VOL. XX. SALEM, OIUJGOK,' F1UDAY, MAY 13, 1010. No. 114. ' SEATTLE R. M. Faulkner, of Seattle Who Two Months Ago Was ChargedT'h Kidnaping His Child Frbmv. Wife, a Mur derer. STABBED TOTAL STRA-. :R Released Prom Jail Yesterday at 3 O'clock Ho Wont as Ho Thought to His Wife's House, But Really to Tlwt of William Harbin When Poor Was Opened He Rushed to Bedroom and Stabbed Harbin. Thinking It Was His Wife. (UNITED PRESS LI A BED WIKB. S Seattle, Wash., May 13. R. M. Faulkner, who, it is alleged, kidnaped his little girl from its mother and hidher away In Spokane in Febru ary, and since that tlmo has been In and out of the courts of King coun ty, in constant trouble with his wife, is in Jail today, facing a charge of murder In the first degree. Within 12 hours after he had told a judge yesterday that ho Intended to leave his wife alone, and was released from the county jail, it is alleged, he plunged a knife Into the heart of William Harbin, a total stranger, un der the impression, the police be lieve xuai no was inning nis wire. Harbin died a few minutes later. jBBBmBMSBD BHHB8EMHHIHHH9SBHB8389BBi B BMHBHBBHHHHHHHHBBBBSBHHIHB SHBGBbBbbSbsbbs What Enormous Profits Our competitors must be making when they can afford to give you 20 per cent discotinf. Get wise, it is easy when the prices are marked away' up Get our prices and see the money we can save you, See the crowds in our store every day, Compare our prices on the following goods: Dress Goods, Silks, Linen Suitings, Domes tics, Calicoes ,Ginghams, White Goods, Shirt Waists, Hosiery, gloves. Underwear,' Ribbons Laces and Embroideries, We can save you money, ? , - Chica The Greater At the same time Faulkner soverely wounded William Lewis, a roomer in tho Harbin houso. Mrs. Harbin recently brought suit for divorce. It Is alleged that ho threatened to kill her. Ho was re arrested, and for two months has been in tho county Jail, unable to fur nlsh a $1000 peace bond. Faufkner was released from Jail at 3 o'clock yestorday afternoon under his promise to behave. For some" time Mrs. Faulkner has been living in a house in tho rear of the Harbin home, and the polico believe that Faulkner entered tho Harbin house accidentally. Knocking at tho Harbin door, he brushed past Mrs. Harbin, who an swered the' knock, and dashed Into a bedroom where Hnrbln had Just re tire. As Harbin rose, Faulkner drew a long Jack knife and plunged it Into his victim. The one blow was suffi cient, and Harbin fell dying. Hearing tho souffle, William Lewis, tho roomer, ran out and grappled with the man. They fought through the hall, down tho steps and finally into tho street, where Lewis got Faulkner down. Faulkner got an arm free, however, and stabbed Lewis over the right eye. . Lewis fell back, and Faulkner ran. Ho was arrested an hour later, his hat, coat and shirt gone, and the re mainder of his clothes spattered with blood. Guatemala Shaken. Port Barrios, Gautemala, May 13. A heavy earthquake shock rocked the city of Guatemala lato last night, according to reports received hero today. Cleveland Reports Heavy Quake. Cleveland, Ohio., -May 13. Tho seismograph hero registered a heavy earthquake shock today. The vibra tions began shortly after 2 o'clock In the morning and continued for many minutes. The indications are that tho tremblor occurred in Costa Hica. Tho shock was greater tlfan that which recently wrecked Cartago. (Continued on page eight.) QUICK SELLING PRICES ON MILL! ERY We dont buy millinery to keep them waiting for low profitsi Out they go if we only make 25c on a hat; we, can buy more and the result' is we cannot keep enough trimmed hats in stock. See the crowds that continually inhabit this department, . Fashionably Trimmed Hats Now on Sale $1.50, $1.95, $2.25, $2.50, $3.50 and up LADIES' TAILORED SUITS IN PONGEE SILKS, LINEN, WOOL Fashionable garments marked at prices that defy competi tion, We don't show in this department ladies' suits that are three years old, nothing but 1910 newest materials, styles and designs, See the prices, $2,45, $3,50, $4,50, $6,50, $8,50, $10,50 and up, go Store His Week Was Not Broken When Trap Was Sprung and He Lived Fully Twenty Min utes, Slowly Choking to Death. ASSERTED HIS INNOCENCE As His Body Swayed Back and Forth Writhing in Agony Ho Pitcously Cried, "Oh, My God, TlUs Is Awful? Haul Mo Up, Boys, and Drop Mo Again. Hurry, Take Me Back and Let Mo' DropZtKaln." His Cries Were Very Distinct. UNITED rRSSS LEASED WIBB.1 Walla Walla, Wash., May 13.- The 13th hanging at Walla Walla penitentiary which occurred on Frl day tho 13th, was one of the most gruesome executions ever witnessed by prison officials. For 20 minutes after Richard Qulnn dropped through the, trap with the ropo about his neck and the -r black cap over his face, ho hung swaying back and forth, pleading with his execu tioners to draw him up and spring the trap again, so that his agony might be ended. Qulnn was a man of abnormal Strength and tho muscles of his nock, automatically stiffening when tho ropes drew tight about him, pre- Salem, Or. J broken, and the man Blowly strangled to death. Tho condemned prisoner main tatned his bravado to the last, and refused any religious attendance Early this morning ho ate a hearty breakfast ajid walked briskly to the scaffold. At) tho cap was adjusted lo his head ho said to his jailers: "Before almighty God and man am innocent, sava for nn accident Well, good bye, boys, I'm going out; The trap was Sprung at twomln utos past five, . and tho man's body, Bhot to the length of the rone where it hung wrfthlng in agony, Realizing his predicament, Qulnn shouted: 7 "Oh, my God, tills Is awful. Haul me ud. bovs. and . dron m ncrfiln Hurry, tako mo pack and let mo drop again." Tho man's cries, wero distinct for Several minutes and then became les3 loud and finally wavering, as unconsciousness caino to relievo hi sufferings. Ho was "pronounced dead at 5;22. Warden Reed was absent from tho city, and Captain Smith ofuclat ed at the execution. Qulnn was convicted of havlnc murdered his wife In Everett. Vash Ho insisted that her deatfiivvas accl dental. , Jf i -o- Washington, May 13. The. "pros ecution" hi the Balllnger ' case turned tho Investigation from Alas kan coal land questions to a probe of the restriction to entry of wator power- sites under the Balllnger regime. Attorney George- Horton Pepper personal representative of Giffovd Pinchot, forced Secretary Balllnger to admit that he had not made n close study -of reclamation. it uccame apparent, from Pep per's questions that he sought to de fend director Newoll and Chief En glneer Davis of the reclamation ser vice from the previous charges of Balllnger. Balllnger was excused from tho stand late this afternoon. dvit rsr.i's leased wikb.1 New Vork, May 13. Prosecutor WJso announced today that tho cases against F. Augustus Helnzo, acquitted last night on qhargos of having vlolatod federal banking laws, have not yot been ended, VVIso declared., that he Intends to prosecute P. Augustus and Qtto Iloinze as well as Sanford Robinson Und Carlos Wlntorfleld on charges of having spirited away the books of the United Copper company. Helnzo said today that he Is through with Wall street and will go back to Montana to develop his cop por properties. Ho cjaimod that h's lego"! troubles cost him $6,000,000 In attorneys' fees and In depreciated valuos. Engaged for Forty-live Years. rXITBD PRESS IB1SB0 WIRE.) 8tamford, Conn., May 13. Tho marriago of Miss Emily Browti to Norman Provost culminates a court, ship which began boforo tho Civil war and which has boon carried on for more than 4G yoara. The en gagement of the couple was never" broken but for various reasons their marriage was postponed from Unity to time until now. o . t . .. . i... ir..i, ...... fri. .. Hollywood, Cal., May 13. The ptf lice today are searching for the men' who, after beating Frank M. Roll into unconsciousness, left him bound .'and gagged In his bungalow hero. Hall's groans were heard by neighbor, and he wag released early today. Aqoordlng to his ory Bell was felled by a blow on the head, while he was groping for an electric light swlteh in his bedroom, afUr return ing from Iob Angeles laat night. He could give no elew to the Identity of hJR assailants, lie waa taken to a hos pital, where It waa stated he would recover. BALLIN6ER BETS OFF THE STAN IT'S BACK TO THE MINES FOR HEINZ Prosecution Closes Argument, and Final Arugment for De fense Will Leavethe Matter With Jury Perhaps Tonight. HYDE .IS STILL C0FINDENT Attorney Brewster Mndo Strong Ap- fikal, Directed Especially nt Juror Crone, Whoso Son-in-Law Was Ite ccntly Convicted on Circumstantial Evidence of Homicide, Not to Con vict Hydo on It Crone Was Deeply Moved by Appeal. , united rnasR uuihid wish.) Kansas City, Mo., May 13.- -De claring that not only tho life of the defendant, but thoso of two others depended on tho vordlct, Attorney Browstor for the dofonso, mado a strong plea for tho llfo of Dr. B. C. Hyde today. Tho life of Mrs. Hydo and her un born babo, Brewster declared, was as much at stake as that of Dr. Hyde' himself. Brewster appealed personally to Juror Crono whoso son-in-law Is ServlnK a torm In tho npnltuntlniri y " 'for manslaughter. Crone's son-in-law was cc-nrlctfld on clrcumstariclal ovidenco, Brew ster attacked circumstantial evidence which ho said was tho only ovidenco that had been'' Introduced against Hyde. , ',. - ' $Thoy cnnJLhong: this, man unless you say so," ho said, speaking to Juror Crone., "They want you to say that lie shall hang on this chain of distorted circumstantial ovidenco." ''Crone, Dr. Hydo, Mrs. Hyde and WHEN THE POSTAL SAVINGS BANK BILL IS LAW. surely u Tfiat Is dMTPMitiffi Guarantors aro Oregon ULVfrMMlMiimcn of financial standing, active in tho business world, aro remarkable examples of success. No other life insurance organization is so lelpful to Oregon. Homo ofice, Corbett building, corner Fifth and Morrison 4. L. Mills, Proijdont. L, Samuel, General Manager. B. Room 210 U. S. National Bank Building. ' Ivost Baby Found. Portland, Oro., May 13. Ken- neth tho 2-year-old son of Mr. ' andMrs. Trftcy Wood, believed to have been kidnaped, was found today on the edge of a creek, nearly a, mllo from Kusa " station, a suburb of Portland, whore It disappeared frpm a go- cart Wednesday wftornoon. Tho child was found by'a wo- man, who heard its faint cries in tho brush. The baby was lying on the edge of tho stream, but a few inches from tho water. Jt was bo weak from two days' starva- tlon that It could not move, Tho baby had 'presumably fal- len from tha go-cart ond had crawled tho entire distance. ' oven .prosecutor Heed had tears in their eyes when Brewster completed his appeal for Hydo's llfo. Prosecutor Virgil Conkllng Is speaking for tho prosecution this afternoon. Ho will close tho argu ment foi tho state. Dr. Hyde said today that he ex pected to secure his acquittal on Friday, tho 13th. Tho doctor sold ho was not superstitious and expect ed no ovll to befall him today. Tho evidence probably will go to the jury tonight. Ton other Indict ments remain against remain against Dr. Hydo but If he bo ac quitted, It Is not likely that he will faco trial again. Mrs. Hydo, whose condition la delicate, Is extremely nervous and her friends fear that she will col lapse. o Fashion Plato r. Winner. Now York, May 13. "Fashion Plato," tho speedy little mare owned by tho Onolck Btnblo, won tho Met ropolitan handicap of $5000, which was the feature of tho opening of Bel mont Park today. Tho race was par ticipated in by such.lasBy horses'as King James, Maskotto(i Jack Atkins, NIcol and August Boimont's Prls- clllan. " 1 o Cruiser Badly Buffeted. , Parls.-'May 13, The cruiser. Now York, Dndly buffeted by a.' storm sweeping tho Mediterranean, put Into Toulon harbor today. It was forced to seek shelter from the storm. It Is reported that tho cruiser aufferod no serious damage. Fox in Clueatio Pott. Life Insurance Company. THE POLICYHOLDERS' COMPANY where thev QUAKE IN Meagre Reports Indicate An other Apalling Earthquake Has Added Fresh Horror to Situation in Unfortunate Country. CARTAGO AGAIN SUFFERS Telegraph Wires Went Down This Morning and Details Cannot Be Obtained Whole Interior Wna Hocked by Temblor-and Indica tions Aro tho Iioss of Jjifo Is Great A low Tidal AVnvo Swept Into Port Union Following Quake. Port Llmon, Costa Rica, May 13 A ' groat earthquake rock- ing tho Interior of Costa Rica has leveled scows of buildings in San Jose. Details nro not obtainable, owing to prostration of tele- graph wlr.es. Heavy loss of llfo undoubted- ly has been Inflicted by- tho temblor. A low tidal wavo herq followed tho shock, All reports indicate that an- other terrible earthquake has shaken Cartago, San Jose and vicinity. ' First reports of the disaster reached hero by courier," These reports, while undoubtedly oxag- . . . : . . - . , ,.j i , cate that great damage has boon5' done. The people of tho Interior are .reported to bo terror-stricken, fend many aro said to havo been driven Insane by fright. Preparations aro being made hero to rush relief to tho towns of 'the Interior nnd to re-ostab- llsh telegraph and telephone communication. Ci'nal Ofot Injured. New Orleans, La., May 13, Cable dispataliss received" from r Colon lato this afternoon deny tho roport that the Panama ca- nal was Injured by tho- earth- quake which visited Central America oarly tdday. Othe,r dispatches from Port tiimon say that no news of any Injury to the canal In Panama has been received, and tho re- port Is not Credited there. A peanut club for men who have boen roasted Jb suggested by an ex change. That would take in ,most married men. OrfFftfllif8 a policyholders' com AifrUUjnjt pan mtmaged for the benfcfit of policyholders exclusively. All profits of the business from every source go to them. No other Pacific Coast com pany is so organized. Streete,. ortlantd, Qcsgon W. Scott. Resident AnfinL.i SAUjj, OR1Q0NP,