Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 02, 1910, Second Section, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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TiUamdokMeft&iltilfe Company,
tf tat
Getting Two New Railroads. Three Steamer
jl imte IbhhB lggpgj ilto j fetts im! l
ml I
G. A. EDMUNDS, President and Manager
Real Estate, Rentals, Loans,
Collections and
Send for List of Investments.
Pool & Billiard Parlors,
Cigars, Tobaccos and Smokers Supplies,
Soft Drinks.
s Resort
e e
Centrally Located.. Courteous Treatment.
Automobile, Launch and Bicycle Supplies of All Kinds.
Everything Repaired. Automobile Repairing a Specialty.
ChaS. I. CloUgh Company,
Reliable Druggist
Druggists Sundries, Pure Drugs and
Chemicals our Specialty.
Physicians Prescriptions and Family Recipes Carefully
Hospitable People Over Therc'-Fine Mountain Water Room
For a Million Dollar SawmillHas Some Mighty Good
Boosters Steamer Service and New Railroads Cran
berries and Cheese Wideawake Business Men.
LL eyes were turned on Til
lamook June 15, when the
boosters of that town
dedicated their spacious
new Commercial Club
headquarters with a $2.50 a plato
banquet, and entertained guests
from Portland, Astoria, Salem
and other Western Oregon towns.
The commercial bodies from the
i . .
newer towns springing up arouna
the Bay were strongly represented
Bay City sending Its entire Board
of Trade. Portland capital that has
gone Into Tillamook Bay to the ex
tent of millions was there with
bright men of busy brains and hope
ful hearts to attest their faith in
Much About Tillamook.
But the real center of all the In
terest in this great harbor and Its
untold and untenable wealth of re
sources in dairying and timber the
center of the wealth and enterprise
that are making this country rich
and great, is at the capital and
metropolis of the county Tillamook
City, where the rivers enter the Bay,
and whero the influences radiate to
the rest of the world.
Tillamook Commercial Club.
That Is the meaning of the new
Commercial club of about 125 mem
bers, with its home in a fino now
block of pressed brick, furnished a3
elegantly as any In tho state, that
gave a banquet where overy gue3t
was served with a mountain trout,
nnd whero the choicest fruits were
served that are grown within a block
of the clambeds.
Tho President of tho Commercial
Club and toastmaster of the evening
was Webster Holmes. He has held
this position for two years and is
ably seconded by Erwln Harrison,
secretary. Holmes is an old Salem
boy and has for a partner T. B.
Haudloy, Jr., son of another pioneer
lawyer and newspaper man, who was
onco a partner of Thos. Tongue, tho
congressman. It is a pleasure to
know that a man like Webster
Holmes can go Into a new country
like this, whpro a fringe of cities and
summer resorts aro building up
around a great harbor, and secure
investments that aro making him
rich, build up a fine law practice
and become ono of the makers of a
greater Orogon. That is what
Holmes has done and what any
brainy young man can do In Tillamook,
Club Han Fine Quarters.
Tho Commercial club has fino
largo rooms on tho second floor of
the Tillamook block. Tho furnlturo
cost $2000. There Is a business of
fice, readiug room, (directors' room,
billiard room and largo banquet and
nssombly hall. The club has some
oxcellont publicity literature and
will circulate several thousand
In himself and filled our creel with
tho spotted beauties that make the
Trask river famous as a trout
stream. That banker is a dead
game, sport and has a hand in the
building of tho town and the de
velopment of the country.
James Walton, Jr., another Salem
boy who has gone out to distinguish
himself as ono of the makers of
greater Oregon.
Has n Bullfiing Zoom.
Not exactly, but there are ono
hundred handsome residences and
pretty bungalows going up. Founda
tions for a number of business blocks
aro going in. There is a scarcity of
dwellings and many are living in
tents. The $30,000 concrete court
house, the $40,000 Commercial club
block going up, the railroads build-
to sea. This business has been con
ducted by this company for about
thirteen years. Their trade de
mands 140 beeves, 50 sheep and 50
hogs each month. This largo trade
Is under the management of M. F.
Great Department Store.
For twenty-five miles before you
reach Tillamook 'from any direction
but tho west you aro made awaro of
the great department store known
as Haltom's, which has been cou
ducted for the past eight years by
E. T. Haltom. Tho new storo is in
a fino concreto building built for the
proprietor, about 100 feet square,
and two stories, costing $45,000.
The stock easily reaches $40,0,00.
There aro tho most up-to-now cash
carrlors, and eight people selling
goods in the new storo that was
taken possession of January 1, 1910.
Mr. Haltom Is one of the prime
movers for a greater Tillamook, and
one of the executive committee ofj
the Tillamook Commercial club as
well as one of its organizers. He
sets aside a certain sum for boost
ing the town just as he does for
religion, and is one of those men
who believe they are doing God'a
work In building up the community,
and they are tho kind of men who
aro making Oregon a greater and a
better state. His store Is the best
in the county and every mile for 25
slder Is proverbial. Ho has written
half million dollars of fire insur
ance in three years and not had a
dollar of loss. Watson served his
country seven years in tho navy as
a seaman, was, shot through the
hand at the battlo of Manila Bay,
while serving ns gunner's mate, was
in the Asiatic squadron, at tho
Southern Pacific station in tho
Philippines and in Alaska. He does
a general real estate business,
boosts good roads, and has organized
a syndicate to build a model and
ideal summer resort at Neskowin
the old Salem camp ground. One
word for Watson and the Tillamook
country If you can believe any real
estate man he has never sold a foot
of property to anyone in that region
that they have not made 50 to 100
per cent when It was resold. I be-
lievo In real estato men In the
good ones. They are doing more to
advertise Oregon and create values
than all other Influences combined'.
They are the makers of Oregon.
Thrco Tillamook Boosters.
The Tillamook Mercantile Com
pany has been established for 21
years. It was formerly a general
merchandise business, but is now
confined to flour and feed and groc
eries, keeping a stock that is botli
wholesale and retail. Mr. G. A.
Edmunds is president and general
manager of the company, and is one
eries jmys 28 cen
ers got 38 centfd
their sour milk pi;
Another thing
helped last year
quality and high
manufactui'i arJ
marKet irom u
This did a great a
establishing the n
tion Tillamook
much so that -wli r
524 pounds milk j
cheese came In c
Eastern cheese tl
readily sold at a j
market. Tho ee
on tho part of
associations In orehc
an experienced chis
W. Chrlstensen
manufacture and
at the co-operalv
money well spent
to holp raise tho t-a
choese than unytq
tempted in that d
Yet one of th
matter, after ah
cheese and getting
It. In this remectth
reason to reyblce
they have placed
handled the busln
Carl Haberlach,
cheese than nnyoie
A View of Tillamook Bay Looking South. Takei Fr.
lng all give Tillamook property a
boost on the upward grade. ,
Has Mountain Water.
"We have mountain water as pure
as Bull Itun and ten degrees colder."
said Presidont Holmes. "We have
an excellent volunteer fire dopar;
ment, with 117 pounds pressure on
the mains. Our wator system cost
$60,000. Wo laid seven miles of
pipe lino to Klllum creek and can
supply a city of 15,000 to 50.00C
people. Klllum creek water means
KUPom to the microbes."
Tillamook Bunks.
Tho First National was organized
Mnrch 1907, with capital stock of
$25,000. It has deposits of $208,
000. Its assets aggregate $262,000.
The cashier Is Jas. Walton, Jr.,
and C. O. McGheo assistant cashier.
Capt. Paul Schrader Is presidont.
The Tillamook County bank re
ports capital stock and surplus $31,
500, deposits $354,000, assets $387,
000. M. W. Harrison Is president,
Erwln Harrison cashier, F. P.
Concrete Block, Built by Jones-Knudwoii Furniture- Company,
copies of this edition of The Capital
11 ai Churches nml Schools.
Tillamook has a fino public school
systom, with n new $12,000 High
School Just completed. The city Is
well supplied with churches, lodges
and eoolnl life- is highly organlwd.
Thoro Is not a more cordial and
hospltablo community in the world
Hum Is found here ns anyone can
testify who, lias tasted tholr good
cheer. A banker loaned tho writer
his rod and reel, rubber boots nud
showed him his favorlto trout pools,
j and whon they would not rise waded
Schwlngel, Ellen A. Harrison and B.
L. Deals. Jr., assistant cashiers, and
H. T. Botts vice-president. M. Ab
planalp, D. Fltzpatrlck, and Carl
Haberlach are additional directors,
A Luro Oleat ltiiidiress.
The Tillamook Moat Company
does n largo wholesale aud retail
miles out is a sign, so many miles
to Haltom'p.
Big Lumber Industry.
Tho Tillamook .Lumber Industry
Is, strange to say It, only In Its
infancy. One mill in the town cuts
35,000 feet a day, and has planers
and dry kilns. The Tillamook Lum
ber Manufacturing Co. cuts fir,
spruce and hemlock, makes all
kinds of building material, makes
ooxes and fruit packers, and sells all
Its product around the bay. Geo.
B. Lamb Is manager, and W. B.
Alderman is superintendent. There
aro the Long sawmills In the city
and on tho Tillamook river. Many
sawmills are operated In the county
and lumber and building materials
are cheap. Thero Is an opening here
with tho railroads and ocean ship
ping coming in for a million dollar
lumber plant at Tillamook and It 13
not far into the future when such a
plaut will be hero.
Has Good Hoods.
Driving over Tillamook county,
the homeseeker Is Impressed with
the fact that here Is a county that
has done a great deal to establish a
reqord for good roads and bridges.
It Is a fact that hero aro more
miles of plank road, good gravel
road, good mountain road, and some
good crushed rock road than ono
finds in tho oldor Willamette valley
counties. Tho county Is very largo.
The distances are Immense. The
timber Is heavy, Labor of men and
teams Is scarce. . The road system Is
Imperfect. Contract built roads,
like contract built bridges, lot to the
lowest rosponslblo bidder who con
tracts to build according to plans
and specifications within a specified
time and 'furnishes his own men and
machinery are still a desideratum
as yet unapproxlmated If wo know
what that means.
Good Roads Booster.
Tillamook county has a good roads
booster In tho person of Rolllo W.
Watson, tho real estate pushor,
townslto promoter and motorcar en
thusiast. It is impossible to Imagine
what a town like Tillamook would
be without an omlssary like Watson
to go out Into the world and tell of
Its peerless merits and future pros
pects. He Is an awakener at homo
mwt business on the Bay and In all
th tturrnnnrilnt? nmintrv. Thov linva . . ...
. anu auroaQ ana nl3 wuiriwind enm-
alwttolrs and cold storage plants at palgn8 havo done mxiih Q advert,M
Tillamook and at Nehalera. and buy Tillamook eouuty and enlist lnvest-
cattla. sheep and hogs vby the hun- menU ,n Umber ,andg . da,
dred. They generally keep about ranchM, and town pr0perty. Wat.
iv uuuurvu iiwn uu uaun nnu Jill n nrlnoc: nf ,,,. ' ... - . . ...
many large orders for vessels eoIok 77 , - mo inner cuy iamng about 3000 "Oi)r cllmaie
many large orders ror essel8 going ers and nla ho8pllablmy to the 0UtJa week Whw butterfat orfinm. and M warm ,
of tho pioneer merchants of tho
Tillamook country.
Chas. I. Clough has built up the
largest drug business on tho Bay.
He is interested In other enterprises,
and can be classed as one of the
county. He Is ono of the men who
Is always ready to take hold and
make things go for tho benefit of
the community and Tillamook has
no stauncher backer than Charley
"Billy Stephens is one of the
live wires and general hustlers for
the development of Tillamook and
the state of Oregon. He Is one of
the best known men in that city and
progressive boosters of Tillamook
Oregonlans far and near know Billy
Stephens. There is not a travelling
man goes Into tho Tillamook coun
try who does not visit his cigar store
and soft drink parlor, and goes away
saying good things for the
Two Tillamook Railroads.
Tho United Railroads,, the Hill
line, is building Into Tillamook as
fast as men and money will con
struct. It will extend on via Bay
City around tho north beaches to
Astoria nnd thus corrall tho sum
mer resort business on this coast.
Tho Pacific Railway and Navigation
Corflpany, the Harrlman line, Is
rushing its line through from near
Forest Grove, is shipping in its
rolling stock and will soon be oper
ating to Vosburg east from Tilla
mook. The coming of two railroads
In to this section of Orogon Is send
ing up values of land and business
opportunities are offering here In
every lino. This country Is destined
to havo a great ln-rush of people.
Good Steamer Service.
This city has good sorvlce for
freight nnd passlngers by water.
Tho steamer Elmore, Capt. Paul
Schrader, the steamer Oshkosh,
Capt. T. Latham, the steamer Golden
Gate, Capt. Branstetter, are making
regular trips between Portland and
Tillamook. These boats ensure low
rates for transportation of neces
sarlos of life.
The Cheese Industry.
Thero aro about thirty cheese
factories in Tillamook county, and
the report of Secretary Carl Habor-
tho product of l.jTIl
Factories, again irov
be a most succeiul
handled 2,50C,Clpoi
valued at $386,15.8
Dwlght, who hanss t)
Ray's factories j CI
proved himself ajod
handled 474,705poui
valued at $70,4t39,
from the Red Cher C
pany's factory t
wood Cream Copanj
patrons of this ctor
cent per pound flow
operative assoclAms,
patrons were nj sal
from that, the drym
pleased with thelsull
business and lia? no
make. And for lom
one has succeeMl ii
best of thedairjien,
little mor6vfclrelJ. si
been fleeced on umer
not to turn ovethel
some stranger ttsell
pen to be glftedvith
bone Industry 8d sv
acterlstlcs. It I Pie.
that none of thfdalr;
money by beingjwind
class of indlvidujs la:
Now Hoi Bui
Foundations ko i
now forty roonjhotel
house and theRams
the present hotft. 1
Electric Light ad Fu
an enterprise tlfl is i'
such progresslt men
Clough, Henry renshi
Scotty Groat. I
A Model Prnltur
The Jones-ttjudso
Company have jgndled
business for seep yef
carry the fcsstBtocia
between Astorlland
fornla. They ve Ji
reinforced steel3ncrei
a cost of $12,09- It
fire-proof and t ds a
of furniture, ets,
Successful I ofesslc
Dr. Henry Morris
mtjok eye sped lSt c
city four yeari ' io and
a rpputatlon tb extern
for his serviea to all
lach shows 2,506,612 pounds of tho Btato. Ho vas fi-
cheeea sold by him In 1909, 23.40C.- L. C. Henrielw 1 f'omp
pounds milk usd; cash received opticians, and ias be
$386,135. Tho cheese Is shipped to the most entbs'laatle
Portland. Tacoma. and Los Angeles the Tillamook untry.
iVier and