TWO. DAILY OAPITA1. JOCBNAI;, SAnJJSI, OREGON, AVKDXESDAT, JULY 20, 1010. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL E, HOFEB, Editor and Proprietor. independent Newspaper Deroted to American Principle! and the Program and Derelppement of AU Oregon. rnbtlibod Srorr Bvenlwj Bxcopt Sunday, Salem, Ore. , BCnSOKlPTION BATES. (Invarlablr In Adrance.) mttft br carrier, per rear tU.OO Fer month .COo Ut, bf cull, per 7ear. .00 Per month... 85o 7Mklr, by mall, per ycnr........i. J.OO Biz month! .....60o BELIEVE GRIPPEN IS LOCATED XiOKDOX POLICE SAV ALIiEGED W$fI3 MUKBEBEIt IS IlfDING AT HEAITII RESORT, UNDER SUR- VEIIiANCE, AND. MAY BE Alt- ItESTED AT ANY MOMENT. tuxnm rnan leaked wins. London, July 20. That Dr. Haw ley Crlppon, tho man whom tho Lon don poltco say murdered his wlfo In tlwbasemont of tholr Islington homo, has been located, and that ho will bo arrested boforo night, Is tho official Btatomcnt mado today by Inspector DoWi of tho Scotland Yard force. ' qw suys that Crlppon Is hiding In a health resort; that tho polf& havo beo'n watching him and aro sure of his Identity. No Crippcn As Yet. New York, July 20. Police today boarded and soarched tho incoming liners Kroonland and Carmanla. No one rosombllng tho description of Dr. Hnwley Crlppon, suspected of tho murder of his wlfo by tho London po lice, was found aboard olthor vessel PREAC HER OBJECTS PHONOGRAPHS RAILROAD SIDENT IS KILLED HEAD OP "JIONON ROUTE" SUR PRISES BURGLAR IN ACT OF STEALING HIS SILVER AND 18 SHOT DOWN POLICE BE LIEVE DEED WAS PERPE TRATED BY A NEGRO. "LEAD KINDLY LIGHT" AND "HAS ANYBODY HERE SEEN KELLY" DO NOT HARMONIZE AVELL DURING SUNDAY' SEI5 VICES. JOHNSON IS PINCHED FOR 'STEENTH TIME O.VITED ritKSK LEASED WIHH.l New York, July 20. Jack John son, tho colored champion, must np poar In tho West Sldo court to answer tho chargo of recklessly driving his automobile for tho 'steonth ttmo. - ..This tlmo Jack Is mad. Ho says ho Is being hounded. Tito pollco, ho sail, deliberately arrested him after being .told to "got" him whonovor. opportu nity offered. His arrest at Forty-sovonth stroot and' Eighth avonuo occurrod, Johnson said, simply because ho wns follow ing Instructions from Inspccto Walsh who told him after leaving tho theater ta get awny.ns quickly as he could from the admiring crowds. While he was "getting away" he was pinched. Johnson furnished $100 ball. o f united rr.nsaiTisKn wins. Now York, July 20. If residents of Richmond Hill, L. I., allow tholr phonographs to play during ser vices on Sunday they will bo Ignor ing tho urgent appeal of tho Re 7. Henry C. Doo, pastor of tho Rich mond Hill Baptist church. Dr. Doe has asked nil good cltlzons to put the soft pedal on their talking ma rhinos while ho preaches and hU holr sings, " 'Lead, KInly Light," and "Has Anybody Hero Seen Kolly," don't go well together," said Dr. Doo. "Nor do Ei'imons on 'Tho Duty of Parents to chlldron' and 'What's tho Matter With Fator?' exactly JIbo." So Dr. Doe has appealed for congrulty, If not harmony. o TROUBLES Tom Manning was given his pre liminary examination boforo Munici pal Judgo Moorcs this morning on tho ohargo of having stolon a coat from W.v. Powoll, and bound over to tho grand jury for action. Ills bond was fixed at $2D0. (UNITED ITJCBa LHASED WIKE.l Chicago, July 20. Pollco today aro scouring tho north shoro su burbs and tho negro quarters of Chicago, for tho burglar who today shot and killed Prcsldont I. Q. Rawn of tho Chicago, Indianapolis & Loii Isvlllo railway Monbn route In his homo In fashionable Wlnnotka. Posses scouring tho suburbs, havo arrested a number of negro sus pects. The police of Wlnnotka be llevo that tho burglar was a negro nud havo asked the Chicago authori ties to help them in tholr bcarch. ltawn was killed in the dining mom of his home. Earjy this morn ing ho hoard a noiso and going to the first floor of his resldo.ico to In vesllgcto, saw a burglar putting sll vor into a bag. Rawn rushed at the burglar and it is supposed that he slipped, tho noiso warning tho bur glar that someone was In the room. The two mon grappled, It Is be lieved from tho sounds that aroused tho cthor members of tho household. The burglar shot Rawn twice. The two i.hots were distinctly heard bv Bfvernl mombors of tho family. Ralph Coburn, Rawn's son-in-law, was tho first to roach-tho dining room. He found Rawn on th flcjpr with two wounds In his body. Rawn was unconscious and died be fore medical aid reached him. The murdorer leaped through a window and fled. A hasty Investigation showed marks of a jimmy at a sldo door where tho burglnr ovldontly had on toicd. Tho intruder in his flight left tho sack In which ho Intended to cany away tho plunder. This is tho only chto tho police havo. Tho Wlnnotka pollco say that the negroes In tho suburb, one of tin most fashionable of tho North Shora colonics, havo boon Insolent of late islnco Iho Fourth of July prlzo fight nt Bono, and havo Insulted women on the Bfroots. Many negroes havo been arrested for petty buglarles, it Is declared, .and for this reason tho oflicers aro certain tho intruder in thf Rawn homo was colored. Mombors of tho household aro overcome by tho tragic death of Mr I Itnwn. Funeral arrangements havo not, et boon complotod but it Is Important S .1 aie of musical Greatly Reduced Prices We are over-stocked in some lines, and therefore have decided to sell the same at greatly reduced rates.If you are in need of anything in the musical line, or going to want same in the near future, you cannot afford to miss this opportunity. Everything in the store going at reduced prices, except the contract goods, from now until we get into our new quarters on Liberty Street, 'August 1st. r WE NEED THE MONEY, YOU NEED THE GOODS ff 1 1 ei gp JLJL ILe 247 n. com'i st L. F. SAVAGE, Manager phone 1187-2 beiis iWWtBNSA mama TO CHOOSE PRESIDENT MANY CANDIDATES ARE IN THE -FIELD I;OR HIGHEST HONOR AT HANDS OF NATIONAL OR DER OF HIBERNIANS AND CON TEST BECOMES INTERESTING. PINCHOT CAMPAIGN GOT Manning wns originally arrested of selling Jowolry without a llconso, and probnllo that Kawn .wI1, bo burIo(, soiuoucou 10 xu unys in mo city Jan. Saturday. A coroners Investigation While serving his sentence ho was dl; w, ,)0 heId to,,liy or tQVfefrowf rootod to carry somo wood into that I lutlg0 K. c. F,Bld vlco.prosIdent portion of the city hnll occupiod byl0t t)lB Monbn, will net ha president tho Are department and while so en-i 0f "the railroad temporarily. The gaged availed hlmsolf of an opportu nlty to offoct his escape When ro arrosted ho wns found in "possession ; tuinouncod. of a coat bolonglng to Powoll, and n ohargo of larceny was lodged against him. vacancy will bo tilled by tha board of director In.tho near future It is ' tPNtTED 1'IIEHS I.BiRID WIM. San Francisco, July 20. Gilford "Plnchot, former chief forostor of tho United States, loft today for Satra,-, monto, whoro ho will spoalc toniglitj In favor of William Kent, candldato ifor tho n.epubllean nomination for congress frbm tho second California district, Pluehot, who enmo from tho Eatt to preach insurgonoy In California, was 'pleased today over tho reception, flvon him last night, when Jio ad rossod a San Fruuolsco nudlonca in iho InteroBts of Hiram II. Johnson, candldato for tho Republican nomina tion for governor. PIncbot's spoooh was an nrgumont In favor of Insurgonoy, and It la ox poQtod that 1)18 othor speech os will bo along similar linos. "Tha reason I am bo glad to como hero," said PInohotf "is my strong bo llof that California la to put a oloan government in oltlco, and also bocause I sue, as any man must, that hire 19 ono of tho principal battle grounds, and that right hero In this state must bM decided ono of tho main lights In this great war." i o- Mexico to Colobrafp. (uicitii) rwun ustico' win, Mexico City, July.20.Vhon Mex ico' calibration of tha osntannlnl of tier lndependoneo take placo In the fall, ona of the faaturan will bo a eei'lae of 24 pecforninnQae of grand opart, the caiU 10 Inalude many stais ot tutarnatloual fame, Tho parform ancaa will be undax ilia imtranaga f the te.teral Koverument. Among thoa who will ha haanl will h NordtoH, San Marco. Amat.i. Scout and Furoarla. Max Rablntlt, of New York, has beefl Blven f 60,000 by tha govern ment to remodel one ot the largo the aters for the performance. HAM HOP ARE CLOS Bloodstains havo been found on tho sldowalk nonr Rawn's Jhonit Ono chamber in Rawn's revolver Is ompty and Mrs. Rawn bollovos that her husband fired and wounded tho burglnr. It is boiloved that tho bur glar Js hiding somowhoro nonr tho houso and that ho will soon bo cap tured. Most of tho mon In Wlnnot ka aro helping In tho soarch for the burglar. Tho directors ot tho Monon rail road today ordered tho flags oiv tho company's shops and ofllces put ,it half-mast. DNITKO l'BXES LB1BID WIBS. Now York, July 20. It dovolopod today that Mayor daynor's revoca tion of all-night llconses to cortnlu roeaurants and cafes on Broadway rosultod from a personal Invoatlga iuvostlgatlon, which satlsflod the mayor that tho host Interests of the city demanded that thoso plncc bo closed .attar certain hours nt night. Tho mayor mado n porsonal tour ot tho white light district. In ono rostnurant a woman nupronched him nn spoko onoarlugly. In anpthor placo whoro tho flowing bowl wna being passod frooly, n party of "all nlghtors" Invited hltn to join thorn. Inston of accepting, Onyuor replied that such plaues may bo able to run despite hta wlshos, but that "suoh scandalous things could not contlnua with his snnotlon." Tho mayor Is Investigating tho claim ot actors who complained that ther should bo plficos whoro they may eat and drink when the porform- uycvp nt the thoatora are over. EDRICK DAVENPORT MYST ERY Loss of Appetite Im e at vitality, vtfor or lone, and la often a fartriMMr of praatmUnf dia It la aartpa and Maaatajly ao to leoplo th'tt must keep uji and dohitf or jt livSlmtln'iul 'I 1. 1- Ih i m1fclii to takt for It. la ili,. su a . .n' Itutlonl ren-.vdy SEoou's Gaypnr-illa Wlii.ii i.uiii)- iind bftHcteas tb blood and bollda up th uhot aysunt, Oi It today In iquid form or : ,ib'.... . u jureataba. Rono, July 20. Though sho has bQQu a member of tho "dlvorco col ony" for some ttmo, llttlo Is known of tho affairs of Mrs. Hilda Sampson, who writes under tho name of "Hod rick Davonport," and who hns tiled a sonlod complaint against her hus band, Charles W. Sampson, Chicago busluoss man, from whom sho seeks dlvorco. Aside from tho fact that tho prop fUMTKD THCSS '-EASUD WMD.l Portland, Oro., July 20. With tho election of oflicers scheduled for tho latter part of tho week, delegates to tho national convention of tho A. O. H In session hero today, are enthu siastically boosting their various can didates. Presidential boo'ms for four prom inent mombers of tho order havo been launched nlready, and before tho elec tions it Is expected that several dark horses will havo como to the front'. According to tho presidential gos sip among tho delegates tho race will probably centor between President Cummings, of Boston, who is said to bo a qindidato for re-election, and Vice-President James J. Regan, who has tho solid barking of Wisconsin, his homo state. It is understood that M. G. Ro han, president ot the Marquette Uni versity, of Milwaukee, and Joseph McLaughlin, of Philadelphia, may announco their candidacy for the prosldoncy. Both of them havo a strong backjng of onthusinstlc ad mirers. Jamos A. McGinnls, of Scranton, Pa., will doubtloss bo re oloctod to tho office of national secre tary, as no ono is in tho field against him. Work was tho plan of entertain mont mapped out for tho delegates todny. Sessions wore scheduled for both forenoon and nfternoon. Tonight tho Portland members of tho order will entertain tho visiting delegates at n banquet at the armory. Dr. Andrew" C. Smith, candidate for tho Republican gubernatorial nomination will preside as toast-mastor. IDAHO CHILDREN ARE VICTIMS OF NEW AND TERRIBL DISEASE PHYSICIAN UNABLE TO COPE WITH 3IYSTERIOUS MALADY WHICH IS SPREADING RAPIDLY AND IS CONFINED TO BABES UNDER SIX. tUNITED l'KESS IJIASKIl WIHB. Lowlston, Ida. July 20. More than 100 cases of a new diseaso, mani festing the predominant symptoms of infantile paralysis, meningitis and te tanus, aro reported among tho chil dren in the Camas and Nez Perce prairies, and three deaths havo al ready resulted. Phya.cians frankly admit their In ability to cope with the malady, and confess that they aro at a loss to er. plain Its origin. Tho disease is con fined principally to Ihildren under six years of age, but when the older ones , are attacked, tho results aro much more severe. It is spreading with alarming ra pidity, and the -whole district affocted is almost panic-stricken, many fam ilies removing their children to other locations until tha epidemic has subsided. Threo cases were reported yester day from Jullactta, but only one has developed so far In Lowlston. Must Be Above Suspicion. Kidney and bladder ailments aro so serious in their consequences, and if unchecked so often fatal that any remedy offered for their cure must be above suspicion. Foley Kidney I Pills contain no harmful drugs, hao successfully stood a long and thor ough test and have proven thoia selves to bo both curative rud tonlo, and give benefit to nil who tako them. J. C. Perry. CHICHESTER S PILLS k&sr- TUB 1IIAMONK ItKANO. ' C-i'A l'1-cli'.Ur'ulIuino.idIlrondA PwSSA '"' '! ""I "old malllcVX H-C73 . sc 'If i 'illl Blue Ribbon. yj K'J TnLe ?nj other. Ilnrofyour V VI - r.f iii-ticr!.!. AskforCl.oln:l.Tma, II1A.MU.N1 IIUANII PILLS, for sal years know n as Hest, Safest, Always Reliable --r SOLD BV DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE AT JACOB V0GT'S 220 N. Commercial St. f A NEW LINE OF GOODS i 'J - - 1 11 ' -i 1 e n x -- m -. j use arrived, inuarens o-Htrap patent leather sandals. Sandals in tan and black. " Misses' patent leather button in low and high heels. Misses' patent leather strap pumps with medium heels. Before buy- :: ing see this new line. 4MMMM4MMMMMMUUMHM,' ' M M M M M H m t MHMHHHtMHHIUIIMHMIIMHIHHnHHHHH 1 1 M t M M M M 4- A Wild Blizzard Bnglng brings danger, suffering often doath to thousands, who tako colds, cough and lagrlppo that terror of winter and spring. Its dangor sig nals nro "stuffod up" nostrils, lower part of noso sore, and a throat-grip-ping cough. When grip attacks, as you valuo ur life, don't delay get ting Dr. King's New Discovery. "Ono bottle cured mo", writ . A. L. Dunn, of Pino Valley, Mass., "after being 'laid up' throo weeks with grip." For soro lungs, hemorrhages, coughs, colds, whooping cough, bronchitis, Asthma, It's supreme. 50c, $1.00. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry. Mon occasionally get credit for tonaclty of purpose, when in reality tholr only nssot Is blind stubborn ness. -. Hay Fovcr and Asthma. Bring discomfort and misery to many people but Foley's Honey and Tar affords quick and welcome re- erty rights havo nlrocdy been adjust- ,lef' nnd Sivoa oase and comfort to od. and that no chlldron aro Invnlvrwi tho suffering ones. It rolloves the nothing is known of Mrs. Sampson's domotitlo troublos. Mrs. Sampson la well known to rendero of various smart periodicals. Sluoe her arrival at Umo she lms lived pntetleikUy In seclusion, Toothing eh lid ran nave moro or Imb dUrrhoM, which on Is e eo trolled by KlTlag Chamberlain's Collo, ChoUra and DtRrrhotm Rtmiedy. All UiRt U noanry Is to give the pro scribed dose after oaoh oparntlon of the boweJs mora than natural and then castor oil to cleanse tho system It Is safo and suro. Sold by all dealers. congestion of the membranes In the bond and throat and .soothes and heals thorn. None genuine but Foloy'a Honoy and Tar In the yollow : package. Insist upon having Foley'.i j Honey and Tar and refuse substt I ti tea. J. C. Perry. Coos Bay s Deep Water Way Car- M mm mm na negatta mvai a 15 to 22 INCLUSIVE 8UBSOUIBHBS. If you gel your paper by mall kindly watch the tg and see when the time Is up, and remit promptly, or notify vw tn stop the paper; otherwise blll will be nude tor the time the paper oomee after ezplra- tlon of last uaysiwit. A solid week of merriment, boat racing, nsning, Deacn rides, clam bakes, conventions, etc. Auto parties from Roseburg Special boat service from Portland Stage service from Prain or Roseburg Concessions or information, write R. A. WERNICH, Secretary North Bend, Or. HIIHtlllHIIIIIIIItlllll HIIMtHHtHUItHHIIIIII