Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 20, 1910, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Sermon by
Pastor Brooklyn
' .----...... ---QOO
Lynn, Mass., August 14. Pastor
Russell of Brooklyn Tabern'aclo spoko
hero twice today to largo and" ntton
tlvo nudleucos. Wo report one of his
discourses from the nbovc. Ilo suld In
Sly text Is one of the strongest of
thoso Which once Wo erroneously mis
understood to tench the etornnl tor
inontjof the non-elect. Coming to the
text vftlh our mjndk tilled with tho
wrong impressions respecting tho
charaqfcr pf the Almighty Creator and
respecting his purposes toward hu
manity it is easy for us to misunder
stand tho words of St. Judo. So deep
ly -wore tho erroneous thoughts im
pressed upon our minds from child
hood that, irrational though they were,
wo considered them fundamental the
ology. In like manner wo wrested to
our own confusion and Injury many
Scriptures, reading Into them what
they do not say and ignoring what
they do say. As, for instance, tho
messages of Holy .Writ to tho effect
that "all tho wicked will God destroy";
that "tho wages of sin Is death"; that
"tho soul that sinncth, it shall dlo";
that thcro is no eternal life out of
Christ. All these and others wo warp
ed and twisted awny from their beau
tiful and slmplo tcachlog, and made
out of them "doctrines of devils" with
which wo alarmed ourselves and thoso
committed to our Instruction.
Wo thank God that gradually tho
eyes of our understanding, nro open
ing to discern tho great Truth that tho
testing of tho Church in tho present
Ago and tho testing of tho world at
largo in the coming Ago will bo as to
worthiness for eternal Hfo or worthi
ness of etcrul death everlasting de
struction tho Second Death from
which thero will bo no redemption, no
resurrection, no recovery. As St. Peter
declares, Thoso who enter into it will
be. liko bruto beasts, mado to bo taken
nnd destroyed annihilated.
Sodom's Guilt and Punishment.
Sodom and surrounding cities wcro
'profligate and licentious to tho oxtrerao
and Dlvind Justice decreed that their
course must not continue, but that
they should bo made an exnmplo of
A lesson to others of the Dlvlno dls-
nleasure ncainst "all Buch licentious
ness. Accordingly woVcad that flro
and brimstone wcro , rained from
heaven to tlje utter destruction of .those
iclties, tho placo of which is now mark
ed by tho Dqnd Sea. Tho , Sodomites
wcro obliterated and only .their narao
nnd history havo como down to us.
Their utter destruction by eternal flro
or heavenly flro rained upon them was
a complete destruction. Their experi
ence pictures forth the utter destruc
tion of nil whom God will Anally re
ject as unworthy of eternal life. Not
that flro and brimstone Would bo rain
cd upon all, but that utter destruction
will como upon all disapproved by tho
Almighty. Who thinks that St. Judo
meant that tho flro that destroyed tho
Sodomites was an eternal ono? Who
ever thinks that It is still burning as a
literal blaze should tako n look at tho
plcturo of tho Dead Sea and note that
thero aro no flres there. Tho thought
Is that tho flro, which is a symbol of
destruction, did its work thoroughly,
complotoly, leaving not a ycstlgo of
these condemned to destruction.
Tho Sodomites all went to hell to
tho Bible hell-to tho stato of death.
But they did not go to tho hell which
was manufactured by our forefathers
during the dark ages a hell of eternal
torture. Wo have lllblo testimony on
tho subject, which wo will produce.
'They nro unconscious now ljko tho re
mainder of tho dead, waiting for tho
resurrection. And tho resurrection op
portunity will como to them, ns well
aa to nil tho remainder pf Adam's
race; because they, as well as all oth
ers, aro rcdomed by tho precious blood
of Christ by the Bacrlflco which ho
finished at Calvary, This is not spec
ulative. Wo havo tho words of the
Master hlmsolf on tho subject. Let us
tako our information, our wisdom from
tho proper quarter. Thou our doubts
aud fours will speedily fleo nwny.
Not Second Chance,
Wo will produce the lllblo testimony
allowing that the Sqdpmltos win be re
leased and como forth during the me
diatorial reign of .Messiah to unjoy n
sharo of the blMislngtt than to be pour
ed out upon Jsruel and tho world; nnd
to havo an oppprtuulty of coming Into
harmony with God nnd galnlug cteriuil
life. Dut wo know that Birnlghtwuy
aomobody will say. No, Pastor Hussoll,
.that would bo n second chance, and
Ood lina powhere promised n second
chance to any. Furthermore It would
bo bo-'lttlelng to tho Dlvlno Govern
ment to suppose that God, after giving
one fair trial to a man tuul reaching a
decision would conclude to give him
another trial, as though Dlvlno Justice
wore unablo to determine tho worthi
ness or unworthlnetu of tho ludlvlduul
or eternal life In ont trial or tustlug.
We fully ugive with this sentiment.
but call nttontlon to the fact Unit tho
HodomltOH did nut enjoy one trial for.
life. Thny and all mauklnd werv
"born in n!ii. Hltiippu In Iniquity; In in
did their i 'thorn witwoivo liitn "
for all stomach troubles indication, dyspfcpsia, heartburn, caa In the stomach, had
brcath,slckhcadachB,torpr4U'. 1 1 , t.i;.uanco3ad habitual com,t.,.tu.n. I Uas-ntto take.
The Vengeance
.of Eternal
"Even as Sodom and Gomorrab
and ihe cities about them ... arc set
forth for an sample, suffering the
vengeance of eternal fire" (Judc 7).
They wore born under tho sentence.
"Dying thou shalt die." Neither they
nor anyone elso. therefore, could bo
placed upon trial for a future life ever
lasting or death cverlaBtlng, until ro
leased froni the original sentence of
death under which all were born. And
no release from that death scntonco
was granted to anybody until tho He
dcoiner came and died, "tho Just for
tho unjust," that, "as by nman came
death, by n man nlso might conio tho
resurrection of the dead."
Only those, therefore, who have been
born since Jesus' day could bo released
from tho original penalty, or could bo
placed on trial for life or death eter
nal. Only the Church, therefore, ac
cepts this proposition. To this agrees
tho words of" tho Apostle, "if tee sin
wilfully after that wc havo como to n
knowledge of the Truth, thero remain
eth no more sacrifice for sin (such hav
ing enjoyed and misused their share
of tho original sacrifice) nothing hut
a fearful looking forward to of Judg
ment (sentence) ami ilery indignation,
which will devourtho adversaries of
God Ip tho Second Death (Hebrews x,
20). Tho Sodomites, therefore, did not
enjoy any chance of eternal life. They
know not "the only name-given under
heaven or amongst men whereby we
must be snvqd." Not only so. but tho
majority of mankind since Jesus' day
havo never heard tho Gospel in tho
tnio sense of tho word hearing They
havo never understood, never appre
ciated, it fully, rightly.
Mor Tolsrable For Sodomites.
It may astonish somo to know that,
Jesus, speaking of tho Judgment or
trial of the world during tho coming
age, during hla Mediatorial Kingdom,
declared Hint that trial would bp less
Bovoro upon tho Sodomites than upon
some of thoso people to whom he
preached, who would also have a
share In tho opportunities of that
great epoch an opportunity, with tho
Sodomites, of reconciliation to God
nnd tho attainment of eternal life.
Ills words were. Woe Unto you Cho
razzln nnd Iiothsalda. for if tho mighty
works wlllfli !mvn honn 'ilnnn In vnn
! had been done In Sodom and Gomor-
rn)Ji t)oy wmM ,lim rcp(,ntod ,01)f
.ago In sackcloth and ashes. Thereforo
I say unto you. It shall bo moro tol
erable for Tyro nnd SIdon in tho day
of judgment tho world's trial time,
tho Millennium than for you (Mat
thew II. 22, 2:!).' What more could wo
nsk upon this subject? What higher
authority could bo Invoked than tho
Great Judgo himself?
It will, not do to say that Jesus dfd
not refer to the same. licentious Sod
omites mentioned by St. Judo In our
text. It will not do to say that Jesus
meant somo Sodomites living In his
day, because thero wcro none. Tho
Master distinctly tells us that "tho
sumo day that Lot went out of Sodom
it rained down lire aud brlmstono from
heaven nnd destroyed them all" (Luke
xvll, 20). When our Lord declares
that "it shall bo moro tol6rnbIo for
Sodom In thtf day of Judgment than
for Capernaum" and the other cities
In which ho preached, ho Implies that
It will still be tolerublo for those peo
plo who heard him nnd who rejected
his message.
"Thus It It Wrlttsn."
This Gospel Age which began with
our Lord's Bufferings and trying expe
riences, aud which has continued thoso
experiences with bis followers, has) for
Its object the preparation, tho qunllil
catlon, of thoso who will bo tho Judges
of tho world In tho coming Age. They
must ull be developed In the fruits and
graces of tho Holy Spirit "meckuess,
patience, brotherly kindness, love,"
else that will not he tit to bo the
Judges of mankind by and by, It Is
required that all become copies of tho
Rodoomor, God's door Son. St. Paul
tolls us this, saying, "Know ye not
that tho saints shall judgo tho world?"
and that God has foreordained that nil
of these Judges must bo copies of hh
Son? (Itomims vlll, 20; I Corinthians
vl. 21.
Como back with mo to tho Old Testa
ment Scripture and note how tho Di
vine Spirit dictated this mattor of the
future trial of tho Sodomites to ono of
tho prophets and caused It to bo writ
ten for our Instruction. Alas ns Jesus
said, wo have "slow of heart to
believe nil Uuit fio prophets have
spoken" (Luke sxlv, 25). Through
Ksseklol tho Prophet, the Lord explains
that when the restitution time shall
Pome at the Second Advout of our
Lord in the glory of his Kingdom, then
tho Divine blessing will come upon
Iuraol now cast otT. Nor will the bless
ing of Messiah's Kingdom come upon
Israel only! It will extend to all the
families of tho earth.- Through the
Prophet the Lord specially emphasized
to Israel her two sister nations, Sodom
ami Samaria. The Lord pointed out
thot in tho day of their pride nnd pros
parity they disdained these sister na
tions us being fnr'bonenth them, and
unworthy of their notice In overy wny.
I)ht In the restitution times (Acts III.
10) they will bo glad to havo n Hharo
of tho Divine favor In conjunction with
thoso nations formerly despised.
Tho Lord declare that It Is not be
cause of the worthiness of nny of these
that ho proposes their restitution, but
becnuso of his glorious character, for
which his natfiosake. Let me quote
to you this romarkably clear state
ment of tho Divine purposes future
ami lot us notice that it is emphatic
ally declared that the ones to bo ro
storch nnd blessed arc the very ones
who perished In tho days of Lot. Wo
"Sodom thy sinter hnth not done
as thou host done Be
hold, this was the Iniquity of thy sis
ter Sodom, pride, fulness of bread,
nnd nbundnnco of Idleness was to her;
neither did she strengthen the
hand of the poor nnd tho needy. And
they were haughty, and committed
abomination before me; thereforo 1
took them away as I saw good. God
did not see good to take thorn to a hell
of eternal torture; but ho did see good
to destroy them and to make them an
example of tho destruction of all ulti
mately displeasing to him after enjoy
ing n knowledgo of his grace and an
opportunity for eternal life.
"Thou also which' hast condemned
thy sister nations bare thine own
shame for thy sins. They nro more
righteous than thou (as Jesus de
clared). When I shall bring ngnln their
captivity bring them from the prison
house of death then will I
bring again tho captivity Of thy cap
tives in the raldst of them: that thou
mayest bear thine own shame and
mnyest bo confounded In nil that thou
hast done, In that thou art a comfort
unto them. When thy sisters Sodom
nnd her daughters shall return to their
former estate, and Samaria nnd her
daughters return to their former es
tate, then thou and thy daughters
shall return to your former estate
I will remember my Covenunt
with thee In the duys of thy youth
nnd I will establish unto them an
everlasting Covenant the New Law-
Covenant of which Messiah Is the
Mediator and which, under his Media
torlol Kingdom shall bless Israel and
all who will como into Israel under
tho glorious terms of that New Cove
ncnt (Jeremiah xxsl, 31).
"Then thou shalt remember thy
ways nnd bo ashamed when thou shult
receive thy sisters, thlno elder and thy
younger: nnd I will give, them unto
thee for daughters, but not by thy
Covenant not under your present
Law Covenant, but under tho Now
Law Covenant and Its better Media
tor that 'thou mayest re
member and bo confounded nnd never
opon thy mouth any more, becnuso of
thy shame, when I am pacified toward
thee for all that thou hast done, sulth
tho Lord God" (Kzeklel xvi, 4S-G3).
Length and Breadth Height and
How wonderful it at first seems to
us to And that we really have a good
uinu, loving uou, anu not an .unmerci
ful and vengeful one! So grossly wore
w.o deceived respecting his character,
by the traditions handed down from
the past, that we gave him the rev-
crcneo of fear, rather than thot of
love and devotion. The clearer light
comes to us-as a fresh revelation of
tho mooning 'of the Apostle's words
when ho wrote nbojit "lengths nnd
breadths nnd heights and depths of
lovo of God, which passeth all under
standing." Tho words of the Lord through tho
prophet come to our minds, "Fear not
their fear, neither bo afraid." "Their
fear of me Is not of inc. but Is taught
by tho precepts of man." "As the
heavens nro higher than tho earth, so
are my ways higher than your ways
and my plans higher than your plans."
Oh! Thank God that It is so! To ull
eternity wo shall pralso God that he
did not allow our forefathers to make
him or change his character. Yes, and
ho Is the sumo yesterday, today and
forever. Ho changes not. The great.
wise, Just, loving plan for tho salva
tion of mankind which ho is now car
rying out wob tho very ono "which ho
purposed in himself before tho world
was created." Tho plan of selecting
the Church through flery trials, through
tho straight goto nnd narrow way, for
nineteen centuries, was what he pur
posed in advance; for tho Apostle says
that ho foreknow tho Church In Christ.
Likewise the- times of restitution
booh to como for the world of mankind
ho foreknew and predestinated, nud
mado all tho arrangements for, just as
they aro belug carried out now. The
end will bo glorious. His lionio will
Bhlno respleudently when the mists
havo cleared away, and when the Sun'
of Htghteousuess shall arise with heal
ing iu his booms, scattering nil the
darkness and degradation of sin nud
"Then wo'll soe what Ood hath wrought!
Then we'll prul&e him, praise htm as we
"To You It Is Given."
Wo nro well nwnro that only tho few
?nn see the beauties of this subject ns
wo see thorn. Wo tiro aware that only
thoso to whom "It Is given to know"
will understand tu tho sense of fully
appreciating the depth of the Divine
inosttagc. Hut wo are sure that all
such will rejulco moro and more In the
God of our salvation, as they cqme to
appreciate his worthiness of our lovo
nd confidence- and devotion.
As for thoso who shall under Dlrlne
tests prove themselves sympathetic
with Iniquity, we aro glad that tho
Dlvlno sentence Is that they shall huvo
from the Hternul Ono a destruction
tctal, complete one from which there
will be uo recovery, no redemption, no
resurrection. "They shall bo as though
they hod not be,en." Hut all tho willing
and tho obedient shall hnve tho bless
ing of tho Lord unto Hfo eternal
either on the spirit plane as members
of tho Church of the tlrstborns or on
tho human piano ns members of the
saved Israel restored to human perfection.
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Of course everybody does that, and
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printEil verses lrn