VOL. XX. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1010. No. 107. DEATH hJD DES N WAKE OLATION OF FIERCE FIRE DE FT MON Hundreds of Men Rush to Scene of Destruction to Battle With Deadly Element Which Is Sweeping Over Northwest, Con suming Millions of Feet of Valuable Timber and Wiping Entire Towns Out of Existence Loss Is Already Enormous and End Is Not Yet in Sight. Portland, Ore., July 20. Hun dreds of men today nro battling against the worst series of forest fires that have swept the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia for a decade, according to reports reaching here. In Washington, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and British Columbia num erous fires aro consuming millions of feet of the choicest timber and are leaving In their wake death and desolation. Tho loss already Is enormous and the end Is not In sight. Four towns have been burned, according to despatches, three of them being in British Columbia, and one In Washington. A largo number of logging camps llkewlso have been reduce to ashes. Eight persons are known to bo dead, a number are unaccounted for, and scores have been injured. Indications aro that rain will fall soon. If It does not the probabili ties are that the worst conflagration in this history of tho Pacific coast will result. The fires that aro doing the great est damage this afternoon aro burn ing In tho Nelson and Kaslo dlslilcts in British Columbia, north of the Washington-Idaho Intern a 1 1 o n a 1 boundary line. In this district approximately 300 persons have lost their homes and belongings; millions of feet of tim ber have gono up in smoke, Tind the fire flend holds absolute sway. To the eastward, in the Kootenai district, other fires are devastating the Canadian forests. In tho Idaho panhandle and the northeastern part of Washington numerous fires are taking their heavy toll of timber and horaea. These flres for the most part are being brought under control. hero all the buildings of several mines In the Kaslo section havo been destroyed. The snowsheds and the bridges be tween Palnn and NIne-mllo have been burned. Tho town of Whitewater la In ashes. Between Ymlr and Nelson a great fire is cutting Into tho timber. A hundred and fifty men are fighting It, but with small success. Victoria, B. C, July 20. Besides the flvo men who were suffocated in a forest Are near Kaslo Saturday, re ports today from tho Nelson and Kas lo districts, where big fires are rag ing, say that tho list of fatalities' has been increased by at least three per sons. Several more are missing.'. Over 200 minors and their families have lost everything. They are camping at Kaslo. According to dispatches received More Towns Wiped Out. Nelson, B. C, July 20. From the fire districts reports are that tho Slo- can fires are still raging fiercely. It Is said that Three Forks is entirely wiped" out, and that Sandon Is doomed. A furiouc Are Is also reported to have wiped Jaffray and Bayno's Lake off the map. At Kaslo tho Are is traveling rap idly, and back firing has been resort ed to. At Moylo the fire Is still caus ing anxiety, but at present tho town is safe. The bodies of the four victlnr at tho Lucky Jim mine were Interred here today. Tho air about Nelson is dense with smoke, and the fires north of there are still blazing furiously. Fortu nately the air has been calm. STREETCAR CONDUCTOR REWARDED ; Mncou, "Ga., July 20. Be- , causo W. W. Miller, a streetcar conductor,'.' befriended Charles F. Curloy seven years ago when tho latter was ill In a boarding house, Miller is today worth. $500,000. ' Miller has been notified that Curloy recently died In Dawson, " Y. T., naming him solo heir to his estate. ' Refugees Flee in Terror. Nelson, B. C, July 20. Reports today reaching here say that tho town of Three Foks has been totally de stroyed by forest fires, and that refu gees from the stricken district havo fled to the mountain peaks to sava themselves from .Incineration. No new fatalities are reported. Un confirmed reports received aro that the thriving town of Sandon is aur- (Contiaued from Pago 5.) ANY STORE THAT CAN AFFORD TO GIVE 20o0 DISCOUNT Makes 400o and S00 Profit Don't you Lhtnk that Is too much. If we make 8 and 10 per cent profit we are satisfied. How can you af ford to spend your money at these long profit stores, when you have the Chicago Store to trade at? Come i Here If I You Wanf 5.8 .Lingerie Dresses $7.50 values now 2-75 $25.00 Wool Suite now 10.50 J2G.0Q Silk Dressos now . . . 10.50 $18.00 "Silk Dresses now .... 7. SO $7.50 Wash Suits now 2-76 And so along the lino. Profits out no figure nowit is sell tho goods. Our prices are now 20 per cent less than our competitors Clearing Sale See Our Prices Ladies 50c union suits now 25c Women's 20c fast blacky stockings, seamless, now lie Ghlldren's 85c sweaters now 49c $1.50 houso dresses, now 95c Standard apron gingham yd be Indian Head suiting, yd ..11c $2 wash dress skirts, now 98c 3000 yds standard outing flannels in dark and light colors, yard 4c 65c wool dress goods, yd. . 29c Remnants' of wool dress goods, white goods, ging hams, lawns and challies, n0w Half Price $1 muslin underwear, now 69c 25c Dutch collars, now ... .10c $1 fancy drdls silks, now yard 39(5 $1.00 kid gloves, slightly soiled 40c 50c charaolso gloves, pair . .2Cc Boys' $1 2-pIece wash suits, now .... 9 Camping Goods Now on Sale Trunks, Suit Cases, Blankets, Comforts, Men's Cheap Suits, Cheap Pants and overalls. WE AUK Giving the Biggest Bargains In Salem. Shirt Waists At Startling Reductions $1,00 soiled shirt waists now 25c $1.00 fancy Shirt Waists, all new, now 49c $1.45 lingerie shirt waists, now . , 89c $2 lingerie shirt waists, beautifully trimmed with laces, medallions and embroideries, also tucked and pleated . .98c Big bargain in laco and SILK Shirt Waists THE GREATER Chicago Store SALEM OREGON MADRIZ ORDERS Rebel General Intercepts Tele gram Sent by President of Nicaragua to General Rober to in Charge of Prisoners of War. THE EV eT STATE ASSEMBLY Soparatcd by a lovers' Quarrel 25 years ago, Bishop S. Garrison and his bride, who was 2!w Eva Bugg, today started on a honeymoon, which they declared would last longer than the quarter century they lived apart. Garrison and Miss Rugg were on gaged when both attended a llttlo college in Now York. Tho causo of tho quarrel which separated them they havo forgotten, but tho vow of celibacy each took was kept faithful ly until fato brought them together hero a week ago. Garrison and his bride will start tomorrow for Oakdale, N. Y., to epend part of their honeymoon near tho scene of their betrothal. OREGON! AN MACHINE ACTIV IN ARRANGEMENT OF SLATE CANADIAN MINISTER OF INTERIOR ON BIG TOUR EXECUTE- WITHOUT FEAR This Is tho Burden of the Instruc tions Given to Chief Executioner, Who Is orcred Jo "Shoot Without Fear or Consideration" Any Prison. er AVhoni Ho May Capture or Hold ill Custqi'Jj Iiivcs of Americna Prisoners Arc Endangered. UNITED PBSS8 LSA8BD WIKB.1 New Orleans, La., July 20. President Madrlz of Nicaragua, has ordered all revolutionary prisoners shot If an intercepted telegram pur porting to havo been sent by him to General Robert Gonzalez is authen tic. Gonzalez is' in command of. tho Madriz forces at San Ubaldo. Many Insurgent prisoners aro known to bo under his charge. Tho Intercepted message read: "I trust to your hands the salvation of tho father land and tho giving of a sovoro les son to the revolutionaries who aro In your neighborhood. Shoot with out fear or consideration tho revolu tionaries whom you may capture by attack and tho prisoners whom you may have. Give orders to leaders ot your patrols to watch. Thero 1b danger In the road from San Ubaldo to Acoyapa. Madrlz, Com manding General." Tho telegram fell into the hands of tho rebel General Mana, who de clared that on tho same day two In surgents were executed at Charco Muerto. A copy wa3 sent to tho provisional government's local repesentatlvo to bo forwarded to tho American state department. o CUPID FINALLY SPANS QUARTER CENTURY BREACH united rnrsa mused wma.l Dawson, Y. T., July 20. Frank Oliver, Canadian minister of tho In terior, has reached Dawson on his 8000-mllo tour of tho wilds of Nor thern Canada. Starting from Otta wa, ho went to Edmonton, thenco down the McKenzio river 2500 miles to Fort MncPherson on tho Arctic ocean. Ho made a portage from Fort MacPherson, walking 90 miles over tho Tundra to the head waters of tho Porcupine river, whore ho wont by canoe 700 miles to Fort Yukon where tho Porcupine empties into the Yukon river. There ho took a packet for Dawson. o Another Aviator Dying. UNITED riK! ISASBO WIBB.l Rome, July 20. Harment, an aviator, is dying as the result of an accident to his aeroplane today, Harment was flying at a consider able altitude, when the engine of hlB areoplano becamo disabled, and ho was hurled to tho earth. Physicians say thero Is no chance for his recovery. Things Are Being "Fixed" for Nomination of A. C. Smith, First, for Governor, Jay Bowerman, Second, and Ackerman Third, and Marion County Delegation Grooms C. B. Moores as "Dark Horse" PossibilityRalph Hoyt Slated for Treas urer and Duniway for Printer Fight on for Attorney-General Nominee. ROOSEVELT AMENDS HIS STATEMENT INTENDED DECLARATION IN FA VOR OF "PROGRESSIVE PLAT FORMS" TO BE CONFINED TO OHIO SITUATION ONLY MIGHT HAVE DIFFERENT SIG NTFICANOE IN OTHER STATES. HE SAYS. (Special to Tho Journal.) Portland, Ore., Jul y20. Already tho down-town hotels of tho city, aro being crowded with out-of-town del egates to tho Republican stato assem bly, which convenes In this city to morrow, and their lobbies are teem ing with tho hubbub and babble of subdued voices incident to the time worn custom of arranging the "pro gram" for tomorrow'? entertainment, when tho nomination of tho candi dates for tho different stato offices, selected and acted upon today and tonight by tho powers that bo, Is ex pected to bo ratified in general as sembly. Tho "steering committee of 100, 1 engineered by Leslie Scott, of the Oro gonlan, and Ralph Williams of Dallas, tho Republican national committee man, Is busily engaged in turning things upside down in tho interests af securing the nomination for governor for Andrew C. Smith, with Jay Bow erman next In the race as choice of tho ringleaders and a few scattering votes for Ackerman. Tho Marlon county delegation is grooming C. B. Moores as a "dark horse" candidate for the gubernatorial nomination, and everywhero tho earmarks 'of old "ma chine methods," of "slato making" nnd domineering politics are In evidence. For stato treasurer Ralph Hoyt, president of tho Merchants' National Bank, will doubtless be tho cholco ot the assembly, and L. R. Alderman, of Eugone, is In tho lead for tho nomi nation for stato school superintend ent. Thero will bo a strong fight for the endorsement ot a non-partisan Ju diciary tlckot, and In nil probability Garden drove, Cal., July 20. uniticd rnss utsu wini.l Oystor Bay, N. Y July 20. Colonel Roosevelt today amended his statement of yestorday, which, he said, had been somewhat misunder stood. "What I intonled tl say yestor- .day," he said, "was that I cannot support any candidate for nomina tion. I hopo that a progressive plat form will be a lontod In Ohio. I do- slro to make it perfectly clear that I meant . Ohio only. . Progressive platforms In other states might havo a very different significance" Tho colonel spont tho day catch ing up wkh his correspondence. THREE WHITE GIRL VICTIMS OF NEGRO BIGAMIST FOUND IN DYING AND CRAZED STAT Religiously Insane and Ignorant Dupes of Rev. Jonah Sturde vant Starve Themselves and Inflict Bodily Punishment Up on Themselves in Belief Their Sacrifices Will Bring About His Release. Washington, July 20. The police today took charge of threo white girls, two of whom aro dying and tho third nearly insane, who aro al leged to bo vjoilms of tho mysterious machinations M uer, Jonau murue vant, a negro new s4rvlng a term In the jail at Baltlmorafor bigamy. Hilda Johnoti.t a Norwegian, whom the negro recently married and who was recently a mothor, Is dying at a negro hospital. Gertrude Monson, also a Norwe gian, was found dlng In a George town hospital, nnd Addle Codd'ng, nearly Insane from hunger, w,in found In an unfurnished room over a negro hovel. Tho Monson girl, the police declare, was dying as n result of long fasting nnd the stranga punishments) she had Infllot ed on herself lu the belief that the mysterious Incantations In someway would result In tho liberation oi' Bturdevont. Tho Monson girl also is suffering (Continued from Pago 8.) tho present complement ot tho su premo court will be endorsed. Judgo William Colvlg, of Mcdford will lead In tho fight for a non-partisan Ju diciary ticket. Tho assembly will also probably en dorse Willis Duniway for re-olectloa as stato printer, but on tho nomina tion for attorn y-general a big fight Is in prospect, as tho Southern Ore gon and Coos Bay contingents Insist upon tho nomination of Attorney General Crawford, whllo the balance of tho delegated power ot the stato Is divided among other aspirants for tho nomination. o EDITH KELLY-GOULD TO APPEAR' IN COnO OPERA okitcd rnsss ljmbcd wieb.1 Paris, July 20. Broadway will seo tho wlfo of another New York mil lionaire In comic opera this season. Edith Kelly-Gould, wife of Frank J Gould, will appear in a new comedy called "Tho Lady and the Viscount."' Frank Hennessey, the theatrical manager; Frank Gould and Mra. Jackson Gouraud have formed a syn dicate, which will present tho muslcaa opora. Edith Kelly-Gould and VIb count B. Hollondor will be tho prin cipals. o O'Neill Bribery Caso Resumed. Chicago, July 20. Tho resump tion of tho case of Loo O'Neill: Browne, charged with bribery in connection with tho election of Wil liam Lorlmer to tho United States senato, will begin August 1. Judgo Korston will preside, tho caso having boon taken from Judgo McSurely's eourt, whoro tho first trlnl wns held. H t H M M M M M M M M M M M H M M M M M M M M Bishop's Ready Tailored Clothes 'Clothing at 1 -4 to 1 -2 Price 4 The prices as follows are very attract- : ive from a standpoint quality and :: workmanship. BISHOP'S READY TAILORED LINE $35.00 suits now $28 00 $30,00 suits now $24.00 $25.00 suits now $20.00 $20.00 suits now $1 5.00 MEN'S MEDIUM PRICED SUITS $20 suits now $16 $18 suits now - - - $14 $15 & $16 suits now $12 $12 suits now - - - -$8 YOUNG MEN'S SNAPPY STYLES $25i00sjiits now $20.00 $22.50 suits now $17.25 $20.00 suits now $1 6.00 $18.00 suits now $14.00 BOY'S KNICKER SUITS $6.50 suits now $5.20 $5,00 suits now $4.00 $4-00 suits now $3.20 $3.00 suits now $2.40 Boys' straight pants suits at 1-2 price these include our leading brands of school suits. Woolen Mill Store ii