DAILY CAPITAL JOUKNAI, SALES!, OREGON. SATURDAV, JUNE 25, 1010. PAGr TEN. Ooo PEOPLE'S Sermon by CHARLESvT. RUSSELL, Pastor Brooklyn Tabernacle. Ooo Louisville, Ky., Jnno ID. Pastor Jtusscll of tbe Brooklyn Tabernacle, New York, today addressed tbe Inter uaUonal Blblo 8tudcnta' Association here, using tbo above text. Ue also giva a public address under the, aus pices of tbo association. He bad crowd ed 'houses and earnest attention. On tbe above text be sold In part: I address you, dear friends, as Chris tians, students of God's Word, and not as sectarians. Although tbe world Is full of denominations, each claiming to be tbo Church of Christ, wo all admit that there Is but the one "Church of tbe firstborns wbose names are writ ten In heaven" (Hebrews xti, 23). This conviction Is being borne in upon us more and more as tbe days go by, and as tbo eyes of our understanding open more widely to tbo teachings of God's Word. We realize Increasingly that our division means our shame in tbe eyes of tbe world, and that our Crccdal contradictions Imply that we are not all led In all things by tbe Holy Spirit, tbe teachings of wblcb cannot be Yea and May upon tbe sanio subject It Is tills tieutlment which Is taking hold of the ministry of all denominations and mak ing them anxious for an outward show of Dnlty lu Church Federation, which will shortly be effected. The Christian public, however, and especially Bible unidonts. are not deeply sympathetic -with tbe Federation idea. They real ize that at most It would bo u gloss of deception so far as doctrinal oneness is concerned: nnd that otborwlse It Is but a business or worldly combination Bible Sttidunts are more and more coming to prefer the .Lord's way tbe Scriptural way. They are coming to realize that what God's people' need Is not more organization but less organi zation, not more exp'lclt creeds but tbe one Hinridnrn f i. ilowsblp wblcb the Bible sets up, They are learning tbnt this simple creed Is: a turning from sin and acceptance of tbe I-ord Jesus n the (tcdeemer from sin and death and the full consecration of the believer, mind und body, to know and to do the Lord's will to the best of bis ability, under the Lord's providential guidance. We all see that this simple bond of fellowship Is tbe only one laid down in God's Word, nud that whatso ever is more than this Is Injurious bondage to men and to systems. Wo all see that "the Church of tbe Living God whoso names are written In heav en" is composed exclusively of such as- conform to the terms or this simple -creed that these alono will constitute "tbe Body of Christ which Is the Church" "the Bride, the Lamb's wife," whom ho will accept und unite to him self in tbo end of this ngu. We all see that tills .class alone If referred to in tbe Scripture as "tbe elect" who nro tdbo associated with the Savior In bis glorious Spiritual Kingdom, which, in visible to men. Is shortly to be estab lished In power nnd great glory foe the , blessing of nnturnl Israel and through bcr for the blessing of all tbo fumllles of tbo earth living and dead. "Workmen Not Ashamed." Let us couslder the latter parr of our text first: The Apostle's suggestion Is that Timothy and nil the ministers of the Gospel of Christ are professedly unrktnrn, laboring under the guidance of God's Word, lu tbo larger sense every Christian 13 a tnluister of tbe Gospel, or. as St Peter declares of all tbo consecrated, "Yo are a Royal Priesthood, a Holy People, a Peculiar Treasure." In the eud of the age. will 'como a reckoning time, a showing of results. "Every man's work that he toatb wrought shall bo made manifest" il Corinthluus 111, 13i. Our text urges that Timothy, and every faithful servant of God should . ba uo loyul to God uud bis message that In the grent time of examination dn tbo end of this age prepnrutory to the Introduction of tbe Kingdom the , allowing shall bo one of which we need not be ashamed. Let us. then, as Chris tlan Blblo Students of all denomina tions gathered here today, ask our Belven respecting our owu work In the world, and bow It must appear to God. to ourselves, and to our fellowmon yea, how It must shortly bo made manifest to nil! Let us call the roll. Baptist bretb ren. What h.ave yim to show us workmen- who rWd not to be ashamed. , rightly dividing tbe Word of TrothT ., Methodist brethren, what say you? Presbyterians, next Congregational Ists. Lutheran. Cnthollcs-all! , The answer of oue is practically tbe ' jiiawer of nil: "We have ho many bun drcd Churches They wwtso nmnv millions of dollars. Their Peoples ur - niRb. Their wt or mulntenauie is-sn much. The number or ministers Is-eo many. The Church collection amount tq so much The amount eel lecttHl for foreign missions I-h mush The amount oxpeuded on Hue choirs una eicgjim organ b-Hjo much. The tiKKrcKittcHl debit of all our cliuroliw in -trn much The unjmld Interest on many of these dilit Is so much Tbe time mid ftirrgy expended In fairs . nswiar. etc . to help par the expendl Hire i -wi much The nnmbvr of Oliurcb memlwrshlp many. The number In timidity tviiooi Is m tKHiiy " fafTm m V"v V ji&Y'fe ooO PULPIT... Workmen Needing Not to Be Ashamed. "Study to Show Thyself Approved Unto. God, a Workman That Necd eth Not to Be Ashamed. Rightly Divid ing the Word ol Truth" (II Timothy 5, 15). ooO" ' Many of our dear Christian friends say, What lack we ycti Have we not really attained tpo goal of our Church ambition? Should we build liner edi fices or pay larger salaries? Are wo not straining ourselves wltb collections at every turn? What more could God nsk of us? "Wo are rlcb and Increased In goods and bnvo need of nothing" (Revelation HI. tO-10i, In reply we may suppose tbo Lord to ask. Where did I give you instruction respecting these things? Where In my Word did you Und the suggestion that what 1 desired you to do in the world was to erect great church edifices, piles of stone nnd iron and mortar, polished woods and stained glass? You are npt rightly rending my Word. However good In Intention, yon have failed to "rightly divide the Word of Truth?' Tbo Temple respecting which I gave lpstruction Is tbe spiritual one, tbe Temple of the holy Sptrtt-the Body of Christ which Is the Church. 1 fear that you hove forgotten tho true templo of God while rearing so many temples of earthly ma terials. Concerning the true Templo I Instructed you that "tbe templo of God Is holy, which templo yo are" "living stones" being shaped nnd pol ished "for tho habitation of God through the Spirit." Show me what you have accomplished In this way. Show me to what extent you have rightly divided my Word, and prop erly Instructed mankind respecting my glorious chnractor and my great Di vine Plan of the Ages! Show i me fruitage of the glorloiu message! How many In nil the millions that you report are "New Creatures In Christ Jesus," who "walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit?" Let me bear the im-Hsnge of my lovennd grace In Christ n? you are proclaiming it! What menti these sectnrlnn di visions amongst you? Why are there so many Church edlllces and so few saintly worshipers? Who authorized you to put these creecinl fences be--twecn my people to divide the (lock? Know ye not that I said, there Is one flock nnd onet Shepherd? Why bnvo you so neglected the spiritual Interests of my flock nnd their Instruction in righteousness? Why are you so unable to rightly divide my Word? Instead of coming together as ono Church of tho Living God whose names aro written In heaven you have divided Into hundreds of sects and parties! in stead of taking my Word as a wholo and rightly dividing its tenchlnga ns between tho different nges and dispen sations of my work, you have divided my Word In a sectarian manner. Ono sect has made one selection from my Word and another sect has made an other selection. Thus ye array ono part of my Word against another part of It. and bonce get Into confusion nnd conflict. What have you to answer for theso things? Wltb shame of face wo must all ac knowledge that "We have done thoso things which wo ought not to bnvo douo and bnvo left undone those things which wo ought to have douo. nnd thero Is no help In us." Tho proper thing for us to do. dear Christian friends. Is to got down upon our knees before the Lord nnd In contrition of honrt to acknowledge that wo have wrought no deliverance In the earth (Isaiah xxVI. 18i: that our sectarian differences nre our shnmo; that tbo Ig norance tbnt we have all been In re specting tho Word of God Is hunill Intlng. Now that our eyes are open so that we can comprehend ns never before tho harmony of God's message from Genesis to Revelation, it means a rich feast nnd blessing to our souls. The Word of God becomes moro pre cious to us dally ns wo becomo nblo to comprehend It Our duty Is to fly to tho assistance of our dear brethren nnd slstora in Christ, of all denomina tions, uud to call upon thorn to Join with us lu a determined stand for righteousness, for Truth, for God nud for bis Word. Wo must show them tbat Ignorantly wo and they have dishonored our God by misrepresentation of his chnractor and misrepresentations of tho real teachings of the Blblo. Wo must point them to tho fact that the Blblo does not teach that nil mankind except tbe "Elect" snluts will bo consigned to an eternity of torture nt the hands of tire - proof domous. We must show them that tbo clrct(oa or tho Church durlug this agea saintly llttlo tlock-does uot mean lujury to tho non-elect 'that, on the coutrnry, It Is the Divine pur pose that the elect snluts with their great Redeemer In glory shall consti tute God's Klugdom. Thnt bis Ktug dom wheu established will bind Satan, put down sin. banish Ignorance, error and suH)rstltlon and uplift mankind by "restitution," by resurrection processos, up, up. up. to alt tbat was lost In Eden by disobedience and to all se cured for Adam and bis race through t,bo great trnusneUnn ot Calvary (Acts III. 10-21) "RlQhUy Dlvldlno the Word of Truth." Alas, how tittuy lutflllgfiii people have turned anlile from following Christ anil from Inuring the voice of God through the Blbla! Ama. how muuy nre looking to Theosuphy, to Bplritbun, to Christian SvieiH-u, to Cough O rfli,f Jaetaa imnuI at Auu't Chtnt Pectoral mill cttlainLttt all JouUtti. Do at hetm- lie times, tow.iv ii..' Higher Criticism, to Evnlutlon-wau. derlng farther and farther daily from !the "faltb once delivered to tbe saints" (Judo till. We fault them no more thnn we fault ourselves. ,As a whole we have been workmen uho need to be ashamed. We have dishonored God through misunderstanding and misrep resenting his Word und bis Character. We have driven away from God and the Bible some of tbo most intelligent of our fellows, by reason of the con tradictory nonsense of our creeds. The Apostle urges. "Study to show thyself approved unto God." We aro not to suppose, therefore, tbat tbe highest of nil science, that which per tains to tbo D.fvlno purposo nud tbe Divine plan, can be acquired without study. We are not In this claiming tbat Btudy "alono would bring tbe de sired results of proper knowledge. Wo heartily ngreo in the Scriptural prop osition tbat "tho world by wisdom knows not God." We are not there fore to study along tho lines of world ly wisdom, but along tbe lines of "that wisdom that cometb from above" along tbo lines of tbe Inspired Scrip tures. Wo must study! Whoever will not study will not know. "Tbo secret of tho Lord Is with them that rever ence Him." And reverencing him means tho giving of our best thoughts and talents to tho study of bis Word, that wo may "know tbe things freely given to us of God" (I Corinthians 11, 12). We should note further as Bible stu dents that wo must not study to bo ap proved of men. but to have tbe Divine approval. This will bring to us. as it did to tbe Master and bis apostles, tbo disapprobation of tbo worldly-wise and nominally religious. It was the Chief Priests and Scribes nnd Pharisees, and hot the common people of the Jews, nor the Roman soldiers, who were guilty of the crucifixion of our Lord. And wo must expect similar conditions, be cause, as tbe Apostle says, "As be was so are we in this world." Tbe class who called the Master Beelzebub Is tbe same class which will oppose his foot step followers. God permits all this wltb wlso and loving forelntentlon. Nothing connect ed with the opposing forces Is In any sense of the word Interfering with bis great Program. Hp set apart wltb Di vine wisdom this Gospel Age of nearly nineteen centuries for the sole purpose of selecting .from the world "the Church of the llrstborns" the antltyp leal Priests and Levltes. Tho restric tion of his message, the darkening of counsel, the clashing of creeds, the op position of the world, the llesh and the Devil, nre all wisely permitted with the forelntentlon on God's part tbat thus all through the Age the way of tbe cross In the footsteps of Jesus should be n "narrow way." so that comparatively few finding It would care to walk In 1l It Is those few, that "little flock" zealous for God, for bis. Word. Jot righteousness,, tbnt be Is now marking out as the prospective Joltit-helrs wltb Jesus in bis glorious Kingdom, wblcb is to bless the world with full opportu nities for earthly salvation "restitu tion." The trials of the faith, tbe pa tience, tbe lovo, the devotion of this "little flock" are all designed and not accidental. Satan and his hosts niuy think to thwart the Divine Plan and may mislead and use humanity as their tools, but It sbull yet be seen tbnt all of tho Divine purposes shall be ac complished. Tho Word that has gone forth out of Jehovah's mouth shall prosper In the thing whereto be sent It St Paul declared of earthly Israel, that they enjoyed "much udvantage every way, because to them were com mitted the oracles of God." So uow. denr friends. It seems to me thnt you nnd I and all slucero Christians the world around enjoy much advantage every way. Looking to the past we find great excuse for our dear forefa thers who, with sincerity of heart so misunderstood the Divine Word nnd so misinterpreted the spirit or we Master that they burned oue another nt tho stake. We should .not think so hnrshly of them for this as though they lived today under tho greater ad vantages which wo possess. We should sympathize with them. We' should consider them ns blinded by the great Adversary as was Saul of Tarsus, wheu ho, ns a member of the Snnhedrln, authorized the stoning of St Stephen. Wo should think of them syrapatbotlcally-as St Peter spoko of tbo Jews who cruclfled the Lord. Ho said. "I wot, brethreu, tbnt In Igno rance yo did it. as did also your rul ers." So also wo should kindly, lov ingly cast a mantle of benevolence ovor similar conduct on tbe part of John Calvin nnd others of our forefn thers. But as we would not go to tbo Jewish rulers, nor to Saul of Tarsus for religious Instruction, neither should we go to Brother Calvin or others of i 0r f0rofn,ucrs who were blinded, as 1 ho wnB pccting the true character o( G(Hj and tho true apirtt f his Word. Only within tho past century have tho masses of God's people been able even to road the Bible. If they had pos teased It And only within the same time hnve they had the Bible to read. Our great hindrance has been thnt with Bibles In our bnudn nnd with ability to us.e them, we looked for In struction to our well-meaning fathers Instead of going to God's Word Itself. Now by Ood's grace the eyes of our understanding are opened. The won derful Bibles of our day with their marginal references," their concord ances, etc.. and other assistances In Blblo study are bringing us in touch with the whole message of tiod's Word Now one passage of Scripture throws light upon another and thus wltb Inoraaslug brightness the Word of the rrd as a lamp gives light upon tho pathway of his Church. Have not coughed onco all day? Yetyou may cough tomorrow! Better be pre pared for It when it comes. Ask your doctor about keeping Ayer'a Cherry Pec- toral In the house. Then when the hard cold or iougu first appears you have a doctor's meJtcmc right i nana. AN UP-TO-DATE STOVE Do you realize there is no longer any reason vhy you should use a coal range? Oil is cheaper than coal; it is fighter and easier to handle, and gives an intense heat. Provided you have the right stove, oil is more economical, cleaner and less trouble. Have you seen the The accompanying illustration gives you only a rough idea of its appearance. You really can't appreciate it until you either use It yourself, or talk to someone who has used It. It does everything that a coal rango will do except heat the room. Tho New Perfection Oil Cook- ff Cantloiury Note: Be sure If 9 you iret thli itove see 11 that Jhe name-plate reads New Perfection.', Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) The Up of is duo to tbo fact that we have ample capital and that wo have adhered to a policy which has been conservative, yet along prog ressive lines. We offer to our customers modern facilities for the prompt and proper transaction of their financial affairs; ample vault and safe room for storing and safe-guarding of their money, notes, insurance policies and other valuable papers and such liberality of treatment as is consistent with prudent banking. We invito checking accounts, small or largo, as well a3 savnlgs accounts, and offer to both the small and large depositor ''that personal" attention and "that courteous" service which make banking a pleasure. United Salem, ome people rida nd some in L ife is ful of mixed desires, lect then what M y choice remains the jiicrse. ut when in searc hot pure delight. E ftervescent, clear and bright 17 veryone can Rht in these ft Stove will do anytning, irom neaune a kettle of water to cooking a course dinner, but it won't heat a room. It doesn't "smell," it doesn't smoke. It can't get out of order. Light it and it is ready. Turn it down ar.d it is out. Only a woman who knows the trouble of carrying coal and cooking in a hot kitchen can appreciate what it means to have a clean, perfect stove that will cook anything, boil, bake or roast, and yet won't heat the kitchen. How is It done? The flame Is controlled in turquoise-blue enamel chimneys, and directed against the bottom of pot, pan, kettle or oven, and only there. The flame operates exactly where It Is needed and nowhere else. With this stove your kitchen is cool. The nickel finish with the bright blue of the chimneys makes the stove orna mental and attractive. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; the 2 and 3-burner stoves- can be had with or without Cabinet. Every di-alfrBTfryhMHj If notRtyouri.wrltofor Oregon the bicycle. autos course, you most admire. read the cheer printed verses hero CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GOD LINESS. An up-to-date bath room is neces sary for tho former. Consult us as to tho best plan for your floor space, and we will fit you with a bath room of which you will bo proud, without much strain on your pocketbook. GRABER BROS. Telephone Main 550. AN INEXPERIENCED l'URCIIASElt Will never cot Imposed upon by dealing at E. C, Cross & Son's, for wo keep, nothing but tho bos' ot meats. All tender fresh nnd of tbat line fiavor ' at only ohol-o meats have. Our steaks, chops I roasts, ate, are as good as thou served at tbe White House, or at i the table of H. R. M. King George E. O. CROSS & SON -Building is Bank National aok 1 iMH There Is No ting Now that you have the opportunity to be tfeated by :: experienced beauty doctors of long standing, now ;: located permanently at 301 and 302 U. S. N. Bank Bldg. ' Special attention is called to our electrolysis work, also Bake Oven Baths and Scalp Treatment, Hairdressing, and those tired feet can be i cured of all their ailments. Call and see the , ELITE MASSAGE : PA lllllllHH HUM Pianos and Organs from the cheapest to the best sold on installments and rented. GEO. C. WILL Sewing Machines s Genuine needles, oil and new parts for all sewing machines. Sewing ma chines rented. GEO. C. WILL 9 SOUTH SALEM MARKET PLACE POISAL & SHAW General Grocery Store Wo also carry a full line druga and stamps. of Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Woven Wire Fencing, Hop Wire, Barb Wire, Poultry netting, Shingles, Mal tlioid Roofing, P. & B. Ready Roofing, Screen Doors d Ad Jujtable Window Screens. CHAS I). MULLIGAN 250 Court street. Phone 124 SPEND THE SUMMER AT Newport, Yaqaiaa Bay The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest Where the pretty Water Agates, Moss Agates, Moon stones, Carnellans and Rock Oysters can be fou-id. Outdoor Sports of AH Kinds Including hunting, fishing, digging rock oysters, boat lng.isurf bathing, riding autolng, canoeing and dancing.. Pure mountain water and the best food at low prices. Fresh crabs, clams, oysters, fish and vegetables of all kinds dally. Ideal camping grounds, with ptrlct sanitary regulations, at nominal cost. Low Round.Trip Season Tickets from all points In Oregon, Washington and Idaho on sale 'daily. i A Sunday Excursion Rate of- $1.50 Prom Albany, Corva'iu and Philomath, wiib corresponding low ratos from points weet. In effect all summer Cull on any S. P. or C. & E. agent for full particulars as to rates, train schedules, etc.; also for copy of our beautiful Illustrated booklet, ''Outlncs in Oregon." or write to WM. M'MUIUtAV, General Passenger Apent, Portland, Oregon. I I Mill MM nt Excuse of Get-1 Old. M M M M M -M-H- i Edison, Victor and Columbia Talking Machines A full stock of Records. I GE0- c- WIIX 9 D0-5-SC-H3Q-!'C58O-ro 6 Latest Sheet Music Piano and Organ Studies. Violins, Guitars, 4 Mandolins and Banjos. o o I GEO. C. WILL 9 i-aofrt-e-i-eaH cigars, tobacco, candy, paints, Phone 76S 11 Gofd Dust Flour Made by tbo SVDNEV POWER COMPANY, Sydney, Oregon. Vlmle ft r Family Use. Auk your jrrocer for It. Bran nnd Short aiwayn on hftnd. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. 3 Day-Saturday to Monday Rate from S. P. points, Portland o Cottage Grove, inclusive, in cluding branch lines; also all C. & E. stations Albany and west. Going on Saturday or Sunday, and for return Sunday or Monday. RQ