1) AILS' OAFXTAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OKEGON. HATUItDAV, JULY 30, 1010. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL IIOFKK, fitfitor nd Proprietor. K. independent Hdwipaper Devoted to American Principle and ihe Progresn nd Derolopoment of All Oregon. Published Brcry Evening Bxcept Sunday, 8lom, Ore. ' SUBSOIHPTION RATES. (Invariably In Advanco.) nXlj, by carrier, per rear ......11.00 Per rnonth.........0o .I1T, by call, por year. . 4.00 Per month E6o rlUy, br mall, per yeaj........... 1,00 Six monthi .....50o U Nl ONLA BE L FRUIT GROWERS TAKE STEPS TO 4 ERADICATE MIDDLE-MAN GRAFT :, rRODUCERS OP THE NORTItWES T FORM ORGANIZATION FOR ruitrosE of centralizing s ystem of handling and mar KETING OF FRUITS, ALL OF W IHOH WILL PASS THROUGH ONE CHANNEL MEDFOHD MAN IS SELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE NEW COMBINATION, AND PORT LAND IS CHOSEN AS HEADQUAR TERS. ' ? t united rEBsa ZJ9ASED winu.j , i tho vIco-prc3ldoncy : W. N. Irish " Soatlle, Wash., July 30? It Is be- president of tho Yakima County Hoi" Roved that tho organization of the tlcultural Union, second vlco-prosl Northwestorn Fruit Exchange hero dont; C. It. Dorland, secretary; F, yesterday marks "he beginning of thojw. Gwln, treasurer and general man end of "hold-ups" fruit growers have suffered at tho hands of certain buy ers and mlddlo men for years. The purpose of tho organization is tho co-ordination of tho fruit grow ing Interests of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana, and tho central ising of tho handling and marketing of fruit grown in tho Northwcat through ono channol. At tho meeting yestorday a largo ttumbcr of representative fruit men were present. R. H. Parson of tho. Hill Crest Orchards Company, of Mcdford, Ore., was elected president; M. Horan, president of tho Central Washington Development League, was elected to DEPARTMENT OFFICIALS ARE UNPOPULAR agor. Tho headauartors of tho new or ganlzatlon will bo In Portland. The exchange will undortako tho market Ing of tho fruit controlled by a num bor of co-oporatlvo growers' associn tlons in the Northwest. It Is expect od that this schome will eliminate tho "wasteful and costly competition' ami nt ttio samo tlmo mako for a moro comprehensive market. It Is proposed to operate a number of branch sales ofllccs at every market centGr of tho United States. Promot ers of tho association likewise havo formulated plans for tho establish ment of trade relation with Euro pean markets. GOVERNOR OF ALASKA IN WRECK STAGE IN WHICH HE WAS TOUR ING OVER MOUNTAINS TUM BLES OVER PRECIPICE WITH ALL ON BOARD ALL ESCAPE DEATH EXCEPT DRIVER OF VEHICLE. UNITED FBB8S LEASED Willi. Seattlo, Wash. July 30. A special from Haines, Alaska, says Govornor Walter E. Clark had a narrow escapo from death, and ono man was killed when tho Rainy Hollow stage upset In tho Klohona river noar Glacier creek Wednesday morning, tho news Just roachlng horo. Pat Kennedy, brother of Dick Kennedy, a well- known Alaskan, was struck on tho head by tho plunging horses and hilled. Tho horses woro drowned. Tho stage was occuplod by Kennedy, Govornor Clark and n party of capi talists. All oxcopt Konnody cscapod. The river Is vory high. Tho driver was an experienced man, and tho ac cident was unavoldablo. Tho horses Btumblcd, tho stngo caroonod and overturned. Kennedy's body was brought horo today. Govornor Clark is on an official toiir of Inspection of Northern Alaska. A Wretched Mistake, to enduro tho Itching, painful dis tress of Plies. Thoro's no need ta Listen: "I suffered much from piles, -writes Will A. Marsh, of Sllor Cltr, N. C, "till I got a box of Bucklon't .Arnica Salvo, and was soon cured." Burns, bolls, ulcora, fovor sores, eczoma, cuts, chappod hands, chlJ blnlns, vanish before it. 25o at J. C Terry. TO DECLARE MARTIAL LAW IN COLUMBUS GOVERNOR HARMON BECOMES DISGUSTED WITH INABILITY OF POLICE AUTHORITIES TO COPE WITH STRIKE SITUATION AND WILL PLACE CITY UNDER CONTROL OF THE MILITIA. tMMHIHMM(MHHI 5aiem Mm . i!& Trust Co J $ Capital $50,000 jj I Invites an investiga-1 i Hon of the past record f of its officers. We do t a general banking bus iiiness. .We pay 3 peri; ' cent on three and six "month certificates, i v. f per cent on savings. J united prtnan l.tunEi, wide.. Columbus, O. July 30. Adjutant- General Woybrocht has ordered tho Fourth and Eighth regiments), Goner- al John Sparks commanding", to Co lumbus, and It Is bolloved martial law will bo declared. Tho now troops will arrivo lato this afternoon. Tho colonols of tho First nnd Fifth regiments havo been ordered to bo in readiness to go to Columbus at onco. Tho summoning of tho oxtra troops follows a dispute botwoen Govornor Harmon and tho city and county au thorities. Tho pollco havo been dis gruntled bocauso tho militia men are not doing patrol duty. Govornor Harmon is angry that tho troops woro called out at ell, saying thcro was noi apparont need for soldiers, nnd that tho pollco and sheriffs havo not at tempted to control tho situation. Tho govornor forbado calling tho troops to holp koop ordor, unloss mobs gathorod. During tho night in dividual strlko sympathizers stonod oars operatod by strike-breakers. No mobs gothorod, and tho troops re mained In camp, while the pollco were sent sont to hnndlo tho situation. A number of tho strlko-bronkors wero slightly injured. It is bolloved that tho govornor Is dlsgustod with tho situation, and that ho will doclnro martial law, taking ohargo of affairs himself. WICKERSHAM A N D NAG EL AROUSE IRE OF ALASKAN CIT IZUNS IN HOLDING THEM SELVES ALOOF FROM INTER VIEWS AND PUBLIC RECEP TIONS TENDERED IN THEIR HON,OK. (UNITED rSESS UACKD WIEB. Juneau, Alaska, July 20. United States Attorney-General Wlckershaiu and Secretary qf Commerce and La bor Nagel, who are touring Alaska, are not particularly popular with various citizens of tho great terri tory, bocauso tho two officials con sistently decline to take any part in tho bitter political fight between tho so-called Guggenheim and antl-Gug-genhelm forces. It Is asserted that tho action of Wickorsham and Nagel In refusing invitations to attend receptions, din ne'rs or to meet delegations was In spired by tho fear of the officials that one faction or tho other would misconstruo their positions. At Ketchikan yesterday a citizens committee, led by tho mayor, at tempted to secure an audience with tho cabinet officers. Tho committee which had come charged with tho mission of tolling of the alleged wroncs dono Alaska, did not sue cecd in meeting the visitors. Short ly afterward Wickersham and Nagel sent a message to Mayor V.alentlno of Juneau In which they stated that they could not attend the reception Juneau was arranging in their hon or owing to limited time. It is whispered that tho cabinet officers got wind of tho fact that somo red hot grievances wero to be aired at tho reception. Practically all tho coast towns had arranged somo affair in honor of tho visitors -and there Is a gen oral feollng of disappointment over tho Inability of tho citizens of tho territory to secure tho official ear for a few moments. EUROPE IS INCLINED TO PROTEST OLD AVORLD REGARDS AMERI CA'S PROPOSED RE-ORGANIZA TION OF LIBERIAN FINANCES, COUPLED WITH NICARAGUA AFFAIR, AS "EQUIVALENT TO ERECTION OF A PROTECTOR ATE." BIG GRAFT INQUIRY RESULTS IN CLEAN-UP Chicago, July 30. Nineteen offi cials of the Illinois Central railroad havo resigned as a result, It is said, of the investigations of the alleged car repairing graft. It. Is predicted that wholesale ar rest will bo made. Tho authorities aro seeking Henry C. Oaterman, "or gaulzer of tho Memphis Car com pany. wanted as a witness. No traco of him has been found. The Mmphls company did the repairing in which, it is alleged by tho rail road, wholcsnle graft was practiced. . o HIS "UMPS" SCARCE IN EFFETE EAST OAKLAND CITIZEN J'EARS VOLENCE FROM CONVICC UNITED rUHSa INARBO VflBS. San Francisco, July 30, R. W. Snow, a former mayor of Oakland, has asked tho protection of tho Oak land pollco against Adolph Goldman, now paroled from tho state prison, whoro ho sorvod n term for having flrod throo shots at Snow, dangor ously wounding him. Snow told tho pollco today that Goldman, ns soon na ho was par doned, inado Inqulrjos about htm and followed htm to Rawhldo, Nov. Lat her, ho snys, lit? fears Goldman fol lowed him to Chicago. Ho says ho foara Goldjnnu "ty attempt to shoot him. Fortlllzunt. Complete fertiliser Is a general name applied to all fartlllaera whleu contain phnsultorie told, peUsJi and nitrogen. ThU name does not In any way Indicate how much of each ele ment ti found lu the goods. At a farmer' meeting in Durham, N. H President F. W. Tu.vlor aug- gested aa a fertiliser mixture for corn, 00 pouuda of nitrate of soda. 300 pound of aulphate of ammonia, 100 pounda of tankage, 1000 pouud acid phosphate. S00 pounds nltrat of potanh. I UNITED I'ltESS LEASED WIRE. Chicago, July 30. Umplro Jnck Shorldan, chiof of staff of tho lndox holders of the Amorlcan lcaguo, is arbiter's scout today. Sheridan is planning a trip to look over available material for umpires, In accordance with plans outlined to him by Presi dent Johnson, of the league. Whoro his first trip will bo mado has been kept socret, but it is hinted about American league hoadquarters that a trip to the Pacific coast, to watch tht working of tho umpires In the coast loaguo may bo undertaken before the ond of tho present season. It Is un derstood that tho plan ns outlined is to havo Shorldan got a pretty thor ough working knowledge of tho ways of tho umpires of most of tho lm portant minor leagues, so that ho Amorlcan league will always have a list of olght or ten avnlloblohion on hand from which to draw when it Id necessary to rocrult its staff. UNITED rilF.KH LEASED WtUE.l Berlin, July 30. America's pro posal to undertnko a reorganization of Llberlan finances Is nttractlng considerable attention in German diplomatic circles where it Is re garded an an Interesting Innovation on thopast policy of tho United States. Coming at a tlmo when America Is endeavoring to solve the difficulties of tho Nicaraguan situa tlon without foreign Intervention, It has erved to direct notice to the joneral position of tho United States in world politics. Tho Berlin Tageblatt regards lh measures contemplated In Liberia as "equivalent to tho erection of a pro tectorate," and some of tho other Journalshore suggest that such an Invasion of European spheres of In terest Is trangely at variance with the Monroe doctrine. Coshow May Enter Race.. Rosoburg, Ore., July 30. O. P, Coshow,, of the law firm of Coshow & Rice, has been urgently requested by his friends to become a candidate for governor at tho Democratic primary election in September. Mr. Coshow declares that he is not a candidate at this time, but that he may be later, If his friends select him. "I nm not soliciting the office," ho said, "but I am Informed that my name has been mentioned freely In connection with tho office In various parts of tho state, therefore, it may become Incumbent upon mo to de clare my candidacy and enter the campaign." Mr. Coshow was at one tlmo sena tor from Douglas county, and Is we'l known throughout the state. In tho event of his candidacy, Roseburg will have two aspirants for the governor ship. o Roosevelt nnd Pcnry. fearsapanisa Cures all humors, catarrh and rheumatism, relieves that tired feeling, restores the appetite, cures paleness,, nervousness, builds up the whole system. Get It today In ustnl liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsntabs. Green Manuring. Green manuring Is much talked about, but little practiced, except in cidentally. Clover crops are too valuable to be plowed into tho soil:' It pays bettor to feed tho clover to tho stock and uso tho manure for enriching tho land. Tho Incidental method of green manuring Is to plow under a sod after a crop has been taken off. Green manuring helps sandy land by making It moro re tentive of moisture and by nddlns; humus and plant food, It helps c!ayey land by making it more opiu and letting in the air. The decay ing vegetable matter also produces acids that operate on the chomlcal plant foods to render them available Green manuring helps to make chemical fertilizers more quickly available. The effects of green man uring are some times destroyed by putting on at the same tlmo too much caustic lime, which combines with tho carbon of the decayed vege tables matter. Heat Drives to Suicide. Kansas City, July 30. Mrs. Ber tram Thompson, 47 years old, drowned herself In tlroe Inches of water In a washtub at her homo In Kansas City, Kan., today, after hours of sleeplessness becauso of the heat. o When the stor&acn falls to perform its functions, the bowels become de ranged, tho liver and tho kidneys congested causlnc numerous diseases. The stomach and liver must bo re stored to a healthy condition and Tablets can be depended upon to do Easy to tako and most effectlva Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Sold by all dealers. System. Try Our New TwoNumber Service Between Salem and Portland Calls to Portland completed samo ns local calls In Salem. You need not call "Long Distance;" simply ask Central for Port- i land, g'vlng telephono number wanted. NOTE SPECIAL RATE3 Minutes 25 Cts. 4 If you do not know telephone number of party wanted, call "Infor- mation" and ascertain. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. Every Bell Telephono Is the Center of the System. In his article In the July Scribner's Mr. Roosevelt writes as follows of his first news from Commander Peary While at Meru Boma I received a cable forwarded by native runners tolling me of Perry's wonderful feat In roachlng tho north rolt. Of course we wero all overjoyed, and In par ticular we Americans could not but feel a special pride In the fact that it was a fellow-countryman who had performed tho great and noteworthy achievement. A little more than h year had passed since I said good-bye to Peary as ho started on his Arctic quest; after leaving New York in the Roosovolt, he had put Into Oyster Bay to see us, and wo had . gone aboard tho Roosevelt, had examined with keen interest how she was fit ted for the boreal seas and the boreal water, nnd had then waved farewell to tho tall, gaunt explorer as ho stood looking toward us over tho side of the stout little ship. When I reached Nerl I received from Peary tho following cable. 'Your farewell was a royal mascot. Tho polo is ours. PEARY. ' Buiuly nnd Ludko in Finals. (united i'res" '.risen VIU.1 Lako Forest, 111., July 30. Thomas Bundy, of Los Angeles, will repro sont tho far West on tho courts of the Onwontsln Club today In tho finals of tho Wostorn championship tennis tourney. Ho will oppose Albrocht Ludke. Bundy's dofoat yestorday of tho votoran Walduor placed him in tho final round. PolntM In Oniftlng. Waxing is oneof tho most Impor tant factors In successful grafting The work must be dono carofully. that tho solans bo not disturbed, nnd camplotoly, that all air nnd moisture shall be exoluded. A very guod wax ig made by melting to gether 4 pounda of realn. 3 pound? of beeawax ami 1 pound of tnllow. When melted pour Into a tub of cold water to cool; then pull, the sauw aa for taffy, until It la of a olear golden color. Of course, grafting liould be done on warm, bright day, otherwlae the wax hnrdena 3 quickly It is difficult to do the wort: well. Young trees may be retopped in a single Beaton; n tree 8 to 10 veare old In two yprs. A Gol Wedding means that man and wife havo lived to a good old a e and r nsequently hnve kept healthy. Tho best way to keep healthy Is to see that your li ver does It's duty 365 days out of 3G5. Tho only way to do this is to keep Ballard's Herblno In the house and take It whenever your liver gets Inactive. 60 cents per bottlo. Sold by all dealers. Notice of Assessment; North Salem IV. II k. . y Notice Is hereby given that the Common Council, will at or about 8 o'clock p. m. on Monday tho 25 day of July, 1910, at tho Common Coun cil Chambers at Salem, Oregon, pro ceed to assess upon each Lot or parcel of land liable therefore Its propor tionate sharo of the cost of the North Salem, sewer, according to tho maps, plans and specifications adopted, for such sewer by the Council, and on fib at the office of tho City Recorder, reference to which is hereby made for a moro porfee description thereof. AH' persons interested la said as- sessment shall appear at said time beforo said Council and present ob Jectlijns If any they have to said as sessment. Done by order of the Common Council of ho City of Salem, Oregon this ISth day of July, 1910. W. A. MOORES, 7-2 0-11 1 City Recorder. T STUBBERS DOUBLE WoNEl HALF M CASTS NO SIDE K LIGHT jMTHE: LICHT gTHflCOST T SHADOW J "i!L Some Builders, Attention Why not Install a homo lltntlng and cookl&es uytem, making as worth ' rnlng, 100 per cent hoter than any other gas. Safer than electricity. We light sto. s, halls, churches, factories, etc. Also do tinning and heating and plumbing. All w k arsntoed. A. L. FRASER Phone 135. The Celebrated Lennox Furnace. 258 btatb Street Sunset Homescekers' Bureau of Information Notice of Intention to Improve Alleys In Blocks 82, 33, 34 and 35. Warship to Bo Raised. Washington, July 30. General Oliver, acting secretary of war, has appointed a board of engineers charged with tho responsibility of rulslng tho battleship Malno, In Ha vana harbor. Tho board consists of Colonol William Black, Lieutenant Colonel Mason, M. Patrick and Cap tain Harloy B. Ferguson. o GRAY HAIRS BANISHED. - The old Idea of using sago for darken ing the hair la ngalu cowing la vogue. Our grandmothers used to have dark, glossy hair at tho nge of sevonty-flve, while our mothers havo white hair before they are fifty. Our grandmothers used to make a "sage tea" aud apjily It to their hair. The tea made their hair soft aud glossy aud 'gradually restored the natural color. One objection to using such a prepn?tlou was the trouble of making It, epclally ns It bad to be made every two or three dajs on account of it souring quickly. . This objection has (wen overcome and by asking aliuott any tint-class drugiUt for Wycth's Sate ami Sulphur the public can pet a su perior )mvu ration of sairs, with the ad mixture of sulphur, another valuable rem edy for hair ami ilp troubles. Daily use of this preparation will not only quickly restore the color of the hair bat will also stop the hair from falling out and 'make It crow. It is sold by all druggists for BOc. and $1.00 a bottle, or is sent direct br the Wyetfa Chemical Couipauj, 74 Cortlaudt St., New York City, upon receipt of price. V J. O. PERRY, x Notice Is hereby given f.hat tho Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems it expedient and proposes to improve the alleys In blocks 32, 33, 34, and 35 of the City of Salem, Oregon, at tho ex pense of the adjacent and abutting property with' said limits, accord ing to the plans and specifications adopted for said improvement and on file at the office f tho City Recorder. Reference to which is hereby made for a more rorfect description of said Improvement. This notice Is published for ten days pursuant to the order of the Common Council, nnd tho date of the first publication thereof is the 20 th day of July, 1910. Romonstrances , may be filed against said Improvement within ten days from the last publication of this notice as provided by the City Charter. W. A. MOORES. 7-20-llt City Recorder. ii There la mora Catarrn in this sec tion of tho country than all other diseases put together, and until tho last few years was supposed to be tncurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and bye'onstantly falling to cure with local treatment, -pronounced It incur able. Science has proven catarrh to bo a constitutional disease and there fore requires constitutlnoal treat ment Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu factured by F. J, Chenoy Co., To ledo, Ohio, is tho only constitutional cure on the market. It la taken in ternally In doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dol lars for any caae It falls to cure. Send for circulars and testlmonlala. Addreea: F. T. CHENEY & CO., To ledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 7 Sc. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation, ' Home gf "THE BIG RED APPLE" NO subject connected with the develop ment of the West is attracting more attention than the great profits Oregon apple growers are making. Other states produce far more apples than Oregon, but Oregon leads the world, according to the largest dealers in apples in this cjountry, in quality of product and high prices received for same. 'Oregon is a great apple state, and Salem" .(the Willamette Valley) is the original home of the big red apple that is making a stir throughout the world. The largest producing apple orchard in Oregon is located near Salem, the vicinity; of which is also noted for its prunes, cherries, hops and small fruits. Salem is the center of Oregon's prune industry, Oregon producing 90 per cent of the "Italian" prunes grown in this country. Salem is the center of Oregon's hop industry, and Oregon produces 40 per cent of thchops grown in the United States. Salem is known as the "Cherry City of the World," the Wil lamette Valley, of which Salem is the center, originating more commercial varieties of cherries than any other section of this country. If you are interested in fruit growing, dairying, poultry raising, manafircTUring possibilities, or gen eral farming you make a big mistake if you overlook Salem. Salem is the capital city of Oregon a vigor- ous, beautiful, progressive community. Write to-day for more information about Salem. Address Secre tary, Board of Trade, and mention that you saw this advertisement in SUNSET Magazine. NOTO This advertisement wtt prepared for tba Stteoi Uord o( Trade. by the'Suniet Homeeeekert' Bureau, Portland, Oregon. It "ill appear in Aufuit Suiuat. Tbli lervlea il rendered la connection with the Co-operative Community plia of the Oration Railroad & Navigation Co. Steaming the Soil. For somo time past largo growers of toihatqes, cucumbors nnd similar vegetables for tho London market have been accustomed to inject stoam Into the soli with the view of destroying lnseets nnd slugs. The plan operates very well for that pur pose, but tho unexpected fact has d- veloped that the soil thus treated In creases greatly In fertility so greet ly Indeed, that the ordinary amount of manure can ' not afterward bs used, so stimulating the plants that 'heir luxnrlance of growth lnterfer?3 with their bearing capacity. Dr Bernard Dyer explains this effect as being due to the sterilisation pro duced by the steam, which kills Uie phagocytes or protosoa, which, un der ordinary circumstances, kep down the numbers of bacteria In the soli whoso operations aro beneficent In turning organic nitrogen Into plant food. Saved nt Ueath's Door. The door of death seemed ready to open for Murray W. Ayers, of Transit Bridge, N. Y., when his life was wonderfully saved. "I -was in a dreadful condition", he writes, "my skin was almost yellow; eyes sunken; tongue coated; emaciated from losing 40 pounds, growing weaker dally. Virulent liver trouble pulling me down to death In spite of doctors. Then that matchless medicine HIgc tflo Bitters cured me. I regalnol the 40 pounds ioat uud now am well and strong." For all stomach, liver aijd kldnoy troubles thoy're supreme. 50c at J. C. Perry.