PAGE pm PAGE THRHK. OAJIiY OATITAli JOURNAL, 8 ALES t, ORKGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1010. 000 ooo PEOPLE'S . PULPIT... Tabernacle. 300 On tho Mediterranean Sea. April 17. Wo are not far from tho placo where poor Jonah long ago hud his sad ex perience In his attempt to run away from the Divine commission to the Nlnevites. Wo arc nearing Jaffa, tho port from which be sailed, then called Joppa. Some, intent on disproving as much as possible of tbo Bible, have attempted 'to uisiUo light of Jonah's ex periences, claiming that thoro was no flsh In the world of such capacity as could swallow a man entirely. We arc to remember, however, that the Scriptures .do not say that it was an ordinary whale that swallowed Jonah, but rather they specllleally declare that God "specially prepared" a great flsh for the occasion. Nor is this all. Wo have our Lord's own testimony to tbo truthfulness of tho matter, and whoever denies either his truthfulness or his intelligence Is thereby denying also his Messlahshlp and repudiating him as a Savior, because neither a falsifier nor a dupe could possibly be recognized as the great Redeemer and Savior, the Sent of God, the Messiah. Additionally our Lord informs us that the Jonah incident wus In the nature of a type, especially designed of God to foreshadow the fnct that Jesus himself would bo dead for parts of three days and arise from the dead on the third day, oveu as Jonnh was burled alive for parts ot three days and on the third day the great tlsb vomited him upon dry land. There is nothing diffi cult about tbo narrative to one who has proper faith in God. To those who have not faith, nothing connected with Divine revelation Is reasonable, com mendable or satisfactory. Let us , tusintaiu our stand with those who hold fast to. and hold forth for others, the Word of Life. The Belly' of Hell Described. " But what have "the belly of hell" and the poor until' crying from It to do with the story of Jonah? And how does the story associate itself with our journey today over the Mediterranean DecpV .lonun wa3 the man who was in the belly of hell and whose cry unto the Lord from there constitutes our text. When a boy I heard this text, and my Imagination conjured up what hell would be like, and especially what the bell.V of hen, or what I supposed the middle part of it. would be like. I had the opportunity of looking into blast furnaces through what is called the , glory-hole or peep-hole. There I noted that tbt? center of the fire' was at white heat, I tried to imagine peo ple in such a condition in tho very middle or belly of hell. I could not Imagine how they could survivo such an experience a single moment, let alone for all o'ernity. I sought theo logical expositions of the mutter and learned that some theologians of tho hoary past, admitting the destructive effect of fire, claimed that God would specially vitalize all the poor creatures consigned to this torment, so that they would never die, but would keep on suffering forever and forever und for ever, untenable tortures. 1 found that other theologians explained that those consigued to such a tlery ordeal would gradually become aduptcd to it and assume an asbestos-llke shell which would measurably protect them from the lire. But these theologians went on to explain that, wisblug them to suffer horrible tortures, God would scale off the asbestos shell, causing them to suffer still more excruciatingly every time the operatiou was perform ed. As a child I tried to imaglno that this was the Just desert of sluners, and that tho Heavenly Father was really kind and loving that he did uo't give -them worse, though I could not think of anything worse that they could suffer. "Wheu I was a child. I spako as a child; but when 1 became a man, I put uwuy childish things" (I Corln thians'xlll, tli. I asked for the proof that uuybody could endure such suf ferings and yet live. 1 asked for tho iroof that our God is as uusympathetic us any devil could be. My mlud rejected ns irrational the whole proposition. I said: The Gou whom I ahull worship must be a greater being than myself greater than any human being, not ouly in power to execute bis will, but also In wisdom to make a wise arraugeinent for his creaturas. and also perfect In justice to do to them as be would have them do to him, if he were the crea ture and tbey the God. lie must also bo perfect In love, the noblest feature of any character. 1 said to' myself. Such must be the God who was the Qrentor of our race, for he has pro duced In humanity certain degrees of these various qualities and be could not give to man what he does not him self possess, nor can wo suppose that bo would create man with mora Jus tice, wisdom, lore and power than he himself possesses. To that great God 1 I bowc(d my hoart and mind and every power that I possess. To him I still OUT OF THE chet. BELLY OF HELL' RUSSELL, Pastor Brooklyn CRIpD I "I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the Lord, and he heard me; out of the belly of hell cried I" (Jonah ii, 2.) 00O bow, and give thanks that by his grace I have come to see his character, his Plan and his Word more clearly than in the past I thank him that now I can see In what way ultimately Jesus will bo tho "Light of the world" not merely tbo Light of the Church (John vill, 12). In abandoning tho dActrino of eter nal torment my disposition was to abandon , the Bible also, because I be lieved that tho Bible was the founda tion of thu Irrational theory which had pictured God to my tulud ns a demon of tho worst imaginable type. But. thank God. dear friends, tho Lord heard my prayer for light, for knowl edge respecting himself. After I hnd made a search of heathen creeds, as well ns those of Christendom, and had found them all illogical, unreasonable, unsatisfactory, I turned to the Bible again, saying. .Perhaps I have not done the Bible Justice; perhaps I have un consciously attributed to the Bible the teachings of the creeds. Perhaps I have rend It through colored specta cles. Praying to God for guidance I took up Bible study In a very differ ent way from previously. I began to study the Bible a I should have done at first without reference to any of the creeds. I began to let God teach me. I ceased to say.i It reads, "TJius." but It must mean otherwise. It says. "So and so." but cannot mean that, but the reverse. In other words I ceased to try to teach God and en deavored to be taught of God through his Word, guided by his holy Spirit. International Bible Studies. That was thirty-eight years ago. Un der the Lord's blessing I found tho Key to the interpretation of the Scrip turesnot because of ability, but, 1 believe, because it is now due time for the Bible to be understood in the closing of this Gospel Age and tho dawning of the Millennial Day. Hav ing found the Key and used it myself I have spent my best endeavors since to put the Key into the hands of God's consecrated people the world over. I have nothing to boast of. dear friends, but hnve much to be glad for. First. I am glnd on my own account with a Joy unspeakable, thnt now I know my Heavenly Father and can have con fidence in him and can have love for him, ns never before. I am tbaukful thnt. to some extent. I have been en abjed to convey similar Joys, similar blessings, to others of his dear people of nil denominations In all parts of the world. The Lord has gradually en larged my opportunities year by year. I am not building a sect not making a new denomination not founding a Church! We have had too much of thnt sort of thing already. Not only have wo Wesley's Church and Calvin's Church, etc., etc.. but it has become the custom for each minister to be spoken of as the proprietor of tho Church; as, for Instance. Tho Hever end Dr. A.'s Church. It has become n custom, too, for tbo prenchers to speak of the people us "My people," "My Church." This is all- wrong. I wish to bavo neither part nor lot In It. 1 have no Church, and wish for none. There is but the one Church the Church of Christ-"the Church of the Living God"-"the Church or the First Borns. whose uames are written In heaven." That Church includes in Its membership every true saint of God who trusts in the merit of Christ and seeks to walk In his footsteps. What ever earthly systems such may bo Iden tified with nro without Divine author ization. Their standing In God's sight Is merely because of their Identifica tion with Christ as "members of his Body." In God's providence I wns led to pub lish six volumes of "Studies In tho Scriptures." or Bible Keys. These were taken up by the Bible and Tract Society, and published at cost price, to enable all of God's people everywhere to procure them. They are now pub lished in ten of the most prominent langunges. The first Volume, "Tho Plan qf tho Ages," has passed tho three million mark. 1. have received not one cent of royalty. My life Is a very simple one. My expenses aro small. I accept no salary uud take up no collections. Voluntary donations from those who have been blessed by my labors supply my needs and tho surplus goes to the Bible nnd Tract So ciety for the general forwarding of Its work "The Promulgation of Christian Knowledge," Each earnest Christian who obtains the assistance of tlieve Bible Keys and enters Jnto the treasures of God's Word and becomes rich himself iln spiritual knowledge and In joy and peace of heart Is glad to call the at tention of others to these -Hlble Keys. Thus tho International classes of Bible Students of all denominations In all parts of tho world are springing up and a blessed light, we believe, Is go ing forth from thew. assistful to all who love righteousness and hate In iquity. Although I am the regular Pas tor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle congre gation, there arc several assistants aud I am privileged to speak to thinking Christians of various pirts of the world, especially In the U ilied Status. Only the I-ord knows how I thank hlra for. this privilege of service, and for the still larger opportunity afforded mo through tho columns of some of tho principal newspapers ot tho United States. My sermons nro handled by a Syndi cate, and I nm advised that now they appear in nearly five hundred news papers, aggregating n circulation of six million copies, or, according to newspaper count, thirty million rend ers. All of these dear people of every denomination who do any thinking nt nil, 1 am sure have had similar diffi culties to those which 1 cxperlonced dlfflcultles in appreciating how our Heavenly Father could be a good Fa ther, a good God. a loving Creator nnd yet provide for his human crea tures such terrible destinies as all the creeds of the "dark ages" set forth. There is not n thinking Christlnn in tho world who does not need the cor rect understanding of the Bible in order to be able to stand in the evil day that is upon us. All need to give heed to St. Paul's words, "Take unto you the whole armour of God. that ye may bo nblo to withstand in the evil day. and, having done nil, to stand" (Epheslans vl. 13). Our day Is a blessed one in respect to its won derful opportunities nnd privileges, but It is an evil 0110 In the sense of being a time of great trial and testing of faith to Christendom. Thinking minds are rejecting the doctrine of eternal torment nnd gener ally at the same time rejecting the Bible and denying that it is tho in spired Word of "God. These dear friends are stumbling into Infidelity and think that Higher Criticism and Darwin's Evolution theory aro new light. What they need Is to see that the true light Is ill the Bible and that, wearing our grandfathers' spectacle"" we Inherited the Word of God ai. wrested it to our own injury and to tho loss of our peace of mind nnd fel lowship with the Father and with the Son nnd with the holy Spirit. The Key to the Scriptures. Whoever gets the proper understand ing of our text hns in his possession tho Key to the Bible. If he will uso It, passage after passage will open for him and the whole Word of God be comes a now and glorious revelation of Justice, Wisdom, Lovo and Power Divine. Jonah was in the fish's belly he was burled alive. It is this that Is referred to in our text. The words hell-belly signify grave-belly or belly grave. The context shows all this, telling us additionally that sea-weeds were wrapped about tho Prophet's head and that Goti heard his prayer and delivered him from the hell-belly. or belly-grare. on the third day by causing the tlsb to vomit him up. If you have a reference Bible note that in the margin there is a reference to the words of our text, snying, "He brew, the grave." Ah! says one. The translators merely made a mistake and translated It hell when they should have translated It grave. Yes, I an swer, and they made the same mls- : take In every case in which they used the same word sheol throughout the ! Old Testament. As It Is, sheol Is trans j lated grave more times than It Is trans lated hell In our Common Version; but it should be translated grave every time, There we have the Key to the Bible. The hell of the Bible, the penalty for sin. Is death, the grave, the tomb. It Is not nn everlasting hell, for special Scriptures declare that sheol (hell) shall bo destroyed. "1 will ransom them from the power of the grave (sheol); 1 will redpem them from death; O death. I will be thy plagues; O grave (shrul. hell) I will be thy destruction" (Hosi-a xili. Mi. St. Paul quotes this prophecy In conjunction with his great discourse on the resurrection, "O death, where is thy sting? O grave (hades) where Is thy victory" (I Corinthians xv. rrn, We see. dear friends, whnt our dear Redeemer Guffered on our behalf to re lease us from the penalty for sin. lie did not go to eternal torment for our Bins. He did go into sheol, into hadvx. Into the grave. "Christ died for our sins, according to tho Scriptures" (I Corinthians xv, 3. Thus God has pro vided for the resurrection of the dead all mankind, "both of tho lust and of the uti)unt" The uxt are the Church, the saints. The unjust include nil oth ers. Tho blood of Jesus will avail for tho release of every member of tho raco from the great penalty of death. Now it operates under n special call to the saintly "few who are invited to become joint-heirs with the Redeemer in his great Kingdom which shortly Is to bless all the families of the earth not only those thon living, but also all who have gone down'to the tomb. The general resurrection will not be an in stantaneous one. as In the case of tbo saints. It will bo a gradual one In two senses. (li AH will not come forth at once, but, as the Apostle declares. "Every Plan In his own order." company or band (I Corinthians xv, 23i. (2 1 It will be gradual in the sense that the awakening from the tomb will be but the beginning of the resurrec tion of the world During the thou sand years of Clnist's reign all who will give heed to his Instructions and assistance may rise gradually-.up, up, up and by tbo close of (he Millennium tbey will reach the full perfection und Image of God lost by Father Adam through disobedience. The unwilling, those rebellious after the light has ful ly come upon them, will be destroyed In the Second Death, from which there will be 110 recovery. They will perish ns the brute beasts. , So, then, let us learn a lesson from Jonah's words, not forgetting the oth er lesson mentioned by our Lord when he deelnrps that Jonan'x experiences In the jtrave the belly of the flsh. nnd his relenne therefrom foreshadowed his own experiences In the tomb and his wturreotlou In power and great glory on h rhinl dsy. ARRESTED FOR BEING GALLANT TUIUUS LAZZARECHI ADMITS: HIS WEAKNESS, AND IS VERY PROMPTLY AND HHOPEKLY AC QUITTED RY JURY OP MARRIED MEN. San Francisco, April 22. Accord ing to Judgo Densy, fair female sleuths aro unfair generally, in se curing evidence of crlmo. According to his Idea, a woman dctectlvo has no right to bo pretty or attractive If they mako an arrest, chances aro ten to one that they have tempted their prisoner to commit 'somo crime for the purpose of having him arrested afterward. : This was vividly Illustrated yester day in tho trial of Turbis Lazzarechi, the owner of a fruit store. The man was nrrested by one of San Francis co's female detectives, and charged with selling liquor without a license The woman said that she bought a drink of whiskey from him. Lazzarechi mado a clean breast of tho affair. Ho said: "I am an un married man. I . admire handsome women. This lady came Into my store, and I completely lost my heart to her. Sho asked mo for a drink of whiskey, and I gave It to her. What elso could I do?" Tho Jury, which was composed of married men acquitted the defendant with Joyful unanimity. o Call for Rids 14th St. Improvement Notico is hereby given that the common council of the city of Sa lem, Oregon, at tho council cham bers at said city on and after Mon day, the 25th day of April, 1910, at or about tho hour of 7:30 o'clock, p. m., will receive bids for the Im provement of 14th street from the north lino of Marlon street to the south line of "D" street, in the city of Salem, Oregon, according to tho plans and specifications adopted for such improvement and on file at the offlco of the city recorder. Tho right to reject any or all bids for such improvement is hereby re served by tho said council. Date of first publication, April 19, 1910. W. A. MOORES, City Recorder. 4-19-Cd Assessment Saginaw Street. Notico ?s hereby given that the common council of tho city of Sa lem, Oregon, will at or about 7:30 o'clock p. m., on Monday tho 25th day of April, 1910, at thq common council chambers, at Salem, Oregon, proceed to assess upon each lot and parcel of land liable thereof its pro portionate share of tho cost of the improvement of Saginaw street from the south line of Mission street to tho north line of Myers street, in tho city of Salem, Oregon, according to tho plans and specifications adopted for such improvement and on file at tho office of tho city re corder. All persons Interested In said as sessment shal lappear at said time before said common council, and present objections if any they have to said assessment, and apply to said common council within flvo days of said, date for tho privilege if they so desire to make sa'd Improvement in lien of their assessment. Dono by order of the common council n the c'ty of Salem. Ore gon, this 18th t'ay or April, iun, Dnto of first publication. AprU 19, 1910. W. . MOORES, City Recorder, 4-19-Gd It soma people would pay halt as ere to know that this country In much attention to their own affairs spite of Its enormous production of as they do to affairs of others they wheat, has for the seeond time been would gt Along better in the world surpassed by Russia, whUh last year o j raised 46,000,000 bushels more than ' It may surprise American read- j the United States. There has been an Increase In wheat production all over the world. The latest orop was nearly one-fifth larger than that o' 1908: but the reeent Russian crop Is greatest over produced by any one country. Forrro to T.piivp Home. Every year a large number of poor sufferers whoso lungs are soro and rucked with coughs aro urged to go to another cllmato. But this Is cost ly nnd not nlways sure. Thoro's a better way. Let Dr. King's New Discovery cure you at home. "It cured mo of lung trouble," writes W. R. Nelson, of Calamine, Ark., "when nil olse fnlled and I gained 47 pounds in weight. Its surely the King or all cough and lung cures." Thousands owe thoir lives and health to it. Its positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds, LaGrlppe, Asthma, Croup all Throat and Lung trou blous. 50c and $1.00. Trial' bottle free at J. C. Perry's. No man can be dignified whon he hns tho kind of a cold which taxos his handkerchief supply. A KNOCKER,. Is a man who can't sco good In any person or thing. It's a habit causod by a disordered liver. If you And that you are beginning to see things through blue spectaoles, treat your liver to a good cloanlng out process with Ballard's Herb'ne. A sure cure for constipation, dyspopsla, Indiges tion, sick hondncho, biliousness, all liver, stomach and bowel troubles. Sold by all dealers. Shoo Fly Screen Windows and Screen Doors Wood good grade prompt delivery Clias.K.SpnnldingLogCo. Phono 88 Front & Ferry Sts, 1 E KING lllf OFCURE! DR. KING1 NEW DISCOVERY H$ AND AND ALL THROAT LUNG PREVENTS MPY10N DISEASES Mnu UN "Twoiyearo ago a severe cold settled on my lungs and "o completely prostrated mo that I was unable to work and scarcely able to stand. I then was advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and after using one bottle I went back to work, as well as I ever was." W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tenn. PRICE 50C AND SI.OO SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY J.. C. PERRY School Bonds. Notico is hereby given that the Board of Directors of School District No. 24, in Marion co nty, Oregon, are to Issue popular loan notes, In sums not less than $50 each, and amounting in the aggregate to 25, flOO to the bona fide resident citizens 'f said district. Said notes are to be Issue'd and delivered on tho 9th day of May, 1910, and mado payable on or beforo ten years from date of Is sue, and are to bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, pay able semi-annually. Tho books for said loan aro this day opened In tho ofilco of tho district clerk of said dis trict, at No. 388 State street, Salem, Oregon, and applications will bo re ceived until noon of me 7th day of May, 1910. By order of the Board of directors Dated this tith day of April, 1910. H. A. JOHNSON, JR. 4-7-2 6t-d District Clerk. Best Treatment for Colds. "Most ordinary colds will yield to the simplest treatment," saya tho Chicago Trlbuno, "moderative laxa tives, hot foot baths, a free perspir ation nnd an avoidance of exposure to cold and wet after treatment." While this treatment is simple, It requires considerable trouble, and the ono adopting it must remain in doors for a day or two, or a fresh cold is almost suro to bo contracted, and in many instances pneumonia follows. Is it not better to pin your faith to an old rellanie preparation like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, that is famous for its cures of colds and can nlways be depended upon'' For sale' by all good druggists. Reaching tho Top. in any calling of life, demands a vig orous body and a keen brain. With out health there is no success. But Electric Bitters is the greatest Health Builder tho world has ever known. It compels perfect action of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, purifies and enriches tho blood, tones and Invigorates tho whe'o system and onables you to stand iho wear and tear of your dally work. "Aftor months of suffering from Kidney Thouble," writes W. M. Sherman, of dishing, Mo., "three bottles of Elec tric Bitters made me feel Uko a new man." 50c at J. C. Perry's. 9 1 Will I Phone Main 159 I eorge S 121 Commercial Street I Joyous and Clear and fresh . f Tells you concisely what the "Edison" records always are, The latest and most popular always carried In stock. Many charming ones among the new arrivals, Come Isi and Hear Them Pianos and organs sold on installment plant and rent ed, A complete line of latest sheet music always on hand, Everything in musical instruments, On Sale April '25th "ITI month's Edison Record list is remarkable in that it intro duces two new Grand Opera stars of the Manhattan Opera House, New York Carmen Melis, prima donna; and Gustav Iiuberdeau, basso; besides records by Marguerita Sylvit, Blanche Arral and lliccardo Martin, But not only from the standpoint of Grand Opera is this month's,.list remarkable. The biggest hit of the season, "Has anybody here seen Kelly?" is on the Amberol (four minute) list and Billy Murray's newest success "He's a College Boy",, is a head-liner from the Standard (two minute) list. And these are just samples your dealer will play anything on this list, you wish to, hear, on the Edison Phonograph. Amberol 413 to Olpy Mniurkn KrotaalM Souia'a Hand 414 I WUIiTliat Vim WuMyOal,Molly.Manucl Jtomalii 419 Moonlight ill Juuirli'land Collins and Harlan 416 IU Anybody II urn Seen Kelly? Ill 1 1 V Hurray nnd Chorus 417 The KIm Wall (Suxaphonc). . .11. llcnne 1 1 en Urn 418 The Midnliimnltc l'cttr DaWaoii 419 lUaullful UucKonliiK Hands Edison Mixed Quarletto 40 The Prlmn-Donria Kntr'Actc Vktnr llerliert nnd Hit Orchestra in By the Light of thu Silvery Moon Ada Junoa mid Mule Quartette 4N Down In Turkey Hollow Golden and Ilugiiun Hi Struuw Memorle Walts National (London) Military Hand 411 One Little Olrl, Harvey lllndcnncvcr und Chorus ili Though Your Sins Bo n RcarUt. Stanley & Ollluttc 4M I'jtrol Comliiue . . . Amrrloiin Standard Orchestra 4.'7 I'd Like to llo the fellow tliat (llrl U Waiting for Joe Maxwell 413 Ttio Suffragette . ., .Ada Jones and Lcn Spencer 43 To You Walts Serenade Vienna Instrumental Quartette 4M The Man Who Funne l Casey lilguy Ul 411 CliaraeterUtle Neicro Medley. . J'ccrlca Quartette ISI Tlw CiiUinoln (did Collins and Harlan with New York Military Band Grand Opera (Amberol) BIBS Toaca VImI d'arMWfimlSung u French. Orchentrit accompaniment Carmen Hell. Soprano DIM Carmen -Habanera (Jtntn Sunic In French. Ureheatm accompaniment Marguerltn Sylva, Soprano DIDO Coeur et la Main Itoltro iUmqi Sung In French. Orcheatru aocompauitnent Illanelio Arral, Soprano Dll CarallerlA Iludjcana-HrindUl (Maicajni) Sunifin Italian, OrehedraaecompanliuMit lliecanln Martin. Tenor lllti MUmon Uercetuw ( Thoitiai) Sunn in French. Oretmtra Accotmwnimerit Outtave Huberdtau, Baritone 103 JO 10331 10353 10M 10MI 10353 1MM I0MT 103J8 wm WHO 1030 1 10301 10303 10304 Standard'4 " NarcUiui Soua' Band ChrUtinaa Time Seem Yean and Years A way Manuel Itomnln TwoOlddy(loat.MISteTcnsoiiniidMr.Stonley Hungarian Dance U Victor Herbert and Ills Orchestra He's A College Hoy Hilly Murray and Chorus Some Day MU Marvin and Mr. Anthony Itetiirn of the Arkansas Traveler. . ln Spencer Furintoth and Jenuey (Violin) D-inir the Weaver i William Cralir Come to the Land of Bohemia. . . Joe Muxwell Just a Little Blnir From You , Ada Jones and Billy Murray Thnt Lovln' rtag Sophie Tucker Under the Tent American Standard Orchestra II y the Light of the Silvery Moom Ada Jones Stop That ling Collins and llurlan l',n Koute to Camp March fuw y or, unitary nana Thero ore Edison dealers every where. Go to thu nearest nnd hear the Kdlson l'lionogrnpli play both Kdlson Standard and Amberol Records. Gut complete catalogs from your dealer or from in. Edison Phonographs . . 812.50 to $300.00 Edison Standard Records 35 Edison Amberol Kecords(play twice as long) .60 Edison Grand Opera Uecords . ,75 to R00 Does your Phonograph play Amberol Ilecords? If not, ask your dealer About our money saving combination offer on Ambgrol Records mid tho attachment to play Uiam. NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH COMPANY, 75 Lakeiido Avenue, Orange, N. J. Tli EdUan ButlncM Phonograph will cut the cott of your corre, pendent from eight cenU a teller to tt Uul four ceuti. in tome cue It ha reduced tbli cott to u low a t o-aJ-on-hl eenti