PAflff FOint. ' DAILY CAPITAL JOURXAD, BALEM. QllEGOfr. MONDAY. APRIL 18, 1010. OHHHHmBm urn- i AFTER THE pETKCTIVES THINK THEY WILL TUT UP BATTLE TO THE DEATH IF COUNEKEI) HUT THEY MAY GET AWAY ALL RIGHT. 0M1TBD mESS LIMBED WIBB.l Martinez, Cal., April 18. Re ports from tlio sheriff's posso pursu ing tha train robbora who otolo four Backs of registered mall from tho China Japan fast mall of tho South ern Paclflo road Saturday ovonlng, In dicate that tho bandits have gono in to hiding in the hhls back of Plnolo. , Sheriff Vcalo's posse, In charge of Deputy Sheriff John Birmingham, had traced tho robbers as far as tho headwaters of Plnolo crtok at tho tlmo-he reported here today. $ Posses aro out from Oakland and Berkeley to attempt to head off the bandits from escaping Into tho inte rior or Contra Costa county, and 'eluding pursuit. Two railroad detectives aro with Birmingham's posse. Ono of tho de ' jfcctlves today expressed tho belief !tliat tho robbers will fight to tho cleath when cornered, or will success fully distance their pursuers and cs geapo scot free, Ho declared that ,ho Mid not bellovo they would surronder. ; 0 SOUTH SALEM LADIES f. GAVE ENTERTAINMENT Thursday ovonlng tho Ladles Aid fsocloty of tho Leslie M. E. church, gavo an ontortalnmont and social. Tho following 'program was well rendered: America. ' Prayer, Rev. Fields. ' Violin solo, Mr, Sanders.' Pantomlne, "Rock of Ages," Es ther Lucas. Vocal solo, ."Hold .Thou My Hand' Miss O'Fling. Reading, Mrs. Johnson, .O'Fling. Ladles Quartotto, "Tho Goblins." Farco, "Wanted, a Girl." Vocal rolo, "Sing Mo to Sloep," ' .Miss Mclntiro. Accompanist, Mrs. Elbert Thompson. Killed in Train Wreck. tDSITKD MISS X.KARED WJRfl.l Jaokson, Miss., April 18. Tho en gineer and three mail clerks of train No. 2 on the Illinois Central rail Way wero killed today whon the train was doralled near hero and rolled down a IB-foot embankment. The fireman is missing, anij' is be lieved to be buriod under the wreck age of tlio engine. Two jnalf clerks wero scvoroly In jured. Tho passengers wero n t lnjurod. The engine andjtho baggago, mail, library and two Pullman cars Jumped tho track. Tho rest of tho train re mained on tho rails. o Tnft Approves Tuberculosis Day. New York, April 18. "President Taft approved tho Idea of tubercu losis Sunday. In a letter to Living ston Forrand, executive of the na tional association for tho provontion of tuberculosis, the president says ho approves of tho movement to mako April 24 a tuberculosis day, on which ministers aro recommend ed to "call tho attention of tholr congregations to tho importance of tho tuberculosis problom and to givo such slmplo information regarding it as may be feasible.." o Fltfct for the Pacific. DNItEO VUZSS LEASED WISE. Washington, April 18. It is ru mored in naval circles that a battle ship fleet for tho Pacific is to be built up and maintained. No battleship or warship is to be ordered out of commission for an Jndoflnlto, period, It is reported, it is reported that some battlship con tlgent to the Paclflo coast Is to fol low the dispatch of a sufficient num ber of ships pow In tho east, to the Pacific coast . o Good Freight Services. A regular trl-wookly freight ser vico on tho Salem, Falls City & Western Railway company will bo started between West Salem and all points on our line, commencing with the now schedule in effect Sunday, April , 17th, leaving West Salom Tuosday, Thursday and Saturday at 3!30 p. m. This Borvico will bo In creased as soon as business Justifies. This will bo very much appre ciated by the Solem business men. f. o Sixteenth and Chomekcta streets. Hot and cold water, bath, stationary wash bowl, toilet, largo basement, furnace, large rooms and closets. You cannot duplicato this property for tho prico asked. Lot 50xlG0 feet to al loy. Will sell, if taken at once, for $2800; $500 down, balance In month ly payments. Smith-Gilllnghnm Co,, room No. 6, McCornack building. Phono Main 96. 4-13-tf UA AN D PERU AT PEACE tONIIBD MiISS LEASED WinE. Valparaiso, Chili. April 18. it is now almost a certainty that war bo twoen Ecuador and Poru is not to be. It Is bollevod In diplomatic circles that the dlfforonccs oxlsting between tho two countries will soon bo set tled by peaceablo means. Tho Chilean government has of fered Its services as mediator be tween tho two countries and ofllcer3 of the foreign offlco havo announced that tho offer will bo accepted by both Peru and Ecuador. Dispatches frqm Poru nnd from Ecuador, today Indicate that tho war spirit is dying down rapidly and that coolor heads aro In control of tho situation. Thero is ovory expecta tion of a harmnolous settlement within a vory short time. o HIS PEN GOT HIM OUT OF OTHER "PEN" . , UNITED rSESS LEASED VTIEE. Stillwater, Minn., April 18. The gates of tho stato penitentiary swung wide today and John Carter, a prison poet and dovotoo of music, walked forth a free man after hav- lng spent fivo years behind tho bars. After considering his case, tho state pardon board decided on Saturday to pardqn Carter because of tho merit of his writings. It was his poems In lltoerary periodicals llko tho Cen tury magazine that attracted tho at tention of literary men to his case and brought influence to bear to se cure his pardon. Carter, an Englishman, whose real name ho has declined to give, was ejected from a freight train at Karlstad, Minn., whllo beating his way to Minneapolis. Desperate from hunger, ho broke into the- rail station nnd stole $24 belonging to tho telegraph operator. Ho was tried nnd sentenced to 10 years at Stillwater. o Don't triflo with tho stuttering end of a mule. , THEY GROW HAIR Certain Ingredients If Properly Combined, Stimulate Human Hnlr Growth. ' Resorcln Is one of tho moat effec tive germ destroyers ever discov ered. t?8ta-nphthol is a most pow erful, yet absolutely safo gernilolde and antiseptic which prevents de velopment of germ matter, nnd oreatee n clean, healthy condition. Pilocarpine, nlthough not a color ing matter or dyo. Is an Ingredient well established for Its power to re store natural color to human hair. Borax, because of Us Well-deflnod softening and cleansing properties, Is most usoful In tho treatment of Bcalp and hair diseases. Glycerine acts as a stimulant to tho hair bulbs, and has a soothing, healing and nourishing Influonco. Alcohol Is In dispensable In meldclno because of Its antiseptic, stimulating and pre servative qualities. Rexall '93" Hair Tonic is chiefly composed of those Ingredients, which aro compounded In a peculiar form, and wo believo It Is the most effective remedy known to medical science for scalp and hair troubles generally. Wo personally guarantee It to eradicate dandruff and scalp Irritadons and to grow hair, even though the scalp in spots Is bare of hair, providing of course there Is life and vitality remaining In the hair roots. Wo want every one troubled with scalp disease, dandruff or loss of hair to try Rexall "93" HalrToulc. If It does 'not remove dandruff and promote a growth of hair to tbe sat isfaction of the user, we will with out question or quibble return every cont paid us for It. This guarantee is printed on every package. It has effected most satisfactory results in 93 out of 100 cases where put to a practical test. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic Is entire ly unlike and In every particular different fr-tm- anything else we know of for- tho purpose for which It Is recommended. Wo urgo you to try It at our entire risk. Cer tainly wo could offer no better guar antee. Two Blzes, 50 cents and $1.00. Sold In Salom only at our B,tore. J. C. Perry, Druggist. GIVE YOUR STOM ACH A CHANCE To Furnish tho System tho Ncccs. " "sary Fluids to Drlvp Dyspepsia from the Stomach. A Trial Pnckngo Free. 2' FKHINf. TArl F l Trout fishing is better this spring than it has been for several years. Mill Creek, Battle Creek, Pringle Creek are full of nice large trout waiting for you. Come see us if you are in doubt as to what kind of tackle to use, we will show what the successful fishermen are using. Below is a few of the good things for anglers that we have You should give to your stomach the chemicals It needs to restore tone, vigor and health to the gastric fluids. ' , Food contains all those Ingredi ents so necessary, and whon the stomach Is in a normal condition It separates these Ingredients as it should and manufactures its own di gestive agents, but whon it is sick and sore, filled with acids and alka lies that Irritate everything they come In contact with, it does not get at tho food as it should, and cannot mako Its own Juices correctly. Science has proven Just what Is mast necessary to tho stomach to produce tho correct gastric fluids and to mako of digestion a natural ly pleasant duty. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablots nre so made as to give tho stomach the highest chemical prdperties to aid digestion. Those tablots aro made up from pure fruit and vegetable essences, and this is tho formula: Hydrastis, Golden Seal, Lactose, Nux, Aseptic Pepsin (tho highest di gestive known), and Jamaica Gin ger. Its preparation peculiarly pre serves tho full strength of these In gredients, bo that they go into tho stomach strong and capable of di gesting food of any character. Forty thousand physicians use and pre scribe them. Ask your doctor his opinion of tho formula above. Every druggist sells thom, price 50 cents per box, or send us your name and address and wo will send you a trial package by mall free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Build ing, Marshall, Mich. o Rheumatism. More than ten out of every ten cases of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the muscles, due to cold or damp, or chronic rheuma tism. In such cases no Internal treatment Is required. Tho free ap plication of Chamberlain's Liniment Is all that Is needed, and it is cer tain to give quick relief. Give It a trial and see for yourself how quick ly It relieves the pain and soreness. The medicines usually given inter nally for rheumatism aro poisonous or very strong medicines. They are worse than useless in cases of chronic' and muscular rheumatism. For sale by all good druggists. A fow reasons why you should buy nt Hollywood. 1st. Bocatfto tho soli Is the best In Ttho state. 2d. Because Hollywood Is well located, being only ono mllo from tho Fair Grounds. ,., 3d. Becauso you can got five acres of rioh ground for what a good lot would cost In town.' . 4th. Becauso you can' buy tracts at Hollywood at a very low figure, tho price of land running from $175 per acre and up. Gth. Because you can get tho land on terms easy enough to pay for tho place without crippling yourself. Gth. Becauso tho land Is all cleared and ready for cultivation r'B7th.n Becauso you can get lmmedlato possession of the property 8th.- Becauso thero Is a greater prospective value in tracts at Hollywood than land at tho same price several miles from town. See Hollywood. See It tomorrow. Drive out on tho Silverton road Just one mllo from tho Fair Grounds, and you will see our signs. The contractors aro at work now fixing up tho roads through tho tract. Fivo miles of the Silverton road will bo rock ballasted this summer. Phone to us nnd wo will havo one of our autosior rigs take you out at any time. BECHTEL & BYNON Ul State Street Telephone Main 452 GrOUfld Fl00T Ono Conductor Who Was Cured. Mr. Wllford Adams Is his name, and ho writes, about It. "Some time ago I was cohflned to my bed with chronic rheumatism. I used two bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy with good effect, and the third bot tle put mo on my feet and I re sumed work as conductor on the Lexington, Ky., Street Railway. It gave me more relief than any medi cine I had ever used, and it will do all you claim In cases of rheuma tism." Foley's Kidney Remedy cuses rheumatism by eliminating the uric acid from the blood. J. C. Perry. Misfortune hits tho human Jelly fish only once. o Read tho pain formula on the box of Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your Doctor if there is a better one. Pain means congestion blood pres sure somewhere. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets check head pains, wo manly pains, pains anywhere. Try one, and see! 20 for 25c. Sold by Capital Drug Store. 1-4 of Pound a Week. at least. Is what a young baby ought to gain In weight. Does yours? If not there's something wrong with Its digestion. Give It McGee's Baby Elixir and It will begin gaining at once. Cures stomach and bowel troubles, aids digestion, stops fret fulness, good for teething babies. Price 25c and 50c. Sold by all dealers. o A prison oxpert now proposes to teach convicts farming. In other words, they aro to raise mqney on green goods In quite another way. A HenlliiR Salve for Burns, Chapped Hands unci Soro Nipples. As a healing salve for -burns, sores, soro nipples and chapped hands Chamberlain's Salvo Is most excellent. It allays the pain of a burn almost Instantly, and unless the Injury Is very severe, heals tho parts without leaving a scar. Price, 25 cents. For sale by all good druggists. Fmc Spoons Emerick Pacific Oregon La Forge La Forgo is tho big-seller this year. . LEADERS No, 32, 3-foot , single ....10c No, 34, 3-foot single, extra loop 15c No, 42, 3-foot single, extra loop 25c We take Pride in Our ' Stock of Flies Regular grade, .50c per dozen, Our special grade, $1,00 per dozen, Our special is put up to our order and cannot be beat Pennel Hook, reinforced gut Ostrich head, silk body, 4, 6, 8, 10 hooks, 30 patterns. OD No, 00, 3-pieceaod tip SI 00 No, 04, 3-piece and tip--$2.50 No.015,3-piecearidtlp.'$3,50 No, 023, 3-plece and tlpi$5,00 Pacific Special $15,00 Mills Standard $20,00 Mills "Leonard" .-$35,00 JLj JLJL M,AK lO.yds silk line -.15 and 25c 25 yds silk, line 50 and 75c 25 yds silk lino, extra fine -1$1 We have an imported Eng lish silk lino at $2,25 that is a beauty, ,f.l.-.l,B.rflK,ff Reels 65c to $7 Martin's Auto Reel is getting very pop ular, 3 sizes, $5.00 $6.00 and $7.00. Baskets-We have a Bargain in a full Leathered basket at $3.50 Sinew Hooks Salmon Eggs Basket Scraps j Fly Books Leader Boxes Landing Nets II 1 MEN WHO KNOW The extensiveness and v superiority of our showing of correct ap parel are listed as ver itable minute men. The initiative and a few de linquent customers are the boys we are after. We know that sooner or later you are going to purchase a Spring Suit, and we are after your business in view that we have the better facilities and knack of outfit ting you to the best advantage. Our showing of suits was never so complete. Our line of color and fabric is in perfect har mony with the trend of fashion. Our prices are moderate from $12.50 to $35 MILL STORE SALEM WOOLEN