Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 06, 1910, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Ohio and Naiad Dress Shields J. C. Co. Ribbins', Best Made, Ladies' Home Journal Patterns.
June Number Ladies' Home Journal now on Sale in the Pattern Section, Price Fifteen Cents
Unprecedented Value Giving Event of Women's and
Misses' Ready-to-Wear Garments, 1st Floor
In anticipation of larger fall business and to make room for the largest orders wo have over placed on
ready-to-woar garments for women and misses, wo originated tho Make-Room Sale and have sacrificed the
prices on all wool tailored suits to far below tho maker's cost. Our storo covers all tho available floor
space in this block; to onlargo It at present Is Impossible; to give values is possible, and that Is just what
wo aro doing, and economical shoppors and money-savers should take advantage. Our entire stock of wool
suits grouped into thrco lots and prices as follows:
$28 to $50.00 Suits, Make Room Special Price, $23.85
$20 to $25.00 Suits, Make Room Special Price, $14.85
$14 to $27.00 Suits, Make Room Special Price, $9.95
Linen Suits, Silk Dresses, Wash Skirts, Pongee Coats and
Lingerie Dresses Reduced from 20 to 50 per cent during
the White Sale and Blue Ribbon Event. Supply-your needs
' I
Cut Glass 1-2 Price
1 00 pieces Drummers
No two alike; a beautlfbul assortment of choice
pattorns to choose from at one-half their real
worth. A lucky purchase gines us one of the'
snappiest, brlghtost lines of cut glass that was
ever sent out on tho road for tho merchants to
chooso from; a drummer would not think of
starting out without tho choicest pieces his
houso had, and thoso aro just what wo picked up
at a prlco that enables us to offer them at exactly
Half Priqe
(Seo largo display.)
In Natural Colors
Tho modern art of adulterating Is. unknown to
Jtho- -Oriental peopjo, therefore tho imported
China Pongoo is tho best wearing, softest, most
durablo fabric woven. It is mado in tho same
crudo way that our great grandmothors spun
tholr wool, from tho raw material to tho finished
fabric it is entirely woven by hand a process
those natives have used for ovor 1000 years.
Soo this now showing. 75A to S2-50 Ul V-
Owl Cut Rate Prices on Toilet Articles
7c, 17c, 27c, 37c Sale for MONDAY only
A little pin monoy can be put to a good' advantage Monday in the
largo Notion Section. Read this list over carefully. Others don't
match our prices.
Eastman's Talcum; regu
lar 25c kind at
Kutch Talcum, 25c kind,
special ,
French Paper Powder,
25c book, special ....
Rougo do Theater, 25c
kind, special . .'
Hudnut's Violot Talcum
25c kind, special
Hudnut's Violet Face Pow
der, 750 kind, 'special
Eastman' Camphor Ice,
10c kind, special
Eastman's Cold Cream
25o kind, large size
Eastman's Cold Cream,
10c kind, small slzo 7
Mme. Norton's Faco Pow- '
der, 50c kind, special 37$
Requa's Comploto Manicuro
sets, 25c kind, at 17$
Arnold's Ungal Nail Luster, "
50c kind, at 37
Arnold's Ungal Nail Luster,
25c kind, at 17$
Eastman's Carnation Per
fume, 50c kinds, at 17$
Eastman's Camphor Ico,
10c values, at ?"$
Mum Mum prevents perspira
tion, 25c box at
Jergen's Dutch Sandalwood
Soaps, 25c box at ..
Jergen's Voilet de Lorme
Soaps, 25c box at
Jergzon's Roso do Lorme
Soap, 25c box at
Jorgon's Medicated Carbolic,
1 Oc cako soap
Jergen's Olive Castile, ,10c
cakes, special at
Tooth Brushes', regular 25c
kinds, your cholco. . . .
Nail Files, 10c and 15c
kind at ...... .M . .
Wash Rag Bags, regular
kinds, special
17 $
17 f
Do you want a pair of shoes absolutely free?
Would you take them if we offered them to
you? Certainly you would. Well, wo are giv
ing a pair of $3.60, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 and
$6.00 shoes absolutely free with one of our all
wool summer suits selling at $15.00 or over;
and this offer Is meeting with much favor is as
sured by tho rapid selling of these suits. In our
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
clothes wo have something for every taste, and
we can fit every man " who comes physically
mentally and financially. We want you to get ac
quainted with the unusual merits of these clothes,
It will pay you to do it. The all-wool quality is in
them, shapekeeplng, fine tailoring and correct
style, and a pair of newest shape shoos made
from the best of leathers, all for the price of
the suit.
This store is the home of Hart, Schaffner
& Marx Clothing, Boys' White Wash
Suits, Hats, Caps, etc, at White Sale
Special Reduced Prices.
Irrigation Notice -
Irrigation bills aro now due. If
paid on or before Juno 10, they will
bo subject to tho usual 10 per cent
discount. No discount on irrigation
bills after Juno 10. Salem Water
Company. G-G-5t
County Board to Convcno
Tho Board of County Commission
ora will convono again tomorrow, and
at that time will probably rondor
decisions upon a nuinbor of roud and
school district manors which it .has
undor consideration, Thoro Is also
considerable routine business to bo
Notice to Ofllccrs
And motnbors of Sodgwlck Wo
man's Rolief Corps No. 1 aro kindly
requested to moot at tholr hall Tues
day, Juno 7, at 1 o'clock, sharp, for
tho purposo of attending tho fuuoral
of Slstor Kato Hurd. By ordor of
tho prosldont. Mario Thornton, pros
".Idcnt; Hattio Camoron, secretary.
Bought Butcher Business
John, Hanson has recontly bought
out tho Royolta butchor shop on
Commercial stroot. Under tho new
xnanagomont tho old help will bo re
tained, and tho business of tho shop
-will bo continued practically tho same
aa under tho old, Mr. Hanson's in
tention Is to mako his now shop
strictly modern in ovory particular,
Iiong All Right
O. H. Long, who sustained a brok
on ahouldor blado last woelc in a
runaway, is reported as much hotter
today. Mr. Long nt tho time was
engaged In moving tho offocta of tho
old muto school to tho now site
when going down a hill tho brakes
on Iho wagon failed to work, and
tho horses beoamo frightened and
t&n away. Long leaped from the
-wagon and on striking the ground
stumbled and broke his shoulder
Change In Hill Cigar Store
A chnngo just mado in tho man
ngomont of tho Hill cigar storo was
tho buying of a half intorest in tho
businoss by Harry Ralph. Mr. Ralph
Is now connoctod nctlvoly with tho
now management of tho placo.
Bar Examinations
Tho stnto supremo court bar oxara
ination will bo' hold tomorrow, and
will continuo for a poriod of two
days. Thero aro 60 applicants for
examination, and 12 of thoso are
graduates of tho Wlllamotto College
of Law.
Blnzo nt tho Mill
A small blaza broko out in tho
automatic foodor of tho mill of the
Spaulding Lumber company Satur
day afternoon, but it was immedi
ately discovered by tho employes
and extinguished. The origin of It
Is not known, but it Js presumed
that it startod from a spark of tho
Want Boundary Lino Established
C M. Smith today filed a suit In tho
circuit court against J, L. Cain. Tho
action is brought for tho purposo of
establishing a boundary lino betwoon
land owned by tho two litigating par
ties, and a commission la, asked to be
appolntod to tako up tho mattor.
Dr. Kimball's Address
Dr. Kimball, dean of tho Kimball
Collogo of Theology, last ovonlng de
livered tho baccnlauroato address to
tho graduating class of tho institu
tion at tho First Mothodlat church.
Thero oro 11 graduatos from this
colloge this yoar. Dr. Kimball's ad
dress was exceptionally lnt,oro8tlng,
and throughout its delivery ho was
awarded ,tho olosert of attention.
Autos In B toy ton
Dr. Charles H. Browor loft Satur
day for Portland to buy an putimo
bile, whlah will &mkft thC'Blnth
auto in gtnyton. n town of 100 vapu
latlon. Stnyton has certainly be
come the automobile town of the!
state. 1
Governor Benson Much Better
Hon. C. N. McArthur, secretary to
Governor Benson, received advices
today stating that tho governor was
very much improved in health, and
that ho will return to this city, and
tako up his dutios in tho course of 10
days. Tho attack of la grlppo from
which tho governor was suffering
when ho departed has left him, and
his faco troublo is also decidedly im
proved. Armory for Company M
At a mooting of Sedwlck Post,
Grand Army of tho Ropubllo, hold In
tho city Saturday afternoon a com
mittoo was appointed to aid in tho
furtherance of a campaign being
conducted for an armory for Com
pany M. Tho commltteo consists of
D. W. Mathews, Judgo Webster,
Col. T. O. Smith and W. H. Bynrs.
Tho commltteo will ontor in upon its
labors immediately, and hopos to ac
complish much In tho campaign.
Bacral mi ren t o A d d ro,s.s
Dr. Homan, president of tho Wll
lamotto university, yestorday morn
lng dollvorod tho bacoalauroato ad
dross for tho graduating class of the
Salem High School at tho First
Methodist church. Dr. Homan do
llvorod, both an Instructive nnd
oloquent address, and it was
thoroughly appreciated by tho largo
To Speak Hem Wednesday
H. J. Parkinson, editor of the
Portland Labor Press, will deliver
an address Wednesday ovonlng, at
tho Unitarian church In this city on
several of tho Initiative measures to
bo voted on nt tho coming election.
Ho will doroto his spoolnl attention
to tho employers liability aot, nnd
tho people's Inspectors and propor
tional representation, and tax
amendments, Mr. Pprklnson Is a
good speaker, and hna made
thorough study of the measures up
on which he will apeak.
Plays No More This Year-
The peultenltary tvm defeated 1 CJowPny-
Irrigation Notice-
Irrigation bills aro now due. If
paid on or boforo Juno 10. they will
bo subject to tho usual 10 per cent
discount. No discount on Irrigation
bills after June 10. Salem Water
Company. 6-G-5t
tho Wlllametto university team by a
scoro of 4 to 3 Saturday afternoon
Tho game was both fast and inter
eating, and but few errors were
mado. This closes tho season for tho
university team, nnd whilo It has
not won many games it has had
somo mighty hard opposing teams
to contend with, and has dono some
excellent playing, and tho team is
left in a splendid condition to re-
sumo tho work for noxt year.
Fixed Trico of Prunes ,
Tho prune growers of tho torrl
tory ndjacont to tho city hold a
mooting nt tho Salem Fruit Union
headquarters Saturday and formed
a pool, and flxou tno prlco for 40
and 50s nt 3 conts. A quartor .if
a cent drop was made with relation
to tho smallor prunes, and a prlm
ium was mado for tha larger ones.
Tho price of tho Petites will bo 3 Vi c.
It was tho consensus of opinion ox-
prossod among tho fruit men thnt
tho prune crop would be considera
bly shorter this year than last.
Paper nt Aumsvllle
John Aldon Seabury will Issue tho
first numbe of tho Aumsvlllo Ad
vnnco, a new weekly newspaper, on
Tuesday. Juno 7. H will be a seven
column, four page paper to begin
with, nnd may enlarge later if the
business warrants. Tho publication
says that ovory businosa man In
town will advertise in tho now paper,
whloh will be conducted along
indepoudont Uses.
Irrigation Notice
Irrigation bills are now due. If
paid on or before June 10, they will
be subject to the usual 10 per cent
d'scouut. No dtaeount on Irrigation
bills after June 10. Salem Water
HURD At No. 265 North Commer
cial street, Suuday, June 5, 1910,
Kathorine Augusta Hurd, be
loved wife of Jarvls Hurd, ago 52
years, G months, 9 days. She
leaves to mourn her loss a hus
band and two sons, one residing
at Tormlnal, Callt.
Tho remains aro at tho Cottage
Undertaking Parlors, and services
will bo held at tho Chapel Tuesday,
Juno 7, 1910, at 1.30 p. m. The
Rev. Selllck will officiate, and Inter
ment under direction of the W. R
C. of tWs city,
PATESON At tho houpltal for the
insano, Saturday, A. J. Pateson
aged 74 years, tho causo of death
being apoplexy.
Tho funeral was held yesterday af
ternoon. Tho deceased leaves a son
at Eutopla, Washington, and a dnugh
ter at Athena, Oregon.
Church Estate Closed Up
Judgo Bushey today closed the es
tato of James Church and relieved
administrator Eva Qul'nn from furth
or duty in connection with it. The
ostato was valued at $5000.
Entertained tho Smiths
Mr. ana Mrs. it, u. Houston on-
tortalnod Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Smith
and daughter of Prlnevllle, and Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Smith and two chil
dren of Portland, on Sunday. The
Smiths aro cousins and uncles nnd
aunts to the Houstons and were
touring in their auto8. Tho Prlne
vllle Smiths will spend a week at
Portland during tho Roso carnival.
To Have Jesuit University,
Chicago, Juno 6. San Franolaoo
baa been selected as the site of onaj
of three new universities to lo
founded by the Jesuit Order. The
other cities ehQgen are New Orleans
and Boston. Plana for the unlverst
ties are nearly completed and tho
work of establishing the schools will
be underUkeil in the near future.
06 B
Sheriff Mlnto and his staff of
deputies, Chief of Police Gibson, and
his officers, and Constable Ira Ham
ilton, aro scouring the city, and ad
jacent country this afternoon for tho
fiend who attempted to violate tho
person of Hattio Braill, tho little
elsht-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Christ Braill, of this city
while she was roturnlng homo from
school at noon today. Despite the
fact that tho officers have virtually
combed tho city, their efforts up un
til late this afternoon had proven
futile, but they have been furnished
a good description of tho' man by the
little girl, and also by persona to
whom ho -delivered pictures, and It
is believed that he can not escape.
When tho news of tho attempted
rape became known It spread like
wild flro over tho city, and many ot
tho citizens joined the officials in
tho search, and indignation against
the fiend Is at a high pitch.
Coaxes Her to Accompany Him
Pretty llttlo Hattio Braill was on
her way homo from tho Lincoln
school, when she was accosted by
the stranger. Sho was in a hurry,
and was running and ho callol to
her to halt, but sho proceeded on
her .way, and then he grabbed her
by the shoulder. This was near the
residence of Julius Hopp. After he
had succeeded in detaining her he
told her he was delivering pictures
that he had taken of homes in the
city, and that he wanted her to ac
company him while ho delivered
somo of them, and then ho would go
home with her and take a picture of
her home. She finally yielded to his
pleadings and they visited two rest
dences one of them that of Georgo
Dunsford and from them the offi
cers obtained a good description of
the man. During theso visits he
cautioned the llttlo girl to keep
quiet and sho did.
Girl's Screams Save Her.
After visiting the two residences
he lured her into an unoccupied
tract known as Lord's block, and
then, according to the little girl,
sho became frightened and began to
believe "ho was a bad man." "I
was afraid to run," sho Bald, "be
causo ho might kill me, and I went
with him." Upon this tract of
ground thero Is a grove and it was
after entering this grove that he
sought to accomplish his fiendish
purpose. Ho requested the girl to
comply with his desires and upon
her failure and protest he choked
her and hurled her to the ground.
Tho little girl screamed and it was
her screams that saved her from
harm from his fiendish attack Her
screams attracted the attention of
Mrs, Dan Fry, and Dan Fry, Jr., who
were near the barn at their resi
dence on High and Oak streets and
they ran in the direction from
which tho screams camo. The Lord
block is located on the corner, just
opposite the Fry residence, and as
soon as tho fiend obsorved Mrs. Fry
and her son coming ho abandoned
his purposo and fled.
Tursned but Escapes.
Dan Fry, Jr., saw him come run
ning from the unoccupied tract and
out upon High street and started In
hot pursuit. Ho fled down High and
to South Mill creek whore he disap
peared in tho brush, and this was
the last seen of him. The llttlo girl
was found by the Frys and County
Clerk Allen, who was returning
from lunch, and taken by -the latter
to her homo on South Commercial
street, where she was delivered
over to hor paronts. An examina
tion showed that savo from receiv
ing a severe nervous shook she was
An Itinerant Photographer.
Tho man, whoever ho may be. Is
by profession an itinerant photo
grapher. Ho first made his appear
ance horo ns near as can.be learned,
Saturday. Slnco his arrival In tho
city he has been engaged in taking
pictures of residences and disposing
of them to the owners, and he was
engaged In delivering them todny
when ho mado his attack on the
Braill girl. According tp the dea
cription given of him he was about
20 years of ago, was well dressed,
had black hair, rather tall, and wore
a gray checked cap.
Ofllcor Murphy about 3 o'clock
this afternoon arrested a man
named Frank Perry at the Florence
Hotel. Ho admits" being in the nlc-
turo business and is being held un
til ho can be Identified or oleared by
the little girl.
Attention, Comrade
The comrades of-the G. A. R. are
requested to meet at the Cottage Un
dertaking Parlors at 1:30 p. m.,
Tuesday, June 7. to attend the fu
neral of the wife of Companion Herd. 1
V. A. Thompson, commander. I
Now York, Juno 6. Just beforo
tho closo of the stock market today,
stocks crumbled rapidly, and heavy
offers of railroad stocks wero mado
on "tips' that President Taft would
not accede to tho request of Eastern
railway presidents to stop federal In
junction suits against tho proposed:
raise in railroad freight rates.
A drlvo In St. Paul was unopposed,,
tho stock dropping three points
Reading and Union Pacific followed
later with five points loss. Tho entire
list was half demolished by the ru
mors. In tho last 15 minutes, however,,
tho stocks rallied slightly, and the
market was firm at tho close
H. H. Turner nnd wife go to.
Portland todny to attend the Rose?
Carnival for a week.
Mrs. James . Chlnnock, and mo
ther left today for Portland, where
they will visit for a week.
District Attorney John McNary
wont to Portland on professional
business today.
Rev. Errott, of the Christian:,
church, was a Portland visitor to
day. State Engineer Lewis went to
Portland on business In connection
with his office this morning.
A. Streltf, of Hillsdale, is a visitor
in tho city.
Clarence L. Eaton, of Oregoit
City, was transacting business In th?
city today.
Geo. VIdal, of Portland, Is a busi
ness visitor In the city today.
M. Merwln, and wife, of Indepen
dence, spent the day In the city.
W. S. Wiley, of Klamath Falls.
spent Sunday In tho city.
Theodore Beeker, of Corvallls,
was a Sunday visitor in the city.
B. F. Mulkey, of Medford, is in.
tho city.
L. A. Launders, of Grants Pas3,
who has been spending several days
in the city, returned to his home today.
Dr Epley Accepts.
Salem, Oregon Juno 6, 1910.
To tho Taxpayers of School District
No. 24:
Gentlemen: Deeply appreciating:
your petition requesting mo to be
come a candidate for re-election as
director of School District No. 24,
and, after taking the, same under ad
visement, I have decided to accept th
nomination. If electedj I will con
tinuo the same progressive policies as
heretofore followed, and do all In my
power for the betterment and ad
vancement of our public schools.
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Snlem, Or.
Norwich Union
Fire Insurance Society
Frank Meredith, Resident Agent
Room 13 Bush Bank Blk, Salem, Or.
w p w t n n a v
h 1 w r 1
FOR SALE First class newananar
folding machine 4-6-S-10 or 1?
pages folded at once up to a full
sized 7 column paper. Cheap if
taken soon. Speed 1800 to 20001
per hour. Inquire Journal Salem,
Oro. 3-21-tf
TOR SALE Sovoral houses in Sa
lem, and farm lan-ls at a bargain.
Capital National Bank. 6-1-eod
sortment, now and second-hand.
Also vault doors. Call or write
for prices today. Portland Safe
Co., Agts. Genuine Hall Safe.
87 5th St., Portland, Ore.
FOR RENT Three-room house. Also-
furnished housekeeping rooms. A.
Ollnger, 961 Mill. Phone G47.
FOR SALE Yountr Jqi-sov cms.' 4
years old, gentle, giving 2 gal-,
Ions milk per day; $35.00. D. R.
Ruble, Route 1, Salem. 6-G-3t-
er, one year's experience. Good
references. Main 32G. G-6-3t
Lot, Miller and Saginaw; ?650; ex
cellent buy.
Lot 50x200 on 24th st.; $10 down,
balanco $5 per month.
Now bungalow on southeast corner
of 17th and Court sts.; $3750;
Lot In Highland ave; $10 down, $5-
per month.
Lot, 40x160, half block of state house-
Lot, 13th and Center streets, $1050;
a good buy.
Hxcellent lot on 23d street, $190t
$10 down, $5 per month.
Terms can be had on all of the above.
Room 5. McCornack Bldg.
Phono 80 or 1028.