Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 09, 1910, First Section, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    VAGft four
Readers of The Capital Journal whether subscribers or not rfre Invited
to send in porsonal and social news.
Tho annual Cherry Fair has ab
sorbed the social activities of Salem
people the' post week to such an ex
tent that nearly everybody who enter
tained company did it in connection
with, tho Cherry fostlval. Tho city
was full of strangers andthcy could
not complain of tho inhospltallty of
the Salem people. Tho Portland
crowd was en'ortalrted at tho Illihco
club with a flue lunch and all quaf
fed Salem beer which flowed froo
for tho visitors.
A most enjoyable lodge social was
tho ono held last Tuesday evening
by tho newly instituted Court Salem,
Independent Order of Foresters in
their hall In tho Odd FollowV build
ing. The lodgo members woro out
(n force, and thcso, with' tho special-,
ly Invited guests, comfortably filled
the spacious lodge room.
A consolidation of two Forester
courts has recently been accom
plished, Court 'Wlllametto, existing
here for many years, merging with
tho new court, and both will horo-,
nftor be known ns Court Salom.J
Tho social, therefore, took tho form
of a roception to' the old, white
headed members of tho older court, I
and a most enjoyable time was hnd
by nlpresont.
A most pleasing featuro of the
evening was the presentation, In a
neat speech Ey" Judge F. A. Mooros
on behalf of Court Salem's former
members, to their old financial sec
rotary, of a beautiful 'gold-headed
cane, as an appreciation of hb ser
vices. , ,
, Tho organizer of tho now court,
Deputy Supromo Chief Ranger C. H.
Iwlng, was presented with a beauti
ful badge of his office by tho mom
bors of , tho courts, F. C. DoLons
ropresontlng tho lodges. Presenting
of tokens of csteom Having by fhls
tlmo bocomo a' habit with tho mom
bers, a class of 12 Foresters and
Companions was noxt presented with
omblomatic Moose heads in token of
services rendered, Mr. Iwing and Iln
Patton "engineering" thcso oxer
Judge Mooro's talk on tho merits
of tho order, and his touching rofor
once to the passing of old Court
Willamette, being recolvod with os
pedal favor.
Following Is tho program ns pre
sen tod:
Miss Elsie Olazev,. ..... .Piano Solo
McMInn Children Ovorturo
Evelyn DoLong and Tholma Dloss-
Ing-. Piano Duet
Morton DoLong . . . ." Solo
Dalles and
other eastern Oregon
Address , . Judge F, A., Moore
vioun tjoio, accompanied uy piano
MoMinn Chlldrou
Romarks by Brother. Iwlng.
At tho conclusion of tho program
tho lodgo members and Invited
guests repaired to tho banquet room
whorq n sumptuous repast had boon
prepnrod, and amid a feast of- good
'things to eat toasts were pnssod and
spooches made until long after the
urfbojl ;had tollod ,
,Mrs. Tom Johusoi; of Condon and
"Mr. Con Schott and Miss Knyq Sohott
of Olox woro eastern Oregon guests
-of Mr. and Mrs. F, W. Durbln ovor
itho Cherry Fair,
Sirs. Henry Fawk and Miss Fawk
. loft today for a few weeks visit with
Mrs. Jas. Fawk Walton at Tillamook.
Misses Vera and Pearl Homer of
Corvallls and Miss Mildred Learned
of Portland, thr.eo U. of 0. girls,
woro guests this week of Miss Jon
nlo Fry, nt tho beautiful Fry homo
on Tho Hill.
Mrs. Tom Wilson ontortnlnod a
number of frlonds Friday afternoon
Informally in honor of Mrs, Beatrice
v Sholton, private Secretary to U. S.
V Senator Qoo. E. Chamberlain. Mrs.
7 SJiolton loft today for Portland prior
" .to hor roturn to Washington, D. C.
Mrs. W. Garleton Smith sang a
solo and Mrs. Dross of Salem and
' Mrs. Pfinnell of Grand Junction. Col.,
sans a duet at tho ontortnlnmont
' glvon by the Blblo alass of tho First
Congregational ohuroli. The duot
was nj&W to many Salem people-
My Own United states."
Riley Ma.tth.ew8 of Illinois U the
guest of h'la uncle and nunt Mr. uml
Mrs. D. W. JJatthewa. He came up
from Ot'""! nnd was u-ry mum
caught with th,Jrms of the Capi
tal City of Oregon.
M,r. and M a- 0i Brown of
this eity are vUltlpg: friends at The
Miss Mlnnlo Chambers,' a very pop
ular University of Oregon girl, has
been entertained by tho Misses Car
son during the past week.
Cards announco the birth of a
daughter Juno 26, 1910, to Mr. and
Mrs. Edward F. Averill at Pocatello,
Idaho. Mr. Avorlll was city editor
of Tho Journal for some tlmo and
then on tho Pendleton Oregonlan.
Capt. Jas. P.' Patrick of Dos
Moines, Iowa, was tho guest of his
nieces Mrs. E. Hofer and Miss Me
Klnney, during tho past week.
Wednesday aftornoon Mrs.
Charles T Mclntire entertained tho
Ladles of tho South Leslie church at
hor homo on South Commercial
streot. A short business session of
tho Aid was held, nftor which Mtas
Nollla Mclntlro, Mrs. Graco Thomp
son ana Airs. v. u. Fields gave a
few musical numbers that woro ren
dored In a very credltablo manner.
Tho homo was vory prettily decor
ated In greens, sweot peas and clem
atis; tho parlors in pink and the
dining room in pnlo lavender. Lat
or In tho aftornoon Ice cream and
cake woro served after which the
guost departed, voting nn onjoynble
SiiUon-Fiison Wedding.
At tho Froo Methodist parsonage.
ih North Salom, Sunaay, July 3, at
1 o'clock p. m Mr. Arthur Fuson and
Miss Clara Sutton, both of Aumsville.
woro unltod in marriage, Rev. B. S
Knoll ofllclatlng. Those present to
wltnoss woro Mr. and Mrs. Sutton,
parents of tho brldo and family; Mr
and Mrs. Fuson,- parents of tho
groom; Otto Fuson, Mr. J. E. Mur
phy of Portland, and a Miss See of
Salom. Amidst a shower of rico the
young peoplo took their departure for
Portland nnd other places north.
Coffcy-Palno Nuptials.
A vory pretty little wedding oc-
curred nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.'
W. H. Palno, on North Church street,
Wednesday evening nt 7:15. Their
daughtor was unltod in marriage to
Mr. R. O, Coffoy, of Portland. Tho
Rov. Barr G. Lee, ofllclatlng. Tho
ring coromony was UBOd. Llttlo Dor
rl's Marsh carried tho ring on a whlto
satin pillow. Tho brido's father gavo
hor away.
Tho wedding march was played by
Mr. Frank Frlckoy, violinist, accom
panied by Miss Pleglor, pianist. Miss
Walling, of this city, was maid of
honor, nnd Mr. Paul Whotzol, of
Portland, was groomsman,
Tho bride Woro a draped gown of
ohlfton and whlto laco ovor silk, and
carrlod a whlto prayor book. Hor voll
was caught up with lilies of tho val
ley nnu ornngo niossoms from Cali
Tho brldosmald woro pink cropo do
chino ovor pink taffeta; and carrlod
pink carnations.
Miss Palno Is a popular Salom grl
and an accomplished vocal sololBt,
Mr. Coffoy Is a business man of
Pcrtland, nnd highly ostoomod.
Mr. and Mrs. Coffey' wore tho ro-
clplonts of many beautiful and val
uable gifts.
Shortly after tho woddlng the hap
py couplo departed for Portland in
an nutoroobllo.
They will roslilo in Portland, nnd
b at homo to thoir friends after Au
gust 1.
Portland, Ore, July .Five men,
murderers convicted of lynching Ol
Ho Snyder near Canyon City, Ore.,
last winter, were taken to the peni
tentiary at Salem today, following
n banquet last night nt the Imperial
hotel during which they solemnly
toasted each other and drank to tho
health of their guards. Four of
them began life sentences; tho fifth,
formerly a deputy sheriff, is under
sontenco to hang September 2. Tho
grim banqueters Jestingly drank to
a quick death If a pardon failed to
arrive In time to save him.
Snyder was lynched and shot
down while under the protection of
Joseph Casady, a deputy sheriff -it
Grant county, who had been hunting
Snyder for months, to bring him
back to stand trial for tho murder
of a man named Green, whom It
was alleged Snydor shot to death in
a quarrel at Heppner, Ore. Evi
dence md'eated that Casady, assist
ed by Emmett Shields, Earl Shields,
Bon Hinton, and Albert Green, a
brothor of tho man killed at Hepp
nor, were responsible for Snyder's
All wero convicted. Casady wna
sontonced to death, while tho othon
were given life sentence's.
New York, July 0. Suffering
from a knife wound in his right
nnu. Father Sanders of St. Leonard'
Roman CathollQ ohuroli. of Brupk
lyn, Is under the ok re of surgeon
today. Father Sanders surprfced
three masked men at work in the
rectory, where 1500 of the ehuj-ah
funds was locked In a vault. The
prleat grappled with one of the rob
bers. Three utuvr pr u hoard tlw
"niggle and ru.hed to his aid. Foi
more than a quarter of an hour the
priest and tho thus struggled in
the rectory before the thieves tied
After promising Judge Burnett that
she would return to her aged mother
in tho city of Portland, nnd that here
after she would direct hor footsteps
along tho road of rectitude of woman
ly vlrtuo, Miss Beatris Hyde, alias
Miss May Wright, who waB Indicted
yesterday aftornoon by the grand
Jury for stealing a cloak and a broad
cloth dress, was paroled this morning,
Moral: Don't worry; smllo.
Sho Smilingly Promised.
Miss Hydo was arrested at tho Cot
tago Hotel by Ofllcor Murphy. Com
plaint has boon mndo that guests wero
missing different articles of wearing
apparel, and Officer Murphy was
called in on tho case. Ho learned
that Mrs. J. Harding, of Glendalo.
had lost a black chiffon broadcloth
coat, and that Mrs. Al. Mlshlcr. of
Woodburn, had lost a broadcloth
dross, Miss Hydo also had her story
to toll, and ho learned from hor that
sho had lost a silk dress Bktrt and
$5 in gold. Putting hor on tho wlt
noss stand tho girl became nervous,,
and an Investigation of tho room un
earthed the missing articles, and, up
on being confronted with them, sho
finally confessed.
Hor case wont to tho grand Jur,(
yostorday and an indictment was
found against her. TIiIb morning sho
nppoarod before Judge Burnott for ar
raignment. When sho ploadod gailiy
thero wap a smllo on her face, and
whoi ho ici:tonced hor to 30 dav& in
Jal tlw en. I io was still thero. AAo
sontenco ho questioned her, and found
out sho was only 21 year old; that
this was hor first offense, and upon
promising that sho would abandon the
pi 1 in rose path, and no longer hed
tho call of tho night, but travel In tho
well-beaten path of vlrtuo and honor
sho was parolod and tho doors of the
curt mo in c'oBOd behind tho Ir.-o
presalble smile which had broaden?
Into a benignant grin.
Other Arraignments.
Fred McClard, who was Indicted by
a preceding grand jury, on tho charge
of obtaining money by falsa pre
tenses, was nrralgnod nnd plondod noV
guilty. Ills offonso Is allotted to
oonalBt in presenting a check' on the
banking firm of Ladd & Bush, when
payment upon it had been stopped by
the maker, as the wages of McClard,
which htul been assigned to the mak
er of the ohack. and was the consid
eration for It executing had beep at
tached. McClard Is a school teacher
by profession.
Verle Jom - was arraigned nu the
iharge of Ptatutory crime, commit
ted upon girl by tho name of Dry
den, wV It now In Portland
UtigoU to be under the ago of 16
ymirs. 1 1 e offense is alleged to huv
n Enjoy the Warm Weather
By Preparing For It
We carry in stock a full line of Summer Goods such as,
Old Hickory furniture and Crex rugs, to be used on your
porch living room.
Gas stoves, ranges, oil stoves. "White Mountain" ice
cream freezers, ice picks, ice breakers-in short, every
thing to make the hot weather bearable.
Orders for Schram Fruit Jars Promptly Filled.
"She can look out, but you can't look in"
Shut out all sun glare and wind,
but lot In ample light and air. They
give the' insider plenty of outlook.
Thoy really add a summer living
he house, aro easily raised
and lowered, and are made to last in-definitely;
The body of the Vudor is well made
throughout of heavy cord, and the
center Is reinforced. At tho ends,
where most of the hammocks are
weakest tho Vudor is strongest. We
have these hammocks in a variety of
colors, styles and prlcesj
JrAnowx jrjnrfiA
The Automatic
Keeping out the heat, keeping in
tho cold, and a perfect circulation of
cold air; that's' all thero is too it, but
few refrigerators como up to this
It keeps food cold and pure, does not
mix food odors or flavors and uses
less Ice than any other refrigerator
on tho market, size and capacity considered.
MMMimtlllMttm inHmiimmmtmiiii i I HI 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I t I I U M m I
teen committed on July 10, 1909, in
this city, and it Is stated that sho Is
the mother of 'n child, of whom "sho
claims Goodo is tho father.
Two Other Indictments.
In addition to roturnlng indlot-
nionts ngalnst Miss Hydo nnd Verle
Goodo tho grand Jury also returned
two othor indictments, but as the par
ties Indicted have not yot been ar
rested by the officersthe names
could not bo learned. It Is understood'
that ono indictment is for permitting
stock to trespass, nnd that tho othor
Is for poisoning stock.
Los Angeles, Cal., July 9. Confi
dent of her ability to establish an
oquostrionno record between Los An
gelos nnd New York, Miss Nan Aspln
wall, of Helena, Mont., Is hero today
searching for tho horse ,upon which
she will make tho trip,
Miss Asplnwall has spent tho groat
er part of her life upon hor father's
ranches in southern Montana, an dls
an accomplished horso woman. Ac
cording to hor plnps, she will travel
without escort, and will start on her
lon trip late this month.
Terribly Soalded
Is something we hear or read about
very day of our lives. . Burns and
scalds either slight or serious are
bound to happen in your family, be
prepared by having a bottle of Bal-
naves ine pain instantly ana quioKiv
heals the burn. Sold by all dealers.
New York, July 9. Despite Col
onel Roosovolt's vehement statement
that tho report of his son's engage
ment to Miss Margaret Rutherford.
daughter of Mrs. William K. Van
dorbllt, Sr., was "too silly to talk
about," 'Newport and Fifth avenue
aro doing that very thing today, fol
lowing the announcement that Ker
mlt Is to sail late today for a sum
mer's stay In Paris.
It Is stated that tho young man's
trip is for tho purpose of brushing
up on his studies so that he may re
turn to Harvard next fall. Tho fact
that Miss Rutherford also Is sum
mering In Paris with tier mother,
and that on the occasion of his re
cent meeting with tho young woman
In tho Fronch capital, Kermit had
llttlo time for studying anything ex
cept the accomplishment of the
beautiful young Amerloan helrees.
cause many to believe, however,
that by fall Harvard will have lost
a popular young under-graduate. -
Xo Hopo for Him,
(A true story.)
Little Henry and Helen, grand
children of btato Land Agent Apple
gate, were spending a brief vacation
at the home of Grandpa Applegate In
this city recently. Not to Insinuate
that "Peter" (grandpa In this case)
Is over-pious to any great degree, .but
anyway, the little tots were being
taught a code of evening prayers be
fore retiring that wero now to them
L,iuie Helen, tho younger, worried
through, her recitation without much
trouble, but when it came to Henry,
no stumuied, worried and wrestled
with the problem for several minutes
until tho little sister became indig
nant. "Never mind, Henry, let it go
It's no use; you'll go to hell, any
how," was her soothing and solicitous
Chicago, July 9. Shot five times
and killed. Leonard Dellahin tn.iu.
became the fiftieth victim or thk
'black hand" In the course of the
two year history of assaults and
murders attributable to the Italian
Dellehia waR leav!ng his home an
his way to work when he was shot
by an agent of the society, who ee-
Mped. De'Iehla had received iimmd
threatening letters which the police
now have and which may give a clue
to the Identity of the aesaflaut.
All patent medicines or medicines ad
vertised in this paper aro for sale at
Drug Store
The only cash drug store In Oregon,
owes no one, and no ono owes It;
carries largo stock; its shelven,
counters and show cases aro loadea
with .drugs, medloineB. notions, toi
let nrtlolea, winea and liquors of ail
kinds for medicinal purposes. Dr.
Stone Is a regular graduate in medi-
olne and has had many years of ex
perience in the practice. Consulta
tions are free. Prescriptions are
free, and only regular price for med
icine. Hr. Stone can be found at
his drug store, Salem. Or., from 7
in the morning until 9 at night