DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. 8ALKM, OREGON, SATURDAY, 5UY 14, 1010. Don't wnsto so muoh force in boasting or what you do. Be gront in doing bo harmonious. vestlgation and pleaded uollo cqn tondoro. Ho "was convicted of hav ing paid a brlbo to councllmen .of thcclty't6 secure the passage ot an ordlnanco naming tho bank' as a de pository of city funds. Ex-Counellman Charles Stewart, one of tho alleged "big six" arid ono of tho prime movors In tho alleged schomo to obtain monoy from banks in return: for naming them as city depositories, was sentenced to sorvj eight months in Jail. Dr. Cook Is going to lead a quiet Hfjj; Mrs. Cook is already doing the talking for publication. A GERMAN DISCOVERY. slmplo lngredlonts scientifically com A valuable book, showing manv pictures of the curious little appen dix, and tolling how appendicitis is caused, and how you can easily guard yourself against It, can be secured free for a short timo at the above druggist's. You should read thjs book, and tako no chances. PJt!S Cured In O to 14 Dny. PAZO OINNTMENT Is guaranteed U cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed lng or Protruding Piles in 6 to H tlaya or money refunded. SOo 'MONK pounded. Becauso Adlor-1-ka COOLS tho diseased parts' and DRAINS OFF all impurities, which no other medicine can do, ONE DOSE Instantly relieves stomach or bowol trouble. Tho drug store of J. C. Porry reports largo sales and wonderful results. Almost any doctor will tell you, If your bowels do not move each day, or if you' havo wind or. gas in your Btomach, or a heavy feollng after eat ing, you may very likely get appen dicitis. By taking Adlor-i-ka Just onco each week, appendicitis can gain no foothold. Simple. Mixture of ' Buckthorn Bark Conquers Appendicitis. f BENCH AS A WEAPON Saves nn lown Sinn's Life. Tho very gr'avo roomed to yawn i,nfnro nnhnrt Mmlsnn. of West Bur- Germany loads the world In sci ence, and it was loft to a German physician to discover a slmplo reme dy for treating appedlcltis without op eration. This discovery, coming when appendicitis is increasing so rapidly will bo of great benefit, although, per haps, In very raro cases, operation may still bo advisable. The romedy, called Adlor-1-ka, is composed of buckthorn bark, glycerins and other Londoners are chewing gum, but they aro not claiming they originated the habit. llington, Iowa, when, after seven weoks In tho hospital, four of the best physicians gave him up. Then, was shown tho marvelous curative power of Electric Bitters. For. after eight months of frightful suffering from liver trouble and yellow Jaun dice, getting no help from other remedies or doctors, five bottles of this matchless medlclno completely cured him. It is positively guaranteed for Stomach, Liver or Kidney trou bles and never disappoints. Only 50c at J. C. Perry . A plain prescription Is printed up on each 26c box of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your doctor or druggist if this formula is not com plete. Pain moans congestion, blood pressure. Head pains, womanly pains, pains anywhere got Instant ro ller from a Pink Pain Tablet. Sold by Capital Drug Store. i PEARL BURNS HOLDS IJP A ROB BER FOR 45 MINTJTEiS Wmt A MoJ&'HVnENOir while NEAR-BY TOWN. PAGKJilX. ' . cstntlnatbi', Mass., May 14. WJtarnpuiing nut a nicitei piaiea tnonkeV 'Wrench: lB-vearoId Pearl Burns, railroad, telegraph operator at this place, lato last night hold at bay for 45 minutes, a man giving the namo of Patrick O'Leary, wnc was endeavoring to enter tho depot The irlrl was alono In tho station when tho man raised a rear window and started to .cllmb In. Grabbing a monkey wrench Miss Duma lev elled It at tho Intruder and ordered aim to stand still with bis hands up. Tho order was bboybd and tho girl "called" Boston and told tho dis patcher, of the situation! A froleht train was hurriedly sent to Westminster, and when the crow arrived on tho scene tho girl still held tho fort and. tho man was takon la custody and turned over to the police. i 1 i !., WILL HAVE A LONG BALLOT TO CHECK many itEFEitfeKriuM rarrrrioivy FIIiBD AND MOItE COMING VOTERS WIMi HAVE A BLAN KET BALLOT TO CONSIDER. That tho voters of tho fftato will havo something to occupy their minds with at tho coming oloction, In addi tion to electing county, district and utato ofllcors, is ovldencod by tho fact that there Are already four potltlons on nio with tho secretary of state under tho initiative and referendum laws throe under the former and ono under the latter and it is esti mated' that beforo tho timo expires for tho filing of rations calling for elections ou questions under thli law that fully SO petitions will have tewfljed, ... - " Women First la PfcHL Tho" women aro the" first ftr tho Held, and their petition will appear first ou tho ballot. So far women havo been denied Jbo righto of suf frage la ,thUtato of Oregon, but thoy are dej,fVnel to enact a law ttilo fall granting "them political prlvllogos equal with' those enjoyed by men, but whether they will succeed or not re mains to bo seen. Tho next petition filed is undor tho referendum , law referring- to, tho consideration of tho people aVoasurb passed by tho last loglslaturaln,., re lation to tho salary ot Judgo Smith, of Baker City. The salaries of tho circuit Judges aro; fixed At $3000 a yoar, but tho last legislature passed a law that tho county should pay in addition to this tho sum of $1000. Want County Division. Tho third petition Is under the Ini tiative, and has for Its object tho en actment ot a law which will create a bow county to be known as Neemlth, Tho measure proposes to carvo tho jaow county"out s( tho territory, now Ombraced' in Douglas and 'Lano "coun ties. Thora la constdorablo opposi tion to tho moTcmont, and it la pre dicted that a lively contest will on-iuo. Tho last petition is with rotation tho Monmouth Normal School. Heretofore tho legislature has had to contend with this question, but this fall it will bo for tho pooplo to say by tholr votes whether thoy want a nor mal or not, to 500 SEALS TO HEAD FAMILIES " Washington, D. C, May 14. Marked in a manner so thoy can bo &s!ly recognisable; 500 3-yoar-old malo seals aro to bo allowed to es cape th$ yearly slaughter on tho Erlblyoff killing fields this year, to supply breeding odulta in tho futuro, This numbor will bo marked oach year and protected from tho killers. The seals are to bo slain under no circumstances. The government ex perts will choose the most perfect seals In the herds as breoder. According to Secretary Naglo to day, W I. Lambkey will bavo charge of tho work, and he will tako string- eat measures to aeo that tho chouon aeals are allowed to live. Wa 'UBMllllutf to Contend." Plbtaburg. Pa, May H. A. A. Wmusk, former oashlwr of the Ger man NatloMl bank today wm m& tmm to nerra sight months In Jail a ltd pay a e of 16.000. Vllsaek wk iiKltoUd in tho reoant graft In- T T A Good I nvestmenfc is Worth 1 X' Ta (T TP SI a Lite Time of Toil is one of the greatest things in the country today. More fortunes have been made and are being made in Oil than in any other known commodity. Of course the first principle of making money is to provide the public with something that the public wants when it wants it, and for which the public is willing to pay the producer's price. Too many men make failures who face the other way and try to sell the public something which they want the public to have, and thus the provider is ultimately obliged to sell at the public's price, and in that there Is little or no profit. Oil is a necessity, and new uses are being made of it every day. On the Pacific Coast Oil is about the only fuel used, and even two of our largest railroad systems use California Crude Oil for locomotive fuel. BROWN GOLD By R. S. , Note: (Wo wish the reaclbr to know that tho term "Brown Gold" means California Crude Oil.) . i( When Jud Elwood awoko ono morning In his cabin, located near Bakorsfleld In tho State of California, and decided to go on a rabbit hunt, "by his lonoly," ho little dreamed tho result of that decision and tho subsequent trip was to lead 'to the discovery of one of . the greatest Brown Gold producing districts in the world; and naturally tho thought never occurred to Jud, bocauso ho had In mind simply Jaunting for rab bits, not minerals. To quoto Jud, as' ho gavo the tic count of his find to tho writer, ho on that morning loft his cabin accom panied by his gun and dogs; and Jud, by tho. way, was always fond of dogs and had a few that were as good as any in Kern County; and Jud knows a good dog, too, and why not? His old homo, Bakorsfleld, is tho Mecca to which all really good ones make an annual pilgrimage to attend tho great National Tryout. Well, to contlnuo Jud's story, ho started out in a direction to tho northwest of hs cabin toward tho foothills, and v aftor securing a good-sized bag . of cotton-tails was returning homeward, when his' attention was attracted in ono dlrootlon to tho different hues of tho early morning mist which, rising from tho soil, gave off a color that had tho appoarance of being a brown-colorod haze, or a "some thing" entirely different from that notlcoablo In other directions, with tho result that Elwood was soo.i con vinced of tho presence of Brown Gold, and tho existonco of tho Kern Riv.er District today proves his de ductions to havo beon correct. Jud had hard work at first In his efforts to convince friends and. neigh bors as to. tho impor,tanco of his find, his deductions not being accepted even by experts as being at all rea sonable, which brings to mind the curious story told of tho earliest dis covery of Brown Gold in this coun try during the days of Colonel Drake. Tho Wise Onos at that timo smilod at tho prospoctor, bolng amuied at tho more Idea of finding Brown Gold In tho earth. The son of ono old -fnrmer brought homo thp nows of Colpnol Drake's find, which to tho mind of tho old man was utterly absurd, consoquontly ho would not bellovo It. "If you had told mo that thoy had found whlskoy, I could read ily understand it, for wo know that whiskey is made from corn, and It might easily soak through' tho roots of . tho stalk and accumulate In tho eartht but flowing Brown Oold, ' never," Ab a consoquonce, tho ad verse opinions and criticisms to which Jud was subject showed nolther sympathy nor support, which made him fully realize the old trujh that "no man is a prophet in his own country." and the sequence in all probability would havo been- that tho great body of mineral wealth which had boon lying there dormant for many ages would havo remained undlsturbod If it were not for the atrangor who took ndvantngo of tho opportunity and backed hla Judgment with money. This fact Is notorious in tho history ot tho development of . tho great Kern River District. Prac tically, and oxceptlpg ono old fjjin which had pinned Its faith on what la now famous as the ,'Wost:s8.IiW, tho district where guihora aro mak frig mtllionarloa nearly every day, the , brains and means which, dovolopod tho groat Drown Gold dlstrlot of I California, which today Is by long oddB the greatest producing country in the world, came from tho outside; from the stranger. The local capi talist and others of smaller means, being absolutely blind as to the op portunity then within their grasp. From; other portions .of tho state, California capital and brains took a 'leading part In the early develop ment. Well known merchants, law yers, doctors, lumber and fruit men tnking a, leading part, and to the ,11st must be added tho many hundreds of tho comparatively smaller Investors, such as mechanics, railroad men and particularly the strong support and backing furnished by tho keen de partment storo employe two Los Angeles stores alone supporting hun dreds of Investors, each orio helping tho development in amounts that ranged from $50 by tho lady cashiers to $2,500 by managers of depart ments. Another Interesting feature in this connection was the Impetus given by residents of the "Show Me" state, Thoy. sent ithoir' delegations to investigate, were duly "shown," and as a consequence their subse quent investments have added many millions of dollars In Brown Gold to tho world's wealth. Some towns of about 20,000 Inhabitants furnishing more "sinews" than did any one ot tho wealthy eastern states. It was not very long after tho Elwood discovery before all the good land In tho district was acquired, principally by mining, fruit, lumber and other men, who through business connections and associates were brought into actlvo touch with tho exact situation In Kern County, and who were quick to tako advantage of tho immense possibilities and profits to be ultimately derived from tho development of Drown Gold as against thnt of any other kind of mining or Industrial enterprise. And, as a consoquenco, those who later on decided to engage in tho industry were compelled to go elsowbere and socure lands In other districts, whero the indications and general appear anco of tho country were similar to thoso prevalent In the Kern River district. This "crowding out," which lod to the compulsory seeking for other districts was particularly fortu nate from tho fact that It led to the further exploiting, development and ultimately the proving up of the greatest ot all California Brown Gold Districts "Coallnga." The stupendous magnitude and tho recent rapid advancement mado In tho development of this great Brown Gold district is such as fully warrants tho name tho "WONDER DISTRICTS," and In order to fully appreciate Its immense richnoss nnd tho development thoreof which has been mado during the past few years, which period covers the roal opening up ot tho field, a comparison will be necessary, and for tho purpose ot making an Intelligent ono, tho cele brated Korn River District, tho field thnt ts genorally (nnd was truly) re garded as being 'tho greatest and richest producer of Brown Gold in the world will bo takon. The authentic, up-to-dato figures used in order to substantiate the statements rondo aro thoso compiled for the month of March, 1910, and thoy are Interesting aa well as re markablo from tho fact that they provo unquestionably tho supremacy ot Coallnga, tho Wonder District of California, and shows it to be by all odds, through comparison of present development, as well as by results, actual production -tho King of all Brown "Cold districts. The figures referred to, which covor the total production of thoso two great Brown Qold districts far the month of March, 1910, a rot Coallnga District. . . . 1,231,000 Kern River District.. 1,100,000 v barrels of 42 gallons each, the dif ference in favor of the Coallnga dis-. trict being 131,000 barrels for tho month. BUT when the present de velopment of both districts are taken Into consideration, the startling fact is realized that tho great Coallnga district produced thjs enormous quantity of Brown Gold with less than one-half the number of wells as compared with tho more thoroughly developed and comparatively older district, the Kern River. And by a further comparison of the average production per well In tho two districts it io shown that the Coallnga district well produced two and 6ne-half times as much Brown Gold as was produced by the Kern River district well In tho. same period, or in other words, to make tho contrast moro apparent, while tho average Kern River well wns producing 800 barrels tho average Coallnga well was producing 2,000 barrels. Having shown by facts and figures that Coallnga 1b the greatest produc ing district, it is now pertinent to re fer to another point In order to show' the further great advantage this dis trict has in facilities for marketing or moving the product to Tidewater, and this brings up tho subject of transportation, which as a matter of fact was the one and practically the only handicap with which, until recently, the producer of Brown Gold in California has had to contend. Producing a commodity without the facilities of getting It to a market is like finding a Yellow Gold mine in the heart of Africa without being able to handle the oro or getting the product to the outside world. Such was the story of Brwn Gold found In the heart of California, No means of transportation, excepting by the few thousand tank-cars furnished by the- railroads, which at Its beat was a totally inadequate, as well as very expensive, service. Now, however, those conditions have been complete ly changed and with a due apprecia tion ot the magnitude and impor tance of the "Wonder" of ' tho pro ducing districts, tho Coallnga pro ducer has at his disposal tho service of tho following great pipe line systems one' of six-Inch and 'four ot eight and ten-Inch capacity each, making In' all five great through pipe lines, which extend to various, coast points north and west from tho dis trict to market, 1. e., Tidewater, These lines are; Associated from Coallnga to Monterey, from Coallnga to Port Costa; Producers from Coa llnga to Port Harford; Standard from Coallnga to Mendota, tho lat ter two being parallel lines, which connect with the through lino to Point Richmond on San Francisco Bay. The product Is handled-by the transportation company or companies with which the producer elects to do business, which concerns, at their cost and expense, run pipe lines to the property and take care of tho product, thus relieving tho producer, of all further work. From tidewater points tho Brown Gold is shipped -north, south, east and west, from Alaska in the north to Chill in tho south; and pver seas as far as Japan, and portions of It even as far as Australia. The Coallnga district offers a product capable of further Immense development; offers ample facilities for the marketing of the same; of fers a, market which is practically un limited, coupled with a demand for the commodity, which all present ef forts have as yet been unable to sup ply. With all these facts In mind, can a single argument be advanced that will contradict the statement that an investment made now in Coallnga,.Brown Gold Is the best In vestment extant? How or where can I mako an in vestment whereby I may participate in the distribution of the immense amount of mineral wealth with which California Is so favored and the development ot which is still in its Infancy? How? By making an Investment in a company that has something to offer in r6turn for your investment, nnd the more they "have and hold" the greater will bo your return thereon. Whero? In vestigate fully the California Nation al Crude Oil Company, which has re cently acquired Five Thousand Acres ot rich Brown Gold holdings in tho now famous Coallnga district, the Wonder District of California. Remember the story of Jud and his dogs and don't be likened unto the blind friends and neighbors, but "get In" now, like the stranger did, when the investment- of a fow hun dred dollars, which the stranger actually made, resulted in a prlvato car, which ho now uses and is now his own; all the result of a small Investment In Brown Gold made at the bottom. Invest your savings in a company that is operating In the greatest field in the state. Remember, you have only a short time to purchase this stock at 40 cents port share. We can assure you that within a limited timo this Btock, will be sold for double this figure,' and you will see it quoted at that figure In these columns. We would advise you to mako as large a reservation as you can af ford and do so Immediately, Make alU drafts, money orders, etc., pay able to tho California-National Crude Oil Company, Los Angeles, Cal and mail with attached blank. . , California National Crude Oil Co., SUBSCRIPTION BLANK I. W. HELLMAN BLDG., Los Angeles, Cal. Gentlemen! Enclosed find " Dollars for whiclf please issue me Shares ' of the Treasury Stock of tl above Corporation Najne . Address . v. V Calif oania National Crude Oil Company I. W. Hellman Building, Los Angeles, California. 'V i. V: 4