Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 18, 1910, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    DAiiiX" capital jour sad, SAirar, oregoit, moxdav, jciar j. ioio.
tcxiTiD russ uxsro triss.l
Bozoman, JMont., July IS. Boze
man Is facing a genuine mystery to
day. Tho mystery Is a man who,
yihsa arrested hero Saturday night,
ob general suspicion, was found to
60 attired almost 'from head to foot
la a suit of home-made armor.
A steel plato was fitted on tho In
side of his cap. On his forearms
were two Beel bracelets, which pro
tected his flesh from wrist to olbow
These plates wero connected with
other ones which covered his body,
by strips of .cloth sowed together.
In addition to bis armor, the man
was a walking arsenal. In ono sock
et tho authorities found a Colt's 38
automatic revolver, in a not nor an
old-fashlonpd "bulldog" revolver of
English patterns, besides several
knives of varying lengths,
Tho 'follow gavo two names. As
soon as ho learned that ho was not
arrested on, any specific charge, ho
refused to talk further or explain his
elaborate scheme of protection
against bullets and knives, ,
o- '
song Tvmoff tuoTvona waitea somany
centuries to hear. Exchange.
Weight of One-Dollar Bills.
Most persons would bo surprised
to Jearn that one-dollars bills are
worth almost their weight ln gold,
says Harper's Weekly. A $2C gofd
piece weighs E40 grains. Twenty-
seven crlspi new one-dollar bills,
fresh from tho bureau of engraving
and printing, weigh the samo as the
gold piece. Dills that have been in
use have been tested, and It has been
found that It took but 26 of them to
balance the gold piece. It follows, of
course, that tho used bills gather an
accumulation of various matter, In
passing from hand to band, that
causes them to take op additional
weight equal to about 'that of one
new bill.
nxiTrn rsEm txisnD wise.
i Washington, July 18. Consterna
tion has been aroused lioro in humane
circles over tho suggestion of Captain
Casper H. Conrad, United States
army, to mark horses with a brand
on tho inside of every horse's upper
lip. The brand is to bo made with
a punch containing a numbor of
flno Inked needles. It does not differ
greatly from tho practice of tattoo
ing. According to Dr. A. D, Melvin,
hlef of tho bureau of animal lndus
. try, tho operation would not be very
painful to the animals, Tho old sys
tem of branding tho mpn the hoof is1
objectionable,, because the brand
wears off In about four months' time.
Secretary John It. Head, of tho
humane society, has taken up tho
matter with the executive council.
o- :
Dry Sunday at Gladstone Park got
a surprise when, by failure of Geo.
W. Ban, a great national prohibition
orator, not being present, tho Joint
debate on the constitutional amend
ment for state-wido prohibition was
put on, and Rev. "Wilson of tho M. E.
church, and president of tho Port
land Ministerial Association, and Col.
B. Hofor, of Salem, occupied two
hours of the timo of tho 5000 pres
ent to hear them. Seats and stand
ing room were taken, and the presi
dent of tho state W. C. T. U. presid
ed and hold tho watch on tho gladia
tors for four rounds of 30 minutes
each. Itov. Wilson made his usual
charges that 90 per cent of all the
vice and crime originated 1n the sa
loons. Col. Hofer said that was im
possible as there wore no more sa
loon keepers in tho penitentiary in
proportion to their numbers than of
any other class, and -that ho had
New York, July 18. Despite the
accident of Saturday night, when the
first passenger trip on tho monorail
ended in a wreck, promoters of. the
one-rail system stated today that the
road will soon bo operated regularly
for passenger traffic.
The line runs from Barstow to
Island City bridge. It was planned to
extend the road Into New York City
provided It proved practical.
In tho wreck Saturday night seven
persons wero injured, when the
speeding car struck a sharp curve
and toppled over on Its side. The
motorman was most severely hurt. He I
sustained a broken rib.
American Itlng.
Antedates the present emblem of
ancient empires of China and
Tho Star Spangled Banner has n
history unlike that of the emblem of
any other people. It is older than
tho present flag of Great Britain,
which dates from 1801; older than
the German empire standard 1870:
older than that of France's standard
1704; or that of Spain 1785;
older, In fact, than any of the pres
ent flags of tho ancient empires of
China and Japan, says the New Idea
Woman's Magazine.
Tho first legislative action of
which there is any record concerning
the design and adoption of a nation
al flag was taken in a resolution of
Congress at Philadelphia on June 14,
1775; but it was not untllfOctobor or
November of that year that a com
mission of three, appointed for that
purpose, mot In tho old city of
Cambrldgo and entered upon their
duties. Benjamin Franklih was one
of this number. After, considerable
deliberation they adopted a design
Greatly Reduced Prices
We are over-stocked in some lines, and therefore have
decided to sell the same at greatly reduced rates.
If you are in need of anything in the musical line, or
going to want same in the near future, you cannot afford
to. miss this opportunity. Everything in the store going
at reduced prices, except the contract goods, from now
until we get into our new quarters on Liberty St. Auguss 1
known tho saloon men of Salem for
ovor 20 years, and had never known consisting of tho King's colors the
ono of their sons or daughters to go I crosses of St. Goonre and St. Andrews
wrong. Their son3 did well In busi
ness and their daughters married
well, and If tho saloons produced 90
per cont of the vico and crime it
ought to show on the men in the
business and demoralize their fam
ilies. He argued that this business
should be conducted openly and
above board In the broad light of day,
with 13 parallel horizontal stripes,
alternate red and white.
This flag was unfurled for the first
time over the Continental camp at
Cambridge on January 2 1776. When
the ensign was first displayed at
Cambridge, the British regulars as
sumod that it was Intended as an in
dication of submission by the 13
Just been sent to the Americans. The
comment of tho British Register of
1770 on tho new standard is inter
esting. "Tho rebels burned the
King's speech and changed the flag
from a plain banner to ono bearing
13 stripes, as a symbol of the num
bor and union' of the colonies."
VI i ti
UbUtt' nifi.i
' Mfit tii.n
ror tllt't rcu.
nrd a ',
ta July IS. An
r. S, O, Dixon, state
of hoaltb, that the
lyarod a provontativo
ii'' . . whloh may soon be
i i specific is today oaus-
'ng buIi ulM'isslon in medical clr
ci .
" , Dr. Dixon says, has
proved tanjf up absolute preventa
tive, lie thinks it wilt bo equally
Kofllolbnt as a euro,
nature of tho discovery will bo
'Unnowuoed Shortly, according to Dr.
'.mi. o -
TTtio Song of the Plying Machine.
With tho smnllost biplane ever
used in crow-country flying, measur
ing 80 fftut from tip to tip; with nn
elghUeyJInder, water-coolod engine
of his own make, developing CO
Jiorso-powor, the entiro machine, In
oludlug tho aviator, weighing 1000
pounds, Curtlss, tho one-time news
boy, set sail from Van Ramisolaor
Island, on the outskirts pf Albany, at
7:03 In the morning. With his olo
vating plane painting upward he
6ared oouthward at a rato of nearly
a mllo a minute. Tho special train
on tho New York Central, with his
wife on board, started at tho same
moment, but before It could got up
speed the- biplane had gained a start
of several miles. Following tho lino
of the historic Hudson rlvor, a thin
white ribbon 800 beet below htm,
the aeroplane reeled off tho ratios
steadily and swiftly, its chugging engine-
missing not a single stroke dur
ing tho. ontlro trip. Twice every five
minutes tlio foot of tho aviator tap
pad a lever that pumped oil into the
touring. Light and lean, qulok,
strong and alert, tho skyptlot kept
his ear on the wiRlna, his tye on ttie
-wooded landmpe stretching glorl
In well regulated saloons, as they states to tho King, whoso speech had
wero conducted in Salem, Instead of
driving tho traffic into the barns and
outhouses, where It was in tho hands
of irresponsible men and bootleggers
and blind piggers, as was tho case In
tho cilies in. the dry counties. The
issue was whether there should be
Local 'Option and High License for
oitlos, where thoro was not public
sontiment enough to enforce prohibi
tion, or whothor dry sontiment
should extend lawlessness and dis
order over cities like Portland and Sa-
lani, and other citlos and counties
that wore not ready to enforce pro-j
hlbltlon. On that issue 30,000 con
servative business men had signed '
! protest against this amendment to 1
tho constitution, and they woro tho
snmo conservative business men who
had mttdo loiil option possible.
Washington, July 18. Tho light-;
house board today is no different than '
It was before congress at the last!
session onaqtou a law providing or
tho reorganization of the board oa a
olvlllau basis. And unloss some way
Is discovered to pay tho civilian In
spectors, It Is said tho board will con
tinue to operate on a puroly milltary
naval basis.
A "Joker" is said to havo been
found in tho bill. Though Inspectors
are provided for, tho measure says
nothing about tholr pay.
ig nbont
Tlio Price of a Corot.
Only a quarter of a contury ago
tho picturos of tho Ilarblr.ou school
wero a quantlto nogltgoablo among
collectors. Nous nvons change tout
oela. A famous painting by Corot,
"Tho Bird Nestors," has Just been
sold at Christie's for .1.1,650. This
Is tho highest price that has over
boon paid for an individual picture
at Christie's, and it places Corot, In
tho nuotlon room, on tho samo foot
ing as Turnor and Reynolds, and us
tho groat modern painters. Up to
tho present time tho liighoat prieo
paid for a Corot has boen 3307
guineas, so that tho sudden advance,
whloh consists in more than quad
rupling that prtao, reglstors an ex
traordinary increase.
Hay Sovor and Asthma,
llrlng dlseonifort and misery to
many people but Foley Ileney aud
Tur affords qulsk and weleonie re-
nly la All directions, his fingers on lief, and gives ease and oomfort to
the levers controlling the ailerons; wo suiienng one, u relieves iue
that served to keep h'.i balaaee, and
hi sense of feeling upon ttie wind
xmMns tunefully throujh the piano
wrtm that streiflfced-Uut from part
jMrt of Uie delieate mechanism
m wbloj), m lie sped on, sang the
eC of the flying machine that
eongeetion of the membranes in the
heed aud throat end soothes and
heals theua. None genuine but
Foley's Honey and Tar In ttie yellow
package. Insist upon having Foley'
Honey and Tar and refuse substi
ti tee. J. C. Perry.
j Sonp and Ten Cloths in tho Trnnsval.
! The Empire Review quotes the cor
i respondent of a Transval prper to
i the effeot that Nairobi has now a
. white population of about 1500 of
j flclals and settlers. "To go to Nair
. obi and expect it to be the least like
an Indian station is to be grievously
i uiuiippuiuiuu. i no cuuiury usuu is
delightful, and tho climate simply
sp.londld. Children fatten and thrlvo
as they do In any country town In
England. But for tho lonely woman
coming to th country It is a truly
doleful placo." Thoro is not a sin
gle boarding house, and rooms In
private horses are not to be had at
Tho "boy" servants at Nairobi
tseom to have reached tho limit of
Incompetence. "I used to Impress
thoroughly on my own personal
servant," adds tho correspondent nl-
roedy quoted, "that he must never
hand mo anything oxcept on a tray.
I hardly expected him, however, to
bring my boots In on one, and caro-
fully covered with an aftornoon tea
oloth! But, after all, these boys are
raw natives, perhaps a year boforo
running about with a spear attending
to tholr cattle." A good mauy of
them had not the faintest notion of
what soap was. or how to uso it.
One very busy European mother told
a boy to wash tho child's face. Ho
simply covered tho child's face with
soap, and left Iti
Sherlock Holmes' Prototype.
It Is said that "Sherlock Holmes."
who hoa appeared again In r. melo
drama at tho Adolphl, was a well
known Edinburgh professor, and that
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle as a student
attended his lectures. On an oc
casion ho Is reported to ha?vo said of
samo Individual personally unknown
to him: "I am not quite sure
whether this man is a corkcuttor or
a slator. I observe a slight harden
ing on one sldo of his forefinger, and
a lUtlo thickening on one side of his
thumb, and that Is a, sure sign that
he Is ono or the other."
. i. i I. o
Tho world's most successful medi
cine for bowel complaints Is Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy. It has relieved more
pain and suffering, and saved more
Uvea than ay other modlolno In use
Invaluable for children and adults.
Sold by all dealers. ,
9H TR jmr MBA
L. F. SAVAGE, Manager
Commercial St. Phone 1187-2 Bells
Snlein Peoplo Havo Absolute Proof
of Deeds at Home.
It's not words, but deeds that
prove true morlt.
Tho dees of Doan's Kidney Pills,
For Salem kidney sufferers,
Have made their local reputation.
ProoflloB In tho testimony' of Sa
lem peoplo who have been cured to
stay cured.
I. N. Rldgeway, 485 S. 22ud
street, Salem, Oregon, says: "For
a long time 1 Know that my kidneys
were disordered, as I suffered from
pains In the small of my back, es
pecially severe ' when I stooped or
lifted. I did not rest well and arose
In tho morning so lame and sore
that I could hardly get about. I
became tired easily, felt languid and
was often very nervous. I was also
subject to intense headaches and
dizzy spells, during which my sight
became blurred. Doan's Kidney
Pills wero finally brought to my at
tention and deciding to try them, I
procured a box at Dr. Stone's Drug
Store, They went at once to the
soat of my trouble and in a short
time entirely relieved me. Doan'i
Kidney Pills havo my highest en
dorsement." , (Statement given
March 28, 190S.)
After Three Years,
On November 20, 1909, Mr.
Rldgeway said: "Tho statement I
gave tor publication recommending
Doan's Kidney Pills In 1906 was
correct In overy detail. This remedy
benefited me greatly and I am glad
to tell other kidney sufferers of my
For aalo by all dealers. Price 50
conts, Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember tho name Doan's
and take no other.
1 At Salem, Saturday, July 23,
I at 2 p. m. j
Must Bo Above Suspicion.
Kidney and bladder ailments aro
so serious In their consequences, and ,
if unchecked so often fatal that any
remedy offered for their cure must
bo above suspicion. Foley Kidney
Pills contain no harmful drugs, ha?o
successfully stood a long and thor
ough test and have proven thorn
selves to be both curat I vo rnd tonts,
and give benefit to all who take
them. J. C. Perry.
If you get your paper by
wall kindly watch the tag and
see when the time is up. and
remit promptly, or notify ua
to stop the paper: otherwise
bill will be made for the time
the paper oomes after explra-
tlon of last payment.
Of Oregon City, President of the Senate, and Oregon's
peerless political orator will speak.
The old way of electing United States Senators by political and legislative coruption will
be shown up,
Do you want the Primary Law repealed and the old Convention System restored?
If not come out Saturday, and say so.
All who believe in upholding intact the Oregon Direct Primacy Law and Election of U,
S. Senators by the Direct Vote of the People should be present,
Hear Hon, Geo, C, BrownelPs masterly exppsitipn of the Direct Primary Law' and his
luanubb cApubuiB ui uiu luutiiiuess 01 muumiie politics,
Citizens ram Marion, Linn, Polk and Yamhill are invited to be present, Let us uphold
the Progressive Republican policies adopted in Oregon,
post it where It can be saen.uncement of this meeting, Cut out this advertisement and
pos tit mm it can be seen, and tell your neighbor about It,
' HAL. D. PATTON, Salem
A. C. LIBBY, Jefferson
A. GESNER, Committeeman 3rd Ward, Salem
JAMES P. DUNCAN, Commilteeman Sidney Precinct.