Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 07, 1910, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    l'AOE TWO
B. IIOFEIt, Editor nd Proprietor.
Col. E. Hofor, President Orogon-Idaho Development Congress in Brownsville's Western Monthly.
iBdetSendSot Nenpper Derotod to Amerlc&n Principle sad
tfce froTOM and Derelopement of All Oregon.
ruWlnhM Bverj Broiling Bxcopt Sunday, Enlom, Ore.
(InVAtlnblr In Advuueo.)
ttUj, by cArrlet, pef jr
jsHV, by pef re" -
tfMkly, tor W -....
...96.03 Per month.. ..Mb
Per month .J6o
... '.( Six month! Wo
rriie Alumni of tho State Normal nt Monmouth ask your support for
that school. You know wo must have teachers. Wo must educate the
bora nnd elrls: n trained teacher Is tho host agency for this.' Tlio cost
In four cents a year on a thousand dollars. Voto Yes for Monmouth
and settle this question. J. B. V. BUTLEIl, Sec Coin
Tho Capital Journal is in receipt of tho first instalment of literature
got out by the Hill lines to fill Central Oregon with people.
Tho colonization methods of tho Hill system aro very thorough and
wjll'iresuU in tho transformation of central Oregon, and nt a very rapid
rate. ' I',
"5ftSl persons interested in Central Oregon should address the Passdnger
Department at St. Paul for printed booklets and circulars about lands in
that section.
Tho Croat Nprthern will print millions of pages at its own expense to
compel immigration Into this region and will follow it up with literature.
S. J. Ellison, General, Passenger Agent of tho Great Northern Railway
Company at St. Paul, Mlnnqsota, writes this office:
"Tho Oregon Trunk Railway is now building Its lines down the Des
Chutes Canyon Into Central Oregon. When It roaches Bend, it will
hare tapped a region of moro than twenty million acres of timber, farm
ing and grazing lands that has hlth-orto been without Railway facilities.
"I take pleasure In sending you, under separate cover, a copy of tho
Groat Northern Railway's first publication oxploltlng the opportunities
for tho homeseeker and- investor, 1 this region, a pamphlet ontltlod
'Opening up Central Oregon
"This is our. opening gun in a campaign of publicity which'' wo trust
will within a short time populate the millions of acres of broad prairie
land lying In Wasco, Crook, Lake and Klamnth Counties with tho samo
ylrllo and thinking .type of farmer that is now transforming the prairies
of 'jMohlana 'lata farms df tremendous agricultural wealth producing
power. ' '
"About 30,000 copies of this pamphlet have already been circulated.
An additional edition of 25,000 will bo received from tho prlntor this
wcoki i
"Tho Groat Northorn Railway has In preparation now a larger and
more comprehensive booklet regarding Central Oregon which will bo dis
tributed throughout the. East ns soon as it can ho taken from tho press.
"Tho distribution of booklets is but one of tho moans wo will uso to
attract settlers into Central Oregon. Other mothods wljlch have boon
used to advantage In tho East, such ns tho display of samples of agricul
tural prpductsyrnlsed in Control Oregon contained in an exhibit car to
tour tho Eastern Stntps, as well as permanent agricultural shows In some
of tho largor cities, will bo' used.
"Wo anticipate that tho sottloment of Central Oregon will bo com
paratively rapid, and will bo a repetition of tho experience of tho Great
Northorn Railway In populating the prairie land lying along tho main
Jlno in Montana. For yors the broad pralrios stretching to tho
north and south of tho Groat Northorn Railway In Montana were con
sidered of practically no value for farming purposes. Today filings aro
being mndo on 'government homostend lands in tho United States Land
Oflco at Great Falls and Glasgow, at tho rato of about three thousand
per month and 360 steam plowing outfits '.hnvo boon shipped Into that
region Blnco January 1. 1910..
"it this experience can bo ropoatod'lh Central Orogon, H will bo but a
matter of two or three yoars bafora tho vast strotchos o unfilled prairie
land In Lake, Klamath and Crook Counties will ho converted Into wavlng
grain fiehls,. -mid comfortnblo farm homos.
"Fifteen years ago, tho lauds In tho Rig Rend country of Washington,
along the main linos of tha Grant Northern .Railway were In' the s'amo
prlmltlvo condition In which much of the land In Central Oregon can now
bo found. T(day, millions of bushels of wheat ar shipped from this
seoMon. This can be repeated In Central Oregon, tmtl we will do our
utmost to bring about this much desired reault."
In tho lntest Revised Vorsion Uie word Jehovah t dinned
xiuMiuw no uw uvor uvmg neiper oi ipo wno aro in trouble.
In tho 121st Plm,thls Idea Is moro perfectly preeohtad.
"I will lift up mine- oyos to the mountains: from whence Hhalt
help como? s
"My hplp cotnqth from Jehovah, who mntlo heaven and oarth.
"HO will not suffer thy foot to bo moved: ho that koepoth thee
not fdiimhai'.
t . . .
yeuom, he that keepeth Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
"Jchovnll Id the kconor: Jehovah 'In tin. nIiiiiIu mum dm i li'l
"Tho sun shnll not smite thte !! day. nor tho moon by nlfchT.
"Jehovah will keen thee from nil evil: Im.wlli keen thv bohI.
"Jehovah will keep thy going out and thy coming In from this time
larth and forever."
lit hand.
Tho death of Bdward the Seventh of England will be mourned among
all tho natlous of the cHlllzed world.
He was beyond question the greatest of all the European monnrehs,
mid his lnflumr won for good.
He was a man of the people, unobtrusive, gentlemanly nnd far-sighted,
In the senae of his universal sympathy.
Six mouths after he came upon the throne he established a ' lasting
nnd honorable pence In South Africa. (
Within a year after his ascension the troubles in Ireland worn settled,
nnd an era of prosperity ushored In.
In nil his dealings with the colonlil posseaelon of Great Rrltaln ho 1ms
been intelligent and liberal.
He oxerclsed a magnificent Influen'e on the Emperor of Germany for
the peace of tho world.
His successor will bo largoly guided by tho policies for tho good of
England and tho world nt largo.
Tho fame and the policies of Edward will long survlvo him, nnd his
greatness will bo moro fully appreciated with tho lapso of tlms.
ASkin of Beauty Is a Joy Forever
Oriental Cream
It k the duty of orery woman to preserve her
beauty, and even tho most beautiful must protect ,
tholr oomnleiloo. A t aultlesa oooinlexlon, sweet,
pure, and wholesome ts somotulng every wouao,
desires and which can bo readily obtained By using
well known preparation lias boon highly reoowy
mended by phrslolans, aotreascs, (ingers, andl
women of fashion for over half a century. HI,
render tha skin like the softness ot velvet, leav-1
Ing it clear and warty white, I
tLiu HUeacee, relisTes (rrlutloa, soothes and in
vigorates tin akin, beautifies ami improve the
oomptexion aad casaot be eurpawed when pre
r&rtag for evening attire.
fERD, T. HOPKINS Proprietor, 37.Gre&( Jones Street, New York
Although Oregon has adopted tho
word ''Reavdr" for a nicknamo In
place of Webfoot, Oregon continues
to fly with her own wings. This Is
the secret of rushing thousands of
men Into tho canyon of tho Deschutes
and tho pas's through the Cascades
from Natron to Klamath Falls. It
is tho fear of tho empire builder that
the people of Oregon may learn to
help themselves to build railroads,
that Is driving tho tracks of steel in
to undeveloped portions of the stato
in twenty different directions. What
has caused this rcmnrkablo change
In tho conditions of landlocked por
tions of the Inland Empire? The
greatest factor In transforming n
territory of 50,000 square miles,
which railroad builders have re
garded with listless apathy for twen
ty years, Into a seething hotbed of
promotion, construction and even
armed rivalry for occupation, has
been tho educational campaign con
ducted for tho past year by what Is
known in the newspapers as the Oregon-Idaho
Dovelopmont Congress.
That congress, which celebrated Its
first anniversary August 20-21 on
Coos Hay with a clambake, barbecue,
concluding with a grand ball and
banquet to tho assembled boosters,
has had the nervo to hold ten con
ventlons during tho past year. To
this word "nerve" might be added
the word "gall" and the term "ef
frontery", becauso It has been pure
ly a paper organization, without oven
tho graco of nn Incorporation, devoid
oi any iinanciai uacKing, a com
mercial congress without a treasurer,
for tho expense of which not even a
collection has been taken up, to say
nothing of a warrant being drawn
on 'tho treasury. It had these ton
conventions, each lasting two days,
hold In tho cities of Marshfleld,
Rosoburg, Vale, Salem, Boise, On
tario, Welser, La Grande and Durns,
string of progressive municipali
ties beads on tho rosary of boost
ing communities across Central Oro
gon and Southern Idaho, had pro
grams pulled off beforo their aston
ished citizens covering from four to
six assemblages In their onora
houses, who'ro addresses were deliv
ered, spngs were sung, bands played
and toastmnstars presided at ban
quets, whero evory speech made,
ovory sentiment expressed, ovory
word uttorod was for development,
development, dovelopmont.-
Flguro up theso audlonces any way
you like, tliore woro not less than
5000 peoplo addressed by tho speak
ers at each congress. This moans
that 50,000 hoard and applauded tho
arguments for development along the
line of tho people helping them
selves. To what? Better wnter-
ways, better highways, automobile
roads, oloctrlc railroads, steam rail
roads anything to break up tho
Isolation of tho groat undeveloped
Interior. Can you think what this
moans to a region Hko Coos Bay and
Curray county, with tholr Illimit
able forests and Immeasurable coal
fiolds, 100 miles from tho nearest
railroad? Can you understand the
thrills tof hopo Mint fill tho bosoms
of tho stalwart ranches in the gront
Jlnrpqy valley, a region half fis big
as iuinoiB, au lying aou mues from
railroad, when thero Is hold out tp
thorn not only hopos but specific
plans for bringing to their doors
modern transportation faculties?
Not only hnvo audiences totaling
KO.'OOO peoplo heard tho uddrossos of
tho brightest public spoakors of two
states along theso lines, but the
newspapers of two stntoa have car
ried to tho eare ot a million people
tho pleas for more progressive
pgllolee and tha eloquent appeals for
rgnnlzed self-help.
To two great roeulU to the com
munities needing dovelopmont havo
been: First, greator confidence In
tho matchless industrial resources of
the lulnnd Empiro; second, nn
aroused conscience and determina
tion to help oursolvos to secure somo
of tho advantages of modem civiliza
tion by and for our present genera
tion.. In addition to this, and what Is
probably a still greater aohlevemont.
tho oyos of the whole, world havo
been directed upon tho undeveloped
portions of Oregon and Idaho, tho
rlchost uhd most produotlvo vlrgi
territory untouched by railroads In
tho Unltod State. The attention ot
millions of people, 'including tho
brainiest railroad builders In. the
United StaUa, have been riveted up
on Southern Idaho, Central and
Western Oregon, as Uie cotnleg re
gion for the free-play of lightning
t'literprleee and quadrupling pur
poses of mpney making. Out of all
this propaganda and education along
one particular line. U flowing a
tream of population to the reglona
undergoing development that is In
creaatKg every day. On top or tula,
there it wore actual railroad eon
stnietlon undertaken than In any
other part of the region weat of the
Rooky mountains.
The oarapalgn of education oou-
ductcd by the unsalaried, unsung
and unrestrained boosters of the
Orogon-Idaho liovolopmont CongrosS
has only been tho hot-air part of
their program. Tho organization
from its Inception has had a very
definite program in the shape of a
City of Boise Jiavo already been
negotiated for.
Tho now peoples' transcontinental
line is rapidly assembling assets that
will extend into the millions. Sub
sides nre already offered at different
points on the lino, In the fdrm of
political campaign. In Its first meet-1 cash bonuses and townsltcs, and tho
ing held in Marshfleld, a committee 1 whole enterprise has been placed In
on resolutions brought In a report! the hands of a board of three dlrec-
broadly outlining tho proposition of' tors: William Grimes of Marshfleld,
placing tho whole power of tho two I Geo. H. Shellenbcrger of Boise and
commonwealths executive, leglsla- Wm. Hanley of Harney county. It
turo and Judicial behind the cause 'will take several years to build a
of development. Two commissions I railroad across the tremendous areas
were appointed by the governor of of waste land betweon ' Boise and
each state a highway commission Coos Bay. but where there Is a will
and a commission on legislation. In there Is a way, and no such formld-
Oregon tho legislative commission
formulated a General Port Commls
slon Act, which has become the law
of Oregon and under which the west
coast harbors will be Improved by
Port Commissioners, backed by full
powors of levying taxes and Issuing
bonds, to bo expended In deepening
tho waterways, improving tho shore
lino and preventing monopoly of tho
water fronts. The legislative com
mission also recommended an amend
ment to the Oregon constitution
which was put through tho legisla
ture and will be submitted to tho
people at tho next election. It Is
no bluff, as some have represented,
to coerce Mr. Harriman Into. building
railroads Info the interior. It is a
deliberate attempt to arm tho peo
plo with full powers of railroad con
struction If that is deemed necessary
and advisable. The congress went
stop further and secured tho enact
ment or tno aistnct railroaa bill at
tho hands of the Idaho legislature.
That bill was enacted Into a law and
approved by Governor Brady, and If
It is not knocked out In tho supremo
court, will become tho greatest
weapon of self-help ever placed 'in
tho hands of sovereign people. It
may be predicted that the united
legal talent of all tho corporations
will be directed at the overthrow of
this piece of leglslatl -n. ITnlcsj It
Js overthrown, raIIroid3 wl'i be built
as simply and as easl'y as an irriga
tion canal, a drainage, ditch, a maca
dam, road or country school house.
The owners of tho land will build
and own' tho railroad -exactly as they
do tho other things, In the Interest
of their own preservation. Tliev
will not undertako to run the rill-
road any moro than they would un
dortnko to teach tho school, because
they can hire persons to do either
muoli chonpor and much better than
they can do It thomselvos.
Last, and still greater by far than
the educational campaign or the poli
tical campaign has been tho practical
work undertaken of locating, finan
cing and constructing a stoam rail
way from Coos Bay through Central
Orogon to Boise, Idaho, and Salt
Lako, or Butto Montana. It Is a
square fight to secure a transcon
tinental connoctlon with n great
doop-soa harbor on Coos Bay, not
controlled by Harriman Interests.
Throo survoylng parties have been
put In, tho flold, pno from Coos Bay
oast to Rosoburg or Eugono, ono
oast nnd west from Burns, and ono
wost and north from Bolso. Thoso
surveys are bolng mndo by high-class
railroad ongineors,' nro paid for by
local contributions, bnokod by n hold
ing corporation with only $50,000
capital stook, so placed that tho en
terprise cannot be sold put or side
traokod, nnd right of way secured as
fast us tho lino Is located. Terminal
facilities on Coos Bay and In tho
Capital National Bank
Salem, Oregon
Capital, Rurplux and Undivided
Profits, i-HO.OOO.
Officers and Ulrectors:
J tl. Albert Presldont
E M. Crolsan. .Vice-President
Jos H Albert Cashier
John A. Carson
Geo. F. Rodgers
The finest mnchlne of this kind
ever seen in this part of the
country. Runs every night un
der flue tent 50x100 feet.
Plenty of Seats For
5c per Ride of Five
Hrlii th children out and let
them hate a good time. Runs
every night and Sunday after
hoou. South 3 lac and Hyde
treeta, near Turner road.
able array of determined men has
ever been put together as are be
hind this project. Tho board of
directors, the local committees and
commercial organization, backed by
almost the united press and political
influence of .two great states, form
an aggregation of influences which,
under tactful leadership cannot but
produce results.
If your Stomach, Heart, or Kid
neys are weak, try at least, a few
doses only of Dr. Shoop's Restora
tive. In five or ten days only, the
result will surprise you. A few cents
will cover the cost. And here is why
help comes so quickly. Dr. Shoop
doesn't drug the Stomach, nor stimu
late the Heart or Kidneys. Dr.
Shoop's Restorative goes directly to
the weak and failing nerves. Each
organ has Its own controlling nerve.
When these nervos fall, the depend
ing organs must of necessity falter.
This plain, yet vital truth, clearly
tells why Dr. Shoop's Restorative is
so universally successful. Its success1
Is leading druggists everywhere to
give It universal preference: A test
will surely tell. Sold by Capital
Drug Store.
Portland Is much worked up over
the alleged carelessness of census
takers. It Is claimed that at least
30,000 persons In the city were not
" Appetite Gone, Nerves Un- to perfect health. It aided tho
Btrung, Sleepless, Thin, Pale, Tired, worn out nerve3 of my digcstlvo
"Last spring my health was organs to do their duty, and I was
completely broken down. My ap- once more able to eat and properly;
petite was gono and I was in un- digest my food. I slept peacefully
strung nervous condition, unable the entire night, nnd now I feol
to sleep. I became thin, pale and new life and vitality course mtf
iwas languid and tired all the time, veins. Julia C. Tison, E01 West!
"Hood's Sarsaparilia restored me I Monroe St, Jacksonville, Fla.
Hood 3
C Is Peculior 'to Itself. It mnkea peoplo well and keeps them well.
A Jury has been chosen to try F. Saves an Iowa Man's Life.
August Helnzo, accused of misapply- The very grave reemed to yawn
Ing funds of the Merchants bank, of before Robert Madsen, of West Bur-
llnntnii Tnurn nthan nrtnf onimn
FtVYf XUTK. Wo l V. ImonHil fmif flirt
best physicians gave him up. Then
was shown the marvelous curative
power of Electric Bitters. For, after
eight months of frightful suffering
from liver trouble and yellow Jaun
dice, getting no help from other
Do It Now.
Now is the tlmo to get rid of your
rheumatism. You can do so by ap-1
plying Chamberlain's Liniment. Nine
cases out of ten are simply muscular
rheumatism due to cold or damn, or . remedies or doctors, five bottles of
chronic rheumatism, and yield to the j this matchless medicine completely
vigorous application of this liniment cured him. It Is positively guaranteed
Try it. You are certain to be de- for Stomach, Liver or Kidney trou-
lighted with the quick relief which It blcs and never disappoints. Only
affords. Sold by all good druggists. 50c at J. C. Perry.
A Hnppy Father
Is soon turned to a sad one If he has
to walk the floor every night with a
crying baby. McGee's Baby Elixir
will make tho child well, soothe Its
nerves, Induce healthy, normal slum
ber. Best for disordered bowels and
sour stomach all teething babies
need It. Pleasant to take, sure, and
safe, contains no harmful drugs.
Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. Sold
by all dealers.
We also carry a full line of cigars, tobacco, candy, paints,
drugu and stamps.
Phone 763
Perfectly Simple-Simpl
y rene
' From the first, Maxwell's were built witji an eye to the needs of .the average user and
the requirements of the average American road with its varying surfaces. Atjhjs writing
more than .20,000 Maxwell cars are in use and give satisfaction to their .owners, In
road races,-track competitions, hill climbs and in erfdurahce runs the Maxwells have
carried off first honors, and it is conceded by all .that they have set a high standard of
automobile value,
. Model 0. 20 H, P, with or without double Rumble Seat, .
Model Q22 H, P, Runabout ..$1,025 Model 04, 22 H, P, Sportsman $1,125"
Model 0 2, 22 H, P, Surrey. 1,075 Model E 30 H, P, Touring Car . 1,650
Model 0 3, 22 H. P. Touring Car. 1,125 Model G 30 H, P, Toy Tonneau
Model A A, 12 H, P. 725 detachable 1,725
Magneto Included in all Models
J. F. PRIEHS, Mgr. On State Street just west of Commercial.
Phone 386