' PAGE FOUR. DAILY UAP1TAI. JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1010. 1SH MO POWERFUL MAN HUMAN BIPED NOT iINK SAS1H CLASS WITH GAME SPORTg OP TUB FINNEY TRIBE WHEN IT COMES TO CRAFTINESS AND 'STRENGTH IN CONQUESTS; ; f'trniM nasvcn Qsaxk asiina . , Santa Barbara, Cal., July a man were a flsh he wouldn't bo classed' nmbng tho gamlf ones, ac cording to Frank Garbutt, of Los Angeles, jvho Is" cruising from San Pedro to San Francisco In his yacht. ' Garbutt's opinion Is based on a tost stmgglo with Frank Harrison, o& San Francisco. Harrison, six feet tall and weighing 175 pounds, pormltted Garbutt to fasten a nlnc strand flsh lino to his belt and at tempted to land him with a nlno ounco rod. Harrison Is an expert swimmer, and before Garbutt could stop his flrst rush tho man-flsh had run out 50 feet of line. ' Despite his struggles, however, af ter that he was reeled steadily toward tho boat. Ho fought desperatoly, but within 17 minutes was brought to gaff. Garbutt claims a yellowrtall -weighing one-third as much would have resisted an hour. MISERABLE SALARY WAS RESPONSIBLE DEFAULTING CASHIER OF RUSSO CHINESE HANK COULD NOT RE SIST TEMPTATION OF MIL LIONS WHEN PAID ONLY TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS A WEEK. united muss lbasep wins. Now York, July 30. Blaming tho hank which employed him for paying him a mlsorablo stipend, and then allowing him to handle millions, Er- THA HERE ARE SOME BARGAINS No. 133 10 acres 4 miles north, C-room house and barn, all kinds of small fruit 1G applo trees. From this tract $445 has been sold up to dato. Prlco $4000. No. 13.018 pcres, 0 In.cultlvatlon, small houso and barn, balanco In Umborand pasturo. Prlco $16000; 6 miles south of city., No. 113 'A flno houso' and 2 1$1500; C miles south of city, car line. , This Is a snap. Prlco $2000. No. 11G 40 acres, 5 miles from' city, all in, cultivation, 1 acre old orchard, 7-room houso, good bnrn, other buildings. Prlco $G500. GEO. O. 105 S. Commorclnl Streot. gains in August bolng a vory dull month, warm and dry, tt Is considered au off mouth In tho realty buslnoss, and partlos contemplating making nn InvoBtmont for a homo or for speculation, right now is tho tlmo io Invost. Wo quote bolow a fow of our many bargains. A good 2-room houso, a good well and 4 lots, on n good street, only block fro ma good car lino. Only $800; terms. A now 0-rom houso and 2 good lots, ono block from car lino; $950. A now G-room houso and 2 goo-lhall, woodshed, plenty shade, largo lot, closo to car lino and all In Al condition. Only $1600; torm3. A nobby 6-room houso, now, novor beon occupied, pantry, clo'-eU, bath room, city water, electric lights, hnrd finish, closo to car lino, good stroet nnd In good neighborhood; $1800. Good terms, A modem houso on Court stroet, a bargain at $2500. Terms, Chlckon Ranch- Wo havo a nlco llttlo chicken ranch, nlcoly Idcatod, and all equlppod for business. If Interested wo would like to show you this, 10-aoro tract, 2 mllOB out of Salem, with good 4-room houso, good oil, 3 acres potatoes, 1 ncro strawborrlos, good road on two sldos of jilnco, nil tho host of black loam. soil; mid-summer prlco $2500. Wo havo a farm that onn't bo duplicated In tho stato of Orogon for tho prlco, 245 acroa, about 5Q under cultivation, 30 ncroa gqnulno beaver dam, most all in cultivation, 0-room houso, barn and nil noo oeeary outbuildings, tolephono In houso, cream route, dally mall, mostly bottom soil, would make a model fairy ranch; $05 per aero: good tonus. We have lot in nil parts of the ally at bedrock prloee. And if you want to buy, Mil or exchange, Hie your property with ua PLANT & TALLMAN Ttoom 205 U. 8. National Bank Building. win Wider, arrested assistant cashier of tho Kusso-Clilncso bank, admitted that ho stolo $600,000. Wider broke down In his cell and wept as ho told his story. "Yes, I took tho money and tho se curltles," ho said. "It was only what you might expect of a man getting $25 a week and handling millions. It Is tho bank's fault. Tho bank should not put a man on a miserable salary In charge of everything with no thought of tho consequences. "Wall street seemed safe. I docld od I'd take a chanco and play the market. I did not get reckless, until I was In so deep thero was no way to escape. I belloved tho market would turn. It didn't, and hero I am." Wider Intimated his willingness to give full details of his peculations whon tho proper tlmo comes. He will bo arraigned Monday. An Old Drinking Cup. The scissors grinder Is one of tho Interesting personages of tho city streets, and his cheerful clanging bell is known to country roads, too. Sometimes tho boll Is part of his grinding machine and rings by means of a fiprii.g as tho wheels on whi'n the fntnio Is trundled go round. More of on It Is Just a big brass clln loll vlth a nol.iy clai.pcr which the cih'tJM dangles 'a ht- hand. Sr.i-. ct-ii.es tho grinder m.m uees l..'s bell fcr i cup. It really makes nui't an elegant goblot. It may bo dipped into tho waysldo stream or hold un der the spout of a city drinking fountain. That fountains do spring if not In deserts, certainly in unite tr.llkoly places, was lately showi o-.i -t long, hot street of brick houses ia a city. A scissors grinder waB passing slowly along, swinging a rnther dis pirited boll. Tho man looked as thirsty as tho observant wayfarer felt. Presently ho stopped and bent besldo tho basoment of one of tho houses which was nearly on a Hue with tho sidewalk. Ho turned tho faucot of tho hose hydrant sot to supply the. hoso that watered the tiny grass plots. Ho held his boll under tho stream of water, rinsed and filled It and drank. Surely no watcher would chide him for taking advan tage of tho roady cup of cold water, Salem vs. Peninsula Sunday afternoon at the grounds; boost for Salem. league SAVAGE Salem, Oregon ummer oar- Realty Salem, Oro. LEMENT AGCUS TRIED TO "PACK" THE JURY IN BOOTLEGGING CASE AT LA GRANDE AND SPRING A SEN SATION. La Grande, Ore., July 30. The caso of Adolph Newlln, charged with soiling liquor, will go to the jury enrly tomorrow morning. A sensation has developed on ac count of admission by witnesses for tho state that they tried to have the sheriff summon a jury panel that wag "stiltablo" to tho Law and Or der League, Rev. Mr. Gray, W. A. Worstoll and Detective Morgan have figured most conspicuously In the case for the state, having watched tho detective while he was buying tho whisky at the drug store. o IS TROUBLE IN RANKS OF YOUNG REPS DIFFERENT VIEWS ARE ENTTER TAINED AS TO CORRECT ATTI TUDE OF YOUNG MEN'S RE PUBLICAN CLUB, AS AN OR GANIZATION TOWARD PARTY CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE. Because of tho prevalence of tho Impression that the assembly rally held at Marlon square Wednesday ev. enlng was held under tho auspices of tho Young Men's Republican Club, of this city, and because of the further fact that Carl Abrams, candidate for tho houso of representatives on tho nssombly ticket, continues, In splto of that candidacy, to remain a3 pres Ident of that organization, a dlssen slonhas broken out among Its mem bers which threatens to undermine tho very foundation of the club. Tho club came Into existence about two years ago, and during tho last election it did offectivo work for the Republican ticket. Its purposes and objects, according to its constitution at least so it Is said Is to remain neutral as to candidates prior to the primaries, and then, after thorn, whip into lino and, work for tho ticket nom inated. Tho impression generally prevails that the assembly rally held Wednos dny ovonlng, and nt which assombly candidates, Including Acting Gover nor Boworman, candidate for gover nor, wore introduced to tho public, was hold under the auspices of the club. That, it is contended, was in direct violation of tho club's constitu tion, and it Is ono of tho causes for tho Insurrection within its ranks. Anothor cause of dissension Is the fact that Abrams continues to remain president of the organization. Hal Patton was tho club's flrst president, and when ho was nominated for tho leglslaturo, realizing that his candi dacy might embarrass tho club as to its neutrality as to candidates before tho primaries, ho resigned, and L. C. Stringer was olocted as his successor. Stringer moved away, and Abrams was elected In his stead. It Is now maintained by members of tho club that Mr. Abrams should follow In tho footsteps of Patton, and resign, so that tho club might pot bo embar rassed by the fact that ho la a can didate. Tho club, It Is undorstobd, will havo a mooting In tho near futuro, and the trouble will probably then bo thoroughly threshed out. COURT WILL LOOK AFTER GALLAGHER San Francisco, July 30. Judge Lawlor, of tho superior court, Intonds to toll tho porsons Intorested In tho caso against Patrick Calhoun Just what ho thinks of tho continued ab sonco of Jamos L. Gallaghor, formor .MM- t i:Feed Co.il " GRAIN, HAY, FEUD, FLOUR, " ETC. J. I', JONKS, Manager, Phono Main (108. 182.1 Stato Street. alem supervisor, and principal witness against Calhoun In tho "graft cases" now pending. Tho Judgo declared ho had heard much about tho reasons for tho ab senco of Gallaghor. lie said ho would go over the entire record In the case, and at tho next session of court, at which the case comes up, give his own views on tho reasons for tho for tho absence of the witness. "If material witness Is absent the people aro entitled to have a reason able effort mado to locato and pro duce him," Lawlor said. The judgo Intimated that his re marks would Indicate whether ho considered a "reasonable effort" to get Gallagher here has been mado. Gallagher Is said to be living In or near Vancouver, B. C, at present. SAYS BURTON IS A RUSTY OLD PINHEAD GEORGE It. COX UNBURDENS HIS MIND OF REAL OPINION OF SENATOR THEODORE BURTON OF OHIO "DEVOID OF PRIN CIPLE AND DOES NOT VALUE THE TRUTH." Cincinnati, O., July 30. Senator Theodore E. Burton Is n "plnhead, and a rusty one at that," according to George B. ox, If ho Is quoted cor rectly In a morning newspaper here Cox has just returned from the Republican state convention at Col umbus and relieved his mind, ac cording to the newspaper, of his per sonal opinion of Burton. "Of all tho treacherous men I over met," Cox Is quoted as having said, "Burton is tho worst. From my porsonal knowledge and experi ence I am warranted In saying he Is devoid of principle and does not value the truth. He may know the meaning of tho word truth, but I doubt It. He's a plnhead, and a rusty one at that." Burton Replies to Co v. Cleveland O., July 30. Replying to a statement in a Ciclnnatl news paper, quoting "Boss" George B. Cox as referring to him as a "pin head, and a rusty one at that," Sena tor Burton today declared that Cox did not know how to talk about go i tlemen. "It Is time the people of Ohio re fused to submit to the tactics of a man of Cox's character," said Burton, with some heat. "It Is abvlous that Cox Is bitterly, disappointed and cha grined at his falluro to nominate his own candidate for governor. Ho Is venting his anger and spite on every body who refuses to take orders. "Referring to the charge that 1 broke my promise to him, I would say that Cox does not know how to talk to a gentleman and cannot seem to speak plain language of one." Burton and Cox took part In a con ference at which a number of leaders of tho regular Republicans joined be-i fore the state convention at Columbus convened. It Is presumed that tho al leged promise was made at this con ference. TIi College nt Our Doors. Every state in tho Union has in op eration a largo and expensive edu cational plant of high and normal school buildings which aro In us? not more than 40 per cent of thol." possible working efficiency, says the Technical World. Every state has also a largo and constant number of young men and women who aro debarred from the colleges either because they cannot afford tho expense of a college edu cation or becnuso clrcumstancos innko It out of tho question for them to leave home for that purpose This question, which rather re verses tho ancient story of Mahomet and tho mountain, represents an en tirely now Idea In education. It Is to bo tried out In Massachusetts boglnnlng on a comparatively small scaio next autumn, nnd will un doubtedly bo tried out thoroughly. Whether or not this remarkable project proves successful In tho long run, Massachusetts Collogo, recently Incorporated by the legislature ot that stato, will bo geographically quite tho largest educational lnstl- SURSCRntERS. If you got your paper by mall kindly watch the tag and see when the time la up. nnd remit promptly, or notify us to stop tho paper; otherwise bill will be made for the lime tho paper comes after oxplra- Hon of last payment. TO THE PUBLIC Wo take pldasuro In thauklng you for your patronago. Wo believe everything you buy horo will glvo you ontlro satlsfactloa. If thero: Is anything wrong we stand In readiness at any and all times to cheerfully rectify same. Wo want your trade eolely upon the merits of our goods. You will profit by trading here, as there Is no equal In prlee or qual ity. 173 South Commercial. Phone 370. Three Summer Necessities. tution in the world, for It will apply the traditional arrangement of tin English university, like Cambridge or Oxford, not to a single university town, but to tho entire state of Mas sachusetts. Its plant will be. the high and normal school building already standing in some 28 Massachusetts towns and cities, and 90 per cent of tho population will thus be situated within an elght-mlle radius of one or the other of .the Massachusetts college lecture rooms and labora tories. Although the college will open We have a large stock of Rough and Fin ished Lumber on hand at our yards. We also carry a complete line of Building Mate rial including Door Sash Weights, Cords, Pulleys, Roofing and Building Papers of all kinds. Face Brick, Fire Brick and Fire Clay. Lime, Cement, Plaster Sand, and Gravel. Sewer and Drain Tile of all kinds. Split Cedar Posts. Estimates furnished. Prompt delivery. Spa fm aw Cook without fire and save fuel. You can do It with a COOKERETTE and havo better cooked food. Tho operation Is simple and tho price nom inal. Call and let us show you tho many good points of this inven tion. You can buy tho No. 25 COOKERETTE shown above for a limit ed tlmo only for $1.95. Largor sizes up to $5.05. ft Schram Fruit Jars At lowest factory prices. The kind that relieves the housewife of all fruit jar troubles, keeps the fruit best, has. wide-mouth to admit' whole fruit, is made of clear white, smooth glass and cost but llttlo moro than tho old fashioned screw-top kind and considerably less than all other self-sealing pars. Wo carry a large stock of these jars in all sizes. Be sure and try SCHRAJIS JARS md you will use no other. Don't fire up the big range or caokstove In hot weather. Own a NEW PERFECTION blue-flame Oil Stove, as simple to operate and r.f" safe as an ordinary oil lamp. The flame Is clear blue and can bo regu lated to do any kind of cooking or baking. No smolce or odor. A new shipment of these stoves just arrived in one, tow and three burner sizes. Wo have the NEW PROCESS gas Ranges and hot plates to attach to ranges and cook stoves. All gas ranges Set up and connected free. rwia j with only a fraction of its possible ' equipment, the Interest and cooner- atlon already assured throughout tho state Indicate a rapid develop ment of all tho proposed educational centers. o Soreness of tho muscles, whether induced by violent exercise or in Jury, Is quickly relieved by the free application of Chamberlain's Lini ment. This liniment is equally valu able for muscular rheumatism, and always affords quick relief. Sold by all dealers. Windows THE CHAS. K. uldinp; Lumber Office Front and Ferry Phone 1S30 Teething children nave more or less diarrhoea, which can be con trolled by giving Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is necessary is to give tho pre scribed dose after each operation ofi the bowels more than natural anc then castor oil to cleanse the system. It is safe and sure. Sold by all dealers. Dr. Oliver, after many experi ments In freezing eggs of hookworm, concludes that hookworm can sur vive winters in Europe and become epidemic. Mouldings Co J. UW-iTr;, rn prlotor