Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 05, 1910, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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The Store Ahead
Today Is Remnant Day
All odds and ends and short lengths of Dress Goods,
Laces, Silks, Embroidery, Wash Goods, etc., now
Honest Clearance Sales
A Clearance Sale is a good place to fay in supplies, pro
vided you know the goods you are buying or know the
honesty of the dealer. When you know both, you are
absolutely safe. We are offering special bargains in
summer weight suits. Among them you'll find a large
number bearing the label of
HarT Schaffner & Marx
One reason for making greatly reduced prices is a sim
pic business reason. Every suit represents a certain
amount of our money, and it occupies so much of our
shelves. We want to put the money in fall goods, and
wJ want to put these goods on the shelves now occu
pied by summer suits. The solution is plain. We offer
you the summer suits, just when you need them, at
ridiculous prices. Come in and prove it. This store is
the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes.
Women's Tailored Suits Now Reduced
Lingerie Dresses at Clearing Prices
All Linen Suits at Clearing Prices
Pongee Coats at Clearing Prices
Tailored Waists now at Reduced Prices
Lingerie Waists at Reduced Prices
Muslin Underwear at Reduced Prices
Silk Petticoats at Clearance Prices
All Underwear now at Reduced Prices
All Corsets and Wraists Nojv Reduced
Onyx Hosiery now at Clearing Prices
All Lines of Shoes Greatly Reduced
Men's Clothing now at Clearing Prices
Laces and Embroideries are Reduced
Fancy Ribbons now Specially Priced
Fancy Silks Going
You Cnn Buy
A rofrlgorator cheap If you call at
onco. Duron & Hamilton. '
Vov Sale
Fine 5 or 10-acre tract. Horn or H.
Smith, room 5, McCornack building.
Phone 96. 8-j2-tf
Attention Ladles , j
Dressmaking and ladles' tailoring
at tho STYLE CRAFT SHOP, 270
North Commercial St. 8-11-tf
Mott AVanta to Do Senator
Dr. W. S. Mott today filed with
County Clerk Allen hia declaration of
Intention of Uqcomlng a candldato on
tho Democratic ticket for tho offico
of stato senator.
Foi-cstcrti Attention
Supromo Grnnd Chief Ranger Cos
grqvo, Hartford, Conn., hero tonight,
8. o'clock. Grand court offices of
Orogon also hero. Everybody In
vited. Holman hall.
Wiuit Money, Not Land
Clara Van Dandnlgno today com
menced an action In tho circuit court
against Honry Zorn. She- nllogos thut
she ontorod Into a written contract
with Zorn to soil him 560 acres of
land for a consideration of $27,600.
Sho says that, whllo sho has over
stood ready to fulfill hor part of tho
agnxmiont, Zorn has failed, and sho
now asks for a Judgmont of $27,600,
tho purchaso prlco of tho land.
Call for llids
For old lumber, furnaces, discard
ed fixtures, etc, at East School. Bids
oponod noxt Saturday night. Board
reserves rjght to reject any or all
bids. II, A. Johnson, Jr., clorlc.
On of tho Finest
Houses In Salem has boon placed
In my hands to sell. The silo must
bo made soon, thoreforo tho price la
reasonable. Heo mo about this be
fore It Is gone. Houior II. Smith,
room 6, McCoruack bldg. Phono 96.
Notice to Pmperty Holders on Cap
itol Street
You ore requested to meet at tho
Board of Trado rooms at 7:30 Fri
day evening for tho purpose of so
looting a suitable man for superin
tendent of Capitol street Improve
ment. 8-4-2t
ut You Buy
Much good lmprovod land noar
Sublimity, Oregon at $65 per acre.
No, you cannot. For a short time,
however, I have a 140-aero farm one
mile from Sublimity at $06 per aor.
This prlco includes the orop until
harvested. Seo me at once about
tills, as it will not last long, Homor
H. Smith, room 5, McCornack bldg.:
Phone 98. 7-13-tf
at Clearing Prices
At closing out prices. Wo need
tho room they occupy. Buren &
Nero Is What You Want
A good fat hon or fryer for your
Sunday dinner; an excollont lot to so
lect from, at Farrlngton'a tho mar.
kt mnn, 420 East State stroot.
Foresters Attention
Supremo Grand Chief Ranger Cos
grovo, Hartford, Conn., hero tonight,
8 o'clock. Grand court offices of
Orogon also hero. Everybody invited-
Holman hall.
Gns Hot Plates
j And gas ranges at tho lowest prices
, Wo want to lntroduco our Now Pro
cess Gas Ranges. Tho only rango of
quality sold nt a moderate prlco,
Huron & Hamilton.
Ellen's Now Discovery "
Has sidetracked all salves and
liquids. This Is tho tlmo of year
whon horses' necks and shouldore
got Boro, and F. E. Shnfor now has
just tho ronfody you want. Call and
soo It, at tho saddlory and harness
shop on South Commercial street.
IClng Flics Declaration
Justice King this morning filod
with tho socrotary of stato his dec
laration of Intention of boebming a
candldato on tho Democratic ticket
for tho supromo court, to succood
Foresters Attention
Supremo Grand Chlof Ranger Cos.
grovo, Hartford, Conn., horo tonight,
8 o'clock. Grnnd court offices of
Orogon also horo. Evorybody In
vltod. Holman hall.
Sand and Gravel
Best on tho river. Cement, Hmo
and plastor the boet only, sewor and
drain pipe, fire brick and llro clay.
Only best brands kept. Capital Im
provement Co. Phouo 14. South
Llborty street. S-5-Ct
Suton After Office
F. M. Saxton, of Bnkfir Cltq, this
morning tiled his declaration of In
tentlon of becoming a candldato on
tho Republican tiokot for tho offlco
of wntor suporlntoudent of district
No. 2. Ho asks to hnvo printed af
tor his imrao tho words: "Merit,
and not polities should constitute the
qualifications of a candldato for-this
quasi-judicial offloo."
Kugoiio Wants Boson
Aotlng Governor Boworman this
morning Issued a requisition upon
the governor of California agklng tor
the return to tuts state of C. J. Roseu.
Roe. ii ! alleged to hare seduced
ltlla Bowers, of tfugene, wider a
promts of nisrrlam In November nf
last year, and It Is for the purpose o(
trying him for this offense that his
return la sought.
Provincotown, Mass., Aug., C.
fining tho historic streets with
their ordorl yranks, 3000 bluejackets
greeted Prosldont Taft today on his
arrival hero to tnko part In the pre
sentation by the Capo Cod Pllgrain
Association of the giant stone tower
that looks out on Plymouth harbor
from the dock whore tho Mayflowor
grounded three centuries ago.
Forming about tho president, who
joined the otu'or speakers, tho escbrl
led tho way from the docks to the
town hill, whre Ilia 46-foot shaft
stands. Lnrite crowds were ranged'
j About the sneakers' stand.
After an invocation by Rev. James
Do Normandio, of Boston, President
Emeritus Charles W. Elliott, of Har
vard, tho orator of the day briefly
discussed tho history of tho Pilgrim
Fathors, and tho hardships endured
i by them in their conquest of NeW!
! England. . j
I Following Dr. Elliot, Jonkhoer N.I
M. VnnWoedo, chargo d'affaires of tho covering tho disposal of the land3,
Netherlands legation at Washington, 1 was Anally prepared by tho Oklaho
spoke. I ma delegation. A conference was
Then Senator Henry C. Lodge, of J held by tho president and the officials
Massachusetts. In a slmnlo address ! of tho interior dfupartment, tho
transferred the stono shaft from its
builders to tho people of tho nation.
Former Congressman McCleary, of
Minnesota, followed Senator Lodge-.
Governor Drapor then introduced
President Taft, who, on behalf of tho
nation, accepted tho monument from
tho descendants of tho Purltnns. A
banquet, at which tho speakers and
other distinguished guests wero( pre3
ont, closed tho coromonles.
Tho monument was begun on Au
gust 10, 1907, when President Roose
velt dedicated tho corner stono. Its
cost was slightly over $100,000.
Tuft Arrives on Mayflower.
Provlncetown, Mass., Aug. 5.
Eight battleships and a great fleet
of smaller war vessels greeted tho
Mayflowor today with a presidential
saluto of 21 guns as the vessol bear
ing President Taft entered tho har
bor. Tho president comes to dedicate
the Pilgrims' monument In' a "so
different" Mayflower from tho one
that boro tho original New England
fathors to tholr now world destina
tion. As the Mayflowor steamed through
tho long lano of warships President
Taft held his first nnval review.
Tho president stood on the bridge of
tho llttlo vessol nnd fractured rigid
naval otlqifetto' by waving his hand
to tho thousands of bluejackets who
cheored as tho Mayflowor passed:
Lator Admirals Schroeder and
Vrelo and the captains of tho war
ships paid tholr official respects, to
the president.
Washington, Aug. C. Tho official
summary of tho appropriations voted
nt tho second session of tho sixty
first congress 'of the Unltod States
shows a total of $1,027,901,629.
Big Picnic
At Solah Springs, near SUvorton,
noxt Sunday. There will bo speeches
by Jefferson Myors( Dan Allen nnd
A. G. Stoelhammor. Tho Victor
Point band will furnish music and
thoro will be a baseball gamo In tho
afternoon. Lunch sorved on tho
grounds. Como out nnd bring your
friends. 8-5-2 1
Lot Pianos In Front of Geo. O. AVUI
Gen. C. Will, tho music doalor re
ceived another car of pianos from
the Starr Piano compnny, of Rich
mond, Indiana, today. Ho has han
dled theso pianos so long, and peo
pin buying hem like thom so well,
that ho soils a carload a month
Many como In nud ask for them as
their friends havo them nnd say
thoy get nioro vnlue for their nionev
than any piano -they ever triad.
Another reason he gets so many I
sovoral doalcrs In Portland buy their
pianos from Mr. WI'l. AYo oxpeot
another oar from tifhlcngo factory
tomorrow. When this car arrives,
wo will havo a boautlfijl lino of
plunos to select from. If you need
a piano, come in nnd soo tho nine
now styles and the low prlcoa sold
nt. If you need anyUino, I am as
well prepared to oarryryour papor a
any one in Uha United States. My
placo of business g at 121 S. Com
iheroial St. Goo. C. Will. Music
and sewing maohlnae.
o ,
He that has light within his own
clear breast
May sit I' th' center and enjoy bright
But he that hides a dark soul and
foul thoughts
Benighted walks under the nild-Uy
sun. Milton.
(Continued trom Pago 1.)
"Hamon suggested that I see Mc-
Murray, which I did. McMurray did
not mention the contracts."
Creager testified that ho did not
tell Goro In dptall of his conversa
tion with Hamon, and intimated that
McMurray's meeting with him. was
nothing unusual, as he had known
McMurray for years.
Ho declared that M6Murray never
offered to let him In on tho contracts
and didn't suggest a bribe.
"I am tho author of the bill provid
ing for tho disposal of the Indian
property, and which expresses Mc
Murray's wishes," Creager testlflod.
"In fact many of Its provisions were
outlined by him. During tho seven
mbhths MtfMurray and I discussed
the bill he did not mako any improp
er suggestions to mo. There was no
person, aside from Hamon, who over
made a suggestion which I consid
ered Improper.
"Tho bill for th disposal of theso
ihdinh lands was approved by tho
Oklahoma delegation, aunougn
was suggested In committee that
new bill be drafted. The Oklahoma!
delegation was organized with Gore
prosldont and myself secretary."
AVns Offered nn Interest
"Hamon told me ho could arrange
for mo to get an Interest in the Mc
Murray contracts, but ha didn't say
1 that ho was Interested In them,"
; Creager testified. "I understand that
Hamon was authorized to represent
Ho testified that the second hill,
Oklahoma, delegation attending.
No agrcomont was reached, he
Senator Gore was out of humor
during Croagor's testimony. He ex
amined Creager, asking what Hamon
had said to Creagor referring to testi
mony before thet committee. Creager
replied that Hamon "asked mo if I
would testify, and I said I would, and
told him what my testimony would
bo. Ho regretted that I would bo
compelled to make a statement."
D. L. Gore, brother and private
secrotary of the senator, took the
stand. He testified thatf&cmator Gore
was tho author of tho Indian lands
bill, which resulted in the indict
ments of a number ofjeople in tho
town lot cases. Governor Haskell
was indicted in connection with
theso cases.
"Hamon was often in my brother's
ofllco," D. L. Gore testified. "Orvlll
Smith, -private counsel of Governor
Haskell, was also interested in the
resolutions Inquiring into the man
ner iri which tho indictments were
procured against Haskell."
It is expected that Senator Gore
will bo recalled during the afternoon
to testify regarding the manner in
which tho passago of bills supposed
to bo for the protection of tho Indi
ans was secured. Theso bills per
mitted attorneys to secure fabulous
foes for tholr alleged services to tho
Hainoii Says Goro Lied.
"When Goro snld I suggested that
ho might securo $2"5,000 If ho would
not fight tho McMurray contract.
Goro lied." Hamon testified. Gore
flgoted and turned his sightless eyo3
townrd Hamon. '
"McMurray had not sought to in
terest me in Jio covtrnbts," contin
ued tho witness. "At no time did I
ovor Intimate, to nny man or mon
that I was interested in them,"
t "Do you know nny reason why
Sonntor Goro should make these
charges?" Congressman Burke
"I know Gore, had beon prosecuted
on criminal charges In Texas and
that his brother had beon accused
of crime," Hamon answered, "but I
did not think my knowledge of those
mnttors would lead the senator to
A recess was taken by tho com
mittee shortly afterward. It was ex
pected Sonator Gore would cross-ox-nmlno
Hamon during tho nftornoon.
Burko asked Hamon If," ho callol
on Sonn.tor Goro May 6.
"I think I did." Hamon replied. 1
ronched Washington Mny 5 and I
remombor I talked with Goro and
told him I came In roeponse to a
tolegram received May 3. Orvllle
Smith, counsel for Governor Haskell,
wired mo to stay in Washington un
til Saturday, In reply to a telegram
from mo saying I would lenvo Wash
ington thnt night. I had not sean
McMurray for a year previous to
May G. tho date on which Gore says
I Int'niatod ho could got $25,000 or
$50,000 out of the. McMurray con
tracts. Goro was tho first person to
toll mo about the McMurray con
tracts, saying ho had mado a mistake
by getting Into tho MoMurray flght."
"Did you toll Gore if he would
withdraw from the flght against tho
MoMurray 'contracts, there would b
$25,000 la It for him?" Congress
man Burke Interrupted the wltuess
to ask.
"I was never Interested In the Mc
Murray oontraeU to the extent of a
dime." Hamon recited. "There !
ibrolu'ely no foundation for Gor
Denial N( SurprlM-.
Muskogee, Okla, Aug. 5 Sen.i-
tdr Thomas P. Gore Is not surprised
at tho donlal made by Vice-Presi-dent
Shermnn of the charge made
by the Oklahoma senator before the
congressional committee which is In
vestigating alleged attempted brib
ery in connection with the McMur
ray Indian contracts.
"Such denials,." . said Gore today,
"as those of Sherman a,nd Senator
Curtis are to bo expected."
Jacob L. Hamon, whoso name was
brought into tho story yesterday
when Goro appeared before tho In
vestigating committee and told his
story of the attempt, ho said was
mado to brlbo him to vote for bills
validating tho contracts a certain
syndlcato had made with the In
dians, has risked to be allowed to
appear before the committee.
"I think I can square myself,"
said Hamon as he asked to be sum
moned. Tho committee resumed Its ses
sions again today.
Tho allegations of bribery In con
nection with tho Indian contracts
were first mado on tho floor of tho
senato by Senator Gore near Hie
e'ese of the last session of congress
KJTlie charge was made in connection
a'Wth locislatfon then before tho sen-
hQ which gave Certain officers of the
rtrariihiGnt nnwr-r to validato cbn-
j lrnct8 with Indians in selling lands.
Undor tho present System the con
tracts are validate by, "the govern
ment after recommendation by tho
commlttoo of Indian : affairs. The
bill introduced In the senato pro
posed to make contracts in the man
ner In which, contracts could bo -approved
so that, It is declared, 'friends
of " thoso holding contracts could
have them approved.
Klcli Mineral Land Involved.
It wan. to Withdraw his opposition
to this bill. Senator Gore said, that
ho was offored the bribe.
Tho contracts which it is alleged
by Goro wore ' affected by the, bill
wore those In which J. C. -McMur
ray was said to bo Interested. It
was said that McMurray, represent
ing a syndicate, had purchased 450.
000 acres of lands in tlte Chickasaw
and Choctaw nations in Oklahoma.
The lands are rich in mineral de
posits. Thq purchaso prlco is said
to have been -$30, 000,000 of which
10 per cent was to go to McMurray
and the others Interested In the deal
This was held excessivo by Gore,
especially in the light of the fact
that the government guaranteed to
soil the lands for the Indians with
out cost to them.
As tho charge was made Inths
senate, Gore alleged that the men In
terested in the matter were a syn
dicate of attorneys. It wns also In
timated that the deal was being
mado In the Interest of another syn
dicate. At the time tho charge was
made, Gore said, another senator, a
former senator, an Oklahoma con
gressman and others were Involved.
The names of all those Interested
were not mentioned until Senator
Gore appeared on the witness stand
here. His charge that Vice-President
Sherman was Involved In the
deal is based, 6n an alleged state
ment made by Hamon In tho offico
of Senator Gore in Washington. Ha
mon, ho said, had stated that Sher
man was Interested In tho deal but
did not say In what way.
Senator Curtis, of Kansas, ac
cused of having beon interested in
the contracts, and who denied the
statement, has part Indinn blood.
No- Truth Tn It, Says Sherman.
Big Moose, N. Y., Aug. 5. Vice
President James S. Sherman today
sent tho following telegram from
his summer homo to tho United
T1 I
l l van ,
"The story coming to me of the
Gore charges In Muskogee Is abso
lutely without the slightest shadow
of foundation."
Tho vice-president's telegram was
sent In answer to messages sent to
him detailing the charges mado by
Sonator Goro before the congres
sional investigating committee In
Muskogeo, Okla,, yesterday.
Utlcn, N. Y., Aug. 5. Friends of
Vice-President Sherman will urge
him to take tho witness stand bo
fore the congressional Investigating
committee and refute tho ' charges
mado agnlnst him by Sonntor Gore
nnd Muskogee.
It Is contended that Sherman's
connection with tho enso Is. mere'y
unpleasant, and thnt ho has had ab
solutely no Interest In the contracts.
Should ho appear beforo tho com
mittee and openly deny tho charges, j
tho matter would be cleared up, his
friends say.
Roosevelt Dodges Reporters.
Now York, Aug. 5. Fully a score
of newspaper 'men today awaited (lie
arrival of Colonel Roosevelt nt the
offices of tho Outlook to question
him regarding the charges of Sena
tor Gore, of Oklahoma, connecting
Vice-President James S. Sherman
with an alleged attempt to Influence
legislation affecting Indian land con
tracts. Suddenly the outer door opened.
Colonel Roosevelt breesed In. shout
ed. "I have no statement to make
about Sherman," and disappeared
behind the doors of his sane turn be
fore the reporters could frame
He denied hinue'f to all caller-
( hen-after
Kansas City, Mo., Aug. G.v Armed
with guns and clubs, a mob Is hunt
ing a negro in tho brush near Buck
ner, Missouri. Tho negro is nccusod
of attacking Clara Baldus, 15, the
daughter of a farmer living near In
dependence. Tho mob threatens to
hum tho negro If he Is caught. An
other negro was captured and spir
ited away by tho authorities. It la
reported two negroes attacked the
girl. i 1 i ) 1 '
Fairbury, Neb., Aug. 5. Declar
ing cigarotto smoking one of tho
most degenerate habits known co
modern life, Mrs. Allco Longworth
was today asked by tho Christian En
deavor societies, meeting hero, to ab
stain from smoking. Tho Enjieavdr
ors indicted a long letter' to Mrs.
Longworth, telling her that cigarette
smoking is abhorred by all Christians
and asking hor, for the sake of her
father, Theodoro Roosevelt, to give
up the practice.
. n
(Continued from' page 1.)
loan ho gave Yosh'dfr a $6 g'jMd
piece. 1 j
"Coroner Blackburn and niysolf
are leaving here today for the ranch
We' expect to find additional ovl-(
denca that will, aid us in capturing
the murderers.
. "The garden of, tho ranch house
will be thoroughly overturned by
SherljT Smith's deputies in the hope
that more portions of bodies may bo
"The murderers left nothing b"
which to trace them and if they had,
the marks probably woro obliterated
by persons who visited the ranch
during tho timo the Kendalls woro
(Continued from Page 1.)
displeased His Holiness, who or
dered Cardinal Del Val to direct the
Bishop of Braga to suspend publi
cation of tho periodical.
Tho Portuguese government
promptly issued a royal decree cen
suring tho whole, proceeding on tho
ground that tho Vatican had in
fringed upon the royal prerogative
by falling to submit the Papal order
to the King for his approval.
Be sure and take a bottle of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cough and Diarrhoea
Remedy with you when starring on
your trip this summer. It cannot be
obtained aboard the trains or steam
ers. Changes of water and climate
often' cause sudden attacks of diar
rhoea, and It Is best to be prepared.
Sold by all dealers.
Afternoon and Night
Big Uncle Tom's Cabin Co.
All patent medicines or medicines ad
vortised in this paper aro for sale at
Drug Store
The only cash drug storo in Oregon,
owes no ono, and no one owes It,
carries large stock; its shelves,
counters and show cases aro loadea
with drugs, medicines, notions, toi
let articles, wines and liquors of all
kinds for medicinal purposes. Dr
Stone is a regular graduate in medi
cine and has had many years of ex
perience In the praetloe. Consulta
tions are free. Prescriptions are
free, and only regular price for tned
lolne. Dr. Stone can be found it
bis drug store. Salem. Or., from 7
in the morning until 9 at night.
Aug. 9
Mrs. Edward Clanton, wife of"
Master Fish Warden Clanton, will
arrive in tho city from Grants Pass
today. Sho will be accompanied by
her two children; '
Norwich Union
Fire Insurance Society
nnk Meredith. P"sldent Agent"
Room 13 Bush Bank Blk, Snlein, Or."
Over l.ndd At Hush Hank. Snlriu, Or..
FOR SALE Flno 5 or 10-acro tract..
Homer H. Smith, room 5, McCor
nack bldg. Phono 96. 8-2tf
such an opportunity as tho follow
ing: For sale, good G-room house,
pantry, bath, all rooms good size,
board walks, barn and chicken
house, city water, excellent view,
lots of shado and fruit trees, house
plastered and In extra good condi
tion. Price $1900, easy terms.
Homer II. .Smith, room 5, McCor
nack building. Phwno 90.
- S-2-tf
FOIt SALE First class newspapw
foldin'g machine . 4-0-8-10 or TV
page's folded at once up to a fulfc
eized 7. column paper. Cheap it"
taken sboil. , Speed 1800 to 200Q"
per hour. Inq'ulro Journal Salem,
Ord. , s 3-21-tf
FOR SALE A modern 5-roo'th cot--tage,
on an Improved corner? lor
5G.107; one of tho finest locations
in the city. This place has. all
modern plumbing, bath, toilet,
lavatory, etc., connected witnt.
sewer. Fireplace, teamed, ceiling,,
cabjnet kitchen and aR up-to-datec
convenience?. The location is ex
cellent. - Easy payments. Homer
, H. . Smith, room 5 McCornncJo
building. Phono 90.
FOR SALE The following land has
been placed in my hands to sell:.
10,000 acres of farming land, lo
cated in Morrow and Gilliam coun
ties; 80 acres of land, 16 miles
from Spokane, Wash.; 192 acres
near Whitman, Wash., and 1100
acres in Columbia county, Wash
For particulars and informal
call on or write me at the Journal!
offico, Salem, Ore. R. M. Hofer.
FOR SALE A fine lot on south
east corner of 24th and Trade Sts.,.
high and dry, 60x192. Thi3 is
a dandy. $400, $25 down, bal
ance $10 per month. Homer H
Smith, Room 5, McCormack build
ing. ; 6-20-tf
FOR SALE Span of largo mules,
cheap, at Hammer's sawmill, 3 mlles.-
west of Down's Station, North-
7-28-3wks '
FOR SALE One roll top desk and",
one flat top, cheap if taken soon.
Jnck Coopor, at Grest Western-.
Garage. 8-5-at.
LOST Lady's gold watch on river
road near the C. L, McNary ranch
Reward for return to Journal of-
flee or A. N. Moores. 8-5-:it.
Saved From Awful Peril.
"I never felt so near my grave,"
writes Lewis Chamberlain of Man
chester, Ohio, R. N. No. 3, "as I was
when a frightful cough and lungr
trouble pulled mo down to 115
pounds in spite of many remedies--and
theest doctors. And that I am
allvetoday isduo solely to Dr. King's.
New Discovery, which completely
cured me. Now I weigh 160 pounds-,
and can work hard. It also cured my
four children of croup." Infalliblo
for coughs and eolde, Its tho most cer
tain remedy for la grippe, asthma,
desperate lung trouble and all bron
chial affections, 50c and $1.00. A.
tr'al bottle free, guaranteed 'by J. C
Plntsch gas is death to prairie
dogs. It is a by-product of carbido
Ughting plants, and may be had1
cheaply by applying to railway head
quarters in the principal cities.
West Salem Transfer
Passenger Baggage
Connects with all trains at
West Salem for Dallas, Falls
City and Salem.
Leaves Journal ofllco for
West Salem at 8 a. m.,
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J. B. Underwood, Mgr.