DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1010. PAGE ELEVEN. PEOPLE'S Sennon by CHARLES T. RUSSELL Fastor Brooklyn Tabernacle. Ooo Brooklyn. N. y., June 5. Pastor Rus .sell returtu-d from his European trip Just In time to keep Ills uppoluttnent to speak In Brooklyn's largest auditorium, the Academy of MuhIc. Ills topic was "JEHUS.U.H.M." from tlie test. "Com . fort ye. comfort ye my people, salth Vour Gd. fpeak .ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto tier that her appointed time Is accomplished, that hex lnlijulty Is pardoned; for buo hath received of the Lord's hand double for all her sins" (Isaiah xl, 1, 2). As had been anticipated, the crowds were too great for accommodation nt the Tab ernacle. The spacious Academy of Music was crowded, with a large num ber of ministers and other men on the platform. After announcing his text the speaker said: Christendom, with united voice, ad mits that all of the Divine Rovelatlon came to and through the Hebrew peo ple. Listen to the argument of the Apostle Paul. "What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit Is there of circumcision? Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God" the Divine message respecting the Divine purposes, present and to come. Tho Apostle again Informs us that tho entire Gospel message was briefly comprehended In the Creator's promise to Abraham.. "In thy Seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed" (Gala tians III. Si. "To the Jew First." It was the most natural thing Imagi nable for the .Jewish Nation to suppose that the giving to them of the Lnw at Mount Sinai, through the medlatorshlp of Moses, was the fulfilment of the promise to Abraham. Nevertheless they were mistaken Israel's Mediator, and the sacrificing priests, and the sacrifices they offered, and their Tabernacle, with Its Holy and Most Holy, and the Temple, mid all the features of the Law Coveuant were types or foreshadows of the "bet ter sacrifices." higher Priesthood, bet ter Mediator, and glorious blessings of eternal forgiveness and reconciliation jet to be accomplished. Nevertheless the period of Israel's types was not wasted. Not only were the types there given, but at the same time a special class of agents were selected: Abra ham. Isaac, .lacob. and all the Proph ets and worthy oues of that age, holy, consecrated to God, and accepted as agents qualified for the Kingdom con ditions. Of these the Scriptures de clare. "They fell asleep." They are still asleep In the dust of the earth, awaiting the glorious resurrection morning, and a grand share then with Messiah lu the work then to bo nc conjpllshcd. In their lifetime, they were styled the Fathers, because Mes siah was foretold to be of tho poster ity of Abraham, and also "David's Son." , But other Scriptures, without con tradicting these statements, show us distinctly that "David's Sou" and "Abrnhatii's Seed" Is to be Lord and Father of both David aud Abraham. Thus wo read. "Instead Of thy fathers shall bo thy children, whom thou niayest make princes In nil the earth" PsaIm slv. IOi. David's sou. Messiah, will be David's father, or llfe-glver. when he will raise David from tho dead. Similarly he will be the father of all of those ancient worthies; and as David's Lord, and "Lord of lords," It will bo his plcasuro to appoint to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all of the Ancient Worthies, and Prophets, and faithful ones a glorious share with himself in the great Messianic King dom, which he Is about to set up for the ruling and blessing of Israel and all the nations of tho earth. Will not this be a grand honor to Abraham and bis Seed! Could wo expect that the Almighty would honor and use in such a high position any except the faith ful? Surely not When Messiah ahull make these Ancient Worthies "Princes In all tho earth," as representatives of his Invisible Kingdom, will not this mean honor and dignity to tho Jews rst? "Comfort Ye My Poople." Our text is one-of three declarations 4n the Old Testament, which assure is that there is n "double" connected with Israel's history. That Is to say. Jewish history naturally divides itself into two exactly equal parts; the first of which was a time of favor, Inter mingled with disciplines, but favor nevertheless. The second of these parts has been one of disfavor and exclusion from Divine fellowship. As foretold by the Prophet. Israel for many centuries has been without prophet, or priest, and without ephod and without communion with God: whereas, ut one time they were God's favored people. They now, according to their owu admission, are so thor oughly rejected that they hare no com munication whatever, no light to shine upon their pathway. The prophet's -words huve been fulfilled. "Let their table become a snare before them: and that which should have been for their welfare, let it become a trap. Let their eyes be darkened, that they see not" (Psalm Ixlx. 22. 23i. They have stumbled: they nrp blinded: but thank God! their blindness Is not to be per petual. Tho period of their blindness for all stomach troubles indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, pas in the stomach, bad brcath,sick hcadachc.torpid liver, t jliousncss and habitual constipation. Pleasant to take. PULPIT... Pastor Russell's Discourse On Jerusalem ooO la the, second part of tho "double;" with the fulfilment of, that "double" their blindness .will begin .to vanish, and "All the blind eyes shall be open ed." Of that, time theLord declares that "He who scattered Israel will gather them." We are impressed, not by fancy, but by tho Word of God. that Israel's i "double" Is now fulfilled, thnt Israel's : blessing has already begun, that tho ' opening of Israel's eyes Is now lu progress. For this reason wo have , chosen for our text, "Comfort ye, com I fort ye my people, salth your God. j Cry unto Jerusalem and say unto her I that her appointed time Is accomplish ed, for she hath received at tho Lord's hand double the two parts of her chastisement for all her sins," Bo cause the "double" Is cpmpleted. wo may speak the words of comfort. Thirty-four years ago wo called at tention to these facts, but few had ears to hear. When eighteen years ago we visited Jerusalem, having In mind chiefly the fact that the time for tho rcgatherlug of Israel was nigh nt hand, and that the set time to favor ZIon had come, we found uo hearing ears amongst tho Jewish people: and Zionism had not then been dreamed of. Our communications with the rep resentatives of the Baron nirsch im migration. Fund, and also with the ex ecutors of the Sir Moses Monteflorc Jewish Relief Fund met with scant recognition. Nevertheless, wo felt suro that Israel's "double" had been ful filled, and that her morning of Joy would soon break. Meantime how much has happened during those eighteen years! Zionism has risen nnd engendered the hope of the "chosen people" lu every land, and turned their eyes toward the land of promise; not that all are thinking of returning thither, but that every Jew who retains faith in the God of his fathers, and in the Abrahamlc prom ise. Is now looking nnd hoping for tho time of blessing, long foretold. They know not about their "double"; they have not been studying the Holy Scrip tures, but the teachings of their an cients, as presented by the Talmud. They have been making a very similar mistake to that of Christian people, who hnve been studying the creeds of tho "dark ages" Instead of tho Word of God. The Three "Doubles." Glance with mo at three different' statements by the Lord through tho Prophets of Israel respecting Israel's "double" of experience: the first, an experience of God's fnvorr the second, nn experience of equal length without divlno favor. Notice first Jeremiah's prophecy (Jeremiah xvi, 18). After telling of Israel's disfavor, and then of their rcgatherlng, the Lord declares, "And first I will recompense their in iquity nnd their sin double" some of the recompense with favor, nnd some without favor. Jeremiah's prophecy looks down to the "double" from his own dny, which was more than six hundred years before the second part of their "double" began. Turn now to Zecharlah's prophecy, and note that prophetically he takes his standpoint nt the very time when the second part of the "double" be gan. Ills words nre. "Even to-day do I declare that I will render double unto thee (Zecbnriab ix, 12). Come next to our text, and note that the Prophet Isaiah stands with us, and views the matter from tho standpoint that the "double" of experience has been fulfilled: "Speak comfortably unto Jerusalem, cry unto her that her ap pointed time accomplished, because sho hath received at the Lord's hand double two equal parts for her sins." It Is our understanding that this "double" reached fulfilment In the year 18J8 A. D.. and slnre thnt date we have been declarlug to tho best of our nbll Ity. as the Lord granted opportunity, these comforting words to Israel, as suring God's chosen people that their period of disfavor has ended, and that they are gradually returning to pros perity; that Divine favor began with them in 1878. Yea. more than this, our sermons which to some extent re flect this feature of the Divine program relating to Israel's restoration to Di vine favor, are being read to a consid erable extent by Hebrews as well as by Christians: their eyes are gradually opening, as the Scriptures foretell they shall do. But how may we know when the turning point of Israel's "double" took place? How may we know that the "double" was complptod In 1878? We reply that the answer to the question necessitates an acknowledgment of Jesus ns the Messiah. Israel's rejec tion of him as their King, marks the turning point 'of God's favor, ns the prophecy of Zecbariah. Just quoted, distinctly shows. Neither Christians nor Jews have appreciated the full im port of the Incident mentioned In the Gospel; that five days before his cruci fixion. Jesus rode upon an oss. after the manner of Jewish kings. Into the city of Jerusalem, a multitude sur rounding him. and going before film, shouting. "HoKanna to the Son of Da vid! Blessed Is lie that eometh In the name of Jehovah!" The Prophot Zechsrlah called ntrpntPm " this In cident centuries before It occurred, and then gives tho Lord's words, "Even to day do I declare, 1 will render double unto thee." Israel's history as a nation began with tho death of Jacob, when he gave his blessing to the twelve tribes. The period from that tlmo to the death of Jesus, according' to the Scriptures, was 1845 years: and a like period of disfa vor, measuring from tho day of Jesus' rejection marks t"he year 1878. as tho end of Israel's disfavor, the time when tho messago of comfort should go forth. However, Divine favor was only gradually taken from Israel, and altogether a period of thlrty-slx years intervene between the denth of Jesus and the utter destruction of Jerusa lem. Similarly wo should expect that tho return of favor would bo gradual, a llko period of 30, years; and this would brlug us to tho year 1014, as tho time when God's favor for hla peoplo will bo publicly and openly manifested. "The Seed of Abraham." The question now urlses, What has God accomplished during the tatter half of Israel's "double"? Did he pass by his chosen people to directly bless tho Gentiles, or bow shall wo under stand Divine Providence with respect to this matter? Wo answer that Almighty God had one feature of his plan which he did not make known dlectly nnd explicit ly to Abraham or any other Prophet; ho kept that feature of his purpose a secret. It Is this: Messiah could not bo n man and yet accomplish tho great things which Jehovah intended,' as stated in his Word. The Law called for nn eye for nn eye, n tooth for a tooth and a man's life for a man's life. In this God set forth his principle gov erning his course of dealing with men. As by man (Adam) oatne tho sentence death, and through heredity upon nil of bis offspring, even so tho Divine law purposed that thero .must bo a sacrifice of one human life to offset the one hu man life condemned to death. Tho one who would thus meet the demands of Justice on behalf of the race would have tho right to glvo eternal life and human perfection to every member of Adam's race willing to accept it on tho terms of the Divine Law. It was for this reason that Christ should die, "tho Just for tho unjust." As n reward for his obedience to the Father oven unto death, Christ was raised from tho dead to tho Divine na ture. In this exalted condition be is capable of being n Mediator and of do ing n work for Israel nnd for the world much higher and broader than Moses could effect. Moses, tho typical medi ator, mado ato.nement for a year with the blood of beasts: but Messiah with his own blood mnkes perpetual atone ment for the sins of all the people. This Is the great Messiah (Jesus) who suffered the deah of tho cross for tho Jews and for the Gentiles "for all the peopled' This i3 the glorified Messiah, who as the Spiritual Seed of Abraham Is abou to bless Israel's Ancient Wor thies, nnd to "make them Princes In all the earth;" ministers of his King dom for the ruling, blessing and In struction of whosoever will, out of tho present sin nnd death conditions, to life eternal to full human perfection, with the earth as Paradlso restored. Members of Messiah. But. somo one may say. Where do Christians come In connection with this Divine nrrangement? And if God's dealings with the world are to be through Israel, and not through tho Church, why has thero been so long a delay? Why did not the glorified Mes siah at onco spt up his Kingdom, nnd bring forth tho Ancient Worthies from the tomb to be its earthly repre sentatives? Oh. here Is another part of the mystery of God! Isaac. Abra ham's son, was typical of. Messiah, tho Spiritual Seed, but before Isaac begau the work of dispensing tho blessings to bis brethren and to his children, ho first took a bride, and this act also was allegorical or typical. In tho anti type, Messiah, the glorified Jesus, par took of the divlno nature according to the Father's Invitation, and he Is to take a Bride who Is to be his Joint heir on tho spirit plane to sharo with him tho glory, honor and service of his Messianic Kingdom. Tho period, of Israel's disfavor, as a Nation, has been tho tlmo lu which a special class has been called of the Father aud be gotten of the noly Spirit to Joint-belr-shlp with Christ us his Bride. But did God pass by tho natural seed of Israel to give these spiritual privi leges to tho Gentiles to gather from tho Gentiles n people, figuratively to constltuto tho Bride of Messiah? Nay The Scriptures assure us that this spiritual privilege went first to the Jews; they show us that during the threo and u half years of Jesus' min istry, and during the thlrty-slx years following it, the gospel message was clven almost exclusively to the Jews. and gathered from that people as many as were fouud to bo "Israelites indeed without guile," as many as wore not only of the circumcision of tho flesh, but also who were of the' circumcision of the heart. God did not continue to deal with his chosen people. but nfter having gathered from' them as many ns were worthy of the spir itual blessing nnd exaltation only then was the message sent to the Gen tiles, to gather from the Gentiles a number sufficient to complete tbo fore ordained nnd predestined number who win constltuto inp nnae. So then, my liretbren. in proving from the Scriptures that Israel's "dou ble" Is about completed; that Israel's blindness Is about to be taken nway. and that Israel's exaltation as the earthly representatives of Messiah's Kingdom Is near at hand, we are prov Ing to ourselves another thing: namely, that the full uumber culled from amongst the Gentiles to participate with Christ on the spirit plane, o members of his Bride cIihx. will soon lie completed (Romans 11. pr-SVii A Storekeeper Says; "A lady came into my store lately and said : "'I have been using a New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove all winter in my apartment. I. want one now for my summer home. I think these oil stoves are wonderful. If only women knew what a comfort they ore, tney would all have one, I spoke about my stove to a lot of my friends, And they were aston ished. They thought that there was smell and smoke from an oil stove, and that it heated a room Just like any other stove. 1 told them of my experience, and one after another they got one, and now, not one of them would give hers up for Ave times its cost.'" The lady who said this bad thought an oil stove was all right for quickly heating milk for a baby, or boiling' a kettle of water, or to make coffee quickly in the morning, but she never dreamed of using it for difficult or heavy cooking. Now she knows. Do you really appreciate what a New Perfection OH Cook-Stove means to you ? No more coat to carry, no more coming to the dinner table so tired out that you can't eat. lust Ueht a Perfection Stove and Immediately the heat from an Intense blue flame shoots up to the bottom of pot, kettle or oven. But the room Isn't heated. There Is no smoke, no smell, no outside heat, no drudgery In the kitchen where one of these stoves Is used, It has a Cabinet Top with a shelf for keeping plates and food hot. Tho nickel finish, with the bright blue of the chimneys, makes the stove ornamental and attractive. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; the 2 and 3-burncr stovea can be had with or without Cabinet. Every dealer everywhere ; if not at yours, write for Descriptive Circular to the nearest agency of the Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) ASkin of Beauty SSL. Orienta IS JuS No. 6 FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS AND FANCY GOODS DEALERS FERD. T. HOPKINS, Proprietor, 37 Great Jones Street, New York g9tiitaiofrii8ieiaeiiBitaatwiSHH4 a Pianos and Organs from the cheapest to the best sold on installments and rented. GEO. c. WILL s Sewing Machines Genuine, needles, oil and new parts for all sewing 1 machines. Sewing ma chines rented. 0 GEO. c. 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Consult us ns to the host plan for your floor spagg, and wo will lit you with ft bath room of which you will bo proud, without muah strain on your pookatbooH. , GRABER BROS. Telephone Main S50.