ranic HiX DAILY OAPITAli JOURNAL, SALEM OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1010. CONDITION BOB IMPROVE f UNITED PIIIKS MSARCD wina.1 Washington, July 30. The dig' Sing of the Panama Canal has re -versed the condition regarding labor which confronted the United States at the outset of the big task. No longer according to the reports from the Isthmus Is it necessary to send agents abroad to contract for labor, Despite the great number needed for the work Voluntary Immigration from Orecce, Italy, Spain, Costa Rica Cuba, Colombia and Venezuela now Is sufficient to supply all demand for the big force. The volume of Immigration In tho caso of tho European laborers has In creased nearly 1,000 per cent, nad in tho caso of tho West Indians, ovor CO per cent, as aompared with the first six months of 1909. Nearly every vessel sailing from a foreign port brings an additional lot of laborers, and within the past few months immigration among the Greeks and Italians has been steadi ly increasing. As near as can bo estimated about GO per cent of the steerago passengers from Europe at tho present tlnio are Spaniards, while tho remaining CO per cent is more or less equally divided between Greek and Italians. Formerly tho stowaway class con stituted qulto a factor in the immi gration movement and there Is d caso on record whoro a vessel arrived nt Colon with 288 stowaways on board including a number of women At that time laborers woro in de mand on tho canal works, and under tho agreement with tho Republic of Panama respecting tho importation of labor, the stowawuys wore allowed to land without tho re quislto amount of cash, and a largo number of thorn wont to work on tho canal. For somo timo past, how- over, stowaways have boon returned to tho countries from which thoy em barked, which has discouraged the practlco to a great extent, and caused steamship officials to bo moro alert. Stowaways have been especially num erous on tho Islands of Barbados, stealing on deck unseon, or going on board on somo fictitious errand and hiding thomsolvcs as tho opportunity offered while tho vessel lay at anchor on cargo. With tho present surplusage sf European labor on tho Isthm,us the Commission has boon compelled co hold to tho rule of filling Vacancies In tho labor ranks from the contract men, whenever contract men are without work. The Purest is None too Good ! my Children require tho purest of food. No mother would Sk Mb knowingly sacrifice tho health of her ohlldron, If you Vk iMg would ohoose dlscrimlnately bo euro to ask your dealer for I (ojujnfci Hama a brand bacon wsivxtA h II You can feed it to your children knotting that it Is jfij vK perfcot that it has prfesod tho rigid government inspection MS and bears the Btamp of approval. They'll like it tool jfi7 At Best Dealers, Hotels and Cafes Jije R Union Meat Company, Portland, Oregon 4gffly 51 Moiieer Packer of tho Pacific ggf DON'T LICK YOUR POSTAGE STAMPS. Whoever thinks that tho old-tlmo zost of danger is gono from life In theso piping days of poaco has failed to reckon with tho dlscovories of science Tho peril of dragons and hippogrlffs and ovil wizards that bo elogod our forefathers' pathway wero as nothing compared to tho doadly menaco that awaits us now In tho handling of a dollar bill or tho lick ing of a 2-cont postage stamp. The postage stamp ordinarily con sidered so innocent, Is tho latest region of torror that the doctors havo explored. An eminent English scien tist has Just doclarcd, aftor long months of investigation and experi ment, that anybody who licks an ovoryday postage stamp had as "woll go thrust his head Into tho gullet of a hungry Hon. For thoso stamps nro, or at least may bo, laden with bil lions of bacteria. And to mako tho' Opportunities nt West Point, Tho course of ' instruction In the United States Military Academy at West Point procldes an education of which' any young man may feel proud. Fow schools In tho world oc cupy sites which compare with it in beauty, while tho buljdings, equip ment nnd historical associations stim ulate enthusiasm and ambition. Tho training is of tho highest order. The young graduate from West Point commands attention and respect not enjoyed by those emerging from col leges and universities. His services nro in demand, for ho has beon taught how to do things, and do them promptly, says an oxchango, It is, thoreforo, surprising that tho West Point classen aro below their full quota. Not so many years ago scores of bright, ambitious boys woro bending every energy to securo an nppointment, nnd tho few successful ones were tho envy of hundreds Evidontly tho difficulty of securing tho scholarship has in theso days beon overestimated, or there would now be tho long waiting list of a fow years ago. Each state Is entitled to but two scholarships each year, to which are added 40 from tho country at largo. Appointment Is by tho President, usually upon recommenda tion of a senator or representative. At tho present time thero aro 94 vacancies which cannot be filled un dor tho present law, TheBo vacancies nro duo partly to tho falluro of somo states to furnish their quota this year and partly to students who havo dropped out for one reason or an othor. Colonol Scott, superintendent of tho ncadomy, has recommended to tho Houso committee, which Is con sidering a bill to chango present con ditions of admission, that whoro an appolnteo falls to enter, tho man standing socond In tho saino oxamlnn- tlon for entrance bo appointed to tho vncancy thus caused. Tho ,recom mondntlon Is excellent and should be adoptod. Tho number of graduated cadets for 11 years past has averagod 45 por yoar short of tho numbor required to fill ordlnnry vacancies and 172 short of tho number required to fill all vacancies. During tho past eight years $7, COO, 000 litis beon appro priated 'for additional buildings and Improvements nt -West Point,- but without providing legislation .for t lnrgbr numbor of students. Hence tho now barracks with a capacity of 312 cadots Is occupied by only 51 men qulto In tho manner of La Tosca as usually represented. Ho woro a rimless monocle, no string at tached. Of theso he kept an un limited supply; for if one fell, It us ually broke, and he took no notice of tho accident but simply extracted an other from his waistcoat pocket. Whistler found rest In change of occupation; when weary of oil paint ing he turned to etching and next to lithography. Ono art did not inter fere with tho othor, but amplified his abilities and resulted In a steady but not fatiguing work. Julian Hawthorno says: "Both as an artist and no a man he belongs in a class by himself. His stop was light and rather short and his shoul dors had nn Impatient twitch as he moved to and fro. Thoro Is an Im mense good nature In Whistler which Is hidden from tho public by the notorious sharpness of his epigrams, Ho will tolerate not the slightest sus picion of humbug or pretense; but thoro is tho tenderest, most fragrant feeling In him for all that is good and true In mankind." OPERATES BLINDFOLDED jc 5jC C jjfi jji j! jjc 5jC jJS SC iji S5 5j( CHURCH SERVICES 4; 5 s: ; 5 (; Situation moro horrible still, thOSO cniietn. Mnlnr-Gonoral Dell has form bactoria havo boon named staph y-hilntmi a nlan whorobv tho numbor of lococcl. Tho staphylococci, wo aro told, aro grapollko organisms which swnr:n the. air like sparrows on a Juno morn Jng. Whsnover they soe a speck of dust thoy hoist sail and speed toward It. Having arrived, thoy tako posses sion, build themselves homes on tho spook nnd proceed to exemplify Col Roosevelt's pet commandment, Thus In tho course of a day or so thoy can boast a population greater than Pokln or Greater Now York's. And so whenever you lick a post ago stamp you aro likely to lick up soveral continents of staphylococci, any ono bf which is as dangorous as dynamite Only a few months ago tho United States Department of Chemistry let it bo known that 40, 000,000,000 germs had beon found on a singlo dollar bill. Who can say that life Isn't exalting theso days? Just at present we are entering the thick of danger, for tho houso fly Is unfolding his tent nnd ovory school child knows that a fly why, a fly a a vory Old Scratch, Heaven help us all From the At lanta (Ga.) Journal. ' n Chamberlain's stomach and Lm Tablets gently stimulate the Uvr nnd bowels to expel poisonous mat ter, oleanse tho system, cure oonstl patlon and slak headaohe. Sold by all dealers - graduates may bo lnoroasod 25 por cent nt nn additional oxpondlturo of only 1 por cont. . A four years' courso of such train ing as our government providos at West Point, where not only all ox ponsos aro paid, but tho studont Is actually paid monoy for his nttond nnco, surely offors attractions which, If onco known, must, appeal to hun dreds of our young mon, and awako tho old-tlmo intorest and doslro to This Surgeon Needs No Sight to Per form Appendicitis Operations. So many case3 of this fearful dhftaso occur, It Is said ono Minne sota surgeon has performed Appen dicitis operations so often, that he can now operate with his eyes blind folded. Another Minnesota physt- clan has discovered a slmplo remedy for treating appendicitis without op oration, although perhaps In very rare cases, operation may still be ad visable. Tho remedy, called Adlor- ka, Is composed of buckthorn bari-, glycorlno and other slmplo Ingredi ents scientifically compounded. Becauso Adler-I-ka COOLS the dlsoased parts and DRAINS OFF nil Impurities, which no other medl cino can do, -ONE DOSE Instantly relieves stomach or bowel trouble. Tho drug store of J. C. Porry reports large sales and wonderful results. Almost any doctor will tell you, If your bowels do not movo each day. or If you havo wind or gas In your stomach or bowols, or a heavy feel ing aftor eating, you may vory like ly got appondlcltls. By taking Ad-lor-l-ka Just onco each week, appen dicitis can gain no foothold. A vnluablo book, showing many pictures of the curious llttlo appen dix, and tolling how appendicitis Is cnused, nnd how you can easily gunrd'yoursolf against It, can bo so- cured freo for a short tlmo nt the abovo druggist's. You should' road this book and tako no chances, o The nobleness of life depends on its consistency, clearness of purpose, qulot and coaseless energy. Ruskin. German. Lutheran. Christ church, East State street. -Sunday sohool 9:30 a. m. Divine service, 10:30 a. m. C. Hopf, Pas tor. First Christian. Corner of High nnd Center streets. BIblo school, 10 a. m. Dr. H. C. Epley, superintendent. Preach ing 11 a. m., and 8 p. m. Respec tive themes, "The Climax of Chris tianity," and "Tho Appeal of Chris tianity." Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Tho C. C. C. will furnish music for the morning nnd ovcnlng ser vices. Tho public cordially Invited and welcome. D. Errett, minister. Evangelical. There wlli be a rally of the mem bers of the Young People's alliance at the Chemeketa street Evangelical church next Sunday evening at 7:30. The meeting will be addressed by Rov. G, Helnmlller, of Cleveland, Ohio. A cordial Invitation extended to all tho friends. F. M. Fisher, pastor. Tho Church of Christ. Will hold an all day meeting in the Grove east of West Salem school house' next Lord's day, July 31. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. Bring a weil-lllled basket and enjoy the day In tho grove'. Christian Science. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 440 Chemeketa street. Servlcesr Sundny at 11 a. m. Subject of les- son sermon: "Love." Sunday school at 12 m. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading room In the church opeu each afternoon except Sunday. All aro cordially Invited. Evangelical Association. Seventeenth and Chemeketa Sts. F. M. Fisher, pastor. Sunday School at 10 a. m., and preaching at 11 a. m., by tho pastor. At 7:30 p. m. thero wll be n union rally of tho Young Peoples Alliance; Rev. G. Helnmlller of Cleveland, Ohio, who is the general president, will address tho meeting. A cordial invitation extended to all. Yew Turk United Brethren. Rov. H..D. Tatman, of California, will preach in tho Yew Park U. B. church next Sabbath at 8 p. m., Sab bath school at 10 a. m preaching at 11 a. m. A cordial welcome to all. Como and bring your friends. A. fl. Lnudy, pastor. First Presbyterian. Church street, near Chemeketa street. Rev. Henry T. Babcock, pas tor. Morning service at 11 a. m, Preaohlng by the pastor. Theme: "The Church of God." Special music by ladies' chorus. Union ser vices In evening nt First Congrega tional church. Preaching by the pas tor of this church, at 8 p. m. Union Young People's meeting at tho First Congregational church at 7 p. m. Leader from the Baptist society. S. S. at 10 a. m. mid-week prayer meet ing Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Public cordially invited to all of these ser vices. RAIROADS. SOUTHERN PACIFIC TIME TABLE No. 08. Effcctlvo Bunda" January 1, 1010 Northbound. No. 16 Oregon Express. .. .5:15 a.m. No. 18 Portland Passenger 7:43 l.m No. 20 Portland Passenger 2:56 p.m. No. 14 Portland Express. .8:20 a.m. No. 12 Shasta Limited. .,. 12:35 p.m Southbound, No. 13 San Francisco Exp.. 3:31 a.m. No. 19 Ashland Passenger 10:59 a.m. No. 17 Rosebunr Passenger 6:45 n.m 'No. 15 California Express. .9:66 p.m, No. 11 Shasta Limited ...7:43 p.m. northbound. No. 220 Way Freight ....9:50 n.m, No. 222 Portland Fast Ft. 10:45 p.m, Southbound. No. 225 Way Freight. . . .12:35 p.m. No. 221 Portland Fast Frt. 2:43 a.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Local Lea vs For Portland and inter 6:40 a.m. Portland-Hlllsboro inter . . 8:55 a.m Portland and inter 11:15 a.m. Portland and inter 2:00 p.m. Limited. Port., Tualatin, Hlllsboro. 3:20 p.m. Local. Portland-Hlllsboro Inter.. 4:00p.m. Portland and inter 6:20 p.m. Portland and Inter ...... 8:50 p.m local Arrive From. Portland and Inter 8:25 a.m Portland-Hlllsboro Inter.. 9:50 a.m Limited. Port., Hlllsboro, Tualatin. 10: 45 a.m Local. Portlahd and Inter 1:00 p.m Portland-Hlllsboro inter.. 4:00p.m. Portland and Inter 6:50 p.m. Portland and inter 8:30 p.m. Portland Theater train. .10:40 p.m. Salem, Falls City& Western Ry Leave West Salem ror: Dallas, Falls City and Black Rock 9:00 a. m. Dallas, Falls City and Black Rock 1:30 and 4:35 p. m. Sunday Trains for: Dallas & Black Rock 9:00 a. m. and 1:35 p. m. Trains Arrive at West Salem from Dallas 8:15 a. m. Black Rock and Dallas . .12:20 p.m. Falls City 4:16 p. m. Proposals for Bids. Sealed bids will bo received by the county court for tho county of Mar lon, state of Oregon, up to '2 o'clock p. m the 3rd day of August, 1910, at which tlmo said bids will be open ed by tho county court, proposing to construct a macadam road from the city limits of tho Ity of SUverton, Oregon, to tho '-'Pine Treo Four Cor ners" on tho Mt. Angol and ScotU Mills road, a dlstanco of about four kand one-third (4 l-3) miles, In ac cordance with the plans, profllo and specifications, prepared for said Im provement and now on file In said county clerk's office. At least one mile of said road Im proved shall bo fully completed by December 1, 1910, provided the whole contract be awarded to one person or company, and In the event that a contract for one mllo or moro and not moro than one-half of the entire distance bo granted to one person, one-half of each mile contracted for shall bo completed by December 1, 1910, and tho remain ing portion of said work shall be fully completed on or before Octo ber, 1911, provided, however, that the contractor shall keep a reasona bly large forco of men at said work from May 1, 1911, and work faith fully and continuously until said work shall be fully completed. Bids will be received for the con struction of all of any portion of said Improvement not less than ons mllo In length. The county court reserves the right to reject any and nil bids. Done by order of the county court upon the 9th day of July 1910. R. D. ALLEN, County Clerk for tho County of Mar- Ion, Stato of Oregon. 7-15-eod-2w): PIMPLES "I tried all kinds of blood remedies WHICH tailed to do me anv cood. but T have found lif rlirht ttiinir nt ! u uniV tiw nml nnrum nn nnnnlnftnnnr f M . . . ' ....... .v ------ n.v...Uw-., Hra nu ,UIl gi piuipicsunu oiacjL-ueaaa, n . I After taking Cuscarets they all left. I am Whistler's Peculiarities. ( continuing the use of them and reconv Tho following description of Jatneawbcn I rise in the morning. Hope to McNol! Whistler is taken from a now volumn on thn Ronton MiiRniini of Fine Arts by Julia DoWolf Addison Whistler was as exotic to look at as to llston to. With Italian cast Df faco, black hair and a little Imporlal board he combined bright blue oyes and ono whlto lock of hair in front in which ho took muoh pride. He treated it as an algrotto and always rocognlzod tho exlstonco of this whlto look in his own color scheme ills voice was harsh and Insistent. He woro a tall hat with a flat, straight brim and a loug black bow tie, one nd of which was flung over the ahouldar. He curmM n sleuder bam boo cane, extreiuoly long, so that his hand was nt a higher leva) In walk ing with It than-the hands of other' have a chance to recommend Cascarets," itta U. Witten, 76 Elm St., Newark, N.J. Pleaiant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good Do Oood Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe. 10c, ZJc. 50c. Never aold In bulk. Tne genu ine tablet atamped CCC Guaranteed to I euro, or your money back. 822 I CURES Men & Women1 Ul 111 O tiw nn... ...! 1 IrnUtlODl or l)1rall.in I S"'nl ". o Htlcture,' hold br Dniiul.lL 1 or In lllo umpuw. ainrw . t(M. On tMlpt of if. . w uirw, boulM. Ft H ulrwlar mt an m.i D ... r - - - - uwuiNNATl.O. U. A. Unitarian Church. Corner Chemeketa and Cottngo streots, Saturday, July 30, at 7:30 p. m. International Bible Students' Association. Free lecture. Topic "Has Christ's Mission to the World Been a Failure?" Tho BIblo and reason harmonized. o How to Bake Planked Fish. At a pormament camp It Is pos slblo to havo planked fish as i special camp delicacy. Tako along to camp with you tho necessary num bor of "planks" of planed oak, from to 1 Inch thick and varying In slzo according to requirements. For tho averago bas3 or trout twelve inches long will bo satisfactory, Scrub plank and dry In open air. Rub in a spoonful of olive oil or melted butter on tho surface selected for cooking. Place plank in tho oven and when It gives out a pale blue smoko, place your fish on It. Basto the fish with ollvo oil or melted but ter and season with popper, but no salt. Allow usual tlmo for baking but turn the fish ofton, so it may bo thoroughly permeated by tho acid of tho gas which is formed betweon it and tho plank. When tho fish Is nearly dono make a border of mashed potatoes round It on the plank nnd return to the oven until potato Is nicely brownod. Arrange frlod onions, boiled peas or boans within to potato border according to fancy nnd servo on tho plank. Tho plnnks must never bo washed but simply wiped clean and dried with tho cloth used in greasing it, then hung up In a muslin bag to protect It from dust. Recreation August. NEW SUNDAY SCHEDULE of the SALEM, FALLS CITY AND WEST. ERN RAILWAY COMPANY Passenger Tariff No. 11. Naming Special Sunday Round Trip Fares: Commencing Sunday, May 29, 1910, and in effect each succeeding Sunday until and Including Sunday, September 26th, 1910. Rate in Cents, West Falls Black Between Salem Dallas City Rock Black Rock . .150 75 Falls City ....125. 50 Dallas 75 ... West Salem 75 Children Children of ago, one-half of the adult faro., Sale Dates Sundays only. Limit All tickets will be be good for continuous passage in each dl rection, good only on date of sale. Baggage No baggage will do checked on theso tickets. Issued, May 17, 1910. Effective, Sunday, May 29, 1910 LOUIS GERLINGER; JR., General Manager. 50 125 half 75 150 fare Hay cver nnd Asthma. a. for XerrlMy Scalded Is something wo hear or read about very day of our lives. Burns and scalds elthor slight or serious are bound to happen In your family, be prepared by having a bottle of Bal lard's 1now Liniment haudy. It re lieves 4bo pain Instantly and quickly heal tho burn. Sold by all dealers. Bring discomfort and misery to many people but Foley's Honey and Tar affords quick and welcome re lief, and gives ease and comfort to the suffering ones. It relieves the congestion of the membranes in the head nnd throat and soothes and heals them. None genuine but Foley's Honey nnd Tar In the yellow package. Insist upon having Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse substl- tites. J. O. Perry. Delightful task; to rear tho tender thought, To teach tho young Idea how to shoot. Thomson. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. August m., and August Notice is hereby given that the county superintendent of Marlon county will hold tho regular examin ation for applicants for stato nnd county papers at tho High School, Salem, Oregon, as follows: For Stato Papers. Commencing Wednesdny, 10, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. continuing until Saturday, 13 at 4 p. m. Wednesdny Penmanship, history, spelling, physical geography, read ing, psychology. Thursdny Written arithmetic theory of teaching, grammar, book keeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, composition, algebra, English liter ature, school law. Saturday Botany, plane geome try, general history. For County Papers. Commencing Wednesday, Augus". 10, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m. and continuing until Friday, August 12 nt 4 p. m. Wednesdny Penmanship, history. orthography, reading, physical geog raphy. Thursday Written .arithmetic. theory of teaohing, grammar, physi ology. Friday Geography, school law, civil government, Baliab literature. W. M. SMITH. County School Superintendent. 7-29-lOt-dly But to the generous, still Improving mind That gives the hopeless heart to slug for Joy Diffusing kind beneficence around, Boastless, as now descends the silent dew. To him tho long review of ordered life Ts Inward rapture only to be felt. Thomson. o A Wild Blizzard Raging brings danger, suffering ofton death to thousands, who take colds, cough and lagrlppe that terror of winter and spring. Its danger sig nals are "stuffed up" nostrils, lower part of nose sore, and a throat-grip-ping cough. When grip attacks, as you value ur life, don't delay- gotr tlpg Dr. King's New Discovery. "One bottle cured me", writ J.. L. Dunn, of Pine Valley, Mass., "after being 'laid up' three weekB with grip." For sore lungs, hemorrhages, coughs, colds, who ping cough, bronchitis, Asthma, It's supremo. 50c, $1.00. Guaranteed by J. C. Perr INSTALLMENT BARGAINS. 900 will buy a good slx-roonr house with large lot. Closo to new school, car lino and other conven iences. Only $50 down, and balance as low as $12 per month. Now If you want a horn, why not tako ad vantage of nn offer like this? If you do want this place, call early,, for It will not keep. $975 for an eight-room house lo cated one block from school. Closo to carllne; largo lot. $50 down: balance to suit. $1000 will buy a good six-room-houso In north part of tho" city. As: low as $50 down, nnd $12 per month will buy this place. $1275. will buy a good six-room-house on Union avenue, with south front; $100 will handle this place; balance, $15 por month. $1300 will buy a good six-roont house on Twentieth .street; $300: balance, $10 per month. Houses', lots and fruit tracts sold on easy payments. We write Insuranco companies. In reliable BECHTEL & BYNON 347 Stato St. Tel. Main 4oi REAL ESTATE. SEE GEO. 0. SAVAGE, For Farms and City Property 135 S. COMMERCIAL ST. For sale, 40 acres, In cultivation,, bilanco stumps and Umber, 2& miles from Salem; $100 per acre. Somo 10 acre tracts on Jefferson, road, from $100 to $200 per acre, 3. miles from Salem. Good 5 acres, 7-room house, good well, good garden, balance timber,, closo In, $1800. 21 acres on tho Island, and large lot 100x200 In clty, plenty of stable room, G-room house, good well, large spring, can bo used. The 21 acres are mostly in cultivation and alfalfa and all kinds of herrles, $7,000. 42 acres near Independence, all In cultivation, fair house, barn nnd fam ily orchard, good place; $4000. 04 acres, 8 miles from Salem, all In cultivation, good spring, fair house, barn, orchard; $4800. 6-room house, 2 lots, east of de pot, $1000. Houso and 1 lot $700.50- 15 acres, close to city, good house,, good barn, good orchard, and a good, chicken house, $6200.50. Two good lots on Asylum avenue,. close to store, $500 for one lot and. $1100 for two lots. Good hotel for sale, rents for $35 per month, $4000. Good houso on S. 13th street,. $1500. . All kinds of country and city prop erty for sale or trade. Seo J. C. SCHULZ & CO. Room 1, Bush Bank, Salem.Ore.. HIHMHIIHHHtHHIMHtHHHHHtHIHnHmH The Addition over put on the market In Salem Is McCoy's Addition, wide streets, large lots, high ground, only ono block from car line. The Capital street Boulevard will double tho value of every lot In McCoy's addition. The contract is let and work starts at' onco. Tne price or tnese lots is from $275 to $350. including cement - walks, $20 cash, $10 per month. Derby & Willson I U. S. Bank Building M H M M M tt M M M t H H e t T MHItMMItIHHttMHMMIIIIHimillltlHIIHM Farm Bargains Wo have Just returned from a tour of Marion and Polk coun ties, and havo secured contracts on a large list of good farms la the two counties, some of which have been listed at bargain prices. Note These 140 acres, houso and 2 barns; 30 acres cleared; enough Umber to pay for place; 4 miles from Dallas. Only $20 per acre. 200 acres 4 miles' from Rlckreall; house and large barn. All cleared land. Rich, blnck soil, $65 per ncre. 630 acres 5 miles from Dallas; 2 houses and 3 barns; 6,000,000 foot of good saw timber on placo. Will sell nil or half of place with set of buildings for only $25 per acre. Wo are now prepared to supply tho big demand for good farms at low prices. Give us a call. H. A. JOHNSON & CO. I i 388 State St., Ground Floor. Salem, Oregon imHHHIItimilllllllllUIHIHHMIIHIIIHIt)