Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 09, 1910, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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L Meyers' Annual Blue Ribbon White Event and June White Sale. White
65,000 Yards of Laces and Embroideries Reduced for this
H. W. & M.
& ;n Price.
1 r
iintivsw i ago
Of Merit
only '
Who wants to save money on Laces,
and Embroideries? Can't tako room
to give you all tho details, but wo are
arranging, our stocks and laces at
63c that are worth '76c to $1.25 and
Embroideries at 50c that are worth
76c and 85c. Will give you a sug
gestion as to the way you may ccon-
omlze. When you choose hero you
get the choice patterns from tho
world's best makers.
W. B. and Lavida Corsets Half Price. Corset Dem-
fyton hv Our Expert Fitters.
This Week wo aro domonsrntlng tho W. 13. and Lavida Corsets
and closing out all broken lines and odd sizes at HALF1 PRICE"
If your Btylb and size is In this showing it will bo more than
worth vour whllo to cdmo ond look them over. Competent!
corsetiores aro at your service, and you are assurred a com
fortable, properiflttlng model, whether selected from this special
lot at; half. prlce.,or tho regular lines. (First Floor)
Vay Your Water Hills
Dy tho 10th of tho month and
savo tho 10 per cent discount.
Reception for Former Pupils
Of Sacred Heart Academy, June
14'. Be sure to come. Hours, 3 to
10 p. m. ' '
All Iowa Association
PleaBo attend booster meeting for
Iowa picnic Monday evening next at
8 o'clock.
New Middy Bloouses and Charietclef Waists
be. New- Showing -m uingene waists,
Dutch Collars.
Cool and inexpensive waists', trf&medwlth Irish lace,
Dutch collars, with lace niedalliori fronts; some styles
havo Jabots attached; button down tho back.. These are
new models, and are strictly in. aefcord' - with Dame
Fashion for vacation wear.
Tailored and Lingeries Waists clearing at One
Third Less in Price.
Somo of our very best models, hove becomo slightly
soiled and mussod from handling and wo havo reduced
the prlco so much that It will more than offset the dam-
Anothor lot wo are offering at Half-Prlco. But we do
not claim a complete rango of sizes In this lot; hut if
wo havo your s!o you can save.
Leaders of
Cherry Fair July 7-8-9. You Will Be Glad You Came
Attending ROso Festival-
Hon; -O. N.- MoArthur loft today
for Portland 'whe'ro hd will attend
tho Hoso Festival as tho roprosonta
Uvo of Governor Benson.
Yon Like Good Tilings to Fat
Don't you? Thoy aro hero in con
siderable variety at prices at which
you can afford to buy them. J. M.
Lawronco, corner Commercial and
Forry stroots.
Will Havo Reunion
Tho Sisters of Sacred Heart Acad
omy aro planning a grand reunion 0n
tho Forty-Sovonth anniversary com
mencement next weok. Students
who havo attonddd In all thoso yoars
aro to bo brought togotlier and
thoro aro some great days in storo
for them.
Irrigation Notice
Irrigation bills are now due. If
paid on or boforo Juno 10, they will
bo subject to tho usual 10 por cont
'discount. No discount on irrigation
bills aftor Juno 10. Salem Water
Company. 0-G-5t
Don't Fail
To pay your water bills by the
10th and save 10 per cent. G-9-2t
Governor Invited to Reception
Governor Benson today received
an Invention to attend tho reception
to bo given Juno 15, by tho Tilla
mook Commercial club at that city.
Funeral Held Today
Tho funeral of Mrs. Mary Kath-
orine Unruh, who dropped dead Tues
day evening whllo on her way to at
tend services at tho Prcsbytorlan
church, was hold from tho residence
this afternoon. It was largoly attended.
For sale a modern 5-room cottage, with basement, on an
Improved corner lot 56x1 07; one of the finest locations in
the city, This place has all'modem plumbing, bath ,tojlet,
lavatory, etc, connected with sewer, Fireplace, beamed cei
lings,, cabinet kitchen and all up-to-date conveniences, the
location Is. excellent! Eaypaymonts,
Large modern 6-room house, all the rooms are large, hot
and cold water, lavatory, cabinet kitcheni basement, furnace,
lot 50x157, House shingled annd has argc porch, Two blocks
from oar line and five blocks from soJipoL Best of locations,
. Small payment down, balance qiv monthly installments,
I have one week In which to solHheseJaces, so quick aq
(tlon Is necessary . .
Room 6 MoCornack Bldg, ., .
Irrigation Notice
. Irrigation bills aro now duo. If
paid on or boforo Juno 10, thoy will
bo subject to tho usual 10 per cont
discount. No discount on irrigation
bills after June 10. Salem Water
Company. 6-6-5t
Pay Vour Water Bills
By tho 10th of tho month and
savo tho 10 per cent discount.
Registration Is Light
Tho registration for tho coming
election was commenced, with Miss
May Cleveland' in charge, at tho
fcouUty clerk's ofllce. It has so far,
howovor, been exceptionally light, as
only a little over 40 people havo reg
istered ,
Save 10 Per Cent
By paying your water bills on or
before the" 10th "of the month.
Church Notice "
The U. C. Church of Yew Park
will hold regular" services 'Sunday
morning and evening. Tho Rev. A".'
R. Landy has been secured for the
place. He has been presiding elder
for soveral years and Is a man of
ability and experience. Tho com
munity is cordially invited to all the
services. Sunday school will be or
ganized and held at 10 a. m. Mrs
H. L. Barkley. 6-9-3t
Phona 96
Commencement Exercise;
Tho annual commencement exer
cises of tho Collego of Oratory will
tako placo this evening at tho Meth
odjst church, and tho annual address
will be delivered by Hon. P. H
D'Arcy, Salem's silver tongued ora
tor. An excellent musical program
has been arranged. Tho graduates
aro as follows: Bertha Agnes Gross
Perry Reigelomen and William A
Savo 10 Per Cent
By paying your water bills on or
poforo tho 10th of the month.
All Former Pupils
Of Sacred Heart Academy aro
cordially Invited; to tho reception on
Juno 1-1. Hours from 3 to 10 p. in
Motonnan Is Married-
Walter Thompson, tho well known
motorman on tho Salem streetcar
lines Was married last night to Mis3
Eva M. White and left on tho night
overland for a week at his old home
In Cottage Grove. The wedding was
colebrated at tho homeof the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. White,
who reside on Twelfth street, be
tween Leo and Waller. Rev. Pera-
berton of tho Friends church offi
Tho, rresby terlan n -
Woman's Missionary society will
meot Friday. Juno 10. at 3 o'clock
Arrested nt Postofllce
J. G. Crawford was arrested yes
tcrday by Chief of Polico Gibson, and
last evening turned over to the
United States marshal of Portland
Chief of Police Gibson had received
advices that Crawford was wanted
for obtaining money under false pre
tenses, and had startod a search to
see if ho could locate him. Ho first
wont to the postofllce to ascertain
whether ho was receiving any mail
there, and he had Just completed his
Inquiry when Crawford stepped up
to tho window to inquiro for mall,
and he placed him under arrest.
urawroru nas Deen empioyea on a
farm near the city,
If You Havo Ever Attended
Sacred Heart Academy do not for
got tho reception on Tuesday, June
14. Hours from 3 to 10 p. m.
All Iowa Association
Please attend booster meeting fo"
Iowa picnic Monday evening noxt at
8 o'clock.
Don't Fall
T Pny 'or water bills by tho
10th and savo 10 por cent. 6-9-2t
One Woman Killed by Aeroplane
Worcester, Eng., Juno 9. One
woman was killed and many persons
Injurod by Aviator D'Artlgan's aero
plane, which became unmanageable
hero this afternoon during a flight.
The mnchlno swoopod down upon a
crowd and many porsons were
struck by tho whirling propeller.
D'Artigan was not hurt. Tho air
ship was demolished.
: a
Tho River ntul Harbor BUI.
Washington, Juno 9. Tho confer,
enoo report on the rivers and har
bors bill was accepted by the senate
this afternoon by a vote of 4$ to IS.
SoetUurs Beverldg. WanW a tut
Burton, republicans, were among
UtOM voting againat la auafareace
Both tho president nnd tho vlco
president of tho board of trade wore
absent last evening and Judgo P. H.
D'Arcy presided over the taeetlng.
Tho usual amount of routine busi
ness was transacted, but intor
mingled with it there were a num
ber of matters of general Interest to
the public, and nt tho close pf the
mooting talks of a booster character
were made by members of the board.
Factories Seek Locations.
Secretary Hofer reported that he
had three communications from fac
tories seeking locations. Two of
these aro concreto brick factories
and the third is a farm implement
manufacturing company. Tho exe
cutive committee hag been In com
munication with tho concerns for
some time and will continue to ex
ert Its Influence upon them to select
Salem as their sito of operation.
Preparing for Cherry Fair.
The finance committee reported
thnt $1,830 had been collected to de
fray tho expense of holding the Cher
ry Fair. This amount is almost suf
fllclent to cover the total appropria
tion necessary which is $2,000.
The committee also reported that
a contract had ' been entered Into
with Arnold Carnival company to
furnish attractions during the fair.
The company pays $300 for the priv
ilege. Tho publicity committee stated
that invitations had been sent out to
all the commercial bodies In the
state to attend tho fair, and Mayor
Rodgers has dispatched Invitations
to all of the mayors and councilmcn
of cities near the .capitol city, re
questing them to attend nnd also to
prepare exhibits and have them on
Tho committee' on exhibits stated
that it had been laboring hard to sr
cure exhibits from tho various coun
ties and tho hope was expressed
that thero would bo at least 10;000
boxes of cherries on exhibition.
The committee on music stated it
had; $150 to spend on band music
and that It hoped to have four bands
on in evidence during the fair.
Secretary Hofer reported that tho
board had appropriated $100 for the
Cherry City Improvement League
which Is to bo used in the beautify
ing of Twelfth street near the south
ern Pacific .depot. The . 'appropria
tion is on condition that the property
owners residing near tho scene of
improvement will donate a like
amount, and this amount has been
guaranteed by Hon. Tom Kay.
C. L. Dick dollvored an interest
ing talk on the fruit conditions In
tho Willamette, and expressed tho
opinion that more fruit inspectors
should be employed. He stated he
believed that money should be raised
by tho fruit growers to employ com
potent mon to fight tho various pests
until tho time camo when tho legis
lature would mako appropriations.
Ho further stated that during the
fair able men would deliver lectures
on fruit culture.
Judgo John Scott," Mr. Albln, gen
eral agent of tho Oregon Electric,
and J. L. Stockton made talks
Their talks woro along the booster
lino and were both interesting and
t" 1 l 1 J 1 tig St
0ft J 0f T r y f j J
tho residence of the bride's mo
ther, Mrs. E. Phernetton, 1413
Bollevue street, Salem, Oregon,,
Wednesday evening, June 8, 1910,
Miss Pearl Phernetton was united
In marriage to Mr. Charles W,
Tho ceremony was performed by
Rev. P. S. Knight. After tho cere
mony light refreshments were served
to about 20 relatives and guests, and
tho young couple loft on the :56
train for thelr presont home nt Mill
LEHMAN At tho .residence 267
South Church street this morning,
Henry, 17 months' old son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Lehman. Tho fu
nonU will be held tomorrow after
noon from tho residence at 1:30.
BURCH At the State Hospital for
tho Insane yesterday, A. E. Burch.
The deceased was 38 years of ago.
BENNETT At tho family home
2J64 Maple street this city this
morning, Mrs. Helen Bennett,
aged 79 years. She leaves to sur
vive her In this city, a s,on L. P.
Bennett. t
Mrs. Bennet twas a member of the
Women's Relief Corps, and her fu-
norul will bo conducted under the
auspices of that ordor at the First M.
E. church Friday at 3 p. m.
Tho Onicers Flew.
Paris, Juno 9. Tho first cros
country military flight In Franco in
ail aeroplane was made today by
Captain Hareunet and Lieutenant
FuquauU Thay flaw from OhalotM
to VlnoantiM, a dlataaoa of 104
miles, in two and one-half hours.
Frank Poabody, of Dufur, is a
business visitor In tho city.
J. A. Allen, of Rickreall spent
Wednesday In the' city on business.
L. W. Crampton, of La Grande, Is
In the city on business.
A. A. Smith was a Baker City vis
itor In tho city Wednesday..
L. O. Pope, wlfo and three child
ren, arrived from Waupaca, Wis.
Wednesday to mako their homo at
II. BIrt, wife and sons, and J. H.
Divan, of Oxford, Neb arrived In
Salem yesterday to look, over the
city and country.
1 Mrs. Martha Prleslng and baby,
of Chlcao, Calif., arrived Wednesday
for a visit at tho homo of her
mother, Mrs. Schlndler, of South Sa
lem. Mr. Lon Martin, supornltendent of
tho American mine at Merlin, Ore.,
Is in the city on n business visit.
E. S. Rich, and wife, of Falls
City, are visitors in the city.
L. R. Shephard, of Roosevelt,
Washington, is a visitor in the city.
J. C. Moss, of Cottage Grove, was
a business visitor in tho city yesterday.
Captain Percy Willis, of . Fort Co
lumbia, Washington, was In the city
today, looking after his real estate
Mr. M. R. Moore and wife, of this
city, aro spending tho week" at tho
Portland Rose Show.
Attorney A. C. Hough, of Grants
Pass, was In the city on legal busi
ness today.
State Superintendent of Public In
struction Ackernm will leave to
night for Nowburg, where tomorrow
ho will deliver tho address to the
graduating class of" tho high school.
Judgo Moreland, clerk of tho su
preme court, went to Portland today
to attend the Rose Festival.
B. L. Stanford and bride have re
turned from their honeymoon, and
are at home to friends.
Over Lndd & Bush Bank, Snlciti, Or.
Norwich Union
Fire Insurance Society.
Frank Meredith, Resident Ak -nt
Room 13 Bush Bank Blk. Snlciu, Or-
FOR SALE First class newspaper
folding machine 4-6-8-10 or IT
pages folded at once up to a fulf
sized 7 column paper. Cheap if
taken soon. Speed 1800 to 2000
per hour. Inquire Journal Salem
Ore. 3-21-t(
sortment, now and second-hand.
Also vault doors. Call or write
for prices today. Portland Safe
Co., Agts. Genuine Hall Safe.
87 Bth St., Portland, Ore.
' 5-20-tf
FOR SALE Russell Engine, 10 H
P. traction; in good shape; wilL
sell cheaD. Inquire- of J. R
Kaser, Route 9. 6-9-2t-wkly-
TOR SALE Soveral nouses in Sa
lem, and farm lands at a bargain.
Capital National Bank. 6-1-eod
WANTED Woman to
general housework.
Depot Hotel.
help with;
Inquire at
In a hard fought game of baseball
the team from Willamette Univers
ity won from the Chemawa Indians
by a score of 6 to 3. For the first
four innings neither team was able
to secure one of the counters. Tho
Indians were tho first to be success
ful in sending a man around the ser
ies of bags. Then Willamette loos
ened up In tho next inning' and' se
cured two runs. From this point on
tho Varsity held tho large end of
tho score, although they had some
pretty difficult holes to pull out of
before the game was finished. The
Chemawa team put up a game light
until the last man was called out In
the ninth inning. The game was a
fast one, both teams being in to wlu.
Errors were few, each team makln?
only four of these mistakes, nono of
which were very expensive.
Nothing .but praise Is duo either
team for tho exhibition that was
given the spectators of the national
The Wlllametto team backed their
pitcher as well as at any other time
this season. Tho team shows a
marked Improvement over tho be
ginning of the season.
This Is tho third game that these
two teams havo played this spriug,
Chemawa winning two of them.
Another game, which promises to
bo an interesting exhibition, will be
played on the Willamette Field next
Tuesday, between Willamette and
Battery, for Chomawa: Halght
and Teabo; for Willamette: Mcln-
tyre nnd McMechan. Umpire,
WANTED Partner for small theat
rical road show. Little capital
required; great opportunity for
right young man. 'Will bear close"
investigation. Call at room 6, Sa
vony Hotel. 6-9-3t
FOR SALE A first class side spring
buggy, one seat, in A No. 1 condi
tion; reasonable price. Call at
Journal ofllce. 6-9-tf
FOR SALE Russell engine, 10
h. p. traction; In good shape.
Will sell cheap. Inquire of J. II.
Knser, Route 9. 6-9-2 1
FOR RENT 5-room house on Cur
rant Ave., In Highland Addition.
Inquiro 1145 North 5th St.
FOR SALE 50 acres, cleared.
Plenty of wood, water and fruit,
fair buildings,, two miles to Ore
gon Electric and boat landing.
All porsonal property goes in for
$100 per acre. Will take house
in Salem In part payment. 2
acres of this place, ten cleared,
buildings and fruit, $1,750. Ad--dress
J. L. Kinney, Route 1, Bos
61. Hubbard. 6-9-2wk
FOR SALE New alfalfa hay, $8 per
ton, In field. A. F. Beardsley, 1&
mile west of Kaser school, on river
road. Phono 297. 6-913t
GIRL WANTED For general
housework. 541 Mill St. Phone
Reform School SuppUes.
Sealed proposals are hereby Invit
ed for furnishing tho Oregon State
Reform School with supplies for the
six months jnding. . December 31,
1910. Said K'ipplies to consist of
groceries, bread Btuffs, meat, leath
er and findings, clothing, etc List
with specifications will be furnished
on application to the institution. Alt
bids must bo in by June 24, 1910,
and must be accompanied by certi
fied check of 10 por cent of the bids,
made out to the superintendent of
the school, All goods must, bo de
livered by tho successful bidder on
or before July 15, 1910, and must
be in accordance with sample sub
mitted and in original package-
where possible.
6-7-to-6-24 Superintendent.
Married Last Night.
Paul V. Johnson and Miss Leona
Graham, daughter of Professor and
Mrs. Graham, were united in mar
riage last evening at the home of the
brides parents, and tho couple loft
this morning for a honeymoon trip to
Mr. Johnson is a son of Geo.
Johnson, and a member of tho firm
of Johnson & Co., merchants. The
bride is one of tho leaders in Salom's
social circles, Is popular, and has
hosts of frlonds.
shade and fruit trees, shrubbery,
etc.; excellent location; $650;
$100 down; balance, $10 per
- month. Homer H. Smith, McCor
nack building; phono 96 or 1023.
Lot 60x110 Two blocks from State
house, $900. Easy payments.
Lot, Miller and Saginaw; $650; ex
cellent buy.
Lot 50x200 on 24th St.; $10 down.
- balance, $5 por month.
Lot In Highland Ave.; $10 down, $5
per month.
Lot, 40x160, halt block of state
house, $2500.
Lot, Thirteenth and Center streets.
$1050. A good buy.
Excellent lot on 23d street, $225:
$10 down, $5 per month.
Terms can bo had on all of tho
Room 5, McCornack Bldg.
Phone 00 or 1023
Washington, June 9. The brew-
ore, in convention here today, elect
od Louis Hemprich, of Seattle, trus
tee, to serve for three years. In the
course of the day, Percy Andreas, of
Cincinnati, addressing the conven
tion, called prohibitionists "hypo
crites and quasl-crlmlnola.' Quoting
a statement that 38,000,000 persons
are now living in prohibition states,
he said:
'Thanks to prohibition, 38,000.-
000 are now drinking Illegally half
as mueh again as they formerly
drank legally.
How does a dpg with a bad leg re
mind you of arithmetic? Put dowrt
three and carry one.
Wo make u specialty of launder
ing the finest fabrics and table
linens, domes are not worn out
with machinery. All work called
for nnd delivered. Work guaran
teed. Your patronage solicited.
Highland Hand laundry
2549 Currant Ave. Phone 401
White Labor.