37ACJ13 SIX DAILY CAPITAL JOTJRNAI, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 1010. EPUBLICANS REVOLTING AT ASSEMBLY DOMINATION Uncompromising Fight On the Machine, Which Is Parading Its Republicanism Only to Gain Power and Plunder the Taxpayers Frame Up of Big Interests Back of the As sembly Program. ' "Ed. Journal: Wo hoar a good deal about Tho Assembly. I havo been a Republican all my llfo but I look upon tho Assembly as nothlpg but a machine move. If the As sembly had put up tho names of thrco men as candidates for Governor and three names for secretary of state and so on for all tho positions to bo filled, tho voters might havo had come confidence in them. It docs not tako a very shrowd obsorver to sco that It is a movement started by just a few and that It is not repro sentatlve. I think it tho duty of every voter In Oregon who loves represontntlvo government and who Is against Machine politics and graft to do his utmost to defeat the As scmbly ticket." Tho writer of tho abovo then pro cccds to givo details of abuses prac ticed at one of tho state Institutions Ho cites facts of political managers violating tho proprietloa of tho State, improper uso of stato funds, exceeding the authority of tho legis lature, and financially favoring cer tain individuals. These aro mutters that ought to bo investigated and will bo If I am elected Governor. I do not think It Is proper to go Into them In a primary campaign, and I will not do so. But I will add that becauso it is known I do not en dorse) these practices and' would not permit them. I nm fought by tho Machino as not bolng a good Republican. I will not defend my Republicanism, I havo supported for offico and helped elect overy man .vho Is now attack ing mo and I leavo to tholr own consciences or senso of humor tho Justification of their conduct. So fr as they represent devotion to the Machino I havo no compromiso with them, They worship tho Machlno more than Republican principles, Many of these gentlemen whon I was supporting tho ontlre Republican ticket two years ago, including tho whole Icglslntlvo ticket, woro knif ing three men on tho Roprosentativo ticket and supporting Gcorgo E. Chamberlain for United States Sen ator. I was supporting all tho Ropubllcan nominees including Mr. Cako for U. S. Senator. Who aro tho loyal Republicans by tho record? I or thoy? Am I a Good Republican? Thoy began to attack my Rcpubli-, canlsm away lacl-. in tho days of Governor Ponnoyor. I sympathized with his fight to oxcludo Chineso coolies from tho United States, and to make tho grafting recoivorBhip that vraa robbing tho old Yaquina Day Itallroad pay Its laborors. I holpcd him cut off two professional grafts at a stato institution, whoro two Salem politicians were getting $2,500 a year as sinecures for polltl cal services. Those two professionals havo novcr thought well of mo sinco and I was never a good Republican In their eyes. Thoy woro ;ott!ng rich off their devotion to tho grand old party nnd that political arlstoc racy of tho graft has never ceased to clrculato tho report that I was not a good Republican. I will stand for any amount of honest expenditures and employment of labor but will not stand for a dollar of political graft. Anti-Graft in County. I mado the samo fight against grafts in our county government, Whon certain contractors and county officials wero running enormous bills for repairs at tho court house and charged $5.00 apleco for sawing two inches off tho legs of court house tables, I exposed them in Tho Capital Journal and tho grand jury Investigations proved tho truth of what I said and that crowd de nounccd mo as not being a good, Ropubllcan. Show mo a professional graft politician whoso plans havo beon interfered with in the slightest and I will show you a man who doubts tho wisdom of making mo governor of Oregon nnd who will toll you on tho quiet that I am not a good Ropubllcan. What docs their Republicanism consist of? Does it stand on tho Slmon-puro principles of honesty and devotion to coinmon pooplo, whom Abraham Lincoln loved, or does it consist of tho near- criminal dcslro to got their Hands into tho treasury? Machine Wants Grafts. Tho Machino complains about tho oxponso of Direct Primary election It howls about tho cost of tho Initia tive and Referendum. But tho wholo program of tho Machino is to croato now grafts. It wants to creato tho offico of Lieutenant Gov' ornor. It wants to hold a constl tutlonal convention that would cost $250,000 and mako new places for machlno politicians. It wants Stato Board of control to buy all stato supplies at whoicsalo from tho Packing Houbo Trust, from tho Sugar Trust nr.d tho Standard Oil company, from tho Lumbor, Trust and put tho Machlno in direct contact with tho big interests. No Machlno candldato Is in favor of convict labor on tho highways bocauso It would intorfero with tho enormous profits of Prison Contract labor. Tho Machlno can rnly exist by mak lng now places for Its adherents nnd that Is tho real course and bnckbona of tho Assembly program. Tho framo-up of tho Big Interests fa tho last Oregon Stato S nato is to bo como tho government of Oregon. out side: UCHT f STUBDERS"1 DOUBLE WCWE HALF WcASTS NO fbUCHT BTHE LIGHT JjTHECOST SHADOW J A JQL JSk! Some Builders, Attention Why not Install a homo Hunting nnd cooking ojtem, making worth rning, 100 per cent hotor than any othor gas. Safer than electricity. Wo light ato. s, halls, churchos, fnctorlos, etc. Also do tinning and heating and plumbing. All w k arantood. A. L. FRASER Phono 135. Tho Celebrated Lennox Furnace. 258 State Stroot YOU KNOW IT'S NO FUN to got down under your auto and try to fix It up so you enn got orae, and all becauso you neglected some llttlo repairs boforo starting out. Send your machlno hero and havo us repair it so you won't havo tho man under neath experience again. Tho man who said a stitch in time know his buslnoss all right. Our 1011 Maxwell is now lioro. Inuncdlnto Demonstration. Delivery, Sco us for SALEM AUTO GARAGE 210 STATU STREET rilONE 380 JUDGING UY APPEARANCES Of course ovorybody does, that, and Laundry Work can't ba Judgod any other way, Everything aubjootod to our nrtlotlo treatmont comoa aut ft cloan as a polishod surface a eleai as crystal and as bright as a sum mer's day, Articles washed proper ly last twlco as loug and look twen ty times bettor than goods badlj laundrled. Wo mako cheap Jabrlt masquerade for something better. 8ALISM LAUNDRY CO., Phono SB. 130-160 South Liberty St (From the London (England) ChrUtuui Globe. Mar 6. 1910.1 INCE tho days of Henry Ward Becchcr and Dr. Tnimngo no preacher has occupied so prom inent a oositlon in tho United States of America as Pastor Russell of Brooklyn Tabernacle holds today. Now wo on this sldo of the Atlantic aro to bo privileged to listen to tho man tho announcement of wboso nnmo fills to overflowing tho largest balls in tho United States. Pastor Russell will bo the principal speaker at the meetings of tho Inter national Bible Students' association's meetings, which arc to bo held at tho Albert hall on the evening of Sunday next nnd the two following Sundays. Ho will in addition visit during tho next threo weeks tho principal cities nnd towns in England, Scotland and Ireland. Llko Beecher and Talmage, both of tho samo City of Churches, Pastor Russell Is an independent teacher, not allied to nuy particular denomination al organization, giving his time, his strength nnd his great powers of ora. tory to the molding of public thought "with matlce toward none, with char ity for nil." Abovo all, tho pastor may bo described as strictly orthodox. Although Pastor Itusscll holds to the Blblo tenaciously, lie claims to have proved that on sorao points It has been misunderstood by both friends and foes. In bis search for a basis upon which to build bis hope for futuro bliss ho undertook n lengthy investigation of tho claims of Confucius, Mohammed, Buddha and other founders of religion. These ho found to bo unsatisfactory to cither heart or head. Almost without hope, ho took up tho systematic study of tho question of the punishment for sin. Ills findings were such as to re store perfect confidence In tho Bible as God'c inspired word nnd revelation. Over COO lenaing American newspa pers now publish Pastor Russell's ser mons weekly, reaching approximately 10,000.000 homes. Ho Is also author of works entitled "Studies In the Scrip tures," over 5.000,000 volumes being In tho bands of renders. Tho slxtb million Is now In the press. This Is a remarkable testimony to the popularity of his writings. Pastor Itusscll is now on his way to Loudon, hnvlug Just re visited the pyramids and Palestine. It Is expected that his recent Investiga tions will have much to do in still fur ther unsealing the mysteries which for centuries havo been kept secret by that "Stone Witness." Tho Great Pyr amid is tho subject of an important chapter In ono of bis books, in which ho makes somo most Interesting appli cations of the published measurements mado by the late Plnzai Smyth, for merly astronomer royal for Scotland. Dr. John Edgar within tho Inst year has verified all of Professor Smyth's measurements, which havo been used . by Mr. Russell. The return of tho Jews to their promised land, as proph esied in the Scriptures, has been elab orately treated by Mr. Rus'ell, nnd he will now In- In position to speak wltb added knowledge regardluK tho work of the Zionists Tho average farmer doesn't see any poetry In a Hold of waving corn. Ho is usually too busy making hay to notice It. ES TATE KECHTEL & BYNON'S BARGAINS A Fine Fruit Farm. Wo havo an exceptionally woll kept 40 acres In tho Liberty district on tho rock road which will Interest nnd pleaso any ono looking for a first class fruit ranch. This is a good houso, barn, shod and othor outbuildings, good fences, fino woll; land is all cleared; half la fruit; 13 acres Italian prunes, 5 acres Royal Ann cherries, ono aero pears, 1 aero family orchard, 1 aero goosborries, 5 acres straw- borrlea and all In first class con dltion. If you aro looking for n fruit ranch seo this boforo you buy nnd tho chances aro you will want this ono. Here is a farm that Is nttractlvo in many ways. Tho placo Is woll lo cated on bonutlful Howell prnirlo, has running water nnd springs. Somo llttlo timber and somo good pasture Thorp aro 9G acres of which 75 acres aro cleared. Thoro is a good six-room houso, barn In good condition and othor out buildings. Tho property is only nuout 8 miles from Salem on a good road. Tho land is rich and slightly rolling. Prlco only ?100 per ncre. Easy terms. $2200 will buy a flno 5-room house on good street near Stato, nearly now, has lawn, shrubbory, flowers, barn and nil conveniences, This Is a nlco little placo nnd Is chonp nt tho prlco quoted. Only two blocks to car lino. Cement walks and first class plumbing. Graded street, city wator, bath, toilet, otc. AFTER SUFFERING iiunuiiimniiiiiiiii i iidhii in iiHiiinttiint ONE YEAR Cured bv Lydia E. Pink ham'sVegetableCompound Milwaukee, Wis. "Lydia E. Pink, ham's Vegetable Compound has made mo a won woman, and I would like to toll thowhoioworia nf it. I suffered f romf emalo trouble and fearful painsin my back. Iliad the best doctors and they all decided that I had a tumor in addition to m; female trouble, am advised an opera tion. Lvdia E. Pinkham'a Vegotablo Compound mado mo a woll woman and I havo no more hackacho. I hope I can help others by tollincf them what Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound has dono i for me." .Hits. JiMMAJJiSE, bm X irsw ou, fllwanVeo. Wis. Tho abovo is only ono of tho thou sands of grateful letters which aro constantly being received by tho Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn, Mass., which prove beyond a doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, maae irom roots uuu nerua, actually does curd these obstinate dis n.isfts of women after all other means have failed, and that every such suf oring woman owes it to herself to at least give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound a trial before submit- ting to an operation, or giving up hope of recovery. Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., Invites all sick women to write her for advice. ,Sho has pruided thousands to health and her advice is free Read September Sunset. Read "Arizona tho 47th Star" by Governor Richard E. Sloan, and "Fromont and the Bear Flag War by William Simpson in Sunset for Septemher now on sale at all news stands, 15 cents. o A good dairy cow Is always a strong eater and drinker. Don't get scared If you have that kind about tho place. They Havo a Definite Purpose. Foley Kldnoy Pills give quick re lief in cases of kidney and bladder ailments. Mrs. Roscoo Glaser, Terre Haute, Ind., tells the result in her case. "After suffering for many years from a serious caso of kidney trouble and spending much money for so-called cures, I found Foley Kidney Pills tho only medicine that rgavo mo a permanent euro. I was laid up in bed with sovere backache and pains, but nfter taking Foley'? Kidney Pills for four weeks as di rected, I am again able to bo up and attend to my work. I shall never hesitate to recommend them." J. O Perry. llKCHTKL & 11YNON, 17 Stato Street, Telephone 152 SEE GEO. 0. SAVAGE, For Fitrms and City Property IBS S. COMMERCIAL ST. An Illinois hurricane wrecked seven aeroplanes In ono day. The hurricane received no damage worth mentioning. o Saved From Awful Terll. "I never felt so near my rrave, writes Lewis Chamberlain of Man Chester, Ohio, R. N. No. 3, "as I was whon a frightful cough and lunt troublo pulled mo down to 115 pounds in splto of many remedlef and tho best doctors. And that I air allvetoday.ls duo sololy to Dr. King Now Discovery, which completely cured mo. Now I weigh 160 pound and can work hard. It also cured my four chlldron of croup." Infalllbl for coughs and coldr, Its tho most cor tain romed. for la grlppo, asthma desperate lung troublo and all bron chial affections, 50c and $1.00. A tr'al bottlo free, guaranteed by J. (.' Porry. Just boforo election another re vision of tho tariff Is promised. But tho people havo already been fooled too many times. Acuto or Chronic Which? No mattor It your kidney troublo Is acute or chronic Foley's Kidney Remedy will roach your caso. Mr. Claudo Brown, of Reynoldsvllle, 111. writes us that ho suffered many months with kidney complaint which baffled all treatmont. At last he trlod Foley's Kidney Romedy nnd a fow largo-bottles effected a completo euro. Ho says: "It has beon of lnos tlmablo valuo to me, nnd I would llko overy ono to know what a valuable modlclno It Is." J. C. Perry. A groat many people aro now homeward bound from their sum mer's outing nt tho Bay and elso- whoro. The Lnzlcst Man in the World. Would not lio contented to bo kep tn the house nnd do nothing by rheu matUm. Neither nro you, who aro always busy and nctlve. Thon don't neglect the first twlngo of au echo o pain that you might thing is Just a "crick." Rub well with Ballnrd's Snow Liniment and, no matter what the trouble is, it will disappear at once. Sold by nil druggists. OREGON STATE FAIR Forty-ninth Annual Exhibition ill be Greater Than Ever. W IN PREMIUMS AND PURSES eptember 12-17 1910 Grand Showing of Live Stock. Racing Program Complete.! Reduced Rates on all Railroads. Come and bring yourf riends. J. H. BOOTH, Pres. FRANK MEREDITH, Sec. Read The Journal Ads Carefully. Our advertisers are offering great Mid-Summer Bargains. MM M M I I fMMMMMMIMMIMMMMMTMMIMMM ' i Try' a Journal Wout Ad. All our properties in Klamath Falls and Worden, Oregon, Dorris and ML Hebron, California, will be taken off the market here September 1. We will sell only to buyers applying on the ground at the towns above named. Notice is hereby given that present prices will be increased 20 per cent on September 1 . We are establishing offices in each of our towns, and our representatives will be in charge. Signed: P. C. LAVEY & COMPANY By P. C. LAVEY, President I I I I I III V I V I II I I I I III III I t I I I IHHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIDIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM