,uifAXLX GAPITAT' JOTOKAi, BAUOj OltKOrtW FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 31010. TAOK SIX, REATEST IRRI6ATI0N SYSTEM IN THE WORLD Announcoinont is made of tho financing in Chicago of tho $24,000, C00 Brune&u-Twln Palls Irrigation project, tho offlclal survoy of -which lias been accepted , by tho govorn mont, and which has for Its object tho development of 600,000 acres of land within from threo to flvo years, tindor tho auspices of tho Buhl In terests, who have many millions o ready cash and aro prepared to flnanco probably tho most gigantic prlvato Irrigation project over at tempted In tho United States, select ing southern Idaho as their chosen field. Included In tho terms of tho deal la tho construction of a $3,000,000 Irrigation dam abovo American Falls and a $2,000,000 Byphon under tho Salmon rivor in Twin Falls county, as well as tho construction of n numbor of largo feeding canals and laterals bringing tho water on to a vast tract of sagebrush terri tory which is said to be composed of tho finest soli Jn the state of Idaho, with a depth of 10 to 40 Jeot. , Swootsor Slakes Statement. It has been gonorally known In Irrigation circles for some time that this largo tract of land was to bo Irrigated but no official announce ment has ever been mado until now that tho capitalists who aro behind It had held a meotlng In Chicago last week with tho vlow of formu lating their plans rolatlvo to prepar ing for tho expenditure of $24,000, 000 in their campaign to ultimately Irrigate tho entire 600,000 acres. To liioutonant Governor L." H. Sweotser 1b tjiven tho credit for tho statemont that tho capitalists havo decided to spend this Vast sum of money. He was in Chicago at tho tlmo and was then cognizant of tho plans being formed and tho Interests to be asso ciated with the project. The statemont given out by Mr. Swcotzor to tho Trlbuno of Salt Lake Is as follows: "This now Irrigation project In sures within from threo to five years a total of 6,000,000 Irrigated acres in southern Idaho under tho Carey and other government acts. I do not caro to glvo out many details of tho deal Just now, that must bo dono by tho interested parties. But I know of my own personal knowledge that tho deal was financed In Chicago Inst weok, and that work will begin this spring. "This is what it means to Idaho, and of course to Salt Lake. Tho average holding of land per owner In tho Twin Falls south sldo tract was sovoral years ago 62 acres, to day tho average Is 40 acres. This moans Intensified farming and great er production. In a fow years wo expect tho average holding to drop to 20 acres per family, the avorago pf tho holdings between Ogden and Salt Lako. With 5,000;000 acres under irrigation this means a popu lation in that district of not loss than 1,250,000 on tho farms alone, and counting nn equal number in tHo cities and towns, that means ful ly 2,500,000 people in there. Railroads Do Share. "Tho railroads aro doing tholr share, too. Tho lino from Mon mouth to Burloy is now 27 miles within tho Idaho lino comlng'north, and tho survey has been accepted. Tho grndo is only 1 per cent to the milo. This Is called tho Raft rlvor cut-oft. From Burloy to Oakley tho grading Is dono and trains will bo running by tho ond of tho month. "Dry farming is also proving a success Jn tho Twin Falls district; YES, WE TACKLE SMALL JOBS AS WELL AS LARGE ONES If you havo a broken speed gear or had a general smash up, sond. your car hero and wo will put it in business again. Private Garage Owners Wo will wash, polish and oil your cars, for $12.00 per month and dollvor thorn to you. VULCANIZING We dq vulcanlBlng second to nono, bring us your tires instead of sending thorn away. SUPPLIES Vnn wa rnrrr n MtnnlAtn linn nf Allto SunnllcS. DrOD i and BeO them. FOR RENT First class Machines, day or night. SALEM AUTO THE MAXWELL F, rrlohs, Mgr, Phono 380 I J. T PAYS BEST to offer our customers the best style, finish and quality of jewelry of all kind s. Our new spring stocks are well selected and represent the latest designs and most artistic styles for the most fastidious purchasers as well as the popular styles for all. We call your attention to our new showing of diamond rings, signet rings and a complete line of novelties in gold silver and cut glass. DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR DISPLAY BARR'S JEWELRY CornerState'andLiberty Sts. and, in fact, all over tho Snako river valley. It is estimated that fully 5,000,000 acres aro suitable for dry farming In tho district." Tho Brunoau-Twin Falls projoct was contemplated almost two years ago and In fnct it might bo said it was Included in tho futuro opera tions of tho capitalists who mapped out tho Twin Falls projects both North and South sides. When tho application was mado to tho Btate land board for tho segregation nf tho vast tract, two distinct intorests were represented, namely tho Buhls and Kuhns. A conflict arose over tho prlco to bo charged for water rights, theso Intorests presenting to tho stato land boards soparato bids A compromise was reached later by which tho Buhls wero given tho Irri gation project tho water right being placed at $55 per aero and the Kuhns took over all rights to power sites, electric roads, etc., tho latter being worth, it Is estimated, millions of dollars. Tho land was segregated from all forms of entry in order that it could bo reclaimed under the Carey act. Application was mado to tho government for a survoy and the matter of securing it loft in tho hands of tho surveyor general, In duo course of time tho contract for survoy was let and tho plats for warded to Washington. A special representative of tho department was sent out to examine tho survey. For ovor a year tho original survey was hold up in Washington and only favorably reported out a few weeks ago, making It possible for tho inter ests behind the project to formulate their plans for irrigating tho land. 8 LIKE TO 1Y TAXES During tho past week, Sheriff Gage as tax collector has been hav ing somo livoly schlmmagea with sorao of tho big corporations at Co qulllo. Tho Southern Oregon Co. and tho Oregon and California Rail road Company, two of tho biggest tax payors In tho county, objected and tho matter may roach tho courts. Tho Southern Oregon Company through Manager Leo Webster ten dered one-half of tho company's $24,000 taxes, less tho taxes for the Coos Bay Wagon Road grant lands which tho company holds. On the lattor, ho offered to pay on tho basis of Blxty per cont of tho taxes, claim ing that tho other forty per cent was unjust, oxcessivo and fraudulent. Sheriff Gage rofused to accept tho tender under theso circumstances and developments will como when tho tlmo comes to soli tho property for taxes. Tho Oregon and California Rail road company (tho Southern Pacific) which Is taxed nbout $26,000 on tho portion of Its big lnnd grant from tho govornmont thnt lies In Coos county, tendered one-half of Its taxes with tho exception of tho Port of Coos Bay special tax on Us land which llos within tho Port District. Sheriff Gngo acting at first on the advico of Attorney General Crawford rofused to accept it but later chang ed his mind. If tho Oregon supremo court sus tains tho Port of Coos Bay commis sion, as is generally expected, it will probably bo necessary for Shorlff Gngo to instituto suit against tho railroad compnny to collect tho spec ial port tax. Coos Bay Times. o Stato of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas uounty, ss. Frank J. Chonoy tnkos oath that ho Is senior partnor of tho firm of F. J. Chonoy & Co., dMr.g business in mo utty or Tolodo, County and Stato aforoBald. and that said firm will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each nud ovory case of Catarrh that cannot bo curod by the use or Hairs catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to boforo mo and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of De cern eor A. U. 1880. , (Seal) A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Curo is takon In tomally, and nets directly on the wood and mucous surfaces of the systom. Sond for testimonials froo, F. J. CHENEY & CO., TohSdo, O. soiu by nil Druggists. 7 Go. Tnko Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. o Export Opinion. "Whnt do you think mado Hamlet so Busploious of tho ghost?" nskod Mr. Stormlngton Barnos. "Ho probably thought," nnswored tho psychlo rosoarchor, "that no well rogulatod gl03t would manlfost him. solf without ringing bolls or tlpplns tables." Washington Star. Watch for the Comet, Tho Rod Dragon of tho sky, Watch tho children for spring coughs auu corns. uaroiui mothers koop roioy-B Honey ana Tar lu tho house, It Is tho beet and safest prevention and curo for croup whoro tho noed is urgent and Immodlato relist vital necessity. Its prompt use has saved many uvea, contains no opl ate or harmful drugs. Tho genuine Is in a yollovr package. Remember tho name, Foley's 4loney and Tar and refuse substitutes. J. O. Perry NEVER FAILS TO RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOR and BEAUTY. Satisfy Ynrulfh Senilnt titwfrra SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE Cut this adv. out and mall with your nama and address, and 10 ccnta to PHILO HAY SPECIALTIES CO. 3oCllntonSt..Newark,N. J..U.B A. J. O. PERRY. LAMA OF LHASA FLEES COUNTRY TO SAVE LIFE The Now York World finds some thing peculiar In the fact that but. 200 persons gathered at Calcutta station recently to greet tho ruler of tho last shut-In land to yield to modern civilization. Tho Dalla Lama of Lhasa spiritual chief among 150,000,000 people, has sought with tho British Viceroy an asylum from tho Chinese who overrun Thibet. He has bathed in tho Ganges, filthy but sacred. Ho has gone to tho dingy palace reserved for him and his at tendants. His futuro may bo roman- tic, but it will bo no mystery. Abyssinia was tho shut-In land of -our grandfathers. It claims to oe tho oldest continuously Christian country, but It was for centuries hemmed in by barbarian and Mo hammedan tribes. England found excuse to carry war to Negu3 Theodore, and ho proposed to marry Queen Victoria to quiet tho dispute. Tho offer was refused; but now Abyssinia is "open". So lately as 1867 Mutsuhlto cf Japan was tho shut-In Mikado of n sealed land; tho Shogun had usurp ed his political powers, but ho was the religious hpad of the Shinto faith. Ho defeated tho Shogunate, opened Japan, developed an Army and Navy, thrashed China and Rus sia a marvelous life record for one young man, mured In palace walls, whom It was death for his own sub jects to look upon. Corea was a closed land a little longer; now It listens to the railway whistle and patronizes moving picture shows. Thibet was better1 guarded; by wilderness north and west and by snow and mountain sickness on tho high southern passes; it was only linked to China by caravan routes of such hardships that to "promoto" a fat Peking mandarin to Thibet was almost signing his , death warrant. But It had to yield; and from his skyscrapor palaco In Lhasa, that would bo a marvel oven in Now York, tho weak boy into wliom the soul of Buddha flitted, at the death of tho most recent of tho long lino of boy Lamns unmysterlously cut off, Is an exile. Ono Httlo spot he can almost see from tho deck of his Red Sea steam er still remains Bhut to the explorer. It 13 only a shrino, not a capital And ovon toward Mecca tho railroad Is wriggling through tho hills. OVERLOADING THE STOMACH Causes Incomplete Digestion, Weak ens Tho System, and Breeds Dyspepsia. Trial Fnckagp Free. Gluttony is as vilo a sin ns drunk enness and Its ovll results aro moro torrlblo and far moro rapid. Tho human system turns Into tho stom ach and alimentary canal from 7 to 35 pounds of digestive fluid evoiy 24 hours. Cram your stomach with food and you exhaust theso Juices. If your stomach cannot digest tho food becauso It lacks Juices to do with, you should either oat loss or make moro gastric fluids. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain Ingredients, ono grain of which will digest 3,000 grains of food. With Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets In your stomach tho ovll effects of overeat ing are removed, for theso Httlo tab lets when dissolved Btlck to tho food and digest all the good from it. They won't abandon tho stomach and leavo a mass of decaying undi gested food to putrlfy and Irritate tho mucous' membrano lining. Thoy give tho greater quantities of gas tric fluid, help tho Intestines enrich thd blood, prevent constipation, and gluttony, while sinful, may yet be mado less harmful by the use of theso tablets. Every druggist carries them In stock; price 50 cents per box, or send us your nama. and address and wo will send you a trial package free by mall. Address V. A. Stu art Co., 160 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Apr-ll-12-ir. o Narrow Escape. She Of course ho , bored mo aw fully, but I don't think I showed It. Every time I yawned I Just. hid It with my hand. He (trying to bo gallant) Really I don't see how a hand so small could er hide or that Is beastly weather we're having, isn't it? Philadelphia press. ' CURE YOUR KIDNEYS. Do Not Endanger Lifo When a Sa lem Citizen Shows You tho Cure. CAN YOU ASK MORE Why will people continue to suffer the agonies of kidney complaint, backache, urinary disorders, lame ness, headaches, languor, why allow themselves to become chronic inva lids, when a certain cure is offered them? Doan's Kidney Pills is tho remedy to uso, because it gives to the kid neys the help they need to perform their work. , If you havo any, even one, of the symptoms of kidney diseases, curs yourself now, before diabetes, drop sy or Bright's disease sets in. Read this Salem testimony: John Couger, 845 N. 17th St., Sa lorn, Ore., says: Doan's Kidney Pills havo been used in my family with great benefit.- I also know of other peoplo who have taken this remedy for kidney trouble with tho best pos slble results." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo New York, solo agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. o An Old Saying Amended. The Man, Won't you marry mo, then? Bachelor Girl Cortalnly notl When singleness Is blls3 'tis folly to bo wives. Illustrated Bits o Reaching the Top. ' in any calling of life, demands a vlg orous body and a keen brain. With out health there Is no success. But Electric Bitters Is tho greatest Health Builder tho world has ever known. It compels perfect action of stomach, liver, kldnoys, bowels, purifies and enriches the blood, tones and Invigorates tho whe'o system and onnbles you to stand tho wear and tear of your dally work. "After months of suffering from Kidney Thouble," writes W. M. Sherman, of Cushlng, Mo., "threo bottles of Elec trio Bitters made mo feel like a now man." 60e at J. C. Perry's. Wo aro so -confident that wo can furnish rollef for Indigestion and dyspopsln that wo promise to supply tho modiclno froo of all cost to ovory ono who uses It according to directions who is not perfectly sat isfied with the results. Wo exact no promises and put no ono undor any obligation whntovor. Surely nothing could bo fairer. Wo aro lo cated right hero whoVo you llvo, and our reputation should bo sufficient nssuranco ot tho gonulnenoss of our offoK', Wo want ovory one who Is trou bled with Indigestion or dyspopsln in any form to como to our storo nnd got a box of Roxnll Dyspepsia Tab lots, fl'nko thorn homo, nnd glvo them a reasonable trial, according to directions. Thoy aro very ploas nnt to tnko; thoy'sootho tho Irrita ble stomach, strengthen and invigor ate tho dlgostivo organs, promote a honlthy and natural bowol action, almost immedlatoly rellovo nausea and stomach Irritation, produco healthy digestion ond assimilation, and promoto nutrition. Throo sizes, 25o 50o nnd $1.00. Ro- mombor you can obtain Roxnll Rem edies In Salem. J. C. Porry, Drug gist. o A KNOCKER . , is a man who can't see good in any porson ar thing. It's a habit caused by a disordered liver. If you find that you aro beginning to see things through blue spectacles, treat your liver to a good cleaning out process with Ballard's Hefbluo. A auro euro for coustipatlon. dyspopsla. Indiges tion, nick headache, biliousness, all llror, stomach and bowel troubles. Bold by all doalors. 1 Spokane Wants Commission. UNITED rtlSt WIBJI. Snokane, Wash., April 14. Oust tho city council and glvo Spokano a commission form of govornmont; re vise tho city charter to provide for the necessary chango and call an election at once. Such Is tho object of numerous .etltlons being circulated through out tho city today, and which aro expected to bo signed by enough qualified voters to force tho city council to call the special election asked for In tho potltlon, 30 days hence. Tho movement was started by somo of tho members ot tho charter rovlslon committee and mon proml- nont in tho initiative and referen dum movement. Passing of a Venerable Woman. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Curtis went to Harrisburg this morning to attend ttio funeral of Mr. Curtis' grand mother, Mrs. Ann Curtis, who died at her homo in Harrisburg, Tues day night, and whose funeral will tnko place today. Mrs. Ann Curtis had reached tho venerable ago of 06 years, and had Hvsd In Harrisburg sinco tho early '50's, having crossed tho plains with her husband among the early pioneers. To Investigate Legislative Grafts. UNITED rBkSB 1E1HED WIBI.l Albany, N. Y., April 14. Tho senate of the stato legislature today adopted without a dissenting vote the Joint resolution for nn investi gation of alleged legislative graft. The resolution as finally adopted was not changed from tho one passed upon by stato leaders. The Investigating committee will have power to summon witnesses and compel their attendance. The old fashioned way of doing a weak stomach, or stimulating tho Heart or Kidneys Is all wrong. Dr. Shoop first pointed out this error. This Is why his prescription Dr. Shoop's Restorative Is directed en tirely to tho cause of these ailments the weak inside or. controlling nerves. It isn't so difficult, says Dr. Shoop, to strengthen a weak Stom ach, Heart, or Kidneys, If ono goes at it correctly. Each Inside organ has its controlling or Inside nerve When these nerves fall, then these organs must surely falter. Theso J, M it. 'tfi.JA WW4 Don't live on the reputation of the reputation you might have made. IMPERIALES "MOUTH PIECE CIGARETTES first made their reputation. Now they're keeping it. . Choice tobacco well blended. A mouthpiecc to keep it out of the mouth. A mais paper wrapping. The whole a cigarette unequaled. 10 for 10 cents THE JOHN BOLLMAN CO., Mfw, vital truths aro leading druggists everywhere to dispense and recom mend Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Test It a few days, and seel Improve ment will promptly and suroly fol low. Sold by Capital Drug Store. THE teeth are injured more by neglect than from any other cause. Thoroughly brush them every day with Or. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder and they will be cleansed, preserved and beauti fied. It neutralizes mouth acids and imparts purity and fragrance to the breath. BECI1TEL & BYNON'S BARGAINS Wo havo a choice lot of farms listed in the famous 'Howell Prairie district and can show some money makers. Farms from 40 to 400 acres all in a high state of cultiva tion. If you buy, 'before seeing this district you miss the chance of se lecting a futuro homo in Oregon'3 choicest section. City Lots. Wo havo a number of good buys In tho best additions In Salem. He-e is a good ono: 1C lots in Parrlsh addition "A," for $5,000, $2,500 cash, balanco 18 months. Theso will sell in ' single lots for nearly double Just opposlto tho land now being cut up Into what will bo Sa lem's swell district. Located on Capitol street. Hero are a few safe buys: 40 feet on Stato, opposlto post office, $4200. 99 feet opposlto postofllco. $12,500. 49 feet on Commercial for $1500. 49 feet on Commercial, a corner, for $2900. 50 feet, Court and Summer, op poslto stato house, ,$5000. Somo extra good buys In North Salom lots, cheap. Prune Bunches, Wo havo a fine list of , tho beet prune ranchos in tho Liborty dis trict, If, you, aro interested in this branch of farming, let us show ypu some of- those fine placos. Wo havo places from 10 to 150 acres of fino orchards. It is a ploasuro to show property In that district, A S2700 Bnrgaln. . We havo 22 acres at the edgo of a good small town; all In cultiva tion, In crop now. Every foot of this fine little place Is good. There Is a spring on ono corner which you can stop across and runs all tho year around. With this placo goes all tho furniture, wagon, team, chickens, a new $70 steel range, etc, everr thing is new. somo implements, ov terythlng necessary to go right to work; a young orchard on the? place. This Is certainly a snap and we offer It for a short time only for the small prlco of $2700. To seo the placo is to liko it, and if you are looking for a small placo you can n8t find a better ono than this. We will be glad to show it to you at any time. Wehavo somo fino largo farms, at very reasonable prices, near good towns. Now Is tho tlmo to buy them, becauso money can be made n the Investment. All kinds of city prop erty for sale. ,T. O. SCIIULZ & CO., Bush Bank Bldg Salem, Ore. DO YOU WANT A HOME? WE HAVE THEM. ( Homes. $1150 buys a nice Httlo placo on North Front street. This place has about 20 fruit trees and Is in good repair. House has flvo rooms, bath. I pantry and basement. 106 acres, 70 in cultivation, bal anco good timber. All fonced and good land, on splendid road In 7 miles of Salom. Only $50 per acre. A snap. 575 acres, 5-room house, 2 barns, goat house and orchard; 200 acres In cultivation and crop; 200 acres opon pasture, go$d; balanco timber; woll watered; all stock and machin ery goes; only $20,000. See this be fore you buy. 18 acros new 4-room house, barn, orchard, flno woll, 10 acres In culti vation; threo acres of fine timber; balnce pasture; all fonced, on goo road. For a few days only $2700. Wo hayo houses In all parts of city, from $800 to $7500. Seo us, wo can suit you. Somo fino lots close In cheap, Wo havo somo cholco acreage In. small tracts. House to rent, etc. If you want to buy, see us. We sell them. All Patent Medicines or medicines ad vertised In this paper are for sale at DR. STONE'S Drug Store The only cash drug store in Oregon; owes no one, ana no one owe It; carries largo stock; Its shelves, counters and show cases are loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, toilet arUcles, wines and liquors of all kinds for medicinal purposes. Dr. Stono Is a regular graduate in medi cine and has had inruy years ot ex perience in the practice. Consult. Uoca aro free. PrescrJpt'&Jw are tree, and only regular prket to? med icine. Dr. Stono can b "ound at his drug store, Qalem, Or., txta. 1 In the laoratBs until 9 at Blstet. $2800 will buy a modern houso in Yow Park. Seven large rooms, with bath, pantry, toilet, closets nnd a'l conveniences. Largo lot. Conven ient to car line, schools, etc. BECHTEL & BYNON, 347 State Streot. Uround Floor FAIM BARGAINS 205 aeros 4 miles from Dallas; 100 In cultivation. Good house and two barns. Price $14,000. Terms. 118 acres, 60 cleared. New house and two barns; 4 miles from Dallas. A snap. Price $35 per acre. 58 acres all cleared. 18 acres hop, two acres of orchard. Good house and barn. Mineral springs on place. Price $150 per acre. A. O. SMITH & CO. Phono 1507 514 Stato St. SEE SAVAGE & PRUNK For Farms nnd City Property 185 S. COMMERCIAL ST. What a happy world this would, bo If all of our pleasant dreams- would como truo. HUGHES & PARKIBt, Salem, I Boom 7, Bay ne Bldg., Upstairs, HUGHES & BIRD, Dallas. j For Constipation. Mr. L. II. FarnAam, a Dromlnont druggist of Spirit Lake, Iowa, says: Chamberlain's Storaacn nnd Liver Tablets are certainly the best thing: on the market for constipation." Glvo these tablets a trial. You are certain to find thorn agreeable ami pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents, samples free. For sale by all good-drucelsts.