Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 22, 1910, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    AOB TWO.
E. HOFER, Editor jusd .Proprietor.
Independent lfowppor Devoted to American Principle ad
the Fiosroa and Dorclopomont of All Oregon.
Pobtlthod Bterr Brenlng Bxcept Bandar, Salem, Oro.
(lavuiablr to Adranoe.)
ally, br carrier, per rear. .6.00 Per months
HliTt br ft11 Pr ...... 4X0 Per month....,
yflr, br hull, per Tew.... 1.00 Six month f.
Tito Alrtmhl of the Stato Normal at Monmouth nsk your support for
that .school, i You know tro must hnvo teachers. Wo mast educate the
boys and girls n trained teacher is tho best agency for this. The cost
Is four cents a year on a thousand dollars. Voto Yes for Monmouth,
and settle tills question. J. B. V. BUTLER, Sec. Com.
"A Salem real ostato booster who
.has Just returned from a few dnys
cpent at Eugeno, has tho following
comparisons to mako botween tho
two cities:
"A number of Eugono people have
tho idea that this town is larger
than Salora In many ways, aside
from a possible larger population.
Some oven believe Eugeno's popula
tion is larger than that of tho Capi
tal City. Tho only reasonable nr
cuso ' Eugoria has for not knowing
;tbo real . facts is duo largely to tho
fact' that' she Is a ilttlo out of tho
world', lylrig 123 miles south from
the metropolis. Thoro is not enough
coioporSftion, or visiting, if you
ploaso, carrlod on by Eugono people
with hor sister cities far down tho
' ""'in other words, Eugene is car
' rled' away with her own boosting
and Is boglnntng to bollevo it her-
solf. ' Because sho has heard a con
tinual ding-dong about tho wonder
ful' city of Eugono for a long timo,
Eugono has begun to think Bho is
.the greatest city in Oregon, outside
"of Portland. Whon it gets to bo n
supposed foot that Eugono Is largor
than Salem, it is ttmo to enlighten
the poe-ple of Eugene who aro. de
ceived. That Eugono may bo a lit
tle moro oaroful in tho futuro, Sa
lem is going to opon hor oyos to
the question of population. That Is,
Undo NSnm will cloar nwny any i
doubts ns to the population of Eu
gono and Saloin, when tho census
rotnrns como in.
"Whlio n cqiibus may bo necessary
to sottlo tho quostlon as .to which
city hns tho groatest populatlqn,
thoro can bo no dlsputo over tho
commorqlal valuo of tho two 'gar
dons' of tho Willnmotto Vnlloy.
"Eugono has about Ave miles of
stroot railway systom, thrqo hotoU,
n largo nunibor of small mercantile
ostnbllshiuonts of. all klmls, paved
stroois, a stato unlvoralty, pretty do
pot grounds, sawmill, axcolslor fac
tory, moving ploturo shows, opora
house and a naturol railroad contor
at Sprlngllald, four miles distant.
"Hugojio runs tho city In the in
terest of her state schools, belleviug
that 'dry' laws, though depriving
the olty of heavy revenue raises the
tone for hor school boys. She
closed tho saloons whon all thoy
noeded was some strict regulation
like it is anforcod in Salom. In ad
dition to rjlosod saloons, all moving
ploturo shows and cigar storos aro
olossi) on Sunday.
"Financially,' Eugono is taxing
hor property owhors 31 mills on
a 70 por cent valuation, raising this
city into factions. Tho city owns lto
own water system.
"Eugeno has no backing from her
surrounding territory. Sho has no
great fruit bolts or agricultural dis
tricts to draw trade from .her many
merchants. Hor great hope Is la
materializing proposed railroads
"She is threatened with a, now
county on one end (Nesmlth and ex
pects to have a slice carved off the
qthor end for another new county,
In the event two new counties are
created out of part of Lano county,
Eugeno's great boast of 34,000,000,-
00Q feet of marketable timber will
suffer heavy shrinkage. While
thoro may bo no dispute as to Eu-
gono's surrounding territory being
capablo of raising tho best fruit and
agricultural products of any place
on earth, yet the fact remains that
she Is not doing t nbw. What sho
is doing now must be considered
when comparing hor with other 'val
ley towns. If protty looks had any
thing to do with the financial and
commercial standing of Eugono, it
would have all the rest of the towns
"badly skinned," as tho curb-stono
orator says. However, tho 'poet says,
'Beautiy Is sometimes only skin
"So far as population goes, if
Eugono can muster a total of 12,000
pooplo for hor coming census, she
ought to bo highly pleased.
"As to Salom'e population, It i
woll known that Bho Is much larger
than Eugene, Salem has at least
18,000 inhabitants. After tho pres
ont cons.us roturns Salom should
havo between 20,000 and 25,000
pepplo. Sho operates over IB miles
of street railway system, has all tho
stqte institutions, county buildings
and, flno city hall, wldo streots and
pavod, macadamized county roads
leading Into tho city. Sho is notml
for bolng. a beautiful city.
"Salom's 'fruit bolts aro known a'l
over tho world. Sho Is. the "cherry
city" of Oregon, and thoroforo, the
world. Hor famous prunes are ont
on In ovdry civilized country on tho
globo. Hor agricultural products
are enormous in quantity and of the
nnost in quality. Salem Is also tho
hop center of the world, growing 30
per cent of all hops raised. Local
warehouses hundlo 10 por cont of 1
tho ontiro output. Ovdr COO cars of
prunos are shipped out of Salmi,
ovory soHSon, bosldos many carloads
of apples, ptura, barrios, ohorrlea,
poaches, oto. This fruit and agricul
tural backing Is what makes Salom
forevor the most thrifty city In the
"Salom Is not n wldo-opon town In
tho popular sense of tht word. He'
saloons nre under constant rogu'a
tlon, and bring nn nnnunl lncohio of
something like $10,000 per year In
licenses. 'Salem is also as well
known a school town as Eugene.
Her olvlo policy does not Interfere
wl h hor growing roputntion ns n
lending school town of tho North
"Sulem renchoa Portlnnd by tho'
Southern Paclllo railroad line and
the Orogon Eloctrlo on the oast sldo
of tho rlvor and by tho stom boats
BMIIjI 'tuoius oirx moaij oiii Suiid
City & Wostorn Railroad opons
Polk county giving connection with
Dallas, Corvallis and Portland on
the west side. Salom's mercantile
stores aro of tho largost nnd finest.
aro being built.
The strongest thing in the
world public opinion!
captured it by sheer merit.
Everywhere men are smoking
them. Cigarettes of such excel
lence that they, have set their
own standard of quality.
10 for 10 cents
A press notice says: "A comic
opora of delightful quality and un
usual merit both in book, lyrics and
score is "The Gingerbread Man"
which will be given this evening
with tho original No. 1 company
fresh from a tour of the larger cities
where It has enjoyed unusual suc
cess in this the third year of its pre
sentation. The reason for this is
obvious. Tho piece is one of cer
tain merit first of all for Us par
ticularly beautiful music, which by
the way was compqsed by A. Bald
win Sloane, who has given us such
tuneful compositions ns "Tho Mock
ing Bord," "Jack and the Bean
Stalk," "Sergeant Kitty," "Broad
way to Toklo" and "Coming
Through tho Rye." Mr. Sloane's
music Is not only tuneful, but It Is
written In a musician's style, and
although It has a trick of catching
the ear, It has class which enabled
Its composer to rank with the be3t
that America produces. One charm
about Mr. Sioano's works is that he
novor writes alike and his themes
are so varied that tho fault of
sameness so noticeable in many com
posers, sorno oven who havo
achieved greatness, Is not noticeable.
He has no particular stylo and musi
cians that are .familiar with his
work aro often surprised at the
broadness of his flold In the musical
literature. Ho has gotten to that
point 'where ho dominates with al
most ovory author that ho collabor
ates with, and frequently lyrics are
written to his measure when tho
usual mode' Is that the lyrios are
written first and the inusio after
ward. Tills as a rule insures a
more successful score and In "Tim
Glngerbroad Man" wo find almost i
perfect one. This may probably be
accounted for from the fact that
tVodorlak G. Rankin and A. Baldwin
Slonno woro In perfect accord."
Notlco of Intention to Improve Asy
lum Avenue.
Levi W. Mauzey, a well' known
citizen of Marshfleld, died at his
home there last Sunday, ho was 74
years old. t ,
The Masons, Odd Fellows,
Knights of Pythias and Woodmen,
will all build a homo for themselves
in Cottage Grove this year.
Vale expects to have a flowing oil
woll inside of two weeks. The indi
cations of oil become better with
every foot tho drill goes down.
The' cost of paving In Medford Is
to bo SI. 75 por square yard with n
five inch base, and $1.52 with a four
inch base, excavations 5 c. catch ba
sins $21, etc.
Jas. M. Wataon after living on his
farm at Hosklns, Benton county,
since 1847, has sold the place.
Chief Engineer Kratz, of' Corval
lis, has been suspended because not
pushing work as fast as the council
Tho Corvallis Masons are prepar
ing to build a block, which they will
make a four-story building it the
commercial club ( will take one -floor
at $65 a month the first two years
and then $75 a month.
Ashland nurserymen, It Is esti
mated, have grafted half a million
fruit trees this spring, tho season
having just closed. There has been
a great demand for fruit trees tho
past few years, and stocks have been
The house and all its contents be
longing to Dave Shook, a few miles
west of Dairy, was destroyed by
fire Saturday night.
The steamer North Star, which
was launched on the Upper lake
Saturday Is one of the neatest
crafts on those waters. This boat
is 63 feet over all 18 feet beam and
about 100 tons register. She was
built by Captain Alex Nosier last
year but was not launched until
bought by Burk Wilson and WI1
lard Willlts, both young men of
much experlenco onthe waters of tho
Upper lake.
Roseburg reports the first t ripe
strawberries of the season, April 20.
Burnett E. Blodgett, a prosperous
farmer living about four and a half
miles northeast qf Eugene, was
found dead about noon Tuesday on
tho farm a short distance in the
rear of his barn and is supposed to
have succumbed to heart failure.
Killed In Runaway Accident.
(Medford Mail" Tribune.)
Mrs! W. ,R. Bjum was Instantly
killed and Mrs. Garrison soverely In
jured in a runaway accident bear the
Table Rock schoolhouse Monday af
ternoon. The two ladles had started to
drive to Medford. One of the tugs
broke and tho team, a rather frac
tious pair, ran away, Mrs. Byrum,
who had a young child in her arms,
leaped from tho vehicle when she
saw the team was beyond control,
and was thrown against tho fenca
bordering the road, with such force
that she was instantly killed. The
babe esdaped with Just a few
now iestlng easljy and will recover.
Mrs. Byrum was a daughter of
Mrs. A. B. Saltmarsh of Applegate.
and her errand to this city was to
meet her mother and take her to her
home for .a visit. When Mrs. Salt
marsh reached Jacksonville on her
way to Medford she was met with
tho intelligence of her daughter's
Mrs. Byrum leaves a husband and
three small children.'
Watcli for the Comet.
The Red Dragon of the sky.
Watch the children for spring coughs
and colds. Careful mothers keep
Foley's Honey nnd Tar In the house.
It Is the best and safest prevention
nnA ..fn frit Arniin whorn ttin nftpri
Mrs. Garrison stayed in the rig la urgont and immediate relief a
until it was overturned, when she vital necessity. Its prompt uso has
was thrown out, suffering a frac
tured ankle, and other minor injur
ies. It was first reported that she
had been fatally injured, but she Is
saved many lives. Contains no opi
ates or harmful drugs. The genuine
is in a yellow package. Remember
tho name, Foley's Honey and Tar
and refuse substitutes. J. C. Perry
TARTAR is a calcareous
deposit which forms
upon the surfaces of the
teeth and should be re
moved by the daily use of
r. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
which cleanses, preserves
and beautifies the teeth,
prevents the formation of
tartar and imparts purity
and fragrance to the breath.
for all stomach troubles indigestion, dyspepsia, neariDurn, Kaa
breath.sickheadache.torpid liver, biliousness and habitual constipation. Pleasant to talce.
t Wor d Power
with you.
work with
Today is electricity. Used in
nil tho greatest manufacturing
industries. It' is the best and
cheapest lighting power.
When you need to have wiring
done, Install a motor-power or
have lighting fixtures placed.
We would be glad to figure
We do a general electrical business and back up all our
n ..11 Mo1. 1 . . . t .. 41ln nr... .
yoar. Tho city has under way an ,egWaturo mA tho sMto
sxtonslvo muu lolpal eloctrlo light
flant oystom. tho ultlmnto cost of .. . ' J".
which i nn open quostlon and tho
advisability of 'which Is tearing tho
Capital National Bank 1
0l n.nn T
OUIUIII, umviuii x
Capital. Hurplun and Undivided, x
rroflU, rHO.OOO. S
Of fir. nnd Directors! X
II. Albert Presldont S
tr E. M. CroUan. .Vlco-Pfldont f
Joe. II. Albert uasnier i
.fnhn A flnrenn X
t Goo. F. Rodgom T
Gold Dust Hour
Mado by tho 8YDNIIV POWER
COMPANY. Sjrduejr, Oregon.
Mode fc-r Family Vtfl.
Ask your grower for It, Bran
aHd tthorw altrayo cm hand.
tho stato of Orogon towards Salom,
tho Capital City.
"From n comparative point of
vlow, Eugono can hardly bo said to
'rank 'with Salom, elthor In popula
tion or commercial advantages."
More Ico than ovor thta summer,
but it la so thick and heavy that tho
expanse of delivery will bo so groat
hat of course tho price must stay
up. How'd you llko to bo tho I. .n?
Notlco is hereby given that tho
common council of the city of Salem.
Oregon, deems It expedient nnd pro
poses to Improve Asylum Avenue m
tho city of Snlom. Oregon, with con
croto pavement from the oust line of
'Hth street to tho contor lino of
24th street, according to tho plans
and specifications adopted April 1.
1910. for wuch Improvement, and on
file in the ofiloe of the city recorder,
wh'ch said p'ans and specifications
are hereby referred to for a more
perfect description of sold Improve
ment: sal (l improvement to be maut
lU the expense Of the adjacent and
abutting property within the limits
of said 'morovement.
This notlco Is publlshod for 1
dnys pursunnt to tho order of the
common council, nnd tho dato of the
flrat publtcatlpn thereof Is tho 13th
day of April. 1910.
Remonstrances may be filed
against said Improvement wlth'n 10
days of tho final publication of this
Dv order of tho common council.
W. A. M.oores, City Recorlr
. . 4-13.I2t
Kills a Murderer.
A merciless murderer Is Appondl
citlB with many victims. nut Or.
King's Now Ufa Pills kill It by pro
vontlon. They gently stimulate
stomach, llvor nnd bowels, prevent
Ing that clogging that invites appen
dicitis, curing Constipation, Head
ache, Biliousness, Chills. 25a at J
C. Perry's,
Call for Bids 14th St. Improvement
, Notlco Is hereby given that the
common council of the city of Sa
lem, Oregon, at the council cham
bers nt said city on and nfter Mon
day, the 25th day of April, 1910, at
or about the hour of 7:30 o'clock.
p. m., will receive bids for tho Im-1
provement or iim street trom uip
north lino of Marlon street to the
south lino of "D" street, in the city
of Salem, Oregon, according to the
plans and specifications adopted for
such improvement and on file at the
office of the city recorder.
The right to reject any or all bids
for such Improvement la hereby re
served by tho said council.
Date Qf first publication. Apr'l 19,
1910. W. A. MOORES,
City Recorder,
A Guarantee of Satisfaction
Electric Fixture
24C N. Liberty St. Phono 203
& Supply Co.
Tho old fashlouoa way of doing a
weak stomach, or stimulating the
Heart or Kidneys Is all wrong. Dr.
Snoop first pointed out this error.
This Is why his proscrlptloniDr.
Bhonp'a Restorative Is directed en
tirely to tho cause of thoso ailments
tho weak Insldo or controlling i
norvoa. It Isn't bo d'flicult. says Dr
Shoop. to strengthen a weak Stom
ach. Heart, or Kldnoys, If ono goes
nt it correctly. Each Insldo organ
has Its controlling or Inside nerve
When these nerves fall, then these
i onrans must surely falter. Those
vital truths are loading druggists '
l everywhere to d'spense and recora-
mend Pr. Bhoop'a Restorative. Tosl I
, 't a few days, nnd seel Improve-1
'went will promptly and surely fol
Grand Opera House
Friday, April 22
Rica and Vnrloy offer tho grotesquely
staged fantasy
Assessment Saginaw Street.
Notice is hereby given that the
common council of the city of Sa
lom, Orqgon, will at or about 7:30
o'clock p. m., on Monday the 25th
day of April. 1910, at tho common
counc'I chambers, nt Salem, Oregon,
proceed to nssess upon each' lot and
parcel of land liable thereof lis pro
port'onate sharo of the cost of tho
Improvement of Saginaw street
from the south lino of Mission streo"
to tho north lino of Myers street, In
tho city of Snlem, Orogon, according
to tho plans and speclllontlons
adoptod for such Improvement and
on tile at tiro office of the city re
corder. All persons Intorested in said as
sessment alial lappoar at said timo
before said common council, an I
present objections It any they have
to said assessment, and apply to said
common council wlth'n five days of
said date for the privilege If thoy so
desire to make sa'd improvement in
lieu of their assessment.
Done by order of the common
council In tho o'ty of Salom. Ore
gon, this 18th day of April, 1910.
Dato of first publication. Apr'l 19,
1910. W. A. MOORES,
City Recorder.
Trndo Street Assessment.
Notlco Is hereby given that tho
common council of tho city of Sa
lem, Oregon, will at or about 7:30
o'clock p, m. on Monday, the 25th
day of April. 1910, at the. common
council chambers, at Salem, Oregon,
proceed to nssess upon each lot or
parcol of land liablo thereof, Its pro
portionate share of tho cost of the
Improvement of Trndo streot from
the west lino qf Commercial street
to tho east lino of Front streot, in
tho city of Salom, Oregon, accord
ing to tho plans and specifications
adopted for such Improvement and
on file at thu office of the city re
corder. All persons Interested in said as
sessment shall appear at said time
beforo said common council, and
present objections if any thoy havo
to said assessment, and apply to said
common council within flyo days of
said dato for tho prlv'lego If they
so deal re to make said Improvement
in lloit of their assessment.
DonJ by order of tho common
council In the olty of Salem. Oregon.
th'B 16th day of April. 1910.
Dato of first publication, April 19,
1910. W. A. MOOUKS.
Artificial Flowers
A splendid showing.
mall prices.
Beautiful large assortment.
Wo make a spoclalty of headgear for tho little tots.
Groat assortment. Little prices.
New Underwear
Ladlos' and Mlseos' Sleeveless Vests, nice goods,
" 10c
Sloovoless Vests, In lisle 15c
Vests with half sleeves f 17c
Extra slabs Ladies' Vests ....... l6c, 17c and 15c
All specially good bargains.
Men's Balbriggan Underwear 25c
Men's Dress Shirts, good values , 75c
Men's Work Shirts 45c
Trimmed Hats
'All new styles. A great variety. Moderate prices.
Hat ornamonts, fancy feathers, shapes, chiffons
and malene, plenty to choose from.
Expert trimmers. Popular prices.
Lots of New Dry Goods
Llnelx Suitings, yard 17c
Covert Cloth, yard . 12 l-2c
Challles, yard ,, 5c
Ginghams, yard ....?'.' 8 l-3c
Percales, yard 8c
Cotton Toweling, yard 5c
Linen Toweling, extra heavy lOc
Table Cloth, yard ., 25c
' ' " W " I . I , WW. ,MWJ V . .,,W, .MVIU WIWV,( J "I M . W J J
Madrasj 36-inch curtain scrims, pretty designs yard 12y2o
Black Taffeta silk waists nicely embroidered $3.00
Children's Ovoralls, small sizes 25c
Boys' Waists, all sizes 25c
Children's Rompers, heavy material ........ '50c
Boys' Heavy Overalls 50c
Men's Blue Overalls 60c
Painter's Overalls, extra heavy 50c
Mon'a Beat Gray Overalls 9o
Kayser Sjite Gloves, double tipped' 50(T
Long Silk Gloves, double tipped 75c,
Long Kid Gloves .' $1.60
Bed 8preads, large size 75c
Ecru' Lace Curtains, pair . . . . , 75c
Fine White Lawn, yard '. , ie
Gray Cotton Hose, pair . , H'c
New Lawn,
White Embroidered Waists,
$1.25 $1.00 75c
Nice Assortment
65c 50c
Indian Head Suitings, yard , 15c
Fine Whlto Dimity,- yard I7.c
Book and lyrloa by Frederio Rnnken. I
Musia by A. Baldwin Sloane wlthj
The Original AH Sta Cast
Augmented Orchestra and
Prices fl. o0. U 00. 75c, 60c
low. Sqld by Capital Drug Store. 1 Seats on tale Thursday at 9 s, sa.
UMlt7t Ul... Jllr.i
11IU U Ud U.U smlBcVV
K n. Mtt kh Via KU. V
ut k-uva Eton nxwt. AU.n KriUU
Boys' 2-plece Khaki Suits 7;
Men's Heavy Work Qloves, special ....... $l.u9,
Men's all-wool suits neat patterns $10.00
Men's half-wool suits, good wearers $7.50
Rostein & Greenbaum
246 Commercial Street
Rostein & Greenbaum I
Dry Goodsy Millioery9. Clothing