)AILY OAl'tTAli JOTONAL, BALKM, OKISGON. SATtHIMY, MAY J I, 1010. PAGE TimiJE, Soils Fruit Lands Center of Hop Industry Shipping Point Rico the i,. STATE Capital Stock - $25,000 Deposits - - $125,000 Assets $169,000 BFWTC Cashier and Lll 1 3 President .o A F WII I REAL ESTATE AURORA, ORECON The Wealth of the Home Depends Upon the Wealth of the Soil There are no better lands anywhere for the prices charged per acre than around Aurora, Ore, I am pleased' at all times to correspond with those who wish to know about our country. I would consider it a favor to send .my printed list of properties, such . as fruit .lands, farms, berry lands, etc, My auto is always at your ser vice to see these lands, A. J. MISHLER L. L GRIBBLE Misie HOP r nriDDie MERCHANTS AUROR A, ORE G O Portland's Popular Fire-Proof Hotel tHE OREGON The House' of Comfort Combined With Elegance Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service in city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to, J 2 Riost perfectly furnished, moderate priceiJ, modern hostelry -in the metropolis of the . Northwest WRIGHT & DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Owners and Managers. Also Operating Seattle Hotel, Seattle. OLD STA6E STATION OF MARION COUNTY NOW A LIVE COMMERCIAL CITY Aurora was quite a place botoro Salem was much of a city. It' was the main stage station between Ore gon City and Salem, and horsees were changed there and man and beast refreshed, and people are still living who tell of the wonderful good meals served there In the pioneer times when white German cookery was a luxury. In the old colony days this place, was an in dustrial center. They had their own woolen mills, flouring mills, saw mills, to say nothing of a religious and educational system all their own. One industry that was not much en couraged in tho old days was mar riages, some of the good brethren and sisters thinking it was an institu tion 'that might as well be reduced to a minimum. In spite of some of these minor peculiarities, Aurora has always enjoyed the distinction of be ing a highly moral and prosperous community where people were not ashamed to work for living, lived within their means and saved some thing for a rainy nay. Today Aurora is taking on modern airs, building many new homes, laying off lands into orchard tracts, making street improvements and dreaming of an electric railroad across tho country from Wilsonville to Wllhoit Springs. It is on the old main line of the Ore gon and California railroad and has good train service. Strong Bonk Organization. Tho Aurora State Bank is one of tho strongest little banks in tho "Willamotto Valley. It has deposits of $125,000 and assets of $169,000 The officers are Henry L. Bents president and cashier, Henry A Snyder vice president. Directors, the above and Dr. B. P. Giesy, W. S. Hurst, Franz Kraxberger, J. H. Miley, and Grant B. Dimlck. The bank was organized in 1896, capital stock $2G,00D. Mr. Bonts has prov en a careful man at the head of this bank. He has. a fine farm in tho Buttevllle district, and a beautiful, little bungalow home In this city. .Good Olty GoTernment, . J. G. Miller is the present mayor of Aurora. He is the father of the city in several ways, taking a live interest in all that la for tho good of the community. The Aldermen are Geo. KrauB, J. W. Sadler, A. F. Will, and A. H. Will. The Itecorder Is Geo. Fry, and tho treasurer A. M. Fry. The city marshal wo did not get acquainted with but tried to keep out of his .way, although we have no reason to think he was not attending to his duties and Is a model officer and that Is a quality that Is op predated among real estato men Laying Off Acreage Tracts. Tho Dr. Martin Giesy farm east of tho town is to bo platted into orchard tracts as soon as ho can make nr rangements through his son in Port land to put them on the market, They contain tho famous Aurora mineral springs that will some day bo tho center attraction for a health resort. Tho Fargo Orchard Tracts Company of Portland has COO ncres and has laid off a hundred ncres and planted it to fruit and is platting another hundred acres west of Au rora on tho Oregon Electric, whero they1 want to put in the townsito of Fargo one mile south of East Butte vllle. Tho success of the Hubbard Investment Company In selling off $24,000 worth of fruit acreage at Hubbard has attracted tho attention of tho most conservative at Aurora. At Aurora Fred Hurst is selling off tho bottom land that was at one time the mill pond, in tracts to suit buy ers for $75 to $150 per acre. Good Shipping Point. Geo: Miller, S. P. agent since 1883, says anout 100 carloads a year are shipped out of here. About 4000 bales of hops 50 carloads go from hero to tho markets of the world. Besides hops there are potatoes, pil ing, mining timbers, lumber, grain and stock shipped out of here. There are about 40 acrloads merchandise a year sent In hero. Tho express ship ments avorango 10,000 pounds per month. The Muecko estato is send ing out about 30(000 pounds aspara gus in a season. About, fifty patrons ship cream to Salem and Portland. The city would support a bakery and laundry. W. S. Hurst has been In tho pota to and produce business here for 15 years. Ho Is also In business at Canby and Hubbard. "At tho latter place he Is secretary of the Hubbard Investment company, which has sold 1 . ,nj nnn 1 1. .. . I uii. ouuub jii,vuu win m ui uureugei and do not roqulro tllo dralnago to produce fino crops of fruit Has Good Hotels. Aurora has two hotels, tho Pioneer kept by Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Millor, and tho now Aurora hotel kept by John Lundeon. Both have good bars In connection, and aro popular re sorts with tho travelling public. Mr. Lundeon came to Aurora threo years ago from Mlnne-oth and has dono firstrate, although ho had tho mis fortune to lose his brother Andrew who died last year. Mr. Lundeen Is a man who works hard to bring in now people to. locate at Aurora and has sont out a great deal of literature to friends in the cast. Many Now Homes, Fred Will, Sr., and (Fred Will, Jr. O. H. Smith the barber, Anton Will Mr. McGomgle, Joseph Erbsland Clarence Schouror, J. W. Sadler of Sadler & Kraus, have fine modern cottages and bungalows on South Main street In Snyder's addition On Liberty street there aro fine residences" owned by Anton Will Mrs. Will, Jacob Millor, Fred Will, and Henry Kraus, that would be credit to any city. Dr. Ben Giesy has a. modern $5000 bungalow. Banker H. L. Bonts has a beauti ful $3000 bungalow. Capt. Wm. Miley, ex-county com mfssioner, is building a neat bachel or's cottage that will cost him $1000 when he gets through Frank Miller Is building a garage 30x50, to hold Maxwell, Ford, White Steamer, and Chalmers Detroit, for all of which ho has the selling agency. He hns sold nlno machines and will run a livery.' Has a Good Band Clarence E. Sevens has been lead er of the Aurora brass band, com posed of 22 players. Bevens makes 23 but ho is not a 23 man. Ho plays a b-flat clarfonet and is a good director. The Aurora boys number some of the best instrumentalists in tracts in that vicinity. Mr. Hurst's . the state. W. H, Ehlen on tho cor- father loft Salem 25 'years ago and net, A. C. Scheurer as bass, Walter conducted flour mills at Champoeg, Grimm and Wesley Yodor o the Salem, Corvallls and Oregon City. trombones, and several 'others are Mishler & Gribblo have been buy- above tho average. Practically the ing hops and dealing in hop sup- fittmo men have been playing together piles hero for tho past year. They tor s,x years, and they aro in demand have had reasonable Buccess and i UP an down tho valley. The boys have, handled 2000 bales in all. They ship hops from Mt. Angel, Hubbard, Aurora and Portland, and havo an increasing trade in supplies. Largo Stock of Hardware. George Hartwig bought out Miller ana son four years ago and has a and the town io very quiet and order- f lno trade Ho ha8 one of tho ,orgest ij. iuo city u uit eiecmc ugms ana water with hydrant pressure for use in case of fire. A 30,000 gallon tank is being planned and the water Is pumped from a flno spring on the edge of town. Aurora ins the best kind of spring water and uses a great deal of it. Churches, Schools and Lodges. Aurora has a number of strong lodges and fraternal societies. The Masons, Odd Fellows, and Knights of Pythias aro very strong hero. There is a Presbyterian church with services every two weeks by tho pastor of the Woodburn church. The Gerrddn Lutheran church is the larg est here on this a very strong Ger man settlement, and has been ever slnco Dr. Emanuel Keil founded tho colony that migrated from Bethel, Missouri, in 1856, members and descendants of the migration having scattered all over the northwest. The German population here has been ministered to by Rev. Flathmann of the German Lutheran church for the past eight years. He holds Sun day services at Aurora and Macks burg, and on the first Sunday of each month ho holds services at Lebanon. Kev. Flathmann conducts a parochial school where the German language is taught during the summer months which has a large attendance. He is a scholarly gentleman of fine ability and very devoted to bis people. Clarence Phillips Is principal, and Miss Mamie Hall assistant in the public schools and there are nine grades taught. About 100 children aro enrolled in both schools. Has A Live nastier. The real live hustler of Aurora Is Anton -F. Will, who makes a special ty of all kinds of farm property. He has cut up his own ranch In to' email tracts which he Is selling at $125 to $150 per acre. Mr. Will has sold some of the large farms around hore and has conducted transactions amounting to $25,000 to $30,000. He has a motorcar and is prepared to show people the desirable lands In this eountry If anyono Ban, as he was born ahd raised here and knows every roan, woman and child in thej eountry. His reputation for integri ty is second to no man in the state! stocks of general hardware, farming Implements and vehicles in tho Will lamotte valley. He does tinning and keeps a stock of bicycles. His ma chinery warehouse is one of the best buildings of tho kind in the state, Ho is a man who has travelled and seen a groat deal of the world, both In this country and Europe A Live Postmaster. H.onry A. Snydor Is the hustling postmaster, sending out five free rural mail routes from this place. Ho is besides a notary public, insur ance ngont and undertaker and em balmer for tho people wpo need his services. Mr. Snyder Is a public spirited man who holps along in many ways for the upbuilding of the community, and we regretted to learn that he was very ill the day we were In the city. There was general sympathy expressed for him and many called at tho houso and made inquiries about him. Aurora could not be considered on tho map with out H. A- Snyder. Good Ruso Boll Team. Aurora has a baseball team that has not been defeated this season. Tho boys aro below the average in weight and aro nicknamed tho babies, but put up a great big gamo of ball. Mt. Angel, Scotts Mills, Park Piaco and St. Paul havo gone down before them. B. II. Will is captain, Clar ence Phillips is manager, and Long and Frost are tho battery. Most of the men weigh less than 130 pounds but they are ball players bo far aud bid fair to hold out for the season, , Fruit and Walnuto. No one can walk over tho streets of Aurora without concluding that this is naturally a fruit and walnut region. The largest English walnut trees in tho county are in Aurora, on Mr. Snyders grounds. He has trees fifteen years old (hat have been bearing for ten years, and every year be gotp gunnysaoka full of nuts from these trees and all the neighbors help themselves as the trees stand over the 8troet. There aro black walnut trees here three feet In diameter, and eherry trues are loaded at this season. The higher lands about Aurora drain In all directions and! are quick to respond to cultivation think if they could get "Tex" Stoud enmoyor to train them a few months they would havo one of tho really good hayseed bands of Oregon. As It la they can play all around some bands from bigger places. L. Shears, a cement contractor, has located at Aurora. ' Somo Notes on Aurora. There is room at Aurora for a good custom gristmill. The old colony mill was burned after J, D. Hurst & Son run it a while. A. D. Smith has tho Wm. and Geo. Fry blacksmith business. Dr. Wm. W. Giesy has practiced medicine and surgery hero for 29 years, since his graduation at .WiU lamotte. lie ho,i a nlco offlco, homo and practice that ho will sell for $2,500 on account of bad health. Tho Independent, Bell, and Farm ers' Mutual telephone systems, with connections over tho Homo Tele phone, make Aurora well equipped in this line, O. H. Smith, formerly at Salom, has tho only barber shop In the city, Ho has baths and has run for soven years a Jewelry and watchmaker's shop in connection. GL A. Slmklns has bought out tho Kllngor place and sells tho Salem beer. Dr. Martin -Giesy has conducted a drug store In Aurora 49 years,' He was 4 yearn at Port WUllpa, Wash., and practiced medicine for about 35 years. Dr. Ben Glosy haa a largo practice and has been hero about ten years. Ho has taken a post graduate course. at Philadelphia Jefferson college of physicians and surgeons. N. E. Gole has -run a ford mill, planing mill and saw mill at Aurora for six years. He is one of four sons of J, P. Cole, the only strictly speaking cold water apostle In this community who has absolutely lived up to his professions. N. E. Cole Is putting in a new saw mill that can cut about 8000 feet a day. The planing mill Is a good one and produces all kinds of dressed lumber. There is no lumber yard at Aurora. Mr. Cole expects io supply the local demand at Aurora and thoro is a good building prospect ahead. Mrs. Hose Giesy sonduots i mil linery business. The Aurora Electric Light and Power Co. was established seven years a( i by Hurst Bros., and has built up : fine business. John Hurt. (Contlaued on Page G.) GEORGE .HARTWIG General 5. Hardware-. Wholesale and Retail Stoves, tinware, sewing machines, paints, oils,, . glass, doors and windows, wagons, buggies, farm implements, gas enginest bicycles and bicycle repairing! . Car of Studebaker (World) Buggies, both rubber and steel tires; are now due. lei The Host $1,00 n Bay Ho In Northern Marlon County Flrst-Class Bar In Connection THE NEW Aurdra Hote ' : r - - JOHN LUNDEEN, Proprietor 4 roil- iM ( .-or t) I,,! ri twit : ' , - ' v , - U'4 -. i.c .." -, Real Estate Information Furnished Electric Co, INCORPORATED J. B, HURST, Mgr, SERVICE AT Aurora, Ba'rlow, Canby Dtfft- aid arse) Hubbard HENRY A. SIWDEI Undertaker And Embalmer Firstclass Hearse Furnished For Funerals