Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 16, 1910, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Sermon by
Pastor Brooklyn
Aprjl 10. Pastor Russell, accompa
nied by Dr. Jones, who will servo lilm as
stenographer, and by a representative
of this Journal, sailed from Now York
April Gth for Jerusalem via Paris,
Itcrnc, Naples, Alexandria, Cairo and
tho Pyramids, Jaffa, to Jerusalem, and
vicinity. Ills return will bo via Home,
Vienna, Warsaw, llerlln, Klberfcld and
London. Meetings have been arrang
ed for enrotitc. His longest stay will
l)o in Great Urltain, where about twen
ty appointments in the principal cities
.await him. Qe will be speaking prac
tically every day. Ills Sunday dis
courses will bo specially reported in
these columns. Special Interest will
center in tho discourses at Jerusalem
and Homo. The many readers of his
crmous will follow tho Pastor In bis
journey with great Interest. IIo to
scheduled to be back in Brooklyn Juno
,5th,-when his topic will be "Jerusa
lem." fu anticipation of a largo audi
ence on that occasion Brooklyn's lar
gest Auditorium, the Academy of Mu
sic, has been secured. His sermons
now reach six million families weekly,
aind assuredly many of these wish him
On tho Atlantic April Tenth.
I have chosen for my text a sea'
topic, a symbolical prophecy which, I
(believe, is rapidly uearlng fulfillment.
.All Blblo students recognize tho fact
that many of tho Psalms aro Mes
sianic; that Is to say, they apply to
the time of the Inauguration of Mes
siah's Millennial Kingdom. Some of
them detail the peace and Joy and
iblessiugs which will then prevail
v4imougst men, when the great leveling
processes of that time will raise all
Hho worthy poor and degraded and
will humble ill tho proud, establishing
.Society under such new conditions that
tho new order of things is symbolical
ly styled in tho Scriptures "a uew
lieavens and a now earth, wherein
dwelleth righteousness" (II Peter ill,
13). Otherc of tho Psalms describe in
liighly figurative terms the work of
the Millennial Age. For instance, wo
"Gird tny sword "upon thy thigh, O
-most Mighty, with thy gldry and thy
majesty. And in thy majesty rldo pros
perously, because of truth and meek
jiess and righteousness; and thy right
hand shall tqacli theo terrible things.
"Thine arrows are sharp In tho heart
-of tho King's enemies; whereby tho
people fall under thee" (Psalm xlv,
3-C). Here tho great Itedeemer Is pic
tured as tho glorious conquering King
of tho Millennial Age, and his victory
over every opposing influence is em
liuaslzed "Unto him every knee shall
3jow and every tongue confess" (Isaiah
sir, 23). His right hand that will
teach terrible things is tho symbol of
Jtho Divine power which will bo exer
cised at, the Inauguration of the King
loni. Tho sharp arrows which will
3lcrco tho enemies to tho heart and
cause them symbolically to fall before
Jilm slain represent his messages of
Truth and Grace which then will con
quer as they do not now, except in tho
ajow slain after this manner by tho
."Word of Truth is furnished us in tho
account of St Peter's sermon on tho
Day of, Pentecost. He preached- the
Truth plainly, thrusting in tho "Sword
-of tho Spirit" up to tho hilt. Ho told
Ills hearers how they aud their rulers
aiad crucified tho Prince of Life. They
-were "cut to the heart," and it was
tho greatest blessing that could havo
possibly conio to them (Acts ii, 23).
Similarly durinc tho Millennium, tho
arrows ui xiuiu win suiiiq uuu un
opposition; and mankind, cut to tho
eart with proper appreciation of their
own sinfulness and God's mercy, will
iall before tho great King, accepting
mercy upon his gracious terms full
The Day of Trouble Pictured.
Tho Psalm of which our text is a
ynrt Is one of tho Messianic Psalms.
Prophetically and symbolically it tells
about tho trouble Incident to the passing
.away of the present order of sin and
selfishness and the inauguration of the
aiew order of righteousness and lovo
under tho great Mediatorial Kingdom
-of Christ Whether the ovents which
the Scriptures predict shall como In
our day or not, wo hold that they will
como and be in full comportment with
these prophetic pictures. They were
surely written for our instruction (II
Timothy ill, 10). And as Blblo stu
dents .we do well to tako heed to ev-
cry Item of tho Divine revelation, that
thus wo may keep ourselves In touch
with tho Inflnito One and In sympathy
with nil tho features of his great and
wonderful Program. Let us note the
particulars of the Psalm in detalL
The Refuge of His Saint.
"God Is our refuge and strength, a
very presout help In trouble" (Psalm
-3lvl, 1). How beautiful! How com
forting! How strengthening! Those
"who have" ontered into covenant rela
tionship with God through Christ.
-through faith and consecration, and
who uro abiding in bis love, may feci
sereno In any trouble In every trouble
not merely In the final trouble, with
rivblcb sin and sorrow will be brought
4.) nn ond. Not merely whoa Satan.
. t a ri t I . til I 1 ., .1 . .,11
Pretty soon eomeono will bo de
clarln's the tan commandments un
onsUtutlonal. . .
Thero aro strong points of simi
larly between a football rush and
a i argaln counter rush.
0 0
"We Will Not Fear ThouBh the
Mountains Be Carried Into the Midst
of tho Sea" (Psalm jdvi, 2).
O OO ---Q
shall be bound will God bo tho rcfugo
of his saints, but in alt times and un
der all circumstances "tho pcaco of
Gcd .vlilch passcth all understanding"
will keep the hearts and minds of his
"Therefore will not we fear, though
tho earth be removed, and though tho
mountains be carried Into tho midst
of tho" sea." Fear is tho great tor
ment of tho mnjorlty ofur race. It
is the lash which tho Adversary fre
quently uses to drive awny from God
those who need his sympathy aud lovo
aud succor. To ,sucli the Lord speaks
tenderly saying, "Come unto me, all
yo that labor and nro heavy laden, aud
I will give you rest." And again, God
declares his name to bo Lovo and says,
"Their fear toward mo is taught by
tho precepts of men" not by his
Word (Iiialali xxlx, 13). He would
havo us trust him as a ff:cat, loving,
generous Father, saying, "Liko as a
father pitieth his children, so tho Lord
compassloneth those who reverence
him" (Psalm cill, 13). As love, more
love, perfect love, comes into our
hearts It more and moro casts out tho
fear which the Adversary would in
culcate and which' has burned into
men's minds and consciences tho
"doctrines of devils," to which tho
Apostle refers (I Timothy iv, 1).
"Fear not their fear, neither bo
afraid," says tho Lord to those who
aro bis people. "Let the peace of God
which passeth all understanding rule
In your hearts!" Be faithful! Bo
trustful! Accept tho nssurauco that
"All things shall work together for
good to those who love God to tho
cailed oucs according' to his purpose"
(Romans vlll, 29). This class will not
(car when the earth shall bo removed
and when tho mountains shall be car
ried into tho midst of the sea. They
might indeed bo astonished and in
trepidation if these wore literal moun
tains; but they xare symbolical. Tho
people of tho Lord, under his instruc
tion, will not be in darkness that that
day shall overtake them as a thief, al
though it will come, as n thief and ns
a suare upou tho wholo world (Luko
xxl, 35). In tho symbology of tljo Bi
ble tho term earth Is used to represent
"the social structure, as tho mountains
which constitute tho backbones of tho
earth symbolize tho kingdoms of tho
world supported by tho social order.
As tho earth represents tho fixity of
tho social order, the sea represents
tho restless, turbulent, dissatisfied
classes which lash against tho enrth
and continually seek to swallow it up.
Tho removal of the earth symbolizes
tho disturbance of the social order.
Tho swallowing up of tho mountains
In the seas represents tho overwhelm
lng of some of the great kingdojos of
the earth by tho uprising of -the peoplo
in anarchistic rebellion against social
"The Powers That Be Ordained of
Tho fact that the Scriptures prophet
ically descrlbo the. overwhelming of
tho social order aud tho great govern
ments of tho earth must not, bo under
stood to signify that tho Bible coun
sels revolution or anarchy. On the
contrary, all of God's people through
out the Scriptures are counseled to
live peaceably- with all men, so far as
possible. They are counseled not to
use carnal weapons, not to tako to tho
sword for tho settlement of disputes,
but rather to suffer injury. They aro
counseled that God is the great Over
Lord, and that although he is not now
ruling directly amongst rneu ho Is fully
tho Master of tho situation In that ho
could at any time overthrow all- op
ponents. He does not acknowledge
that his will is now done in tho earth,
but tells us that It will be done by and
by and encourages us to pray and to
hopo and to wait for It no tells us
that Satan is now tho "Prluco of this
.world" by virtue of tho fact that ho
deceives tho minds and hearts of tho
majority. God would have his peo
plo understand something of his great
Program, but ho would keep this hid
den from all others; ticnco the impos
sibility of explaining spiritual things
to a carnal mind (I Corinthians 11, 14).
"Nono of the wicked shall understand"
(Daniel xll, 10).
Tho great Crentor has contented him
self with such a supervision of human
affairs as leaves much responsibility
kfn human hands. He merely inter
feres to raise up or to cast down on
occasions when tho Interest of his
Cause and Program may demand. For
Instance, the caso of tho Pharaoh,
raised to the throno of Egypt In
MoSes' day. God there raised to tho
Throno u man of great determination,
and hindered from reaching tho throno
other men not so favorable to the car
rying out of the Dlvino Purposes.
Thus, without Interfering with tho
free moral ngeucy of tho king, God
used tho wrath of man to praise blra
and the remainder ho restraiued. Sim
ilarly, God previously raised Joseph
to tho Governorship of Egypt for his
own purposes.
The Prophet describes tho tumult of
that day of overwhelming trouble,
when God's Kingdom will be estab
lished. Baying of tho eea that will
swallow up tho Jnountalns. "Tho wa
ters roar and be troubled: tho moun
tains shake with the swelling thereof
"Do women worry more than
man?" askas a London paper. Thoy
do, but the mon are always to blame
for it, of course.
o ,i
Try a Journal Want Ad for results
(Psalm xlvl, 0). It Is probably troo
that such socialistic and anarchistic
roarings haVo many times In the past
caused tho kingdoms of earth and
their rulers to tremble. But pome day,
according to tho Scriptures, tho final
catastrophe will occur. How near that
day may bo who can tell? Quito a
good many earnest Blblo students con
cur in tho thought that such n climax
isindlcatcd Intho prophecios, for the
year 1015. But bo tho doto as It may,'
tho fact remains. Tlio prophecy wo
aro examining is nearly three thou
sand years old, but it is ns good, os
sure, and ns meaningful today as over
it was.
Wo are not of those who would
harass tho minds of our follows with
fear. Bather wo would point thorn to
the fact that behind this cloud of trou
bio there Is a glorious silver lining
of Millennial Joy and blessing for all
tho families of tho earth. Rather w,o
would encourage all who havo tho
hearing car tp zeal and faithfulness
in their consecratlou, that they may
"make their calling and their election
sure" to n sharo in tho Kingdom glo
ries and "escnpo those things coming
upon tho earth" (Luko xxl, 30). In a
word, tho Gospel of Christ is not n
tnessago of damnation and f oar and
torture, but, ns tho angels declared,
"Good tidings of great joy whlfih shall
bo unto all peoplo" (Luko 11, 10).
Deliverance of tho Church Pictured.
In tho fourth and fifth verses fol
lowing our text tho Church is sym
bolically pictured ns tho City or King
dom of God, his dwelling-place. And
the stream of Truth is represented ns
a river mnkhfg tho City clean and
fresh and glad. 'The proclamation is
made, "God is in the midst of her!
She shall not bo moved! God shall
help her early In the morning" early
in the Millennial morning. Tho Church
is to bo "a first-fruits unto God." Her
salvation ns tho Bride of Christ will
bo accomplished early In this Mil
lennial morning. Oh, ( how glad will
bo all those accounted worthy of a
plnco in that elect Church-"the
Church of the First-borns, whoso
names are written in heaven!" "Slid,
shall not bo moved," is in agreement
with tho first verso In nssurlug us that"
God's people will bo preserved from
fear and doubt and misunderstanding
of the events of that "time of trou
ble" and that their faith will enable
them to triumph nt a timo when oth
ers will be in great distress and per
plexity (Luko xxl, 20).
The Gentiles Raged.
Beginning with tho 0th verse tho
Prophet gives a brief synoptical pic
ture of tho time of trouble and its
consummation and tho inauguration of
universal peace. "The heathen (Gen
tile peoples) raged!" These words
describe tho tumult which will pre
vail amongst humanity in tho great
timo of trouble before the climax Is
reached. "Raging," nngry voices arlso
from public meetings, and in tho more
prlvnto meetings of tho lodges of La
bor and Capital, and through tho col
umns of tho Press to the extent per
mitted. In Germany tho "raging"
Press for some timo has been muz
zled. The same is truo In other nn
tions. In Great Britain, In. tho United
States and in Franco there is a fear
of tumult through public Press "rag
ing," and everything possible is done
to restrain it Whoever sees that an
archy is tho most dreadful terror con
fronting Civilization must realize tho
wisdom of reasonable restraints upon
his own tongue and upon the tongues
of others. Nevertheless tho Scriptures
show us that all effort to suppress tho
tumult and tho angry voices of men
selfishly "raging" out against each
other vlll fall.
Tho prophetic picture continues
"God uttered his voice; tho earth melt
ed." Tho unfaithfulness of humanity,
the clamor of greed, both in rich nnd
In poor, will be answered by tho Al
mighty', "Giver of every good nnd per
fect gift." Ho will "utter his voice,"
or, ns 'another prophet declares, "Ho
will spenk to tho people in his anger,"
for their correction, for their reproval.
Tho result will bo that tho symbolical
earth (society) will melt tho social
structure of civilization will disin
tegrate. Another Scrlpturo declares
that that disintegration will bo so
great that "every man's hand will bo
against his neighbor."
But tho Prophet hastens to assure us
that In tho midst of all this tumult tho
Lord will bo with his consecrated peo
ple. Wo read, "Tho Lord of hosts is
with us. Tho God of Jacob is our
refuge." This promise applies primari
ly to tho consecrated Church of Christ
Spiritual Israel. But It also sec
ondarily applies to fleshly Israel, tho
Jewish nation, which will participate
in this timo of trouble, but be saved
out of It as tho -Scriptures declaro
(Jeremiah xxx, Y). In this time of
troublo tho Lord's.. Jewels, his saints,
will bo gathered to their heavenly
borne, after which Dlvino favor -.will
begin to return to Israel (Romans xl,
The Psalm closes with a picture of
the devastation which will prevail
throughout tho world as a result of
human selfishness and blindness.
Capital and Labor will rise up to n
terrlblo cataclysm of anarchy, awful
for rich and poor atko. Only God's
saints will then have peace, and that
because of their knowledge of the
grand outcome; because of their faith
In God and their willingness to ac
cept whatever his providence should,
send. Mark the grand symbolic apos
trophe with which the Psalm closes!
May its lessons draw us nearer tothe
Fountain of Grace and give us rest,
pcaco nnd Joy through obedience of
heart to him. "He (Itnmanuel) maketb
wars to cease unto the cuds of tho
'earth; be broaketb tho bow in sunderi
ho burnetii the chariot In lire. Bo still
and know that 1 am God. I will be
exalted ameng tlio heathen (GeutUtsi;
I will bn exalted In the earth."'
It Is quite usoloes to tell the goat
not to butt In. IIo will do' it any
Somo mistako the mullshness of
obstinacy for the strength of purpose.
Everott, Wash., April 15. A na-tlon-wido
gamo of hldo nnd seek,
with a 10-yoar-old boy as tho prize
which has lasted four yoara, cul
minated In Evorott today.
Isaac Curtis Brower, a wealthy
manufacturer of Sandusky, Ohio,
and his divorced wifo wero tho prin
cipals of tho gamo, and their Httlo
son tho prize.
Tho lad, Isaac Curtis Brower, Jr ,
was found in a little country school
on Lalco Stovons, a fow miles from
horo, a placo as romoto from Ohio,
and as hidden from usual routes of
travel, as the mother could find.
Tho boy was discovered by H. L.
Peako, an attorney for tho father,
and ono of tho mon who has con
ducted tho search through every
stato in tho United States. Peake
and Deputy Sheriff Markham made
tho trip to Lake Stevens yesterdav
and guided by tho photograph of tho
lad taken' four years ago, picked
him out of a group of children at
tho country school.
Tho mother camo to Everott last
night whilo tho sheriff, tho attorney
and tho boy spent tho night in Sno
hpmlsh, coming horo this morning.
Isaac Curtis Brewer obtained a
divorce from his wifo aud tho cus
tody of their child in 1001. Mrs.
Brower was to bo allowed to hoop
tho child until January 2, 190G. On
that dato sho and tho boy had dis
appeared and tho search began.
Private detectives woro hired and
ovory possiblo traco of tho fleeing
woman followed up.
Poake, tho attorney, refused to
stato today where tho cluo to tho
boy's whereabouts was obtained.
Reformers are hot after tho opium
curso in China, and the Chinese aro
taking the cuo.
Bad Breath
"For months I had great trouble with my
stomach and used all kinds of medicines.
My tongue has been actually as green as
grast, my breath having a bad odor. Two
weeksago a friend recommended Cascarets
and after using them I can willinglyand
cheerfully say that they have entirely
cured me. I therefore let you know that I
shall recommend them to any one suffer
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pern, 114 E. 7th St., New York, N. Y.
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but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's.New Discovery cured me so completely that I am
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Today its doposlts ,aro larger than any timo In tho bank's his-
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tory moro than twlco Iho atnount of two years ago.
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