FltlDAr, APRIL 10, 1010. vjtm tsmmx. AN UP-TO-DATE STOVE Do you realize there Is no longer any reason why you should use a coal range? Oil is cheaper than coal; it as lighter and easier to handle, and gives an intense heat. Provided you have the right stove, oil is more economical, cleaner and less trouble. Have you seen the 11 The accompanying illustration gives ycu only a rough idea of ats appearance. You really can't appreciate it until you either use it yourself, or talk to someone who ha3 used it. It does everything that a coal range, will do except heat the room. The New Perfection Oil Cook- 'S&mmM fcrjffi ii B , UL5l.Jftge.-. Mlsf&SM 'jsrj ne: Be sure you cct this stove see that the name-plate reads New Perfection.', V Canlionary Hole: Be sure i v. ft jeBcui'uvr vimtuir mm-' neurit ugtiicy oi uxa Standard OsJ Company Incorporated) "Rather a peculiar kind of archl iecturo that", safd a traveling sales man in the lobby of tho hotel Salem as ho took in a mental survey of the Marion county court house. "I can not say that I admire It", lie continued, "but it is of rather novel character and not altogether unattractive, hut it certainly belong3 to some other ago than the one wo are living in". "Must have gono back to tho Grecian era for It", was the cynical comment of another commercial man and. then followed a lull in the con versation until a new-comer who had just settled in tho country and who evidently has some progressive ideas about him chirped in. "If they went back to tho Grecian era for tho exterior architecture", lio began, "they must have gone back to tho dark ages for the interior -design and equipment. I havo seen lots of court houses", ho continued, "but never a court house which was as crowded as that one and which was more poorly equipped and had less accommodations for tho county officers and tho public in general. The grand jury made an inspection of it during its last session and mado a number of recommendations and if they are followed it will result in considerable of improvement; but I am told that similar actions havo Tjeen taken by former grand juries and that the reports have been filed away and forgotten, and I presume that this will be the case with this A Reliable Remedy Ily 's Cream Balm Is quickly absorbed. Gives Relief at Once. It clfanses, soothes, ieals and protects the iseased mom. Tjranf resulting from Cato -h and drives .away a Cold in tho Jloaii juieUy. Ito istorea tho 'Senses of Taste and rfmoll. Full size 50 cts. , at Drug gists or by mail. In liquid form, 75 cents. Kir Tt.-ntiioiH. GO "Warron Street. New York. WHITE HOUSE RESTAURANT Salem'a most .popular res taurant, 362 State street. We never close, upon all night. Win. SMilclirist & Sons MnflAMflflTUiT'fl FREHCK FEMALE i A fUrs, Ccmaxm Ituis foe Bvmnm Mtwmtkx. img IXQWN TO MIL 8fft &"t i"r l Stl. nrfuniwrbox. will una Uua t titu, t U iid U1UUMN OT M0UCJ aWTOMW. DCt lit fer tiwnt vcpd oar ordtri to Gw UN IT CP MtOICALCO.. POXT. Uw Sold In Salem Dr. B- C. St I Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Woven Wiro Fencing, Hop Wiro, Barb Wire, Poultry netting. Shingles, Mal thold Roofing, P. & D. Ready Roofing, Screen Doors and Ad justable Window Screens. CHAS D. MOLUIAN 9Kfi rntivt atvnat Phrnn 1 91 CATARRH HAY FEVER Stove will do anytning, from Heating a kettle of water to cooking a course dinner, but it won't heat a room. It doesn't "smell," it doesn't smoke. It can't get out of order. Light it and it is ready. Turn it down and it is out. Only a woman who knows the trouble of carrying coal and cooking in a hot UtrTirt rnn annriarf nt.. what it mMTlR to have a clean veT-ct stove that win cok anything, boil, bake or roast, and yet won't heat the kitchen. How is it uuncr i lie u&mc is wumruucu i iui-quoise-bluo enamel chimneys, and directed against the bottom of pot, pan, . kettle or oven, and only there. The flame operates exactly where it is needed and nowhere else. With thl3 stove your kitchen is cool. The nickel finish with the bright blue of the chimneys make3 the stove orna mental and attractive. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; tho 2 and 3-burncr stoves can be bad with or without Cabinet. Ever7rti'Blerewywtieri" If not at yonrs, write tor one. For my part I would llkoto seo it improved and am more than willing to contribute my share and tho county with its $50,000 popula tion or more would not feel tho cost and should havo prido enough to seo to It that the jury's recommenda tions woro carried into execution." That the tido of immigration from the east to tho west has commenced is tho consensus of opinion ex pressed by tho hotel men of tho city and a glanco at tho hotel registers and the statements of railroad men would seem to bear them out In their assertion. There has probably not a day passed by within tho last two or threo weeks but there has appeared on tho hotel" registers the names of people from tho far away east, and tho list has materially increased within tho last week. Practically all of the eastern states are represented. While the cities tho largo ones are contributing to tho list, most of tho immigrants seem to bo coming from tho country and tho small towns. According to tho railroad men the eastern immigration this year will be heavier than ever before. They say that thousands of people aro moving westward and that tho ma jority of them aro coming prepared to make Investments and to mako n home. The major portion of them aro influenced to como to tho west because of a desire to secure land obtain homes but there aro also many who aro coming because It of fers b6tter opportunities and larger returns on capital and aro looking for business locations and invest ments. STATE NEWS Baker City will have Sunday base ball all summer. Baker City recently sold a $25, 000 issuo of water bonds, at par and .ccrued interest and a premium of $625. Tho Southern Pacific has awaken ed to tho fact that there is oppor tunity for a railroad to Crescent City but probably tho awakening will como too lato, as it did with tho P. & E. Albany merchants havo declared war on mail order houses. Tho Mail- Tribune has for a long timo refused this class of business. Medford peo ple must buy a homo if they want to build up a city. While working in tho Willamette Valloy Lumber Company's sawmill Monday afternoon, Emerson Black met with an accident in which hie left leg was broken between tho kneo And the ankle. Mr. Black was oper ating the machinery which handles tho logs and was placing a small log on tho carriage when tho accident occurred. Ono end of tho log caught on tho end-block and threw the other ond around so quickly that Mr. Black was caught against a skid and his leg crushed. Another one of I ho eld plcuters o Dallas went to Ills 'final reward Sun day morning whon Robert Howe passed away at his homo on Lovens stroet, aged 72 years, 2 months and 11 days. K Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money f It failB to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature on each bo", 35o TTS NO REFUGE 0 EARTS AN Reno, Nov., April 14. When South Dakota amended its residenco requirement from six months to ono year, Nevada sent Reno and Gold field to the post In tho Great Dlvorco Stakes as a coupled entry. Nevada started as a .territory with the loosest divorce laws evor written, and she didn't chango them when sho became a state. Hence Reno is to the unhappily mated what Mecca is to tho Mohammedan. Matri mony's gordian knot is no mystery hero. And what Is said for Reno goes' for Goldfiold, never heard o; until "Tox" Rlckard staged tho first Gans-Nelson fight. Within tho past six months, 9C divorces havo been granted by Judges W. H. A. Piko and John S. Orr. Fifty-four cases aro now on file. Tho divorce colony numbers about 150, with additions coming at tho rate of six a week, , Within tho last six months, women whoso names aro well known in various ways havo been divorced from "undesirable" husbands. Tho most prominent are Mrs. Frederick Lewis Colwell, Mrs. Keith Donald son, Mrs. Henry Spies Kip, Mrs. Wm. Leo Stoddart, Mrs. Elihu B. Frost, Airs. Daniel Frohman (who was Margaret Illington), Mrs. Luclen C. Shellabarger, Mrs. Raymond C. France, Mrs. Claude F. Day and Mrs George Leeds Zell. Tho latest prominent arrival is Virginia Harn ed Sothern. Split-'em-asunder lawyers at homo advise fair clients to try Reno when quick action is wanted. They arm them with an Introduction to a local correspondent and are content that the mills of the gods and Nevada jurls-prudence will do the rest. Reno is cosmopolitan. The petted daughter of tho 400 and the darling PREMIUMS FOR SCHOOL EXHIBITS Tho premium list for the educa tional display . for the state fair in September has just been completed by County Superintendent Smith, and In Its scope it takes in every thing from tho regular work pur sued by tho pupils in tho school room down to tho departments of cooking and sewing. Tho list will now be turned over to the printer and when a sufficient number has been printed It will bo sent to tho various teachers and schools throughout the county and it is the earnest request of Superin tendent Smith that tho teachers of all tho schools, and tho pupils and parents co-operato in a movement to mako tho Marlon county display the best on exhibition at tho fair. Tho list covers practically every subject pertaining to school work and liberal prizes aro given in each department. Special emphasis will ho laid on the industrial, woodwork, agriculture and sewing and cooking departments, and every effort be made to mako them in every respect of a superior character. Tho sowing and cooking departments aro divid ed into two divisions tho A divi sion which is for pupils of 12 years of age and over, and tho B division, which is for pupils under 12 years of ago. Specidl prizes aro offered by Pres ident Booth of tho state fair board to the pupils who shall succeed iu winning tho most prizes In tho dis play. Tho superintendents of tho var ious other counties in tho state aro also busily engaged In tho 'prepara tion of a premium list and it is pre dicted that tho educational display this year will far exceed that of pre vious years and that the contest for prizes in tho various departments will be an exceptionally keen one. Will Krcct Monument. When tho electors of tho stato shall havo granted tho desiro of tho people of Southern Lane and North ern Douglas counties for the creation of a new county, tho pioneers of that section havo proposed tho eroctlon at Cottage Grovo of a statute of Colonel James Willis Nesroith, In whoso honor tho county will bo named, to commemorate tho loyalty and integ rity of this Illustrious Oregonlan who occupied numerous positions of trust from 1845 until the timo of his death in 1880. This would certain ly bo a glowing trlbuto to this sturdy pioneer of 1843, President Roosevelt Sny that outdoor exorclso Is needed by tho American people. That's all rery well, but bow can people with rheu matism follow thot advice? The answer Is simple use Ballard's Snow Liniment and tho rheumatism will go; leaving you as spry as a colt Gives quick and permanent relief from rheumatism, neuralgia, lam back and all pains. Sold by all dealers. EAVY OOLISH WEDS of tho theatre-g6lng public rub Parisian-gowned olbows with tho blanket-draped squaw. Divorces aro as thick as show girls along tho Great Whito Way. You seo them grand dames, act resses, newly-weds, foolish-wed5! sufferers from tho afffnlty thing, artists, professional and business men. Tho men aren't so noticeable, thoy loso their identity so easily But whoever hoard of a woman los ing anything llko an identity? It's easy for thoso who chafe i.n double harness to trot single That passage, "Whom God hath Joined to gether lot no man, put asunder," is as meaningless In-Rono as Sanskirt to a Digger Indian. Tho colonists, as tho supplicants aro known, llvo apart from the Renoites. They havo as much chanco to break through society's barrier as a high-grader has of escaping if caught with tho goods. There is a reason. A littlo more than a year ago Margaret Illlngton-Frohman came Hero with her mother, to secure the residenco necessary to apply for di vorce. Sho declared sho was sick of tho stago, and wanted to wed for kiddies and to darn her husband's socks. Her ambition was' 12 chil dren in 12 years, sho said. Society took up Mrs, Frohman, and no soon er had her divorce been obtained than sho married, hero in Reno, E, J. Bowes of Tacoma. Society was shocked, and now a divorcee can't break in with a stick of dynamite. Why is Reno a haven for heavy hearts? Read tho answer in the statutes: "502, Sec. 22. Divorce from the bonds of matrimony may bo ob tained by complaint, under oath, to tho district court of tho county." STUDENTS STRIKE AT PULLMAN Pullman, Wash., April 15. The entire student body at the dormitory of tho Washington stato college are on "strike" today because of tho discharge of G. C. North, a student nt tho college and a prominent mem ber of tho track team, following an argument between North and the steward over tho quality of food served In tho "dorm." An ultima tum was sent by tho students to the regents a few days ago demand ing hotter food and North had been selected to represent them bofora tho college officials. It was ru mored that tho steward's action was taken at tho suggestion of members of tho faculty and when this became known all tho students, Inclutling waiters an dother employes left the building. Tho students declare they will not return until North Is reinstated. President Bryan is en deavoring to settle tho controversy today. o A man must bo excessively stupid as well as uncharitablo who believes thero is no virtue but on his own sldo. Addison. Any lady reader of this paper will receive, on request, a clover "No Drip" Coffee Strainer Coupon privil ege, from Dr, Shoop, Racine, Wis. It is silver-plated, very pretty, and positively prevents al dripping of ton or coffee. The Doctor sojids It, with his now freo book on "Health Cof feo" simply to introduce this clover substitute for real coffee. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee Is gaining its great popularity because of: first, Its ex quisite taste and flavor; second, its absolute healthfulness; third, its economy 1 lb. 25c; fourth, its convenience. No tcdlus 20 to 30 minutes boiling. "Mado in a min ute," says Dr. Shoop. Try it at your grocer's for a pleasant surprise. J, W. Harritt. QfJ V STUBBERS V DOUBLE ONE HAlTWcASTS NO umj- ucht Jk UCHyr c cosrJ"c 1 Home Builders, Mention! Why not Install a home lighting and cooking sytom, making gas worth burnlnB, 100 por cent hoter than any other gas. Safor than nifiptrlclty. Wo Hub atois. halls, cliurchos, factories, etc. Also do tinning and heating "d ptu n jjnsr. AH work guaranteed. A. J FRASER Tlif Coir ttl tanno Furnace. Phono 136. SAVED FROM AN OPERATION ByLydiaEePinkliam's Vegetable Compound Do Forest, Wis. "Aftor an opera tion four years ago I had pains down ward in both sides, backache, and a weakness. Tho doc tor wanted mo to havo another opera tion. ItookLydiaE. Pinkham's vegota blo Compound and I am entirely cured of my troubles." Mrs. Augusts Yespeiuiann, do For est, Wisconsin. Another Operation Avoided. New Orleans, La. "For years I suf fered from severo fomalo troubles. Finally I was confined to my bed and tho doctor said an oporation was neces sary. I gave Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound a trial first, and was saved from an operation." Mrs. Lily Peyhoux, 1111 Kerloreo St., New Orleans, La. Thhty years of unparalleled success confirms tho power of Lydlu E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to cure femalo diseases. Tho great volume of unsolicited testimony constantly pour ing in proves conclusively that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a remarkable remedy for thosu dis tressing feminine ills from which so many women suffer. If yon want special ad vico a liont your case write to Mrs. Plnkliani, at Lynn, Mass. Her advico la tree, and always helpful. X-RAYS AND SMILES- Tho O. A. C. wrestling team has tackled a hard opponent now. It la wrestling with the problem of the high cost of living, and It Is a dead certain tho living question will tako a fall out of tho team. Hearst has returned to tho demo cratic fold Put out tho light. Jim Ham Lewis was also at tho Jefferson banquet in Washington No need of dousing tho glim for the sinners that never left tho fold. , Jim Ham Lowis' whiskers were the most incarnadine exhibit at tho Jefferson banquet. Thoy aro highly miniated and also red. o A Chicago man 5ays the lovo germ Is located WJieKcentor' of tho ner vous systems. Recently somebody declared tho liver to bo tho seat of affection. Thero is no ond of opin ions. School Bonds. Notice is hereby given that tho Board of Directors of School District No. 24, in Marion county, Oregon, are to issue popular loan notes, in sums not less than $50 each, and amounting In tho aggregate to $26, 000 to tho bona fldo resident citizens of said district. Said notes aro to bo issued and delivered on tho 9th day of May, 1910, and mado payable on or beforo ten years from date of Is sue, and are to bear interest at tho rato of, 5 per cent por annum, pay able somi-annually. Tho books for said loan aro this day opened in tho ofllco of tho district clerk of said dis trict, at No. 388 Stato street, Salem, Oregon, and applications will bo re ceived until noon of .uo 7th day of May, 1910. By order of tho Board of directors Dated this eth day of April, 1910. II. A. JOHNSON, JR. 4-7-2 6t-d District Clerk. GJ C T C o Steamers Pomona and Oregoni leave for Portland Monday, Wednes 1ay and Friday at 10 a. m., Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 0 a m. Por Corvalllo, Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday about 6:30 p. m M. V nATJlWTN, AkI JUDGING I1Y APPEARANCES Of courso everybody does that, and Laundry Work can't bo judged any other way. Everything subjectod to our artistic treatment comes out a clean as a polished surface, as clear act crystal and as bright as a sum mer's day. Articles washed proper ly last twlco as long and look twen ty times better than goods badly innndrled. Wo make cheap labrir masquerade for something belter, RALEM LAUNDRY CO., 258 State Stroqt lassifted Acts Capitol Journal "Want Ads" Bring Quick Results Oae cent & word 'or first taiertlsn. Dno-holf cent n wo d for each tnaertloo thereafter. No advertisement taken for less thau 25c. Cunt atx wordi t tha Inc. FOR SALE. WOOD FOR SALE. ABh and fir wood delivered in 12 and 16 inch, in 4-foot lengths, Slddall & Eaton, 570 N. Liberty. Phone 1663 12-29-tf FOR SALE Good gonoral merchan dise business. Only storo :t place. Part cash. Address O, Journal ofllco. 1-14-tf. OUR mixed pork sausage soils for 10c per pound. 173 South Com mercial Btreet. 1-12-tf FOR SALE Good 1 H. P. Staver gasoline engine, cheap. Inqulro at 178 South Liberty St. 5-22-tt FOR SALE Extra choice seed pota toes. Also a quantity of Fmall potatoes. J. H. Lantcrman. 960 Broadway. Phono 678. 3-5-tf FOR HAIR DRESSING Facial mas sage and manicuring, call at Elite Massage Parlors, Room 301 U. S, National Bank Buldlng. 4-4-tf FIVE PASSENGER AUTOMOBILE for trade for real estate. Inqulro 945 Chemoketa St. 4-6-tf FOR SALE Two Reo and ona Bulck automobilo. Second hand. In excellent condition; very littlo tho worso for wear; reasonable price. Also agent for soveral good makes of machines. S. F. Anderson, Fynn Garago, Ferry St. 4-9-6t FOR SALE Harness and wagon at Patton blacksmith shop. Ferry street. 4-13-3t DON'T FAIL TO seo this property before you buy elsewhere Tho location Is fine, houso modern, school and carllno handy. It is an ideal homo and tho price Is right. Call at corner 19th and Nobraska, or Phono Main 695. 4-14-2t FOR SALE Lot 70x165, opposite state houso, sewer and water con nections; tho best buy In tho city. FOR SALE Lot southeast corner Thirteenth and Center streets, ce ment walks, city wator and sower front of property; $1050. FOR SALE Excellent lot on 17th street, between Stato and Court, 50 xl06 a flno location and at n price that will surprise you. Easy payments. FOR SALE Lot .50x200, on 24th and Center; $225. $10 down; $5 por month. This is a real llvo bar gain. FOR SALE Lot 50x178, near 17th and Asylum avenuo, at. $475. Ono of tho best buys in tho city. Easy payments. FOR SALE A new 7room house, thoroughly modern, bath, toilet, statlonnry wash bowl, furnace, toilet, stationary wash bowl, fur- naco, largo bedrooms and closets, full bosoment, on Chomekota street near Slxteonth; small payment down, balanco monthly payments, SMITH-GILLINGIIAM CO., Phono 96, Room 5, McCornack Bldg. 4-13-tf WANTED. " COMPETENT CLERKS wanted; saleswoman of ability and oxpor lonco In dress goods and silks, must bo experienced. Address with references, P. O, Box 330, Salem, Oro, 4-ll-6t WANTED Ladles who want oxtrA pin monoy to act as assistant, clerks afternoons, In a largo do partmont storo; thoso of oxpor lonco proforred. Address with references P. O, Box 336, Salom. 4-ll-0t MEN WANTED Hop yard work, $1.75 por day. Krobs Bros. Adolph Cigar Storo. Phono 100. 4-12-tf WANTED AT ONCE Men to chop 600 cords of wood, $1.25 por cord, closo In; 1 good cook, lady; 4 mon for sawmill, $2,25 por day; 10 mon on hop ranch; 4 mon for farm work, A. C. Smith & Co., 544 Stato strooL Phono lb 07. WANTED $2000 on roal estato so curlty. "L, F. T" caro Journal. 4-13-3t WANTED An oldorly man to do chores and work about placo In town. A, F. Ilofor. Board of Trade. 4-13-3t FARM HAND WANTED $1.25 por day. Plowing only. Phillip Rooso. Phono 98 Farmers, 4-14-tf To koop It In a hoalthy condition charity neods to bo oxurclsed daily, but It need not ho dono In public. f'hune 4-t Main. 147 N. Hlob at C. W. YANNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES and Livery. All Rli fftrinrn Rubber Tire. MISCELLANEOUS. SALEM GRANGE NO. 17, PATRONS of Husbandry Meets In Hurst Hall on Stato street, on the fourth Saturday of each month, at 10:30 a. m. Visiting aud sojourning members welcomo. F. A. Myers', master. Bella S. Fletcher, secre tary. 12-31-lyr PIANO TUNING Lutollua L. Woods, tuning, polshtng, repair ing. Telophone 984, Short 030 N. Winter St. 3-2-lyr SUCCESS IN t -IICKENS Do you want to know how to raise them. I will give $1000 to any one who can bent my theory. Henn lay 275 eggs a year; will not set until 4 years old. Settings of eggs of Rhode Island Reds, Andaluotnns, Brahmas and Wyandottes nt $10. If my theory does not proro truo your money returned. Louis Bell fuss, R. F. D. 6, Salem, Oro, 4-4-2m BUSINESS CARDS. BUTTE & WENDEROTH Fin wines .liquors and cigars. Wo han dle tho celebrated Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Cool and re freshing beer constantly on draught. South Commercial St, 9-3-lyr SALEM WATER COMPANY Office. city hall. For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly in advance G. F. MASON BOX COMPANY 247 Miller street, South Salem; manufacturers of nil kinds ot boxes, crates and fruit dryer ac cessories. Phono 308. tf ELLIS & WOOB Real estate. loans and insurance, notary pub lic, employment bureau. . Phono 554. 476 Court St., Salem. Ore gon. Ticket ofllco Hamburg-American stoampship Hno3. -ll-l-lyr T0NS0RIAL. H. G. MEYER & CO. The best anS largest shop In ,tho city. Six first-class barbers. Only flrst-olaos bootblack in city; porcelain baths and everything pertaining to a first class shop. Also carry a full lino of cigars and tobacco and barbers' supplies. 162 Commercial street, next door to Statesman office. 4-SMtf OSTEOPATH. DR. B. H. WHITE, Osteopath and Nerve SpoclaWrt. Graduate of tho American SchbS of Osteopathy, Kirksvillo, Mo., 1902.1 Post-graduato and speclal , Izod In nervous diseases at Los Angeles College, 1909. Treats acute and chronic diseases. Con sultation free. Lady attendant. Offico, 505-6 U. B. National Bank Bldg. Phono 850. Residence 348 North Capitol St.; phono 469. 8-30-tt PAINTERS, PAPER, HANGERS, PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Estimates mado and flrat-clasa work done. I. D. Driver, B17 North Capitol street, Salem, Or. Phono 926. 6-26-tf KENNEDY & PORTER 130 Llborty St. Phono 485 Paper Hungers nnd Palntcri Carry a full lino up-to-dato WeAl Hangings, Mouldings, eto. PainSsr, Varnishes, Calsomlne and Glass. PLUMBERS. THEO. M. BARR Plumbing, not wator and steam Tioatlng and tin ning, 164 Commercial St. Phone, Main 192. 9-1-lyr OTTO MUELLHAUPT Plumbing, hontlng, gas fitting; prices reas onable,' work guaranteed; esti mates furnished, Phono 373 xo66 Chomekota street. 4-17-te DRAYMEN. SALEM TRANSFER CO. Succes sors to Cummins Bros. Transfe ordors for transferring promptly attonded to. We also carry a lino of building material, plaster, ce ment, llmo, building blocks and fancy cement blocks. BAKERS. BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any other bread, yt tho price Is no higher, For mto at your grocor's. California Bxita ery, Thomas & Cooloy, Props. LIVERY STABLE. AT POSTOFFIOB LIVERY AJMO Sale Stable. Ferry street, bttweea Commercial and Front. Tlo phono 188. Good service guar anteed. Second-hand rio for sale, E. E. Gillian, Prop. LODGE DIRECTORY. MODERN WOODMEN of AMHREfA Qroson Cedar Camp No. 524. Muets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Holniau Hall. W, W. II111, Counsol; F. A. Turner, Olw. WOODMEN OF WORLD Moel r cry Friday night at 7:30 o'UH in Holman Hall. Geo. H. Daeox, . C; L. H. Flotchor, Cork. 1-10-69 SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY Dr. W. H. Byrd, president; Mrs. H. W. Meyers, vice-president; 7Jd. Glllinghara, secretary. Executive committee: Rev. Barr G. Loa, Miss Kittle Mooro, Mrs. E. Hofar. Cases of cruolty to animals should he reported to tho Society for In Yoatlgatign. DcMplto tho latest invention rjj smokeless and nolele$j powder. Cupid still sticks to the boV and ar row, j, 0