Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 09, 1910, First Section, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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It was not supposed tbat the peo
ple of this city would have an oppor
tunity to see Henrietta Crosman In
"Anti-Matrimony" for sorao time;
but owing to a fortunate engagement
on tho Pacific Coast this Spring and
Summer the first tlmo in three
years Miss Crosman Is able to stop
off here for ono performance on Mon
day night, July 11th.
Miss Crosman hag never been so
happily suited in a play as she Is In
"Anti-Matrimony" tho whimsical
comedy by Percy MacKaye. It is an
Interesting fact that Mr. MacKaye
has long had an ambition. to write a
play for Miss Crosman. Ho wrote
that sublime tragedy, "Sappho and
Phaon" for Mr. Fiske; ho provided
Setbern anil Marlowe with "Joan of
Arc," In which they appeared in
England and , America; ho wrote
"Mator," "The Canterbury PilgrlmB"
and . other gems of dramatic IJtera
turo, and thoso who had always as
sociated him with tho most serious
Henrietta Crosman in "Anti-Matrimony" at Tho Grand Monday, July 11.
Curfew In London. j tribe. It appears the fondness of
Although we do not ring tho cur- somo people in tho South for robin
1 few boll to clear the streets of chll- nle 13 reducing the numbers of the
buwuiuu mill wjih mu iuuai suriuus ... . , . t , ,. .
and lofty in tho dramd wersur-l.dron'. 1 8 yarnlng Bounti can Btl" be rbln t0 0n ttlarmlS 6xtent'
prised when ho announced a whimsl- . . . ""u""'. ou-vo.
I the London Chronicle. This Is nt
Lincoln's Inn, where its ringing Is a
cal comedy for Miss Crosman. Yet.i
"AnM.Uffif rtmnnv" hna nrnvon flint
1.1- i , relic of modioval times, when bar
TOlopod as his poetic imagination. r,B'ora and tJ,dJ"t8 "ved ln ho In,n
TTnr thtd r,W n. .nt,1 , Ml'-.." WOr BUDJ0Ct t0 th despotic rule
Crosman, is an exquisite comedy; ttt of tho benchers in such matters long
times bordering on rollicking farce, .
,, .OD, .,,, tZ , - "lights out" at nine. Now Lincoln's
nnd occasionally even taking tho form . . , . , , ,,
f onfiviPi wia,,,, Te 1 In 18 deserted In the evenings save
. . . ,,,',' , I,' by watchmen and tho police. Tho
hearty and Infecttious, and its well. :, . . , , ,.,
drawn characters are portrayed by oW ha" remains as Dickens described
ono of thoso splendid companies Miss J J? the wonderful opening chapter of
nnM.n I , 1. I 1 . I XAUMHU.
UIWUB HUB 111 llur HUpjJUrt.
Miss Crosman horsolf is superb in tho
rolo of a resourcoful, home-loving
young New England wifo, who sots
about to convert a misguided pair of
rolatives to tho religion of happiness
and common sonde.
- o
Intellectual patience; That which
prompts a man to uso diplomacy
when it would bo easier to uso his
Whon.you'ro right you can afford
to koop your temper, nnd when your
wrong you can't afford to loao it.
Protecting tho Robins.
Lovers of birds will bo grateful at
tho fact that Mrs. Russell Sage has
given $15,000 to be used In protect
ing tho birds of tho South, says tho
Washington Times, It is to bo used
In educational work in Georgia,
Florida, Alabama and tho Carollnas.
Mrs. Sago boforo this last donation
gavo $G00 to start a special fund for
tho protection of tho robin, tho ob
ject being to prevent tho extermina
tion of this, mombor of tho feathered
A Wild Blizzard Raging
brings danger, suffering often
death to thousands, who take colds,
cough and lagrlppo that terror of
winter nnd spring. Its danger sig
nals are "stuffed up" nostrils, lower
part of noso sore, and a throat-gripping
cough. When grip attacks, as
you value ; our life, don't delay get
ting Dr. King's Now Discovery. "Ono
bottle cured mo", write- A. L. Dunn,
of Pine Valley, Mass., "after being
'laid up three weeks with grip."
For sore lungs, hemorrhages, coughs,
colds, whooping cough, bronchitis,
Asthma, it's supreme. 50c, $1.00.
Guaranteed by J. C. Perry.
No woman is young enough to do
foolish things nor old enough that
It doesn't matter.
Menfolk are wont to wax supercili
ous over certain vagaries of the fair
sex, but this is becauso they do not
understand. Perhaps of these pecu
liar traits nono is more incompre
hensible to the average man than a
woman's passion for bargain hunt
ing. The masculine intellect can
take In of this prepossession only
thft tnof flint iha Tinnfrina wlalifKl Tft
get something for nothing and that Je'- hot and cld ,water' ,oIec-
she usually gets nothing for a con- tr,c Jant! B cIsets B.8
.mm :,,, , ... ment; $1,600. $100 cash, rest $10
155 acres near 2 good towns; 80
acres ln cultivation, fair house,
largo barn, 15 head Of cows, 100
chickens, all the farm Implements,
cream separator, all the - cans and
all tho crop. $11,500, half cash,
rest time.
5-room house , largo lot, good
well, barn, some fruit, on 19th
street; $1,900. 1
C-room house. ln East Salem, tol-
A cheap hat looks flno on anothor
woman, but one's wife never seems
to have just tho figure for it.
Como and
this week.
eat cherries at Salem
and money.
Yet man has himself from the be
ginning of tlmo loved tho chase.
Hunting has been his supremest joy,
so much so that to make herself in
any degree interesting to him wo
man has had to assume tho guise of
a quarry ijnd appear to flee him
whom she Is actually luring to his
mate (let not tho printer man spell
that with an f.)
So selfish is mankind's love of
huntlng,.of daring exploit, of risk by
field and flood, that he debarred
woman from a share in such past
times, so long as he was able. Wo
man must stay quiet at home while
the man as hunter, as buc-caneer, as
soldier, as explorer, as Investigator
into nature's secrets, as exploiter of
commerce and manufacture ln the
modern) chase for gold,, set dally
forth to ffesh delights. Even today
there Is a good solid body of mascu
line public opinion (and mascullne-
made opinion put into the lips of
daughters and wives) which disputes
woman's right to join in the race for
human satisfactions'beyond the mere
feeding and clothing of the body.
Small wonder that In the ono con
corn that of clothes where men
have granted her full freedom wo
man has lavished the riches of' her
enthusiasm and zeal and has shown
ln tho pursuit of such a never-to-be-come-up-wlth
quarry as "something
for nothing" tho full force of heraIn
defatigable, ever renewing hope.'
For tho man the pleasures of the
chase are clearly not In tho prey he
captures by lurking at midnight near
a flaring torch -set to attract the gen
tle Inquisitive things of the forest,
or by rising before dawn to cower
shivering among tho haunts of the
wild birds, or of the pathetically
tamo things fattened for his pleasure.
per month.
Good G-room house, good wood
shed, large lot, all ln garden, good
stable, some fruit, fine place; $1,650.
A good now Groom house on S.
Commercial Street, large lot; $3,000.
A dandy new 7-room house ln S.
Salem, largo lot, modern; $3,200.
An up-to-dato 8-room house ln S.
Salem; lot 75x150, $3,300.
A good C-room house on S. Com
mercial street, lnrge lot, east front,
Houses in any part of city and all
kinds of farm property from 5
acres to 400 acres and up. Cheap.
Over Bush Bank Bldg. Room 1
Salem, Oregon
The fisherman with a full string Is
not 'always so well rewarded as he
who recounts his loss of that most
remarkable leviathan. Your real
sportsman enjoys too the scene of his
avocation. There are tho quiet j
beauties of nature, a change from thoj
uuuy routine, ana mwuys ana always
the chance of .the sea serpent, or
other fabled creature of some en
chanted forest region. One never
knows what he may find; and
though the prey brought home be
nothing 'better than a too confiding
rabbit or hare the day has been full
of the thrill of the possible mlnotaur.
Now transfer this setting to the
Jungle of the department store on
bargain Monday. For trees and
woodflowers show floating banners of
flowiery silks and misty veilings; or
those offerings Of the milliner's
counters that do put to blush nature's
utmost gorgeousnoss. For the friend
ly ' association of dog or friend put
tho feminine 1 companionship. Then
for excitement tho possibility of
somo day striking what will really
prove to be the golden fleece after
Real Estate
No. 70. 5 acre3 4 miles from Salem all in cultivation. Good
C-room house, basement. Near Oregon Electric. 1 acre logan1
berries, small fruit of all kinds. House modern. Barn, fine well.
Price for a few days, $2,500.
No. 72. 12 acres in cultivation, 4' miles from Salem, north;
C-room house, barn and other buildings, 100 assorted fruit trce3,
-acr'o logan berries, on good road. All farming tools, stock
goes with farm. Price, $3,700.
No. 118. 2B5 acres; 100 in cultivation, balance in pasture, 5
springs on the farm, Groom houso and largo barn, fair buildings.
Will let crop and everything go with farm at $35 per acre.- Terms.
104 acres adjoining city north on the Sllverton and Portland
road, 80 in cultivation, all ln crop A fine place to subdivide in
acreage. Good house, 2 largo barns.' Price, $250 per acre.
Call and look over my bargains. Farm and city property.
Geo. O. Savage
135 South Commercial Street, Snlcm, Oregon. Phono 1515
Eat Cherries
But grow them yourself. Buy one of thoso 10-acre' tracts Derby
& Willson are selling on the Installment plan, only three miles from
court house, $75 per acre. This is tho best land for all kinds of
fruit. Only a few left, so you ill have to hurry.
All lots in McCoy's addition have been reduced $50 per lot; other
additions have been raised. Price $350, $20 cash, $10 per month,
Including graded streets and cement walks.
vestment that will make you money If you are looking for an In
Derby & Willson
Salem, -Oregon U. S. Bank Building.
decades of being oneself the fleeced.
It Is not seen that a woman will buy
for the sae of the bargain things
that she cannot possibly want? A
lawn mower, when she has only the
laundry to use It in; a coat to keep
till the style comes around again
(which It never does), or a bolt of
magenta ribbon, or an ornamental
bellows to hang on the radiator?
She buys these things not becauso
she wants them or because they are
cheap but just because. They are
not the Inexpressible something that
lured her forth that morning, fondly
expectant, but they are tho best sub
stitutes she can pick up, and ho! for
better fortune another day.
When a woman does secure some
thing approaching a bargain a gown,
at a "markdown," after the season.
is so late that she has no more pleas
ure in It or a rug of superior qual
ity but ugly deslgn-Is her delight in.
what she has "bagged," anything
like the extravagant gusto of her pur
suit? Never, and this is tho suf
ficient witness that what Is here set
forth Is the true explanation of why
women love a bargain day.
idewalks, Water
and Streets
Auto Garage
Hotel, Stable
Tent City
eet Us This
Wo oarnpstly invito you to make your SUMMER OUTING at
3STESKOWOT PARK, for wo predict tbat you will never have
cause to rogrot that you chose this ideal spot. Of course you will
tako your annual vaoation? Then, by all means, QOME TO
NESKOWIN roprcsonta much that iB beautiful to, the eye of tho lover of
nature. The surroundings nro ideal, tho location tho most perfect of any
BBAOII ItESORT on tho wholo OREGON COAST. In making tho foregoing
assertion wo know that this may bo questioned, but wo extend to you oar invi
tation to como, visit and behold ns wo havo Bcon. NESKOWIN has the most
promising future. A boautiful little park "a stqno's throw" from the finest
stretch of beach anywhero. Trout fishing on ono hand; deop sea (ishing on tho
other. Located in tho heart of a prosperous dairy and farming community.
Plenty of fresh milk, cheese, vegetables and sea food right at hand. This is
tho placo that INVITES YOU COME.
If you waut to visit NESKOWIN if yon want any information, cut out
the coupon and mail TODAY NOW.
Lots on sale at
this Resort
Rollib W. Watson
Tillamook Oity, Oregon.
Please mail me map -and literature- of "v
Out Thla Out and Malt
14 cash, balance
112 payments
No interest on deferred
A Beach Resort of Natural Superiority. A
limited number of lots now for sale. Exten
sive improvements under way, and lots will be increased as the
improvements are extended.
"Tillamook has eoino of tho llnoat ooRchea In tho world, and this fact has bean made the basis for all man
nor ot sohomos to catch tho public un anything thnt may front on tho ocean. Nnt one spot in a hundred can
over ho made Into a practical BUinmor home nnd no one should think in buying beach property without sw
ing it or having bomo trusted friend seo it for thorn."
QueelH should engage accomodation
by mail.
nrwnitAii stokr.
Offering a Pull Lino nt reasonable
The finest on the Coast and especial
care for wants ot campers.
Tho improvements nt NESKOWIN aro now being, made. From 30 to 40 men are in tho employ of tho Nes
kowin Company to nuiko these imprpvements. We uro offering to the people of Salem nnd vicinity an op
portunity to purchase them ft Summer Homo nt prices that will nt tho present timo no more tluuj pay for
tho Improvements being made. The prlco of the property will be advanced in the near future.
Salem People, This is Your Opportunity.
ATTRACTIONS have ben tlio mlglitATTRACTlONS have been the might to this resort for the past "3 years
Watch this paper for further announcements.