Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 23, 1910, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Sermon by
Pastor Brooklyn
""" . , .... .........qo o
Minneapolis, July 17. Pastor Itussoll
of the Brooklyn Tabernacle today de
livered two addresses to the Interna
tional Dlble Students Association,' in
the Auditorium. lie bad One audiences
nnd excellent attention. Wo report one
of his discourses from the text forego
ing. He said In part:
Although tho words of our text wero
not addressed by St. Paul to tho world
ly, they would, nevertheless, be excel
lent udvlce and very profitable to all.
In a general way all civilized people
recognize that "cleanliness is next to
godliness." In a general way tho pure,
tho clean, are recognized as tho beauti
ful. And Impurity nnd filthlncss are
detested even by tho Impure and the
fllthy. Outwardly at least we aro in a
time when water is plentiful, when
soap Is cheap, and when filthlncss of
the flesh Is almost Inexcusable as re
spects the outward man. But fllthl
ness of the spirit cannot bo touched,
cannot be cleansed, with ordinary soap
nnd water and this is undoubtedly tho
reason wtiy tho Lord nnd the apostles
have not addressed these words to the
"Having These Promises."
Our text tells the difference between
tho well-intentioned 'worldly person
nnd the thoroughly consecrated Chris
tian. The latter has heard through tho
Word of God certain "exceeding great
and precious promises," which tho
well-meaning worldly clnss have not
yet heard heard In the true sense of
hearing, in tho sense of appreciating,
understanding. The whole civilized
world, in one sense, has the same Bi
ble, tho same Word of God, the same
precious promises, but It has not ap
preciated these. It has not understood
them. It has not accepted them and
made them Its own by a surreuder to
tho Lord. The Church, on tho contra
ry. Is composed of those Individuals
who have henrd the Lord's proifflscs
intelligently, and who have accepted
those promises- upon God's conditions.
Those promises of God constitute the
power of God, which works In the
heart of each of the Church, first to
will aright, and, secondly, to do, to the
extent of ability, tho Lord's good pleas
urjM(PhnipjnsJJ3) .
This 7s the class addressed In our
text the followers of Jesus. These
have heard of tho grace of God-that
it is the Divine intention to bless Adam
and his- race through the great Media
tor tho Messinh, the Christ. They
have heard that Jesus left the glory
with the Father and humbled himself
to human nature. In order that he
might redeem the human race. They
have hcixrd that the application of the
merit of his sacrifice, when applied In
due time, will be sufllcient for tho sins
of tho whole world, and that then the
Heavenly Father will turn over the
world to the Itedeemer. They have
learned that the Itedeeraer, backed by
Divine authority, will put all things
into subjection under his feet, will In
stitute a heavenly Kingdom or rule in
tho earth, and for a thousand years
reign as King of kings nnd Lord of
lords. They have heard that when ho
shall thus reign, his Kingdom shall he
"under the whole heavens," nlthough
tho King himself will be the King of
Glory on the spirit plane, "far above
angels, principalities and powers and
every name that is named" (Epheslans
1, 21).
They have heard that his Kingdom
will prevail from sea to sea and unto
tho ends of the earth and that eventu
ally unto him every kneo shall bow
and every tongue confess allegiance and
obedience, and that nil refusing thu3 to
submit to that reign of righteousness
will be destroyed from amongst the
people in the Second Death (Acts ill,
22, 23). They have heard that this
great Kingdom will not only lift up,
raise up, resurrect humanity from its
fallen condition, from sin and death,
but that it will also bring tho whole
earth to the condition foreshown in
the Garden of Eden, making God's
footstool glorious and every way fit to
bo tho eternal habitation of such of tho
human race as will bo saved by that
glorious Kingdom for which we pray,
"Thy Kingdom come; thy will bo done
on earth as it is dono in heaven."
But these have heard something
pjesomethlng that belongs to tho
present time. They have heard that It
is the pivlne purpose to select from
amongst mankind a "Royal Priest
hood," to bo associated with tho great
Redeemer in his Mediatorial Kingdom.
They have heard that n call went forth
to this effect eighteen centuries ago, in
viting, first of all, tho Jews who were
ready nnd willing to accept this very
highest favor of God-Jolnt-helrship
with his Son In the spiritual Kingdom
which Is to bless mankind In general
by and by. They have heard that to
attain membership in this Royal Priest
hood means the attainment of the
charnafer-llkeness of Jesus, to become
copies of. Clod's dear Son (Romans vill.
20). This replies, ns its cost, the sacri
fice of earthly Interests. They have
heard the message pf tho Lord, not
nly inviting to the glffrjes of the King
dom, but also informing them that tho
way to that crown of glory Is n narrow
and difficult one. They have beard the
voice of tho Master, saving. "Sit down
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"Put Away All
Text: "Having therefore these
promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse
. ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh
i ... r .. it. . .1
and spirit, perteenng holiness in the
fear of God'1 (II Corinthians vii, I).
OOO"' '
first nnd count tho cost," before you
undertake such n consecration of your
life, such d sacrifice of your earthly In
terests. "No man having put his hand
to tho plow and looking back would bo
fit for the Kingdom" fit for n placo on
tho Throne as a joint-heir with Christ
(Luke ix, 02). They heard tho further
expression of St. Paul to all who would
become joint-heirs with Christ in his
Kingdom assuring them that if they
suffer with Christ they shall reign
with him.
"Beloved, Lei Us Cleanso Ourselves."
Wo doubt not that as tho Heavenly
Father and our Lord Jesus so loved
tho world ns to provide tho great sac
rifice for sin, so St. Paul loved the
world and all-others of God's people
must have a sympathetic lovo for the
world. But' when wo think of thoso
who are dearly beloved by the Father
and by the Son and by tho npostles
nnd by each other, wo think of tho
special class of consecrated saints who
Scrlpturally are described ns of no
earthly sect or party, but as "The
Church of the Firstborns whoso
names aro written in heaven."
These are 'Jdcarly beloved" becauso
they have tho mind of Christ, which
.Is nlso the mind of the Father. Ac
cording to tho flesh they are not nil
lovely or beautiful. St. Paul else
where admonishes us that amongst
these "dearly beloved" aro not innfay
great, not many wise, not many noble,
not many rlelv but chlelly tho Ignoble
and the poor of this world. Their
riches nnd their nobility are not of tho
flesh, but of the spirit, of the heart, of
the new will, to which they have been
begotten of God by tho Holy Spirit.
This is surely the Apostle's thought,
for, In tho preceding verse, he speaks
of these "dearly beloved" ones as
"sons and daughters" of tho Lord, chil
dren of tho Almighty hence, begotten
again of tho Holy Spirit "now crea
tures In Christ Jesus" (II Corinthians
v, 17). Ah, how wonderful it seems
that there should be such a class as
this in the world yet not separated
from the world, except by their now
Spirit. These are in tho world, but
not of the world, as tho Master de
clared. Those have died to worldly
aims and objects nnd have become
alive toward God through the Holy
Spirit and through the quickening In
fluences of God's exceeding great and
precious promises given unto them.
God's purpose respecting them Is that
they mny bo transferred from human
nature to spirit nature from partici
pation with the world In the bless
ings coming to it to receive Instead
the Divine nature, with tho glory,
honor and immortality attaching
thereto, ns "new creatures," sons of
the nighest (II Peter 1. 4).
Christian "Filthiness of the Flesh."
Having located definitely the class
addressed by the Apostle, "tho saints"
(II Corinthians 1, 1), lot us note how
and why it is necessary that saints
should receive such an exhortation.
Why should the Apostle write to- saints
respecting the cleansing of their flesh
from filthiness? Could one bo a saint
and yethnve filthiness of tho flesh?
We reply thnt these saints, begotten
of tho Holy Spirit, will not be perfect
ed ns New Creatures until they experi
ence the "chnngc" of tho "First Resur
rection." Meantime they hnvo tho
treasure of tho Divine nature, tho noly
Spirit, tho first fruits of their Inherit
ance in imperfect human bodies. It is
not the flesh thnt Is begotten ngnln by
tho Holy Spirit, but n now mind, n now
will. The will of tho flesh they sacri
fice. They give up all earthly rights
and ambitions and nccept instead the
will of God, the will of Christ, tho
Holy Spirit, thnt they may walk in
now'ness of life. However, from tho
very beginning of their Christian ex
perience all of theso members of the
Royal Priesthood, In tho present life,
pass through difficulties which nriso
from three different sources:
(1) Tho Adversary is In opposition to
them and will do them all the harm
tho Lord will permit. Their protection
is tho Divine promise that they will
not bo permitted to be tempted nbovo
that they 'will be ablo to bear that tho
Lord will supervise their Interests so
that with every temptation there will
he provided a way of escape.
(2) They aro in a world that is dark
with sin and selfishness, superstition
and ignorance of God and out of har
mony with bis righteousness. Tho
world and Its spirit surge about them
every day, from morning until night.
It tides and currents seek to swoep
them away from their resolutions of
self-sacrlflco and loyalty to God and
righteousness. In various wnys It holds
out to thorn enchanting prospects,
pleasures and riches, enso nnd afllu
enco. Theso have thcr weight, even
though it bo known that comparatively
few who follow the world's bockonlng
and allurements ever receive tho ful
fillment of the promls.es held out t6
(3) Tho great fight of the New Crea
ture, his closest nnd most perslstont
adversary, is his own flesh. The lonjr
lngs of his depraved nature cry out
against restraints nnd Inilst that bo
Is taking an unreasonable course in
that be undertakes to follow the Lord
Jesus, and thus to go In an opposite
direction from the course of tho world
and at tho cost of the crucifixion, tho
mortification, of his own flesh and
his nntural preferences.
Thus viewed every Spirit-begotten
Christian, is an object of sympathy
from tho Divine standpoint, and this
should be their standpoint toward
each other. But the world has no
sympathy. The world sees not, nelthor
does it understand nor appreciate the
exceeding great nnd precious prom
ises which He behind the consecration
of tho "saints," "the Church of the
firstborns." So much the more, each
of these brethren, "dearly beloved,"
should have sympathy for each other,
and should encourage one nuother,
strengthen one another, build one an
other up in tho most holy faith, and,
by nil means, do nothing to stumblo
each other Iw the narrow way.
Tho "saints" cannot fight Satan.
They can merely by their wills re
sist him nnd rely upon tho promises
of grace to help nnd to protect. The
"saints" cannot conquer the world nnd
convert it to God that is too Hercu
lean a task. God, ns we have seen,
hns provided the thousand years of
Messiah's reign for that purpose to
conquer the world, to overthrow sin
and to uplift tho willing nnd obedient
of humanity. But the ''saints" must
all overcome tho world In tho senso
of resisting its spirit and keeping their
hearts loyal to God, loyal to their
Covenant of consecration which they
havo made to him. The heavenly
promises with the still greater re
wards of glories far above anything
that the world has to offer, are the
greatest nlds in this resistance of tho
worldly spirit.
Tho great work for tho Church Is
the good light of faith manifested in
tho putting away of tho filth of their
own flesh nnd spirit. Some by na
ture hnvo more filth of the flesh and
spirit, more meanness, more selfish
ness, more natural depravity, etc.,
than have others. Nevertheless, the
race Is not to tho swift, nor tho bat
tle to tho strong; for the Lord's ar
rangement with each member of the
Royal Priesthood is that he shall be
Judged according to tho spirit or In
tention, and not according to tho
flesh. From tho tlmo of tho .Chris
tian's consecration to the Lord he Is
reckoned dend ns n human being and
alive as n spirit being. His test'
or trial Is not with n view to seeing
whether or not he can dp tho im
possible thing of living tin absolutely
perfect life in an imperfect body. His
trial or test, on the contrary, Is to see
to what extent his mind, his will,
fights a good fight against his natural
weaknesses and frailties. "Thcro is
none righteous, no, not one." All the
trying In the world could not prove
this Divine statement nn Incorrect
one. Righteousness of the will, holi
ness of heart, purity of heart, are the
possibilities; for these God seeks and
these ho will reward In the "First
Resurrection" by granting perfect spir
it bodies, In full harmony with their
pure hearts, their loyal Intentions and
How to Put Away Filth of the FleBh.
If It Is impossible for tho New Crea
ture to perfect the flesh, what does
tho Apostle mean by urging the saints
to cleanse themselves from the filth
of tho flesh? He means that we should
not, as New Creatures, be discouraged
and sny that, because we cannot hope
to attain perfection In tho flesh, there
fore we will make no endeavors In
that direction. He wishes us to un
derstand that it is the Lord's will that
wo fight agninst the weaknesses of the
flesh with n two-fold purpose:
(1) That wo may gradually cleanse
ourselves gradually become more and
more what the Lord would, have us be
and what we should llko to bo our
selves, i
In the flesh will make us-stronger nnd
stronger as Now Creatures, in tho spir
it of our minds. It Is this firmness,
this determination, this iwsltiveness pf
the New Creature against sn and for
righteousness that God desires. Those
who develop it aro called "overcora
ers," and nil of their experiences in
tlicso trials and hattliugs against the
world, the flesh nnd the AdVersnry,
aro designed to mnko them "strong in
tho Lord und in tho power of his
might" Their experiences aro so or
dered and directed as to lead them to
moro nnd more of faith In God and
obedience to him. In order to be ac
ceptable, they must reach the place
where they lovo righteousness and
hate iniquity in-equlty.
Christian Filthiness of Spirit.
Tho word spirit in tho Bible nnd in
ordinary language Is used in n variety
of senses. In our text it does not sig
nify that- the saints, ns spirit beings,
are fllthy and need cleansing. Quite
to the contrary, the New Creature, he
gotten of tho spirit, is holy, pure. But
as the Now Creature must uso the
body of flesh until It receive? the New
Body, so It must uso tho brnln or mind
of the flosh wherewith to do its think
ing nnd reasoning, until thnt which is
perfect shall be attained In the "First
Rosurrection." Tho Apostle's mean
ing, therefore, is that tho saints should
not only' put away filthiness of words
and actions, nnd all sympathy with
Impurity of every kind, but that their
mind (their thoughts) nlso should ho
pure, tihould he clonnsed of everything
not fully In sympathy nnd accord with
the ml i id of Christ. Nor aro we to
suppose that this work is purely God's
work In us. It Is his to forglvo the
sins of the past. It is bis to cleanse
lift frnm nil rvinilrttnnn t Inn nf thn nnat
It is his to covor through Christ all of
our unintentional hlemlvhes. It is bis
to encourage, by his promises. But it
is ours to show our loyalty to the prin
ciples of his Word and character by
putting nwny. to the extent of our
ability, all flllhlnoss of tho flesh and
and urinary irregularities,
and vigor. Refuse substitutes.
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