Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 21, 1910, First Section, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    - TAC.V. SIX
I "' -
arreir warden mcaijlibter
Flvo thousand salmon woro found
blockaded in tho Roguo river by tho
Amont dam tho first of this wock by
jlaator Fish Warden McAllister,
who last night roturncd from a tour
of southorn Oregon in tho interest
of tho stato department of fisheries
Mr, McAllister immodlntolyr put a
crow of men at work building fish
ladders around tho dam. Tho work
sJb being rushed to completion and tn
A comparatively short Unto tho fish
-ways will bo in working order
again, and tho fish enabled to wond
their way up tho stream. Tho old
llsh ways had been put out of 'Com
mission by tho high water. ,
HulldliiR Another Hatchery.
During his visit Mr. McAllister
nlso authorized tho construction of
a, hatchory on tho Umpqua river
near Rosoburg. Tho department
had boon oporatlng on this stroara
a temporary station and through It
secured from eight to twolvo million
oggs which Justified tho construction
of a hatchery. Tho money- to bo
used In tho building of tho hatchory
will be talcon from tho funds of
District No. 2.
Trout for Roguo River.
Mr. McAllister also visited tho
Roguo rlvor near Medford whero
tho fish department Is having
ahlppod 500,000. stoolhead oggs to
bo hatahed for this stroam. Tho ro
sulting fry will also bo Hborntod In
thla' stream with tho view of re
stocking it.
Visited Slsson.
A visit was also mado during tho
tour to tho ptnto trout hatchory at
81ssori, California. That stato Is ox-'
ponding betwoon $200,000 and
$300,000 In tho propagation of
trout and salmon, and whilo tho
atato 'of Orogon has equal, If not
hotter, facilities for tho propagation
of tho formor, California is far
ahead of It. Thousands of dollars
aro collected oach yoar from anglers
and considerable talk has boon In
dulged In with rolatloh to lnaugui'f
jxHng a movomont looking to tho uso
of this money in stocking tho al
most depleted streams with game
Huh, but so far nothing In this di
rection has boon accomplished. '
- o
AumsvMc Briefs.
Agont 13. M, Condlt, of tho S. P.
Co., has rccovored from his recent
attac'k of sickness. His brother,
Ross Condlt, of Stayton, suppllod
ha placo fdr a (ow days.
Tho building on tho Holn proper
ty formorly occupied aa n butohor
shop, has boon flitted up for a uows
pupor ofllco and will bo occupied
D. B. Swank Is considering plans
for tho erection of a largo threo
Btoryhotol building at Mehuina.
A number of tho mombers of tho
young people's S. S. class mot ut
the homo of their toaohor, Miss
Sadlo DavlB last Friday evening, for
tho purpose of eftocttng an organiza
tion. An onjoyablo Umo is reported.
E. Llnvllle has rcmodoled tho In
terior of his storo, which gives moro
W. K. Wlnslow has purchnsod tho
Mrs. S. T. Smith blook. Considera
tion, $475. Ho will doubtles sbulld
II. W. Hagormau aud wife of Lqs
Angolea woro hero visiting the for
, labor's undo, T. A. Mitchell, for a
few days.
J. E. Klrkpatrlok is building a
now rosldanco on Church St. It Is
on tho bungalow order, and will bo
a valuablo acquisition to tho city.
Fire on Saturday morning totally
destroyed tho house on tho Holmw
farm, north of town. Tho fire re
sulted from a defective flue. J. T.
Llnvllle, who occupied tho property,
also suffered a loss of noarly all his
household goods.
Geo. W. Brock is absent In Wash
ington, working at tho carpontor
. o
Program Snlcm Military Rand at
Marlon Square Sunday Afternoon.
' W. E. McEIroy, Director.
1. March "My Droam of tho U.
S. A." ". Snydor
2. Ovcrturo "Tho Golden Scoptro"
.3. Idyl "Tho Glow-worm"
4. Porto RIcan Dance "Roslta"
5. Police Patrol "Bluecoats on
Parade" ,. ..Morrltt
6. Medley "Popular Airs"
7. Spanish Soronado "La Paloma"
. . , , Yradler
8. "Tho Garden of Roses"
0. Barnes' Dance "By tho Light of
tho Sllvory Moon" Smith
10. March "Finalo"
Victoria, B. O., May 21. Tho body
of a largo panther, which tied up the
street car and olectric light service
in Viptorla Thursday, when tho ani
mal jumpod on tho high tension
wires, was turned ovor to a taxider
mist for mounting, today.
Tho animal had crawled along tho
odgo of n steep cliff, underneath
which runs tho wlro from tho Gold
Stroam power station to Victoria.
From tho cliff tho aulmal Jumped di
rectly on tho wires, and Its wolirht
toro thorn from tho lnsulatois, and
sjiut off tho powor. T'ao panther was
inBtnntly killed.
Killed by Auto.
Chicago, May 21. Georgo A. Mc
Donald, a basoball wrltor, dlod today
of a fractured skull. McDonald
was crushed undor tho fonder of n
street car whon tho car was struck by
an automobllo In which ho was rid
ing. Tho machlno Is ownod and was bo
ing driven by Johnn Evors, tho Chi
cago National's second baseman.
Both Evers and McDonald woro
hurled from tho auto by tho Impact
with tho car, Evors oscapod prac
tically uninjured, but McDonald was
not so fortunate.
k 1 &0 1 b 1 lt sX
Her Sou Horn Dead.
Madrid, May 21. Queen Victoria
of Spain today undorwont nccoucho
monk Court physicians hold tho fear
that tho quoon may not llvo. Tho
nrival of tho child was not expected
until tho ond of this month.
King Alfonso is hurrying homo
from England, whoro ho attonded
tho funeral obsoqules of tho late
King Edward.
Allon's Foot-Easo, tho nntl-soptlo
powder. It cures painful, smarting,
nervous foot, and Instantly takos tho
sting out of corns nnd bullions. It's
tho groatest comfort dlscovory of tho
ago. Allon's Foot-Easo makes tight
or now shoos fool oasy. It is a cor
tain cure for swontlng, callous, swol
len, tired, aohlng foet. Always use
it to break in new slioos. Try It to
day. Sold ovorywhoro. By mall 25e
lit stamps. Don't accept any substi
tute. For froo trial package address
Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y.
Oh, Trader
In your hour of EE E,
If on this paper you should C CC
Take my advice and now dc Y Y Y,
Go straight away and advert I I I,
You'll find the project of good U U U,
Neglect can offer no oxQ 0 Q
Be YYY at once, prolong yopr dAAAi
A silent business soon dK K Ki"
London Kxprea.
The Capital Journal
Brings Results
San Francisco, May 17. Wheat
Australian and Propo, $1.60
1.G5; Sonora, $1.65 01.70; good to
cholco Calif. club, $1.52 tf
1.571&; Northern wheat bluestem,
$1.6001.05; club, $1.62 1.57:
Turkey, $1.52 01.57 ; Russian
rod, $1.47 1.52.
Barley Feed, good to cholco,
$1.11'1.13; fancy, $1.15;
poor to fair, $1.03 0 1.08 5
brewing and shipping, $1,15 0
1.17 Chevalier, nominal.
Eggs Por dozon, Calif, fresh in
cluding coses, extras, 2Cc; firsts,
24 c; seconds, 22c; thirds, 21c.
.Butter Por lb., Calif, fresh ex
tras, 27c; firsts, 2Cc; seconds, 25c.
Now cheese Per IB., Now Calif,
flats fancy, 14c; firsts, 13; sec
onds, 12 c; Calif. Young America
fancy, 14 c; firsts, 14c, Eastern
Oregon, 19c; do Young America,
20c; storage Now York Cheddars
fancy, 20c; do singles, 20c; Wiscon
sin singles, fancy, 19c; Oregon fan
cy, 19 c.
Potatoes Por cental. River
Whites, 50C5c; in sacks with ex
tra stock quotablo at 70 090c per
cental; Lompocs, $101.10; Sa
linas, $101.10; Orogon, 90
96c; now per cental, $101.26 for
rods and $1.25 01.50 whlto; sweets
In crates, 33c per lb.
Onions Por contnl, Oregon,
$101.25; do. Bermuda seed,
$1.25 for yellow and $1.75 02 for
whlto wax por crate; now green, per
box, 60c; now red, per sack, 90
Oranges Per box new navala
cholco, $1.5002; fancy, $1,750
3.25; now Tangerine, $101.50.
Mohair t 29c031
Potatoes, bu 20c
Apples, bushel ........ .75c$l. 25
Butter mid Eggs. 1
Butter, creamery 2 So
Eggs 20c
Butterfat 39c
Butter, country . ... 20 0226
Broilers and fryers 25c
Hens 16c
Roosters (young) 12 c
Roosters (oil) 8c
Turkeys 18020c
Ducks 12 c
Steers (under 1U00 lb) $506
Steers (1000 to 1200 lb) ...$607
Cows ' $4.65
Hogs, fat 9 09c
Stock 6c S
Ewes 5c
Spring lambs , .8c
Veal, according to quality ..7 9c
Local Wholesale Market.
Flour, hard wneat. $5.60
Flour, valley $5 06.20
Mill feed, bran $27.00
Shorts $28.00
Wheat, bushel 90c
Oats, bushel 40c
Hay, cheat 17018
Hay, oat 17 018
Vetcu hay $15 17
Hops, 1909 crop 10 013
Chlttim bark 44c
Prospectors In tho Field Positive
That Oil Is Here.
This section may turn out to be
richer than many expected and u
big oil boom Is promised.
H. S. Wooley Is now In the field
asking for options for lease for min
eral rights on 10,000 acres of land,
nnd as soon as he secures what ho Is
after, operations will begin In ear
nest. Ho ,asks only what Is reason
able and offers to agree to the pay
ment of 10 cents per aero every
year for flvo years until boring is
commenced on the land, whon no
further payments will bo mado on
the lease, but a rental of 10 per
cent of all oil, coal or gas which
may be found Is to belong to the
lessor. Boring Is to be commencsd
at somo point within 10 miles of the
land leassd before January 1, 1911,
and continued with all reasonable
dlllgonce.' The farmer Is out noth
ing, gets 10 cents an acre each
year, and In the gamble runs a
chance of getting n bonanza.
Mr. Wooley Is confident that o'l
can be found In this section; that In
this "holo" the oil has drained from
tho two ranges of mountains. When
he gets tho options closed, his com-
This Magnificent Subdivision
is Going Like Hot Cakes
Because it has Merit.
Because it is Close to Town.
Because the Soil is Good.
Because the Prices are Right.
Because the Terms are Easy.
The best security on earth is earth itself,
A small tract near a growing. city will make money for
you while you sleep, Why not go into partnership with
a small tract?
Don't wait until all the choice places are selected, but go
out today and pick out your tract,
pany will drill and expects to go
down 5,000 feet. Tho exact loca
tion operations will begin has not
been determined. It may be thnt
tho company will have to go from
placo to place, being guided by for
mations. Surface Indications point
surely to Ihe existence of oil.
Woodburn Independent.
A nappy Father
Is soon turned to a sad one If he has
to walk tfio floor every night with a
crying baby. McGee's Baby Elixir
will mako tho child well, soothe its
nerves, Induce healthy, normal slum
ber. Best for disordered bowels and
sour stomach all teething babies
need It. Pleasant to take, sure, and
safe, contains no harmful drugs.
Price 25 and CO cents per bottle.
Sold by all dealers.
Wo have a fino place In North Sa
lem, not far out, wtilch wo aro of
fering very reasonable for a short
time only.
' This placo Includes 3' large lots,
newly fenced, and In a high state of
cultivation, excellent drainage, and
good view. Has a now house, 8
rooms; basement; concreto founda
tion, woodshed, nice lawn. This Is
a flno place and price Is right, now,
$2500. Let us shqw you this fine
If you aro looking for a good
farm, at a reasonable price, come
and talk with us. Wo have the be3t
list In town, all flno farms, good
locations. Wo will show them at
any time; give us a trial.
Four lots and house In North Sa
lem, $1,800.
New 5-room bungalow In South
Salem, modern, $1,700.
Tracts In Hollywood. Now Is the
time to buy.
Bush Bank Building
Look at These
5-room cottage and 4 lots a't a
bargain in Englewood.
A fino corner lot on S. Commer
cial St. Close In.
A new 7-room house and 3 lots
on Capital St. Boulevard for sale at
less than cost.
5-acre timber tract on the install
ment plan.
10 acres 3 miles from city, $75
per acre. $50 cash, $10 per month.
All under cultivation.
108 acres fine fruit land close to
city, good buildings. All under cul
tivation, $10,000, Including team,
cow, chickens, farm Implements,
U. S. Bank Building
For Farms and City
Don't Let a Good Oppor
tunity Pass
Here is a Fine Suburban
Home Investigate
We have a 50-acre fruit and alfalfa and framing
property just 2 1-2 miles down 'the river road that-we
can offer for one-fifth its real value,
10 acres full bearing prunes, netting above all expenses-over
$100 an acre each year for four years,
12. acres alfalfa, cutting two tons to acre) besides
pasture, .
1 9 acres young Spitzenbergs, nearly three years
ojd, balnace good farming land,
Those who have seen it say this is, one of the finest
apple orchards in the Willamette valley,
Price $210 an. acre; $6000 cash, balance on tipie,
The owner is here for the experss purpose of selling
his Salem properly, including a nice house and lot (8
rooms) in Salem, and a bargain can be had, Now is
your opportunity,
Sole Agents,
123 Liberty Street
3 a
51 acres 3 miles from city limits, 40 In cultivation, balance In
good timber. Fine building spot. Price $130.00 per acre.
27 acres 2 miles from city in Polk county, 20 In cultivation, 12
in young orchard. Spring piped to house; good barn; running
water tho year round. Price $5050.00.
64 acres 5 miles south, 40 In cultivation, balance In pasture and
timber. This is fine Peach and Alfalfa land. 7 cows, cream
separator goes with farm. Price $4000.00.
198 acres at Waconda on the Electric, 155 In cultivation, balance
In pasture and timber, 10 iu first-class hops; ' good buildings.
Timber will cut from 1200 to 1500 cords nearly all grub oak
Price. $95 per acre.
13 acres 5 miles out, G In cultivation, balance In pasture. Price
A lot of good City Property, come and let us show It to you.
Geo. CXSava
135 South Commercial St.
A phone from you will bring our auto or carriage,
345 State Street. Selling Agents- Telephone Main 452
We have some very desirable properties on our list that
we would be pleased to show you,
Printed lists of properties on request.
Olmsted Land Co.
373 State Street. Salem, Oregon
You Can Carry a House ?
Of your own for about what it now costs you for rent, If
you have a little ready money as a first payment we can
help you to become youpown landlord, To own real es
tate is nearly every man's proper ambition, Yours can
be gratified at once, if you are in earnest, Come and
learn how,
We have a neat C-room cottage in Yew Park, in good neighborhood, near school yand car line, for only
$1300, payable $200 down; terms to suit on balance.
A flno modorn C-room cottage In East Salem, that is a good buy for $2300, payable $500 down, terms
to suit on balance. .If you aro looking for a cholco home you should see this place.
$J500 buys a 7-room house, good barn, with six lots, covered with fine oak trees, In Yew Park; pay
able $500 down; terms to suit on balance;
Close in S-room house, with east front, on North Cottage street,, lot 06x165 feet to alley; $3000.
Modorn 10-room houso on Chemoketa street, full basement, good barn, lot 90x163 feet to alley; flne
bearing fruit trees; $4500.
Here Is a neat llttlo home for only $1250. located In North Salora; new 5-room plastered cottage
and lot 70x120 feet; beautiful oak trees shade the premises.
Bargain in Eine Suburban Home
Now is your chance to own nn ideal suburban home, consisting of 9 acres of black, rich soli, lo
cated dnly three blocks from street car line, east of town; 1 acres of flno flr timber, balance of land
in cultivation; flne modorn 7-room house with bath, toilet, electric lights, etc, flne barn 24x28x18 feet,
windmill and all buildings built last year. Owner is going East and will sell.tlils beautiful homo place at
a sacrifice. If interested call at our office for particulars.
Farm Snap
156 acres of flne general purpose farm or fruit land 10 miles east of Salem; 80 aeres in cultivation
7-room house and barn, one-halt mile to sohool and church, 1 miles to railroad station. Price $8000.
H. A. John son
SSS State Streett Salem, Oregon
Ground Floor.