PAGE EIGHT. DAILT CAPITAI JOCKI.AJL. MALUM, OHKGON. SAT nt I) AY, MAY 14, 1010. Choice specials for evening shoppers Hundreds of other monoy saving opportunities-that spnco will not pormlt us to mention. pome In, look through tho store;, wo have something you want. AT LAST. BATH RUGS of EXTRA QUALITY Tonight from 7:30 till 9 o'clock p. m. the large wash goods section offers an exceptional quality Bath Rug, Slzo 22x41, a good $1.0d Value, at tho low prlco of E8 Nono sold before the time mentioned at this price. Positively no phono orders filled. Ladies' MERODE UNION SUITS Cotton and LIslo Summer Weight, an opportun ity to supply your summer needs at a groat say ing. Thoso anion suits como in low neck, no sleeves, tight knoo and laco-trimmod knee. Reg ular 8Go &nd 90c values, special tonight K at the low prlco of tho suit 50 Seo display at the underwear counter. EMBROIDERED LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS THE HANDKERCHIEF COUNTER offers to af ter supper shoppers from 7:30 till 9 p. m., an extra special all-linen hand embroidered Initial Handkerchief, a good valuo at 10c and 16c. . Your choice tonight . . 4 7 each Buy all you waut CHILDREN'S HOSE All Sizes An extra good grade on sale tonight in tho Children's Hoslory section from 7:30 till 9 p. m. They aro heavy ribbed, medium wolght and will glvo good rought service, all sizes to choose irom nt mis unusuai low price, ronignt, special, pair 10 no pnone oruers niicu. Buy as many pairs as you like. Womeo's'and misses' all-wool suits at special p'fi.ces. Men's and young men's all-wool suits at special price's, Complete showing of boys wash Suits white and colors, Men's straw hats, seasonable shapes, reduced one-third in price, New auto coats and auto gloves; got yours yet? Wood fiber hats and Panamas, th.e very newest shapes, See our mens clothing ad tomorrow, Sunday, Itis to be the best offering that will ha'ppen this season, Watch, wait, and then read, Broken lines of shoes at less than manufacturers' cost, Slightly mussed waists reduced to pecial prices, Visit our dress goods section, we have a sale de lux on all leading makes, patterns and-colors, , Minor in St. Louis Post-Diapatch. CITY NEWS. OottAga Undertaking Parlors GctUge and Chomekota Sta. Callo 'ay. or night. Phono Giispn'a fbarbor shop Gllson's cigar store Gllson's baths open alt day Sunday . ( ' 12-4-w-s-tf Three Lending Features, Of Our business" aro quality, modest prices and good sorvlco. J. M. Law rence, Commercial and Ferry stroets. W1U Refund Overcharge Tho Oregon Railroad Commission 3 today in soc.olpt. of a communica tion from tho 0:11 & N. Company, acknowledging an overcharge on n consignment of brick to 8'. A. Hughes, and "advising tho commission that it will rofunl,tko mqney, , Clil-Nnmcl Display On Thursday, Friday and Saturday of thu week, by. ono of tho host lady domonstratora sent out by tho fac tory. Chi-Namol Is ono of tho llnost flnishora known for furnlturo and ill insldo work. Everybody is lnvitod, especially ladies, to sco tho work at Wade, Pearco & Co's on thoso days 5-9-Bt Licensed to Wed County Clork Allen today lssuod a marriage llconso to Mols M. Shier, of Gates, and aged 24 years, and Emma M. Joost, of Mills City, and agod 19 years. Get a 10c Package Of Conkoy's Llco Powder and a copy of Cankoy's Poultry Book free. Tho powder kills tho llco Instantly, and tho book" is full of valuablo in formation for poultrymon. By mall 7c. H. W. Thlolson. Hues to Qulot Tillo P. D. Jones has brought an action In the circuit court against Esthor Lnrmory, ot al, In which ho asks the court to award a decree qulotlpg tho title to land In which tho defen dants, claim some". Intorest, but tho character of which Interest is un known to tho plaintiff. Bring 'Ilium Friday Afternoon Church notices , In ordor to bo printod In tho proper column, must bo brought Into tho Journal office not later than Friday aftornoon at 5 o'clock. Tho Journal gladly prints tho notlcos but fools that it is en titled to a Uttlo courtesy at the hands of tho ministers, This has boon tho rulo In this offico for years, but It has boon porslstontly Ignored. Horoattor, it will not bo. 1 .ii 1 nil" wrftje ' -a SCATTER Jlashlfot ccflia Meet Us In Salem Juno 4. Hnll Game Tomorrow A team from Brooks will play tho Electric Light & Power Co. boys at tho leaguo grounds tomorrow after noon' at 2:30. A redhot game is an ticipated. Want Money Judgment W. II. Burghardt has commoncod a suit in tho circuit court against tho Gold Mountain Mining company. He alloges that at divers times at tho reqeust of tho company bo has advanced it moneys which aggre gates tho sum of $617.70 that no part of it has bcon paid, and asks for a judgment for tho amount, Don't Forget Tho Modern Woodmen picnic Juno 4. Port Commissioners Appointed Governor Benson yesterdny after noon appointed commissioners for! tho Port of Bay City. Thoy ard Theodore Jackovy, W. C. Hawk, O: W. Tike, Gujst Nelson and John Bozarth. Applications have beenj mndo for tho appointment of com missioners for sovoral other ports and tho appointments will be mado in tho course of a wook. I Wo Will All Bo There Whoro? At Salem, Juno 4. Bought Clnirchmcrc Property J. G. Voget has bought through Derby & Willson nearly a whole block of land In Churchmero Addi tion to West Salem, with the Inten tion of opening a fine lumber yard in that fast growing little city. Churchmero is the terminus for tho Salem, Dallas ,& Vails City R. R, Churchmero lots will double in, Value In less than ono year. Churchmero lots on the installment plan. See Derby & Willson, U. S. Bank Bldg. Don't Forget to Attend v Tho Modern Woodman picnic, June 4. To Build in West Salem The Falls City Lumber company has purchased six lots In West Sa lem, and, is making preparations for the constructloit of lumber shed"! and other necessary buildings. Tho buildings will bo of a sufficient size to accomodate tho enormous busi ness being transacted by tho- com pany, and will bo modernly equipped. As soon as thoy aro completed, which will bo ; in a comparative short porlod of tlmo, tho company will open up a yard and branch of fice at that place. The main office and yards of tho branch company aro situated on Fourteenth and Oak streets. A Fine Garage J. A. Cooper and W. M. Mechan have about- completed their garago on High St., opposite tho court houso, to bo known as tho Great Wcstorn. The garago will bo a cre dit to the city as It will bo tho larg est and most fully equipped ono In Qrogon, south of Portland. Tho au- tomobjllng public should mako this venture thoir own by assisting with their patronago, to mako It a suc cess as' tho proprietors have gone to great expense In arranging for the care of automobiles and handling supplies for tho trade. Mr. Cooper needs no recommendation as ho Is a business man of many years' i standing In tho community. While Mr. Moohan Is not as well known in Salem ho has been in business in Woodburn, whoro ho Is known ns n business man of Integrity and abil ity. In nn Interview Mr. Cooper stated that thoy would use ovory of fort to ploaso tho public who sawflt to holp thorn with thoir patronage. PORTLAND MAN IS A BIGAMIST AT LEAST HIS WIFE, THE FIRST ONE, SO CHARGES AND WILL GO TO LOS ANGELES TO TESTI FY AGAINST HIM. Portland, Ore., May 14. Mrs. Thomas Hughes, which alleges that she was deserted a year ago by Thomas Hughes, former partner of Patrick Bruin, in the -Bruin detec tive agency, expects to leave for Los Angeles tonight where She will give testimony against her husband who Is under arrest In Los Angeles charged with bigamy. v Tho Hughes were married here by Father O'Hahn, 1908. At that time Hughes was in partnership with Bruin who had resigned as captain of the detective department of P011 land to engage in tho venture. Hughes soon afterward left town for Seattle. Later he jumped to Los Angeles where it is reported he worked with tho temperance forces: It is alleged that he contracted a second marriage in Los Angeles In April. Mrs. Hughes, of Portland, swore out a complaint charging bigamy. r o Want Washington's Swxrd. Baltimore, Md., May 14. Captain Amos Martin, of Vancouver Barracks, Wash., and Mrs. Martin are in Balti more today, and have filed suit to re cover a sword which was onco the property of George Washington, which his wife's family owned and re cently sold to J. P. Morgan for $5000.- Tho complaint charges that tho sword belonged to thb Lewis family, and was sold by several members without the consent of all. Mrs, Mar tin's maiden name was Lewis. Sho Is a direct descendant of the first presi dent. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Frank Morrdlth. H-vOoVnt Amh Room 13 Rush Bnnk Itlk. Snlfin. Or Hop men and Fruit Growers. We maufacture Prune ancj Hop Drier Stoves. Al! kinds of Piping and Connections. Don't buy your sup plies in this line until you have seen us. You get better goods for less money. Our goods have our guar antee back of them. THE Anderson Furnac c Co 58 TRADE ST. PHONE 886 Excursion Rates To The Eas DURING 1910 FROM ALL POINTS ON THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES IN OREGON TO - , KATES 'Chicago v. $72.50 Council Bluffs " ' Omaha . Kansas City ". .... ........ . 60.00 bt. Joseph. - ' v St. Paul bt. Paul'Ma Council Bluffs 63.9.0 .tllurieapolts direct.... ...... V. .'. 60.00 Minneapolis via Council Bluffs'. ; . 63.90 Dulut'h direct X 66.90 Duluth, via Council Bluffs ." . 67.50 St. Louis 67.60 Tickets will be on sale May 2d and vth; June 2d. 17th c-d 24th; July 6th and 22d; August 3d; Septombor 8th. Circuit Court Matters. After granting a decreo in a dl vorco caso and listening to tho argu ment of counsol in rolntion to a mo tion on tho part of tho plaintiff to open tho caso of Charles Elgin against H. S. Snyder, Judge Gallo way adjourned tho circuit court this foronoon and this afternoon ro turned to his homo. The lssuo in volved in tho caso is tho recovery of a, farm traded to the defendant for stock In tho Salem Box Factory on the ground. that fraudulent repro sentntiona --wore., made with relation to tho value of tho stock. .Attor neys Kalsor & Poguo sought to open the caso on the ground of newly dis covered evidence, qnd the motion was resisted by Attorney John Mc Nary, who appeared for tho defend ant. Judge Galloway directed coun sel for plaintiff to reduce his ques tions to writing and the cose will be further considered Friday when Judgo Galloway will return and con vene court. Secures Divorce Decree. A decree of dlvorco was granted Mrs. Sadlo Rudllng from Edward lludllng. Tho property rights be tween the parries wore settled so that Mrs. Rudllng was awarded the sum of $150. Tho, caso was origin ally filed by the husband, and in his complaint he asked for a decree of dlvorrfo on the ground of cruel and in-human treatment and impotency. Mrs. Rudllng filed a crossbill In which sho mado the same charge and was awarded the decree prayed for. Will Award Decisions. Upon hla return ' Friday Judgs Galloway will render a number of decisions. Among others will be a decision in the case of F. R. Dur kett against Inez Miller, et al, the issue involved being a lease. to some land; and a decision on the cost, of E. D. Mosslo 'against Mary Cyrus, In which the point Involved Is tho spe cific performance of a contract for the conveyance of 30 lots In Brook lyn addition. o Good Roads. A special representative of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Wash ington, D. C, Dr. Maurice A. Eld rldge, best known authority on good roads In the country, will speak on that subject at the following points on tho dates shown: McMlnnvllle, May 30. ,. Forest Grove, May 31. Oregon City, June 1. Salem, Juno 2. '' t'. Albany, June 3. t" Corvallfs, June 4. Eugene,- June 6. Roseburg, June 7. Grants Pass, June 8. Medford, June 9. . Ashland, June 10. WM. McMURRAY, ' Gen. Pas Agt., Portland, Or. ' 6-13-to 6-9 Excellent lot on Sower connection. -FOR SALE Union street. $750. New 5-room bungalow, Twelfth and Marion streets. $2200. Lot, Seventeenth street, between State and Court. $650. Lot, northeast corner Laurel and Highland avenue. $10 down; $5 per month. Don't overlook the dwelling, southeast cornor Twelfth an'd Court streets. $3,250; $500 of this goes for paying. Lot, 40x160, half block of state house. $2500. Lot, Thirteenth and Center streets. $1050. A. good buy. New 6-roqm modern dwelling. $400 down; balance, monthly pay ments. Terms can bo had on all of tho above. Seo SRnTn-GILLINGnARL CO. Room 5 McGoniack Bldg. Phone 00 or 1023. tf , PERSONALS Mr. J. Blddrstlno Is in the city to day In tho interest of a N. Y. drug Arm. Ho is tho guest of Mrs. D. A.. Leach. Mr. F. W. Ruof and wife left to day for Armstrong, la. Mr. liuef has lived In Salem for the past eight years, and has worked at tho plumb ing business during that time with A. L. Frasor. Mr. Ruef is leaving-Salom- to onter tho hardware busi ness in Armstrong. W. J. Roberts, of Medford, was In tho city today on business at tha state capltol. R. M. Wadd, of Tacoma, Is In the city today. His' mission Is with re lation to an Irrigation project ln which he is Interested. Dr.-Robert Cram and bride, recent ly of Boston, aro getting nicely set7 tied In their rural home on the Jeffer son road, where the doctor built a cot tage on his 11-acre fruit farm. Mrs. R. C. Iverson.and two daugh ters, Mrs. Valborg Paromald and Miss Signo Ivorson, of Tacoma, are visitors In the city. During their stay thoy "aro the guests of Labor Commissioner Hoff and family. COLORADO TO BUILD RAILROADS Denver, Colo., May 14. New rail road construction work, ' to cost the estimated .total of $54,000,000, will be begun In the very near future on several lines In Colorado, according to official announcements made hero. The plans Include tho construction of more than 200 miles of new road by the Burlington, 120 miles by tho Denver and Rio Grande, S4 miles by the Colorado & Southern, 100 miles by the Union Pacific, 40 miles by tho Denver, Laramie & Northwestern. 500 by the Southern l'acific and 250 miles by tho San Luis Southern. Monopolies die hard, but In tho end public opinion Is loo much for them. THOS. K. FOltn Over Ladd & Bush llanlc, Salem, f'r. :c9c 3p HK. NEW TODAY FOR SALE First class newspaper folding machine 4-6-8-10 or 11 pages folded at once up to a full sized 7 colunjn paper. Cheap If taken soon. Speed 1800 to 2000 per hour. Inquire Journal Salem, Ore. 3-21-tf WE HAVE good pasture for horses only on tho Yannke farm. Cull at Catterlin Real Estate, 467 State St. 5-1 4- Tho ulxtvo rate apply froni,lorU(wd only. From polutu south of Port land add ONE WAX ,octtl rato t0 Portland, to make through rate vis Portlnnd. Ouo wnjr through California, add 913.00 to above rates RIDING GALLERY The finest machine of this kind ever sqon In this part of tha country. Runs every night un der fine tent 50x100 feet. Plenty For , Ten darn pro.-Ided for tho going trip. Stop-overs within limits 1n either direction. Final return limit throe m nths from date of sale, but not later than October 31st Inquire of a ly S. P Agcnljjfor More Complete Informalion WVT. McMURRY, v General Passenger Agent. i-UUTLAAD. OltHGON of Seats Spectators 5c per Ride of Five Minnies Drlng the children, out and lot them have a good time. Runs ovory night and Sunday after-, noon. South 21st and Hyde streets, near Turner road. FOR SALE OR RENT One billiard table. Inquire at Hills' pool room. Phono 454. 5-14-3t FOR RENT Five rooms on one floor, with pantry, water and elec tric lights, 3 blocks from city hall, 446 Union street. Rent $10. Phone 1542. 5-14-3t FOR RENT Neat room, choice of three upstairs furnished rooms In private family, near business dis trict, bath, lights. Rent.$l;50 per week, 475 South Commercial strcot 5-14-3t FOR RENT Five-room house and basement, water in houso. Call A. A. Schrelber, 566 HJgh street. 5-14-3t FAT FOLKS WANT ME Your weight, double chin, bust, abdo men, hips and fatty heart re duced. I am no doctor and have nothing personnl to sell you, but I want to. tell you how I lost 35 pounds in weight and regained my health by a guaranteed harmless treatment that you can tako at homo. Thero is no exercise, no starving, no wrinkles, or deten tion from business. I want to tell you how It was "done. Strictly confidential. Call or writo for a free booklet. Address, Mrs. A. C Hedges, 161 62nd Btreet, North. Portland, Ore, 5-1 4-t CARE FOR THE LINEN Wo mnlce a specialty of launaor ing the finest fabrics and table linens. Clones are not worn out with machinery. All work called for and delivered. Work guaran teed. Your patronago solicited. Highland Hand Laundry 2549 Currant Ave. Phono 403 White Labor. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS Bow River Valley, Southern Alberta. Flrst-olasa Farm Lands Cheap Ten Years' Time. Local Agency Steeves Block, Salem, Oregon. a. d. Mccarty; local agent.