Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 02, 1910, Image 1

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    VOL. XX.
N. 125.
The Filing of Suits to h nt
the Railroads Raising fa
Freight Rates Is Probably
the Beginning of a Long
Drawn Out Battle.
Attorney-General AVickershnm Snys
the Roads Tried to ICeep the
Movement to Increase tlio Rates
Secret Until It Was Too Lnto for.
Shippers to Act Commuters on
Lines to Jersey City Are Raised
From $3 to $5 a Month Protests
Filed in Bundles.
Washington, Juno 2. The filing
of the suit against the 25 "Western
railroads which resulted in a tem
porary injunction against rate in
creases granted by Federal Judge
Dyer at Hannibal, Mo., is said to bo
the first move in a campaign against
railroad abuses by tho department
of justice. Complaints from all
parts of the country where rate in
creases are proposed will bo made,
It is understood, and theso com
plaints it is intimated by the de
partment of justice, will result in
suits similar to that already filed.
.In some cases protests agains In
creases have already been made and
in other cases the action is expectod
to follow tho filing with tho inter
state commerce commission the
schedules Increasing tho former
A protest against tho rates be
tween Chicago and St. Paul, rang
Ing from 10 to 30 per cent will be
mado, It is understood.
Commutors between New England
and Now Jersey points have com
plained at tho action of the railroads
in Increasing the rates so that the
tickets cost from $2 to $5 more
monthly than the former rate. J
suit is apt to follow. ,
Attorney-General Wtckershdtn to
day declared tho administration had
been urging a law which gives the
terstato commerce commission
r to Investigate rates before
tlu 3como effective. He declared
that the roads already sued had en
deavored to keep the rate increases
secret until too late for tho shippers
to act.
When tho resolution offered by
La Follette, urging Wickersham to
enjoin tho Western trunk lines from
increasing their rates was filed came
up in tho senate today La Follette
was not present and action was de
ferred. It is probable that the reso
lutlon will be withdrawn.
He Crossed Channel Twice.
Dover, Eng., June 2. Charle3
Stewart Rolls, aviator, established a
new world's record with tho aero
plane this evening. Rolls flew acros3
tho English channel, landed In
France and after a short rest made a
successful return flight to England.
Rolls' entire flight consumed 35
minutes. It was a most spectacular
ono, tho atmosphere being so clear
that Dover -spectators could see the
entire flight and Rolls landing on
the French side.
He landed in Franco at 6:35 this
evening and after a rest returned,
landing near hero at 8:05 o'clock.
Flow Across Channel.
Dover, Eng., Jupe 2. Charles
Stewart Rolls, tho aviator, flew
across tho English channel this af
ternoon. The aviator started from
the English shore at 6:30 this evening.
backed into town, and Mrs. Prossor
was arrested.
She had been following her former
husband, In an effort to get him to
return to her over slnco tho divorce
was granted. On that day, May 13,
sho took dinner with him at a local
hotel. Later In tho day she locked)
him in a room at tho hotel. Prosser
was afterwards hidden by his friends
who told his former wife that he had
gono back to his, former homo in Lis
bon, Ohio. Sho immediately went
east, but on arriving at Ohicagp found
mat uer rormor nusoand was sun in
Seattle. She started West again
Mrs. Vera" Prosser, of Seattle Qmet Prossor a-co,dental,y ln 3
and Cleveland, 0., Charged
With Killing Her Husband on
Great Northern Train Yes
Prosser was accompanied on his
Eastern trip by Manager Miller, of
tho local Winton automobile garage,
and A. H. Schaefer, another garago
employe. Prosser was an agent of
the W(nton company,
Telegrams from Miller and Schaef
er confirm tho dlnnntnli from tnn.
. a n l "r" n a a " - III.. nijM,
WAWItU IU lafcl Him HAUK tana
Recently in attempting to slip
away from her, Prosser missed his
Sho at Ono Time Locked Him in Hotel train. Ho Jumped into an automo
Room. But Escanh.ir Ho Was Hid. bll' and ca"Bht the tra'n Ballard
...., ., ;,. m.,., .. a suburb, only to find, upon climbing
aboard tho train, that his wifo was
Jiau Cone liast blic Hurriedly already a passenger,
Followed But Discovering the
Trick Returned Met Him at Spo
kane by Accident Ills
Found After She Left Train.
Body I
Seattle, Wash., June 2. Mrs
Vera Prosser, of Seattle, and Cleve
land, Ohio, Is alleged to have shot
and killed her divorced husband on a
Great Northern passenger train near
Libby, Mont., yesterday afternoon,
according to a special dispatch today JLYSS
to tho Seattle Star. Mrs. Prossor
was divorced from her husband od
May 18, in Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Prosser were riding
together in one compartment of the
train. A passenger in another com
partment heard a shot. Mrs. Prosser
left the train at Libby.
As tho train pulled out, Prosser's
body was discovered. The train was
We are ready to show you the greatest line of Summer Goods suitable for tho hot days of June and July
ever shown in the Willamette Valley. Summer Silk, Summer Wash Goods, Summer Suite, Summer
Waists, Summer Underwear and all kinds of Summer Goods suitable for tho hot days. We aro big buy
ers and big sellers, therefore we can give you closer prices than our competitors Our competitors' 20 per
cent hook still hangs out, BUT THE BAIT IS GETTING' STALE.
Prices now so low on ladies'
fashionable suits in wool, linen
and pongeo that no lady wanting
a stylish garment can afford to
pass up.
Linen Suits $2.45 and $3.G0
Pongee Suite. . . $4.95 anl $7.60
$18 and $20 Wool Suits
now ....$7.60, $8.60, $10.50
H6w does our competitors' 20
per cent look when you compare
them with the
9c Bleached Muslin, yd be
7 l-2c Fancy Lawns, yd 4c
15c Chambrcys, all colors,
yard 8 l-3c
12 l-2c India Linon, yd . .7 l-2c
10c White Outing Flannel,
yard 7 l-2c
6000 yards of White Wool 'Dress
goods, White Silks and White
Silk Mulls, suitable for grad
uation suits; wonderful val
ues; now. . yard 25c, 35c, 40c
25c Dutch Collars, now
10c and 15c Ruchlngs, all
new, now yard 5c
$1.00 Soiled Shirt Waists now
only 23c
Sio and $1.00 handsome Era
brpldered Shirt Waists, now
only j 40c
Juneau, Alaska, Juno 2. Louis
P. Shackleford, head of tho Ropub
lican territorial committee and ac
cused by Delegaio Wickersham and
others of being aMbbyist in Wafth-
ington for tho Gnggenhoims, aud
tho Treadwell mine owners, was do
clared "untrue - to his trust" at a
mass meeting of republicans held
hero last night. Tho meeting was
decidedly hostile to Shackleford and
declared his elimination to bo "for
tho best interests of tho party." A
call has been issued for a republican
convention to convene at Juneau.
Juno 30 to nominate a dolegato to
congress at the request of ropubll
cans-all over Alaska. Each Judicial
division was apportioned 50 delegates.
Now is tho time for bargains in
Wo have at your disposal tho
most complete lino of fashionable
mllllnory in Salem, also all kinds
of trimmings, flowers and feath
ers, so you can trim your own
hat. Wo do the volume of busi
ness, and can afford to give you
inside prices.
Misses' Trimmed Hats
and 98c.
Ladies' Trimmed Hats,
$1.95 up.
Wonderful values ln Ladies' Misses' and
5000 pairs of shoes- now
on sale. Children's shoos
2o, 35c, 49c and up.
Misses' $2.36 patent leather
shoes now $1.35. Ladies'
$3.50 patent leather shoes
A luck buy ln
Leavos prices very
email. 45c and 50c
Silk Lisle Gloves,
all .colors, now 25c,
75-cent ChamoiM
gloves now 39c;
$1.80 French Kid
Gloves, all colors,
now 98c.
49c, 75c
Pursuant to a resolution adopted
by the State Bar Association, at a
meeting some time ago declaring in
favor of a non-partisan supremo
court, tho executive committee of tho
association held a meeting at tho of
fice, of Judgo Pipes, at Portland, yes
terday afternoon, and settled upon
the afternoon of July 19, as tho timo
for the holding of an assombly for the
purpose of nqminatlng candidates.
Tho assembly will bo composed of
lawyers from all portions of tho state
and while neither tho association nor
tho oxecutlvo committee have fhdl
cated by any action as to what can-
dldatos are preferrod, It is genorally
understood that its labors will bo di
rected for tho ronomination of tho
mombors of tho present court.
Under the initiative law, whonovor
100 persons shall assemble for tho
purpose of nominating candidates for
any ofllco that is provided theso
candidates aro non-partisan, it will
not bo necessary to clroulato peti
tions. It is expectod that not only
100 attorneys of tho stats will bo
present, but a great number In ex
cess of it.
Attorney William Kaiser, of the
firm of Kaiser & Pogue, attended tho
commltteo meeting from this city.
Ernest W. Gerbacht, ex-Super
intendent of the Williams
burg Refinery of the Ameri
can Sugar Trust, Testifies
as to the System.
Gcrbncht Says "Trust Found It Dim-
cult to Cheat Tlantcrs by Under
weighing, So They Reduced tho
Goods by Fraud" Ho Snys "Hnv
enieyer, Now Dead, Ordered Him
to Falsify His Polariscopo Sugar
Tests, So That tho Company Would of tho wom$B summnod.
Jot Have to. Pay Growers So
reasoning and of cultivation and com
parison of ideas are not of asslstanco
in business.
"I dissent," said ho president,
"from the view that academic odu-
cation robs woman of her charm. I
am Quite ready and willing to con
cedo that marriage and mothorhood
are woman's natural status, and, oth-
or things being equal, sho Is happier
in that condition.
"But this far from saying that wo
man is a failure because sho Is un
marnea. Homo ana tho family aro
tho nucleus of tho highest happiness,
but if tho circumstances are such
that a woman is forced to accept a
husband vhom she does not respect
and love and who marries only to es
capo a llfo of poverty, then homo and
tho family aro unlikely to bo models
or furnish Ideals."
In tho couvse of the day tho pres
ident spent several hours with his
Boise, Ida., June -2. Tho suit of
George Church vs. James Crulk-
shank for damages for Bheep tres
passing on a rango is on trial today
before a jury, but nono of nlno wo
mon summoned to servo were la
ovldonce owing to tho diplomacy of
tho sheriff of, Idaho county, and the
willing co-operation of the husbands
Under thbsiiffrago laws of Idaho
women have a right to voto or to
servo on Juries.
I When tho Bhoriff had failed to
find mon onough to. fill Jho venire,
ho summoned women'.' "
W. Many objections woro raised b,v
Representative H. J. C. Beck
meyer, According toReports,
Will Make Confession Ex
posing Internal Workings of
Illinois Legislature.
Ho -Has Already Confessed to Re
ceiving Money to Voto for Senator
Lorimor, nnd It Is Said W1U Tell
Who Contributed to tho. Famous
"Jackpot" Divided Among tho
Legislators, What It Was For,
Who Got It, and in Fact Exposo
tho Whole- Dirty Mess.
united rnass L&xrsD Winn.
Springfield, Ills., Juno 2. A con
fession which, it is said, will divulgo
tho inner workings of the "leglsla-
New York, Juno 2. Ernest
Gerbacht, ex-superlntendont of tho the attorneys In tho caso and finally
1171111 1 n m V UUU4 TIVIH'UhB V. LUU IWhtDlU"
Williamsburg refinery of the Ameri- tho sheriff was unofficially advised ttvo jack pot syndicate" giving, tho
.. uubui wuiutjuuy, uross-ox- to recover mo summons ho had
arained today by Assistant U. S. At- served.
torney General Stlmson, in tho trial With tho asslstanco of tho bus-
names of tho men who contributed
nnd tho members of tho legislature
who received money from It as well
of tho "sugar trust" officials charged bands of tho women, tho official as tho bills which wore effected' by
with having defrauded tho govern
ment of custom duties
In his testimony ho said Henry O
Havemeyer, now dead, ordered him
to falsify Ills polariscope sugar tests
so that tho company -would not have
to pay so much for sugar to tho
Sugar is purchased from tho nlant-
ers on weignt ana grade. Tho "trust
found It difficult to cheat the plant-
ex a ui uuuurwuiKiiinK. uorDracnt
testffled, so they reduced tho gfado
1 mi i. ... "T
uj iiuu. iuo witness, oujecteu to
terming theso low test "falsification."
Gflrbracht said.
"Wo took polarlscopic tests at tho
refinery, and another test was mado
at the Wall street offices. Wo made
the refinery tests as low as possible,
and some times tho Wall street tests
were , lower still. In theso lattar
cases we wero forced to make our
figures lower. Merchants selling au
gar wero paid on the basis lower than
the lowest tests.
Will Rebuild Mill.
North Bend, Wash., Juno 2. The
South Fork Lumbar Mill, two milee
east of here, totally destroyed by
fire yestorday, will probably be re
built, according to the owners today.
The loss is $200,000, half of whloh Is
said to he covered by insurance.
One hundred and fifty employes of
the plant fought the fire. More than
8,000,000 feet of lumber was also destroyed.
Philadelphia, Pa., June 2. "Love
less marriages are almost criminal,'
said President Taft today, addressing
the graduates of "Bryn Mawr college,
whoro MIsc Helen Taft is a student.
Tho president also dissented from
tho vlow that a college education un
fits man and women for a buslnoas
enroon He denied that tho power of
Was enablod to regain tho papors he
had served.
Washington, Juno 2. Members of
tho army board today aro awaiting)
further nows M the latest roportodi preparing to spread tho dragnet,' andl
it will bo mado beforo tho grand
Jury by , Representative H. J. C.
Beclcmoyer, according to reports
hero today.
That this confession will result In
a state wido thorough probe of half
tho work of the last session of the
legislature is tho statement mado by
thoso, connected wjth tho prosecutors
ofllco hero today.
Bockemeyeris one of tho figures
who confessed tfiat ho recolyed mon
ey, to v'olo 'ior WllUamriiii"erf6r"'
the. tfnitodr States sonato.
Ho agreed to testify before , the
grand Jury but aftef some consulta
tion decided to prepare a "confes
sion" first nnd apepar later. It wan
expectod that he would appear late
today but it is now expected that
Bockomoyor will appear and bo ques
tioned regarding tho statements In
tho confession.
As a result of his testimony It is
said Burko of Sangamon pounty 1st
sildo in tho Culebra cut. Tho engin
eering operations in tho Panama ca
nal .?ono, In tho vicinity of Culobra,
havo beon threatened for many
months, and tho reports bo far re
ceived Indicate that tho slido, which
is gratlual, has compolled cessation
of operations.
According to advices 12 ntoam
bhovois woro forced into Idloness. U
is also reported that COO, 000 cubic
yards of earth fell from the Cucu
racha slido and filled the bottom of
tho cut for a distance of 900 feet
across to tho foot of the opposite
Tho serai-landslido la said to have
torn up tracks and demolished work-
sheds. It will tnke several weeks to
clean up tho debris.
that legislators from all parts of the
stato will bo summoned to toll what
they know of thq leglelativo scan
dnls. Prosecutor Burke has dropped all
othor matters connected wltti the in
vestigation he has begun and will
devote his energies to developing' tho
loads which Beckomoyor's testimony
give htm.
Burko and Governor Dlnoon con
ferred this nftornoon and.lt is, un
derstood! that a definite plan of cam
paign has already been mapped out
and that tho district attorney Is pro
pared to act.
Tho revelations that havo been
outllnod by Beckemoyer are said to
bo startling In tho extreme. It is
declared that his testimony ghowe
that the Jack pot was used to influ
ence bill aftor bill In tho legislature.
It has ovon boon intimated that tho
disclosures aro buqIi thut much Of
tho legislation of tho last legislature
may be hold invalid.
A coterie of "higher ups" afle
Raid to bo implicated ln the rovola
tlons that Bockmeyor has made
nnd it is declared to be the Inten
tion of the district attorney not onli
to make mattors uncomfortablo fqr
tho legislators involved In tho scan
dul, hut also to got aftor and Indict
the men who contributed to the
" o-
Hx-Qovemor Doad.
Omaha, Neb., Juno 3 John Hop
wood Mickey, governor of Nebraskfi
from 1902 to 1906, died nt his bonus
today nt Osceola, Nebraska.
Death was caused by hardening of
tho arteries. Miakoy was uncon
scious slnco last Sunday. His funer
al probably will be hold Sunday.
If you get your paper by
mail kindly watch the tag and
see when the time is up, and
remit promptly, or notify us
to stop tho paper; otherwise
bill will be nud for the time
the paper comes after explra-
Uon of lost payment.
I it t. I.-..,. Ci,c Oomparst