Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 07, 1910, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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They know the best values are always
here at the old RELIABLE, QUALITY
STORE, and that when, we advertise a
sale we mean business, "right from the
word go." If the goods are white the
price is reduced, and there are a great
many other extra specials around the
store that we have not space to tell
you about. .
Great Embroidery Sale
We have become known as the Embroidery House of Salem.
' We call attention to our large line on sale at these phenomenal value-giving prices.
$1.25 Flouncings of fine batiste, with fine wide embroidey on them 69c
Values to 45c In Corset Cover Embroidery 19c
Values to 50c In bands of flouncing from 2 to 12 inches wide 15c
Values to 60c In flouncing from 9 to 1 6 inches wide 20c
Values to 50c In Corset Cover Embroidey and wide flouncing 38c
Prices on
Tailored Suits
Cut to
the Quick
Prices on
Tailored Suits
Cut to
the Quick
Tho Board of Trade yesterday In
augurated a movement which will be
state-wide in Its scope, and will have
for Its object the eradication of fruit
pests In tho fruit growing sections of
tho stato. It Is tho purpose of tho In
augurators of tho movement to enlist
federal and stato aid In tho matter,
and looking to that ond, a committee
has boon appointed to confer with
tho representatives of tho two gov-
ernmdnts. Tho committee also solic
its subscriptions from tho fruit mon
which will bo used until tho legisla
ture can bo provallcd upon to make
an appropriation Members of the
committee will make a visit this week
to tho Oregon Agricultural College
for the purpose of inviting Instructors
of It to appear before a meeting of
the Willamette .Valley Applo Grow
ers Association, which will probably
be held In tho city during ho Cherry
Fair and deliver addresses on the
Tho committee Is composed of
Louis Lachmund, C A. Park, L. T,
Reynolds, C. L. Dick, B. J.. Miles, B.
C. Armstrong and George Weeks.
Butte, Mont., June 7. Mrs. M. F.
Buck, wife of Superintendent Buck,
of the Madison River Power Com
pany, was seriously burned and nine
other persons were hurt when struck
by a bolt of lightning at Knnls yes
terday, according to information
reaching here today.
Mrs. Buck and a party of friends
were watching a baseball game when
tho lightning struck her parasol. Five
men and four women in the immedi
ate vicinity we're knocked down and
Mrs. Buck's corset was torn from
her body and her shoes from her feet.
She was burned down one side. It is
believed, however, that she will re
A dog standing at her feet was
killed by the bolt.
I ' Big Cash Discount Sale
180 ACRES SOLD FOR $35,000
f I
Save fifteen Per Cent '
ONEY-WSSE-shoppers are doing their Fall buying now in order to
take advantage of our bier June Discount Sale. You can make
everv dollar save vou fifteen cents. Everv hundred dollars saves
you fifteen dollars. How can you make money faster than by furnish
ing your home now? Buy ahead of the real demand and make a big
saving on your home furnishings. Never have you been able to buy
such goods for the low price we are now making. Every article in this
big store is offered at fifteen per cent discount for cash. In some
departments this means a loss in others it means a sacrifice of our
entire profit. We started out to f raise a certain sum of money, and
until this is accomplished the sale Will continue. We are well pleased
with the response we have had to our announcements of this sale.
Everybody appreciates the real bargains we are offering and are not
slow to act while the sale is in progress. We do t not promise that the
sale will last all during the month. It may be called off before the
month is past. Do not delay making your purchase. Now is the best
time. All goods except a few contract goods are included. SUMMER
GOODS AT CUT PRICES Hammocks, Porch furniture, Refrigerators,
Oil Stoves, Gas Ranges, etc., are all sold at the big discount.
Whllo Portland Is going ahead rap
Idly In tho midst of a healthy real
estate activity seeker after reasons
turns to tho country surrounding
tho metropolis of tho Pacific North
west, and finds thoro an activity ev
erywhere predominant of which tho
Portland activity Is but tho reflex on
account of Its central location
All over tho territory tributary to
Portland tho homeseekers from tho
crowded East are moving In and tak
ing advantago of tho rich Oregon
Tho Wlllamotto valley is one of tho
most favored of tho sections tributary
to Portland and on that account tho
growth there has boon oven more no
tlceable than elsewhere throughout
tho stato
Salem Shows Growth.
One of the valley towns which has
taken a remarkable part In tho
growth of Oregon is tho Capital City,
Salem, 52 miles south of Portland.
Reports show that a real estate activ
ity akin to Portland has taken place
there. All over tho city tho demand
for property has suddenly boon felt
and, following improvement of
streots, numerous real estate trans
actions havo been made where until
tho last year or so property had been
practically dormant, and the property
ownors unable to dispose of their
holdings except at prices but Httlo
in advance of the prices paid some
years ago. Now all this has been
changed In Salem, and In concur
rence with the now realty movement
there the citizens are going ahead
with their, improvement plans and
many fine business buildings are be
Ing erected.
It Is in the residence portion of
tho beautiful homo city, however,
that tho growth has been most no
ticeable New houses have been
springing up on every side, and as a
result tho older portions of tho town
havo become so crowded that a de
mand has arisen, for .room for
To meet this demand Portland cap
ital has stepped in and purchased two
farms in West Salem and now a new
addition for residence purposes is. to
be placed on tho market there.
Charles A. Robertson, a prominent
Portland attorney and George P. Do
kum, real estato broker, aro tho pur
chasers who propose a plan of devel
opment and improvement which ' Is
largo in scopo and metropolitan In
character. Tho two properties con
sist of 130 acres located on tho west
bank of tho Willamette river with
over a half mllo of river frontage.
They aro Just south of tho bridge
over tho Wllalmotto river and aro lo
cated with tho Salem, Falls City &
Western motor Uno crossing tho prop
orty. One of tho farms Is a well-de
veloped 100-acro placo which was
bought from Charles A. Rugo for
$2C,000, and tho othor is a tract of
30 acres bought from D. K. Brannan
for $10,000.
Amusement 1'aik Planned.
Tho .now owners of tho property
Intend to develop tho part of tho
property on the rlvor front as a pri
vate amusement park, whllo that on
tlio rear, which is within a mllo of
tho stato houso, and less than three
quarters of a mllo from tho center of
Sal ems retail district, will bo plat
ted by a landscape artist and placed
on the markot as n high-grade resi
dence addition with heavy building
restrictions, street Improvements put
In and In ovory way handled In tho
same mannor as havo been marketed
tho high-grade residence tracta In
Tho park sito, which is a beautiful
location with groat fir trees and a
natural park sotting, will not bo de
veloped until next spring, although
tho residence tract will be platted
and marketed this summer, The
property was hqld under lease by tho
state mllttla as tho rlflo rango for
target practice, but a relinquishment
of this loaso has . been purchasod
from tho stato. by tho now ownors
Tho country back of this now addi
tion is developing rapidly. Thoro Is
prouably no part of tho stato that
has como Into Its own recontly as
rapidly as has Polk county. This Is
a rich farming country settlod with
prosperous farmers and the new ad
dition lies In direct,' lino with tho
roads of travel from this section to
the capital. The West Side of Salem
has bean developing rapidly recently
as a site of manufacturing plants but
this is the first available residence
tract In that part of the town which
has been purchased for platting pur
Iom o
gomeUraee, when a man, make
too tnuah money, he has to go to
prison And make shoes.
Last night tho Wlllamotto GI09
Club held tho last meeting of tho
year at which tho ofllcors for tho on
suing year were elected. This year
has boon tho most successful in tho
history of tho club. Their trip
through Oregon and Idaho was a
big success in overy way and did
more for tho good of tho school than
anything that has happened for the
last 10 years. .Next year the elub la
planning to take an oven moro ex
tensive trip and in McMechan, tho
manager elect, the club has a man
who is capable of handling such an
undertaking to tho satisfaction of
ovory ono concerned. Mr. McMe
chan Is a sontor in tho collcgo of
law and a prominent athlete. Mr.
Mclntyre, tho managor of this
year's elub, is tho president elect,
otherwlso tho ofllcors aro the same
as thoso of this year. Fallowing are
the ofllcors:
President Ross Mclntyro.
Secretary Carl Holllngworth.
Treasurer W. B. Beckley.
Managor Earl McMechan.
Churches Still Advertise FJght.
Now York, Juno 7. Forty
churches of Brooklyn, havo Joined
forces to protest against tho Jeffries
Johnson fight. They havo requostod
evory mombor of the congregations
to mall a post card or letter to Gov
ernor Glllott or some other stato of
ficial, voiding their antl-flght sentiments.
Raised Kaiser's Wages.
Berlin. Juno 7; With tho Social
ists crying "waste and extravagance"
tho Prussian diet today passed to
first reading of tho bill to lucreaso
tho Kaiser's salalry from $4,000,000
to ?B,000,000.
f united roaaa imasid wiaa.l
Reno, Nov., Juno 7. Because her
grandfather reprimanded her for se
cretly attending a danco gainst his
wish, 17-yoar-old Lois Holland,
daughter of Charles Holland, pro
prietor of a hotel at Yerrlngton, is
said to havo committed suicide, ac
cording to a dispatch published here
today. She wrote three letters ask
lng for forgiveness and addressed
them to her elder sister, her grand'
father and a man friend.
Lois and her sister wero visiting
their grandfather 17 miles from
Yerrlngton. Sunday they asked
permission to attend a danco and the
grandfather refused to grant It
Tho girls rotlred to their rooms and
after tho family had gone to bed
they slipped out and drove to town.
Their grandfather noticed the
condition of tho, horses Monday
.morning and questioned tho girls,
who confessed to the trip. A repri
mand was given them and later in
tho, daVthb sound of a shot brought
members of tho family to Lois' body
back oJ.tho house.
HAUL OF $5,000
tCHiTED rimsa uoahid wtao.l
Ashoville, N. C, Juno 7. Two de
tectives today wore put on tho trail
of tho thlof who robbed Georgo
Cooko, paymastor of tho Hans Rees
Sons tannery of ?5000, yesterday nf-
tornoon, without Cooke's knowledgo.
Cooke carried the money in a grip.
When ho left tho bank ho was sure
that tho monoy was in tho case. Open
lng tho recoptaclo at tho ofllco, Cooko
found that ovory cent had been ab
stracted during his foot journey
across town
Cooko entored two stores whllo en
route, from tho bank to tho ofllco, and
It Is tho theory of tho police that
somo nlmblo-flngerod thlof abstracted
tho bills whllo Cooko's attention was
attracted by something elso.
Notice of Intention to Construct a
Sowcrngo System for North
Notlco Is hereby given that the
Common Council deems It expedient
and proposes to construct and estab
lish at tho expense of tho' properly
ownors within tho limits of said dis
trict a sower system, to be known
as tho North Salem sewer, accord
ing to tho plans and specifications
adopted for such sewer, and on fllo
at tho ofllco of tho City Rocordorr
tho boundaries of which Is moro par
ticularly mentioned and described la
said plans and specifications which
aro hereby referred to tho same as
if fully Written herein, and on fllo
at tho ofllco of tho City Recorder.
This notlco is published for 10
days pursuant to tho order of tho
Common Council of tho City of Sa
lem, Oregon, and tho dato of the
first publication thereof is the ,7th
day of Juno, 1910.
City Recorder.
Call for Bids -Improvement of BUs
slon Street, Commercial to
Notlco is hereby given that tho
undersigned will recoivo bids up to
5 o'clock p. m. on Monday, Juno
13th, 1910, for tho Improvement of
Mission Street from a point eight
feet westerly from the east line of
Commercial Street to tho West Uno
of Twelfth Street in tho City of Sa
Tom, Oregon, according to the plans
and specifications adopted for said
Improvement and on fllo in tho of
fice of tho City ccorler. Tho City
reserves tho right to reject any and
all bids. Said bids will bo consid
ered by the Common Council on
Juno' 13th, 1910.
City Recorder,
; -" 0-7-3t
Ends Winter's Troubles.
To many, winter is a soason of
trouble. That frost bitten toes and
fingers, chapped hands and lips, chil
blains, cold sores, red and rough
skins, prove this. But such troubles
fly before Bucklen Arnica Salvo. A
trial convinces. Greatert healer pf
burns, bolls, piles, cuts, sores, oczoma
and sprains. Only 25c at J. C.
What a Summer Cold May Do.
A summer cold If neglected is Just
as apt to develop Into bronchitis or
pnoumonla as at any othor season.
Do not neglect it. Take Foley's Hon
ey and Tar promptly. It loosens tho
cough, soothes and heals tho Inflam
ed air passages, and expels the cold
from tho systom. Remember the
name, Foloy's Honey and Tar, and
rofuso substitutes. Tho genuine is
In n yellow package, and contains nc
opiates and no harmful drugs. Sold
by J, C. Porry.
To Cure Cold In Ono Day.
Tablets. Druggists rotund money if
it falls to cure, B. W. GROVE'S
signature on each bo-. 2Ra TTS
Banqueted tho Class.
Dr. and Mrs. II. D, Kimball gave
tho sonlor class of tho College of The
ology a sumptous banquet last ovon
lng In tho nssorably hall of tho Insti
tution, Tho hall was boautlfully doc
oratod, and, In addition to tho mem
bers of tho senior class thero assem
bled around tho banquet tablo tho
dean of tho colloge and tho membors
of tho faculty Dr. Kimball acted as
toastmaster and toasts wero respond
ed to by , President Homan, members
of tho faculty and tho graduating
class. Tho porsonnel of tho class Is
as follows:
W T. Beatty, E. E. Campbell, D. L.
tFIolds, Ernest Goudge, II. G. Mc
Cain, U. u. Oliver, u. w. reguo, u.
B. Rcos, W. A. Schmidt, Fred M
Waohlto and W.- J. Wobo.
Aden Congress to Act.
'oniticd ras usiseu wwb.1
Washington, June 7. President
Talt today sent a special message to
congress urging that tho railroad
bill provision empowering the Inter
state oomtneroe commission to sus
pend rates pending Investigation bo
come Immediately effective. The
meettage outlined the controversy be-
ween railroads and the adminattrn-
It la easier to preserve tho color ol the
hair than to restoro it, although It Is
posslblo to do both. Our grandmothers
understood the secret. They made and
used a "sage tea," and their dark, glossy
hair long after middle life was duo to this
fact. Our mothers have gray hairs bo
fore they are fiftj, but they are begin
ning to appreciate tho wisdom of our
grandmothers in using1 "sage tea" for
their hair, and are fast following suit.
The present generation has the advan
tage of tho past in that it can get a
ready to use preparation called Wyeth's
Sago and Sulphur. As a scalp tonic and
color restorer, this preparation 'Is vastly
superior to the ordinary "sago tea" mad
by our grandmothers, and It can be
bought for CO cents and $1 a, bottle at
almost any first-class drug store, or will
he sent direct by tho Wyeth Chemical
Company, 74 Cortlandt St.. Now York
City, upon receipt of price.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy thu
Best on tho Market,
"I have used Chamborlaln'u Cough
Remedy and find It to bo tho bejt
on the markot," says E. V. Tardy,
editor of Tho Sentinel, Qtilnaboro,
Tenn. "Our bitby had several colds
the past wlntor and Clinmberluln's
Cough Remedy always gave It rellnf
at once and cured It in a short time.
I always recommend It whon oppor
tunity presents luelf." For cale by
all goad druggists.
Your Hair is Worth It
Afraid to use hair preparations? Don't know exactly what to do?
Then why not consult your doctor? Isn't your hair worth U7
a .1. I.i 1 1 l. . , A - 1 f -1- f I ,.m 1 1 1 .. 1. k !-
ilK llim (I lie BKUUIiun Jyvi nan vigui tui mums iuuu a
Does not Color the frlaari
i n i iiraiimtiM TmMWM'MisBlfcsiagtrtlm
1 1 1 1 M ttt t f M M M f