DAILY OAPTTAli JOURNAIj, SjEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1010. vAam sec Fifty Cents Grade "Onyx" Hosiery, fancy Embroidered and Lace Lisle, Grand Special Clearing at Thirty Cents. Corset Cover Embroidery New, Dainty and Sheer, Late Designs, Barred Cloth, Open and Blind Work with Beading Extra Value During Au gust Clearance, Special 25c ? 25c is Mum? En quire at Notion Counter. It Stops Bodily Odor. 25 Dozen Jabots 25 Dozen Bought special for our Annual Au gust Sala direct from tho maker who made us a special price, all brand now, dainty lace and em-, broidery trimmed. Compare these values with those sold as high ns 3 Do at other stores. While they last we offer them for, each . Boys' Wash Suits Clearing at J-2 Price Tho mother who does not buy the limit In this event will regret it, as sure as fate. Tho fact is that you should not consider tho prlco until yo havp seen the garments. These little suits are tho sos son's nowest styles, ages 4 to 8 years. 1 Price TJaw tftlnnrfnrr n 1WTT VtVMIIUQ V exactly 4, CITY NEWS. ft ft flavo Tom Per Cent By paying your wator bills on or before tho 10th of the month. 8-8-3t Attention Lndlc Dressmaking and ladlos' tailoring nt tho STYLE CRAFT SHOP, 279 North Commercial St 8-11-tf Ono of tho Finest - Houses In Salom has been placed In my hands to sell. Tho salo must bo made soon, thoreforo the prlco is reasonable See mo about this bo fore it Is gono. Homer H. Smith, Toom 5, McCornack bldg. Phono 06. 7-13-tf Bavo Time, Also Money Buy your groceries, meats, fish, .poultry, etc., at Farrlngton's. Pay Yoar Water Mils On or before tho 10th of the month and savo 10 per cont, 8-S-3t For Sale Fine 6 or 10-acro tract. Homer H. Smith, room 6, McCornack building. Phone 96. 8-2-tf Bnud and Gravel Best on tho river. Cement, llmo and planter tho boat only, sower and drain plpo, flro brick and flro clay. Only beat brands kept. Capital Im provement Co. Phono 14. South Iilborty street. 8-5-Ct u You Buy Much good Improved land nsar Sublimity, Orogou at $65 per aero. No, you cannot. For a short time, however, I havo a 1 -10-acro farm one niilo from Sublimity at $65 per acre. This prko includes tho crop until harvested. Soo mo at onco about this, as It will not last long. Homer, 11. Smith, room 5, McCornack bldg. . Phono 96. i, 7lS-tt Canton Company Licensed- The Canton Insurance Company with main offices at Hong Kong, China, was licensed by Insurance Commissioner Kozler today to trans act a marine business In tho state. Phillip OroBBiiinyor, of Portland, has been named tho ganeral resident agent. ?"ow Is tho Time To ave 10 par cnt on your wUr bills by paying on or l)fore the 10h ot the month. 8-8-8! PAPRE 25c Artisans Attention Spoclal Initiation and banquet Friday evening. Do thero 8-10-3t Now Is Oio Time To save 10 por cont on your wator bills by paying on or bofore tho lOtli of the month. 8-S-3t Ollson's bnrber shop OUhoii'b cigur store QUson's bnths open all day Sunday 12-4-w-s-tf Convict Captured Abonor Crawford, a trusty convict at tho state ponitontlary, who effected, his oscapo some time ego whllo doing somo work at tho Stato Fair Grounds, was captured today at Wonatchoo, and will be brought back to tho state penltontlary. Governor Invited to llunquct Acting Governor Boworman was to day Invited to attend a banquet to bo given at Portland by tho Chnmbor of Commerce in honor of R. A. Bal llngor, socrotury of tho lntorlor, Friday. Ellen's New Discovery Has sldetrnckod nil salvos and liquids. This Is tho ttme of year whon horses' nooks and shoulders get boio, and F. E. Shafer now has Just tho remedy you want. Call nnd ' soo It, nt tho saddlery and harness shop on South Commercial street. 8-S-Cod t( A Pleasant Surprise Mrs. h. C. Donnl was glvon 1a vary plonwmt surprise at her homo on Nineteenth and Ferry stroot Inst ovenlng. About 24 of her frlendu gnthorod nnd enjoyed a lino program of music, singing and speaklug, af ter which light refreshments were servod. All had a vory enjoyable evening. AfUf Ostrich Plume Mr. Hnllborg, of Hnllborg & Com pany, who carry In tholr big store practloally ovory.thlng lu tho shapo of women's wonr, leave today for California for the purpose of pur chasing additional stock for the; Btore. Among other places ho will 1 visit Is the Camston Ostrich farm ut PaMdeua to scleot from the beet ami larjtwt assortment ef plunww to be round In America. H Is mHktntt this trip to fin-her complete, his ! i.-iidy lnr ami splendid lad'"' out tf.UUK 4iMrtiUKiit lur. It Is Ml tettdy credit tony city, but Hull brg A Co. will not li mi t lifted until it U not only anion the best, but I In fact, i!e best 111 the mate. POUDRE- DAINTY Clean, Refreshing, White and Fresh, Handy for the Purse or Bag Takes the Place of the Powder Puff. Only 25c, Notion Counter. NEW ! NEW Many Beautiful Fabrics for Waistings, Kimonas, House Dresses Just Opened. The late Persiandesigh predom inates, 1 0 toJ25c per" yard linen Suits and Lin gen's Dressees Values to . . $20 Special at $5.00 And this is tho second day of this extraordinary offer no doubt you were hero yesterday and in spected these suits, or had ono put away for you. Those splen did linen suits will provo Ideal for mountains, sea-shore, travel ing or right here at homo. Every well dressed woman Is wearing them in their shopping tours. This low price is causing them to move lively. Come early, before tho ono you Intended to select from Is sold. , Regular values up to j, ff $20. Now only ipO.Ul Edwards Tlireatencd by Crank. UNITED riUCSS UB1SID WIEH.l Now York, Aug. 10. A letter threatening with death William H. Edwards, street cleaning commis sioner, who yostorday overpowered tho man who tried' to assassinate Mayor Qaynor, was received today. Tho lottor was written in German script and was couched In vulgar language It declared Edwards would bo dead within 24 hours. Tho mlsslvo was signed "A Friend of Gnllnghor." Crossed Irish Sen. rtWITKD PRKSS U0J8ID WlliB.J Blackpool, Eng., Aug. 10 Flylnij for moro than CO miles ovor tho Irish Sen, Robert Lornlno, actor and aviator, today drove an noroplnne from Blackpool, on the Lancashire const, to a point nenr Llandudno, on tho const of Wales. o Snvo Ten Per Cent By paying your wafer bills on or boforo tho 10th of tho month. 8-S-.1t Wo Aro Still Getting those rich, red Chinook salmon direct from the const, nt Farrlngton's. Mr. Knorr On Sick List 'For sovoral days past Mr.. Knorr. ;Jlr., of tho Knorr Shoo compnny, Imb boon vory sick but Is reportod to bo Improving this morning. o Festivals in Japan. Evory month In tho yenr appears to provldo somo special attraction for tho Japnnoso. No soonor have they pnssed through tho colouration of the Niw Yoar than thoy aro In tho midst of celebrating the bloom ing of tho plum tree, which oven In tho cold days of Fobruary puts forth swoot bolssoms to hnstou tho spring. In March comos tho girls' fostlvnl which Is dovotod to Ideals of osthell clsm and manners, such as womon should cultivate. April sees tho parks and gardens, and nlmost ovory street and avenue, a cloud of filmy misted cherry blossoms, and tho wholo population making holiday to seo the Indescribable exuberance of beauty. May la tho month of tho iris and tho wistaria, July and Aug ust tho lily, and November tho chry santhemum. London Standard. "Anilnlo ypu over think what you are gating tgjlo when you are a great big who." "N no. sir." "Ah, I kaw it. - Children are so slilftteaa tne times. And why don't you gl It any thought?" "B cause 1 am a little girl, sir "-Tit Bits PARSONS 84 MOTHER 107 YEARS OLD SANTIAM RANCHER AVITH FINE WAIl ' ItECORD VISITS HIS MOTHER HERE THEIR COM BINED AGE IS 101 YEARS. N. M. Parsons, of Foster, aged 84 years, made a visit today to his mother in this city, who Is 107 years of age, and will return to his ranch on tho Santlam in a few days. Mr. Parsons has had an interesting enreer, and almost remarkablo war record. Ho saw service In tho Illi nois Fifth Infantry during the civil war, participating in the battles of Wilson Craek, Fort Donaldson, Mis sionary Ridge, Shiloh, Lookout Mountain, Vlcksburg and Atlanta, and was with Sherman on his march to the sea. At Atlanta ho saw Gen eral McPherson shot and assisted In carrying his remains from the battle field. During this battlo ho also had three horses shot from under him. He carries now three bullets in his body and a sabro scar across the breast. After tho war he saw service in the two houses of the Illinois legisla ture. Whllo advanced in age he Is still enjoying splendid health. REGISTER IF YOU WANT TO CAST A VOTE While thero Is In existence no law requiring tho city to open up registra tion books for tho special election 10 be held on August 15th, with rela tion to the purchase of tho Salem Water company's plant, and because of It the city will open no registra tion books, it is for all that necessary that those voting at the election should be registered, and It will be Incumbent upon them should they desire to participate in it to either, register with tho county clerk or swear their vo'e In through Blank A. That is in substance tho opinion which will bo rondered this afternoon or tomorrow by City Attorney Corby to City Clerk Moores in, pursuance to a request by the council. Mr. Corby holds that tho only Instances in which the city Is required to open registra tion books aro when nominating elec tions are held and that It must do so then to comply with the direst primary law. At any other election, however, there Is no law authorizing It to do so, and for their guidance tho Judges must look to tho registra tion books of tho county. These books are now opn and as It is neces sary for a voter to be registered to vote at the election It Is urged that everyone interested should register before election day. Should they fail to register thoy can swear their vote In through Blank A, but this may occasion considerable trqublo, and tho better way will be to register. YELLOWSTONE PARK INJURED BY BIG FIRES Butte, Mont., Aug. 10. Fore3t fires are raging today In Yellowstone Nntlonal Pnrk. A force of 200 regulars aro fighting tho flames and backfiring at lako Yellowstone, where the blaze Is worst. The heaviest timber In tho park is burning. It is foarcd that thousands of head of big and little game have been burned. Deer, elk nnd moose aro flying In panic to tho open places in tha park and to tho Montana and Wyoming hills. A big timber bolt In tho St. Mnry's mountains caught flro today but vigorous bnckflrlng proved successful and the flames died out. Tho fires aro not close to tho line of tourist trnvol but much beautiful sconory 1b bolng marred. FIRE CAUSED BY EXPLOSION OF ! CELLULOID STAY! Laundry Plant liitrucd in Portland ' Today with Loss of $75,000 100 Girls In Jeopardy 200 Out of Em-1 ployinent. Portland, Oro., Aug. 10. The ex-, '. plosion of a celluloid stay In a woman's shirt waist caused destruc tion by fr ef U Uultwd States Lnuudry company's plant Grand ave nue and HMt Yamhill afreet, today and entailed a properly los of ap proximately $7.'. 00(i and, throwing ubout u ruiis U'iniui ai tly ovu l employment. Tho lives of nearly 100 girls were In Jeopardy for several minutes and many of them would havo been lost but for heroism dis played by some of the firemen and a few passers-by who rushed In and dragged tho womon Into tho air. Mrs. Caroline Schmidt, an elderly woman employed in the ironing room on tho top floor of the threo-story structure, was tho last person to come out and she was dazed when assisted to tho sidewalk. She had abandoned hopo and was resigned to her fate when ono of the men who had rushed In from tho street grabbed her by tho arms and dragged her from tho stairs that surrounded tho elevator shaft through which the flames quickly spread over tho entire structure. In less than an hour the interior had been devoured, but it is believed that tho brick walls were llttlei dam aged and that they can bo utilized in rebuilding. OLD IN SALEM'S Salem, Aug. 8. Ed. Journal: I see you Bpeak of golden pavements In an Oregon town. Perhaps It would Interest your many readers to learn that I am laying pavements and floors all the time and that about a month ngo ono of my help ers panned out a shovelful of black sand that was delivered to me to lay a cement floor In a house on Com mercial street, nnd found many par ticles of fine gold in the sand when washed down to about a teaspoon ful. There is gold In nearly all the sand used for cement In Salem, and gold has been panned out of the gravel taken from tho basements wf buildings. These are facts and can be verified at any time. J. P. VEATCH, Cement Contractor. JAWBONE IS IDENTIFIED AS KENDALL'S Oakland, Cal., Aug. 10. Dr. T. B. Goodman, a dentist, today Identified a portion of Jawbone found on the Starbuck ranch near Cazadero as hav ing been that of Thomas A. Kendal'. Goodman declared that the dental work corresponded with work he had done for Kendall a yoar and a half ago. The local authorities, have com municated with the Sonoma county officials and it Is probable that an In quest on tho charred bones of the Kendall family will be held at once. Broke Swimming Records. London, Aug. 10. Frank E. Beaurepalro of Victoria, Australia, has broken the world's swimming records for 200 and 300 meters; also for 300 yards. Tho respective fig ures established are 2:30, 3:50 1-5 and 3:30. Salem t I GRAIN, HAY, FEED, FLOUR, ETC. J. F. JONES, Mnnager. Phone Main 008. 1823 State Street. Grain Wanted :i Wo aro in the market for Oats, Wheat, Barley, Rye, Cheat Seed, otc. Highest cash prices pnld and sacks furnished free. Sacks For Sale If you d) not earo to sell your grain at the present time, we have now sacks and sack twine for sale. D. A. WHITE I & Sons. FtMl!iMH mid Kettlilteii. SbM X. Comim-reinl StrtH't, Salem, mvmH. SDEWALKS STEAM COLLIDE ATLANTIC NORWEGIAN STEAMER COMES IN TO PORT WITH BIG HOLE IN HER HULL FROM BEING RAM MED BY COLLIER MARCELLU3. New York, Aug. 10. With a gap ing hole In her bow, the Norwegian steamer Rosarlo DIglorgio arrived to day from Port Antonio and reported a collision with tho United States collier Marcellus at 2 a. in. Tuesday. According to the officers of tho steamer the collier sustained little damage. The two vessels collided 1 a dense fog, the collier tearing Into the hull of tho steamer. After striking the vessels sheared off, scraping each other's sides without further injury. The hole in the Rosarlo Is above the water Una and she was able to pro ceed unaided. The Marcellus is attached to the Atlantic fleet. She has not been re ported as yet by the navy depart ment. LANGFORD. TO MEET KAUFMAN BIG FIGHT SCHEDULED FOR TO NIGHT AT PHILADELPHIA LANGFORD IS FAVORITE DE SPITE KAUFMAN'S ADVAN TAGE OF AVEIGHT. UNITED J'EES" TJS1SKD WIEE. Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 10. Clouds threatening rain today may necessitate the postponement until next Tuesday night of the Kaufman Langford fight scheduled to take place In the baseball park tonight. The Boston tar baby Is still the favorite, although those who are watching the development of the fighters say that Kaufman has Im proved wonderfully. Langford's backers figure that their man will win, despite the fact that Kaufman, who weighs at least 40 pounds more, is seconded by Billy Delaney. The fighters are to receive 75 per cent of the gross receipts. It Is under stood that this sum Is to be divided equally between them. A $25,000 gato Is expected. Langford's seconds swill be Joe Woodman, his manager; George By ers and "Slivers" Davis. Kaufman will be looked after by Billy De laney, Johnny Loftus and Bob Deady. A late dispatch says the fight was postponed on account of rain until tomorrow night. Captured Big Reward, Too. UNITED TBESS LEASED WIBE.l Los Angeles, Calif., Aug. 10. A man arrested at Dillon Wednesday where R 's alleged he wns trying to rob a bank, has been identified by the authorities thero as "Bill" Haney, formerly of Los Angeles, who is wanted in Canada. Ho will be taken to Canada If the Identifica tion proves correct, for endeavoring to rob a train and killing a Canadian frontiersman with whom he fought at the time of the hold-up. The Canadian authorities, who have been searching for him for moro than a year, have been notified, nnd nro ready, It Is said, to pay $C,500 reward for Haney's arrest. SOUTH SALEM PARK CLUB WILL nAVE A SMOKER Tho South Salem Push Club will have a smoker next Saturday night at Townsend's hall to consider tho question of buying tho water plant. This Is an Important matter and all interested people aro urged to 1)2 present. I west Salem Transfer Passenger Baggage Connects with all trains nt West Salem for Dallas, Falls City and Salem. Leaves Journal office for West Snlom at 8:40 a. m., 12 ra., 1:10 p. m. and 4.00 p. m. every day except Sunday. Also for Independence, Mon mouth and McMlnnvllle. Leave Sunday at 8:00 n. in., l:0fl p. ro., and 5:15 p.m. Calls at hotels on request. Telephone or leave orders at Capital Journal office any day but Sunday. Phne ii. 1,3, Underwood, Mgr. She Will Not Wed Dnkc. Now York, Aug. 10. "You can say for mo that thero is absolutely no foundation for tho frequent reports of a forthcoming marriage of my daughter to tho Duko Abruzzl," de clared Senator Stephen B. Elklns to day. "I consider theso reports, amusing. They aro nothing more than foolish rumors. I am glad lo deny them emphatically." Chnrged With Murder. Newark, Ohio, Aug. 10. The grand' Jury today returned 39 indictments, five charging murder In tho first de gree, in connection with the lynch ing of Detective Carl Etherlngton. several weeks ago. Etherlngton was shot to death fol lowing tho killing of a cafe keeper here during a raid conducted at the Instance of tho Anti-Saloon league. Went Through Him Clean. UNITED FIUCSS LEASED WIRE. Los Angeles, Aug. 10. Edward' Mills, a horse dealer of Oakland,, was robbed of ?2,180 and three val uable diamonds a few minutes after his arrlvnl In Los Angeles from San Francisco todny. Leaving his train at the station Mills started for a downtown hotel. Upon reaching his room ho discovered his wallet, con taining two ?1,000 bills and a num ber of smaller denomination and tho diamonds, was gone. There Is ni' clue to the thief. o The Laziest Man in the World. Would not bo contented to be kept, la the house nnd do nothing by rheu matism. Neither aro you, who are always busy and active. Then don't, neglect the first twinge of an ache or pain that you might thing Is Just a. "crick." Rub well with Ballard's. Snow Liniment and, no matter what the trouble is, it will disappear at once. Sold by all druggists. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Frank Meredith, Resident Agent Room IS Bush Bnnk Blk, Salem, Or., MONEY TO LOAN! TUOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Or. NEW TODAY L T T T -T M -T FOR SALE A well located business loton South Commercial for $700 This Is O. K. Bechtel & Bynon,. 347 State. 8-9-tf FOR SALE Fine 5 or 10-acre tract. Homer H. Smith, room 5, McCor nack bldg. Phone 96. 8-2tf CAN TOU AFFORD To pass up such an opportunity as the follow ing: For sale, good 6-room house, pantry, bath, all rooms good size, board walks, barn and chicken, house, city water, excellent view, lots of shado and fruit trees, house? plastered and in extra good condi tion. Price $1900, easy terms. Homer H. Smith, room 5, McCor nack building. Phone 96. 8-2-tf FOR SALE First class newspaper folding machine 4-6-8-10 or 13 pages folded at once up to a full sized 7 column paper. Cheap It' taken soon. Speed 1800 to 2000 per hour. Inquire Journal Salem, Ore. 3-21-tf GOOD BUY Ten acres Rosedale; fine soil, all Irrigable; 200 cordsi wood. Bargain at $800. Bechtel & Bynon, 347 Stato street. 8-9-tf FOR SALE A modern 5-room cot tage, on an improved corner lou 56x107; one uf the finest .locations) In the city. This place has a IB modern plumbing, bath, toilet, lavatory, etc., connected wlttu sewer. Fireplace, teamed celling, cabinet kitchen and all up-to-date conveniences. The location Is ex cellent. Easy payments. Hornet H. Smith, room 5 McCornack: building. Phono 96. 6-22-tf POR SALE The following land has been placed in my hands to sell: 10,000 acres of farming land, lo cated in Morrow and Gilliam coun ties; 80 acres of land, 16 miles from Spokane, Wash.; 192 acres near Whitman, Wonh., and HOC acres In Columbia county, Wash. For particulars and lnformati call on or wrlto me at the Journal office, Salem, Ore. R. M. Hofer. 6-13-tf POR SALE A fine lot on south east corner of 24th and Trade Sts.. high and dry, 60x192. This a dandy. $400, $25 down, bal ance $10 per month. Homer H. Smith, Room 5, McCormack build ing. 6-20-tf FOR SALE Span of large mules, cheap, at Hammer's sawmill, 3 milo- west of Down's Station, North Howell. 7-28-3wks SOMETHING REAL GOOD Tan aores at Rodale, covered with' timber and having a Urge flint rock quarry; stumpg sell read ily on ground to driers at $1.50 per cord. Perpetual running stream; first elaaa fruit soil wfcen cleared; part Irrigable. Owner needs money and this Is jour op portunity. Bechtel & Bynon. 347 State g-s-tf.