Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 01, 1910, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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daily oapitai joton
Ali, nALK;
25th ANNUAL 'bLU
Today tho Codding Section (8ccond Floor) of
fers a braud now shipment of Floss Pillows as
an opening apodal for the White Bale. Every
woman should take advantage of this spoelal of
fer as they aro convenient to take on the vaca
tion or throw two or threo around 'on tho porch
or In tho den. A good pillow has many uses
and that Is the kind wo aro offering today,
20-lnch size, Juno White Days
Special at ' -22
22-lnqh sizo, Juno "White Days
Special at .......... ;i 33
24-lnch size, Juno White Days
Special at 42
26-lnch size, Juno White Days
Special at , i 4G
White Sale of Boys' Wash Suits
Tho styles aro Buster Drown, Russian Blquse,
Sailor and Middy Combination Suite with extra
pair of Knickerbocker pants. This hot woather
and those special prices will causo them to move
fast, so wo advise mothers to bring the boys In as
early as possible if you want to make selections
while tho sholng is complete.
Boys' White Hats, Caps,
Tams,Etc.,at White Sale: Prices
Make Room Sale Women's Wool Tailored Suits at Bargain Prices
Bargains do not nocossarlly mean things sold for less than their real worth, a useless or unnecessary
article is not a bargain at any prlco. But theso suits aro real bargains
Is practising true economy. Throe
Lot No. 1 Suits, values from $28.50 to $50.00; our very best models; special Make-Room. .. .23-85
Lot No. 2 Suite, values from $20.00 to $26.00; porfectly tailored, exclusive styles; to close. . .S14-85
Lot. No. 8 Suits, values from $4.50 to $27.50; grand special Make-Room Salo at only p 9.95
Musilnwear at World of Wtiite Special Prices, Lingerie andTailored Waists Reduced in
Price, 65,000 yards of Lace and Embroidery Reduced, Grand Sale of Lace Curtains at
"Special Prices, White Suitings and Waistings Reduced, White Sale of Handkerchiefs at
Special Prices, Special Prices, Hammocks at Special Prices.
Got yours boforo thoy aro gono. Wo aro closing out tho ontlro lino at prices that aro making them move
fast. Don't delay, act at onco und save monoy. (Second Floor.)
Tho children tonight at tho Grand.
Their scones with Tho Merry Cob
tiler aro Yory pretty.
Strawberry Crates
And boxes for salo at Salom FrUlt
Union. 5-19 to 0-1
GUson's barber enop
GUsan's cigar store
Qllaon's baths open all day Sunday
' 12-4-w-o-tf
Annual Juno May
At .tho Grand tonight. . Bo euro to
bo thoro. It will do you ns much
good as a month's vacation.
MoNnry Dolivorctl Address
Deputy District Attornoy McNnry
loft thin morning for Amity, whero
today ho dollvorod tho principal nd
dross at tho annual mooting of the
Yamhill Pioneer association.
Now Partnorshl
Harry Ralph has roslgned his po
sition with Collins and Hamilton,
after seven yoars with thorn, to en
ter into partnership with Lnfe Hill.
Th firm natna will still remain Lnfo
Tho Merry Cobbler
Tonight at the .Grand. Yqu oon't
afford to miss it. Tho play that will
tnnko you laugh till your etdoa ncha.
Leaped from Car "Window
O. Peterson, a laboring man,
-whilo onrouto to Lebanon from
Portland on tho Southern Pnolilo
train yesterday afternoon, leaped
from tho window In tho smoking car
whilo the train was nenring Now
Era, and In addition to sustaining a
broken leg, ho n'eo sustained sevore
brulsoa about tho ehet. He was
pinked up and placed under tho
envo of Dr, Dodmond of Canby. l
deolinod to talk about the matter,
hut It Is beltavad Umt the Imp vm
made with RuIeldAl intent.
Ltc Boon eat up your profit
Kill thl pet qulokly with Conkey'n
1,1 oe Powder, Lice Liquid, and Head
J.lw OJntuiwU- IL. W. ThiM.
THE W. H. & M.
different lots, as followp:
See Miss Ethel Thomas
Tonight as tho wronged wlfo pf
Holmes, tho villain. Your honrt will
go out to her In hor hour of sadness,
and you will rojolco with hor in hor
Is Klcctcd Queen
. Miss Litn Hayes, daughter of Ho
mer Hayes, has beon olocted queen
of tho Modorn Woodmen picnic to
bo hold in tho city Saturday. Miss
Hayoa Is popular, attractlvo, and ac
complished, and woll flttod to grace
tho position to which sho has beon
Ay cr Appointed to Commission
Hon. W. B. Ayor, of Multnomah
county, was 1oday appointed to mem
bership on tho State Library Com
mission. To Dollver Graduating Address
Stnta Superintendent of Public In
struction Ackerman loft today for
Co tt it go Grovo. whoro this evening
ho will dollvor an nddroes to the
grudunting olnae ot the high school
of that olty.
Mr. Bush Improving
Banker A. Bush wns nftooted Ly
tho boat dny boforo yoatorday and
had several fainting spells. Cooler
woathor today has holpod him and
ho is muoh improved.
Awarded Preliminary Contract
Tho Stnto Desert Land Board hold
a session yestordny nftoruoon, and
bosldoo transacting considerable
business of a routlno character, It
also entered Into n preliminary con
tract with nn irrigation company for
tho reclamation of 90,000 acres of
arid land. In Lake county.
Wo will pay aa follows for first
class produce Ship by express:
Vonl lOo
Pork 12e
Live Hens ,18o
Live spring chickens ....
pound SQo to 22 He
lies 33c
"PlRhtliiK tho lUwf Trust,'
and ovory woman who buys one
Is An Authority on Good Ronds and
Is Sent Out by Agricultural De
partment. Tho people of Salom will bo given
an opportunity tomorrow afternoon
nnd ovenlng of listening to addresses
by M. O. BIdrldgo, of tho United
States Department of Agriculture,
on tho subject of good roads, and It
will bo an opportunity which thoso
Interested in tho good road move
ment cannot afford to miss.
Mr. Eldrldgo Is thoroughly con
versant with tho subject upon which
ho will speak, and will bo ablo to
Impart Information which will bo of
lnosttmnblo value to tho people of
M10 city and county. He attended
tho rocont good roads convention in
Franco, nnd has beon in attendance
at every convention of any conso
quonco hold on tho Amoricnn conti
nent, and his association with men
who nro exports on good roads in
theso conventions, togother with his
Btudy and oxporlonco in tho subject
hns mado him an authority in the
United States,
His address will be confined, not
alone ns to what ontors into the
competition ot good ronds. but It
will covor tho various procedures t3
be foHowod in tho raising of the
ueMHry funds for their construc
tion a problem which .no.w con
fronts tho good road onthustftats of
the stttta, nnd which thoy nro anx
ious to solve. Tho subject of good
roads Is ouo that has been upper
most In tho minds of tho people of
tho city, and tho county, for some
time, but becauso of tho lack of
knowledge upon the subject thoy
havo so far been unahlo to launah
an Intelligent campaign that is as
intelligent ns desired and thev
should wolcomo an opportunity to
secure data, and information of nil
kinds tomorrow from Mr. Hldrldg.
Soro Nipples.
Any mothor who has had expor
'inw with this dlatreeelHg ailment
will be pleased to know that a oure
way Ue effected by applying Chant
Ittrlftln's Slve 88 soon as the cbl'd
la done numlug. Wine tt off with,
a soft olotU before allowing the
babe to bursa. Mauy trained n urse
uw thtt salve wjth best reeulu. For
tile by all 100 d drugK tj.
$ I
Mayor Rodgers was lato In arriv
ing last evening, and the council was
in no temper to wait, so it proceeded
to organize for the transaction of
business by calling Councilman John
son to the chair He had not held
sway long, however, before the mayor
appeared upon tho scone, when he
surrendered his gavel and took his
sca't among the aldermen. In addition
to a considerable amount of general
routlno business, tho councilman per
mitted themselves to indulge in con
siderable discussion, and tho hour
hand of the clock' was near 11 when
an adjournment was taken .
Tho ordinance committee made a
favorable report upon a petition for
tho repeal of an ordinance licensing
real estate dealers and also recom
mended that an ordinance licensing
steamboats and wharves be repealed.
An ordinance was submitted for.
their repeal, but it was committed ot
its second reading.
The committee on streets reported
that the bid of the Capital Improve
ment Company wns tho lowest for the
Improvement of Saginaw street, and
that the contract had been awarded.
It also reported In favor of awarding
tho contract for the improvement of
a block on Trade street to tho War
ren Construction Compnny, nnd this
was done
Tho sewer committee submitted an
nmendment to tho plumbing ordi
nance, and this was adopted.
A petition for the transferanco of
tho liquor license of Cooper & Mc
Donald to John Gremmolls was
A petition wns submitted by resi
dents living near Seventeenth street
and Asylum avenue, asking that the
religious meetings being held there
bo regulated. Tho petitioners com
plained that there was, too much
noise being made, that the services
were carried into late hours of the
night, and that generally it was a
nuisance. Tho matter was referred
to tho chief of police and Councllmnn
Enlivened by Tilt.
Councilman Lachraund, on behalf
of the committee on lights, reported
upon the petition of a Mr. Wasson,
in relation to 'the transferanco of a
sign from his present place of busi
ness to a new stand he will soon oc
cupy. He stated that It was his opln
derstanding that Wasson desired to
havo a post erected to sustain the
sign, nnd that he was not In favor of
It, as it -would not add to tho artis
tic side of the city; might obstruct
tho sidowalk and also intorfero with
tho cluster lights which It is proposed
to install at some future time. He
asked tho council to take action on
tho matter.
Just then Mayor Rodgers was
called to the .telephone, and Council
man Lachmund was called to the
chair, and ho asked for tho pleasure
of tho council In relation to the mat
ter. Councilman Eldrldgo directed a
general question with regard to tho
matter, and Lachmund came back
with the inquiry as to whether he
wanted to bo "officious," or whether
it was "information' ho desired, nnd
upon being ndvlsod it was the latter,
he again re-stated the proposition,
and it was roforred back to tho com
mittee and city engineer .
The city attorney submitted a
report on the matter of a strip of
land owned by tho Portland Railway,
Light & Power Company, on Four
teenth stroet, near Chomeketa, nnd
which has Interfered with tho lm-
provomont of tho street He recom-l
meuded that condemnation proceod-!
ings bo Instituted in relntlon to it,
nnd ho was so Instructed "
Tho petition for tho sprinkling, of !
North Winter stroet was roforred to.
Councilman Greonbaum.
A potltlon to lmprovo Turner!
stroot was referred to tho commlttoe
on streets.
A communication was rccolvod
from tho Oregon Electric Railroad
Compnny, stating that it would as
Hlst ns far as poseiblo in ovory re
spect In the Improvement of High
A resolution was submitted fixing
tho width of tho improvement of Cop
Itnl street at 40 feet, and also In
structing tho engineers to proceed
with tho work, and It was passed.
A resolution was submitted by
Councilman Greonbaum providing
for tho installation of came'nt walks
on tho north and south sjde of State
street oast of tho Mill Creek brldg.
This means about 11 blocks of side
walk. The olty attorney was Instructed
tcv prepare plans nnd s peel (1 cations
for the Improvement of North Com
mercial street.
Plaus and specifications were or
'er4 prepared for the construction
of a concrete bridge over North Mill
creek on North Capitol street.
Bids were submitted by the Salem
Construction Company, and also by
another firm who had no signature
attached either to the bid or check,
but they were both rejected because
of being too high.
An ordinance on the subject of the
construction of sidewalks and giving
tho council power to order and con
trol their construction was passed.
An ordinance for tho improvement
of a block on High street was passed.
So was also a bill which had for
its object the improvement of South
Commercial street. '
An amendment, submitted by tho
sewer committee, in relation to tho
plumbing ordinance, was also passed.
(Continued from page 1.)
wo have always worked harmonious
ly, and while he is engaged in busi
ness he has as much time to spare
aa tho rest of us," Und some nore
to the same general tenor and effect.
"I am sorry to have him quit, but
hope he will do less talking," inter
posed Councilman Manning, and
then Councilman Johnson leaped tn
his feet and submitted a motion that
tho matter be referred to the mayor"
with Instruction that he use his In
fluence to prevail upon him to re
Councilman Greenbaum then
gained tho floor long enough to say,
"I hope he will reconsider; I would
hate to lose him," and after Coun
cilman Eldrldgo had stated that he
had not expected "all those bou
quets," and assigned as his reason
for resigning that "old age was
creeping on and also Infirmities,"
tho question came to a vote.
The vote was not .unanimous, but
tho mayor announced' that "the ayes
seem to have It, and the ayes havo
it, and It Is so ordered," nnd so end
ed the first chapter in tho resigna
tion of Councilman Eldrldgo, and
the second is now In process of con
(Continued from pago 1.)
roads might persuade the Judge that
no inJunrtlon was necessary.
To Ru&li tho Cases.
St. Louis, Mo., June 1. Tho gov
ernment today filed an "expediting
certificate' In the federal court here
asking that the issues In the suit to
estrain the 25 western railroads from
increasing freight rates be given prec
odenco ovor other cases on the court
calendar. It was announced after the
filing of the suit that this action
would be taken.
Tho filing of tho expediting cer
tificate, according to Special Agent
Johnson, of tho department of jus
tice, is the last action that will bo
taken by tho government until tho '
July torm begins.
To Cure Cold In One Day.
Tablets. Druggists refund money if
It fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S
signature on each bo,. 2Ro TTS
Huie Wing Sang Co.
Big Sale of All Goods at 30
Per Cent Lower This Week
f8.25 Silk Kimonas, sale J6.00
$3 Fancy Nightgowns... $1. 83
$1.26 Best Cambric Drawers
45o Corset Covers 25s
JI.15 all .Hmbroldory Covers
JS.S0 Cumbrlo Wide Skirts
Wrapper, big line
7 Go to iM
$4.00 Silk WtUU. sale. .S. 75
325 N. Commercial Street
Many mixtures arc offered
as substitutes for Royal.
None of tthem Is the same In composition
or effectiveness, so wholesome and eco
nomical, nor will malce such fine food.
Baking Powder
Royal is the only Balling Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream oi Tartar
Because it desires to submit to
the people the best offer that tho
Snlem Water company can make In
relation to the salo of Its water
plant to the city, the city counc 1
last evening after considering the
proposition of a mountain water
Bysleni for the city as outlined In a
report on the subject submitted'ly
Engineer Whistler instructed the
water committee to again wait upon
the water company and learn -If It is
not desirous of making a bettor
prlco on its plant.
The question was the last matter
to bo considered "by the council and
It resolved Itself Into a committee of
the whole With Alderman Green
baum in the chnlr for its considera
tion. Mayor Rodgers then gained
the floor and proceeded to give an
outline and history of the work done
In an endeavor to secure for the city
a mountain water system. He
stated that three propositions were
now open to the city that of pur
chasing the plant belonging to the
Salem Water company that of se
curing a gravity sysfem either from
Breltenbush Springs or from tha
North Fork of the Sant'am. river,
and that the subject had now re
solved itself down to a matter of
' Submit But One Question.
He had advocated the submission
to the voters of but one question- -and
that was as to whether they de
sired to purchase the plant of tho
Salem Water company as to submit
any alternatives with it would prob
ably result In confusion and such a
division of tho vote that the wholo
subject might go down in defeat.
Under tho charter he explained, it
was mandatory to submit to the
peoplo tho proposition of the pur
chase of the present plant before ac
tion could bo taken looking to the
installation of an independent
pant, and that should the people
vote down tho proposed purchase ot
tho Salem water plant, tho council
would then bo In a position to sub
mit to tho voters tho considerations
of othor systems.
He stated he was not satisfied
with thj3 price submitted with rela
tion to tho plant, nnd that ho be
lieved that the regular water com
mittee should wait on the company,
and ascertain whether It would not
make a better offer before tho ques
tion was submitted to the people for
their vote. After considerable dis
cussion of tho subject the council
voted to do so, and a report will he
submitted by the committee at tho
next meeting of the council.
White Waists, 35 per cent
Union Suits 75c, S5c und fl.OO
65c yard Wash Silk. sale. .45c
12o yard Embroidery 80
Summer Goods, all kinds big
Mart's Pants
. .$1.26, Sl-60. $1-75. $2.00
$3.T5 Heavy Shoes, sale $2.90
46e Good UnderautU 30o
Men's Qvrhlrts
.... .ISq, 50c. 75c to $1.00
The good roads illustrated lecture
Thursday (tomorrow) will be held
in the Mascot theatre on State street
at 2:30 and SiOO o'c'ock p. m. 7t
Is free nnd everybody should see the
wonderful pictures.
Mrs. M. Montgomery, of Junction
olty, who has been visiting Mrs.
John M. Throne, returned to her
homo today.
Over Ludd & liusli Bunk, Snlcin. ( -.
Norwich Union
Fire Insurance Society
Fruni. Meredith, I'fdiduut Agent
Room 13 Bush Bank BIk, Snlem. dr.
FOR SALE First class newspaper
folding machine 4-6-8-10 or It
pages folded at once up to a full
sized 7 column paper. Cheap if
taken soon. Speed 1800 to 2000
per hour. Inquire Journal Salem,
Ore. 3-21-tt
eortmnt, new and second-hand.
Also vault doors. Call or write
for prices today. t Portland Safe
"Co., Agts. Genuine Hall Sate.
87 5th St., Portland, Ore.
Vv ANTED At once, large acreage
tracts near Salem to subdivide, by.
one of tho oldest and most relia
ble real estate firms in Salom.
Send amount and description of
land In nn envelope marked,
"Acreage," care Journal Ofllce,
Salem, Oregon. 5-31-3t-
WANTED 20 men for town work;
strawberry pickers; men to saw
wood, $1.25 per cord; girl for
general housework; housekeepers
for town and country. A C.
Smith & Co., 444 State St. Phona
WANTED 75 more women and
girls at onco to work in cannery.
Mutual Canning Co.'
Lot, Miller and Saginaw; $650; ex
cellent buy.
Lot 60x200 on 24th St.; $10 down,
balance $5 per month.
New bungalow on southeast corner
of 17th and Court sts.; $3750;
Lot in Highland ave; $10 down, $5
per month.
Lot, 40x100, half block of state house
$2600. '
Lot, 13th and Center streets, $1050;
a good buy.
Excellent lot on 23d street, $190:
$10 down, $5 per month.
Terms can be had on all of tho above-
Room 5, McCoinnck BIdg.
riiono 00 or 1023.
Wo make a specialty ot launder
ing tho finest fabrics and table
linens. Clonics aro not worn out
with machinery. All work called
for and delivered, Work guaran
tee. Your patronage solicited.
Highland Hand Laundry
2549 Currant Ave. Phono 403
White Labor.
$ Capital National Bank f
J Salem, Oregon
Z Capital, Surplus and Undivided
4. Profits, i-i io.odo. S
2 Officers and Directors:
ft h Albert President
5 T. M. CroUnn. Vice-President
I Jo, H. .Albert ...Cashier
f John A. CarBon
5 - Geo. F. Rodgers