Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 07, 1910, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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. E. IIOFER, Editor nd Proprietor.
adependent Newipsper Devoted to American Principle and
the Progress and OoTelopoment of All. Oregon.
fublittiod Every Evening Except Sanday, Salem, Ore.
(Invariably In Adranoo.)
4it. br carrier, per year .....!. 00 Per month.-..... 60o
tni.r, by mall, per year. 4jOO Per moath ......... Mo
-4notly, by mall, per Toar..... M '.00 BU months ....E0o
The San Francisco Cbroniclo has this to say: "Senator Bourno, not
clng ablo to get sorao of his friends Into offlco becomes an Insurgent.
Ho wns supposed to havo boon elected to represent tho peoplo of Oregon
Irom tho Republican point of view, but ho has choson the part of an
6'Sco-brokor, of no politics. Oregon Republicans will know how to deal
4Ith him when tho time comes." Salem Statesman.
""Tho Salem Statesman, In copying tho above from tho San Francisco
apcr, docs Senator Bourno an injustice.
Senator Bourno has suppbrted tho Tnft administration measures, when
lio hao doomed them right, and so far has voted for' thorn, after they wore
3?roporly amended.
Ho voted for tho postal savings bank bill, after supporting tho
amendment offered by Senator Cummins of Iowa.
Senator Bourno is not the kind of man who will support any meas
ure Jn violation of his convictions to securo offices, oven for his friends
Senator Bourno's friends do not ask him to raako a molly-coddlo of
aimnelf to securo a few federal appointments.
His record with the Insurgents has been perfectly consistent for ho has
voted with thorn, whoa he thought they Wore right, and against them
vttum no inougnr. iney woro wrong.
' Minority representation moans majority rulo. Each party, according
to Its strength, stops corruption and promotes efficiency In "legislation.
Tho sugar trust is not only guilty of swindling tho government with
gJso weights, but it also violates tho rebato laws. The big anarchists
Tcoke tho laws for other peoplo to obey
Ei-Unltcd States Senator Mason, of Illinois, says that fully half tho
sacmbors of tho American houso of lords bribod their election. Oregon
voters will bo Blow to return to tho old gamo.
Tho tax amendment petition filed by organlzod labor of Oregon docs
nothing whatever to tho tax laws, oxcopt forbid poll taxes. It places in
tho bands of tho loglslaturo no moro power than soino stato legislatures
Tiavo over taxation. All tho British colony Btates reposo In their legisla
tive bodies tho samo power that is proposed by this amendment. Of
courso, In Oregon tho peoplo are part of tho legislature andi in matters
ol taxation should not be govorned by omorgoncy clauses, as has been tho
estso for tho past six years in Oregon.
In Gilliam county, on Rock creek, sdmo 15,000 acres of land are to bo
Srrlgated by constructing a dam and storing wator. Tho contemplated
enterprise will moro than pay for itsolf with tho increased land values
insulting. Thore aro many such projects practicable in Eastern Oregon.
Unofficial figures indicate that population is actually decreasing In Iowa,
nool tho rnaturally most. fertile states in thojMlddlo West. Tho agri
cultural population of all tho Middlo West is cortnlnly decreasing. Tho
reason on analysis, proves to bo land monopoly and tenant farming.
There Is room for ton times its present population in Iowa.
One of tho actlvo loaders of tho party In tho United States sonntq is
Gnlllngor, who has a pocket-borough stato corralled called Now Hamp
shire. Ho rccontly stood for a shamolcss, dccoptlvo pamphlet on tho
jtarfff being sont out by tho million at tho oxpenso of tho government, but
Tefnscd the unanimous consent necessary to Bond out CO, 000 copies of
Senator Bouri.es spooch on tho oporation of direct legislation In Orogon.
Ho Is ono of tho bunch that hopes to seo Orogon roturncd to tho samo
"class as Now Hampshire whoro two railroads take turns about tolling tho
loglslaturo who to oloet to tho United States senate.
Good roads, good wator and good pooplo always attract population.
"Nchnlom is going after them. As In othor towns in Orogon, Nohalom no
doubt Is hold back by tho idlo lot and land speculator, tho mossbnek and
no hnocker, but now pooplo coming in will holp somo.
Tho loglslaturo has not roproaontod tho pooplo of Orogon for ton years.
Its refusal to comply with tho plainly and definitely expressed will of the
Ueoplo In Instnnco after Instance proves tho uttor Inability of party and
npeoplo to bo both roprosentod. 1
With tho final appropriation tnado for tho Orogon City looks tho vnluo
13 evcrj' aero of land should rlso throughout tho WIHamotto Vnlloy,
Oregon -wants tho best laws. It wants tho best machlnory. Why should
it not hnvo tho first ns woll as tho second.
... 9nKa&fH3toi
Many Women
Cautionary Nate i Dt ai
you gt this tov tte
that hft ti,m.nUl.
reada " tiw Perfection.
dread having to prepare an elab
orate dinner because they are
not sufficiently strong to stand
over an intensely hot coal
range. This is especially true
in summer. Every woman
takes pride in the table she sets,
but often it is done at tremen
dous cost to her own vitality
through the weakening effect of
cooking on a coal range in a
hot kitchen.
It 1.1 no longer necessary to wear
yourself out preparing a fine dinner.
Even in the hem of summer you can
cook a largo dinner without being
worn out.
Blew PerAction.
LIU L i MB i 4 .ifiiu WW tVsflUHQ
Oil Cook-stove
Gives no outside heat, no smell, no smoke. It will cook the biggest dinner
-without heating the kitchen or the cook. It I Immediately lighted and iniwuil
tutly extinguished. It can be changed from n alow to a quick fire by turning a
muiR, nere o no aruugery connected wltli it, no coal to carry, no wood to ebcp,
"You don't have to wait fifteen or twenty minutes till its fite gete going. Apply u
Until and It's read v. Bv slmnlv turning the wicV
intense heat on the bottom of the pot, pah, "kettle or oven, and nowhere eit. It
baa a Cabinet Top with shelf for keeping plataa and. food hot, drop shelves tor
eff, teapot or saucepan, and even a rack for towels. It anvti time, worry,
ath and temper. It does all n woman needs and more titan she exneeta. Made
with 1,2, and 3 burners j the 2 and 3-burner else can be had with er without
Mrttf dealer tnrrwttM i it wl at yean. n u f . i ow't ts, hwn huj or tea
Standard OH Company
Tho Lebanon Strawberry, Flower
and Fine Stock show on tho lost
threo days of tho week was attend
ed by thousands of peoplo from all
ovor tho- Willamette valley. Tho
attendance on tho threo days totaled
nearly 10,000 people and tho closing
day witnessed a largo excursion
from Albany. Tho city of Lebanon
has certainly, done wonders to make
this place and tho surrounding coun
try another Hood River strawberry
district. Tho business men of Leb
anon are entitled to tho highest
pralso for their public spirit and tho
ladles for their civic pride. On the
second day Hon. B. F. Mulkey do
Uvcred an address In which ho
touched on national topics and he
was welcomed by many peoplo as an
old friend of this section of tho
stato and many urged hlra to make
tho race for Congress.
Strawberry Prizes.
Tho commlttoo to award the
strawberry prizes was E. Hofer of
Salem, B. F. Mulkey of Medford,
and Alox Porter of Halsey. The
award was as follows:
Orand prizo to Clem Bros.,
packed' by Mrs. F. M. Sherman.
First on Marshall Cle mBros., sec
ond, John Rickets.
First on Magoon to John Rlckols,
second, A. Crossen.
First on Gold Dollar, A. F. Hall
and Sons, second to Swlnk and Fltz
wator. Brandywlne, H. C. McTimmons.
Clark's Seedling, Hall & Sons.
Oregon Improved, John nickels.
Excelsior, Hall & Sons.
Jumbo, E. B. Watters.
Excelsior, Hall & Sons.
Oregon Original package, F. M.
Largest display by ono grower,
flvo crates different varieties, Hall &
Exhibitors in Detail.
Thero were about 40 crates en
tered for prizes. Tho Marshall ber
ry is tho ono that Is grown and
shipped most extensively. Tho Le
banon strawberry Is finding its way
Into tho best markets in tho state,
and peoplo aro calling for them
wherever they have been Introduced.
F. M. Shormnn (husband or Mrs.
Ummenhofor,) showed three crates,
Marshall's, Mngoon's, and one
grown by Clem Brothers, "just ber
ries." Tho latter was a dirty crat?
with loaves and stoma and straws
mixed In. It wns a fine lako-off on
tho old careless way of doing
things. It was labolled: "Grown In
a cow .posture; picked by a mule
cow, and packed by a cyclone."
J. F. Swank and Roy Fltzwator
had throo crntes dold Dollar very
oftrly and too ripe and two of Mn-
goon. Tiioy navo 15 acres in sirnw-
herrlos nnd Mr. Swlnk Is working
hard to form a growers' union.
.E. E. Watters showod two crates
-Magoon nnd Jumbo. Ho Is grow
ing tho first season nnd has out five
G. W. Jenkins, crato Mnrshall.
E, E. Taylor, crates Marshall, Ma
goon, Brandywlne.
John Rlokels, crates Orogon Im
proved, Marshall.
B. F. Burnett,. crato Magoon.
A. F. Hall & Son, six cralos, Ma
goon, Gold Dollar, Clark's Excelsior
and Brandywlne.
A. Crossan, Mngoou.
A. Clom, Magoon and two crntes
B. F. Simpson, Mnrshall mid Ma
Sol. Llndloy, Magoon and Mar
H. Clay McTimmons, Brandywlne,
Marshall and (Magoon.
Prizes for Itows, Junq .
Mrs. Aloxandor, Mario Henrietta,
first; Mrs. Stoops, second.
Mrs. D. T. Pttohford. Paul Noron,
first; Mrs. Bllyou, socond.
Mrs. Bllyou, La Franco, first;
Mrs. Stoop, socond.
Mrs. Bllyou, La Mnrk, first.
Mrs. Hopo, Madam Wagran,
White Mamnn Cochot, Madam Caro
lina Twtout, first.
Mrs. Compton, Rod Rumblor.
Mrs. Stoops, Kaisorln Augusta
Vlotorln. and Cherokee, first.
Miss A. Blaoklaw, Whlto Baby
Ilnmblor, and Iris, first.
Mrs. Stoops, Lady Battorsoa,
Mrs. Baoh, Klllnrnoy, Ton Rose,
and Oliver, first
Miss O. M. Armstrong, Frau Karl
Droosky, first
Mrs. Amors, Ulrlc Brunner, first.
Principal Rose Exhibits.
Mrs. J. C. Mayer, Mrs. St. John3,
Mrs. Jos. Smith, Mrs. H. B. Lucas,
Mrs. Grcsham, Mrs. Frank Mont,
Mrs. Stoops, Mrs. Beatrice, Newport;
Mr. Geo. L. Allen, Mrs. Bach, Mrs.
Bllyou, Mrs. Hope, Mrs. Compton,
Miss Anna Blaoklaw, Mrs. Hardy,
Mrs. Pltohford, Miss Wooddock.
Mrs. Amos, Mrs. Zyeslng, Mrs. Jen
kins, Mrs. Robert Ray, Mrs. Halne3,
Mrs. Skinner, ' Mrs. Taylor, Mrs.
Hubbs, Mrs. C. D. Stoon, Mrs. Case.
Mrs. Arnold, Mrs. Paloton, Mrs.
Ferdinand Seek, Mrs. St John, Mrs.
Buhl, Mrs. Qullhot, Mrs. Jackels,
Mr. Morgan, Dr. Klmmel, Miss
Crandall, Mrs. Llndley, Mrs. Waters,
Mrs. Klrkpatrlck, Mrs. C. H. Ral
ston, Mrs. Scrogglns, Mrs. Cunning
ham, Mrs. Leo Bllyeu, Mrs. Daggett,
Mrs. Sogers, Mrs. Epperly.
Tho Flower Exhibits.
Tho largo pavilion was ono great
bower of roses and peonies. Tho
Lebanon ladles are very successful
rose growors, and there were fresh
displays mado each day and prizes
awarded each day. Tho whole pa
vilion was mado gorgeously beauti
ful by the display of 20 varieties of
peonies grown by John D. Allen, tho
most extensive grower of this beau
tlful flower in the northwest. He
Is an enthusiast and entered no
flowers for premiums. Tho largest
part of his crop was sold this yoar
in Portland, whero ho shipped near
ly 2,000 blooms.
Tho peoplo of Lebanon exerted
themselves to tho utmost to enter
tain tho crowds, and on Saturday
freo strawberries were served to
thousands. Lebanon has fairly won
the distinction of being called the
strawberry city of Oregon.
How's This?
Wo offer ono hundred dollars re
ward for any case of catarrh that
cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O
Wo, tho undersigned, havo known
F. J. Cheney for tho last 16 years.
and believe him perfectly honorable
In all business transactions and
financially ablo to carry out any
obligations mado my his firm.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally, acting directly upon tho
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free.
Price, 75 cents per bottle. Sold by
all druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
So ragtime cures Insanity. Now
wo understand why It has some
times taken nn earthquake to jar a
man's memory back Into working
Tho antl-septlc powder to bo
shaken Into the shoes. If you have
tired, aching feet, try Allen's Foot
Ease. It rests the feet and makes
nqw or tight shoes easy. Cures acti
ng, swollen, hot, sweating feet. Re
lieves corns and bunions of all pain
and gives rest and comfort. Always
use It to break In new shoes. Try It
today. Sold every whero, 25 cents.
Don't accept any substitute. For free
trial package, address Allen S. Olm
sted, Le Roy, N. Y.
"Thero aro no bad boys," says ono
generous man. Mabo not, but tho
neighbors' boys aro never ns good
as ours.
Of Interest
nnd Mc-
to Fanners
Farmers and mechanics frequent
ly meet with slight accidonts and in
juries which causo them much an
noyanco and loss of tlmo. A cUt or
bruise may bo cured in about one
third tho tlmo usually required by
applying Chamberlain's Liniment cs
soon as tho Injury Is received. This
liniment is also valuable for sprains
wroness of the muscles and rhoujnu
tic pains. Thero Is no danger of
blood poisoning resulting from nn
Injury when Chamberlain's Liniment
is applied boforo the parts becomo
lnflnmod and swollon. For.salo by
all good druggists..
o .
Wo cannot all own automobiles.
Tho rost of us havo to boloug to
tho "quick and tho dead" class.
Capital National Bank, 0
Salem. Orenon. 0
0 Capital, Surplus nnd Undivided 0
Profits, $1-10,000 0
Officers nnd Directors: 0
J. H. Albort Prosldont 0
H. M. Crolsan. .Vice-President 0
Jos. II. Albort Cashier 0
John A. Carson, 0
Goo. F. Rodgers. 0
LIXHSS. An up.to.dato bath-room is neces
sary for tho former. Consult us as
to the bast plan for your floor space,
and wo will fit you with a both room
of whlgh you will be proud, without
mueh Strain on' your poaketbook.
When Doctors Say That Nothing But
Change of Climate Will Help.
Rensw tho Blood Supply by the Tonic
Treatment and Sea if You Are
Not Saved Money.Time and
If you are suffering from a run-down
condition where ordinary remedies seem
to have no cflect and your friends and
advisors aro recommending a change of
air or climate, it is worth wliilo to con
sider trying the tonic treatment with Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills before taking their
Mrs. William Patterson, whose address
is Box 33, R. F. D. No. 4, Snohomish,
Wash., failed to regain her strength until
tho tried this tonic treatment with Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. She says:
"When I was fifteen years old I had an
attack of tho measles and was sick for
over a year. I was very weak and could
not got my rtrength back. I was so
short of breath that I couldn't walk anv
ii.. . 1 1 jit i r .. . ! r i i
distance at an wiuioub jumuiig. i. nau
awful headaches a prepter part of the
timo. I was nervoiu And run down in
flesh and strength. Friends, who 6aw
me. thought I would nover get well.
"I waa livinc at Everett and was
treated by two doctors but thoy didn't do
mo a bit of good. I was under their
care for about bix months and was getting
worn all of the time. Finally I hod to
remain in bed and tho doctor said that
nothing but a change of climate would
help mo. After being confined to bed
or a month, my mother decided to give
me Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I received
great help from a few boxes and grew
stronger and felt better in every way. I
took the pills regularly for quite a while
and was completely cured."
Whenever a tonic is needed, Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills should be given an im
mediate trial. They quickly enrich the
blood and give strength and health to
every part of the body. For this reason
they havo cored anremia, chlorosis, rheu
matism, lumbago, general debility and
tho after-effects of the grip and fevers.
Our booklet, "Diseases of the Blood,"
wfu be seat free noon tho reauest of anv
sufferer from impure or impoverished
Dr. WilliesM Pink Pills are sold bv all
druagSstot or will be sent, postpaid, on
reoetot of price. 60 cents ner box: six
bun for 92.50, by the Dr. Williams
Medicfaa Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
Ontario is offering a $5 bonus for
all servant girls brought over from
Europe by tho Salvation Army or
other organization. Wouldn't that
smash your best china!
Price is not the
measure of en
joyment. The
man who smokes
Obak Cigarettes
does so by. pref
erence. He finds , in the
flavor of the
skillfully blend
ed tobacco an
intangible some
thing that seems
to meet his indi
vidual taste.
Then there is a
dainty mouth
piece to make
the smoke cool
and pleasant.
San Fraaclico
in English
"Hampton's" has exclusive rights to publish
"Chantecler" in English.
" Chantecler " is the most talked of literature of
the century. It begins in the'June "Hampton's" and
continues through July, August and September, all
most profusely and exquisitely illustrated in colors.
To make sure of getting the translation complete,
you must secure the June, July, August and Septem
ber issues of Hampton's Magazine.
Greatest Sensation Since "Trilby"
All Paris is talking of " Chante
cler." "Chantecler" holds your inter
est from the start because it tlls an
exquisite story alive with under
standing of a world's weaknesses,
a world's virtues and a world's com
mon kin-ship.
"Chantecler" will be the one ab
sorbing topic of fashionable club,
drawing-room and veranda conver
sation this summer.
The only way you can take Intel
ligent part is to read "Chantecler",
in Hampton's Magazine.
Subscribe NOW Not Safe to Wait
August and September contain
ing "Chantecler" complete, beauti-.
fully illustrated in colors, for only
The advance demand for
Hampton's Magazine containing
"Chantecler" has been phenomenal.
No one can tell where it will end.
Therefore, we ask"advanct sub
scriitumt." Please don't put off. Please
don't delay. Please send your sub
scription at once. As an induce
ment for you to do this, we offer
you the four issues June, July,
60 cents.
Send a dollar bill at our risk
for two four-month subscriptions
to Hampton's Magazine, or one
subscription for eight months.
If you wjsh Hampton's for a
year send fl.GO. Address
Hampton's Magazine
66 West 35th Street
We Stand Back of
The Farmer
This aod bank believes that much of Its success fs due to tho
many friends It has among tho farmers of this community. Our
bank always Las, and will continue to offer ercertlonal facilities
to the farmer, ot alono In safe-guarding his funds, but In lend
ing him money to tide over the "tlght"plaoe-: In tho year's
Agriculture and finance go hand In hand, and el'.h ono can
bo without tho oth-r. Wo will try to hold up our end by standing
back of our farmers to tho ull extent of our r.blllty.
United States National Bank
Salem, Oregon
Will never get Imposed upon by
dealing at E. C. Cross & Son's, for
wo keep nothing but tho besl of
meats. All tender fresh and of
that fine flavor as only choice
meats 'have. Our steaks, chops,
roasts, etc., are as good as thoio
served at the W.hlto House, or at
the table of H. R. M. King George
Portland's Popular Fire-Proof
The House of Comfort Combined
With Elegance
Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service in
city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12
p. m,
Most Derfectlv furnisherl. mnrlp.
modern hostelry In the metropolis of tne
Owners and Managers,
Also Operating Seattle Hotel, Seattle.
Telephone Main 550.