UAJ'lTAXi M'kittttti tUI.KM. OltKGO.V WKDXKSDAY, Jl'NE 1, 1010. COUNTRY Ideal Summer esort HAS GREAT FUTURE R Y r 1 B Walker & Lebow I Best Goods At Lowest Prices Consistent With Honest Dealing Dealers in General Merchandse o All Kinds Of Produce Furs, Pelts, Wool, Fish, Etc., Bought And Sold. . . Al Bay Real in -DEALER IN- iim her Lao Ranches and rty X. Write and get my lists before buying utchers cker: Carry a full stock of Fresh , and- Cured Meats " . 5 GROCERIES - MEATS CONEECTIONERY EVEN'S CASH STORE LESLIE H. EVENS, Prop. WALDPORT, OREGON Tho Capital Journal presents a page about the people and the Inter ests and enterprises of Woldport, Lincoln county. It Is a little king dom within Itself, and the writer had the privilege of telling the good peo ple at a meeting of the citizens what was being dono to wake up tho whole state and- carry tho campaign of development to the more remote parts of tho country. This little community is located at the mouth of Alsea Bay, and that bay has tho beginnings of industry and commerce that will one day make it a consider able factor in tho affairs of the state of Oregon. Tho Alsca river Is a powerful stream about four times as large as tho Yaquina, and navigable for nearly forty miles. Timber can bo brought down the river to this point' for sawing purposes, and there is enough to run a dozen sawmills for an hundred years. Waldport has a good commercial club that is in a. way a social organization, as both ladies and gentlemen constitute the membership. Tho officers are W. V. Keady, president; W. H. Dougherty, secretary and treasurer; Leslie H. Evans, vice-president. Hno Progressive Men. Tho President of tho club, Mr. Keady, is the postmaster, and a man who has dono a great deal to get out side capital interested in the.Alsea country. He owns a great deal of property, and sells' ranches and deals in timber lands. He goes out to at tend county fair meetings and was naturally tho man for tho head jf the commercial club. His secretary, Mr. Dougherty, has tho responsible position of manager and bookkeeper for tho Waldport Mill Company, Leslie H. Evens Is of a pioneer fam ily that for many years conducted tho stage lino, and they own a great deal of property In and about Wald port. Mr. Evens conducts tho tela. phono exchange, a cash store, and when the party had to be made up for tho search of the lost boy ho whs one of the first to plunge into tho junglo and stayed with it. Alsea bay was created and In corporated under the General Port Commission act. Governor Benson has appointed Henry Nice, J. W, Walker, Ernest Everson, W. H. Har. rison and F. M. Seltz. They aro prbgressivo men and largo property ownors who will look after the maritino affairs of this harbor. Tho Wilhelmlna, Condor and Askkosh make regular trips in here. Been Ilcro 31 i'ears. Marlon Ruble has been in the country most of tho time since 1879 Nearly half tho time ho has beon in terested in sawmills and other in dustries elsowhero, and has beon in California and Portland some years. Ho can speak from a porsonal knowl- odgo whon he says that lands on this coast aro worth more and produce a great deal more than In tho best parts of Southern California. Mr. Ruble helped build tho Waldport sawmill and has oporated it. Ho is still hold ing this country in tho highest con fidence and bollo'vos it has a great future. Ho is tho owner of a valu able townslto adjoining tho present oity of Waldport, a tract of parkllko appearance and porfootly sheltered and yet on tho salt water. t'l.nni confident," said Mr. Ritblo, "that in no part of California can a pernoit invest $100 or $1000, or ten thousand and bo so mho to double Ills money in u few years us in tlio A I sen country. , Ho has packed in a quarter of n million dollars In gold pieces His homo stands In a sheltered cook tho bay, and he loves to look, out J and seo tho orchard grass wavo on. the hillside. Ho came hero In 1881, aua was six years on tno government work. In 1884 he got interests on Alsea Bay and built a cannery In 1888. His ancestors camo to tho Untod States in tho Revolutionary nnrlnrl Tin tien rnn n m aro not Infected with urmln mHlIn nr. . " ""v" " 1UUUW4 ui nnv binH nt r.-tf ,, Ploneers and has paved tho way for mature at a time to market in Call- fAU'ttre JUo"; oft fornia when her fruit Is out of sea- 25 V"? TV mn AnA , . l0rG 1JV01 bcCl Sloping to tllO Dairying, Fruit Growing Stock 2 Grazing-Sawmills and Live Commercial Organization. on tho r-nHfnmln m, """"" " uaa "u" Bu"' 10 suouerea, iium uuro man anywnero in tno in a view of the wholo nnnel n n o nn rin..H T J. mi nrinr i. .. , """" " -"i' i-uryuvuu. xne I . . sunshine is tempored. aro hero to produco the box material, and they can l o shipped direct by tho sea, thereby securing tho cheapest and best freights. Tho samo may bo said of other fruits, or anything you may want to ship. Wo havo a Bay where vessels have been coming and going, carrying lumber and other products, for a number of years. tho air is soft, tho breezes woo and invite to restful repose oil tho porfumed bosom of mother nature, that dear old damo mellow with ago and al ways tender with those who trust her, and harsh with those who vio late her rules and regulations.. I never laid my hood on hor lap ,1 .1 A 1 . 1, 11.,. . . . Senrilnir tlmo nno "'u 10,L 8uu,ulnB " are well ad d in Co I ? rn a S bMath 80 1U" My fel- a person may, by keeping posted on 5, g AhT Say" the conditions of said Crop, bo on-! B DBy abled to take advantage of any prob- Tho M,ddleton3 nd other Portland able scarcity there.. Wo have never peopl como hoie overy yenr ftnd nro had a failure, and wo aro far enough bulIdlns stages. This will bo a, south to Insure good .crops, and far doIIsh"ul summer homo of tho onough north to insure good keeping1 WOalth,or cIass of PePle qualities. There aro moro clams, crabs, oys- "Tho opening for cattle and tho tors' saImon and tl"out ln this bay dairying business Is as troort ns i nor. tnan tho People hero at present son could ask, as the range never dies out in tho Summer, or freezes out in tho winter, and stock cattle will keep fat all tho year round on the range. Rainy and cloudy weath er are tho main objections urged against this country, thcro being from 60 to 0 inches precipitation in a year; 80 per cent falling In tho months of November, December, Jan uary, February and March. On the other hand, wo do not havo extremes know what to do with. Wvo Firms of Boosters. Walker & uobow havo been In tho general merchandise business hero for tho past six years. They handle produce, including hides, pelts and furs. Marion Lobow was raised noar Cottago Grovo and is well known In the Willanotto Valley. Ho cays of tho Alsea country that it has great resources and is well worth boosting for. "Tho cllmato Is of a very even of heat In tho Summer, tho temper- tomporaturo-no great heat or cold n 1 11 Hplrinm im 1 ti r- nllnn,on -1 1 v - buwif, UklUVU OU UUglUt?0. The Angora goat was first intro- Tho cheapest farming lands In tho stato are to to had In this part of tho state. A fino 160 aero ranch sold here recontly for $3000, and unimproved lands can be had for $10 to $15 per acre." Doctor for a Small County. Dr. O. E. Linton hati been 'In tho Alsea country for several years. Ho first put In a stock of merchandise nnd drug store on tho north eide ot tho bay, and was appointed post master at Lutjens, which position ho still holds although he has sold tho store to Mrs. Lou Bohon, who recent ly camo from Kentucky. Dr. Lin ton has a,1 general drug storo at Waldport with a S4000 stock ot drugs, as good as thero is in the county. Ho put up ono of the bebt store buildings in the town, and tho postofflco ia being moved alongside. Dr. Linton camo hero from Astoria and is a live wire of tho most snap py order. He has three gasoline launches, has got hold of a number of town lots, Is accumulating peto, as well as property. Mrs. Linton already has' a pet bear, several coons and mallard ducks and as every body brings tho Doctor everything it irf-only a question of tlmo whon ho will havo a menagerie. He in turn Is tho goneral father stork for tho Alsea Bay country. Tho first doctors on tho north aro at Newport, 16 miles away, tho first doctor east is at Philomath 60 miles, and tho first south is at Coos Bay. Dr. Lin ton' has tho largest medical dioe'eso In western Oregon. Ho is a grad upto of Rush modical collegr, Chi cago. Ho does what surgery thera Is to .bo done. "For a physician this c6untry te distressingly healthy," said the' Doc tor to a Journal reporter. "We havo had no oruptlvo disoases such as measles, scarletlna, chicken-pox, or diphthorla. The country Is abso lutely Immune to typhoid fever, so far as my practice extends and away before. "Tho cllmato ia tho blK thlntr. It The soil will produco anything that surpasses Astoria, with less rain. duced here over twenty years ago,1 and has proven a goneral success. The hills aro moro or less covered with brush, which is their naturil food, and tho quality of tho mohair is such that it brings tho top price In tho market, but at present thero is not more than two or throe ;por cont of what the range would support. "Sheep have also beon a .success ever slnco the settlement of tho country, and havo never been mo lested by wolves or coyotes, dogs havo destroyed moro than doublo tho numDer or all other animals corn- can bo grown rogions of the deal more than most countries that I know anything about, potatoes will grow almost without cultiva tion. As a hay country it' is un- oqualled heavy crops. Fruits of all kinds grow In abundance Wo buy hun dreds of bushels of apples ovory year and hnvo novor seen a wormy npplo on Alsea bay. Children do well horo both as to numbors and sizo and tho peoplo are very healthy. Fishing Is tho big industry nnd our main , reliance. Tho big runs aro Chinook bined. Bees, hogs, poultry, etc., are nnd sllversldos and thoy aro cannod Important branches of Industry hore. nnd shipped out of horo extensively. "In regard to health I would Bay Tho finest trolling nnd trout fishing that tho air is generally off tho sea nro to bo had hero on tho Alsea and pure, while stagnant water Is rlvor and lt3 tributaries. Tho crab almost unknown; consequently wo( industry was struck a hard blow by havo no malaria or anything of that tho act of tho last legislature pro kind, while chronic disoases might hlbitlng shipments outsido of tho compare with tho average of other, county. Durlnu tho throe months' now prohibited thero wero thousands of places. "Tho country is traversed by num erous streams which aro cold and in mo .lomporaio fall cool ,jkms. rfbsonco of wind. world only a great Boftor temper ture, and , Calla lilies blooming from March first on. "For boating and fishing wo have all th6 bays skinned. Our sporting: conditions are all the way from bear Clovor and timothy grow ,to rock ovsters. Wa havo 800 acres of eastern clnms freo,to alt. Our rock oyster bods aro ahead of all otliors in accessibility. Tho salmon: that como into this bay are the nenr- , est 'to: tho Columbia river Chinook of , any. "I havo seen salmon from Cali fornia to Siberia and there are none finer than ours. A sixty 'pound Chinook Is qulto common. "For hunting, deor and bear and cougar aro nearby. Lands aro listed hero tit ?1200 to $5000 for a quarter, section. Tho latter price is for im proved property, with bottom land and stock. Our fruit lands aro un surpassed requiring only cultivation and thlnlng tho fruit no spraying or pruning required. Thero has novor, been a pound of fruit spray used in tho Alsea country. "The Fourth of July will be cele brated hero two days, July 4, and 5, with freo ontortalnmont for all dollars worth sent out of horo, and no hirm dono to tho industry, as tho clear as crystal, and abound In trout .crabs caught woro all of tho maturo and salmon in their season. Salmon , sizo that como up into fresh water now form tho chief industry hore , nnd then dio after spawning. Thero ilnrlnt? thnlr finnsnn. nnrl irnnnrnllv In nn nvlilnnrn thnf fhov il'n nnt nrn.l nuinm gives employment to all that want It. ' pogatc at all seasons of tho year, butl 8 ,71 1W? Tn n01" 8PrtB Other kinds of marlno fishing may, those not caught In tho summon " , , nna , , , t to be a business of importance months bury themselves in tho sand A,iUU'"u ""u l" horo. Wo havo somo ton school dis-. and romain thoro until doad, and'r , , ""'"'"" trlcts, and a daily mail, except on! fishing after the closed shipment ' or ,ook hlm up 1a"(1 ey win Sunday, from two places, and twice a season, thoro aro hundreds of moro'"u,dlt ,nn nccoramodattng public week from two others. or less dead crabs taken that are un-J fp'fltod, TB Wh. tt tako..thoui "In regard to taking up land or,m for food, and it makes the buBU"B,""K' " securing a homo horo, I would say noB3 unprofitable. (Continued on pug 4.) the cholcost placoe that are handy """""" ihmihumm m mimiimh mibm i i Lii . L 1 1 ii to get at, have about all been takon.1 though thoro aro somo obtainable yot by going f urthor baok. But thoro woro a numbor of placos takon on tho approach of tho "boom times" a few years ago, houses built and tho place? moro or lsa Improved, but be- foro final proof was niado on vory Damascus Crea "Alsoa Bay and vicinity ombraces many, the "boom" bogan to decline. a good portion of tho southern part of Lincoln County. Tho country here is somewhat hilly, the hills be ing gonorally low along tho coast, avereglng higher as you go inland. Thoy havo been covored with a mag nificent grjawth of timber, but in somo time past, 'ovfdently prior to 1849 tho most of it was killed by firo, and a good many of thoir dead tops aro still standing abovo a growth of young timber that has como on since. The land is nearly all fertile, and suited to growing potatoes, onions, cabbage and a num ber of other kinds of vegetables; alno timothy, clover and a variety of other grasses, while apples, pears, plums, cherries and a variety if small fruits havo almott Invariably proven a suoeeoa. Apples in par tieular, I think, will be an important industry here. By exercising a little care In selecting suitable locations and chooefag proper varieties, the fruit will be at large, highly colored and finely flavored as anywhere, and and tho low prices of stock, togothur with no market for agricultural products which followed, caused a good many to emigrate, while a good many who toolt up land, apparently, I for speculative purposes, havo alao1 gono; thjO result is there Is a gopd many placos for sale, and In most of them there Is goid bargains. I nowj consider that, with tho probability, of a good market in tho Orient and at homo, with tho country adapted) to producing such commodities us there seems a probability of tho nrost: profit In, that a person with a raod-j erato or small amount of capital, could find as good a placo along tho coast as anywhere, to Invest. "In conclusion, I would adviso the contemplative homeseoker to como' and look over, the country for him-1 self, as I oonklder no detiurlptlon as gcod as a personal observation." I'JoiiMir Cauiiuryinnii. Henry Nice ie the prlnee of pio neers on Alsea Bay. He is to the Alsea what Hume was to the Rogue VETSCH BROS., Manufacturers BUTTER CHEESE 430 Hawthorne Ave., PORTLAND, OR. Branch at Waldport rnery