X'AGK EIGHT. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JVXK 29, 1010. flDaysM I Two right up until the very last minute of this flale we will continue giving un match able qualities; at less in price than you pay for imitations elsewhere. We promised the people of this town a treat in real bargains, and we have been true to our word. This sale has been going on for 8 days, and each day finds the crowds larger and happier, choosing here and there from the different departments, and in such quanti ties that we, realize our efforts are appreciated. 1st, because our merchandise is of a standard grade; 2nd, because the prices are as low as good goods can be sold for; 3rd, and the people believe in our methods of publicity they know we do as we say, or your money will be refunded with the same good will as we received it. As we are nearing the end of the most successful 2Q per cent sale we ever opened to the public, we have decided to give some lines even a greater discount. Hundreds of placards will mark these extra specials. Come in. Every department awaits you with a bigger surprise than you saw yesterday 4 rfj J(C ifi CITY NEWS. 'jt 3 5jc Jc 5jt jjc Jc sjc Gllsc-n's barber shop "j- Gllson'a cigar atoro Qllson's hatha opon all day Sunday 12-4-w--tf Visit Hinges' Jowolry store, nig discount everything In tho store. on Tho P. O. Lavey & Co Real cstato dealers, who havo had tholr offices on tho ground floor of tho United States National Bank oulldlng, will romovo to rooms 401 2-3, upstairs, In' tho samo building. Twclvo More Petitions to Comc-i- Tho timo for filing tho initiative petitions will oxplro July 7. Thero aro still 12 moro petitions In circu lation to bo filed with tho secretary ' of stato before that timo. Among others Is tho petition "asking for tho ennctmont of a stato-wldo prohibition Jaw, and It will probably bo filed this wook. t Says WIfo Deserted 111m Luko Lomory today filed a suit for Tdlvorco against Delia Lomory. Ho alleges thoy woro married at St. Louis, Oregon, oa November 20, ' 1007, and that In January, 1908, sho dosortod him. Ho asks tho court to 'award him a docreo of.dlvorco on ', this ground. ' Opsund Goes Willi McAllister Thoodoro Opsund has roslgnod his position as chlof clerk in tho ofllco of tho master fish warden and una accepted a position with H. C. Mc Allister, who on July l,,wlll assunio chargo of tho management of tho Oregon Homo Rulo Association. I BEAT 1 I f I have three 10 acre tracts only three miles it.:-"- C ! cv -ere Cz 1 B 1 f this Grand Cherry Fair 20 oreo ays More of Vigorous Value Giving &M&JKJS.Meii&cs Special Burgal New designs in electric fixtures. Two-light fixtures $2.00 and up. Electric Supply and Fixture Co,, 245 N. Liborty St. Secures Verdict Against Rnllrond Attornoy General , Crawford re turned last evening from Albany,' whoro ho was successful In securing a judgment of $200 and costs against tho Corvallls & Eastern Hall road company" for a violation of an ordor of tho railroad commission di recting tho company to provido tho town of Lyons with bettor depot fa cilities. Candidate for Circuit Judge Assistant Attorney-General Van Winkle has announced his candidacy for circuit judgo on tho Republican ticket. Mr. Van Wlnklo is well qua! lflod for tho position ho sooks, has hosts of friends and will mako a hard raco. Licenced to .Wed i Marrlngo licenses wcrb Issued to day 1? County Clfrk Allen to Ru dolph C. Linn, of Portland, aged 27 years, and Maud Qlazlor, of Mnclcay, aged 23 years. Clydo V. Nolson, ngod 2C yoars and Elva Winslow, aged 30 yoars, both of Salem. A. B. Cratty, of Vancouvor, Wash., aged 28 years, and Inez Ludborg, of Wood burn, agod 28 years. Will Decornto Your Auto Tho publicity commltteo of tho Cherry Fair announced .today that It would docornto all automobiles which will participate in tho parado during tho fair froo. It also announced that machines having a wild sail may havo painted on it tho words "Cher ry Fair' by tho firm of Loo & GI' bort, froo of charge, by calling 'jn tho 11 mi. You C F,oo4 fwniil inn1 AUAIAA view. Must be sold at once. $&00 per acre down, balance per month. You will have to 'cu tget one of the will go fast. rrter H. Smith 4 McGJprnack Building. &M&M.cG.Mey&z4L Controversy Over Lease J. P. Farrlngton, et al, today com menced a suit in tho circuit court against A. A. Flcsher. Tho issuo In volved Is a lease for some real prop erty. Basket Plcnl Chadwlck Chapter, Order of East- orn Star, will give a basket picnic nt Falls City on July 4. AH visiting members Invited to Join with us. Dallas Chapter also Invited. All those desiring to attend, pleaso noti fy either, Mrs. Ida Babcock, secre tary; Henry Schoemnker, sentinel; James E. Godfrey, Minnie McCau loy, Mlnnlo "Moeller, committee. Complains Against Railroad Tho railrond commission today re ceived a complaint from B. L. Hagor man, of Milwaukee, in relation to tho rates charged by tho Portland Railway, Light & Power company from that place to Portland. .Hager man charges that tho company is not Issuing the rebato checks for tile full amount of the exces3 chargo be ing made ponding an appeal by tho company to tho United States su premo court from an ordor of the commission lowering tho rates. For ii Few Days Only 200 palls of pure lard, 3 -lb palls, COc; C-lb pails, 00c; 10-lb palls, $1.80. Farrlngton's, 42C Stato street. Trout AVerq Too Small F. P. Sherwood, who resides near Mt. Angel, was arrested Sunday by Doputy Gamo Warden J. AV. Royell, for having trout In his poscsslon loss than six Inches In length. Ho was taken boforo Justlco Hayes, of Wood burn, and fined $25. Some of tho trout found In his possession woro less than thrco Inches long. an in frfrQ"tT AAA LltV WUIjlll o tracts, as they Phone S6 0 &M&J'LM.Maijz&& Need More of It. Word comes from Milwaukee that the Socialist Mayor, Sledel, has in troduced to tho favorable considera tion of his council, a plan for tho municipal acquisition of adjacent property, tho city to enjoy tho bene fit of the Increase in value incident to expansion, after setting aside such portions as aro needed for parks and playgrounds. This Is a most radical departure from custom ary methods inasmuch as a few fa vored insiders aro usually told of tho probable location of property the city intends acquiring, to enable them to secure options and later sell to the municipality at vastly Inflated prices. If Mayor Siedel'tt position is Socialistic we know of many towns and cities that might profitably emulate his policy ,and be lieve tho wholo country would bo bettor off for it. If this Is Socialism, give us moro of it. G. F. Gilford. o Made a Long Lease. As we go to press wo learn through tho officers of tho United States National Bank that having an opportunity to mako a long term and nn attractive lease for their Commercial room (now o'ccupled by the real estato firm of P. C. Lavey & Co,) for commercial purposes, that they havo repurchased the un expired portion of the present occu pant's lease, Messrs. P. C. Lavey & Co. to occupy rooms Nos. 401-2-3 Fourth floor of tho Bank's building. This means The addition to Sa lem's business offices of ono of 'the most prominent firms in their lino of business In tho United States, who will take possession of tho rented promises July 1st. Tantalum Lamps Aro the best on the market for cinramitty ana power, uivo tnem a trial. Electric Supply and Fixture Co. 245 N. Liberty St. Notice Notice Is hereby given that I, will not bo responsible for any bills con tracted against mo by any person ex copt myself. Fred J. Browning. MARRIED. LINDBERG JCRATTY. At tho minister's house, Salora, Oregon, Juno 20, 1010, Miss Inez Llndberg, of Salora and Mr. A. B. Cratty, of Vancouvor Washington, were united in marriage, Rev. P. S. Knight performing the ceremony. Tho young couple loft on tho nfter noon electric for Vancouvor, Wash ington, whore they will reside, o Italy Wants Clinrlton. (UNITED rilESS LEASED WIRE. Rome, Juno 29. Tho mlnistor of foreign affairs today decided to do- mand of the United States tho oxtra tlltlon of Porter Charlton to face trial for killing his wife, Mary Scott Qastlo Charlton, at Moltraslo, on Lake Co mo. Earthquake Shocks. Clovoland, Ohio, Juno 29. Two earthquako shocks woro .registered on tho seismograph at "St. Ignatius college horo today. Tho disturbance apparently occurred at a distance of 3000 miles from Cleveland. Tho first shock lasted from 2:45 to 3:12 a. m. Tho second was a se ries of graduated tremors, tho first vibrations beginning at 5:29 a. m. and lasting until 5:35, and tho main shock at 5 1 3 2 and continuing until 6:24 a. m. SMITH WAJfTS EGGS. We will j?ay oa rollows for first class produce. Ship by express: Veal 10c Pork ...12o Live- Hens 1 6o Uvo Spring Chiokens, lb.... 20c Bggs 24c Addrass FRANK I. SMITH MWAT CO "FlglitlnK JSHf Trust, PORTLAND. ORHGON Discount Sale I JZW&LJG.3zu&zs4L ROOSEVELT WAS THE CENTER THERE Boston, Mass., Juno 29. Colonel Theodoro Roosevelt was the central figure today at the commencement exorcises of 800 members of the graduating class of Harvard univers ity. Roosevelt was cheered where ever ho appeard. In tho early part of the day he greeted his old classmates and dis tinguished guests. In the evening ho planned to bo he guest of Presi dent Lowell. The presentation of degrees to the graduating class, the largest In the history of Harvard, took place this morning at 10 o'clock in Sander's theater. Arnong the distinguished visitors present were Senators Came and Lodge, Governor Draper of Massa chusetts, Secrotary of the Navy Mey er, Governor Hughes of New York, Mayor Fitzgerald of Boston and the Rov. Henry Van Dyke. Contrary to expectations no de greo wns conferred on Colonel Roosevelt. Degrees of doctor of laws were conferred upon Governor Hughes of New York, J. Plerpont Morgan and Former Ambassador Porter. Master of Art degrees were conferred upon Robert Woods, a settlement worker; John Thayer, ornithologist, and Thomas Liver more, financier. Tho degree of doc tor of literature was conferred upon eGorgo Prothero, an English' histor ian. Tho degree of Doctor, of Law?! was also conferred upon President Blckard McLaurin of tho Massnchu setts Institute of Technology, and Samuel Wllllston, Professor of Law at Harvard. The degree of Doctor of Science wns conferred upon Sir John Murry, naturalist; Theobald Smith, pathol ogist, and Theodoro William Rich ards, chemist. LEADING MASON DIES SODDENLY Tacoma, Wash., Juno 29. Con rad L. Hoska, grand senior warden of the Knights Topplar, of Washington-, dropped dead of heart failure today whllo parading with the other members of tho state commandory, which Is holding its session hers. Hoska was a prominent undertaken of this city. Tho body was escorted to his residence. SENATOR DANIELS IS PARALYZED Lynchburg, Va., Juno 20. United States Senator John W. Daniel suf fered a cerebral hemorrhage today, causing a third paralytic stroke. It is foarod that ho cannot live more than 24 hours. Dr. Waugh. his phy sician, says there is no hopo for his recovery. o, Kaiser Won a Race. Koll, Germany, Juno 29. Tho Knlser's yacht Meteor, with tho kais er aboard, today defeated tho Ger manla. Tho American, yacht West ward was defeated for tho first time in tho present regatta, finishing third Heavy Earthquake Recorded. tDNITTD FRXRM UUUBO WI:i Washington. Juno 29. The sets mograph at Georgetown university today registered two distant earth quakes. The temblors lasted from $: a. u to 7:08. o A revolution in Nicaragua, when in full oareer. mint be fully as wild, furious and apectaeular aa a gane of Rugby football. PERSONALS Hon. II. C. McAllister returned to day from Portland whoro ho went yesterday jon business. W. Lair Thompson, of Lakevlew, Is In tho city on business. ' Miss Louise Whale, who for tho past several years has been making San Francisco hor residence, but who formerly lived here, fs back and will make this city her future home. . .Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Johnson have Just returned from a visit to Now port, and are at homo to their frlendS( at 'jSO Unlo,i street. A. J. Mills, of Colvillo, Washing ton, Is a business visitor in the city. J. S. Tyler, news editor of tho Ore gon Journal, and John Harrison, a veteran newspaper man of tho West, and now editor of tho -Portland Car men, and also in charge of tho pub licity bureau of tho Oakcs, aro visi tors in the city today. Miss DIona Mynatt, of Portland, came up from Portland to attend tho Palno-Coffey wedding. Sho Is visit ing her sister, Mrs. H. N. Ely, and will remain until after the Cherry Fair. MARKETS i 0 t i i i fc j st San Francisco, June 28. Wheat Australian and Propo, $1.55 1.60; Sonora, $1.501bl.55; good to cholco, Calif, club, $1.42 1.45. Northern wheat, bluestem, $1.50 1.55 Club, $1.42 1.45; Turkoy, $1.4201.47. Barley Feed, good to choice, 98 $1.01 14; fancy, $1.02; poor to fair, 90 95c; old brewing, $.051.07; Chpvaller, nominal. , Eggs Per dozen, Calif, fresh, In cluding cases, extras, 27c; firsts, 25 c; seconds, 23c; thirds, 20c. Butter Per pound, Calif, fresh; extras, 28 c; firsts, 28c; seconds, 27c. New cheese Per lb.,- new Calif, flats, fancy, 14c; firsts, 13 c; sec onds, 12 c; Calif. Young America, fancy, lCc; firsts, 15c; storage, New York Cheddars, fancy, 20c; do singles, 20c; Wisconsin singles, fan cy, 19 c. Potatoes New river whites,' choice, per box, 40G0c; extra, G3 '80c; per cental, 70 90c; gar net chile, per cental, 90$1. Onions New red, per-.sack, $1.85 2.00; yellow, per cental, $1.85 2.00; silver skins, $1.9002.15. Oranges Choice, $1,50 2.50; extra choice, $2.50 03.25; Valencia?, $23.50. SMILES. The Klamath Chronicle asks: "Where are the Oregon Trunk rail road surveyors." The horse editor gives It up, but suggests that they may be trying to locate those assem bly Republicans "Preacher" Robin son was Inquiring about recently. Tho government experts and wise acres In congress are devoting much time and some thought to getting up theories as to the reason of tho high cost of living. A little thought and action to discover and apply a reme dy would be much more profitable. The people know the fact, and aro not much Interested in fine-spun theories as to tho cause. o RUIN LIES IN PATH OF STORM! (Continued ,from Pago 1.) estimable damage wqs dono to prop erty and crops. Four bodies havo al ready been recovered, and it is be lieved several more persons were killed. Thirty houses, many barns and sev eral railroad bridges were wrecked by the flood waters along Middle J creek. At Beaver several stores were destroyed. The bodies already ro-j covered were taken from wrecked dVellings. Middle creek is crowded with float ing debris, and It is reported from Paintersville that tho body of a wo man was soon floating in the stream. Word was sent to down-stream towns to keep a lookout for the body. Many persons aro watching from tho banks of Middle creek between Palnt- orsvillo and Saylorsvlllo for corpses Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Frank MereOltli, Resident Agent Room IS Bush Dank Blk, Salera, Or. MONEY TO LOAN TROS. It FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Or LOT 60x110; two blocks from State house, $900. Easy payments, Lot, Miller and Saginaw; $650; ex cellent buy. ' Lot 50x200 on 24th St, $10 down, balance $5 per month. Lot in Highland Ave.; $10 down, $5 per month. Lot 400x160, half-block of state house, $2500. Lot Thirteenth and Center streets, $1050. A good buy. Excellent lot on 23rd street, $225: Hi) down; $5 per month. Terms oan be had qn all of the above. ' j Seo SM1TH-GJLLIXGIIAX CO. Room n, MeCornack Il!dgs Phone Ofl or ln28 NEWT0DAY & FOR SALE First class newspaper4 folding machine 4-G-8-10 or 11 pbges folded at once up to a full, sized 7 column paper. Cheap 1C taken soon. Speed 1800 to 2000 per hour. Inquire Journal Salem,. Ore. 3-21-ff FIRE PROOF SAFES Largo as--sortmont, new, and second-hand.. Alsd vault doors. Call or wrlto for prices today. Portland Safe Co., Agtsi Genulno Hall Safe.. 87 5th St., Portland, Ore. 5-20-tf FOR SALE A first clas3 side springu buggy, pne seat, in A No. 1 condi tion; reasonable price. Call Journal office. 6-9 FOR SALE A modern 5-room cot tage, on an improved corner lot 56x107; ono of the finest locations in tho city. This placo has all modern plumbing, bath, toilet,. lavntory, etc., connected wlttv sewer. Fireplace, beamed celling, cabinet kitchen and all up-to-date-conveniences. The location is ex cellent. Easy payments. Homer H. Smith, room 5 McCornacJc building. Phone 0G. 6-22-tf FOR SALE The following land has. been placed In my hands to sell: 10,000 acres of farming land, lo cated In Morrow and Gilliam coun ties; 80 acres of land, 16 miles from Spokane, Wash.; 102 acree near Whitman, Wash., and 1100' acres in Columbia county, Wash.. For particulars and informatloi call on or wrlto me at the Journal office, Salem, Ore. R. M. Hofer. 6-13-tf FOR SALE A flno lot on south east corner of 24th and Trade Sts., high and dry, 60x192. This is a dandy. $400, $25 down, bal ance $10 per month. Homer H Smith, Room 5, McCormack build ing. 6-20-tf TOR SALE Soveral houses in Sa lem, and farm lanls at a bargain. Capital National Bank. 6-1-eod W ANTED Two good men wanted. None but $50 a week men need ap ply. . P. C. Lavey & Co. 6-29-3U A BARGAIN In a. nice 8-room mod ern homo, In Yew Park, on the car line, for a few days. Derby Wlllson, U. S. Bank Building. G-29-3t $2250 BUYS A 7-ROOM HOUSE Hard finished, modern, basement,, corner lot, facing east. Square Deal Real Estato Co., 804 U. S Bank Bldg. Phono 470. G-20-if STATE NEWS. Mrs. Emily Autenrelth, a pioneer of 1852, died at Roseburg Monday; evening, of apoplexy. Yaqulna Is going to have a" bath ; house, the money having been sub scribed to build it. John Plppo was drowned while swimming in the Umatilla river Sun day. Tho bankers of tho state held a. convention at Pendleton Saturday $300,000,000 was represented. Eastfrn OregonTThticlpates a bet ter wheat crop than usual," and it Is usually good. Em'ery La Hue, a pioneer of Uma-" tllla county, died Sunday, aged 7,4 years. Tho high price of living ought t.- diminish cancer. Dr. R. G. Curtin, of Philadelphia, says that tho disease ho thinks, ia due to over-nutrition", resulting from the Incapacity of the human body to assimilate too great a supply of food. SALEM SANITARIUM Corner Capital and MnrJon Sts. General Hospital, and Sana torium for nervous and mental diseases. First qlass . attendance of nurses and physician guaranteed. Terms reasonable. Mrs. Martcana McAlpin Matron. Phono Main i'051. THE CLIFF HOUSE Is all newly fitted up and Is now' XT ready to accommodato all who wish fo opine; also cottages and tents for ren.t. ' For further Information -wrlto-ta W. D. Wheeler, Newport, Ore., bor CARE FOR THEUNEN We make a specialty of launder ing the finest fabrics and table linens. Clo.uos are not worn out with machinery. All work called for and delivered. Work cuaran teed. Your patronage solicited. Highland Hand Laundry 2549 Currant Ave. Phone 403 Wlilto Labor. ill at- J It ' t