Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 30, 1910, Second Section, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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Sermon by
Pastor Brooklyn
Even so
, '
Text i "Since by man came death, by man
also comes the resurrection ol the dead ; (or
as all in Adam die, even so all in Christ
shall be made alive. But every man in his
cwn order; Christ the fimlruiti; afterwards
they that are Christ's during his presence" (I
Corinthians xv, 21, 23, R. V.).
ooO" ........ ... .....,..
, July 24. Onco wo considered moat un
kind, unjust, tho Mblo declaration that
our Creator condemned till of Adam's
rnce with lilm on account of Adam's
'Original Sin." But now, In tho light of
tboclSqror unfolding of Ood's Word, we
are privileged to see differently. Now
wo perceive, not only that God did no
Jftjufctlce to Adam's children, but, con
trruTfvlse, that In this very particular,
rdiU-ttlem n kindness that It was In
tho interost of huuinnlty In general.
We are aware that this statement ap
pears piirndotlcul to those who have
not yet gotten tho proper focus upon
tho Dlviuo Plan. The key which un
logks the dllllculty Is tho proper nppre-
clatlqn of the pcnulty Imposed upon
Adam and his rnce.
Tho erroneous, unscrlptural view of
this penalty which came down to us
from the "dark ages" teaches that God
damned father Adam, mother Eve. and
cv6ry child born to them to an eternity
of torture at tho hands of devils. It Is
this unscrlptural and Irrational view
of the wage of Original Sin which
caused all our difficulty. Indeed, It Is
eofo to say that no other false doc
trine held by God's people ever drove
hway from God, from the Bible and
from tho fellowship of tho Church so
many Intelligent minds, Thousands of
bright, honest minds, after seeing this
teaching of tho Christian creeds formu
lated in tho dark ages, have quietly
withdrawn from them in heart, If not
outwardly, sayltig to themselves, Evl
de'ntly my reasoning faculties are of a
different kind from those of many oth
erri prominent In the Church: Without
disputing tho point, I simply concludo
that I must think for myself and (bat,
In so doing, 1 nm forced out of syui'
pathy with the majority of felIow
Christians ou this basic doctrine.
Where Lies the Difficulty?
Tho difficulty is that while tho ma
jority of Christian people heartily re
pudiate these misrepresentations of
God and bis Word, nevertheless tho
subject is not clear to them and they
fear that to repudiate this doctrine
would bo to repudiate the ISlble and to
become open Infidels. And Just hero is
tbolr mistake. The majority of them are
nbi Ulble students. Even amoifgst min
isters of tho Gospel comparatively fow
hn'vo any degrco of knowledge of God's
Word. They know what they think
about tho Ulble; what they bcllevo thnt
It-teaches; what they hove been told
that it tenches; what tho catechisms say
It teaches; but they have never mado
critical Investigations of the Dlblo
themselves to ascertain its teachings.
It is n part of our endeavor to arouse
Christian peoplo overywhero to search
ami 8tuuy ttie scriptures nnd to assist
them with Ulble study helps, Dlblo
hoys. etc. And. thaflk God, there aro
thousands In Spiritual Israel who are
liqt bowing their knees to Bnnl, but
Who are nn.lous to know, to rightly
understand, the Word of God. Classes
in Ulble study are springing up nil
ovor tho world. These have recently
mloptod the name of "Intoruatlotinl
Ulble Students Asnuclntlr-n." God Is
li)(MHlug t liem. not only uith tho opou
Ihi of their own eye tnoi'o and more
widely, but also In uriug thorn to bring
other "out; of darkiies Into bis mar
vellous light" (1 Peter 11, i.
The ScWptureti speak of t "famine,
ilflt for bread nor for witter, but for
ItsJnritig of, the Word of the Lord."
Thin famine In upon us now. Not only
are "hi latino people hungry ami thlw
ty for the brenrt of life and the water
of life, lmr mauy of tho worldly are
feeling a louglng for something better
than tin- uuskt which they have. We
lip not know that all Cbiiivu member,
turr ail of auy one Church im-niber-ftltlp.
tire thus hungering and tblrtttiug
for Trnili. Hut wo do know that every
wtteiv In all the various Churches of
nil denominations there Is a hungry
ctow which cauiuit he satisfied to dls
houeatly misrepresent Itself as In har
mony with the creeds. Those bewil
dered sheep uro, of lute yearn, bulling
tho green pastures hud still waters of
Dlvlno Truth and grnco ueur to thorn
In the Word of God hidden under
the rubbish of Ignorance nnd supersti
tion, mistranslation nnd misinterpreta
tion. Dut as for the masses of all denom
inations: Alas, they aro falling into
unbelief! Tho popular form of Infidel
ity known ntt Higher' Criticism has al
ready swallowed, P nioro than ono
tialf of tho ministry nnd of tho most
Intelligent part of the laity, Tho only
li'opo for any of theno Is lu leaving tho
efratT 'and husks of medieval misin
terpretations of God's Word nnd In
lading its true meaning, in which Is
refreshment, strength nnd new life.
.. "The Wanes of Bin Is Pesth."
jJJowever we rend our lilbloa In tho
post Wo road Into them from tho creeds
ofn dttrkor time the mischievous error
thnt when the Ulble declares a draft
pcyinlty for tdn It really moaua the ro
vorao of this fe eternal life In eter
nal torture. Who had the right to
twist the Inspired words In sueli'n dev
ilish fashion? Who had the right to
tuftl to tho Word of God and to make
vtfld Us true teaching In thin manner?
HNr the words of tho Apostlo. "Tho
wagoa of sin I death; but the gift of
God Is eternal life turonuh Jesus
Christ our Lord" (Romans rl. 23)
What statement could bo more sim
ple? Tho wicked will not bo granted
Hfo at all, either In pleasuro or In pain
They aro under sontonco of death-do
structlon. Btornnl life Is a gift. And
It will bo given only to those to whom
It will bo a blessing to those who will
accept it inrougii Jesus Christ our
Let us turn to Genesis nnd note tho
statement made to our first parents
respecting sin and Its penalty. Let us
note thnt, without the twlstlngs of
theology, wo should hnvo no difficulty
In understanding tho Dlvlno sentence,
ns our first parents evidently had no
difficulty; Tho sentence upon Father
Adam for dlsobedlcnco was. "Dying
thou shall die"; "Dust thou art. and
unto dust shnlt thou return"; "Cursed
Is tho ground for thy Bake"; "Thorns
and thistles shrill It bring forth unto
theo until thou return unto the ground
from which thou wast taken" i Genesis
ill. 2, 3, 10-10. 24.
Thus we see thnt tho penalty for sin
upon Adam nnd his race was that they
should return to the dust. As we rend
again, "Thou turnest man to destine
tlon" (Psalm xc, 3). And this penalty
Is sufficiently nwful when wo think of
what It means to die, to lose mental.
moral nnd physical perfection and
gradually go into tho tomb Into tho
Dlblo hell (shcol, throughout tho Old
Testnmcnt). And this shcol, tho (rare.
the tomb, to which the Bible says all
go, good and bnd. rich nnd poor, holy
nnd unholy, was tho only hell known
nmongst nny of the people of God for
tho more than four thousand years,
represented by tho tonchlugs of tho
Old Testnmcnt. Then came tho Now
Testament times nnd the teachings of
Jesus nnd tho Apostles to the samo
effect, in tho New Testament tho
Greek word hade, representing the
tomb, the death state, takes tho place
of tho Old Testament ftcoI In every
passage translated from tho Old Tes
tamcnt Into tho New Testnmcnt.-
It was nearly thrco hundred years
after Jesus and tho Apostles, after tho
writing of tho New Testament, beforo
tho doctrine of Purgntory was invent
ed. And for this reason neither tho
word) Purgatory nor the Purgntory
thought is expressed In tho Scriptures,
But Hlbles were fow, nnd tho people
could not hnve read them even If they
bnd possessed them; hence for long
centuries the teachings of the clergy
were ncccpted without Ulble proofs,
and the doctrine of Purgatory spread
all over Christendom. All of our fore
fathers believed In It. It beenme tho
teaching of Christians everywhere thnt
the tuero handful of Wilms, Instead of
dying when they seemed to die, went
to heaven and that the grent mass of
humanity, Instead of dying when they
seomed to die, went In some mysteri
ous manner to a mysterious place
called Purgatory, of which nobody
new anything except whnt they woro
taught. The teaching Is thnt practi
cally nil of huuinnlty go to Purgatory
there to be rousted and otherwise tor
tured for ccuturlp-ultlw!!fly o tfalo
eiense irom tue torture, wnen ntteu
for heaven. Upon (his doctrine In turn
sprung the doctrine of Saying "ninsKes
for the dead," who wore believed, nm
to be dead but Intensely alive. Trie
fear of Purgatory drew' the people very
close to the priests ifs the supported
Counsel lorn of the Allblghly and the
riwaa money drew tm priests very
lose to the people. They were ull
houestly Intent lotted, but all deceived
by tho great deceiver -Satan.
A Dad Matter Mad Worse.
By aud by a priest, n Catholic theo
logian and teacher in one of their cut
logos, by name Munln Luther, neol.
dentally ran across a copy of the New
Testament lu the Lutln language. Be
ing an educated man he wan able to
read It; for there was not one copy In
tho German language anywhere. Lu
ther tolls us of his perplexity lu not
rinding Purgntory lu tho Now Tostn
ment. He tried to Interost the Popo
lu Ulble study, but fulled, nnd Instead
was branded a heretic. Ho protested,
nnd others protested; hence camo tho
name Protestants!
Theso ProtoHtnntB wore undoubtedly
as sincere before their protest uh they
wero afterward; heuce their protest
was against the very doctrines' Which
onco they had proclaimed as tho
Truth. Their minds were full of tho
thought thnt a dead person Is not dead
but more alive than before he died,
and thnt some of these nt death went
to heaven while the great " majority
Vent to Purgntory. They did not see
the teaching of. the Bible, that "the
wages of win Is death" that nit go Into
death, good and bad. nnd that this
death state U the shcol nnd hades of
the Bible. Instead of gettlug this true
light upon God's Word, they wont
from dnrhuesH -'luto gnontor dnrkneis
en this point. Here, we wish to oinphn
size the thought thnt all those noble
men, Catholics ttnd Proteatnnts, In
their duy, like ull true peoplo today,
held n ineanuro of Truth lu comblnu
tlon with errors. It Is tho measure of
Truth possessed nnd enjoyed that has
given any power and force to our vn
rloufl ChrUtlan systems, nnd that, to
I ome extent, baa neutralized the effect
of our errors.
Starting from their misunderstand
Ing of Bible teachings respecting tho
wages of sin. Brother Luther nnd his
uoblo companions battled bravely for
many truths, but made one great blun
der. When they concluded that Pur
gatory was contrary to tho Scriptures
and threw It nwny, not seeing the
Bible bclf. the tomb, they adopted an
other hell and thereby went from bad
to worse on this subject. They said
The heathen nnd the mnsses of the
tlvlllzcd aro surely not saints surely
they do not follow In tho footsteps o
Jesus surely, therefore, they cannot
be of his spiritual (lock. Concluding
thnt these could not be taken to henv
en, they said. We must tnko them out
of Purgatory anyway, wherever wo put
them, because we haTo found out that
there Is no such plnco ns Purgatory,
After Conferences, seriously dlsllk
Ing to make out God's character worse
than they formerly supposed, they
said under their breaths, Wo must
take them out of Purgatory nnd quick
ly put them into n hell of eternal tor
ture nnd say ns little about the mat
ter ns possible. They wero greatly
relieved when long-headed Brother
John Calvin explained to them nbout
tho mere handful going to heaven and
the grent mass going to eternal tor
ture. He explained thnt God linn rore-
ordnlned nnd predestinated these nw
ful results thnt he might show bis
wisdom nnd his power. As to a
"Lovo divine, all love excelling,"
Brother Calvin seems never to hnve
thought of that. Drothcr Wesley and
others since, though less logical aud
theological, did stnnd up for and de
clare tho Lovo of God, even though
rather absurdly they claimed that he
was neither wise enough nor powerful
enough to do more thnu rescue u mere
handful of Adam's race from the eter
nal torture to which they thought God
damned" them nil because of tho dlso
hcdlcncc lu Eden.
"All In Adam All In Christ."
In tho light of our better Bibles nnd
Bible Study Helps aud minds freed
from the Ignorance nud superstitions
of tho past wo may understand tho
Apostle's words nud find in tSem, not
only Justice nnd love, but hnrmony and
beauty. Instead of till mankind going
to eternal torment for Adam's slu, all
go Into the Bible hell, tho grave, on
account of bis slu nnd nil of the men-
tnl, tuornl nnd physical blemishes of
our rnce nre n part of this heredity.
There would have been no hope of a
future life, good or bud, hud not God
in bis mercy provided tho Savior the
"Life-Giver," ns tho Syrlac renders the
word. In God's due time he set before
his Son the opportunity of becoming
man's Itedeemer. The Logos was made
flesh (John 1, 14) and obediently gave
himself In death "tasted death for
every man." As by one man's disobedi
ence tho sentence of death passed upon
all of tho rncepven so by tho obedlciwe
of the mnu Christ Jesus unto death
Justification to life passed for all of
that race. Now wo see the wise rea
son for permitting tho sentenco to pass
through one man's disobedience to
nil of his posterity. It was lu or
der that one sacrifice for sin might
make possible tho reconciliation of the
entire race.
Now read our text nnd drink In its
depths nnd beauty and force. The
resurrection of mankind from the sin
nud death dud tomb condition to the
full perfection nnd Imnge of God from
which the race fell Is the salvation
which God has provided for nil. Who-
over will full to attain the full recov
ery from sin nnd death conditions will
hnve himself to blame because of re
jection of the glorious arrangements
which God made In nud through Christ.
"The First Resurrection."
God divides the salvation of man
kind Into two parts tjie Church to
aplrlt nature and the world to perfect
ed human nature. The first he Is tie-
ColupllMhltig during this Gospul Age;
the aeeoud he wit) accomplish through
Christ aud the Church dn ring Mes
siah's reign or n thousand years.
The Church, the "llrile tlock" of
saints, called, tried, tested, in the nar
row way during this Age. are to con
stitute the "Kirxf itoaurriM-tlnn" oIhbh
ud to become "the Bride of Christ."
"toe" Church of the Klrst-Horns."
These are to be useoclnted with the
grent Itedeemer lu his future work.
These shall be like him, changed from
oarthly to heavenly nature nnd made
sharers of his glory, honor and Im-
iliortnlltr. The Kingdom of God un
der the whole hcnvciis will bo inaugu
rated after the glorification of the
Church nud then will begin tho bless
ing, tho salvation, the uplifting, the
resurrecting, of mankind in general
from sin nud death conditions not to
spiritual conditions, but to perfect
enrthly conditions.
All the willing nnd obedient shall be
blessed by tho great LIfe-Glver who
eighteen centuries ago died, the Just
for tho unjust, aud who, during 'ttie
period since, has lieen solecting tbe
Brldo class. With his Bride he will
reign to bless the world, to make the
whole earth beautiful. As It Is writ
ten. "I will make tho place of my feet
jriorloun." The whole earth will then
bo as the Garden of Kden and the re:
stored race like our perfect first par
ents. But ns for tbe Intelligent
wicked, we rend, "All tho wicked wll
he destroy" Psalm cxlv, 20). He wll
not' presoYc thorn In torture or other
wlso. They will dlo tho Second Donth
But nono will die tho Second Death
for Adam's transgression. Christ died
for that transgression nud will relenso
Adit in nnd all his race therofrom. even
while ho will hold thorn responsible for
every wilful transgression nnd give
stripes or punishments therefor to
tench them to love righteousness nnd
to linte Inluulty (Acts ill. 10-MH.
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