1?A0B TWELVE. DAHr OAVTXAL JOURNAL, 8A d, OREGON, SATURDAY, .3VJSX 10, 1010. nonxrs Se onby , CHARUESfT. RUSSELL, Pastor Brooklyn Tabernacle. i.o . . . 1.1000 Sunday, Jfuly 10. Pastor Russell of Brooklyn Tabernacle', Now York, preached today from tbo nbovo tost Ho sold, in parts In order, to jusoifl . telescope to ad vnntago we need first to obtain a iProper focus .jm tho. object to bo ex amined. And so it Is with the Divine Plan flnd Purpose. Looking nt It with tho cyo of faith through tbo Telcscopo of God's Word, adjustment of tho fo cus Is necessary. This focusing of tho Word, Christian people In tho past havo Tery generally overlooked. As a result tho Divino Plan has a blurred and indistinct appearance to our sight Tho various word-pictures, symbols, types, allegories and plain statements of tho Scriptures without this focusing together, make a very unsatisfactpy and nondescript matter of tho Gospel of Christ, ono that is unsatisfactory to everybody, ono that thp learned of our day iavo . repudiated entirely an am biguous collation that is a sourco of vexation to millions of God's conso crated people. The difficulty Is that tho Telcscopo was tampered with dur ing tho dark ages and tho proper fo cus was lost. SInco then Christian pooplo havo feared to readjust it. They bayo gloried in tho fact that they never changed tho focus. However, they havo overlooked tho fact that somo ono elso did change It for them long ago and that tho unsatisfactory vlow wo havo gotten is the result of this and is entirely out of accord with tho clear and beautiful vision of Gpd's Graco and Truth and Mercy and Lovo and Wisdom nnd Power as seen by tho Apostles In tho early Church. International Bible Students' Associa tion. Somo of us, dear friends, instead of throwing away tho Telcscopo of tho Word of God, aro takiug pleasure in cleaning the lenses of tho dust of tho dark ages and adjusting tho focus by a 'pnroful endeavor to speak where tho Word of God Bpeaks and to bo silent where it Is silent and to bring, as tho Apostlo suggests, our every thought tttd captivity to tho will of God in Christ as outlined in the Bible. TJio result, wo nil can testify, Is not only comforting, but ' happily lng; not only enlightening, but refreshing. Truly, as "tho Apostlo suggests, wo havo como to "Tlmos of Refreshing from, tho prcsenco of tho Lord." And nil this, wo percolvo, is exactly what tho Scriptures foretold, namely, that a falling away and darkening of tho un derstanding would follow tho death of tho Apostles, but that in the end of tho ago 'tho darkness would begin to scatter bofaro' tho oncoming light of ho jfun jbf rlghtoouanoBH, In tbo morn ink" of tho Now Dispensation of Mcs fll&b's reign. ''in accord with nil this, noto tho fact that for conturles wo havo been over looking cortnin Scriptures whllo ac cepting others. Wo accepted tho Apos tlo's statomont in our text respecting the reconciliation of the Church, but wo overlooked entirely other Scriptures which speak of n Still different recon ciliation "God through Christ recon ciling tbo world unto himself" (II Co rinthians v, 10). We should havo noted tho dlfforonco between tho Church nnd tho world In this and many other pas sages of Scripture. Wo should havo tomembered tho Lord's words, "Yo nro not of tho world, ovon ns I am not of tho world." Wo should havo scon that tho salvation and reconciling of tho Church is ono thing and tho salvation nnd reconciling of tho world is quite auotbor thing; that these aro two dif-teirorit'salvatlons-tho flrst to hoavon ly, spiritual conditions and jolnt-holr-sblp with Christ In tits ICiugdoiu; tho other to an Unrthly inheritance, to earthly perfection and llfo ovcrlnstlng nnd an Eden that is to bo world-wldo Parndlso restored, God's footstool mado glorious. God's Purposes to Be Accomplished, Nevertheless n6'thlus has boon lost. No feature of v tho Divino Plan has boon thwarted, for theso two salya tiona do not1 prog'roas at tho samo time. During thbf Gospel Ago nono nro saved, nor desirous to bo saved, oxcept thoso "drawu of tho Father," "called of God." Theso havo been privileged to approach God through tbo Sou, whoso name is "tbo only naino glvon under heaven or amongst men whereby vo must bo saved" (Acts Iv, 12). Only thoso who take up their cross and fol low tbo Lamb through ovil report and good report, faithful unto death, can now bo spirit-begotten: In tho resur rection, theso will bo spirit-born, mem bora of tho Hrldo of Christ, tbo Lamb's Wifo and Jolnt-hclr with him in his Kingdom. It docs not matter to tbo remainder of mankind that they havo boon allowed to remain In ignoranco of tho great fact tbnt God Is about to pour out upon humanity a great bless ing; about to pour out his boly Spirit upon all classes; about to establish tbo Kingdom of his dear Son for which wo prny. "Thy Kingdom como:" about to causo tbo knowledge of tho Lord to fin tbo whole oarlb; about to glvo to er,-rv von and daughter of Adnin oni full, fair, righteous opportunity to mu for all stomach troublesindigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, ga In the stomach, Daa bjreath,8lckhadacht,torpIdUvcr,blHou8naand habitual constipation. Pleasant to take. pulpit... "BE YE 'RECONCILED TO GOET Text, "You .that were sometime alienated, and enemies in your mind by ' wi'clcccUworlcs, yc nowmath he rcc-' onciled" (Colossi ana i, 2 1 ). ooQ , ( a knowlcdgo of tho Truth thnt they may be saved. If tho knowlcdgo of God's graco has proven to bo n, grand, glorious, Inspir ing message to tho sanctified hi Christ Jesus, tbo Church of this Gospel Age, called to tho heavenly calling, will not tbo message of reconciliation to tho world, In duo time, likewise bring to tho world comfort, Joy, blessing as they Bhall bo Invited to tbo earthly portion tir full restitution to human perfection to nil thnt was lost by Adam and thnt is to bo recovered by tho sacriflco of Jesus: No wonder tho Scriptures assuro us that tho night of weeping is nearly over and tho morn ing of joy nlrendy dawning! No won der tbo Apostlo declares that "the wholo creation groancth and travallcth in pain together," and that they aro "waiting for the manifestation of tbo sons of God" (Horn, vlil, 22. 10). Tho work of this Gospel Ago has been tho calling, tho testing, tho prov ing, tho fitting, tho polishing of theso sons of God for the glorious heavenly stato to which they havo been called. Tho Apostlo urges that however hum ble tho position of God's saints in tbo present life. "Wo know that when ho shall appear wo shall be Uko him, for wo shall sco blm as he is." When ho shall appear In his glory wo also shall appear with, blm. When he shnll reign ns tho King of kings nnd Lord of lords, when to him every knee shall bow nnd every tonguo confess, tho elect Chhrch, his Bride, will bo with him in his Throne, sharers of his glory nnd participants in his work tho work of blessing nnd uplifting tho world reconciling tho world to God.' Calvin and Knox Wesley and Whit field. Calvin,. Knox and othors of tho re formers, wo may then see, wcro quito right in their insistence thnt nono at tho present time nro in a reconciled condition toward God except the com paratively few of our race tho saints. Theso turn from sin to righteousness, turn from disobedlenco to faith and consecration, and lu and through tho merit of tho Redeemer are acceptable as probationary members of tho elect Church. If faithful they will shortly, id the "flrst resurrection," constitute tho Church of glory, tho Drido, tho Lamb's Wife and Joint-IIelr. Brothers Wesley, Whitfield nnd oth ers wcro also right in their proposition thnt God was not content with electing inoroly a saintly handful, but surely loved tho wholo world and would sure ly glvo to overy member of tho race a full opportunity to como to a knowl cdgo of Christ and to seek a sharo in tho merit of bis sncrlfico for sins and an opportunity fcr Hf0 everlasting. Thoso dear brethren contended ear nestly with each other over their differ ences, tho one upholding tho doctrine of Election, tho other contending for tho doctrine of Free Grace. Now wo see that both wcro right! Now wo sco that tho election belongs to this Gospel Ago and to tho High Calling to tho di vino nature and that in an ngo follow ing this Froo Grace toward nil of tho raco of Adam will prevail. "The knowlcdgo of tho Lord shall fill tho wholo earth;" ''ovpry knee shall bow and ovory tonguo coufoss.'' Then thoso who. under tho rule and assistance and uplifting Influences of tho "elect" will como Into harmony with tho Divino Law, will bo blessed with full recon ciliation to God and eternal llfo on tho human plane lu Paradise restored while the Intelligently porverso, In stead of being everlastingly tortured, ns wo had supposed, will, as tho Apos tlo says, bo punished with everlasting destruction (U Thessnlonlans i, 0). "Hallelujah, What n 8avlorl" From this viewpoint tho glory of our Itodcomer and tho glory of our heaven ly Father are multiplied u million times. Our Rcdcoinur not only is to bo tho Savior of tho "tlttlo flock." his Church, his Bride, on tho spirit plane of glory, but additionally, through the agency of his Millennial Kingdom, ho la to bo tho Savior of tho world. Ho "tasted death for every man," ns tho Scrinturcs declare, nnd. as thby ex press It, "Ho shall see of tho travail of his soul and bo satisfied" (Isaiah 1111, 11). Who could Hupposo that tho Savior would bo satisfied with tho result of his labor if only nbodt ono lu a million, ns members of tils Church, reach tho hoaveuly glory-laud? Who' In our day could for a moment bollove tho suggestion of Brother Jona than Edwards, tho. great Now England preacher, who declared thnt tho Lord and his saints would, together, look over tho battloments of heaven nt their neighbors and frlonds nnd children suf fering nn eternity of uutellnblo torture nt tho hands of demons, and turn nrouud and praise God tho louder on this behalf? Poor Brother Edwards had. wo believe, but a small concep tion of Divino Justice and Divino Lovo, And his difficulty was that he did not sco what Is now so distinct and clear to Bible students, namely, that tho HI bio Hell to which all humanity goes Is not a placo of torturo nor of cousclous. noss at nil, but tho grave, sheol, hades, the tomb. Instond of riirin and the khIui ;pf tbo poor groaning creation, tho Di vine program shines resplcpdently, showing gshat,ti Redeemer and his jChurcll wll for n .thpusand years bo engaged in n missionary work of tbo subllmcst and most gigantic character a work not only for n living remnant of thp race, but one Which will In clude lu its blessing all the tbouxnnds ,of millions of humanity under the Di vino sentence, "The wages of sin is deathl" Truly the Scriptures declare, As tho heavens nre higher than the earth, so nro God's ways higher than .man's ways and God's plans loftier .than man'js conceptions. Notice next the context. St Pnnl, nfter mentioning Christ as the Head of tho Dody, tho Church, who is the .flrst-begotten, tho first-born from the dead, that in all things ho might have the pre-eminence, ndds, "For it pleased tho Father that In him should nil ful ness dwell," and that (nfton having mado peaco through tho blood of bis cross by him to reconcile all things unto himself both tho things in earth nnd things in heaven" (Colosslans 1. 18-20). '1,'he Apostlo indlcntes the great scope of Christ's work as It shall be eventually wben finished. Ho Is ap pointed of the Father to establish peace and righteousness throughout tbo Uni verse. But ho has not yet accom plished nil of this. Ud has only begun. He has died for tho sins of the world, as well as for tho sins of the Church. But ho has not yet offered to Justice the satisfaction for tho world's sins: Ho flrst appears before God as the great Advocate for tho elect Church, "called" of God in advance to be "the Bride, tho Lamb's Wife." Note how tho Apostlo, expresses this thought In our text, verse 21. The Church First Reconciled. "And you. that were sometime alienated, and enemies In your mind by wicked works, yet now bnth he reconciled in tho body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblamable and unreprovnble in his (tho Father's) sight, if ye continue in tho faith." etc. Who uro these and why nro they reconciled In advance of the remainder of the world brought in advance Into fellowship with the Father by the Re deemer as his Bride? These were by nature "children of wrath even as others." By nature they were alien ated nnd enemies In their mind by wicked works. They wcro unlike the Redeemer, who was "holy, harmless nnd iindeulcd nnd separate from sin ners." Why then did God's grace specially come to this class to us who are of the Church of Christ, "accepted in tho Beloved" ono? What did we do or could we do to contribute to this favor of God bestowed upon us? Tho Apostlo assures us further along tho samo line, that tho elect Church by noturo wns not superior to the world from which it was selected. Ho de clares thnt it contnlns not many great, not ninny learned, not many rich, but chiefly tho poor of this world, rich in faith, many of them Ignoblo ns re spects birth and natural advantages of horedllty. Tho difference between theso nnd others wns, first, that they bad "an ear to hear" the Divino mes sage. Sometimes this hearing car camo to them through sorrow and trib ulation. In their weariness nnd heavi ness they heard tho Master's voice, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and nre heavy-laden und I will glvo you rest" (Matthew xl, 2S) They heard this voice, while somo or their neigh bors more favorably situated hoard It not. But n still further blessing camo to thorn as they responded and drew near to the Lord by faith and prayer. Desiring to como nenrer and nearer they strovo to put nway nil fllthlness of tho flesh sin In Its every form the whllo realizing thnt they could not clennso themselves. Then It wns that tho Master Informed them of the terms upon which they might join his Church "Tho Body of Christ which Is tho Church." They must mako full con secration of themsolves to God and to righteousness, even unto death. They must do this with a full understanding that it would take them out of touch with tho world and the spirit of tho world, whllo bringing them Into closer relationship with tho Father and with tho Son. They were assured that If they thus -presented their little all to God In tho Redeemer's nnmo' nnd merit, this groat Redeemer would Borvo them ns their Advocnto with the Father and Impute. to them a suffi ciency of tho merit of his sncrlfico to mako good the deficiencies of their flesh. Thus only could tho Father ac cept their sncrlllco of the earthly na ture nnd all of Its rights and beget them with his holy Spirit to joint heirship with their Redeemer In nil tho glories nnd honors and blessed services for tho world lu his Kingdom of Glory which Is to bo sot up ns soon as ,tbls Gospel Ago shall have finished Its work of gathering out of the world tho elect. Let It not be forgotten lu this con nection that when tho world shnll bo reconciled to God In the future, tho blcsslugs of that reconciliation will como to them while still In their fallen stato, to assist them to tho recovery of nil that was lost In Adam. Hence our lutluenco even with tho worldly should bo to encourage them towards as high staudnnls of righteousness ns possi ble, knowing thnt whatover they may attain In tho present life will be that much of an advantage to them In the future llfo, and that in proportion to tholr degradation will bo their difficul ties In connection with their restitu tion to perfection. So, then godliness Is profitable, not only for tho life that now Is, but also for that which Is to come; not only for tho saints who bono to Im of tho "little flock" nnd associ ated with Christ In his Kingdom, but nlso for the world of mankind, whose hope Is to bo blessed under that reign 'f righteousness and its uplifting In- I'llt'llCOK Bakes - Roasts mwm 1 CE"Stve has a Cabinet Top with shelf for keeping plates and food hot. Drop shelves for the coffee pot or saucepans, and nickeled towel racks. It has long turquoise-blue enamel chimneys. 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