DAILY CAPITAL JOUKNAL, SAIiEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AVillh 27, 1010. PAGE Fmr- ( in cash back out of every $5 cash purchase here. EXTRA SPECIAL A new large line of extra good wearing TAFFETAS INVITED TO JOIN DEMOCRATS SENATOllS HAIIiEY AND 15AYNEI EXTEND INVITATION TO IN SURGENTS TO JOIN DEMO OltATIO PAHTY SAYS THEUE f IS NO DIEFEKENCE 11ETWEEN THEM NOW. in navy, green, white, pink, Alice blue, light and dark gray, brown, lavender and black The S. P. Company have begun to dig a largo well 17 feet In diameter to supply tho station and ground3 with water., A pumping plant will "be Installed to Irrigate the grounds. By this .the city will lose one of Its largest water customors. By delay ing securing public ownership o water tho corporations and state in stitutions are all being forced-to put in their own water supply. Hcinzc Trial Begins. UNITED TRESS LEASED WIKB.l Now' York, April 27. "Neither tho Standard Oil Company or Chas. B. Morso is connected with this pros cutlon,.'i .declared.,Unltpd. Stages ,pis; trlct Attorney Wise today, In opening the prosecution of Ff Augutus Heinzo Heinzo is charged with having over--ceftifled checks while he was presi dent of the Mercantile National hank "My duty is to prosecute this ase," continued Wise.. "Tho efforts of the defense to label me as an at torney of tho Standard Oil Company -will not save, nor will it prevent me rfrom prosecuting the ca'be." In addition to bank charges, the prosecution must prove the existence of a pool to manipulate the price of copper stocks of hazardous nature, and prove that Holnzo was a member of the pool which was to. share In tho profits, according to tho ruling of Judge Hough today. The court also ruled that tho pros ecution must approve that money was lost to the bank through being borrowed by tho pool manipulators, with tho sanction of Heinze. Investigating Municipal Grafts. UNITED I'EESS LEASED WIBB.J Chicago, April 27. The. Merrlam commission Investigating charges of graft in municipal affairs Is today preparing to prosecute further the counts already uncovered indicating that the city has, lost moro than $55,000 within 20 months through crooked transactions in coal. Forgeries of coal contracts, muti lations of coal records, payments for thousands of tons of coal that, so far as tho bookkeeping shows, wore never delivered, disregard . of speci fications and double payments whon coal was transferred from one city department to another, are some of tho counts listed by tho commission. James P. Connery and tho Miami Coal company havo been named as the dealers involvod. Good results always follow the usp of Foley's Kidney Pills. They give prompt relief in all cases of kidney and bladder disorders, and are heal ing, strengthening and antt-septlc. The most discouraging cases yield lo their treatment. J. 0. Perry. UNITED TRESS LEASED WIM. Washington, April ' 27. ftenubll can Insurgents In tho sonato wero in vited to Join tho Democratic party today. Tho invitation was extended by Senntor Isldor Rayner, Democrat, Maryland, and was seconded by Sen ator Joseph W. Bailey,-of Texas. Senator Ra'yner was speaking on the administration railroad bill when ho tendered the invitation. " "There Is scarcely any difference between us now," ho sahl. after ask ing tho Insurgents to becomo Demo crats, "If wo. eliminate aU non-essentials. "Are tho insurgents In sympathy with us, orthey merely flirting with us? Wo are growing weary of being embraced, only to bo rejected when tho supremo moment comes." Later Senator Dolllver, speaking on tho same measure, gently declined Rayner's Invitation on behalf of tho Insurgents, of whom Dolllver Is a leader. Senator Uayner began his speech with an attack on tho constitutional ity of tho railroad regulation bill. Tho Insurgents havo vigorously at tacked tho measure and demanded a number of amendments. After speak ing of tho Insurgent attitude on this measuro, ho declared It was identical with tho belief of the Democrats, and suggested that they Join forces. Senator Bailey, who followed, de clared that political gravitation would compeltho Insurgents and tho Democrats to Join each other sooner or later. Ho declared tho Republican party was torn with Internal strife, and said: "You are not. strong enough In any state or in any district to fight tho Democrats and each other at tho same time." Senator Dolllver, In his reply, de clared that tho Insurgents wero mere ly fighting wrong In their party" to eliminate corporation control. "Wo will fight wrong In tho Re publican party, not to Injure tho party, but to destroy control by spe--clal Interests that now dominate the party," Dolllver declared. "Tho Insurgents,' 'ho said, "had sympathy with the Democratic party, 'but Httlo confidence In it.' "Tho present political evil," ho continued, "is that a fow men have grown so strong that they aro knock- ing tho heads of tho two old parties together. "The party of tho future will- be based on Lincoln's doctrine of aniun fettered start and a fair chance to every man." o Cnnnl to Bo Opbncd in 1011. MAN WHO FLIKTS "WITH DEATH WANTED, (BHITED TBESS LBASED WIMJ.1 San Dibgo, Calif., April 27. De tectives in an auto aro searching the cduntry surrounding tho vlllago of Soronto, Just north of hero on tho Santa Fo railroad for a well dressed Btranger who has been flirting with death to tho consternation of tho ru rallsts In that vicinity for the last two days. Tho man takes delight in waiting on tho Santa Fo track for tho ap proach of a train. Ho holds his ground until tho-train has almost struck him and then dives head first from tho roadbed and laughs. He seated hlmsolf in the alslo of the track on his suit caso yesterday. He sat there until a passenger en gine was within a fow yards of him when he rolled off tho track. His suit caso was run over and his ef fects scattered along tho track. Ho has refused water and food offered him by tho ranchers nnd villagers and remarks with apparent delight that ho Is going to starve Himself. o ELECTRIC CHAIR FOR WOLTER Washington, April 27. Tho Pana ma canal will bo opened early In tho year 1914, according to tho high est official authority hero today. The same authority, however, refused to change the official announcement that the canal will bo opened In 1915 because of the possibility of an un forseen delay causing a postpone ment. ostein Greenbautn Best Merchandise. Lowest Prices. A Few Items Here. We Have Lots More. . NEW SHIRT WAISTS White embroidered waists, open front, very neat 50c White madras waists, open front, very neat, . . 60c White embroidery waists, open back, verv neat . 65c White embroidery waists, open front, special value 75c White madras tailored waists, very pretty, a bargain, only $1.00 A great variety embroidered and tailor waists, spec, at $1 .25 Boys' ovg alls, small size 25c Boys' overalls, extra -heavy 50c Men's blue overalls 60c Boys' 2-piece kaki suits 75c Boys', waists 25c Children's straw hats 25c- Men's straw hats 25c Men's balbriggan underwear ...25c Ladies' Lisle gloves 25c Ladies' good silk gloves -..50c I ong Sifk. gloves . 75c Sleeveless vests i-rri'106 New coveil cloth yd 12 1-2c New linen suiting, yd 17c Nice white lawrj, yd '..10c -Indian-Head suiting," yd I 15c Nice millinerv at low orices. Trimmed hats, the very newest, large assort ment, flowers and shapes. Little hats for little tols, little prices. Expert trimmers UNITED TIIKSS MURED WIEB. New York, April 27. Albert Wol ter, convicted of tho murder of Ruth "Wheeler, was today sontenced to bo electrocuted at Sing Sing during the week beginning June 6. Slnco tho Jury returned "a verdict of guilty, Wolter has been waiting apparently unmoved for Judge Foster to pro nounco tho verdict. Today ho was taken to tho court and Judge Foster delivered the sen tence. Ituth Wheeler, a young girl, ac cording to tho evidence, answered an advertisement calling for a stenog rapher. It Is declared she went to Wolter's room. Her body was afterwards found mutilated and charred. Part of It was In a grate, and part on tho fire- escape outside his window. A woman who lived In his apart ments told of having heard Wolter busy about tho ilro place on tho night it was supposed tho murder was committed. Wolter's defense was an attempted alibi. o BLUE STOCKING BILL MAY PASS UNITED PRESS IJSASRD WIDE. Itockford, 111., April 27. Itockford bettors aro laying two to one today that tno proposed orainance for a "bluo stocking" regulation of all sa loons here will bo passed at tho meet ing of tho city council Monday. Tho ordlnanco provides for tho abolishment of all articles of furni ture In saloons, with tho exception of the bar and fixtures, and stools for bartenders. Any other furniture, such as screens, tables, chlrs, settees and tho Uko, that might luro tho thirsty to linger ,aro forbidden. Liquor is not to bo sold on credit nor aro checks to ho accepted In pay ment for drinks. Tho sign "No Treating Allowed" is to be placed prominently in ,ovory barroom, and Its rulo onforced. Womon, minors, drunkards and blacklisted persons must not frequent saloons, nor must they bo served with drinks. Applications for licenses must bo madQllidivldually, and not under guise of agents for breweries. PAULHAN IS AFTER BIG PRIZE LEFT HEMSTEAD THIS AFTER NOON PASSED IJERKIIAM STEAD AND WAS FLYING AT GREAT ALTITUDE CROWDS CHEEK HIM WILDLY. (UNITED PRESS LEASED WIRE. London, April 27. Louis Pnul han started from Homstcad at 6:22 o'clock this afternoon for Manches ter In an effort to win tho $50,000 prlzo of tho London Mail. 1'aulhan Is sailing In a Farman blplano. Clnudo White, tho aviator who mado a long flight Saturady In an effort to win tho prize, will sail later today His start was Interrupted by high winds. Forty-five minutes after his start, Paulhan passed Borkhamstead, 28 miles from tho placo whero ho start ed. Ho Is flying at a great altitude Just an hour after tho start ho passed Dlotchley, 47 miles from tho starting point. A great crowd asesmblcd at Hem stead tho London suburb from which tho start was made. Tho peo ple cheered wildly as tho French man sailed away. Many persons tried to follow In automobiles. Paulhan shipped 16 gallons of po-1 trol and expected to mako tho flight to Manchester without descending. By tho terms of tho Mall's offor, tho aviator Is allowed two descents: SILVER LAKE RAPIDLY RISING FEARED THAT IT WILL CAUSE A FLOOD LIKE THE SALTON SEA, WHICH DESTROYED PROPERTY VALUED -AT MIL-LIONS. UNITED TOEBS LEASED WIIiE. San Bernardino, Calif., April 27. ' Tracks nnd roadbed of tho Tono pah and Tidowater railroad north of Ludlow, Calif., aro threatened by tho rising waters of Silver Lake, ac cording to reports received hero to day. Tho messages stated that the waters aro rising so rapidly that le vees aro being built to protect tho roadbed and a powerful pumping plant will bo Installed to romovo the oxcess flow. Silver Lako Is tho point whero tho Mojavo river rises to tho surfaco lif ter running underground for CO miles. It is feared that it may cauBe a flood similar to that of tho Salton sea which destroyed millions of dol lars worth of Southern Pacific prop erty In southern .California. STILL ON AT Everything in the Store . 200 DISCOUNT without a single exception. You can thank our competitors for this sale. They started it. ? ! I ! i I ! 4 If any city In Oregon could tax Improvements or not then somo of our magnificent manufacturing altos could bo utilized for a greater Oregon. President Roosevelt Soys that outdoor oxorclso Is needed by the American people. That's all very well, but how can people with rneu matlsm follow that advice? The nnswer Is simple uso Ballard's Snow Liniment and the rheumatism will go; leaving you as spry as a colt Gives quick and permanent relief from rheumatism, neuralgia, lam" back and all pains. Sold by all dealers. "Tho Judgment day of wisdom comes hourly and continually." POOL ROOM OPER ATOR IS ARRESTED ostein 4 . r-r ' f i & Greenbaum! - P. San Rafael, Cal., April 27. Jos. Abbott,, charged with having operat ed a fako poolroom at Sau'uallto for tho purpose of swindling raco track betters, confessed to tho grand Jury hero this afternoon his participation In operations of a gang of wiro tap pors, according to District Attorney Boyd. Abbott, Boyd says, implicated Po lice Commissioner Harry Flannory, of San Francisco. Tho alleged con nection of Flannory with tho case, based on Abbott's confesslqn, In that Flannery s sald'tP have invited tho wlro, tappers to San Francisco, assur ing them In., ambiguous. terms of an opportunity of plying, their. trade. give o'it tho. d3folfyofti& confession nor would ho dlscloso whether the authorities hero would take action against Flannory. According -to tho authorities Jiero It is allogod that Flannory sent a telegram-to Abbot at '.Sqattlo. shortly after the recent San , Francisco mu nicipal election. It is beliavod t,o have said (hat .tho people hud won u verdict and were tr West Salem Transfer Passenger Baggage Express. ' Connects with all trains at West Salem for Dallas, Falls City and Salem. Leaves Journal oMce for West Salem at ,8 a. m., 12 m., 1:10 p. m. and 3:30 p. m. evory day except Sunday. Also for Independence, Mon mouth and McMlnnvlllo. Loavos Sunday nt 12 m., and 4:10 p. m, Cnlls at hotels on request. Telephone or leave orders at Capltul Journal of lice any day but Sunday. Phone 32. J. B. Underwood, Mgr. OVER 6B YEAflb EXPERIENCE Notice of Postponement of Assess ment on Fourteenth Street. Notice Is horoby given that tho as sessment for tho improvement of Fourteenth street, from tho north! lino or stato street to tno soutn lino of Marlon street, In tho city of Sa lem, Oregon, haa been postponed un til tho 2d day of May, 1010, at which time tho common council of tho city of Salem, Oregon, at or about 7i30 o'clock p. m. of said day at tho coun cil chambors will procaod to assess upon each lot or parcel of land llablo thereof Its proportlonato sharo of tho cost of tho Improvement of Four teenth street from tho north lino of Stato street to tho south lino of Ma rlon street, In tho city of Salem, Ore gon, according to tho pjnns and spec ifications adopted for such Improve ment, and on fllo at tho ofilco of the city recorder. All persons Interested In said as sessment shall appear at said time boforo said common council and pro sent objections, If thoy havo any, to said assessment, and apply to Bald i council within flvo days following said dato for tho privilege, If thoy so desire, to mako said Improvement, In lieu of tholr assessment. Dono by order of tho common council of tho city of Salom, Ore gon, this 25th day of April, 1910. W. A. MOORES, 4-2C-3t City Recorder. o Within tho last year over 90,000 Amorlcan settlers havo settled In tho western provinces of Canada. Thoy avorago about $1000 oach of capital, and aro attracted by tho cheap lands and freedom from taxation on im provements. , o A Hcnllng Solve for nurns, Chapped Hands nnd Soro Nipples. ' As a healing salvo for burnB. sores, soro nipples and chapped hands Chamberlain's Salvo Is most excellent. It allays tho pain of a burn almost Instantly, and' unless tho Injury Is very severe, heals the parts without leaving a scar. Price, 25 cents. For sale by all good drug gists. o Tho Odd Lollows' lodgo of Bandon will obsorvo tho ninety-first annlvor sary of tho founding of tho order on April 20, by tho dedication of tho magnificent now hall Just completod by tho local order. Invitations havo been sent out to tho othor lodgos to participate and a mammoth attond anco lo expected. Time Tablo 68. Effective Sunday, January 1 1910 12:01 a. m. Northbound. No. 10 Oregon Express .. 5:15 a.m. No. 18 Portland Passenger 7:43 p.m. No. 20 Portland Passenger 3:12 p.m. No. 14 Portland Express 8:20 a.m. No. 12 ShastaLtmlted. . . .12:35p. Southbound. No. 13 San Francisco Ex. . 3:31a.n No. 19 ABhland Passenger. 11: Olu.m No. 17 RoseburgPassengor 6:45p.m. No. 15 California Express. 9:56p.m. No. 11 Shasta Limited ,. 7:43 p.m. Northbound. No. 226 Way Freight .... 9:50a.m. No .222 Portland Fast Frt. 10: 45p.m. Southbound. No. 225 Way Freight 12:35p.m. No. 221 Portland Fast Frt. 2:43a.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Local Leaves For Portland and inter 6:40 a.m. Portland-HIUsboro Inter-. . 8:55 a.m. Portland and Inter 11:15 a.m. Portland and inter, 2:00p.m. Limited. Port., Tualatin, HUlsboro. 3:20 p.m. Local. Portland-Hlllsboro inter., 4:00p.m. Portland and inter 6:20 p.m. Portland and Inter '. 8:50 p.m. Local Arrlvo From. Portland, and Inter 8; 25 a.m. Portland-Hlllsboro inter.. 9:50a.m. Limited. Port., HUlsboro, Tualatin. 10: 45 n.m. Local. Portland and Inter 1:00 p.m. Portland-Hlllsboro Inter.. 4:00p.m. Portland and Inter 5:50 p.m. Portland and Inter 8:30 p.m. Portland Theater train. .10:40 p.m. Salem, Falls City & Western Ry Leavo West Salom -ror: Dallas, Falls City and Black Rock 9:00 a. m. Dallas, Falls City and Black Rock 1:30 and 4:35 p. m. Sunday Trains for: Dallas & Black Rock 4 . . . . 9:00 a. m. and 1:35 p. m. Trains Arrlvo at West Salom from Dallas 8:15 a. m. Black Rock and Dallas . ,12:20 p. m. Fans city 4:15 p. in. Sunday Trains from: Dallas , .8:15 p. m. Black Rock 1:45 p. m. and 5:30 p. m. Trains stop at all lntormodlata stations. Salcni-Silvcrton Auto Stage. Loavo Cottago Hotel, Salom 7: 30 a. m Arrlvo nt Sllvorton 8:30 a.m. Loavo Sllvorton Hotel. ..-.8:45 a. m. Arrlvo at Salem. 9:45 a.m. Lv'o Cottago Hotel, Salem 4:00 p.m. Arrlvo at Sllverton. .... .5:00 p.m. Loavo Sllvorton Hotel. .. .6:16 p. m. Arrlvo at Salem ,0:15 p.m. EDMUNDSON HOYT, Prop. Phono 209. Tonic Make no mistake. Tak only thaae medl' f'i.'j the hril doctor rorfi""'. Consult Tired? Just as tired In the morning as at I nigntr- i umgs look dark F Lack nerve power? Just remember this: Ayer's SarsaparillA is a strong tonic, entirely free from alcohol. It puts red corpuscles into the blood; gives steady, even power I to ino nerves ; strenfitnens the dlcestion. jHuie Wing Sang CoJ Big Stock of Goods 1 Wo havo a nico lino of ready mado muslin underwoar, whlta X Sklrta, Drawors, Gowns and Corsot Covers. Also, Wrappers, KI- 2 monaa and Drosslng Sacquos, plain and fancy. Ranging in prices from 1.00 to $6.00. At Big Sale This Week 246 Commercial Street Tho majority has always been taxed to u).port the minority, nnd the minority has been a small one. In Coos County one; timber hold ing is worth commercially twenty eeyon millions. Asgessed for four millions. TnAoc Marks DEOIflNS CopjrmaHra Ac. - Anroue ending a (ketch and (tciertptlon inai qnlcUJr ajcortum our oiummi :re wutiuer an iii.cmlnn ! troh.blr cateniabla. Cummunlra tlouMtrlctlreonOdontfa. .HANDBOOK onl'atauti ant Iff. OI.ImI aireni-r lurxwurinjrpueiiii. I'ttiaiua laavu pale una A Cu. reurivt airliner for lurouvh lluiill A, i nulul nt.ttt4. without cbarge. Ill th Scientific Jftiiricati. A htndiometr llltutratad vMk1r. Tret ctr. ' enlallon at nr Ivntlllo Journal, 'J ermi, II a i our i four montUa, (1. BoM tj all naiwdealtra. $4.50 silk waists now ..$3. GO '14.00 silk waists now ..$3.00' $3.50 fancy lawn waists, now $2.50 Wo Imvo a Jargo assortment of 'Jawij wniats'lri beautiful pat- terns ranging in prlco from $1,00, $1.25, $1.50, $20 and $2.50. Ladles' gowns; beautifully trimmed in embroidery and lo.eo, rangipg In, Jirlco from 75c up to $1l.0ff. I.adloe' while petticoats from $1.25 up to $0.00. JjuIIqb' silk klrta, with flounce, with dunt rufllo, $0.00 onwj, now for $4.60. Ladles long lclmona, $2.76 ones, nof for $2.25. Ladlofl' fancy lawn wrappers, $4.00 ones for $3.00, 1 , Ladies' ho uso lirosseafroni SI upflTia. w $2.50 Heathorbloom qmbrold orod Bklrts, now for $1,50. Men's $1.50 fancy dross shirts, now for 75c. . . Men's pants from $1.25, up to $3.00. Men's suits, $15.00 ones, now , ifqj: IJfi.00. Mail's work rIovob from 00c up tq.$l.R0 IJ Goods On Big Sale 221 N. Commercial Street SAim; ORHGQN;