DAIMT CAPITAL JOUKNAIi, 8AI1EM, OREGON, SATURDAY) JUNE 18, 1010. PAGE ELEVEN. OOO PEOPLE'S Sermon by CHARLES T. RUSSELL, Pastor Brooklyn Tabernacle " " " -Ooo TUiiladelphln, Pn., Juno 12. Pastor "Russell of The Brooklyn Tabernacle iprcached bere twice today to largo and attentive audiences. Wo report bis discourse from the text, "I, the Lord tbv God am a Jealous God, visiting the Iniquities of the fathers upon the chil dren Unto the third nud fourth genera tion of them that hato me; and show ing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments" (Deuteronomy v, 0, 10). A report of the discourse follows: No one of experience can question the fact that our text Is corroborated by all our experiences hi life. How ever unjust some may claim It to be that the chlldreu should Inherit the weaknesses resulting from parental dissipations and violations of the Di vine law, the fact remains that how ever atheism may question the exist ence of a God or Infidelity doubt the Inspiration of his Word, no one can question the two facts of this text, (1), that sin nud Its penalty can be Inherlt d and (2) the fact that God Is merci ful to such as renounce sin nnd turn to 'blm and seek to walk, according to his direction. ITowever these bless ings upon evil doers and their children and these blessings upon well doers and their posterity may be termed natural laws and laws of heredity, it does not alter .the fact, because the Al mighty Is the ione who mndo these la.ws of heredity. Uuder the delusion banded down' to us from the "dark ages" that God Jiad condemned to eternal torment all the children of Adam because of his sin we are all Inclined properly -enough to feel rebellious against any such matter unci to assert that from the standpoint of human reasoning it would be entirely unjust to torture the posterity of Adam eternally for his transgression "original sin." But sis we get the eyes of our understand ing opened to see what Is the" real penalty, for sip. that It Is death, ex tinction, and that out-perfect parents. fc ully Informed respecting the divine -will, were culpable, worthy of death, and when we learn further that what ever Is enjoyed by Adam's posterity in the way of life, however disad vantageous the conditions, is so much of divine leniency nnd mercy and comes so much short of being the full penalty, death, extinction- then wo begin to see that life under .any conditions nnd disadvantages Is still a boon,' better than extinction. In Wrath Have Mercy, Lord. Recognizing the wrath of God as manifested In the death penalty (not tin an eternity of torture) wo can see that the Scriptures everywhere de clare that the wrath of God is resting upon our race; that every member of dt Is subject to this very penalty which came upon father Adam and has been entailed upon all of his posterity. The Almighty Creator did not wait for us to cry out for his pity and compassion, but from the very be rginulng, foreknowing our fall into sin. Tic bad the plan arranged for our re demption nnd ultimate recovery from this condition of wrath, curse, death. "We are informed that our Lord Jesus -was the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world-ln tho Divine aiurpose and arrangement though only oiow being made manifest to tho Church and shortly to the world. Thus viewed there has been no injustice practised against our race In permit ting the children to share with their father Adam in his penalty. Itather they had esteemed it and do esteem it better than the sentence itself, nnd furthermore In tho Lord's providences the world's present experiences in tho fall and later on in the recovery from the fall in tho hands of the great Re deemer during the Millennial Age, is to prove n lesson, a schooling, In tho oxceedlng sinfulness of sin, which the race as a whole will never forget and out of which many (now the Church, later on the world) will draw lessons of wisdom nnd grace. Looking still more deeply into tho Divine Plan as it la revealed in the Lord's Word for those who are bis (Psalm xxv. 14), wo find n particular reason why It was not only advisable tout necessary that this law of heredity should operate In our race, even though it brought in Its train a terrible Hat of experiences to our race. The reason for this is based upon one element of the DIvino character Justice tho very element which at one time wo sup posed was violated by this law of lioredity. As our eyes opeu to tho teaching of tho Scriptures wo perceive that if God had not permitted his law of heredity to operate, but had per mitted each Individual of the race to come forth to perfection and to stand an individual trial such as father Adam was subject to, it would doubtless Tinve meant that nt least one-half of tho race, possibly more, would have deliberately chosen course of sin as father Adam choso it. To oxpectmoro than ono-half to be obedient would be unreasonable, Itather, from what we seo about us in the experiences of life, wo would have1 been liable to conclude that only n very small majority, per haps one-tenth, would have been obe dient to God, while the remaining nine tantha would have beeu disobedient. for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, Foley's Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality OOO PULPIT... The Law of Retribution t Sowing and Rearjing Visit ing Sins of Parents Upon Their ChildrenJustice of the Divine Arrangement Grace So Much More Abounds Else Were Your Children Unholy. o "Q- , ........ Some might ask, Would not even that have been better than tho Dlvlno arrangement as wo seo It operating now, that the whole race should suf fer for one man's disobedience? We answer, No! Not according to the tes timony of tho Scriptures. The, Bible shows us that while this law of retri bution has worked such terrible havoc in Adam and his race for now 0,000 years while 20,000,000,000 have been born in sin nnd sorrow nnd pain and after a few years of troublo have died in sorrow nnd pain, nevertheless in God's due time all of these shall have more favorable opportunities of know ing of God's true character and of at taining to n full character development in bis likeness during the Millennial Age. This means that probably more will gain eternnl life and blessing un der the divine nrrangement as wo have it than wo could reasonably expect would have been saved had the Lord not provided this law of heredity nnd condemnation of all, but on the con trary had permitted each to be born in perfection nnd to stand his trial as between loynlty to God with tho re ward of eternal llfo or disobedience punished with death. But we shall see that It means much more than this. Condemned In One Redeemed by One. A great economic law is connected with the divine nrrangement: The condemnation of a race In one man's loins because of his transgression made possible tho dlvlno nrrangement that a Second Man should pay the penalty for the first and redeem both him and nil who were In' him nt tho time of his condemnation. This Is nt once n demonstration of Divine Wis dom and of Divine Justice. Suppose, for Instance, that tho law of heredity had not prevailed, had not been In stituted by our Lord, but that each individual had come forth perfect and had been personally placed on trial and been personally condemned to death. Would It not have required an individual savior for each one con demned under such nn nrrangement? Surely it would. Hence, had one-half of tho race proven themselves sinners and been personally condemned it would either have been necessary to avoid redemption altogether or to re deem tho sinner half of tho race, by giving a life for a life a perfect be ing's sncrlflco for or instead of each imperfect life. Estimating tho total number .of our race nt 20,000,000,000, Justice would have been obliged to require 10,000,000,000 of perfect be ings to be offered as the ransom price for tho 10,000,000,000 of sinners. Under the very best estimate that we can possibly make, this would have required the death of all the perfect ones of the race as redeemers for all tho imperfect members of the race, and what a havoc that would have implied with just as many dy ing as under present conditions, name ly, one-half as sinners and tho other half as redeemers, ransoms. Besides, wo perceive that it would not have been just on the part of the Almighty to compel tho righteous ones to suf fer for the unrighteous as their re deemers, hence there would have been no assurance even then that any but a fraction of the sinner race- would have been redeemed. On the contrary, how wise, conservative and econom leal was the DIvino arrangement that by one man's dlsobedlenco under tho laws of heredity the many would bo born sinners and sharers In his pen alty, death, and that then In duo time one Savior, one perfect one, tho "man Christ Jesus," might redeem Adam and, redeeming him, redeem all of his race from the death sentence, tho curse, tho wrath of God, and as a result of tho redemption obtain the right, the authority, the power, during his Millennial Kingdom and in asso ciation with bis glorified Church of tho Gospel Age, to bless nil tho fam ilies- of the earth aud to uplift as many ns would be willing out of ail their ignorance, weakness and sinful and dying conditions to nil that was lost in Adam. We have seen that in harmony with the Dlvlno law It would not have been Just for the Heavenly Father to obligate tho righteous to die for sin ners and that heuce the redemption of the sinners would have been prob lematicalvery doubtful. But on tho contrary the Heavenly Father well knew In advance tho loyalty of bis First-Begotten, his only Begotten, who Is declared to have been tho "begin ning of the creation of God" (Revela tion Hi. 14). He knew not only of J esus" loyalty but that bis experiences with blm in glory would every way qualify our Lord for the teats nnd tho sncrlflces necessary for tho redemption of tho race with his own precious blood. The. Scriptures assure us furthermore ihat tho Father set uerore mm sorao certain Joys, certain blessings, certain iiromisoe. In connection with tWs worl: of mail's redemption; as wo road. "Who for thi' Joy sot before him en dured the cross. dospUinK the suame. and la now set down on the right hand of the majesty on high" (Hebrews xil. Si. Retrlbutivo Joys and Rewards. We are to remember too. that the KIDNEY Scriptures distinctly tench that tho condition of tho affairs of our -world sin, retributive punishment, the re demption through Jesus, the call of tho Church and their sufforlnga with their Redeemer nnd tho promises of future blessing nud glory both for tho Church and for the world are sub jects In which tho nngel3 of God are Interested. As tho Apostle Peter says, "Of which salvation tho prophets have enquired nnd searched diligently. . , Searching what or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified be forehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. . . Which things the angels dcslro to look Into" (I Peter, 1, 10-12). They won dercd when all tho sufferings of Jesus nnd tho Church would be completed and when the glory tlmo would como nnd recovery from sin and death con ditions; when God's purpose would thus ripen nnd bear fruit In tho recov ery of those who fell from hla favor in Adam's dlsobedlenco but were re deemed by the precious blood. Tho great lesson of what constitutes disobedience, and bow serious n sin It is, and what it would lead to if allowed to take its course, wns illustrated In man's experiences; and all tho hosts of angels looked on with amazement, no doubt. God's Justice was fully dem onstrated in tlio infliction of the death penalty nnd the permission of its in roads upon the mental, moral and physical perfection of his creatures, bringing mnny of tho ,racb down al most to brutality. God's Love was manifested In tho gift of his Son, in tho nrrangement -of hia plan by which for tho Joy set beforo him, Jesus might become Adam's Redeemer, and the Bridegroom of tho Elect Church nnd ultimately tho great King of Glory who, during tho Millennial Age, is to restore, revive and bless nnd test Adam and all his race. Christ and tho Church Crucially Tested We cannot wonder if nil tho holy an gels looked on In nmazement ns they beheld the Only Begotten Son of jGod leave the "glory which ho had before tho world was" nnd humble himself to take human nature to bo born a man that ho might redeem Adam and his race. It must havo seemed wonderful to them not only that the Heavenly Father would nrrango such a plan but wonderful also that tho glorious "Only Begotten," "First-Born," should bo tho ono to whom the proposition would bo made to show his faith nnd lovo for tho Father, to do his will to the ex tent of such n sacrifice, not only of glory, but, eventually, of life. They had yet to seo a further operation of the dlvlno law of retribution operating in Jesus for his blessing nnd honor. So intent were they in looking at the humiliation of tho Only Begotten, nnd then nt his death, that apparently they did not so carefully note the fact that the Heavenly Father had set beforo him great Joys, great blessings, great exaltation, when he should finish his work. Already the Only Begotten was next to tho Father in glory and dignity, honor and power; what more of dlvlno honor .could be bestowed upon even the FIrst-Born of every creature? The Only Begotten himself appears not to have thought particularly of the promised glory: The Joy set be foro him, however, seems to havo been that ho would do tho Father's will and thus demonstrate his abso lute loyalty even unto death. While, no doubt, it was a Joy to tho Lord to be the Father's Agent in the rescue of Adam and his rnco from sin nnd death, nevertheless we believe that his chief Joy In connection with the matter was that thus ho might demon strate to the Father his absolute lovo by Ids submission nud obedience. Our Lord's own words were, "Father, glorify thou mo with tho glory which I had with thee before the world was" (John xvii, 5). He knew of tho Father's proposed exnltntloh of him as a reward, but be did not men tion this; ho would merely nsk of the Father that when ho had accom plished the Divine purpose he might havo back the same honor nnd posi tion nnd dlvluo fnvor which ho had laid nslde when he humbled himself to become Adam's redemption price, tho world's Savior. Such modesty nnd loynlty are difficult for us to comprehend because of our fallen. Imperfect conditions, But tho Apostle explains to us, speaking under tho power of inspira tion, that because of our Lord's obedb ence in leaving tho glory nnd becom ing a man nnd dying for our sins, therefore "God hnth highly exalted him and given him n nnmo nbovo ev ery name, that at tho name of Jesus every kneo should bow, of things in heaven and things hi earth" (Phlllppl ans 11, 9, .10). Elsewhere In the Scrip tures we are assured that our Lord be came partaker of tho Divine nature In his resurrectlou; that thus he attained a reward far above nnythlug that could havo been thought, not only nbovo an gels, but nlso far above his own prehu man condition. In thus rewarding the faithful tho Lord is carrying out the spirit of our text ho has been exem plifying what is otherwise taught in tho Scriptures "whatsoever roan sow cth that shall he alxo reap" (Galatlans vl, 7). Adam sowed disobedience nnd he and his race havo reaped a terrible harvest of degradation, suffering and death. Tho Only Begotten sowed obe illence, ns prophetically expressed of him nt tho time of bis baptism, "I de light to do thy will, O my God; thy law Is written in my heart" (Psalm xl. 8). Laying down his life hi harmony wltlf the Divine program was bis sowing nnd the reaping at the resurrection was glory, honor and Immortality, the divine nature, now richly Jehovah re wards every demonstration of Joyalty to himself and the principles of right eousness. and urinary irregu'iuHties, and vigor. Refuse substitutes. PIUS IMnk of Last Slimmer- You can remember days when the heat inside your kitchen was so great you could hardly bear it. With the right stove you would have made a better hostess. Save your health. Don't put up with the drudgery of a coal range. You can have a clean, coolj pleasant kitchen. The . Oil Cook-stove you ret mis itove lee n that the name-plate read "New Perfection." Made with 1,Z and 3 burners; the X and 3-burner stove, can be had with or without ,' Cabinet. 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