Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 14, 1910, First Section, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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On Everything in the Store
Stanford University Special Af
ter a period of strenuous training,
althougji hampered by many difficul
ties, the cardinal eight, which is to
row against the University of Wash
ington, May 25, Is now practically
ready for the struggle, and only the
finishing touches aro needed to put
the crow in tho pink of condition.
Jho men who will malco the trip
were picked today by the coaches.
severe handicap to the crew has
been encountered in tho fact that J.
W Fitting, who has been in the
boat as stroke during most of the
preliminary training, will bo unable
o accompany the crow, as ho is to
take the Australian trip with tho
international Rugby team. This has
necessitated a change of stroke dur
ing tho last few days since Partridge
On Mondayi May 16, we will open for business our garage on. High street .opposite court house, This 'garage is the'largest and most fully equipped in every respect for the Sale, Cafe, repair and housing of. 'au
tomobiles of any garage in this prat of the state, Does your automobile need attention? Do you need-a place where it can , be properly housed at reasonable, charges? Jv.erybody is corofally (hd to l(isp,e,ct pur
large and commodious' quarters, We would be pleased to quote rates whfen desired, We are
Having sent East for an expert, we were4 veryortunate in securing the services of Wm, A.Copley, who is an expert of many years' experience In tils line in one'of the leading Chicago altomoblle factories, Work
manship is guaranteed in every respect, We have the agency for two of the best cars on the market, They are f, ' 1
, When you.consider the
Full Line of Au tomobile Sup
plies AMays in Stock
We guarantee the fit and do
not charge for alterations. Our
styles are all of the latest of
1910 creation's! colors are
gray, black, black and white
check, blue,: green, brown,
apricot, tan, etc., made of the
most popular fabrics.
All tto Prices Are
Greatly Reduced
Now Is the Time to Buy
has been put In tho position of
The' crew which will compete
against the University of Washing
ton will be as follows: Bow, R. H.
Seward; No. 2, R. Halls; No. 3, R.
F. Duryea; No. 4, L. F. Hofer; No.
5, R. R. Gllmore; No. C, H. L. Dlet
lerle; No 7, J. C. Huston; stroke, J.
F. Partridge, and coxswain, J. W.
Roberta. F. V. Acker will accom
pany the team as substitute.
A Happy Father
Is soon- turned to a sad one if he has
to walk the floor every night with a
crying baby. McGeo's Baby Elixir
will make the child well, sootho Its
nerves, induce healthy, normal slum
ber. Best for disordered bowels and
sour stomach all teething babies
need it. Pleasant to take, sure, and
safe, contains no harmful drugs..
Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle.
Sold by all dealers.
purchase of a car we would be pleased to demonstrate the qualities of these popular-priced and
, ,
Portland, Ore., May 14. In a gov
ernment bulletin Issued by tho hyrtrc
graphio offlco, which has Just beoa
received hero, fears aro expressed
that tho closo approach of Halloy's
comet to tho earth, beginning not
Monday, and lasting until Thursday,
may seriously interfere with ships,
compasses' and wireless messa
Tho bulletin says in part:
'It 1j rip. ''bio that during tho .p
proach' and recession of Hulley's
comet unusual electro-magneto phe
nomena may occur. Electro-magneto
magnets -nav be sent up by electrica"
dischargTj or meteoric par'l i.-.s. in
wblch cai3 (luiurbance would be ob
served in tho receiving apparatus of
wireless Installations. Tho maximum
offeqt will bo observed between tho
16th and 20th of May, and particu
lar on May 18.
"It Is requested that wireless oper
ators pay particular attention to
static effects during this period, and
noto anthlng unusual. Tho occur
rence of meteorites should be logged
by the watch officer, with details of
time, size, direction and duration.
The operator hearing unusual noises
in tho telephone, should note tho
time, and see whether there were any
meteorites observed at that time; al
so tho ship's head and tho direction of
tho antennae at tho same time
As tho compass may also be a (fet
ed, a close watch should be kep. for
unusual deflections of the needle,
noting their exact time, amount and
whether periodical."
Arrangements Itcing Made for Its
Proper Observance in Snloni.
Tho committee recently appointed
by the board of trade to co-operate
.with tho G. A. R. and W. R. a in
relation to the celebration and ob
servance of Memorial Day, met with
committees from tho last two named
organizations last evening 1 at tho
hoard of triado rooms, and outlined
plans for tho appropriate celebration
of the occasion.
According to tho plans outlined
tho decoration of the graves will oc
cur, in t,he forenoon of tho day. In
tho afternoon their will bo a mam
moth parade- after which exercises In
M ML Mmuo
High Street
fit t L
harmony and accord with tho spirit
of tho occasion will bo hold at Mar
lon Squnro.
Efforts will bo oxorted to have- all
tho fraternal organizations partici
pate in tho parado and exorcises, and
invitations will bo extended to thorn
by a committee. A committee will
also take up the mattor of having the
children participate.
Tho commlttco On parado Is com
posed of Carlo Abrams, Gideon Stolz
and B. D. Mosslo. A committer
whose labor It will bo to prepare a
progrnm Is to bo appointed by Judge
(Continued .from pago threo.
the manager is a very accommodat
ing man, ho runs tho plant half a
day Wednesdays to supply power for
the ladles who want to do Ironing.
A now light line Is being built to
Mrs. M. Nebalung of Anahohn,
Calif., has made Aurora her summer
home, and has built a nice little cot
tage In what Is called Brooklyn ad
dition. Sadler & Kxaus succeeded Will
Bros, flvo years ago. Tho ouslness
was established 'twelve yeara ago.
This firm handles a great deal of
produce, shipping as high as 2000
dozen eggs in a week.
Dr. DcGuerre of SUverton, has a '
regular practlco hero la dentistry,
coming Friday's of each wpek.
Capt. Wm. Mlley has his old sign
still out shoemaker. Ho does as J
good work for the peoplo In that
capacity as ho uted to do as county
commissioner. I
A. H. Glesy has for twelve years
conducted a general merchandise
business. This firm was established
by Fred Glesy In 1857. Mr Glesy
handles produce and has two ware
houses. Wm. Glesy conducts a saddlery
and harness business.
W. P. Wuster has copductod a
good meat market hero for years.
Up to two years ago there was no
new houses built without tearing
down an old one.
W. M. Ryan of Buttevlllo has a
fine confectionery, cigar and tobacco'
store here.'' Chas. Scheurer is man
ager. .
D. O. Kenagy succeeds S. A. Mil-1
ler in tho livery business. Ho has
been running tho business about a
Mrs. Anna E. Platts, a graduate
of the Boston millinery school, Is
conducting an up-to-date millinery
store In tho location known as "the
old Aurora shoo store."
Milwaukee Is to pave a portion of
her streets with iard surface pave
ment, '
proud of the facUhat we have
Opposite The
Cars, Kissel
1 ..- 'J -i ' t as
united rnnss lexsio wies.1
Pendleton, Oro., May 14. Chief
Charlio No Shirt, of tho Walla Walla
tribe, has taken to tho tall timbers
of tho JJluo Mountains. Today he is
sued a defl to Uncle Sams enumera
tors, and told thorn that thoro would
bo no count of tho Walla Wallas un
til jho recotved personal assurance
from President Taft that no harm
would rosult.
Evor slnco tho census began the
enumerators havo had trouble with
the various tribes of tho Umatilla
reservation. Tho Indians bellovo that
tho consus men wore representatives
of the tax department of tho state,
and as a result they refused to come
out of the mountains.
Finally Cnpaln O. C. Applega'to,
who is well-known and trusted by the
Umatlllas, Nez Forces and Cayusos,
succeeded In calming tho redmen.
Thoy gathored nt tho regular camp
ing places, on orders from Chief Poo,
and submitted to tho count. But No
Shirt was suspicious, and, with his
followers, ,ho hied into the crags, and
ordered the trlbo to disperse, until
the great White Father, which Is
President Taft, is heard from
Mrs. Elizabeth Cunnlngliam Dead;
After a llngorlng illness Mrs.
Elizabeth Cunningham died yester
day at her residence at 254 South
Cottage street. Tho funeral will bo
held from tho residence tomorrow
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and inter
ment will bo made In tho I. O. O. F.
cometory. Tho funeral services will
be conducted by Rev. W. H. Solleck
of the Methodist church.
Mrs. Cunningham was ono of the
pioneers of tho city, arriving here
with hor husband In May, 1870. Sho
was born In Kingston, Canada, No
vember G, 1824, and was married to
Wm. Cunningham' in May, 1840
Mr. Cunningham MIed In August,
1886. Sho is survived by four
daughters, Mra. Stella Sutherland,
Mrs. Bertha Cavanaugh and Misses
Florence and Jane Cunningham, all
of this city.
It is reported that Mrs. W. K. Van
derbllt, Jr., has rented a house in
Reno, Nev. Sho does not give Reno's
advantage as a summer resort r.s tho
the .
high - grade cars, Our demonstration cars will be hero on open
Court House
MnEteiRu Bake ffiae food! at Iiome .rM'
and stxv
Proposals for Supplies for Oregon
State Tuberculosis Sanatorium.
The Stato Commission for thS
treatment of Tuberculosis Invites
sealed proposals for furnishing gro
ceries, moats hardware, kitchen
utensils, and other supplies for the
six months ending December 31,
1910. Where samples aro required,
goods musibd in strict accordance
with tho sajnplo and in original
package, and' If posslblo ready for
doliyery, f. o. b. Sajem, within 20
days, aftor contract is awarded. Bids
must 'specify the unit prlco and tho
amount in full, and may bo for a
part or all tho goods specified. When
a particular artlclo Is specifically
called for, bids for other kinds or
brands equally as good will be on
tortalndd, but samples of tho arti
cles proposed must bo submitted,
Each bid must be accompanied by a,
cortifled check oqual to at least 10
per cent of tho amount Of tho bid.
and made payable to tho under
signed. Checks of unsuccessful bld
dors will bo returned immediately,
and those of successful bidders
when contracts are completed. Bids
must bo enclosed in soaled enve
lopes, dlrectod to tho undorslgned
nnd plainly marked on tho outstdo,
"Bids for Sanatorium supplies, '
and thQ class of goods should bo In
scribed on tho envelope. Tho' name
of tho blddor should bo inscribed on
each soparato sheet of tho bid. Futy
list OF supplies may bo obtained by
addressing tho undorslgned.
Prices Quality and fitness being
... , -
Garage Qgen Day and Night
Your Patronage Solicited
equal preference will bo given to
Oregon mado products.
Bids will bo opened at the Execu
tive chambers, stato capItoI, Salem,.
Oregon, Juno 14, 1910, at 3 p. m.
H. J. CLEMENTS,, Superintendents
Salem, Oregon, May li, 1910.
Warren Zoll, of Eugeno, paid ?25?
yesterday becaus6 ho caught 'an C
lnch trout without having a license
to do so.
Eugene- has ,concludod'$to hay&a.'
sano Fourth" of July,' but aa tho'Wr
chante'shavo a blgstock of .fireworks
It has,, been decided to putjdtt.tho
sane part until next year.
Hood River had a $6,000 fire; Fri
day It was in Hood River "pn tho
Trace Marks
Anyone tending a sketch nnd description may
quloltlr ascertain our opinion free whether iu
tiiTention le probably patentable, Communica
tions strictly conHdontlal. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free. Oldest aeencr for securinspatunts.
Patents taken tbronah Muun Co. recelra
rprcwi notice, Tniuout cunrce, imao
A hundaomAtr lllnstrated weektr. Inrest cir
culation of anr siiletitltlo Journal. Terms, 13
yonri f nor months, CL Sold by ill nowedeolers.
folUNN &,Co c l""'-New York
' r f '
outh f
JL JtlUti .
day,'. Call and see them at
-i 1
jrropnetors t