
your vote, as there aro no candi
dates at tho primaries other than
Republicans and Democrats and a
Republicans who are friends of the
Oregon Direct Primary law willsup
port their principles by voting for
the following candidates for nomina
tion at prljnary olcctlon September
24th. i
For Sonntore Alonzo Gesner nnd
Hal D. Patton of Salem. I
For Representatives A. C. Libby
of Jefferson, oorge W. Johnson of
Salem, A, O. Steelhamm-r of Silver
ton, Sherman Swank of Aumavllla
s-cgppfSaSS. aaC3leHS ifeililiinr tSnnm mnvimu y
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out and register. Do not delay, ns
the last day for registration heforo
tho primaries Is September 13.
nnd Frank E. Osburno of Champoeg
These candidates stand for the
Direct Prlmarv law and tho eloction
of Senators by tho Direct vote of the
people on the Oregon tplan.
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