DAILY CAPITAL JTOOlUViUi, BALBM, OREGON. SATURDAY, SUY 14, 1010. KLAMATH FALLS EXCURSION WILL SELECT THE TEACHERS v STILL UPPERMQS SCHOOL BOARD TO MEET TO NIGHT TEACHERS FOR THIS NEXT YEAR ARE TO BE SE LEOTED AND RUT FEW CHANGES WILL BE MADE. Committee of Board Is Working Hard to Get the Seventy-Five . Names Signed Up for the Trip. PAGE FOUR. OPENING DAY AT TOPIC V Tho committee of (ho Satoraj Board of Trail composed ot R. Cat lln, R. d. Bishop, F. G. Dockabach and Secretary A. F. Hofer put In a big forenoon's work gottlug signa tures to pledges to go on the South ern Pacific excursion of- Salem busi ness men to Klamath Falls. Follow . ing woro signed up who aro willing to go on the trip loavlng Salom Mon day, May 24, and return on tho night of tho 27th: H. S. Gilo & Co. Wm. McGllchrlst, Jr. 13. Hofer. J. Li. Stockton. H. O. While. .T. (1. ttinmntiin. E. C. Patton. i Salom Brewery Association. John H. Scott. G. G.' Brown. U. S. National Bank. , ThfeJson; & fRoland, f . , , Wm, Brown. Hal. D. Patton. . R. Catlln. .Paul B. Wallace. Frank M. Brown. , ' GStolz, Donald S. Rabb. . "Wnfron 3onstructlon Company. A. G. Wagers. W. A. Moofe,y ' Goo. o. wm. ' W. C. 'Hubbard. -S. A. Manning F. E, Shafor. Gob. E. Waters." J. A. Dishon, T.B. Kay. P. C. Lavoy. It. P. Boise. 0. 8. Hamilton. Oswald West. H. Pohle. John Farrar. Homer H. Smith. Flojtoher Homan. John F. Stevens, Rep. Hard work will be done until Monday night to got tho 75 names for tho excursion, and tho comnilt- teo want to hoar from all In and around Salom who are willing to go Thfs Is tho only chanco thoro will bo to havo this excursion, as tho train cannot bo assembled again for this purpose until very lato in tho fall, and tho advertising Salem will got from this excursion would bo a great factor In the .future development of tho city. A whirlwind campaign for tho balance of tho signatures will bo mado this afternoon and thoy will all probably bo signed up by the time this goes to press. ANOTHER SCALP AT INDIAN'S BELT CHEJtAWA WON A HOTLY CON TESTED GAME YESTERDAY FROM; WILLAMETTE IN THE TljNTH INKING 1X A SCORE OF ,V ' : Yostorday afternoon WHlamolto, af ter' her signal dofeat by tho High School last Wednesday, enmo back with a rush, and played Chemawa a ten-Inning gamo, tho final scoro be ing 6 to 4 in favor of tho1-Indiansd Tho, gamo was fast, and, barring a fow Irfatancos of poor playing on tho part of both teams, was a good exhibition of tho national game. Wlllaraoto did not seomto bo nblo to Bcoro till tho eighth inning, whon! D. T. Bdron," onglnoer hnd con- Chomawa sont in a now pltchor, and tractor, has broken all records by byi gottlug "walks" and hitting sac j putting In a 0 1-foot stool reinforced rlflces $lln;mottft:'ran Jn four- r.uns, concroto bridge on Twelfth-street, do iiaklng the-' scoro's4 o! 3 In lior favor, lng tho workbotweon Tuesday and This should havo been tho final scoro Saturday morning, when it was but that by, poor , playing which, has ylewod and ccoptod, by tho city on caused hor former defeats, sho al- glnoor und stroot cOmmltteo. lowed Chemawa to scoro a run in tho It was rushed through day and ninth, whloh tied the scoro, and then night, a now way of doing things nt another. In tho tenth, which decided Salem. Tho bridge is a square box 'tho gamo. pattern, tho first of tho kind ever Tho credit for tiro showing Wtllam- built nt Salom. otto mado in yesterday's game is duo largely to young Grobo, who pitched a vory heady gamo for a youngster. pulling himself out of holes that would havo discouraged pitchers much more oxporlencod than ho. It was through no fault of his that Wll- laraotto lost tho gamo. Toboau, playing shortstop for Che mawn, pulled oft a clover play by Jumping straight In tho air and pull ing down one-handed a drlvo that Would havo b.bon a suro hit Tho gamo was tho best that .has boon played on Willamette field this year, and If Wlllamotto, when sho moots tho ponltontlary aggregation this aftornoon puts up tho same ar ticles of ball as she did yesterday, sho will mako thorn hurry to, host hor. o : CONCRETE BRIDGE WORK THAT BEATS THE RECORD Tho school board of the city pub lic schools- will hold a mooting this ovonlng for the purpose-of electing a,-staff of toachors for tho coming school year. Members of tho boar(d havo assembled at two previous oc casions for this purpose, but Owing to tho absence of Dr. Epley, chair man of tho board, who Is ill and under-going treatment at Pdrtland, tho election each tlmo was post poned. It is doubtful whether Dr. Epley will bo In attendance tonight, but ho has sent word that in the event that ho is not, for the board to proceed with the election, and It will do so. Should Dr. Eply return and at tend, the board will also tako up tho matter of awarding contracts for heating plants nt the Inglowood and East Salem schools. Bids for 'In stalling tho plants havo already been opened and considered by tho board, and It Is ready to tako action with relation to them. Bo Few Changes. According to Clerk Johnson tho board had recolved no resignation from teachers on tho present staff today, but there will probably bo some presented this evening. There will be, howover, but fow changes In tho regular staff, If any is mado at all. Superintendent Powers was re elected at a meotlng hold somo time ago and so was Principal Kirk. Tho co'mplotlon of tho now Inglo wood school will create a demand for olght now teachors and these will bo elected tonight. Tho board Is In possession of a largo number of applications and will oxperlenco no trou,blo In securing good teachers for this school. Tuesday, May 17, will be opening day at Hollywood, the finest subdivision ever laid ouj in Oregon. Save that afternoon for us and go out and look .'over the prettiest spot around Salem, -We will have plenty of autos and rigs ready to drive you out to Hplly woodi Be at our office at'2 p:, m, Read what J. J, Hill says about small acreage, nad then make up ybur mind that Hollywood is the place for you, "The day of the large farm is past. What you want here is the man ytho will take -10 acres and cultivate it thorough ly. The man who takes 10 acres of your rich land and works it as it should be worked can easily make $5000 per year, Ten, acres in the Willamette Valley should be as valuable, from the standpoint of productivity and earning power as 160 acres in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois and soms other states in that section. I do not know of any ' land anywhere that will compare with your land here,." . ' , 347 State Street, Telephone Main 452 WOUNDED POLICE MAN WILL RECOVER WM. T. MAGUIRE SHOT IN THE ABDOMEN BY BURGLAR WHOM HE AFTERWARDS KILLED, HAS CHANCE FOR HIS LIFE. ; : MARKETS UNITED imSS LEASED WIHS.1 May 14. Pollce Magulro probably VEGOR IntrrcdJcnts l Biph. Oiyctrin. Quinin. sodium Chioria. Show this to your doctor. '."fry i . Oitloum. 8, JLloahol. Wtr. Certain. . ' ' Ayer mlr visor jutt as promptly aeiroy me Bcrmt that causa dandruff. It remove every trace of dandruff lltclf, and keep the taw clean and In a tieauny condition. Aver Hair VI cor nrometly destroy the ccrraa that causa falling hair; It nourlthet the hair- miiDt, restores tnem to neawn, lamntf out, grow more rap'uiy, liieuair (top l,f,,.m M jrvr J9 Pure That is a broad quostlon. Thoro aro many klnHs of so-callod pure paint thnt will not como up to tho standard of quality E&jbtoo's Sun-Proof Ready For Use - " ' la ono that comes up to tho standard. Puro paint must uot only bo unadultorated, It must he inlxod in proper proportions. Tho component parts must bo so blonded that tho paint stands tho tost of wear and holds its llnlah. Patton's Sun Proof, inlxod roady for , uh, in liny dMlred color. Is guaranteed to meet theeo requirements. j ' Fletcher & Byrd 312 N. CommeiiliU. Hay. Qraln. Flour. Foed. etc. San Francisco, man William T. will rocovor from tho wound In tho nbdomen recolved early tills hiorn liig In a duol with an unknown bur glar, whom ho succeeded In killing. It Is believed tho ballot Is lodged In tho muscles of tho back and not the Intestines, as at first was though by tho physicians. I Tho pollco bollovo the dead bur glar, who was about 55 years old, whs nn experienced house breaker and contemplated a sorles of bur glaries In this city, as addresses of sovorol wealthy cltlzons woro found In his effects. Mngulro was ono of throe police men who responded to the sound of a pollco whistle on Oough Btroof, blown by Goorgo Mnrlln, who dis covered tho burglar ontorlng his res idence. Tho oulcors cornorod tho man In a back yard and oponod fire. Tho robber emptied his gun, wound ing Mngulro, before receiving a bul let through tho hoart. ,o . SOCIAL KVKNTS OF T1IK PAST WKKK. So Imt You May Compare Dofor taking up sltinirle. Hit .tar tmd other roofing, v will ox- plain wlit Rubtrold i. wu that you juay h better bl to eompuro it Rulii-ioiri wita th original urprort Hulslied surf c rtooHng, and for mvwI rk.Uvi wbb VA..thP chiirr U 08nUU of & woo) fbrlfflH:4iitU; cnat witrv, ixlble HU- s'rolil mgi. i Thw U uo tdorat nbout this fabric. It is tho belt grade of wool fait, It is kb rich In wool libers as the felt which is used In Darby hU, Wool cost twlre aa mu'li at cotton, but it ImI Uirw tlmae ns lau$. WUfn you wnat rooNHK drop u a card. ataili nud doorlpUv f8mUf r Ht grati. . 1 . ' Fall City Lumber Co. xmxmm in uuildino mathrial wood And coal Fourteenth and Oak. Thero Is a groat doai doing In nuislcnl' circles at Salem, and quite a number of musical enthusiasts nro preparing to attend Mio Walter Dnm rosch. symphony concort nt Portland Wednesday night. Miss Sheltou Is preparing to havo hor annual' re cital and It will be mndo up of tlu work of somo of the best talent lu the oily. Th home bf Justio aul Mrs. Will R. King will bo thrown opon Tuogday evening of next vimk for the students of Mum lilnm W !er on piano, and Miss Magers glee club will tk p!ace on tho progntm. There was a flue iuubIoaI last n'ght at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. J. F. Peun, corner Marlon and Capital' streets, where a roueptloii rm glvii to Mr. and Mrs. Qw, Rosgner of Minneapolis, who aro on their wad ding trip, having bwn mrrll about thre wmUb o. The brld was Uim Nellie Pwtiu mil known m thta elty. Tlie groom l the young- ! er un of an IluugHrUui fauilly of the nobility. Mrs. Bhmer aalitel Mr. I'wm In twlvlng the guest, and tvbout SO were entertained with wuaie and rfreshmenta. O-i Anotitur ISnitliqimKo Hotfonlod. WMhlngtoH. D. C, May H. Siv inoKrapha nt the wen the bureau. QKrgtown university and at' the Ooast and Qegdltio Sun-ey Magnetic Observatory at Cheltenham, Md., re corded earthquake shocks of 43 minutes' duration early today. The tremor were unusual because of the alternating direction?. San Francisco, May 12. Wheat Australian nnd Propo, $1.60 1.65; Sonora, fl.G51.70; good to choico Calif. club, $1.62' 1.67; Northern wheat bluestem, $1.6001.05; Club, Sl.621.57: Turkey, $1.52 1.57; Russian red, $1.47 1.52. ' Barloy Feed, good , to choice, $1.07 1.10 fancy, $1.11; poor to fair,' $l'1.05; brewing and shipping, $1.12 1.15; Chevalier, $1.17. Eggs Per dozen, Calif, fresh in cluding cases, extras, '25c; firsts, 22 c; seconds. 22c; thirds, 21c. ' Butter Per lb.. Calif, fresh ex tras, 27c; ilrsts,. 26c; seconds, 25c. New cheese Per lb., New Calif. flats fancy, 13 c; firsts, 13c; sec onds, 12 c; Calif. Young America fancy,' 14 c; firsts, 14c, Eastern Oregon, 19c; do Young America. 20c; storage Now York Cheddars fancy, 20c; do singles, 20c; Wiscon sin singles, fancy, 19c; Oregon fan cy, 19'c. . - Potatoes Per cental, River Whites, 50 66c; in sacks with ex tra stock quotable at 50 90c per cental; Lompocs, $1.401.50; Sa linas, $1.25 1.35; Oregon, 90 95c; new per cental, $101.25 for reds and $1.25 01.50 whlto; sweets in crates, 33c per lb. Onions Per cental, Oregon, $1.40 01.50; do. Bonnuda seed, $1.25 for yellow and $1.75 02 for whlto wax per crate; now green, per box, 60c. Oranges Per box now navals choico $1.752; fancy, $2.5003; new Tangerines, $101.50. Local Wholesale Market. Flour, hard wheat.,., $5.60 Flour, valley $5 05.20 Mill feed, bran $27.00 Shorts i .. v . . .$28,00 Wheat, bushel 90c Oats, bushel .'. 40c Hay, cheat '. 17 018 Hay, oat 17 018 Vetch hay '. .$16 017 Hops, J909 crop 12 015 Ghlttlm bark ,,. . . v ". . . , . . 4 4 c Mohair. - . . . .......... ,29c0 31 Potatoes, bu , 20c Apples, bushel .7rc$1.25 lluttcr and Hggs. Butter, crearaory 27: Eggs 20c Buttorfat ...... ' ...39c jifvi mn Has sent prices skyward all. over the state of Oregon, but before his advent to this section, wo were for tunate In securing a good list exclusively, and aro now able to give our customers tho benefit of- tho low prices. . t POR INSTANCE $900 for a good 4.ro'om house, barn, chicken park, plenty of fruit, good well, lot 75xl5(Ji.on car line. $900 for a 6-room house, brand new, good well,' cement walk,, 2 good lota, close to' car line. This Is something tony, and will not last long at the prlco named. $4500 for a modern residence, close In on Court, can'glvo terms. " , ' $1300 takes a choice acre of the best black loam soil, Inside city limits, with house, barn, chicken houses and parks. A good garden, house all furnished, garden tools and about 100 thoroughbred chickens go with the place. . ''''' k ' We have 6 and 10-acre tracts close In at $1'75 an acre and up. We havo choice lots all over the city, ranging In price from $150 upward. Our list of farms, Incomplete, and whether you buy or not, we take pleasure In showing our property. 'Be In no hurry to buy, get prices from others, If yoil like, but before you close a deal see PLANT & TALLMAN The Reliable Real Estate Dealers Room 205 U. . National Bank Bldg. . Phono 479 Butter, eouatry ,20022 Poultry. Urollars and fryers .25c Hens ...... . . , 16c Roosters (young) ....12c Roosters (oil) ............ ...,8c Turkeys ..22c Ducks v.l2e Livestock. Steers (under 1U00 lb) $506 Steers (10.00 to 1200 lb) ...$67 Cov.. ..4 , $4.55 Mnge, tat 9ifji9-c Htouk .60 8 (Bwes 5c Spring lambs 8c VwH, nueonUng to quality ..7 Uc won't leak, 'an honest electric meter, patent leather shoes that don't pinch, thawless ice, barkless dogs and scrntchless chickens. This is original with somo ono. Tho weak, in performance aro very verboso In precepts; the strong In performance llvo the precepts. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! Hf your Stomaoh. Heart, or Kld- nfays are weak, try nt least, a few, noses only or ur. snoop s ueetara Uvit. In five or ton days only, the result will surprise you. A few cents will cover the coat. And here Is why' helrt ooinei so quickly- Dr. Snoop t)oMR't drug the Stomach, nor stimu late the Heart or Kidneys. Dr. Shoop'a Restorative goes directly to the weak and falling nerves, molt organ has Its own oontrolllng nerve. Wheu these nerves fall, the deneud- I lug organ must of necessity falter. Tills plain, yet ' vital truth, clearly tells why Dr. Shoop'a Restorative is 90 universally successful. Its sueettM U leading druggists everywhere to giro It universal preference, A test Will surely tell. Sold by Capital Drug Store. tWluga wtnted are 'tires that won't puncture, fountain pens that 4-room. house, 8 nice lots, In South Salem, ' ground lays fine; $3,000 for a short time 'only. 2 lots, block from Commercial .St., South, $600. 2 lots on Falrmount Ave., for on ly $280. 6-room house, woodshed, 1 lot, etc., on 18th street, for $850. A snappy now 5-room bungalow, modern In every detail, located In South Salem, for only $1,700. 64 acres on Oak Grove Road. All In. cultivation; water at house and bnrn; acre of strawberries; lo ganberries, raspberries, etc.; weil fenced; fine place, only $4,800. 80 acres, 3 miles south of Salem on Jefferson Road, finest of .fruit land. . 42 acres, just outside of a fine town, all In cultivation and In crop; fair house and bnrn; excellent soil. Price now for a short time. $4,000. xfr "Wo have all kinds W houses and Iqts; nnd tho best list of farms Jn town. Call on us, . .1, O, SCHULK & CO. Rush llnnk Building SEE US 108-ncro farm; 100 under culti vation, good buildings, 6 miles from Salem In tho Waldo Hills. Price. including team, wagon, cow, chick ens, farm Implements, etc., $10,000 40 nor oe ; 25 under cult., 10 acres flue hops. 1 acre loganberries; old buildings, 1 mile to stantlon on eloo trie lino. Share of crop. Price, $4,000. 30 acre Am grub oak on Salem. Falls Otfy R. U., at a. bargain. 10 acres on the. Installment plaa. 3 miles from elty. $100 per acre. 6 a ores fine land by the Ceo. Sav age tract, for $150 per acre. Why lwy $200? New 7-rooiu house and 3 lots on the Capital St. Boulevard, $2,500 $700 oash, balanee in 2 years. Beforo you buy see Derby & Willson Room 206-T-8. U. 6. Bank Uldg A Smile Is a pretty hard thing to Accomplish when you're blue, bilious and out of sorts. There Is a sure cure for all kinds of stomach and liver 'com plaints constipation and dyspepsia. Ballard's Horblno Is mild, yet abso- .vA book on Rheumatism, and a trial treatment of Dr. Shoop's Rheu matic Remedy liquid or tablets is being sent free to suffo ers by Dr. Shoop, of Racine, Wis. You that are well, get this book for some dis couraged, disheartened sufferer! Do a simple act of humanity! Point out this wny to quick and certain relief! utely effective in all cases. Price Surprise some sufferer, by first get till Aitrl rr, f T r r r T I A 11 .1 An I nMr. . . 00 cents per bottle. All dealers. Kentucky has substituted electro cution for hanging. Lynchlngs will continue to bo pulled off according to old fashioned methods. ting from me. the booklet and the test. Ho will appreciate your aid. Capital Drug Store. Some people J.hnk If thel sins aro not found out they are a virtue. $2500Town Property f?i $12! a Home Builder? Are You Just the thing for a carpenter to finish in his spare time or leisure season, A new nine-room house, unfinished, in a good locality (Fairmount Park), house enclosed and partitioned, door and window casings in, and porch finished, on a full lot fine view, top of hill, Can offer this for a short time at $1250, This is.one of the best buys of improved property in town on our list, nd it must be sold; don't forgetit must be sold, and it will be sold, With an expenditure of about $700, labor and-materi- J al combined-; it ought to sell for $2500 certainly within '! a nunarea ot ii, Opportunity knocks but seldom at your door, :f The Fleming Realty" 123 Liberty street, mpany Salem, Oregofi k mm ii ii i iwairrrntiBaHMMBBll REAL ESTATE $600 Choice lota on Commercial street, east front, size 60x160, fine location for pleasant home. $15.500-?-Fine business corner on Commercial street, 57xl66, op posite the uew Hotel Marion; a fine speculation for an Investment. Meyer & Bell Land Company 437 State. Street HK3I